The future of complexity · Complexity...

Cent. Eur. J. Eng. • 2(2) • 2012 • 164-188 DOI: 10.2478/s13531-011-0071-0 The future of complexity engineering Regina Frei 1, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo 2 1 Cranfield University, School of Applied Sciences, EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, United Kingdom 2 University of Geneva, Centre Universitaire d’Informatique, Institute of Services Science Batelle – Bâtiment A, Route de Drize 7, 1227 Carouge, Switzerland Complexity Engineering encompasses a set of approaches to engineering systems which are typically composed of various interacting entities often exhibiting self-* behaviours and emergence. The engineer or designer uses methods that benefit from the findings of complexity science and often considerably differ from the classical engineering approach of “divide and conquer”. This article provides an overview on some very interdisciplinary and innovative research areas and projects in the field of Complexity Engineering, including synthetic biology, chemistry, artificial life, self-healing materials and others. It then classifies the presented work according to five types of nature-inspired technology, namely: (1) using technology to understand nature, (2) nature-inspiration for technology, (3) using technology on natural systems, (4) using biotechnology methods in software engineering, and (5) using technology to model nature. Finally, future trends in Complexity Engineering are indicated and related risks are discussed. Complexity Engineering • Self-organisation • Emergence • Artificial life • Bio-inspiration • Self-healing • Smart systems • Collective robotics • Multi-agent systems • Services • Micro / Nano swarms • Synthetic biology • Chem-IT • Self-* properties © Versita sp. z o.o. 1. Introduction Complexity Engineering is the coming together of various approaches to the engineering and synthesis of all kinds of systems that are complex, adaptive, self-organising, self-adaptive, self-managing, self-healing and may exhibit emergence. Research efforts are being made in many fields, some of which are very distinct from each other, but still share important characteristics. An important percentage of the work being done is application-centered at this E-mail: [email protected] stage, and thus quite specific to the topic being studied, but nevertheless there are similarities in the paradigms on which the approaches are based. Many of the systems being studied share a subset of the following features: Composed of many often fairly autonomous entities (agents, modules, components, capsules, etc) Multiple and multi-lateral interactions between the entities and with the environment No central control No or limited external control Emergence of patterns, behaviours, system-level or global phenomena Author copy

Transcript of The future of complexity · Complexity...

Page 1: The future of complexity · Complexity engineering is a field of research that has re-cently started to emerge, and is growing

Cent. Eur. J. Eng. • 2(2) • 2012 • 164-188

DOI: 10.2478/s13531-011-0071-0

The future of complexity engineering

Regina Frei1∗, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo2

1 Cranfield University, School of Applied Sciences, EPSRC Centre for Innovative ManufacturingCranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, United Kingdom

2 University of Geneva, Centre Universitaire d’Informatique, Institute of Services ScienceBatelle – Bâtiment A, Route de Drize 7, 1227 Carouge, Switzerland

Complexity Engineering encompasses a set of approaches to engineering systems which are typically composed

of various interacting entities often exhibiting self-* behaviours and emergence. The engineer or designer uses

methods that benefit from the findings of complexity science and often considerably differ from the classical

engineering approach of “divide and conquer”.

This article provides an overview on some very interdisciplinary and innovative research areas and projects in

the field of Complexity Engineering, including synthetic biology, chemistry, artificial life, self-healing materials

and others. It then classifies the presented work according to five types of nature-inspired technology, namely:

(1) using technology to understand nature, (2) nature-inspiration for technology, (3) using technology on natural

systems, (4) using biotechnology methods in software engineering, and (5) using technology to model nature.

Finally, future trends in Complexity Engineering are indicated and related risks are discussed.

Complexity Engineering • Self-organisation • Emergence • Artificial life • Bio-inspiration • Self-healing • Smart

systems • Collective robotics • Multi-agent systems • Services • Micro / Nano swarms • Synthetic biology • Chem-IT

• Self-* properties

© Versita sp. z o.o.

1. Introduction

Complexity Engineering is the coming together of variousapproaches to the engineering and synthesis of all kindsof systems that are complex, adaptive, self-organising,self-adaptive, self-managing, self-healing and may exhibitemergence. Research efforts are being made in many fields,some of which are very distinct from each other, but stillshare important characteristics. An important percentageof the work being done is application-centered at this

∗E-mail: [email protected]

stage, and thus quite specific to the topic being studied,but nevertheless there are similarities in the paradigmson which the approaches are based. Many of the systemsbeing studied share a subset of the following features:

• Composed of many often fairly autonomous entities(agents, modules, components, capsules, etc)

• Multiple and multi-lateral interactions between theentities and with the environment

• No central control

• No or limited external control

• Emergence of patterns, behaviours, system-level orglobal phenomena

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• Self-organisation, self-adaptation, self-management,self-healing, and other self-* properties

• Development and/or evolution at entity, cluster orsystem level

Systems with such characteristics exist both in natureand technology. They have already been observed forsome time in physics, chemistry and biology, but theyalso increasingly appear in multi-disciplinary researchinvolving computer science/software engineering, robotics,biology, chemistry and others.When facing systems with such characteristics, traditionalor classical engineering often reaches its limits in terms ofproviding scalability as well as coping with complexity andself-* properties; classical engineering is therefore in suchcases no longer the preferential approach. An alternativeis inspired by the findings of complexity science, and usesthem for a different type of engineering, referred to asComplexity Engineering.In two previous publications, we discussed important con-cepts for complexity engineering [1] and reviewed advancesmade in complexity engineering, with a focus on computerscience applications [2]. In this article we investigate astep further and discuss complexity engineering in otherresearch areas, including collective robotics, swarms innano and microtechnology, systems biology, Chem-IT, arti-ficial chemical life, self-healing technologies, and varioustypes of smart systems.A similar paradigm shift from classical engineering towardsa complex systems approach is promoted under the nameof Emergent Engineering [3]. Moreover, illustrating a grow-ing interest in the field, the Springer Journal of NaturalComputing is publishing a special issue on “engineeringemergence” including articles about various related topics,such as degeneracy in evolvable assembly systems [4]. Inline with the paradigm of complexity engineering, SystemsAikido [5] is a suggestion to use a system’s intrinsic dy-namic behaviour in pursuit of the researcher’s goal. Also [6]argued in favour of engineering systems with emergence,and illustrated this with so-called nanites, which are nano-scale robots that build micro-scale artefacts, based onlocal rules. No matter how large or small the system, theunderlying idea is mainly to use the mechanisms of Com-plex Adaptive Systems (CAS) in favour of the engineer’sobjective [7, 8].CAS are systems which emerge over time into a coher-ent form, and adapt and organise themselves without anysingular entity deliberately managing or controlling it [9].CAS are many-body systems, composed of numerous ele-ments of varying sophistication, which interact in a multi-directional way to give rise to the systems global behaviour.The system is embedded in a changing environment, withwhich it exchanges energy and information. Variables

mostly change at the same time with others and in a non-linear manner, which is the reason why it is so difficultto characterize the system’s dynamical behaviour. CASoften generate ‘more of their kind’ [10], which means thatone CAS may generate another. To characterise them,researchers describe their components, environment, in-ternal interactions and interactions with the environment.It remains open if there are complex systems which arenot adaptive. Some researchers agree, as, depending onits definition, adaptivity may require diversity and nat-ural selection, as shown in ecosystems [11]. For furtherdiscussion see [1, 2].Very much in this sense, “challenges beyond evolvability”have been identified [12], namely those listed below. In-deed, one of the most prominent issues – both an advantageand a challenge – is that in collective systems, the causallyinteracting elements often provide more functionality thanif they were simply added to each other. The nature ofthis ‘more’ depends on the technology being used, andguiding it into the right frame is the complexity engineer’stask. CAS include many different types of systems, amongwhich are those based on bio-inspired and self-organisingapproaches; those with evolutionary and adaptive control,software and hardware; and systems which are cognitive,cooperative, evolvable, with developmental plasticity andemerging properties. However, cross-domain elements thatare not related to a specific technology still need to beinvestigated; a more exhaustive list of relevant researchquestions is provided by [12]. The most important chal-lenges concern [13]:

• The controllability of long-term developmental pro-cesses and the controllability of self-* systems

• The complexity of “natural chemistry” and its abilityto re-write its own operation

• Artificial sociality and the development of tools tounderstand systems with their emerging complexity

• Controlling emergence in the sense that at least itis assured what systems will avoid doing.

