The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.). (Corvallis, Or ... · SchiUl's ferry is being slashed, and...

THE PERCHERON HORSES. Estray ZN"otice Equalization Notice. This is the time when farmers are looking WEEKLY" mm GAZETTE. Corvallis, March 21, 1879. around, for the purpose of choosing the best IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT NOTICE taken up and posted, one light N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on Monday the l'4thdavof Awril. 1879. Don't forget to call at the Gazette office for your horse bills. Thanks toC. W. Royal for a very fine Bartlett pear tree. At last advices, Hon. I. N. Gilbert, of Salem, was at the point of death. B. F. Dowell beat the city of Portland, breed of horses for them to raise. Mr. W. gray horse; about lb hands nign; unbrone; 10 years old. Branded on both thighs. The brand on the left is f ; and on-th- e right C. Myer, of Ashland, Oregon, has done more perhaps, to improve the various breeds of in a suit, a tew days since. jC- - My residence is on Rock creek, Wasco county, Oregon, (9 miles from the mouth of Only three inmates in our county jail, at stock in this State, than any other individ- ual. His Percheron horses, Shetland ponies, and Aldcney cattle, have become household words, and everybody admires them. The said creek.) t he horse was taken up aoout the present time. the 1st of March. JASPER MIA TO. Rockville, March, 12, 1879. 16:12wl Miss Grace Hanna, of this city, Went to Eugene City last Saturday. Ashland Tidings, of recent date, in speaking the undersigned Directors of School'District ' No. 9, in Benton county, Oregon, will sit as a Board of Equalization, at the drug store of Allen & Woodward, in Corval- -' lis, Oregon, and publicly examine the assess- ment rolls of said district, made by S. L. Shedd, clerk of said district during the' months of March and April, 1879, in pursu- ance of an action of a meeting of the tax- payers of said district held on the 3d day of March, 1879, and correct all errors in valua- tion; description or qualities of lands, lota; or other property, or other errors in said as- sessment. J.H.LEWIS, E. WOODWARD, R. W. BROCK. . Directors' of said Disijrict. Dated March 13, 1879. 16-- 1 lw4. Try the justly popular fine-cu- t tobacco,' BLUE RIBBON CLUB. On last Saturday evening the M. E. church was again crowded to overflowing, at the regular meeting of the Corvalli3 Blue Ribbon Club, indicating an increasing in- terest, in this community, on the subject of temperance. The address, by Rev. W. C. Kantner, wa3 exceedingly touching and im- pressive. He handled his subject in a mas- terly manner, and received marked atten- tion from the large audience. He was fol Charm of the West., at Rays. Col. T. E. Hogg returned home, last Sun day, by private conveyance from Albany. S500 FORFEIT ! AMES' IMPROVEMENT IN APPARATUS FOR PRESERVING MEATS; ETC., PACIFKJCOAST: Oregon; Nine persons are in the Jackson county poor house. Another new paper is to be started on Coos bay. "The Columbia" is the name of a new hotel at The Dalles. The Marion county jail is empty, the first time for many months. A whisky war on a small scale is raging at Carlton, in Yamhill county. A flock of eleven swan have taken up permanent quarters in a small lake in Jack- son county. H. B. Luce has bought the seminary block, one of the finest in Forest Grove, for $625. The schooner Rescue has sailed from Asto- ria on her fishing expedition to northern waters. A great deal of timber in the vicinity of SchiUl's ferry is being slashed, and many new houses are being built: Three fine Durham cattle, belonging to Mr. Kindt, living near Soholl's ferry, were killed by falling timber last week. meeting has jnst closed at Butte creek, in Umatilla county. Over seventy persons have been converted to Christianity. Ranchmen have built a fort near Pilot Rock, Umatilla county, and have an armed company of 50 members. A small boat was navicrate'd down the rres t Amort a hrst lecture; at tiie college EAST OP THE MOUNTAINS Ed. Gazette : I arrived at home in the ' Bunch Grass Country," on the 3d, and found the snow all gone. Between the Dalles and this' place, on the night of the 3d, snow fell to' the depth of four or five inches i but it all disappeared in two days. The snow and rairi have so bleached the grass that stock, of all kinds, is doing very bad. I learn that a great many cattle are dying in the surrounding country, and that a great many sheep are dying on Willow