The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.). (Corvallis, Or ... · Knotts, on January 6, 1894, Miss...

(Ll THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1894. COLLEGE NOTES. BRTEF LOCALS. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. WEST SIDE NEWS. DIED. Hard Times Pricbs. as Mc- - Reports from Hillsboro, Minnville and The News of the Week Found by Our Reporter. Mr. Belknap is again able to attend to his duties at the college. Mr. Victor Looney of Jeffereon, a former student of the O. A. C, made the institu- tion a pleasant ca'l last Wednesday. At Portland, last Tuesday,. President Bloss delivered a lecture before the state horticultural society. His subject was KEESEE. At the - residence of William Knotts, on January 6, 1894, Miss Lizzie Keesee, aged 24 years, 6 months and 12 days. Miss Keesee was born about three miles north of Corvallis, on the farm purchased by her father when he.first located in Ben- ton county in 1864. Near the house where she was born may yet be seen the remains Former price gents' cork sole calf shoes $3-7- now $3.00 at J. H. Harris'. Hood's pills are the best family ca- thartic and liver medicine. Harmless, re- liable and sure. Vogle can ftt your eyes with a beautiful pair of lenses and choice of frames from 25 cents to 7.5o. Try them. Everything in the jewelry line at Vogle'a. Dr. J. M. Cain of Monroe was in town Wednesday. W. A. Wells was in Portland Wednesday of an old log cabin, in which was held the Religious services are being held nightly and Thursday. at the various churches of the city thi week and are said to be well attended. Ed. Getz haa gone to San Francisco on a few weeks visit. Ellsworth Post No. 99, G. A. R.Jand W. R. C, No, 7, will hold joint installation at Vogle has a fine line of jewelry for the the regular subscription price of THE COEYALLIS GAZETTE is $2.00 Per Year, THE REGULAR SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OF THE WEEKLY OEEGONIAN is $1.50 Per Year. Anyone subscribing for THE GAZETTE and paying one year in advance can get both THE GAZETTE and their hall next Monday evening. Old soldiers and their families are invited to bit December trade. At Spencer's ' yon can get the "cn haircut alle same foot-bal- l. present. "Poilenation." Prof. Coote has commenced an experi- ment to determine the cause of the cnrl-lea- f of the peach. It is hoped that this experi- ment will be the means of discovering some preventive of the disease. The horticultural department has recently planted in its experiment orchard forty-thre- e varieties of pears, many of which are of quite recent introduction. This makes in all about seventy fine varieties of pears now growing in the testing orchard. The object is to ascertain those varieties which are best suited to the climate of Oregon, both as to the production of fruit and resistance to disease. In addition to this, twenty new varieties of apples have been added to the If You have made up your mind to buy brst Oregon legislature. While .quite a child U-- parents move.! into town whure an opportunity was afforded of attending school, and siio continued her residence here until after her mother's death, which occurred in 1886; since that time she has resided with her brother, Wm. Knotts, on his farm about three miles from town. During Miss Keesee's residence 111 Cor- vallis she gained many warm friends and after returning to her country home they became the recipients of her hospitality on numerous occasions; in act it became the rendezvous for the young people of Cor- vallis for a number of years and her death will bring back to the memory of each, Jesse Spencer and "Tarn" Case are grad Hood's Sarsaparilla, do not be persuaded t take any other. Be sure to get Hood's uated tonsorialjartists. See them. West Side United Press. Hillsboro, Jan. 10. The project of building the electric motor line from Port- land to Beaverton in this county is again revived. The plan now adopted is to use the West Portland steam motor to the sum- mit of the hill this side of Portland and then leave that line in a branch to Beaver- ton. This will require only six miles of new road. A company of New York cap- italists are the promoters. The question of subsidy is all that seems to be in the way o the extension this spring. The old donation of Col. T. R. Cornelius, being a block of over five hundred acres of the finest land in the county, is to be di- vided and sold in small tracts. The Forest Grove canning company and electric light company put a mortgage on their plants this week to secure the pay- ment of a note of $11,627.77 given te Cap- tain R. H. Lamson last July. The City election at Forest Grove last Monday was a hot one. The issue was a lot of electric lights or few. Three councilmen were selected who favor light, two who op- pose and one who sits on the fence. A PLEASANT AFFAIR. Sarsaparilla, which posesses peculiar cura J. L. Underwood, the photographer, is able to be out again. Same thing la tive power. grippe. THE WEEKLY OREGONIAN Joseph Edwards came in the office yester day and deposited two big American samo- - George Avery and B. F. Irvine, of the Times, returned from Sprague, Waah., on lians with our cashier for a year's subscrip ONE YEAR FOR $2.50. Monday. tion to The Gazette, the newsiest paper in many pleasant recollections of her hospi orchard, making 12 varieties of apples under test'. Benton county. M. S. Woodcock has been confined to his room several days this week on account of tality. Miss Keesee was a lady of culture and refinement and was beloved by all for The snag boat Corvallis Sis up the river sickness. her many noble and generous traits of char acter. about three miles removing obstructions to navigation. When she has completed the work now contemplated the river will be The farmers' short course (free) opened last Wednesday. The prospects are very favorable for a good attendance. The col- lege library, under the supervision of Prof. ClIH 5llK'orriKarC FTDer- - their subscriP" one year in Tne Marine band intend giving a prom wiv WUMOVI lUCIQ Ivance will be entitled to this offer. enade concert in the opera house in the i he funeral sermon was delivered at the open to navigation as far as Eugene. near future. family residence by W. C. Kantner at 9:30 French, open to short-cours- e stu Athenian hair tonic will cure that itch Sunday morning and, although the weather Mrs. Kose Selling left yesterday for ban I dents in the afternoon when the class is not LETTER LIST. ing and keep the scalp clear of dandruf, Francisco where she intendVmaking an Recitations re held in the regu was very iuclement, a large number of her frieuds and neighbors accompanied the re Try a bottle and if not perfectly satisfac tended visit. Mar classrooms of the professors. The fol tory, money cheerfully refunded. 50c, mains to tne isewton cemetery where the Pete Callahan has been laid ud this week lowing is the; program for the course: 8.40 75c. and $1.00 bottles. Nelson Bros, solo final ceremonies were conducted by Rev. J, L. Hershuer. with an attack of la grippe, but at this date jto 9:30 Prof. French, 20ectures; 9:30 to agents, Occidental shaving parlors. is improving. liusu rrot. vvasnourn 14, irot. ttnstow2 Following is the ht of letters remaining in the Corvallis postoffice, unclaimed Jan. 10, 1893. When calling for same, please say "advertised." Miss Mary Anderson P. H. Bergen W. E. George Joseph Gray James Martin W. H. Taylor C E. Moor, P. M. Vogle has a fine line of gold pens,,! unfa fnm TWulav I Prof. Covell 1, Prof. Letcher 3: 10:20 to WINKLE At his home on the island three Ed Rayburn has been promoted to the position of traveling passenger agent of the miles south of Corvallis, Montgomery from an extended visit among friends and ":iu-rr- oi. iercntoma, trot, knell, rTof - H1K.1C, agea auout ou years. N. P, R. R. His territory comprises Brit, TWENTV-SI- X OBJECTIONS BY LADD & TILTON. A bundle of objections to the allowance of offsets claimed bv cettain debtors of the in- solvent banking house of Hamilton, Job & Co. were filed this week by Williams, Wood and Linchicum, as attorneys for Wm.rM., Chas. E. and J. W. Ladd, trustees under last will and testament of W. S. Ladd, de- ceased. Objections to claims of T. Graham, Oeo. E. Fish, G. R. Farra and M. Schmidt were made on the ground that they were debts incurred by Zephiu and B. R. Job, as individuals, for services performed or for merchandised, to which the assetts of the bank were not properly applicable. In the relatives in Pennsylvania. Horner 1, Prof, lulton 1, Prof. Shaw 1; ine deceased was numbered among the 11:10 to 12 Prof. Coote 8. Prof. Crate 10 ish Columbia, Washington, Idaho and Ore-co- n. Ed is an old Cbrvallisite and his Public Installation ceremonies of Qui Vive Encampmeut Ho. 26, of this city, were had at the opera house, last Friday night. V. C. Tweedale, D. D., G. M. Patriarch and Dr. Ellis, G. J. W., of Albany, con- ducted the exercises and when concluded Mr. Tweedale and Hon. J. K. Weatherford each made a short address setting forth the advantages of the order and the benefits to be derived in becoming a member. Messrs. Louis Eberhart and Marion Johnson fol- lowed with a guitar duet and responded to a well deserved encore. A reading by Miss Effie Handy and a cornet solo by Professor Kosebrook, which was really the event of the evening, concluded the program. The pioneers of Oregon and was well and favor Bloss 2;. 