1.1. A guide to the organisation of this articleComplexity engineering is a field of research that has re-cently started to emerge, and is growing very fast. Whileit started in computer science, complexity engineering isnow expanding in many disciplines and in many directions.Section 2 of this article sheds light on the most impor-tant disciplines and projects that contribute to the area ofcomplexity engineering, but it does not claim to make anexhaustive inventory. For instance, also many examplesfrom cognitive science and neuroscience could be added;

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The future of complexity engineering

however, due to their close relation to medical and psy-chological fields, they should be surveyed by authors withthe relevant expertise. The same argumentation applies towork done in social and economic sciences. Therefore, thisarticle namely focuses on the following: It provides someadditional material on multi-agent systems and services(section 2.1), to complement [2].Section 2.2 gives an impression of the vast field of collectiverobotics, which is here used as an inclusive term for themany different types of systems which are different fromtraditional industrial robots.In section 2.3, swarms in nano and microtechnologyare introduced. They are somewhere between macro-scopic swarms of robots, and the innovative fields relatedto chemistry and biotechnology, which follows subse-quently:The first in this set of three unconventional areas is systemsbiology and synthetic biology (section 2.4), the second isChem-IT (section 2.5), where computation is implementedon chemical systems, and the third is chemical artificiallife (section 2.6), where researchers try to simulate or phys-ically create systems that share sufficient properties withnatural living systems to be considered alive as well. Thisclassification into three areas is not carved in stone; itis a mere suggestion, intended to establish some struc-ture among the many fascinating projects currently beinginvestigated.Living systems exhibit a plentitude of self-* properties, andthus the survey moves on to that area: a choice of self-healing materials and products can be found in section 2.7;for a more complete survey, refer to [14]. Systems withother self-* properties have been discussed in [2, 15–17],for instance, and are not explicitly listed here for the sakeof brevity.However, smart systems of many kinds often also displaycertain self-* properties due to their need to be as au-tonomous as possible (section 2.8). Usually, they rely onelaborate software systems, such as multi-agent systems,but the focus is on their concrete application and purpose,as opposed to the systems discussed in section 2.1 and [2],where the focus is on the computational technology.The second part of the article – from section 3 – makes asynthesis, beginning with the essence of what complexityengineering is. Section 3.1 provides a classification andsummary of the work surveyed in section 2 with regardsto the nature/technology interface. Section 3.2 shedslight on the relation between ‘bio’ and ‘techno’, which isbecoming increasingly diffuse. Risks of this developmentand complexity engineering in general are considered insection 3.3, whereas section 3.4 sketches the potentialof complexity engineering and its pluri-disciplinary ap-proach for our future. Finally, section 4 concludes thisarticle.

2. Contributing disciplines andprojectsThe main research fields which contribute to the bodyof work being done in complexity engineering are listedin Table 1; looking at the bigger picture, they belong tothe six main areas of: engineering (including the manydifferent types, such as mechanics, electronics, etc), com-puter science and software engineering, social sciences,physics and chemistry, materials sciences, and biology.The complexity engineering approaches being followed areall interdisciplinary and include aspects of two or oftenmore research fields, as indicated by the marks in Table 1.Each of the following subsections includes a short intro-duction to the area and a brief review of important work.Note that due to space constraints, only a small selectionof the most remarkable articles could be included for eacharea.

2.1. Multi-agent systems and servicesA large proportion of the early efforts in complexity engi-neering have been done in the area of computer scienceand software engineering, and it is still a very active areaof research. The introduction of Autonomic Computing [18]triggered a lot of research on systems that are increas-ingly able to take care of themselves, that are adaptiveand fulfill their functions under changing conditions. Manyof the approaches to implement autonomic computing useagents and services, as these technologies naturally comewith adaptivity, robustness and a fair degree of autonomy.Agents are autonomous units of software that have theability to act on behalf of themselves or somebody else.They are able to interact with their peers and their envi-ronment, they may have a certain knowledge and certaininterfaces. Often, they are able to provide services andrequest services from others. Agents may be pure soft-ware, or be associated with a physical body of any kind, inwhich case they are called embodied. Given their nature,multi-agent systems are often an intuitive model for othercomplex adaptive systems. For more details and a surveyplease refer to [2]. The following additional projects arealso worth considering in this context:

• To ease the engineering of artificial self-organisingsystems, a catalogue of self-organising mechanismsin terms of modular and reusable design patterns,with a clear distinction of where one mechanismstops and where another one starts, was created [19].The patterns are organised in different layers: inthe bottom layer are the basic mechanisms that canbe used individually or in composition with othersto form more complex patterns (e.g. evaporation or

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Table 1. Research areas in complexity engineering (rows) often include aspects from several fields (columns).

Two or three marks indicate a strong contribution, whereas a single one stands for a weaker influence.

A mark between brackets stands for the application of principles rather than using the actual substrate of

the area. In some cases, such as self-healing systems, the contributions of the different fields depend

on the individual applications.

Engineering Computerscience


Physics andchemistry



MAS and services xx xxx x (x)Collective robotics xxx xx x (x)Micro/Nano swarms (x) xx x (x)Synthetic biology x xx xxxChem-IT xx xxx x xArtificial chemical life x x xxx xx xxSelf-healing systems x x x x xSmart systems xx xxx x (x)

spreading); in the middle layer are the mechanismsformed by combinations of the bottom layer mecha-nisms (e.g. digital pheromone or gradients); and thetop layer contains higher-level patterns that providedifferent ways to exploit the basic and composedmechanisms proposed in the bottom and middle lay-ers (e.g. chemotaxis or ant foraging). The differentpatterns are fully described, from the problem theyaddress, and the solution they provide, to implemen-tation details including flow and sequence diagrams,as well as related cases of usage.

• BIO-CORE [20] is an execution model that providescore bio-inspired services, i.e. low-level services pro-viding basic bio-inspired mechanisms, such as evap-oration, aggregation or spreading, which are sharedby higher-level services or applications. To ease thedesign and implementation of self-organising appli-cations (or high-level services), by supporting reuseof code and algorithms, BIO-CORE proposes theselow-level services at the heart of any middleware orinfrastructure supporting such applications, underthe form of core built-in services around which allother services are built.

• Shifters [21] are software agents that are similarto stem cells: in the beginning, they are neutralelements and then evolve towards having a spe-cific function. This emergent adaptation is basedon the needs of the system as well as adaptationpattern [22] and caused by the agent’s interactionswith its peers. This approach is particularly inter-esting because it models a biological process thatproduces great diversity and robustness based on aset of simple rules and environmental influences.

• Taking inspiration from chemical reactions, the MYR-IADS project [23] designs and implements systems

and environments for autonomous service and re-source management in distributed virtualised infras-tructures. The focus is on creating dependable ap-plications and efficiently managing resources in thefuture Internet of Services. Computations happenaccording to a set of rules, similar to how chemicalreactions happen between molecules in a solution.The computational ‘molecules’ are stored in a multi-set, and their reactions occur in parallel and in anautonomous way. A similar approach is followed inthe context of the Internet of Services (IoS), whereservices are composed to fulfil tasks that are speci-fied as workflows [24].

• The SAPERE project [25] targets the development ofa highly-innovative theoretical and practical frame-work for the decentralised deployment, execution,and management, of self-aware and adaptive per-vasive services in future and emerging network sce-narios. It takes inspiration from chemical reactionsfor designing and developing pervasive ecosystemsof services by combining situation-awareness tech-niques, with self-composition, self-organisation andself-management.

Complex computing systems have become ubiquitous, andmost people could not live without them any more; theInternet is only one such example. A trend which weobserve tends towards embodied computing, which meansthat the software is intimately linked to some kind ofphysical device. These devices then collaborate with eachother in opportunistic ways, just as the user may requirethem to do, but without explicitly specifying that. In somecases, the computation does not happen in silicon anymore, but rather in biological substrates, as explained insection 2.5. Although this kind of technology is still in itsinfancy, we expect that progress will be made quickly, anda large variety of applications will emerge.

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2.2. Collective roboticsMany different approaches come together in collective,mobile, and modular robotics, some of which are rathercentralised, top-down or use hard-coded robot behaviours.Although certainly also worthy, those approaches are notof interest here. Our focus is on systems that are dis-tributed, decentralised, bottom-up and that use behaviourswhich are flexible, adaptive, evolvable and emergent. Thisis not an exhaustive list – any number of approaches orprojects could be added – but it illustrates the kind ofwork that would qualify as complexity engineering be-cause it is unconventional; also the evolution of a neuralcontroller for a robotic system or other applications ofneural computing [26] could be included.It is difficult to find an all-inclusive term for the kind ofrobotic systems considered here; there is a variety of termswhich sometimes refer to similar concepts, but depending onthe individual researcher’s interest, refer to different ideas.E.g., robotic swarms may be composed of collaborative orcompetitive individuals; self-reconfigurable robotic systemsmay have a certain degree of centralised planning, or mayconsist of completely autonomous entities. To make spacefor all, the term ‘collective robotics’ was chosen as a titlefor this section, although it may sometimes also refer toa very specific case. The meaning here concerns systemsthat are composed of a set of robotic entities or moduleswhich together exhibit a certain behaviour.The ‘Handbook of Collective Robotics’ [13] provides insightinto mechatronic, chemical, bacteriological, biological, andhybrid systems, using cooperative, networked, swarm, self-organising, evolutionary and bio-inspired design principlesand targeting a variety of applications.Collective robotic systems are often controlled by multi-agent systems or something similar, as they also naturallymodel distributed adaptive systems. They almost alwaysshow some kind of emergent behaviour, and are idealsubstrates for experimenting with complexity engineeringprinciples. Most collective robotic systems are at the scaleof a few millimeters, which makes them easy to handle,observe and control. The danger of harmful behaviour isclose to zero.

• Many different types of swarm robots exist; mostof them move on wheels, but a few of them fly [27]or swim [28]. An example of wheeled robots areSwarm-bots, composed of small mobile s-bots whichhave grippers to connect with peers; they can moveindividually or in clusters. Recent advances showedthat they are able to transport broken peers to arepair zone [29]. If necessary – because a cluster ofrobots has broken down – the robots autonomouslytrigger self-assembly to form a collaborating cluster

with as many members as needed. Through localcommunication using different LED colour codes,they efficiently allocate resources and can overcomedeadlock situations.The social interactions of mobile robots depend onthe availability of local memory [30]. When memoryis available, robots can learn, and learning by imi-tation leads to the emergence of certain behaviours,even in the absence of verbal communication be-tween the robots. Also swarming behaviour relies onlocal interactions, without the need for direct commu-nication. While most natural swarms are composedof relatively homogeneous individuals, swarms offlocking robots do not require a homogeneous groupof participating robots; swarming behaviour alsoemerges in the presence of non-aligning robots [31].Another example of how module properties and theirinteraction with physical principles can be exploitedto achieve emergent behaviours is the following:Floating robot modules on a water surface havebeen observed to segregate depending on their in-dividual characteristics [32]. Active modules vibrate,while passive modules do not, but they are other-wise identical. A system starting with randomly dis-tributed active and passive modules tends towards adynamic equilibrium where the active modules tendto gather in one area, and the passive ones free upas much space as possible for the active ones byassembling in another area of the water surface.