creek, Umatilla county. The sheep men, in our part of the country, are having a great deal of trouble with the scab; there is hardly a sound band of sheep in this section. A. dispute arose betweed Mr. Stephens and Mr. Gillehan, about a piece of swamp land, on which Mr. Gillehan hauled a load of rails. Mr. Stephens, seeing him, took his gun and his boy took his ax, and they went to Gillehan. Mr. Stephens held his gun, while his boy cut up the rails. Gillehan soon became tired of that fun, anil jumped off , the wagon with a rail in his hands ; at the same time Mr. Stephens pointed his gun at him, and told him to stop. Gillehan got on his wagon and drove off. Seth Morgan. Butte Creek, Wasco co., March 8, 1879. chapel, at 7 o'clock, this evening. Circuit court, for Benton county, second Monday in April. Some important cases on FOR T1HE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED the docket. John McCombe, of San Francisco, came up Vick's Floral Guide. A beautiful work of 100 1'ajres. One Color on ednesday s stage, and gave us a pleas ant call. Myer Harris proposes to se"l out his en of the Percheron horses says: f Mr. Myer and others have sold in all from this county to date forty-riv- e colts, for which they received 13,317, an average price of about $296. They were all sired by White Prince, which horse has not made a season here for five years, and the sales ex- ceed those from any other horse in Oregon. The colts were mostly sold when under two years old and many were sent away as soon as weaned. They went to California, East- ern Oregon, Washington Territory and Ida- ho, and favoraVile reports have come from all, and in sever 1 instances the purchasers having returned and bought others. We have sometimes heard objections to the Percheron horses for some uses on ac- -' count of their size, but the attempt to create the impression that the stock is short-liv- e 1, most surely fail when the record of the horse3, where they have been known and used for a long time, becomes known. Iu the Pacific Rural ot Jan. 25th we find an ar- ticle upon Percheron stock from which we take the following enumeration of their pe ed Flower Plate, and 300 Illustrations,' tire stock of merchandise, at cost, to make lowed by Dr. Bayley and Dr. Green. The choir discoursed some excellent music, Miss Estella Glass presiding at the organ in her usual happy style. Several accessions were made to the roll of membership. On mo- tion adjourned to meet at the Evangelical church evening, at 7 o'clock: The following is the programme for the evening : Music ; prayer ; address by Rev. H. P. Dunning; music ; reading by Mi;s C. M. Taller : recitation by W. E. Yates ; music ; volunteer speeches ; music. J. A. Hanna, Ch'n Ex. Com. with Descriptions ' of the best .blowers and Vegetables, and how to crow them. All for room for new goods. Rev. J. A. Hanna went up to Eugene a Five Cent Stamp. In English or last Wednesday, to attend the funeral of J. this wonderful discovery are these : 1. Meats can be preserved Perfectly Frch for an indefinite length of time in an open vessel ; that is, a vessel with a cloth tied over it, or with a snugly fitting cover. SEALING UP REQUIRED. 2. Vegetables of sill kinds, if sound, can ajt be preserved indefinitely, and with- out drying or cooking. 3. Any clean vessel of wood, stone, or ijlass, that wiil hold water, may be used to contain the article preserved. 4. The process is so simple that a child of ten years old can operate it, and there is II u danger of miiukM. 5. As used, neither the material nor pre- served articles are jni'ioiix to th' l?uith, nor is the flavor of the article preserved in the least affected. the late Robert Fagan, Esq. Harry Penn, practical tinner, of Jackson The Flower and Yearctablc Garden, 175 Pages, Six Colored Plates, and many hun county, formerly or Portland, cave us a dred Eugravings. For 50 cents in paper cov- ers; $1.00 in elegant cloth.- In German or English. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine 32 Pages, a Colored Plate in every num Callipooia, from 20 miles above' Brownsville to Albany in rear of a drive of logs. There is soon to be a steam ferry across culiar characteristics: "First, the horse3 are found in a sufficient Good Enough. The Yamhill Reporter, of the 14th inst. , hoists a flag, and greatly rejoices over the fact that " the agony is over," and the Westside railroad will pass ber and many linn Engravings. Price $1.25 a year; Five Copies for $5.00. Specimen num the Columbia at the Da!le3. Arrangements are completed for building the boat. bers sent for 10 cents. Tick's Seeds are the' best in the world. The galvinize 1 iron cornices are being put pleasant call, last Monday. Dr. II. F. Adams, arrived last Monday, on the stage, and had several ' ' professional calls" during the afternoon and evening. Ne- - barns, and new fences, are quite nu- merous, in various parts of our city. Sure indications of thrift and prosperity. Our hotels are crowded, to overflowing, indicating a commencement of travel. What will they do when the roads get good? The Rain of Tuesday afternoon and night put a slight check on Gardening, plowing and grain sowing. August Knight has some elegant furni- ture, which he is closing out at reduced prices. Now is the time to furnish your on tne UaprEul ouiluing rapuuy ana soon n will look something better than a mare Send Five Cent Stamp for a Floral Guide,' containing List and Prices, and plenty of in- formation; Address variety of size to suit all the ordinary pur- poses of the farm, the road, the express wagon, the city cart, dray and truck. Sec- ond, the animals have re3onaldy fine form, compact, well knit, an' I immense power for the size. Third, they have good wind, superior bone an l muscle. .Fourth, they have large, strong joints, and the best of legs an 1 feet. Fifth, their disposition is one of indomitable pluck, never balking or re brick pile. JAMES VICK. Rochester, F. Y. Railroad surve's between Weston, Uma tilla county, and Whitman's' Station, have 6. The entire additional expense for ma- terials, will not exceed I Wen I y- -t it cent) for preserving 10Q pounds of meat or for preserving a barrtl (30' gallons) of veg- etables. 7. The materials used can usually be ob- tained at any drug store, and prepared at odd times, when a person is not otherwise busy, and kept on hand for future use. 8. Neither flies or vermin will ever disturb meat preserved by this process. 9. Mettslthathave become tainted can Lands! Farms! Homes! through McMinnville. We congratulate you, Brothers Snyder, upon your good for- tune, and the future prosperity of your handsome town. Ere long we hope to see McMinnville and Corvallis united by bands of steel .and then we'll stick out our " rag" and yell lustily. Hurrah for the Westside. Hamburg Figs. For the cure of habitual Constipation, Indigestion and Liver Com- plaints. "The Great Substitute for Castor Od. " Price, 25 cents; For sale by Graham, Hamilton & Co. fusing to pull when attached to any reasona- ble load. Sixth, they have free, easy action. Seventh, they are of high spirit, yet gentle I HAVE FARMS, (Improved and unim--proved- .) STOPES and MILL PROP and docile. Eighth, they are quick feeders, and eas'ly kept. Ninth, they have a gener ERTY, very desirrble, Welcome Back. Col. T. Egenton Hogg, whose reappearance in our mi.lst gives back- bone and strength to the Yaquina railroad scheme, returned home, last Sunday, from San Francisco, where he has been spending the winter. The Colonel was most cordially welcomed, by his numerous friends. He has been so full of business, sines his return, that we have scarcely bad opportunity to more than pass the "time o' day," with him. He is enjoying excellent health, and feels quite sanguine as to the bright future of Benton county. With him comes Mr. W. H. Watson, a gentleman of means, who i3 looking out a pleasant place for a future home. Ho is a retired "print," and a mem- ber of the Old Tvphogr iphical Union of San Francisco. We are gla I to make the acquaintance of Mr. W., an I sincerely hope that he will locate in our midst. Col. Hogg informs us that Wallis Nash, Esq., of ling-lau- who was so well please I with his vis- it to Oregon in 1877, will return in April, for the purpose of locating in Corvalii3. Other gentlemen, of means and influence, will accompany him, doubtless. Such acqui- sitions are very desirable, and we are glad to welcome them, a indications of the "good time coming," which is near at hand in Corvallis. be restored to their original condition, and O JEi. & -- L Xji 3E2 . al freedom from disease, and especially trom -- t.e more common disease of ring bone spav- in, curb, and founder. Tenth, the animals then kept sweet indefinitely. 