1:30 to 2:20 from Jan. 19 to i . ... . I r res, among tne creditors ot tne rrantz tsotners ably known in this county, ot which he had friends will be glad to hear of his advance Feb. 7, laboratory work in horticulture, Iwo good houses to rent. Inquire of estate by W. E. Yates, the assignee. been a. resident for many years. ment. under Prof. Coote. Nels H. Wheeler. - The Willamette rose four feet last night Numerous complaints are being made of the treatment of the horses used by the GATES. At his home on Beaver creek. The football team'has gone into training about seven miles south of Philomath, street car company. Better add another. and is still rising at the rate of three inches an hour. This is due to the warm weather for the coming game with the Mnltnomahs which is expected to be played here on the atepnen Uates, aged bo years. First-clas- s cedar shingles, $2.15 per M at F. J . Oberer's River Front planing mill. The residence of Lincoln Chambers, in King's Valley, was burned to the ground Wednesday night, together with its Oliver Gates, formerly of this city but The deceased has been a resident of Ben of the past few days which has caused the 19th. Early in the morning the boys take claims of M. O. Heckart. now of Portland, entered the mechanical snow to melt in both the Cascade and teith and G. M. Harris, proof as to nature course at the agricultural college this week ton county for many years, during which time he has earned the esteem of a large number of her citizens, all of whom will a run of several miles, after which a quick cold bath and a good rub is taken. Break- fast is then eaten with justice to the cook. Coast Ranges. Unless the temperature is contents. and character of offset was asked. George Anderson's claim for interest on a. San Fifteen men are now employed in plant reduced soon high water may be expected. regret to learn of his death. A Mr. and Mrs. Maxh'eld, recent arrivals ing trees on the farm of the Excelsior The condition of ditches and sidewalks r rancisco signs draft was objected to. from St. Paul, Minn., have members then repaired to their hall where the third degree was conferred after which lunch was served by Hodes & Hall. The officers installed were as follows: A. W. Bowersox, C. P.; T. J. Creighton, H. P.; W. S. Hufford, S. W.; V. E. Wat-ter- s, scribe; C. E. Moore, treasurer; W. H. Prune Co., located in the Belknap settle J he best in the world. Tbis is what in the city show that Chief of Police Taylor claiming that to avoid taxation the same had After breakfast kthe boys proceed to their regular school duties. In the afternoon a practice game is played and much interest is taken in this particular part of the train ment. W. D, Wor.drin, of Bordley, Ky., says has not been fretting away his official time, not been presented for payment. In those George Fish has rented a dwelling of Some of the covered sewers have been op of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He spoke from personal experience in the use Conrad Myer and will move to Albany ing. Lhe boys nave quite a strong rush line of John Burnett, W. H. Hall, John Weber & Co., J. M. Applewhite, R. E. Mulcahy, Wm. Toner, P. Avery and Simpson, Hus ened and cleansed of a mass of accumulated filth, while the open ditches have all been about the first of the month. Albany Tele-- 1 which averages about 167 pounds each. This Currin J. W,; J. L. Underwood, 1st W.; D. C. Thorns, 2nd W.; U. G. Berry, 3d W. G. W. Shaw, 4th W.; Wm. Broders, O. S.'; scope. of it, himself and family having just been cured of bad coughs and colds by it. For sale by Graham & Wells, drueeists. game promises to be the event of the season and everyone who wishes to see a good dug out so that now excellent drainage afforded throughout the town. ton & Co., claims for offsets are made on checks obtained subsequent to the appoint A. W. Rose left Corvallis last Monday game should see this one. Tickets will be for California, where he yfill remain for sev S. N. Wilkins, L S.; M. P. Burnett, 1st G, of T.; Chas. McCullough, 2nd G. of T. DEAF NESSrCANNOT BE CUBED W. E. and J. Fred Yates have a demo ment of a receiver, or, if drawn prior to that time, had not been presented for pav- - sold as usual to defray expenses, which, era! weeks in hopes of benefiting his fail cratic uncle named S. P. Moss, whom Gov ing health. i by local applications, as they cannot reach upon this particular occasion will probably be very large, on account of the cost of ment. Objectors ask for proof as to time acre tract of laud, on the old Eglin farm, from Mr. J. 1. Bryson and will at once pro-cee- d to the erection of a commodious two-stor- y residence, the plans for which have already been prepared. The Gazette acknowledges a pleasant call from J. B. Eddy, of Pendleton. Mr. Eddy is a member of the state railroad com- mission who were yesterday conferring with Receiver Clark of the Oregon Pacific with regard to the condition of the road and his future plan of operation. Many forget that Corvallis is a town of refined and aesthetic tastes, rivaling, in some respects, cultured Boston. "Tommy Ryan, of Bridgeport, and Billy Smith, of Boston," says an exchange, "fought six rounds at the Casino in Boston last Tuesday night, resulting in a draw." From this we the diseased portion of the ear. There is The cheapest place to bW everything in bringing a team from Portland. .Last evening the opera house was com- fortably tilled with members of the local A. O. U. W. and their friends who partici-pate- d in and witnessed the rendition of an entertaining program, the principal feature the line of stoves, tinware, furniture, etc., only one way to cure deafness and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused ernor Pennoyer Tecently appointed county judge of Lake county. How they can . put up with democratie uncles when it is said their republicanism is of such a nature that a window in the south side of their dwelling THE CHURCHES. both second hand and new, is at the Second' Hand store. by an inflamed condition of the mucuous .rreacning by Kev, W. U. Kantner on would not be tolerated is indeed hard to un lining of the eustachian tube. When this tube gels inflamed you have a rumbling Con Sullivan went out Tuesday for an Oregon Pacific train that got Sunday at 3 p. m. at Union school house. derstand. of which was the address of the grand lec- turer, Mr. Frank Davey, of Forest Grove, who set forth the many advantages this or- der offers as a protective or insurance order. Limited time and space forbids the mention sound or imperfect hearing, and when it Sunday school at 2 p. m. All invited. and consideration of these claims. Minnie E. Lee, admidistratrix, objected to offset of promissary note signed by J. B. Lee dur-hi- s lifetime. Objections were made to the claims of R. E. Gibson, R. M. Davisson, Ij. H. Taylor, Hector Bros., W. H. Hartless, John Smith, J. C. Taylor, and W. S. MeFad-den- , for the reason that offsets claimed were in the nature of certificates of deposit assigned to claimants subsequent to the ap- pointment of a receiver and ask for proof as to time and consideration of assignment and aver that the court has not the power to al- low such setoffs when? the books of the bank lost in the snow between Mill City and De troit. He found it. entirely closed deafnessa is the result, and The latest scheme devised by the Marine band to obtain the regular attendance at re- - Christian chnrch nervinea jlh iihiiaI npvfc unless the inflammation can be taken out W. H. Currin, manager of R. M. Wade Sunday. Theme at 11 a. m. "Manhood In hersalsof its Jaembers matrimonially in deserved by this affair. and this tube restored to its normal condi & Co.'s establishment in this city, is able to Christ." Sunday school at 10 a. m., and Y. see that Boston has stolen our laurels in claiming Billy as her child, when in truth he is one of us. But such is f al e. tion, hearing will be destroyed ferever; nine The following officers of Valley lodge No.- - be at his postfof dutta again after a brief P. S. C. E. at 6:30 p. m. Welcome to all. cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, dined is to invite their "best girls" to be present at all rehersals.' Thejscheme works wonderfully and the boys will soon be able to resume - their Sunday concerts and a Frank Abram Powell, pastor. pell of la grippe. 11, K. of P. were installed Monday evening by M. P. Burnett, D. D. G. C; J.Fred which is nothing but an inflamed condition Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw, III., was troubled with rheumatism and tried a num Rev. Mr. Starr, of Dallas, who has been of the mucuous surfaces. Yates, C. C; J. M. Porter, V. C.; Moses Corvallis has an indebtedness of $17,000 and thinks her back is broken. Albany's ber of different remedies, but marked improvement may be , expected in assisting liev. uould in revival services m We will give one hundred dollars for any Craig, P.; Bo wen LoBter, M. of W.; Wm. the M. E.., church during the week, has their musical progress generally. do not show that tho title had passed. WHITE SPRITE OF CORVALLIS. case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that wngnt, jm. ot a.; J. ti. Tunnichffe, M. of returned home. It is expected that he will The report reached the streets Wednes indebtedness is now about $135,000. How about her back? The Albany Telescope of. last week says, cannot be cured, by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.; S. T. Jeffreys. K. of R. and S.: lease be present again next week and aid the good day afternoon that a small beat had been Send for circulars, free. One looking toward the west where the spencer, M. at A. ; James Skipton, I. G. work in which these gentlemen are engaged. picked up in the Willamette river opposite S. G, Hedrick, O. G. "E. H. Stock, a popular young merchant of Corvallis, is in the city in'attendance at the F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. 