• In evolutionary robotics [33], robots are consideredas autonomous artificial organisms that co-evolvetheir body and control system, depending on the en-vironment, and without human interaction. This areaof research originates from Braitenberg’s thoughtexperiments on neurally driven vehicles [34], whichwas about the idea that control systems could beevolved. The Evobody project1 also relates to thisinsight about the co-evolution of the body and thebrain; more about Evobody in section 2.6.

• All around the world, there are about a dozen re-search groups working on their own type of self-reconfigurable robots [35]. Their research is mani-fold and includes on-line and on-board evolutionaryexperiments with collectively morphogenetic robotssuch as, for instance, ATRONs [26]. These roboticsystems are composed of a set of autonomous mod-ules that collaborate to form a bigger body; typical


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numbers are a few, a few dozens, and – in simula-tion – a few thousand modules. Platforms such asthe one developed for the Symbrion and Replica-tor projects [36] provide a distributed computationalsystem, able to run learning and evolutionary algo-rithms. Such robotic systems can run autonomouslyor with human influence.A “reality gap” mostly exists between system sim-ulations and physical reality, which makes the de-velopment of the various aspects of robotic systemsdifficult. A mixed system, combining simulation andphysical controllers, may help engineers overcomethe reality gap [36]. It provides the possibility toapproximate the global system state using local sen-sors, to use information provided by robot-to-robotinteractions, and the robots’ internal states. Thedifficulty is in interpreting the sensors in the rightway to make sense of their measurements and beingable to use the information for decision making. Anartificial immune system [37] as well as approachesfor computational systems to gain spatial or gener-ally contextual awareness [38] may be used for thispurpose.

• So-called soft robots [39] are able to significantlydeform themselves and alter their shape, at a muchhigher level of detail than discrete modular robots.Ideally, their body – which contains no rigid parts atall – should be co-evolved with their gait [40] for thematerial properties and the locomotion mechanismsto be in sync. As soft and deformable bodies canpossess near-infinite degrees of freedom, their con-trol is way beyond usual controllability. Biologicalinspiration may come from worms or amoebae. Softrobots are thus a classical example of complexityengineering; no traditional approach to engineeringor controlling robots would be suitable here, andinnovative, cross-disciplinary ideas are necessary.

• Inspired by the information-processing of simplemicro-organisms executing phototaxis or chemotaxis,robots may be controlled by artificial hormone sys-tems [41]. A roughly abstracted model of inter-cellular signal emission and signal processing isused to make the robot move at little computationalcost and with only simple sensors. Again, this is anexample of how biology, computation and roboticslead to an innovative solution for an engineeringproblem that could not otherwise be solved withcomparable results.

• Taking the idea of building a fully autonomous robotto its ultimate conclusion, the artificial creaturesmust be able to feed from their environment. The

EcoBot [42] is a robot that transforms organic mate-rial, ideally waste but currently trapped flies, intoenergy. Once they have reached a useful degreeof efficiency, the “stomach” of the robot – microbialfuel cells – could be used for any type of energy-autonomous system that has access to organic ma-terial and water. Furthermore, this invention bringsthe engineering of artificial life a step forward.

The above examples illustrate how collective robotics area melting pot for a variety of disciplines and approachesto solving problems. They are optimal experimentationplatforms and will certainly help the principles of com-plexity engineering become more explicit, tangible andperformable.

2.3. Swarms in micro- and nanotechnologyThe selection of work reviewed in this section focuses onengineering at a very small scale; it is about how to createand control tiny robots and swarms composed of them.Classical engineering techniques are often at a loss here,as the forces which govern nanometric systems are verydifferent from those acting at the macroscale, and addition-ally, the means for the human to interact with nanometricsystems are often very limited. As a consequence, theapproaches to control or steer systems must be different aswell. Principles like self-assembly and self-organisationbecome important, and one of the challenges is how toguide them towards the desired outcome. E.g., if the goalis to make component A connect with component B, theexperiment will not be executed with just one or a few ofeach components, but rather with a few hundred or thou-sand, and the engineer will work on how to provide thesystem with the right conditions and the right dynamicsfor the intended system behaviour to occur.

• Material components of diverse nature have beenfound to self-assemble under certain conditions.While static self-assembly happens in systems thatare at local and global equilibria and do not dissi-pate energy, systems with dynamic self-assemblytend to be out of equilibrium while building struc-tural and functional complexity [43].An example are magnetic particles swimming be-tween two immiscible liquids which are exposed toalternating magnetic fields. The self-assemblingstructures are magnetic asters (in reference to theflower of that name) composed of micro and nanopar-ticles [43]. If the top-liquid is replaced by air, par-ticle snakes are observed instead of asters. Thestructures move, interact with each other, and seemto be ‘almost alive’. Dipole-dipole interactions gov-ern their behaviour. Asters generate ‘larger-scale

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three-dimensional toroidal flows’ with their mag-netic moments pointing inwards – to the aster cen-ter – or outwards. Asters can move in a controlledway, and neighbouring asters may exchange par-ticles and even absorb each other. Thanks to thepossibility to open up asters, they can be used to en-close other particles (for instance, glass beads) andtransport them to a desired place. This work pro-vides insight into the engineering of smart materialsand soft robotics (mentioned in section 2.2), usingself-assembled micro-grippers made of swimmingnano-particles.

• Carbon nanotubes and other nano-metric geometriesexhibit self-assembly and growth, either random oraccording to DNA origami templates [44]. Wherethe common serial lithography is too slow, this tech-nology allows scientists to fabricate a large amountof nano-devices in parallel. This in turn enablesthe nano-structures to be used for applications suchas three-dimensional memory. Self-assembled car-bon nano-structures have also been observed togrow on a gold substrate under specific conditionsincluding an elevated temperature and a helium at-mosphere [45]. Understanding how such structuresgrow, and how their growth can be influenced, isfundamental for a diversity of future applications innanotechnology.

• Swarm chemistry [46] is an artificial chemistry frame-work that uses artificial swarm populations as chem-ical reactants. The simulated reactions emergefrom spatiotemporal patterns of collective behav-ior through the kinetic interaction between multi-ple chemical species. When active particles, whichare moving and kinetically interacting, collide withpassive particles, which remain still and inactive,the passive ones are transformed into active ones,and thus also participate in the simulated swarm-ing behaviour [47]. Potential applications could forinstance be in personalised medicine, where sub-stances become active under certain conditions, andtake very directed and specific actions.

• Similarly, research foresees swarms of nano-robotsto be used in medical applications, for instanceswimming in patient’s blood vessels [48]. The sen-sors carried by the robots would allow them to acton various chemical or physical parameters such astemperature, pressure and the local concentration ofsubstances in the blood. Such robots could identifytargets for the administration of medication, deliverdrugs, establish connections to certain nanometricstructures of the body, or help early diagnosis. Ac-

tuators of suitable scale may be electromagnetic,piezoelectric, electrostatic or electrothermal. Usableenergy may be provided through temperature gradi-ents, electric or magnetic fields, or kinetic energy.

Microtechnology and nanotechnology have huge potentialfor a large variety of applications. They are at the sametime very inspiring as well as scary. A lot of research isstill necessary before any conclusion can be drawn con-cerning their safety, which is mainly due to their verysmall scale. Nano-particules are able to effortlessly pene-trate mammalian body tissue, which, again, can be botha chance and a threat. Slightly bigger structures are bigenough to be contained in a blood vessel, for instance, butsmall enough to swim around without bothering the bloodstream. Other applications of nanotechnology are purelytechnological, as illustrated by the example of the carbonnanotubes which repair broken electronic connections oncircuits. To conclude, there is a lot of potential for inno-vative technology at the very small scale, but researchersmust be responsible and careful.

2.4. Systems biology and synthetic biologySystems biology is the analysis of the interactions betweenthe components of biological systems over time; it alsoincludes an iterative cycle in which biology problems leadto the development of new technologies and computationaltools [49]. The importance of systems biology for complex-ity engineering is based on the rich pool of inspiration,which complex biological systems provide, and the engi-neering applications which result from using biology-basedmechanisms and phenomena in technology.

• As an example, innate immunity is discussed un-der the aspects of emergence, robustness, modular-ity and suitable systems level analyses. Systemsbiology and technology compose a cycle, wheresystems biology drives technology, and technologyin turn revolutionises systems biology by openingfrontiers and generating new fields of inquiry. Theroles, which systems biology plays with innate im-munity [49] include: filling the gaps to create an in-tegrated picture, enhancing the rate at which discov-eries are made, clarifying how emergent propertiesarise from bio-molecular networks, and predictingeffects of genetic or environmental perturbations.

• Another area of systems biology is personalisedmedicine [50]: every person will have a slightly dif-ferent reaction to the treatments of a specific diseasewith a specific medication, and it would thereforebe very beneficial to customise medicine. In can-cer treatment, this need is particularly prominent

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because every tumor is unique and specific to itscarrier. Incorporating the molecular fingerprint ofthe patient, and the associated growth kinetics ofthe tumor, when fine-tuning the treatment regimen,would be very helpful.