10. Experiments do not justify giving a guarantee in regard to fruits, cut the prob- abilities aie, that large, solid fruits, such as mature early, and are so powerful that they can be put to light work w'ithout injury at two years old. Eleventh, they are long liv- ed ami enduring. Lastly, prepotency, im- parting to his offspring a greater sfliare of his goad qualities than is usual to stallions of parlors. Mr. O. P. Jaycox, of the firm of Sheppard, Jaycox & Co., returned from Portland last Wednesday. Mr. Sheppard will hereafter reside in S. F. Wallace Baldwin and T. J Buford, arriv- ed in San Francisco, O. K. , last Wednesday. They had a pleasant passage down the coast. Mrs. Heberfc, late of Silverton, wife of the murdered Oliver Hebert, left for S. F., a few days since. She will probably meet John D. Whitney, at that city. We had a call from Wm. R. Dixon, of Philomath, Wednesday. He reports some forty additions to the church, at that piace, during the late revival. A postal card from Rev. L. A. Banks, of Drain station, informs us that he is having a very prosperous year. Over seventy acces apples, pears, etc., cau be preserved. Ber- ries and solt fruits are considered doubtful. Horse Bills. We are now prepared to furnish horse bills, on short notice, and at reasonable prices. Mr. C. B: Mays, of Phi- lomath, was the first to give us a call in this line, this season. These lands are cheap.' Also claims in unsurveyed tracts for sale. Soldiers of the late rebellion who have,, under the Soldiers' Homestead Act, located' and made final proof on less than 160 acres, can dispose of the balance to me. Write, (with stamps to prepay postage).' Address, R. A. BEN SELL, Newport, Benton County, Oregon. January 7, 1878. 16:2tf. other breeds, is characteristic of the Perch eron Norman, and this often render hi.s de- - 11. We will agree to verify all the above statements under a forfeiture of j$500 gold coin, in case we fail in ANY PARTICULAR; Provided, that in case we succeed, the par cendents out of common mare3 equal in gen eral worlc to tne l ereneron .Noiman ties calling tor the trial shall pay our neces siry traveling and hotel expenses to the Please Return. Will the person hav- ing the electric machine of the late Dr. J. O. Grubbs, please return the same to his widow at her residence, or leave the same at this office. Also an electric disc. place of trial and back, and in addition Fast Time. The Oregonian of the 18th pay us for our time and trouble the sum of inst has the following account of the recent 3100 gold coin. Both sums, as well as suf trip of Oregon's congressman elect : Hon. ficient to cover traveling and hotel expenses to be deposited in responsible, disinterested sions to Church on his circuit this year. Mr. Henry Gerber has greitly improved the appearance of our door yard by setting reached a point near the Walla Walla river. Rev. E. Heiniuger, of Dayton, will soon return to his old home in the East, also Rev. Mr. Jones, of the Methodist church iu the same p ace. The Inland Empire reports that the moun- tains " up north" are heavily covered with snow, and predicts a flood when the warm weather comes. Wagner creek school district in Jackson county, has voted a special tax of 10 mills and will put up a new school house to co3t 1,000. A little daughter of Robt. Bannister, of Applegats drank a quantity of strong lye a few days ago and came near dying from the effects of it. At Spaulding's landing oil the Columbia river above Astoria is to be seen the steep- est railway perhaps in the world. It is al most perpendicular. The Ashland academy has suspended. The trouble is that the proprietor of the building wants more rent than the mana- gers of the school can afford to pay. Jacksonville Times : Will. Hunter, who has just returned from Applegate, says a rumor is in circulation there to the effect that a S2,000-uugg- has been found on sil- ver creek. A "scientific society" has been organized at D nion. The object is to furnish an in- centive to home study and induce the mem- bers to devote their spars hours to the ac- quisition of scientific kiiowle Ige. Pike, the famous guide of the Yosemite valley, has been commissione I by hotel pro- prietors' iu Yosemite to visit Oregon for the purpose of procuring new varieties of plants and trees for the valley. Bueua Vista and Independence are anx- ious the West Side railroad should go' their way. Staat's gap i3 said to present the easiest grades, but Lecke's gap is the short- est route. We don't un lerstmd that either of these go through Buena Vista. Blackhawk Johnson, a pioneer, and one of Yamhill's solid farmers, returned last week from a visit to his old home in Illinois. He brought back with bim aborrt fifteen per- sons