3TSold,by druggists, 75c. Preaching en Sunday in the Congri hills are covered with snow can see a white reindeer standing on a ridge of the foot hills. An observer, specially if he be some this place and the occupant probably drowned. Upon investigation it was learned Y. M. C. A. convention." gationai cnurcn at lit. m. and 7:3U p. m. A HARD CASE. DIET OF THE FOOT-BAL- L TEAM. Morning subject, "Paul's Wonderful that the boat "Minnie Haha," belonging to what imaginative can discern- - the body. George W. Riley is employed in the store of S. L. Kline. Mr. Riley is a recent ar Sam Case bases his right to live on the I Al. Kemp of this city,- - had been found Prayer." Sunday school at 10 a. m, in An article in last week's Gazktte claim limbs and antlers of the snowy creature, charge of Superintendent H. T. French. Y. ing the football championship of Oregon for rival from Chicago and is a brother-in-la- w fact that he can imitate a phonograph. The I adrift with sail up and containing a man's hight of his ambition is to cause a few chil- - coat, but a good sensational item was lhis animal sentinel of the "heart of the valley" appears with every snow fall. It is P. S. C. E, at 6:30 p. m., W. W. Smith, the O. A C, resulted in the Multnomah of Thos. Samuels, of this city, leader. A warm welcome to all. dren to laugh by the exercise of this "gift." I spoiled by the owner putting m an appear Athletic Association finally accepting the associated with tho writer's earliest recol Rev. George Gelespie of Dallas has been So long as ne connnea mmseit to willing I ance, having walked down the river from At the annual meeting of the Y. P. S. C. challenge of our boys. They are to play on lection and stands "towering o'er the the college campus at 2:30 next Friday nfter- them seemed to do him any good, "but finally he got hold of one that speedily cured him. He was well pleased wiih it, and felt sure that others similar)y afflicted would like to know what the remedy was that cured him. He states for the benefit of the pub- lic that it is called Chamberlain's Pain Balm. For sale by Graham & Wells. BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CA- TARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be nsed except on precriptions from reputable phys- icians, as the damage they will do is tenfold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. S"fiold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICE is herby given that the has been duly appointed ad E. of tne Congregational church the follow- ing officers were elected: Pres. W. E. the mouth of east river. While out hunt- ing he had left the boat partly drawn upon the shore, but the sail being Up the wind ternoon. An admissionof 25 cents will be wreck of time" as clearly defined as in the days of long ago. Probably a bald spot on the mountain back of the creature's appar auditors the public had no objections, bnt when he endeavors to disturb public meet- ings in order to gratify his idiotic vanities he finds that he will receive the same treat in Corvallis this week assisting Dr. Thomp-aon.i- n conducting the week of prayer ser- vices at the Presbyterian church. The Orpeum Musical Club, which is com- posed of several young Corvallis musicians, Chandler; t, W. W. Smith; charged to assist the boys in defraying the soon set it adrift. recording secretary, Miss Nellie Hogue; expenses, which will amount to about one ent "stamping ground" causes the an pari' ment as ordinary hoodlums' who have no corresponding secretary, W. Abernethy; hundred dollars. Corvallis should turn Mr. Albert Favorite, of Arkansas City, tion but only the too practical device upon "gift." At the revival meeting" held in the are in receipt of a New Year greeting from L 1 US PI. Ct. 1 . .. I M. O. Stemler; choirister, out enmasse and cheer the orange on to vie. such a common theory of so pretty an effect. uie iiorm otar orcnestra, oi (jnnsman, uu Thos. Bell; organist. Miss Gertie Can thorn: tory. lue entire team are in quarters at Kan., wishes to give our readers the benefit of his experience with colds. He says: "I contracted a cold early last spring that set- tled on my lungs and had hardly recovered Methodist church Wednesday evening he was making audible remarks in a distorted voice, believing that his powers as a ventril. At tneir meeting on Wednesday night, the assistant organist. Miss Faunie Taft. The the dormitory, where they can be und-- r the R. L. Sabin, of the merchants' protective union has begun an. attachment suit against Agassiz society (were favored with an inter-- 1 society is doing a good work, and warmly personal supervision of Manager Blots, who : --A 11 3 1 1 uijuini, wuuiu ueceive tne gentlemen in eitmg scientific paper on 'I he origin welcomes young and old to its meetings. from it when I caught another .that hung on takes charge of their bill of fare, prohibits A. F. Hcrshner to recover claims due cred- itors in Portland aggregating $2,395.49. ui& uuuiuuuuu wi auiujai iiiu. reau dvi o . . , , - . . , all summer and left me with a hacking their smoking and sees that they retire reg ' oervlce.a are Deing nem in tne rresoytenan P f V T vu charge of the meeting as to the author of the disturbance, but he was quickly detect- ed and summarily ejected. It is only the Property in Multnomah county and shares ularly at 10 o clock. Every morning at 5 uuurvu BiLcruwu auu eveuuiss aurmcr tne XI T E ? 1 . - I x. d. xranciscoanawiie arrived in cor- - week of prayer. Rev. Geo. GillesDie. of cough which I thought I never .would get rid of. I had used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy some fourteen years ago with much o clock they take a run of three 'milos and of stock in the Corvallis Carriage Co. be- longing to Mr. Hershuer have been attached by the sheriff, also his interest in the store vallis Tuesday from Iowa and have tempo- r- Dallas, is assisting Dr. Thompson in these each afternoon football tricks are practiced densest wit that finds amusement in inter- fering with the quiet meeting of earnest people. If a person doesn't care to listen, ministrator of the estate of B. T. Harris. ally taken rooms over the reading room, meetings. Next Sabbath moraine there success, and concluded to try it again, Hard study and recitations take up the bal after the claim of she First National bank Mr. Franciacois a gentleman of means and When I had got through with one bottle ance of their time. The food ullotud them will be a baptismal service and reception of is satisfied. intends locating in Corvallis. he should leave or not attend. The major- ity ot young men who attend these meet is more wholesome than palatable. Yester members, conducted by the pastor, and a deceased, by the county court of the state of Oregon for the county of Benton. All per- sons having claims against saiu estate are required to present the same to me at my oitioe in Philomath, Oregon within six months from the date of this notice. my cough left me and I have not suffered with a cough or cold since. I have recom day's menu is said to have been as follows It is the correct thing' to always be in L. . Chase, an architpct, and father of sermon by Rev. Geoi Gillespie. Sabbath ings, although they may not be religiously mended it to others, and all speak well of it.' fashion! One of the latest fashions that schhool at 10 a. m. Endeavor societies at 4 BREAKFAST. W. B. Chase, fell Monday evening nnd 60 cent bottles for sale by Graham & Wells. broke his left arm above the wrist. The inclined, are possessed of sufficient gentle- manly instinct to respect the rights of oth has reached Corvallis is a new style of dres-- land 6:30 p. m. Evening service at 7:30. Dated at Philomath, Oregon, December Fruit odor of oranges. Mush wheat accident was caused by stepping suddenly 4th, 1893. A. J. Williams, sing the hair a la foot-ba- ll. Go to Spen-- 1 All are cordially invited and are welcome to bran. Meat fried vertebrae of beef. ers, and so far this is the only case they Administrator of the estate of B. T. Har- - THE TELEGRAM CAME. cer's barber shop for full particulars. I these services. and unexpectedly from the sidewalk down rreau a la class domestic economy, aqua have had to deal with. The public have riB, deceased. to a depression while walking on East First pura, vintage '94. been mistaken in supposing that Case has C. H. Fearse has ssrved his'' connection with the retail establishment of S. L. Kline NEW FIRM. street in Portland. Mr. Chase is 60 years DINNER. A telegraph messenger hurried billward early Monday morning. He almost trot- ted and as the people he met gazed upon i . , .. . .. .. enough sense to keep himself aloof from THE CHICAGO for reasons better known to himself. Mr. I Fong Sing has purchased the China wash old, and was for many years a resident of Corvallis. decent, orderly folk, Juice of an oyster, diluted. Soup Ar MILWAUKEE & ST. jiPAUL mo puenomenon, tney realized tnat tne nica aux sauteles. 