In synthetic biology, researchers add engineering to biol-ogy and create new organisms, both organic and in silico.Besides the potential for evolving innovative engineeringsolutions, these efforts may also lead to a better under-standing of how original biological organisms function. Insilico examples include morphogenetic or embryomorphicengineering [51, 52], where simulated cells reproduce andgrow by self-assembly according to simple local rules, pro-gressively building an artificial organisms in a similar wayas a natural organism grows. The cells proliferate, migrateand self-pattern into differentiated domains. Each cell’sbehaviour is controlled by an internal gene regulatory net-work [53]. Examples of physical experiments based on thesame principles are done in morphogenetic or epigeneticrobotics [149–151], where the morphology and control sys-tem of robots are evolved to fit a certain environment andthen physically built. These works explore the causal andprogrammable link from genotype to phenotype as wellas the co-development of body and (natural or artificial)brain.Other experiments demonstrate, as proof-of-concept, thatdividing the development of organisms in various stagesenables the self-assembly of more complex morphologiesnot otherwise possible [54]. Not only biological systems,but also the assembly process of engineered systems maybenefit from the a development in stages.Synthetic biology indisputably carries certain risks. TheSynbiosafe project2 investigates ‘potential and perceivedrisks due to deliberate or accidental damage’. This con-cerns [55]:

• Biosafety: avoiding unintended consequences• Biosecurity: coping with harmful misuse• Dealing with the ethical, religious and philosophical

implications of creating unnatural life forms• Intellectual property: can modified life forms be


The situation in systems biology and synthetic biologyis similar to the one in nanotechnology: all of them areresearch fields that have recently emerged, and are increas-ingly attracting the interest or researchers and industrybecause they open up a whole new world of possibilities.

2 Safe synthetic biology, see

It remains, however, to be investigated how the safety ofsuch technologies can be assured.

2.5. Chem-ITThe term Chem-IT refers to computation executed in chemi-cal instead of silicon-based systems. The area – discussedfor instance at the Bio-Chemi-IT Workshop of the ECAL’11Conference3, includes biological and chemical informationtechnologies, molecular and chemical computing, molecu-lar robots, the integration of information processing with(bio-)chemical production, nano-bio-info interfaces, cel-lular engineering, artificial neurons, and programmableinformation chemistry as well as unconventional computingsubstrates. Molecular computing or (bio)chemical comput-ing is a promising approach for cases where the structureof the problem being explored parallels the structure of the(bio)chemical system, or in environments where electronicscannot be deployed. [56, 57].The basis of this research is the observation that molecularmaterials have suitable properties for high density integra-tion of computing systems [58]. Currently used moleculesrange from organic semiconductor materials for low-costcircuits to genetically modified proteins for commercialimaging equipment. Suitable architectures and less rigidcomputing paradigms are being developed under the namesof reaction-diffusion computing, self-assembly computing,and conformation-based computing. Molecular computingis best considered not as a competitor for conventionalcomputing, but as an opportunity for new applications,in particular in micro-robotics and bio-immersive comput-ing [58]. Self-assembly, self-organisation, self-healingand emergence are only examples of phenomena that areobserved and investigated in Chem-IT.Examples of current projects in the area of chemical com-puting are:

• NEUNEU4 – Artificial Wet Neuronal Networksfrom Compartmentalised Excitable Chemical Media –which explores the development of mass-produciblechemical information processing components andtheir interconnection into functional architectures.Mass production is often both a challenge and achance for alternative technologies, and advancesin one area may very well cross-fertilise others.

• BACTOCOM5, where the idea is to achieve compu-tation in bacteria DNA. Microbes are considered




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as ‘micro-machines’ that process information abouttheir own state and their environment, and that areable to exchange DNA material with peers. Thiscapability is being exploited for computational oper-ations. While very interesting, this interdisciplinaryresearch may create associations with horror sce-narios as discussed in section 3.3.

• MATCH-IT6 – MATrix for CHemical IT – investigat-ing programmable chemical systems. An addressablechemical container (chemtainer) production systemis added and interfaced with electronic computers viaMEMS technology with regulatory feedback loops.Similar to the biological sub-cellular matrix, thechemical containers at the micro and nanoscales willself-assemble and self-repair and be replicable.

• DNA Computing is a sub-field of molecular comput-ing that uses molecules and bio-molecular opera-tions to solve problems and perform computations.It is a novel approach for solving complex problemsthat cannot be solved using standards computers(such as NP-complete problems). The main idea con-sists in representing data structures as DNA (datais stored using strings of DNA alphabet), highlyparallel operations then occur at the molecular levelon these strings [59].

As a general tendency, Chem-IT is a recently emergedresearch area that is growing and becoming more diverse. Itrepresents an alternative to silicon-based computing, whichhas been very well established over the last few decades,and where besides the continuous efforts to optimise andimprove, the potential for innovation is limited. In Chem-IT,however, there is no boundary to people’s creativity.

2.6. Artificial chemical lifeArtificial life researchers are investigating how life mayhave started by attempting to create artificial life formsbased on various types of artificial cells. A related questionis how life might be, if it was based on a different orsimpler chemistry. Natural and artificial life are primeexamples of systems exhibiting emergent phenomena andself-* properties, and thus their investigation represents avery important part of complexity engineering.

• Protocells [60] represent the body of research inchemistry and bottom-up synthetic biology [61] thatintends to investigate how life could have emerged.


Chemical compositions have been found that exhibitlife-like characteristics including “cells” (or rather,blobs or bubbles) separating, merging, interacting,pulsating and moving through chemotaxis. A poten-tial application for protocells is the “Future Venice”project7: the idea is that protocells use substancesavailable in the water or air to self-assemble andbuild “living” structures that dynamically reinforcethe existing old ones, such as walls and piles.During the origin of life, genomes and membranesbegan to collaborate through physiochemical mech-anisms that led to the emergence of cellular be-haviours [62] including growth, genome replication,membrane transfer between adjacent cells and celldivision. It appears that cell fitness is closelylinked to both membrane fitness and genome fitness.The exploration of minimal chemical cell systems –chells – promises to lead to insights into the originsof biological complexity.Some controversy exists around the question whetherthere is a difference between protocells and chells.Protocells generally reference the origins of life.Protocells can be called as such without possessingall of the functions of living cells; they may be ableto move towards nutrients, but not replicate them-selves. ‘Proto-’ itself means ‘earliest form of’ andprotocells may be seen as a prototype of a cell.Chells are more associated with artificial life. Chellscan be composed of components that are less biolog-ical with more inorganic structures, catalysts, andinformation systems. While protocells are typicallycomposed of amphiphiles [63] (substances whichhave both hydrophilic (water-loving) and lipophilic(fat-loving) properties) that are found in small quan-tities in human bodies, chells can be made out ofinorganic materials that form membranes as well,but are not found in modern life.A third term also carrying subtle nuances is artifi-cial cell. While this can be used interchangeablywith protocell and chell, it is also used to describesynthetic organisms, where all of the componentsare synthesised from scratch. This may also have abroader meaning to imply only fully functioning liv-ing cells. Oddly, this is also used for more abstractcontexts like a computer-based system mimickingliving functions.

• The so-called Venter cells [64] – not undisputedlyclaimed to be the first viable synthetic cells – arebiological cells with artificial genomes. The phe-


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notype of these cells is fully determined by theartificial genotype, and the properties of the origi-nal biological bacteria cells, of which only the cellbody remains, are lost. The synthetic cells are capa-ble of continuous self-replication. Venter cells area proof of principle [65]: genomes can be producedby the computer, chemically made in the laboratory,without the use of any natural DNA, and then trans-planted into a recipient cell to produce a new viabletype of cells.

• While the synthesis of a complete cell is still a chal-lenge, the bottom-up construction of an artificialorganelle, which is capable of generating the bio-energy, is experimentally feasible [66]. Also, similarto components from a toolbox [67], DNA string mod-ules can be used to create life-like behaviours invitro; it enables the construction of arbitrary chemi-cal networks, including autocatalytic ones (that is,where the reaction product itself is the catalyst forthat reaction). Such systems carry high potentialfor the engineering of self-sustaining biotechnicalapplications.

• Besides in vitro research, also in silico experimentsprovide researchers with insights: EvoGrid [68] is acomputer simulation framework for research in dis-tributed artificial chemistry, investigating the originsof life. EcoSim [69] allows researchers to study theevolutionary process and the emergence of species inan individual-based evolving predator-prey ecosys-tem simulation, where individual behaviors affectevolution and speciation.

• One of the challenges with creating artificial lifeis when it can actually be considered ‘alive’. Thisquestion is closely related to the definition of ‘life’itself, which again, is very controversial. There hasbeen some agreement on life needing a container,that is, some semi-permeable active boundary ormembrane, a metabolism to generate and channelenergy, as well as an information system such asgenes, which works with high fidelity but is able tocope with imperfections and mutations [70].In artificial intelligence, a similar challenge was –or is – to define when a machine or a computercan be considered as being intelligent or exhibitingintelligent behaviour (which is not always the same).In the early phases of research in artificial intel-ligence, when intelligence was perceived as beingabout information processing, the Turing test [71]was suggested as a suitable measure: it investigateswhether a machine can imitate the act of thinkingin such a way that a human interrogator cannot per-

ceive the difference between a human or artificialinterlocutor. Although the quest for finding such ma-chines has not been generally satisfied yet, and themeaning of ‘intelligence’ has changed [72], the Tur-ing test has contributed to a better understandingof what intelligence and artificial intelligence are(not). Similarly, a Turing test for artificial life wassuggested [70] : instead of a human interrogator in-teracting with a human or a computer, a natural cellwould interact with another natural cell or a chemi-cal cell. However, the nature of this interaction, thelanguage to be used, as well as the necessary lifesupport systems represent major problems, and theidea has been abandoned by most researchers.