who will make Oregon' their home. The entrance to Rogue river i3 in good condition. Tho channel is perfectly straight, hands before we start for the place of trial. A copy of the above, properly signed, is given to the purchaser of every Right, and stands as our agreement and guarantee for the truth of the above statements. ORLANDO C. TAYLOR, Inventer and Proprietor of Taylor'tf WONDERFUL DITCHING MACHINE, Proposes to cut a Ditch five feet wide at the top, one anil a half feet at the. bottom and two feet deep, the djrt two feet from ditch, for the small consideration of Thirty-thre- e and one-thir- d Cents per Rod. This he guarantees or no charges. He hi it three machines now in operation. One each in Linn, Benton and Lane counties. Junction City, Oregon. Jan. 17, 1879. 10":3m6. Ghost Stories The Roseburrr Independent seems to be vieing w illi the Portland Standard in the ghost story business. The former paper, of the 15th inst., publishes the "lliril'ling adventure" of two prins, in "haunt- ed hnus:-.- " If they had spml the ev- ening at the same place that they re-- i f reel to in the morning, it is no won- der they "saw sights" and heard 'sournls" and rushed around town in a semi-nud- e stale. Is that "story" to be continued, Mr. Independent? Revival Meetings. The revival meet- ings which have been in progress, in this city, Aire' still continued, and are increasing in interest. Rev. T. V. Spanswick arrived in this city, last Thursday afternoon, and has taken the lead in the meetings since, ably assisted by the pastors of the different churches in this city. Quite a number of conversions have already occurred, and many others are inquiring, " What mast we do to' be saved ?" The day meetings have treen changed from 10 A. M. to 2 o'clock p. ni.j alid are well attended, while large con- gregations come out, each evening, except Saturday when the regular religious ser- vices give way to the Blue Ribbon (.Ivrb. A glorious work is being accomplished. Sure- ly there Was great nee 1 of it in Corvallis. Mr. Spanswick, the celebrated revivalist, has intimatel that he cjainut remain loagef than Sunday night. The above process was patented January 15, 1873, by Theodore Ames, of Texas, and the undersigned have the exclusive right to sell patents for the same for the States of Oregon, California and Nevada, and the Ter- ritories of Washington, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming and Arizon. Patents for family use only, and limited to the produc- tions of the purchaser, including apparatus, list of chemicals, and direction in full for operating and using, will be sold at $10.00 each. Patents for wholesale purposes and for counties on reasonable terms. For fur- ther particulars, address (iOLDSON & MATTOON, Corvallis, Benton county, or Albany, Linn county, Oregon. 21febl6:8tf. John Whiteaker, congressman from Oregon, has arrived safely in Washington, sj the dispatches inform us. He has made the " fastest time on record " from his home to the national capital. Mr. Whiteaker left his home in Lane county on Saturday, March 8, at 7 o'clock. He arrived at Port- land by special train Sunday mffrning at 3 o'clock, and sailed on the E'der for San Francisco two hours later the same morning. He reached Astoria about noon Sunday, but owing to the roughness of the bar was com- pelled to lie there until Monday morning. The Elder experienced strong head winds all the way down, and arrived at San Fran- cisco Wednesday morning, March 12th, at 10 o'clock A. M. Crossing the bay to Oak- land, Mr. Whiteaker was placed on board a special train and hurled across the continent as rapidly as steam could drive him. Salt Lake, Omaha an 1 Chicago were successively passed, and Oregon's congressman was borne to the nation il capital in triumph yesterday arriving there at 10 A. X. Some idea may be formed of the celerity with which Mr. Whiteaker was hurled toward his destina- tion by the run made between Omaha and Chicago a distance of 500 mile3, accom- plished in 12A hours at the rate of 40 miles an hour. He was just 207 hours in making the trip from his humble home in Oregon to the bosom of the Democratic Abraham in Washington. Hooray for " our Honest Old John." Sheriff's Sale. Enjoy Life. What a truly beautiful world we live in! Nature give3 us grandeur of mountains, glens and oceans, and thousands of means for en- joyment. We can desire no better when in perfect health ; but how often do the majori- ty of people feel like giving it up