11 vine fish chowder. Mr. C. F. Davis, editor of the Bloomfield, yellow envelope he bore in his hand en Pearse has been employed by Mr. Kline for house of Wah Sing, opposite the furniture the past seven years, during which time he store of L. Welker & Co. Mr. Fong Sing has made many friends. has until recently conducted an extensive KAILWAY. WHEN WAR IS DEaLARED. Against a roan's happiness by his stomach ish baked mudsucker. Boiled Porpoise shoestrings, with lionjsauce, corned tiger a Iowa, Farmer, says: "I can recommend closed words of mighty import, and their hearts grew sick as they felt they might Brakeman Van Horn, on the freight train I lundry at Lakeview, Lake county, and is the enemy may be pacified and brought la shack. Roasts beef, Texas steer, quar Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to all suf- ferers with colds and croup. I have used it needs wait till Pape's paper came out be speedily and easily to terms. That potent Travelers "make a note on't." fore they would know that telegram's con in my family for the past two years and on the Oregon Pacific, on Friday was 1nite Americanized. He comes to Corval knocked aff the train by striking against the lis we recommended and will give satis bridge at Eddyville, falling in the creek, faction to all who favor him with their pat terback of game chicken, coyote a la mas-co- tt Entrees Ducks' feet breaded, eagles' wings braized, ground hog pot pie, wildcat have found it the best I ever used for the tents. The messenger was lost to view and for a few minutes all was still. Suddenly regulator of digestion, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, disciplines the rebellious organ thoroughly. Indigestion arises from weak- ness of the stomach and the food in it, for purpose for which it is intended. 50 cent He sustained serious injuries, but it U ronage. fricassee. Game boiled antelopes a la bottles for sale by Graham & Wells. thought he will recover. The new proprietor gives notice that he a streak of red was observed fleeting from the suburbs of town down till it entered a n, m.; fnn,;,k ti. T nn p I not be responsible for any debts re-- want of the power to digest, decomposes scrimmage, half-ba- ck of goose roasted, Vegetables turn-ups," "beats," beans. Pastry turnovers, jam, jelly popovers. ine uwqunous cen u irwiu Donbed up installation ceremonies bv the orchestra mamm nnpaid by the former proprietor. and acidifies, giving rise to heartburn, flatu serenely this week at the court house where house on Fifth and Monroe, and a voice was heard demanding "Brady." A door closed and the excitement grew. Later consisting of Prof. Rosebrook. John Spang- - Wfth SlnS' Soliciting a share of the busi he interviewed the couuty officials with a ler and daughter Ora, with Charles Pearse ne8S of a11". I your servant, lence and pain, besides a multitude of symptoms both changeful and perplexing. But peace soon reigns when 'the great Wines-j-Pon- d's Extract. SUPPER. Bath and music. view to securing an order for pens, pencils, Fong Sing. This Creat Railway System Connects at ST. PAUL and OMAHA, With all transcontinental lines, giving direct and swift communica- tion to all Eastern and Southern Points AND IS TUB as leader was a rare treat to the music ?lov--; rulers, ink, blanks, books g and groups of young men were gathered on the corner discussing the situation with pale not penholders, etc., etc. ing people of Corvallla. STEAMER DEI, NORTE. OREGON FOREVER. stomachic is resorted to and used with per- sistence. Dyspepsia gives rise to morbid discomposure of mind, and even sleepless From parties in this city who attended a countenances but stern visages, while mes- sengers flew hither and thither. A team of white horses attached to a truck came .Receiver Clark of the O. P. returned San Francisco, Jan, 8 H. E. MitcheH, from San Francisco today. While there an ness and hypochondria in chronic cases. To party given by the Albany social club in that city last Friday evening it is learned that an enjoyable evening's entertainment the Oregon commissioner to the midwinter rattling down the streets, drove quickly the complete dismissal of these the Bitters LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIQH'f, Con- sumption comes. A slight cold, with your system in tho scroful- ous condition that's caused by impure blood, is enough to fasten it from house to house, gathering up trunks effort was made to secure the release of the steamship Willamette Valley which is plastered with attachments aggregating over fair, has arrived in the city again full of en-th- u' .asm for the exposition in general and waa had, and that the young men com is fully adequate.- - Liver complaint, consti- pation, debility rheumatism and malaria are -- ONLY LINE- - and bedding, then quickly sped westward, Never since George Avery told about go prising the club know how te entertain for Oregon's part in it in particular. Mr. $40,000, but his efforts were futile. The completely subdued by this genial medicine. upon you. That is the Mitchell says: "Oregon's building is all KUNNINO steamer Del Norte, however, has been their friends. "May the unseen hand of God walk ing down to Mr. Brown's had the clubmen at Spencer's been so .thoroughly wrought You can get dressed chickens at Wheeler's ready to ship. It will be here within a few chartered to take the nlaca of th Will- .- time ween neglect and delay are full of danger. Consumption is Lune-- Electric Lighted and Steam Heated .. . t- - i - up. Had. the carrier brought word that around among tne unsavea sinners oi wr-let-te for the present, at least, and will leave every Saturday. Leave your orders during the week. .. days. And what is better than that, we have got money with which to erect it and 1 can prevent it, and you can vallis, is a quotation taken from a prayer Dole intended declaring war with the Uni San h rancisco next Tuesday for Yaquina made at a religious service in one of our ted States? Had we become involved with Live turkeys at the people's grocery to stock it, with a creditable exhibit. We have got money 'in good hard coin and the with a fuu cargo of freight for valley mer- chants. The Del Norte is a 600 ton steam Vestibuled trains of elegant Sleeping, Parlor. Dining and Buffet Cars with Free Reclining Chairs. churches this week. The author of these cure it, if you haven't waited too long, with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. That is the most potent blood-cleanse- r, strength-restore- r, and flesh-build- er that's known science. For every disease that has to be reached through the blood, like Con srore io cents per pound. . Dressed tur-- the Brazilian trouble? Had Pennoyer de- cided to make an armed resistance to a words evidently believes that the day ef keys accordinirly. miracles has not yet passed. C H. Fargo & Co. box tip school shoes threatenf m t gold? Bah, Minion ! er and can be operated at considerable less expense than the Willamette. A full 'cargo of grain is now at Yaquina awaiting trans Miking its service second to none in the world. exposition management may reply upon it that our exhibit will be everything it should be. We shall net rely entirely upon what we had at Chicago by any means, but will augment it in every way and as a matter of of Corvallis could W. B. Sorsby will leave .new xotk. ma are the-bes- t on earth for the monev. Trv think the youth sumption, lor Hcrolula In all its lorms, weaK Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all severe, lm goring Coughs, it is the only guaranteed remedy. If it doesn't benefit or cure, yon have your money back. Tickets are on sale at all prominent railroul tit them. T. H. Harris. few days for Ecuador, in the interest of radicate of New York capitalists, who Offices. lose its mental equilibrium o'er such petty mattersl No. The Multnomah foot-ba- ll team had accepted the challenge of the O. A. C. ; The Salem Statesman called H. B. Clem portation to San Francisco. , CLEARANCE SALE. For the next thirty days we will have fact, the greater part of the exhibit will be the nearest railroad For farther information ask agent, or address ent a "Jim Crow detective," and as a result has a $3,000 . libel suit on hands. This 'have large holdings in mines near the city of Quito. Mr. Sorsby will be remembered m the gentleman who spent several weeks here last summer, the guest of J. H. Harris. a clearance sale on all holiday goods and The proprietors of Dr. Bale's Catarrh Remedy know that their medicine perfectly and permanently cures Catarrh. To prove it to you, they make this offer: If they cant cure your- Catarrh, no matter what your cast i they'll Pay yon $900 in can. entirely new. It is true that we have been a little late iu getting thoroughly started, but we intend to make np for lost time by pushing things and pushing them hard." We have reduced the price on would indicate that "the freedom of the C. -- J. EDDY," General Aft. '. CASEY, TraT. Pass. Agt., Portland, Oregon. mgs- - I WBUatR & Co. goods. Call and see us." J. H. Harms. press" exists in name only.