• Finally, the Evobody project (discussed in sec-tion 2.2) brings computing, mechatronics and syn-thetic biology together in the attempt to createliving, evolving systems of any embodied nature. Itinvestigates the principles governing such systemsas well as their future impact on science, societyand technology. This project may strive towards theultimate goal of bringing it all together, but it alsocarries a high risk of creating systems that mightget out of control, as discussed in section 3.3.

While the study of how life emerges is very important andmay provide us with great insights, the risk of creatingliving systems that might get out of control represents anon-neglectable risk. The only comfort is that researchersare still quite far away from actually creating artificiallife, and progress happens in very small steps. There ishope that by the time research comes close to a break-through, also the understanding of how to control artificiallife and how to set effective boundaries will have advancedaccordingly.

2.7. Self-healing materials and productsHuman and animal skin is a perfect example of a self-healing tissue which is able to cope with quite seriousinjuries and most often re-establish a fully functional state.Also many plants are able to self-repair when they aredamaged. Engineers and material scientists have in manycases successfully applied this inspiration to artificial sub-stances and tools.

• Probably one of the earliest examples of modern self-repairing technology are car tires invented around1934: the first tires that could temporarily self-repairin case of damage had been invented for militarypurposes – to resist gun shots – and were then alsoused on commuter trains and trolleys [73]. Sincethen, various versions of the idea have appeared

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and been sold to customers who are ready to paythe higher price. The most common principle forself-healing tires is that a liquid sealing agent isinside the tire and instantaneously closes any hole.Another principle uses the heat caused by a gun-shot penetrating a tire to locally melt the material;re-sealing happens then automatically between theseparated surfaces through re-bonding of the poly-mer chains.

• In the agricultural industry, self-sharpeningploughshares were developed because the tradi-tional ploughshares would become dull after a fewhours’ work. The principle was patented in 1785 byRobert Ransome from Ipswich, UK [74]. The prin-ciple was that the lower surface would be cooledmore than the upper one. With iron being harder atlower temperatures, the lower surface would thusbe harder, and abrasion would be slower than onthe upper side. This simple mechanism assuredthat the cutting edge would always be sharp, and itstill works the same way nowadays. Certainly, thecalculations of abrasion laws have become preciser,and the materials more sophisticated, e.g. multi-layered [75]. But self-sharpening ploughshares arestill observed to perform considerably better thantraditional ones [76].

Self-sharpening knives work with the same principle,but the increased hardness of one surface is dueto HardideTM , which consists of Tungsten Carbidenano-particles dispersed in a metal Tungsten matrix.Nano-structured materials show unique toughness,crack and impact-resistance. Thus coating only oneside of tools for cutting paper and plastics, whileleaving the other side uncoated and therefore morevulnerable to abrasion, leads to self-sharpening ef-fects [77]. Indeed, the thin hard coating on one sideof the blade will serve as the sharp cutting surface,while the softer metal which carries the coating willget abraded and never let the blade become blunt.

• While usually not referred to as self-healing orself-repairing, also shape memory alloys or smartmetals are capable of re-establishing an initial cold-forged state after deformation. Shape memory mate-rials [78] are used in numerous applications acrossmany fields, including aircraft, the automotive in-dustry and medical engineering, to name but a few.For instance, pipes can be connected more easilywhen the connecting sleeve is being cooled andmechanically expanded for the pipes to be inserted;the sleeve will form a tight fit when returning to itsoriginal shape at ambient temperature. Parts made

of shape memory alloys are also being used as actu-ators, where a temperature change will make themmove. Eyeglass frames made of such material aremore robust because they can temporarily deformunder a mechanical load and return to their originalshape when released.

• The single molecule car engineering project [79, 80]builds a four-wheel drive “car” from carbon atoms.The tiny car is then powered by electrons pulsesfueled to the car by a specific tunneling technique.The molecule car can run across a conductive sur-face and is able to transport another single molecule.This novel technology is a step towards develop-ing other molecule-size machinery traveling in thehuman body.

• Chemical self-sharpening effects have been observedin ion-exchange membranes [81]. In this context,the term “self-sharpening” refers to the purity ofa separation of two liquids, and the higher thecharge density of the membrane, the purer (sharper)becomes the separation of the liquids.

• Self-repairing coatings or paint have hit the head-lines several times over the last few years andcreated great expectations among car owners [82],but they are still waiting for this paint to becomecommercially available. An “early stage” companycalled Autonomic Materials have started to marketself-healing coatings from Champaign, Illinois, USA,under an exclusive license.The polymer coatings contain micro-capsules filledwith repairing agents as well as catalysts whichare set free when the coating is damaged. Thehealing polymerisation process takes energy fromultra-violet light, and re-creates an even surface. Bytreating micro-cracks in their early phases, biggercracks are prevented from spreading [83, 84]. It re-mains, however, open if larger-scale damage causedby mechanical influences can be healed as well.

• In self-healing bearings, one of the usual steel ballsis replaced by a ceramic ball, which will constantlypolish the raceways and maintain them in a super-finished condition. This considerably increases thebearing’s wear resistance, while reducing noise andvibration [85].Alternatively, the same principle as in self-healingpaint can also be used for bearing surface coatings:lubricant capsules will burst when surface wearstarts to appear, and can – at least for as long asthe additional lubrication lasts – prevent furtherdamage [86].

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• Self-healing concrete – as used in construction –contains micro-capsules with a sodium silicate so-lution [87]. Corrosion is effectively inhibited, andcracks are healed. Also structures built of traditionallime mortar are known to exhibit such self-healingproperties through natural recristallisation when ex-posed to air, but concrete has many other propertieswhich are needed by today’s construction industry.

• In polymers and composites, three types of self-healing have been observed so far: capsule-basedhealing systems, vascular healing systems (inspiredby the caoutchouc tree), and intrinsic healing poly-mers [88]. Capsule-based mechanisms are one-offhealing mechanisms, whereas vascular healing sys-tems may work time and again, as the healing agentcan be replenished. Systems with intrinsic healingproperties do not need a healing agent, as theirmolecules naturally rebuild ruptured connections.The self-healing mechanisms may occur with or with-out human intervention and may or may not requirean external source of energy or pressure.Self-healing not only helps fight against corrosionand mechanical damage but also thermic damage,and besides the previously cited approaches to self-healing, also nano-beam healing elements, passiveself-healing, autonomic self-healing and ballisticself-repair are being explored [89].

• To make electronic circuits self-heal, carbon nan-otubes have been encapsulated inside polymerspheres. Carbon nanotubes have a high electri-cal conductivity and their elongated shape is idealfor lining up to bridge gaps [90]. When the elec-tronic circuits experience a mechanical impact – forinstance because a phone falls down – tiny gapsmay appear in the structure and impair the function-ality. The carbon nanotubes may then repair thecircuit and reestablish its function. Alternatively,the same effect is reached through the inclusion ofmicrocapsules that are filled with a liquid metal(gallium-indium) [91, 92]. A combination of biggerand smaller microcapsules may optimise both relia-bility and conductivity after repair.

• Another approach to self-repairing electronic hard-ware is inspired by eucaryotes and procaryotes [93]:Memory cells contain the equivalent of DNA frag-ments which describe the cell’s characteristics andfunctionalities. Faulty genes can then be extractedfrom neighbouring cells and using correlation mech-anisms, allow the damaged cell to self-repair andestablish its original state. The system is hierar-chical, with the logical block corresponding to a

biological molecule, up to an electronic array rep-resenting a biofilm formed of bacteria, and a busstanding for a cytoskeleton.

• The concept of logical self-assembly or self-configuration is also found in irregular Cellular Au-tomata (CA) where cells, driven by rules that governnot only their next state mapping but also whichneighbouring cells are used to determine the nextstate, arrange themselves into complex shapes [94].The desired global pattern is partitioned into sub-regions, each denoted by different neighbourhoodfunctions. Self-assembly originates from the origincell and new cells attach themselves to existing cellsthat broadcast their cell state. By further arrangingfor the CA rules to cause deterministic convergentbehaviour, self-assembly is regulated by conver-gence i.e., once the CA has reached convergentstate, assembly is complete. The presence of con-vergent rules also makes the system self-repairing;the pattern will automatically reconfigure to theconvergent state in the event of an external distur-bance. The method is extensible to 3D patterns andcomplex designs.

• A self-healing house – currently being investigatedin a project named Intelligent Safe and SecureBuildings8 – includes nano polymer particles whichconvert into liquid when under pressure, flow intocracks, and solidify. Sensors in the walls and build-ing structures collect data about vibrations andstress, and allow the inhabitants to be warned earlyin case of danger.

• On-the-fly repairs (in the literal sense) occur inself-healing aircraft: the hollow parts of composite-based plane are filled with a hardening epoxy resin,which “bleeds” out of any hole or crack that formsduring a flight and patches it up. This assures a safecontinuation of the journey, until the aircraft can beproperly repaired on the ground. An eye-catchingcolouring of the healing resin assures that groundcrews would spot the defective areas immediately.The idea is that the healing liquid might be flowingthrough a vascular system in a composite sandwichpanel of which the outer shell of the aircraft ismade, similar to the way blood circulates in ourbody [95, 96].


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On a different level, the solar-powered Odysseus [97]also executes self-healing on-the-fly: the aircraftwill be able to autonomously modify its body byexcluding failing modules. Odysseus is a project inthe scope of the DARPA Vulture programme, aimingat aircraft which can remain airborne over a durationof five years.