disheart- ened, discouraged and worried out with dis- ease, when there is no occasion for this feel- ing, as every sufferer cau easily obtain satis- factory proof that Green's Aagust Flower will make them as free from disease as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complanint is the direct cause of seventy five per tent of such malalies as Bilious:ie3s, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Costiveuess, Nervous' Pros-tratio- Dizzines3 of the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, and other distressing symp- toms. Three doses of August Flower will To' Correspondents. One recret rf the great success of the Gazette, for the past two years, is, doubtless, that we admit com- munications without regard to party, sect or cree l. The Gazette, being the only pa- per published in Corvallis, the shiretown of Benton, gives all partie3 an opportunity of being heard through its columns. We are, therefore, in nowise responsible for the of correspondents but trust that all mi.itte personalities, or other objectiona- ble matter, will be avoided. While we do MOt always publish the name, the full name of the write must accompany every com GR.1HO, HAMILTON & CO. CORrALLfS, OREGON,' dealers nr DRUGS, PAINTS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. DYE STUFFS, OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS,- - FOR MEDICINAl, USE.' And also the very best assortment of LAMPS AND WALL PAPER over brought to this place, with twenty tejt ot water on the bar at low tide, so that vessels of moderate draft can enter the river in perfect safety. A party of enthusiastic roughs of Day-to- n and vicinity fortirie I themselves with bad gin one day last week, and tried to per-snal- e the Chinese to go, usinj froely ehfbs, knives, pistols, etc. lhey were promptly arrested an 1 fined 20 each. Un last Sunday over titty persons were received into the different churches at Junc- tion City. On Monday evening, notwith- standing disagreeable weather, Rev. Mr. On the WlXGL A postal card from our old-tiin- e friend, D. Newsome, bearing date Halsey, Linn co.. 17th inst., says: "Since the close of the Alliance I have spent three weeks amongst my kindred, trying to mend up from my severe attack of influenza. I am at Halsey to-da- and will meet the lodge here, t. Bro. Dunbar will meet the lodge in Albany night,' I shall be there; As Dr. Watts is appointed receiver at the land office at Oregon City, he will likely cease to lecture. Bro. Dun- bar will locate in Klickitat valley, after June." mon. jNO intention is paid to anony- - f nee haptissd twenty in a null race near commanications. Write plain, and that place. An infant child of Mr. and Mr3. W. T. Lewis died during last Saturday night while VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION BY out of and under the seal of the County Court, of the State of Oregon, for the county of Benton, to me directed and delivered, for the sum of (458 57) four hundred and fifty-eig- dollars and fifty-seve- n cents, with interest thereon, from the 4th day of January, 1864, at the rate of 43 per cent, per annum, and for the further sum of 'PS 50 costs and accruing costs, in favor of Green B. Smith, and against Wm. Liuville, for want of personal property, Out of which to satisfy the same, I have levied upon and seized the following described real property, Commencing 20 chains east, of the S W corner of Sec. 35, in T 10, S R 4 W, Willamette meridian; thence north 18.76 chains ; thence west 60.00ichains; thence south 18.76 chains ; thence east 60.00 chains to place of beginning, containing 1 12 56-10- 0 acres, lying and being situated in Benton county, Oregon, together with all the tenements, hereditaments' and appur- tenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining ; and on Wednesday the 26(h day of Harch 1879. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the said Wm. Liuville had at the date of said judgment, or now has in and to the above described real prop- erty to satisfy said judgment anil Costs, and the costs and expenses of sale. . .Sale will take place at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the Court House door in the City of Corvallis, in said county and State. SOL. KINO, Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon. Dated Feb. 19, 1S79. 