Transcript of The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.). (Corvallis, Or ... · Knotts, on January 6, 1894, Miss...

Page 1: The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.). (Corvallis, Or ... · Knotts, on January 6, 1894, Miss Lizzie Keesee, aged 24 years, 6 months and 12 days. Miss Keesee was born about three



Hard Times Mc- -Reports from Hillsboro,Minnville and

The News of the WeekFound by Our Reporter.

Mr. Belknap is again able to attend to hisduties at the college.

Mr. Victor Looney of Jeffereon, a formerstudent of the O. A. C, made the institu-tion a pleasant ca'l last Wednesday.

At Portland, last Tuesday,. PresidentBloss delivered a lecture before the statehorticultural society. His subject was

KEESEE. At the - residence of WilliamKnotts, on January 6, 1894, Miss LizzieKeesee, aged 24 years, 6 months and 12days.Miss Keesee was born about three miles

north of Corvallis, on the farm purchasedby her father when he.first located in Ben-ton county in 1864. Near the house whereshe was born may yet be seen the remains

Former price gents' cork sole calf shoes$3-7- now $3.00 at J. H. Harris'.

Hood's pills are the best family ca-

thartic and liver medicine. Harmless, re-

liable and sure.

Vogle can ftt your eyes with a beautifulpair of lenses and choice of frames from25 cents to 7.5o. Try them.

Everything in the jewelry line at Vogle'a.Dr. J. M. Cain of Monroe was in town

Wednesday.W. A. Wells was in Portland Wednesday of an old log cabin, in which was held theReligious services are being held nightly

and Thursday. at the various churches of the city thiweek and are said to be well attended.Ed. Getz haa gone to San Francisco on a

few weeks visit. Ellsworth Post No. 99, G. A. R.Jand W.R. C, No, 7, will hold joint installation atVogle has a fine line of jewelry for the

the regular subscription price ofTHE COEYALLIS GAZETTE

is $2.00 Per Year,



Anyone subscribing for THE GAZETTE and payingone year in advance can get both THE GAZETTE and

their hall next Monday evening. Oldsoldiers and their families are invited to bit

December trade.At Spencer's '

yon can get the "cnhaircut alle same foot-bal- l. present.


Prof. Coote has commenced an experi-ment to determine the cause of the cnrl-lea- f

of the peach. It is hoped that this experi-ment will be the means of discovering some

preventive of the disease.The horticultural department has recently

planted in its experiment orchard forty-thre- e

varieties of pears, many of which areof quite recent introduction. This makesin all about seventy fine varieties of pearsnow growing in the testing orchard. Theobject is to ascertain those varieties whichare best suited to the climate of Oregon, bothas to the production of fruit and resistanceto disease. In addition to this, twenty newvarieties of apples have been added to the

If You have made up your mind to buy

brst Oregon legislature. While .quite achild U-- parents move.! into town whurean opportunity was afforded of attendingschool, and siio continued her residencehere until after her mother's death, whichoccurred in 1886; since that time she hasresided with her brother, Wm. Knotts, onhis farm about three miles from town.

During Miss Keesee's residence 111 Cor-vallis she gained many warm friends andafter returning to her country home theybecame the recipients of her hospitality onnumerous occasions; in act it became therendezvous for the young people of Cor-vallis for a number of years and her deathwill bring back to the memory of each,

Jesse Spencer and "Tarn" Case are grad Hood's Sarsaparilla, do not be persuaded ttake any other. Be sure to get Hood's

uated tonsorialjartists. See them.

West Side United Press.

Hillsboro, Jan. 10. The project of

building the electric motor line from Port-land to Beaverton in this county is againrevived. The plan now adopted is to usethe West Portland steam motor to the sum-mit of the hill this side of Portland andthen leave that line in a branch to Beaver-ton. This will require only six miles ofnew road. A company of New York cap-italists are the promoters. The question ofsubsidy is all that seems to be in the way othe extension this spring.

The old donation of Col. T. R. Cornelius,being a block of over five hundred acres ofthe finest land in the county, is to be di-

vided and sold in small tracts.The Forest Grove canning company and

electric light company put a mortgage ontheir plants this week to secure the pay-ment of a note of $11,627.77 given te Cap-tain R. H. Lamson last July.

The City election at Forest Grove lastMonday was a hot one. The issue was a lotof electric lights or few. Three councilmenwere selected who favor light, two who op-

pose and one who sits on the fence.


Sarsaparilla, which posesses peculiar curaJ. L. Underwood, the photographer, isable to be out again. Same thing la tive power.grippe. THE WEEKLY OREGONIANJoseph Edwards came in the office yester

day and deposited two big American samo- -George Avery and B. F. Irvine, of theTimes, returned from Sprague, Waah., on lians with our cashier for a year's subscrip ONE YEAR FOR $2.50.Monday. tion to The Gazette, the newsiest paper in many pleasant recollections of her hospiorchard, making 12 varieties of apples

under test'. Benton county.M. S. Woodcock has been confined to hisroom several days this week on account of

tality. Miss Keesee was a lady of cultureand refinement and was beloved by all forThe snag boat Corvallis Sis up the river

sickness. her many noble and generous traits of character.

about three miles removing obstructions tonavigation. When she has completed thework now contemplated the river will be

The farmers' short course (free) openedlast Wednesday. The prospects are veryfavorable for a good attendance. The col-

lege library, under the supervision of Prof.ClIH 5llK'orriKarC FTDer- - their subscriP" one year inTne Marine band intend giving a prom wiv WUMOVI lUCIQ Ivance will be entitled to this offer.enade concert in the opera house in the i he funeral sermon was delivered at the

open to navigation as far as Eugene.near future. family residence by W. C. Kantner at 9:30French, open to short-cours- e stuAthenian hair tonic will cure that itch Sunday morning and, although the weatherMrs. Kose Selling left yesterday for ban I dents in the afternoon when the class is not

LETTER and keep the scalp clear of dandruf,Francisco where she intendVmaking an Recitations re held in the reguwas very iuclement, a large number of herfrieuds and neighbors accompanied the reTry a bottle and if not perfectly satisfactended visit. Mar classrooms of the professors. The fol

tory, money cheerfully refunded. 50c, mains to tne isewton cemetery where thePete Callahan has been laid ud this week lowing is the; program for the course: 8.4075c. and $1.00 bottles. Nelson Bros, solo final ceremonies were conducted by Rev. J,

L. Hershuer.with an attack of la grippe, but at this date jto 9:30 Prof. French, 20ectures; 9:30 to

agents, Occidental shaving improving. liusu rrot. vvasnourn 14, irot. ttnstow2

Following is the ht of letters remainingin the Corvallis postoffice, unclaimed Jan.10, 1893. When calling for same, pleasesay "advertised."

Miss Mary Anderson P. H. BergenW. E. George Joseph GrayJames Martin W. H. TaylorC E. Moor, P. M.

Vogle has a fine line of gold pens,,! unfa fnm TWulav I Prof. Covell 1, Prof. Letcher 3: 10:20 to WINKLE At his home on the island threeEd Rayburn has been promoted to theposition of traveling passenger agent of the miles south of Corvallis, Montgomeryfrom an extended visit among friends and ":iu-rr- oi. iercntoma, trot, knell, rTof -

H1K.1C, agea auout ou years.N. P, R. R. His territory comprises Brit,


A bundle of objections to the allowance ofoffsets claimed bv cettain debtors of the in-

solvent banking house of Hamilton, Job &Co. were filed this week by Williams, Woodand Linchicum, as attorneys for Wm.rM.,Chas. E. and J. W. Ladd, trustees underlast will and testament of W. S. Ladd, de-

ceased. Objections to claims of T. Graham,Oeo. E. Fish, G. R. Farra and M. Schmidtwere made on the ground that they weredebts incurred by Zephiu and B. R. Job, asindividuals, for services performed or formerchandised, to which the assetts of thebank were not properly applicable. In the

relatives in Pennsylvania. Horner 1, Prof, lulton 1, Prof. Shaw 1;ine deceased was numbered among the11:10 to 12 Prof. Coote 8. Prof. Crate 10 ish Columbia, Washington, Idaho and Ore-co- n.

Ed is an old Cbrvallisite and his

Public Installation ceremonies of QuiVive Encampmeut Ho. 26, of this city, werehad at the opera house, last Friday night.V. C. Tweedale, D. D., G. M. Patriarch

and Dr. Ellis, G. J. W., of Albany, con-ducted the exercises and when concludedMr. Tweedale and Hon. J. K. Weatherfordeach made a short address setting forth theadvantages of the order and the benefits tobe derived in becoming a member. Messrs.Louis Eberhart and Marion Johnson fol-

lowed with a guitar duet and responded toa well deserved encore. A reading by MissEffie Handy and a cornet solo by ProfessorKosebrook, which was really the event ofthe evening, concluded the program. The

pioneers of Oregon and was well and favorBloss 2;. 1:30 to 2:20 from Jan. 19 toi . ... . I r res,among tne creditors ot tne rrantz tsotners ably known in this county, ot which he hadfriends will be glad to hear of his advanceFeb. 7, laboratory work in horticulture, Iwo good houses to rent. Inquire ofestate by W. E. Yates, the assignee. been a. resident for many years.ment.under Prof. Coote. Nels H. Wheeler.