Self-healing and self-repairing technologies of all kindsoffer promising perspectives for the future, and their en-gineering needs to be fostered. The EPSRC Centre forInnovative Manufacturing in Through-life Engineering atCranfield University, UK, is making efforts to structure andorganise the self-healing/self-repair research community.

2.8. Smart systemsAn important part of complexity engineering is about virtualand real things merging to become a new whole. Theselarger systems often rely on principles of self-awareness,self-adaptation, self-management, self-organisation, self-diagnosis and in some cases also self-repair of some kind.Many different examples illustrate this development, someof which are mentioned in this section.

• A variety of Telecare technologies [98] allow elderlypeople and/or people with handicaps and chronicillnesses to live at home while being monitoredand assisted constantly or when required. Besidesgiving people more independence and freedom, Tele-care also has the potential to reduce cost for thehealth care system by automating certain monitor-ing functions. Services, which Telecare can provide,include the surveillance of cardiovascular functions,blood glucose levels, asthma symptoms, location ofpeople with dementia, and mobility of the elderly,including the detection of falls. Current researchinvestigates the use of assistance robots of varioustypes. Apart from the technological questions andthe importance of the robots being easy to use forthe elderly, also social aspects must be investigated.Telecare systems are examples of systems where hu-mans collaborate with a variety of technologies andcompose various types of socio-technical systems.

• In opportunistic sensor networks, applications thatcould be running anywhere send tasks to the net-work, and sensors which happen to be able to pro-vide the necessary sensor readings, submit theirdata. As an example, a navigation application mayask for live travel updates, and the network wouldthen collect data from sensors all over the relevantarea. Such mobile sensors could either be carriedby people or be mounted on cars and other devices.

The sensor network must then manage the taskingand uploading opportunities and use mobility in-formed scheduling at the sensor access points [99].The latter may enlarge their sphere of interaction byincreasing transmission power or building multi-hopinteraction spheres, but there is a trade-off betweenincreased transmission and higher energy consump-tion.Autonomous sensors are increasingly coupled withagent technologies [100, 101] and local energy har-vesting solutions. In some situations, the devicesinclude information processing capabilities. Thiswill allow the sensors to make more informed deci-sions about their own behaviour and lead to sensornetworks that exhibit more flexibility, robustness,and autonomy. These are desired characteristics formost complexity engineering systems.

• Similarly, self-guided bullets are able to adjust theirown trajectory [102]. An optical sensor at the noseof the bullet senses a laser beam that guides it toits target, which may be two kilometers away. Theinformation is passed to an eight-bit processor whichcontrols an electromagnetic actuator that steers thetiny fins, altering the ammunition’s path.

• Smart phones carry a set of sensors – camera, micro-phone, GPS, accelerometer, and sometimes others –which can be used for various purposes, includingsome which were not planned initially, when usershappen to be at the right place at the right time.For users to develop their own applications, easy-to-use programming platforms are necessary, suchas PRISM [103]. The focus is on generality, se-curity, scalability, as well as situation recognitionand context-awareness. Again, this is an impor-tant aspect to develop for general use in complexityengineering.

• Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) aim to re-duce road congestion, increase safety and mobility,as well as to enhance the productivity and effec-tiveness of private and public fleets [104]. At thevehicle level, ITS include concepts for cars to beequipped with proximity and acceleration sensors toassist the driver in avoiding collisions with pedes-trians, other vehicles and obstacles in general [105].Using communication between vehicles and sensor-equipped infrastructure in proximity, collective in-telligence can be used to reduce traffic congestionand avoid critical situations. Algorithms have beenproposed for optimising performance, safety, reliabil-ity and stability. They take advantage of learningtechniques such as pattern matching and context

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recognition. At an organisational level, the focuswas originally on private and public transporta-tion, but has recently shifted to include commercialorganisations, governmental agencies, institutions,highway operators, equipment manufacturers, sys-tem vendors and others. Freight ITS encompassesconcepts for improved commercial vehicle operations,advanced fleet management, city logistics and elec-tronic business [104]. Among the technologies usedare electronic vehicle and cargo identification, lo-cation and tracking, pre-clearance and in-motionverifications. Various simulation and optimisationtechniques rely on distributed computing. They areclassical example of complex adaptive systems intechnology.

• The AutoNomos project [106] uses methods fromthe field of Organic Computing [107], to developa distributed, self-organising traffic managementsystem. It consequently applies local rules andlocal decentralized data processing, which assuresrobustness and scalability. This project developsthe concept of Hovering Data Clouds for collectingand disseminating data related to traffic conditionsover a VANET (vehicular ad hoc network).

• The tendency towards digital economies [108] isfundamentally changing the way people and com-panies work. Traditional constraints in terms ofgeography, transaction costs, coordination, identitythrough jobs, and knowledge scarcity are fading.The new paradigm is that the right individual –customer or employee – can connect to the rightsituation – product or job – at the right time. Thisrequires an architecture of participation, protocols ofcollaboration, and new notions of how work can beachieved. Key concepts are responsible autonomyand peer-production.In classical companies and according to a rule ofthumb, 80% of the sales are generated by 20% of theefforts – thus the wish to eliminate the 20% of saleswhich require 80% of the efforts. ICT-based compa-nies such as Amazon, however, are able to use thesame coordination system for all of their sales, withno additional effort even for products that are rarelysold. Cumulated, these rare sales compose impor-tant numbers. This “aggregate value of the many”is also called peer-production. Also Wikipedia andLinux were created in this way – having a few em-ployees build the infrastructure, and letting the bigcrowd make a high number of small contributions,leading to a complete system. For the best results,a balance between hierarchical coordination andbottom-up peer-production must be sought [108].

Digital economies enable their members to interactand self-organise, driven by intrinsic motivations.The emerging collective productivity and intelligenceis typically greater than the sum of the individualcontributions. A shift will be observed from “knowl-edge is power” towards “the ability to generateknowledge and to learn is power” [108].

• Ambient intelligence [109] is a further developmentof ubiquitous computing [110], which introduced theidea of electronic devices being embedded parts ofa finely granular distributed network, and pervasivecomputing [111], which additionally emphasised theimportance of interoperability and seamless inter-connectivity. Ambient intelligence is unobtrusiveand supportive from the end-user’s perspective; itis sensitive and responsive to the presence of hu-mans [109]. It uses information and intelligence thatis hidden in the network. Contributing devices andservices include wireless sensor networks, lightning,sound, vision, domestic appliances, personal healthcare devices, wearable electronics, smart phones,computers and many others [112].Perspectives which particularly need further inves-tigation [109] include a standardised open platformfor ambient control which provides access to phys-ical objects; tangible interfaces which bridge thereal/physical world and the virtual/digital world;customer-friendly end-user programming for customi-sation; sensory experiences to gauge the emotionalstate of the user and adapt the system accordingly(affective computing [113]); social presence of otherpersons; trustful persuasion of the user; e-inclusion(the accessibility of ICT for all persons), the possi-bility of the integration of electronics in the humanbody, privacy and ethics in general.

2.8.1. Collaborative networksCompanies, organisations and individuals often collaborateon project basis or to fulfil a specific task. For thesetemporary purposes, they form virtual organisations andcollaborative networks [114].Digital ecosystems (DES) as well as virtual enterprisesand collaborative networks [115] are suitable models forall kinds of networked systems, especially those in anopen, flexible, demand-driven interactive environment [116].DES models can also be built on top of social softwareand swarm intelligence systems. According to its defini-tion, a DES is a loosely-coupled, demand-driven, domainclustered, agent-based collaborative environment whereeach species is proactive and responsive for its own benefitor profit. It is a self-organising digital infrastructure fornetworked organisations or agents that support cooper-

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ation, knowledge sharing and development of open andadaptive technologies and evolutionary domain knowledge-rich environments [116]. Collaborative networks, can takemany different forms, including cognitive networks, net-works for innovation management, knowledge sharing orresource sharing. Important human aspects of collabo-rative networks include trust issues, knowledge sharing,coordination and planning activities as well as incentives,communication and mutual understanding and their influ-ence on the business processes and the correspondingsupporting IT tools [115].Collaborative networks are also formed to answer emergen-cies. Such rescue networks could become more adaptive ifthey were based on self-organisation [117]. Self-organizingsecurity (SOS) networks are suggested as an architecturalfoundation for deploying dynamic, short lived emergency re-sponse organisations. Simulations enable decision-makersto anticipate the evolution of emerging crises and evaluatethe effectiveness of different collaborations between theinvolved services, including police, ambulance, fire fighters,and others.

2.8.2. Smart houses

Intelligent houses [118] are at the service of their users.Such houses get minimal input from their inhabitants andadapt to fulfil their wishes, with the help of sensors dis-tributed in the house. An increasing number of devices inthe house contain electronic components; adding comput-ing and communication capabilities is a relatively smallstep, which allows them to process data locally and tointegrate into a network, accessible from diverse pointssuch as a handheld, a laptop, a TV, or other user interfaces.One of the first applications is the automatic regulation ofthe house climate. Windows, window blinds, ventilation,air conditioning and heating can be operated automati-cally and according to the individual inhabitants wishes,depending on the current weather situation and the tem-perature difference between inside and outside the houseas well as time of day.Every inhabitant has their own user profile, where his orher preferences are stored. The system can locate andpossibly identify persons in the house, due to a carriedRFID chip or thanks to the person’s typical habits. Thesystem can then adapt and offer diverse services, such asproviding the preferred water temperature in the shower.Illumination can be personalized as well as entertainmentsuch as music, TV or information from the internet about thecinema program, stock market or general news, displayedon screens or projected to walls. Different modes may beselected, according to opportunities like romantic dinner,early morning wake up, family lunch, or cosy Sunday athome. More advanced functionalities like brewing coffee

at the right moment or other kitchen/cleaning services arefor now left to the reader’s imagination.Home security is also an issue. Intruders can be detectedand alerts sent to the absent house owner and to the po-lice, eventually including pictures of the person in question.Doors can lock themselves and alarm systems can switchon and off depending on the presence of the inhabitantsand their preferences. Mechanical keys become redundantin normal mode – but they could be used as the secondsolution in case of software problems or electricity cuts.The mechanisms for such incidences have to be prepared,ranging from the presence of a standby set to the pos-sibility of operating all devices manually. Safety issuesare important; intelligent houses are possibly less threat-ened by ordinary burglars, but ‘network pirates’ whichtry to attack the house software may be a serious danger.Separating house systems from the internet helps, butfurther measures have to be taken, eventually combinedwith advanced identification technologies such as read-ing fingerprints or iris patterns to exclude unauthorisedpersons from the access to the house.Considerable research is being done on intelligent houseswhich self-regulate for energy efficiency [119] and improvedsafety (mentioned in section 2.7). Progress is achievedboth in academia9 and industry10.