16:8w5 iu bed with its parents. It had not been well for a few days, but gave no special only on one side of the paper and be espe- cially particular in writing proper names. We have not the time, or health, to allow us to copy correspondence before placing the same in the hands of the printer. The wri- ter should do this, as it would avoid many mistakes, and greatly accommodate the printer. signs of sickne3s and its death was not dis- covered until morning. In Wallowa valley, Joseph's old Make. a heavy fad of snow has been experienced and the loss of stock will exceed that of any out some handsome evergreens and shrubs, received from the nursny of G. W. Walling & Son, Oswego, Oregon. Bring your babies. Now is the time to have your children photographed. Mrs. L. Goidson has just returned, and is ready to execute work iu the latest improved style. a Jas. A. Yantis, Esq., has been rusticating, over in Linn, for a few days. We are in- clined to think there are attractions in the vicinity of Peoria, other than professional business. Seth Morgan, of Wasco county, has prom- ised to keep us poste I as to "news items" fn hi3 portion of the " bunch grass country. " Would like a regular correspondent in every county in the State. J. J. Smith, the shoe-make- r, returns af- ter an absence of three years, spent in Cal- ifornia. Eastern Oregon and W. T. He tinils no place like Corvallis. The' new hotel is rapidly approaching completion. It looms up h in 's imely. We understand that Messrs You ig & Pollv contemplate erecting a large business ho ise, for rent, immediately south of their hotel. Good scheme. Our friend James Drake, of the firm of Drake & Grant, has returned from the bay. Now 13 the time to call and leave your meas- ure for a "spring suit." Everybody wears them. Call and ex inline samples of goods. L. Vineyard, Fsq.took the stage, last We lues lay morning for Albany, to con- nect with the outgoing steamer, en route for hij old home, in Missouri. He intends stoi-pin- g a short time iu California, to visit rela-- ' tives. John Thornton has returned to' this city, after an absence of several years. During hid absence he has had the misfortune to lose an eye, from an accident receiver.' while tiling a saw some of the filings lodg- ing iu that tender organ. Mr. Robert Horning leaves this morning for his home in Lake county. He gnes via the Dalles, and takes with him a tine stallion. He subscribed, aid paid for the Gazette, before starting. At the urgent solicitation ot patients, Dr. H. F. Adams has consented to remain in Corvallis until Wedmesday of next week. He may be found at the New England House. There was a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Willamette Valley and Coast R. It. last Wednes lay. We have not a report of their proceedings. Will look af- ter the matter for our next issue. Garroters are at work in Portland, and ere long the late iucrease of "roughs" from San Francisco, attracted hither by low fares, will be distributed through the interior towns. Look out for them. An interesting communication entitled "Harbor of Refuge," from our regul ir correspondent, at Yaquina Bay, came to hand too late for this issue. Look out for it next week. C. H. James, Esq., foreman of the Ga- zette, started for Salem, host Wednesday morning, to attend a greenback gathering. The object of the meeting, we understand, was to consult with reference to starting a greenback organ for the State. Mr. Ash by Pearce, proprietor of the ferry at Albany, gave us a call last Mklnes lay, and renewed his subscription to tneGAZErTE. He is alive and deeply in earnest in the Ya- quina railroad question. Would that every citizen of Benton county were the same. A private note from W. C. Myer, the fine stock importer and breeder, of Southern Oregon, informs ns that he will be in Cor- vallis the first week in April, with his fine Percheron stallions, Gen. Flenry, and will make the coming season at Corvallis and Albany. In sending estray notices, for publication, our friends will please remembsr to accom- pany the notice with SI 50, and 50 cents ex- tra for each additional animal to be adver- tised. To insure insertion the money should accompany the notice. The steady increase of our subscription is a sure indication that times are "getting better" in the Gazette office, at least. As an advertising medium the' Gazette, being the official paper of the State, as well as of Benton county, possesses many advantages not enjoyed by any merely local paper. former winter, although iu most instance) ranchmen were well prepared for storm with ample feed with which to insure their flocks and herds,' proveha wonderful effect. Sample