- The Willamette rose four feet last nightNumerous complaints are being made of

the treatment of the horses used by theGATES. At his home on Beaver creek.The football team'has gone into training

about seven miles south of Philomath,street car company. Better add another.and is still rising at the rate of three inchesan hour. This is due to the warm weather

for the coming game with the Mnltnomahswhich is expected to be played here on the atepnen Uates, aged bo years.

First-clas- s cedar shingles, $2.15 per M atF. J . Oberer's River Front planing mill.

The residence of Lincoln Chambers,in King's Valley, was burned to the

ground Wednesday night, together with its

Oliver Gates, formerly of this city but The deceased has been a resident of Benof the past few days which has caused the19th. Early in the morning the boys take claims of M. O. of Portland, entered the mechanical snow to melt in both the Cascade and teith and G. M. Harris, proof as to naturecourse at the agricultural college this weekton county for many years, during whichtime he has earned the esteem of a largenumber of her citizens, all of whom will

a run of several miles, after which a quickcold bath and a good rub is taken. Break-fast is then eaten with justice to the cook.

Coast Ranges. Unless the temperature iscontents.and character of offset was asked. George

Anderson's claim for interest on a. SanFifteen men are now employed in plant reduced soon high water may be expected.

regret to learn of his death. A Mr. and Mrs. Maxh'eld, recent arrivalsing trees on the farm of the Excelsior The condition of ditches and sidewalks r rancisco signs draft was objected to. from St. Paul, Minn., have

members then repaired to their hall wherethe third degree was conferred after whichlunch was served by Hodes & Hall. Theofficers installed were as follows:

A. W. Bowersox, C. P.; T. J. Creighton,H. P.; W. S. Hufford, S. W.; V. E. Wat-ter- s,

scribe; C. E. Moore, treasurer; W. H.

Prune Co., located in the Belknap settle J he best in the world. Tbis is whatin the city show that Chief of Police Taylor claiming that to avoid taxation the same had

After breakfast kthe boys proceed to theirregular school duties. In the afternoon apractice game is played and much interestis taken in this particular part of the train

ment. W. D, Wor.drin, of Bordley, Ky., sayshas not been fretting away his official time, not been presented for payment. In thoseGeorge Fish has rented a dwelling of Some of the covered sewers have been op of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He

spoke from personal experience in the useConrad Myer and will move to Albany ing. Lhe boys nave quite a strong rush lineof John Burnett, W. H. Hall, John Weber& Co., J. M. Applewhite, R. E. Mulcahy,Wm. Toner, P. Avery and Simpson, Hus

ened and cleansed of a mass of accumulatedfilth, while the open ditches have all beenabout the first of the month. Albany Tele-- 1 which averages about 167 pounds each. This Currin J. W,; J. L. Underwood, 1st W.;

D. C. Thorns, 2nd W.; U. G. Berry, 3d W.G. W. Shaw, 4th W.; Wm. Broders, O. S.';

scope.of it, himself and family having just beencured of bad coughs and colds by it. Forsale by Graham & Wells, drueeists.

game promises to be the event of the seasonand everyone who wishes to see a good

dug out so that now excellent drainageafforded throughout the town.

ton & Co., claims for offsets are made onchecks obtained subsequent to the appoint

A. W. Rose left Corvallis last Mondaygame should see this one. Tickets will befor California, where he yfill remain for sev

S. N. Wilkins, L S.; M. P. Burnett, 1st G,of T.; Chas. McCullough, 2nd G. of T. DEAF NESSrCANNOT BE CUBEDW. E. and J. Fred Yates have a demo ment of a receiver, or, if drawn prior to

that time, had not been presented for pav- -sold as usual to defray expenses, which,era! weeks in hopes of benefiting his fail cratic uncle named S. P. Moss, whom Gov

ing health. i by local applications, as they cannot reachupon this particular occasion will probablybe very large, on account of the cost of

ment. Objectors ask for proof as to time

acre tract of laud, on the old Eglin farm,from Mr. J. 1. Bryson and will at once pro-cee- d

to the erection of a commodious two-stor- y

residence, the plans for which havealready been prepared.

The Gazette acknowledges a pleasantcall from J. B. Eddy, of Pendleton. Mr.Eddy is a member of the state railroad com-mission who were yesterday conferring withReceiver Clark of the Oregon Pacific withregard to the condition of the road and hisfuture plan of operation.

Many forget that Corvallis is a town ofrefined and aesthetic tastes, rivaling, insome respects, cultured Boston. "TommyRyan, of Bridgeport, and Billy Smith, ofBoston," says an exchange, "fought sixrounds at the Casino in Boston last Tuesdaynight, resulting in a draw." From this we

the diseased portion of the ear. There isThe cheapest place to bW everything inbringing a team from Portland.

.Last evening the opera house was com-

fortably tilled with members of the localA. O. U. W. and their friends who partici-pate- d

in and witnessed the rendition of anentertaining program, the principal feature

the line of stoves, tinware, furniture, etc., only one way to cure deafness and that is byconstitutional remedies. Deafness is caused

ernor Pennoyer Tecently appointed countyjudge of Lake county. How they can . putup with democratie uncles when it is saidtheir republicanism is of such a nature thata window in the south side of their dwelling

THE CHURCHES.both second hand and new, is at the Second'Hand store. by an inflamed condition of the mucuous

.rreacning by Kev, W. U. Kantner on would not be tolerated is indeed hard to un lining of the eustachian tube. When thistube gels inflamed you have a rumbling

Con Sullivan went out Tuesdayfor an Oregon Pacific train that got Sunday at 3 p. m. at Union school house. derstand.

of which was the address of the grand lec-

turer, Mr. Frank Davey, of Forest Grove,who set forth the many advantages this or-

der offers as a protective or insurance order.Limited time and space forbids the mention

sound or imperfect hearing, and when itSunday school at 2 p. m. All invited.

and consideration of these claims. MinnieE. Lee, admidistratrix, objected to offset ofpromissary note signed by J. B. Lee dur-hi- s

lifetime. Objections were made to theclaims of R. E. Gibson, R. M. Davisson, Ij.H. Taylor, Hector Bros., W. H. Hartless,John Smith, J. C. Taylor, and W. S. MeFad-den- ,

for the reason that offsets claimedwere in the nature of certificates of depositassigned to claimants subsequent to the ap-

pointment of a receiver and ask for proof asto time and consideration of assignment andaver that the court has not the power to al-

low such setoffs when? the books of the bank

lost in the snow between Mill City and Detroit. He found it. entirely closed deafnessa is the result, andThe latest scheme devised by the Marine

band to obtain the regular attendance at re- -Christian chnrch nervinea jlh iihiiaI npvfcunless the inflammation can be taken outW. H. Currin, manager of R. M. Wade Sunday. Theme at 11 a. m. "Manhood In hersalsof its Jaembers matrimonially indeserved by this affair. and this tube restored to its normal condi& Co.'s establishment in this city, is able to Christ." Sunday school at 10 a. m., and Y. see that Boston has stolen our laurels in

claiming Billy as her child, when in truthhe is one of us. But such is fal e.tion, hearing will be destroyed ferever; nineThe following officers of Valley lodge No.- -be at his postfof dutta again after a brief P. S. C. E. at 6:30 p. m. Welcome to all.cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,

dined is to invite their "best girls" to bepresent at all rehersals.' Thejscheme workswonderfully and the boys will soon be ableto resume - their Sunday concerts and a

Frank Abram Powell, pastor.pell of la grippe.11, K. of P. were installed Monday eveningby M. P. Burnett, D. D. G. C; J.Fred which is nothing but an inflamed condition Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw, III., was

troubled with rheumatism and tried a numRev. Mr. Starr, of Dallas, who has been of the mucuous surfaces.Yates, C. C; J. M. Porter, V. C.; MosesCorvallis has an indebtedness of $17,000

and thinks her back is broken. Albany's ber of different remedies, butmarked improvement may be , expected inassisting liev. uould in revival services m We will give one hundred dollars for anyCraig, P.; Bo wen LoBter, M. of W.; Wm.the M. E.., church during the week, has their musical progress not show that tho title had passed.

WHITE SPRITE OF of deafness (caused by catarrh) thatwngnt, jm. ot a.; J. ti. Tunnichffe, M. ofreturned home. It is expected that he will The report reached the streets Wednes

indebtedness is now about $135,000.How about her back?

The Albany Telescope of. last week says,cannot be cured, by Hall's Catarrh Cure.F.; S. T. Jeffreys. K. of R. and S.: leasebe present again next week and aid the good day afternoon that a small beat had been Send for circulars, free. One looking toward the west where thespencer, M. at A. ; James Skipton, I. in which these gentlemen are engaged. picked up in the Willamette river oppositeS. G, Hedrick, O. G."E. H. Stock, a popular young merchant of

Corvallis, is in the city in'attendance at theF. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.