2.8.3. Smart energy grid

The purpose of smart energy grids is to make the currentenergy network more efficient and eco-friendly [120]. Be-sides electricity conduction, the grid needs to include anIT-layer which enables two-way communication betweenproducers and consumers. This communication layer willsupport large volumes of data to be exchanged betweena multitude of participants in a heterogeneous ad-hocnetwork; both energy providers and consumers may joinor leave the network at any time. The existing semanticweb technologies could be used for this purpose. Therequirements include a decentralised architecture integrat-ing heterogeneous and continuously changing producersand consumers, structured and machine-interpretable datamodels, support for the participants to make decisionsautonomously, as well as security and privacy.Wireless technologies may also be a key enabler for thesmart grid as they allow for large numbers of participants tosimultaneously join or leave the network seamlessly [121].Additional advantages include application awareness, highservice coverage, and prioritised routing of data. Smartgrids will rely on a variety of supporting technologies, all

9 e.g. ICOST10 e.g. Smart Homes

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of which need to be joined in a unifying framework. Smartmeters will monitor the power consumptions of devices,and intelligent energy management strategies will prefer-entially make them run when electricity is abundant andcheap.Ten steps for energy providers to advance towards a smartergrid were identified in [122]. The vision of the smart gridincludes reduced overall energy consumption, reducingcarbon emissions by optimising the load management andthus reducing peak generation, and reducing traditionalenergy production by renewable sources. Furthermore, asmarter grid will have self-healing properties and resistattacks, will motivate customers to get involved and opti-mise their usage, and accommodates all energy generationand storage options. To this purpose, the smart grid willrequire distributed intelligence, digital communications forreal-time data exchange, and decision and control softwarewhich is able to organise and analyse immense amounts ofdata and act accordingly. Also, extremely large numbersof control points will need to be managed [122].The development of the smart energy grid is one of themain projects of the European Institute of Innovation andTechnology (EIT)11, with many industrial and academicpartners joining forces to create a sustainable future.Siemens [123] is one of the international players contribut-ing with consumer-side solutions for smart energy usage,including smart meters which are able to indicate the in-stantaneous consumption for electric domestic appliancesas well as to distribute the energy according to priorityrules. For instance, a fridge would use energy when it isabundant and cheap, but stay idle at peak times.

2.8.4. File and information sharing

Over the last few years, several types of information and filesharing platforms have emerged and developed their owndynamics. As a common characteristic, on these platforms,the information providers or producers are at the same timealso the consumers, which is sometimes entitled a prosumer.Typical of the culture of Wikipedia is collaboration ingood faith [124], and similarly, most people’s informationdisclosure on Facebook [125] is proof of either a lot offaith in each others good will, or proof of people’s lackof consideration or knowledge of safety-related issues.Social interactions decide about a person’s popularity onFacebook, and on Youtube [126] they determine whichvideos become successes.Another recent example of the ubiquitous use of mobilecommunication and information sharing is how the London


riots in 2011 were organised on Twitter and Facebook.Logically, it is necessary for police and governments tokeep up-to-date and adapt their approaches. For instance,UK police have started to communicate with the public onTwitter.The idea that computer virus technology could be usedfor beneficial purposes has appeared several times, butso far not proven to be viable, as reports show12. As itappears, virus technology does not offer enough benefitsfor justifying their malicious characteristics, and the latterseem not to be necessary for tackling any problems.While some developments of these collaborative platformssimply emerge, others require new technology to growand improve. For instance, P2P file sharing based on abees algorithm [127] offers an optimised search algorithminvolving more selective node tracing as well as a moreefficient and robust sharing mechanism. In usual Mobile AdHoc Networks (MANETs) , file requests may take a longtime while being passed through the network, which maybe flooded with control messages, thus leading to signaltraffic congestion. The bees algorithm is an alternativeto the popular ant colony optimisation algorithm, used ina variety of problems, and also for improving efficiencyof P2P files indexing and retrieval as [128], or in theSelf-Chord framework [129] – a self-organising versionof the Chord framework. On a side note, the ant colonyoptimisation algorithm has been applied to a variety ofproblems, including industrial assembly lines [130] andshop floor scheduling [131].

2.8.5. Trends in smart systems

The above research and development projects are mereexamples of a variety of smart systems. There is almostno limit as to where sensors, actuators and communica-tion devices might be integrated or added, today and inthe future. The opportunistic collaboration and competi-tion between entities in open systems both creates andrequires a diversity of self-* properties. Smart systemsare thus intrinsically robust and resilient, adaptable andflexible.Research in complexity engineering benefits from theadvances in smart systems because the underlying mech-anisms and principles are increasingly well understoodand demonstrated. At the same time, advances in com-plexity engineering allow system designers to rely onwell-investigated methods and to assure that the sys-tems have the desired characteristics, no matter whathappens.


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3. SynthesisComplexity engineering is the creation of systems whilebenefiting from the findings of complexity science. Thequestion is not so much in which ways complexity engineer-ing would be better than classical engineering, but rather,in which situations classical engineering comes to its limits,and complexity engineering can help. This is mostly thecase with complex systems which are composed of manyinteracting components, where the interactions are multi-ple and changing in time; open systems; systems whichhave to function in a dynamic environment and stronglyinteract with it [1]. Complex systems use adaptation, antici-pation and robustness to cope with their often unpredictableenvironment [132], and complexity engineering thereforerequires tools which take these issues into account.Such systems, said to have emergent functionality [133],are useful in cases where there is a lot of dependenceon the environment and it is difficult or impossible toforesee all possible circumstances in advance. Traditionalsystems are therefore unlikely to be able to cope withsuch conditions. Systems with emergent functionality canbe seen as a contrast to reducible systems and usuallyhierarchical functionality; the latter means that a functionis not achieved directly by a component or a hierarchicalsystem of components, but indirectly by the interaction oflower-level components among themselves and with theworld. Careful design at micro-level leads to behavioursat macro-level which are within the desired range.Typically, no single entity within the system knows howto solve the entire problem. The knowledge for solvinglocal problems is distributed across the system [132], andtogether, the entities achieve an emerging global solution.The right interactions need to be carefully engineered intothe system, so that the systems self-organising capabilitiesserve our purpose, i.e. they do satisfy and support therequirements [134].Complexity engineering will not lead to systems whichare unpredictable, non-deterministic or uncontrolled. Theoutput (i.e. certain aspects) may be predicted and con-trolled – it is how the system arrived to that output thatcan not be known, complex or not computationally repro-ducible [134]. However, it remains an open question if thelatter is acceptable for all application domains. The sys-tem’s development cannot be completely separated from thesystem’s operation in the case of a complex system [135].

3.1. Classification with regards to nature/technology interfaceAs mentioned previously, a considerable amount of com-plexity engineering is inspired by systems found in nature,

including physics, chemistry, biology and social systems ofvarious types. Taking into account existing work and recentinnovative approaches, a set of different ways of how nature-inspiration can interact with technology and engineeringhas been identified and is presented in the following subsec-tion. Afterwards, the previously introduced work is classifiedaccording to the different types of nature-inspiration.The classification suggested in this section is open fordebate, but it provides a basis for discussion and helpswiden the exposure of complex systems exhibiting self-*properties and emergence to the engineering community.Inspiration for novelty in technology can take various forms.Each of them has particular goals and strategies, andresearchers should be aware of them. The items 1, 2a and2b on the following list correspond to the three researchphases of inspiration by nature described in [136]. The lastthree items are additional [15]. Table 2 gives an overviewof inspirations and applications.(1) Using technology to understand natural systems: Bi-ologists, chemists and physicists have for a long time beenusing technological tools to help them investigate natu-ral systems and to verify the established models. Thepalette of such tools includes oscilloscopes, gyroscopes aswell as compound pendulums. More recently, computers al-lowed researchers to run large-scale simulations with thou-sands of iterations. Even more sophisticated, nowadaysresearchers use robots to emulate natural systems, andthey even succeed in incorporating robotic ‘cockroaches’into real cockroach swarms [137, 138].(2a) Using ideas from natural systems to experiment andfind usable mechanisms: This refers to the experimentalphase of bionics. Researchers understood long ago thatthey can learn from nature and use mechanisms discoveredin natural systems to solve engineering problems. However,most mechanisms need to be adapted in order to be usable,and this can only happen through an experimentationphase in the lab. Different versions are often discovered bychanging the initial mechanisms, and the researchers canlet their creativity play. Examples include robotics swarmssuch as Swarm-bots [139] and Swarmanoids [140, 141].(2b) Using ideas from natural systems to build usabletechnology: The final goal of most bionic or biomimeticdevelopments is using them in real-world applications.This means that they have to comply with industrial stan-dards. It has been achieved for many technologies, suchas velcro adhesives, ultrasound, radar and sonar systems,dolphin-shaped boats, ultra-hydrophobic and self-cleaningsurfaces based on the Lotus effect, and cat-eye reflectors.Researchers now increasingly approach distributed andautonomous adaptive systems, which are more difficult tobuild than other bionic applications. Theory and practiceof biomimetics are discussed in [142], and the benefits ofbionics in [143].

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Table 2. Engineering and natural systems.

Phase Inspiration/assisting tools Application/goal

(1) Technological tools Understanding natural systems(2) Natural systems (Industrial) engineering(3) Engineering methods Biotechnology on living substrates(4) Biotechnological methods Software engineering (agents)(5) Software engineering methods Building artificial models to understand natural systems

Table 3. Classification of complexity engineering work according to the 5 types of nature-inspiration. MAS stands for ‘multi-agent


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)Using technology to Nature-inspiration Using technology Using biotech. Using technologyunderstand nature for technology on natural systems in SW eng. to model nature

MAS and services x x x xCollective robotics x xMicro/Nano swarms x xSystems biology x x xSynthetic biology x x xChem-IT xArtificial chemical life x x x xSelf-healing products xSmart systems x x x

(3) Using the ‘engineering toolbox’ on natural systems:Denominated biotechnology, bio-medical engineering, ge-netic engineering, synthetic biology or similar, these dis-ciplines use engineering technology on natural substratessuch as living cells, bacteria and sometimes higher animals.Researchers grow virus cells in high-tech tanks [144] to pro-duce vaccines, they try reproducing epidermic tissue, innerorgans, or genetically modified animals. Many differenttechnologies are being used to diverse purposes. As a spe-cific example, when a certain gene is implanted and theninherited by future generations, cancerigenous cells canbecome fluorescent, which facilitates their identificationunder the microscope [145].(4) Using biotechnology methods for software engineer-ing: Researchers in computer science now often take in-spiration from methods used in biotechnology, in particularin cell engineering. Methods which work for living cellssupposedly also work for software agents. In the Evo-body project13, such methods and principles are applied toembodied evolving systems which are “electro-mechanic,bio-organic, hybrid of these, or whatever else” and caninteract, reproduce and die.(5) Using ideas from engineering to build new modelsfor understanding natural systems: Probably the most

13 , see section 2.2

recently initiated discipline considers architectures andmechanisms used by engineers to create technologicalsystems which have nothing to do with natural systems.Natural scientists then use such ideas to build new mod-els for understanding natural systems [146], in the sensethat if engineers have come up with ideas, maybe na-ture has invented them long ago. For instance, roboticcockroaches [138] and shepherd robots [147] have beensuccessfully integrated in animal societies.Table 3 indicates how complexity engineering approachesand projects can be classified according to the five typesof nature-inspiration. In some cases, opinions may differ,and we encourage discussion.

3.2. Relation between bio and techno

Traditionally, there was a strict separation between whatwas nature or natural, and artificial (which, indeed, means‘man-made’). It even had some judgmental character, inthe sense that natural was or maybe still is consideredas being ‘better’ or healthier than artificial. Most peoplehave recognised that it is not that simple; e.g., cancer isa natural development, although often triggered by man-made factors. On the other hand, some artificial inventionsare highly beneficial if applied correctly, like water filteringdevices. Without access to clean water, most living being –

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apart from some specialists – will not survive for verylong. Indeed, most technology can be used for the good orthe evil.

Besides the fading of this good/bad-connotation, also theborder between natural and artificial is getting blurred.Many applications use technology on natural systems.Some use natural systems to enhance technology, whileothers use technology to enhance natural systems. For in-stance, certain types of crop have only very faint similaritywith their natural ancestors, after centuries of breedingand even genetic modifications. The question now is, arethey still natural beings?

Besides mixing technological and natural units, some sys-tems now increasingly mix technological and human units,there is a plethora of socio-technical systems ranging fromcrowdsourcing (e.g. using humans for computing tasksin exchange of financial rewards), to social networks ofhumans exploiting social media as Twitter of Facebook toorganise, to advanced medical systems where a patient ismonitored by technology-enable services and humans asnurses, doctors or family members. Challenging questionsarise from those systems: what is their reliability anddependability, what incentives should be considered, andwhat about privacy and ethics concerns?

It appears likely that in the future, the boundaries betweennatural and artificial will completely disappear. So far, asure way to distinguish between natural and artificial wasthe fact that only natural systems can be alive, althoughnot all natural systems are alive, indeed. A rather recentdevelopment is that the creation of ‘artificial living sys-tems’ (see section 2.6) becomes conceivable. While thisis a fascinating possibility, it also carries risks that areimpossible to fathom at the current stage of research.

3.3. Risks

While Terminator14 scenarios are rather unlikely to becomereal, nightmares such as described in Prey15 are indeednot that far from research being done in some laboratories;indeed, there is research being done on nano-swarms,genetically modified and evolving bacteria and viruses,artificial life forms, innovative cameras, distributed systems,biologically implemented computation, and many more. Itis only a question of time until researchers combine thesetechnologies, and until something gets into the wronghands, or otherwise out of control.

14 1984 science fiction action film directed by JamesCameron, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger; several se-quels.15 2002 novel by Michael Crichton

Again, all technology can be used for the good or theevil, but what makes biotechnology and related areasparticularly dangerous is the combination of technologywith the unique property of living systems to evolve andfind ways to survive no matter what. As far as we humanscan judge, natural living systems seem to have a way of notdamaging the world beyond repair. Natural disasters havealways happened, and species have always gone extinct,but so far, natural life on Earth has always been able torecover. During the short time of its existence so far, thehuman race has been lucky enough to survive epidemicsand attacks from predators, including other mammals aswell as microbes. But will we be strong enough to resistthe attack of a technology-enhanced, evolving living systemof microbes? The latest viruses which led to outbreaks ofglobal panic allowed us certainly only a very brief glimpseof what is yet to come.Needless to say, the reader may be confident that most re-searchers are responsible and careful with both what theycreate and what they release into the environment. Further-more, not all technologies cited in this article carry suchrisks in themselves, but they certainly have the potentialto make systems more user-friendly, more robust, resilientand dependable. For instance, a car with self-healingpaint would come very handy, and a swarm of robotic fishthat collect pollution [28] would save the oceans from alot of damage. It appears thus that research in complexityengineering is worth taking the associated risks, as longas the researchers are aware of their responsibility.

3.4. The potential of Complexity EngineeringThe advantage of non-traditional approaches to engineer-ing are manifold. They include the possibility to createsystems which cannot be understood or designed withcommon methods. Typically, such systems consist of manyentities which interact in multi-lateral ways; these inter-actions and interdependencies are often too complex toanalyse with traditional tools. Complexity engineeringprovides the engineer with an approach that allows forsuch systems to be designed, observed and guided towardsreaching the desired properties.The pluridisciplinary nature of complexity engineering cre-ates many synergies in terms of the substances, materialsand devices that are used, the methods that are applied,and mindsets which researchers from different disciplinesbring and share. Often, innovation consists of “thinkingout of the box” or applying concepts and methods whichfunction in one area to another, completely unrelated area.This is one of the main assets of complexity engineering,besides the fact that complexity engineers attempt to learnfrom the greatest expert that has ever existed: Natureitself.

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4. ConclusionThe efforts being made under the umbrella of Complex-ity Engineering are increasing. Not only researchers butalso industry are in the process of discovering its amaz-ing potential. However, progress is fragmented and often,researchers are only partially aware of the relevant workdone in related areas. Interdisciplinary conferences suchas ALIFE16 and ECAL17 are necessary for cross-fertilisationand the exchange of ideas between researchers that are in-vestigating similar ideas and/or following similar paradigmsalthough in distinct fields of applications.As a first general tendency, we identify that systemswith self-* properties (that is, systems which are ableto take care of themselves, exhibiting self-adaptivity, self-organisation, self-healing etc.) have started to emergein many different and previously unrelated areas. Re-searchers are increasingly discovering the advantages ofsystems that are able to take care of themselves, thusincreasing their own robustness, resilience, and life-cycletime. A slightly different flavour of the same tendency maybe referred to as living technology [148], which describeshuman-made systems that evolve and modify their charac-teristics while in use and in accordance with the changingrequirements and environment.The other general tendency is the focus on improved sus-tainability, which includes the use of renewable resources,recycling, and the intelligent management of resourceusage. Opportunistic collaborations and symbioses arebecoming more important, with people joining forces toreach shared or related goals.While researching technical aspects of these systems, ethi-cal and responsible research and industry-lead efforts arerequired to consider and tackle upfront risks related tothis technology, in particular those in relation to systemsgetting out of control or environment damage.We observe that the borders between different researchareas are getting blurred, and we foresee that this de-velopment will further increase. Pluri-disciplinary collab-orations and corresponding publication media will grow,and we can only hope that their scientific recognition willimprove soon.

16 International Conference on the Simulation and Syn-thesis of Living Systems (Alife),17 European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL),

AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Dr. Sarah Maurer from the Center forFundamental Living Technology (FLinT), Department ofPhysics and Chemistry, University of Southern Denmark,for her enlightening explanations on the difference betweenprotocells, chells, and artificial cells.Thanks also go to Dr. Christian Knipprath from the Ad-vanced Composites Centre for Innovation and Science (AC-CIS), Department of Aerospace Engineering, Bristol Uni-versity, for his explanations about the various types ofself-healing materials, including how their functionalitiescan be modelled.


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