3TSold,by druggists, 75c.Preaching en Sunday in the Congrihills are covered with snow can see a whitereindeer standing on a ridge of the foothills. An observer, specially if he be some

this place and the occupant probablydrowned. Upon investigation it was learnedY. M. C. A. convention." gationai cnurcn at lit. m. and 7:3U p. m. A HARD CASE. DIET OF THE FOOT-BAL- L TEAM.Morning subject, "Paul's Wonderful that the boat "Minnie Haha," belonging to what imaginative can discern- - the body.George W. Riley is employed in the store

of S. L. Kline. Mr. Riley is a recent arSam Case bases his right to live on the I Al. Kemp of this city,-- had been foundPrayer." Sunday school at 10 a. m, in An article in last week's Gazktte claim limbs and antlers of the snowy creature,

charge of Superintendent H. T. French. Y. ing the football championship of Oregon forrival from Chicago and is a brother-in-la- wfact that he can imitate a phonograph. The I adrift with sail up and containing a man'shight of his ambition is to cause a few chil- - coat, but a good sensational item was

lhis animal sentinel of the "heart of thevalley" appears with every snow fall. It is

P. S. C. E, at 6:30 p. m., W. W. Smith, the O. A C, resulted in the Multnomahof Thos. Samuels, of this city, leader. A warm welcome to all. dren to laugh by the exercise of this "gift." I spoiled by the owner putting m an appear Athletic Association finally accepting the associated with tho writer's earliest recolRev. George Gelespie of Dallas has been So long as ne connnea mmseit to willing I ance, having walked down the river fromAt the annual meeting of the Y. P. S. C. challenge of our boys. They are to play on lection and stands "towering o'er thethe college campus at 2:30 next Friday nfter-

them seemed to do him any good, "but finallyhe got hold of one that speedily cured him.He was well pleased wiih it, and felt surethat others similar)y afflicted would liketo know what the remedy was that curedhim. He states for the benefit of the pub-lic that it is called Chamberlain's PainBalm. For sale by Graham & Wells.


MERCURY,as mercury will surely destroy the sense ofsmell and completely derange the wholesystem when entering it through the mucoussurfaces. Such articles should never be nsedexcept on precriptions from reputable phys-icians, as the damage they will do is tenfoldto the good you can possibly derive fromthem. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufacturedby F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., containsno mercury, and is taken internally, actingdirectly upon the blood and mucous surfacesof the system. In buying Hall's CatarrhCure be sure you get the genuine. It istaken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio,by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free.S"fiold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle.


NOTICE is herby given that thehas been duly appointed ad

E. of tne Congregational church the follow-

ing officers were elected: Pres. W. E.the mouth of east river. While out hunt-

ing he had left the boat partly drawn uponthe shore, but the sail being Up the wind

ternoon. An admissionof 25 cents will bewreck of time" as clearly defined as in thedays of long ago. Probably a bald spot onthe mountain back of the creature's appar

auditors the public had no objections, bntwhen he endeavors to disturb public meet-ings in order to gratify his idiotic vanitieshe finds that he will receive the same treat

in Corvallis this week assisting Dr. Thomp-aon.i- n

conducting the week of prayer ser-vices at the Presbyterian church.

The Orpeum Musical Club, which is com-

posed of several young Corvallis musicians,

Chandler; t, W. W. Smith; charged to assist the boys in defraying thesoon set it adrift.recording secretary, Miss Nellie Hogue; expenses, which will amount to about one ent "stamping ground" causes the an pari'ment as ordinary hoodlums' who have nocorresponding secretary, W. Abernethy; hundred dollars. Corvallis should turnMr. Albert Favorite, of Arkansas City, tion but only the too practical device upon"gift." At the revival meeting" held in theare in receipt of a New Year greeting from L

1 US PI. Ct. 1 . .. I M. O. Stemler; choirister, out enmasse and cheer the orange on to vie. such a common theory of so pretty an effect.uie iiorm otar orcnestra, oi (jnnsman, uu Thos. Bell; organist. Miss Gertie Can thorn: tory. lue entire team are in quarters atKan., wishes to give our readers the benefitof his experience with colds. He says: "Icontracted a cold early last spring that set-

tled on my lungs and had hardly recovered

Methodist church Wednesday evening hewas making audible remarks in a distortedvoice, believing that his powers as a ventril.

At tneir meeting on Wednesday night, the assistant organist. Miss Faunie Taft. The the dormitory, where they can be und-- r the R. L. Sabin, of the merchants' protectiveunion has begun an. attachment suit againstAgassiz society (were favored with an inter-- 1 society is doing a good work, and warmly personal supervision of Manager Blots, who: --A 1 1 3 1 1

uijuini, wuuiu ueceive tne gentlemen ineitmg scientific paper on 'I he origin welcomes young and old to its meetings. from it when I caught another .that hung on takes charge of their bill of fare, prohibitsA. F. Hcrshner to recover claims due cred-

itors in Portland aggregating $2,395.49.ui& uuuiuuuuu wi auiujai iiiu. reau dvi o . . , , - . . , all summer and left me with a hacking their smoking and sees that they retire reg' oervlce.a are Deing nem in tne rresoytenanP f V T vucharge of the meeting as to the author ofthe disturbance, but he was quickly detect-ed and summarily ejected. It is only the

Property in Multnomah county and sharesularly at 10 o clock. Every morning at 5uuurvu BiLcruwu auu eveuuiss aurmcr tneXI T E ? 1 . - Ix. d. xranciscoanawiie arrived in cor-- week of prayer. Rev. Geo. GillesDie. ofcough which I thought I never .would getrid of. I had used Chamberlain's CoughRemedy some fourteen years ago with much

o clock they take a run of three 'milos and of stock in the Corvallis Carriage Co. be-

longing to Mr. Hershuer have been attachedby the sheriff, also his interest in the store

vallis Tuesday from Iowa and have tempo- r- Dallas, is assisting Dr. Thompson in these each afternoon football tricks are practiceddensest wit that finds amusement in inter-

fering with the quiet meeting of earnestpeople. If a person doesn't care to listen,

ministrator of the estate of B. T. taken rooms over the reading room, meetings. Next Sabbath moraine there success, and concluded to try it again, Hard study and recitations take up the balafter the claim of she First National bankMr. Franciacois a gentleman of means and When I had got through with one bottle ance of their time. The food ullotud themwill be a baptismal service and reception ofis satisfied.intends locating in Corvallis. he should leave or not attend. The major-

ity ot young men who attend these meetis more wholesome than palatable. Yestermembers, conducted by the pastor, and a

deceased, by the county court of the state ofOregon for the county of Benton. All per-sons having claims against saiu estate arerequired to present the same to me at myoitioe in Philomath, Oregon within sixmonths from the date of this notice.

my cough left me and I have not sufferedwith a cough or cold since. I have recom day's menu is said to have been as followsIt is the correct thing' to always be in L. . Chase, an architpct, and father ofsermon by Rev. Geoi Gillespie. Sabbath

ings, although they may not be religiously mended it to others, and all speak well of it.'fashion! One of the latest fashions that schhool at 10 a. m. Endeavor societies at 4 BREAKFAST. W. B. Chase, fell Monday evening nnd60 cent bottles for sale by Graham & Wells. broke his left arm above the wrist. The

inclined, are possessed of sufficient gentle-manly instinct to respect the rights of oth

has reached Corvallis is a new style of dres-- land 6:30 p. m. Evening service at 7:30. Dated at Philomath, Oregon, DecemberFruit odor of oranges. Mush wheataccident was caused by stepping suddenly 4th, 1893. A. J. Williams,sing the hair a la foot-ba- ll. Go to Spen-- 1 All are cordially invited and are welcome to bran. Meat fried vertebrae of beef.ers, and so far this is the only case they Administrator of the estate of B. T. Har--THE TELEGRAM CAME.cer's barber shop for full particulars. I these services. and unexpectedly from the sidewalk downrreau a la class domestic economy, aquahave had to deal with. The public have riB, a depression while walking on East Firstpura, vintage '94.been mistaken in supposing that Case hasC. H. Fearse has ssrved his'' connection

with the retail establishment of S. L. Kline NEW FIRM. street in Portland. Mr. Chase is 60 yearsDINNER.

A telegraph messenger hurried billwardearly Monday morning. He almost trot-ted and as the people he met gazed upon

i . , .. . .. ..

enough sense to keep himself aloof from THE CHICAGOfor reasons better known to himself. Mr. I Fong Sing has purchased the China wash old, and was for many years a resident ofCorvallis.decent, orderly folk, Juice of an oyster, diluted. Soup Ar

MILWAUKEE & ST. jiPAULmo puenomenon, tney realized tnat tne nica aux sauteles. 11 vine fish chowder.Mr. C. F. Davis, editor of the Bloomfield,yellow envelope he bore in his hand en

Pearse has been employed by Mr. Kline for house of Wah Sing, opposite the furniturethe past seven years, during which time he store of L. Welker & Co. Mr. Fong Singhas made many friends. has until recently conducted an extensive KAILWAY.


Against a roan's happiness by his stomachish baked mudsucker. Boiled Porpoise

shoestrings, with lionjsauce, corned tiger a Iowa, Farmer, says: "I can recommendclosed words of mighty import, and theirhearts grew sick as they felt they mightBrakeman Van Horn, on the freight train I lundry at Lakeview, Lake county, and is the enemy may be pacified and brought la shack. Roasts beef, Texas steer, quar

Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to all suf-ferers with colds and croup. I have used itneeds wait till Pape's paper came out bespeedily and easily to terms. That potent Travelers "make a note on't."fore they would know that telegram's con in my family for the past two years and

on the Oregon Pacific, on Friday was 1nite Americanized. He comes to Corvalknocked aff the train by striking against the lis we recommended and will give satis

bridge at Eddyville, falling in the creek, faction to all who favor him with their pat

terback of game chicken, coyote a la mas-co- tt

Entrees Ducks' feet breaded, eagles'wings braized, ground hog pot pie, wildcat have found it the best I ever used for thetents. The messenger was lost to view and

for a few minutes all was still. Suddenly

regulator of digestion, Hostetter's StomachBitters, disciplines the rebellious organthoroughly. Indigestion arises from weak-ness of the stomach and the food in it, for

purpose for which it is intended. 50 centHe sustained serious injuries, but it U ronage. fricassee. Game boiled antelopes a labottles for sale by Graham & Wells.thought he will recover. The new proprietor gives notice that he a streak of red was observed fleeting from

the suburbs of town down till it entered an, m.; fnn,;,k ti. T n n p I not be responsible for any debts re-- want of the power to digest, decomposesscrimmage, half-ba- ck of goose roasted,Vegetables turn-ups," "beats," beans.Pastry turnovers, jam, jelly popovers.

ine uwqunous cen u irwiu Donbed upinstallation ceremonies bv the orchestra mamm nnpaid by the former proprietor. and acidifies, giving rise to heartburn, flatu serenely this week at the court house where

house on Fifth and Monroe, and a voicewas heard demanding "Brady." A doorclosed and the excitement grew. Later

consisting of Prof. Rosebrook. John Spang-- Wfth SlnS' Soliciting a share of the busi he interviewed the couuty officials with aler and daughter Ora, with Charles Pearse ne8S of a11". I your servant,

lence and pain, besides a multitude of

symptoms both changeful and perplexing.But peace soon reigns when 'the great

Wines-j-Pon- d's Extract.SUPPER.

Bath and music.view to securing an order for pens, pencils,

Fong Sing.

This Creat Railway SystemConnects at

ST. PAUL and OMAHA,With all transcontinental lines, giving

direct and swift communica-

tion to all

Eastern and Southern Points


as leader was a rare treat to the music ?lov--; rulers, ink, blanks, books g andgroups of young men were gathered on thecorner discussing the situation with pale not penholders, etc., people of Corvallla. STEAMER DEI, NORTE. OREGON FOREVER.

stomachic is resorted to and used with per-sistence. Dyspepsia gives rise to morbiddiscomposure of mind, and even sleepless

From parties in this city who attended acountenances but stern visages, while mes-

sengers flew hither and thither. A team ofwhite horses attached to a truck came

.Receiver Clark of the O. P. returned San Francisco, Jan, 8 H. E. MitcheH,from San Francisco today. While there an ness and hypochondria in chronic cases. Toparty given by the Albany social club inthat city last Friday evening it is learnedthat an enjoyable evening's entertainment

the Oregon commissioner to the midwinterrattling down the streets, drove quicklythe complete dismissal of these the Bitters

LIKE A THIEF INTHE NIQH'f, Con-sumption comes. Aslight cold, with yoursystem in tho scroful-ous condition that'scaused by impure blood,is enough to fasten it

from house to house, gathering up trunkseffort was made to secure the release of thesteamship Willamette Valley which isplastered with attachments aggregating over

fair, has arrived in the city again full of en-th- u'

.asm for the exposition in general andwaa had, and that the young men com is fully adequate.- - Liver complaint, consti-

pation, debility rheumatism and malaria are --ONLY LINE- -and bedding, then quickly sped westward,Never since George Avery told about goprising the club know how te entertain for Oregon's part in it in particular. Mr.$40,000, but his efforts were futile. The completely subdued by this genial medicine.

upon you. That is theMitchell says: "Oregon's building is all KUNNINOsteamer Del Norte, however, has beentheir friends.

"May the unseen hand of God walking down to Mr. Brown's had the clubmenat Spencer's been so .thoroughly wroughtYou can get dressed chickens at Wheeler's ready to ship. It will be here within a fewchartered to take the nlaca of th Will- .-

time ween neglect anddelay are full of danger.

Consumption is Lune--Electric Lighted and Steam Heated.. . t-- i -

up. Had. the carrier brought word thataround among tne unsavea sinners oi wr-let-te for the present, at least, and will leave every Saturday. Leave your orders duringthe week. ..

days. And what is better than that, wehave got money with which to erect it and

1 can prevent it, and you canvallis, is a quotation taken from a prayer Dole intended declaring war with the UniSan h rancisco next Tuesday for Yaquinamade at a religious service in one of our ted States? Had we become involved withLive turkeys at the people's grocery to stock it, with a creditable exhibit. We

have got money 'in good hard coin and thewith a fuu cargo of freight for valley mer-chants. The Del Norte is a 600 ton steam

Vestibuled trains of elegant Sleeping,Parlor. Dining and Buffet

Cars with

Free Reclining Chairs.

churches this week. The author of these

cure it, if you haven't waited too long, withDr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Thatis the most potent blood-cleanse- r, strength-restore- r,

and flesh-build- er that's knownscience. For every disease that has

to be reached through the blood, like Con

srore io cents per pound. . Dressed tur-- the Brazilian trouble? Had Pennoyer de-cided to make an armed resistance to awords evidently believes that the day ef keys accordinirly.

miracles has not yet passed. C H. Fargo & Co. box tip school shoes threatenf m t gold? Bah, Minion !

er and can be operated at considerable lessexpense than the Willamette. A full 'cargoof grain is now at Yaquina awaiting trans Miking its service second to none in the world.

exposition management may reply upon itthat our exhibit will be everything it shouldbe. We shall net rely entirely upon whatwe had at Chicago by any means, but willaugment it in every way and as a matter of

of Corvallis couldW. B. Sorsby will leave .new xotk. ma are the-bes- t on earth for the monev. Trv think the youthsumption, lor Hcrolula In all its lorms, weaKLungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all severe,lm goring Coughs, it is the only guaranteedremedy. If it doesn't benefit or cure, yonhave your money back.

Tickets are on sale at all prominent railroul titthem. T. H. Harris.few days for Ecuador, in the interest ofradicate of New York capitalists, who Offices.

lose its mental equilibrium o'er such pettymattersl No. The Multnomah foot-ba- ll

team had accepted the challenge of the O.A. C. ;

The Salem Statesman called H. B. Clem

portation to San Francisco. ,


For the next thirty days we will have

fact, the greater part of the exhibit will be the nearest railroadFor farther information askagent, or addressent a "Jim Crow detective," and as a result

has a $3,000 . libel suit on hands. This

'have large holdings in mines near the cityof Quito. Mr. Sorsby will be rememberedm the gentleman who spent several weekshere last summer, the guest of J. H. Harris.

a clearance sale on all holiday goods and

The proprietors of Dr. Bale's CatarrhRemedy know that their medicine perfectlyand permanently cures Catarrh. To proveit to you, they make this offer: If they cantcure your- Catarrh, no matter what yourcast i they'll Pay yon $900 in can.

entirely new. It is true that we have beena little late iu getting thoroughly started,but we intend to make np for lost time bypushing things and pushing them hard."

We have reduced the price onwould indicate that "the freedom of the C.-- J.

EDDY," General Aft.'. CASEY, TraT. Pass. Agt.,

Portland, Oregon.mgs-- I WBUatR & Co. goods. Call and see us." J. H." exists in name only.