bottle3, 10 cents. Try it. Sad Havoc is Created Among the tenants of the mouth by allow- ing impurities to collect upon their surface or in their interstices. SOZODONT every vestige of tartar from the teeth, and renders their premature decay impossible. It not only imparts to them whiteness and vigor, but communicates hardness and rosinoss to the gums. The breath acquires a most acceptable . fragrance from its use ; it is a purely botanic liquid, and it may be relied on to accomplish its beautifying effects without injuring the en- amel like a gritty tooth paste. Don't Forget It If you are troubled with nervousness are disheartened th-e- of life, fear death or feel out of sorts as the saying is, you may safely conclude that you h ive the Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint. The liver is very apt to become torpid this season of the year as poisons arising from stagnant water or decaying vegetation are more numerous and are through inhalation taken into the blood. Unless the liver is strong and active and furnishes a supply of fresh and pure blood to drive out the impurities, the above mentioned symtoms surely follow, and if not heeded, end in more terrible diseases and death. White's Prairie flower proves itself the Ore-i- Liver Panacea Its action on the liver is different from any medicine ever compounded. Its cures are truely won- derful. Try it. Price twenty-fiv- e cents and seventy-fiv- e cents. Consninnlion Cured. AGENTS FOR THE Jacksonville Sentinel From all part3 of To be Established. R. C. Martin,- malf contractor, informs us by letter bearing date Junction City, 18th inst., that he had just closed up a petition of over two hundred names, to the Postal agent, for the of the old route between Corvallis and Junction, with P. O. at Corvallis, Rick-ard'- s and Monroe. The postmasters all signed it, and Mr. Martin feels confident that before many weeks this neglected por- tion of our county will be enjoying mail fa- cilities. This will be glad news to many. Let it come, the sooner the better. AVERILL CHEMICAL PAlNf, 8CP3RI0R TO ANY OTHER. Charles Brailley. In the Gazette of Feb. 4th we published an account of the sui- cide of Mr. Charles Brailley, almost an en- tire stranger in this community. The par- ticulars of .the sad affair, as far as known to the public, are all fresh in the minds of our leaders. Upon the first page of the Ga- zette, to-da- will be found a letter from a young friend of the deceased, written from his former home in Ohio, which seems to add to the melancholly of the sad fate of Young Brailley, and increases the deep mystery which surrounds the sad and terrible affair. Sent upon an important mission, and with money at hi3 command, for the asking, what con "J have induced him, in the very prime of life, to commit such a fearful act, is be- yond human conjecture, and he leaves not one line of explanation. In a short time, perhaps, an elder brother will arrive in Ore- gon to fulfill the mission upon whichfUharley was sent. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTI6NS' CARFFULLY COMPOUNDED. 16:2tf. Ihanjre of Firm. T0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 the general merchandize business here- tofore carried on next door sonth of the postoffice, in' Corvallis, under the firm name of Sheppard & Jaycox, Have this day taken in as a partner, Mr. C. WILLIAM IRWIN. ALBERT P VG ALL. Sad News. Last Tuesday our citizens were startled by a telegram from Eugene, announcing the death of Mr. Robert Fagan, a rising young lawyer of that place, who was well known in our city, having former- ly taught school here. He died, of typhoid fever, at 7 o'clock on Tuesday morning, 18th inst. the dawn of his 31st birth-day- . Mr. Fagan was a young man of acknowledged ability, a consistent christian, respected and honored by all knew him. Surely " Death loves a shining mark. " Peace to his ashes. the. county we hear that stock are sulrenng severely from the late cold storm. Stock are generally in a very poor condition, grass is exceedingly scarce, and the trround now being soft they readily mire down without sufficient strength to extricate themselves. A large fir tree fell during the severe wind storm on the night of the 5th inst. across the house of Mr. Starr, in Yamhill county. The house was completely demol- ished, but mo3t singularly, none of the fam- ily, all of whom were in bed, Were injured in any way. An indignation meeting was held at Day- ton on the 8th inst., and resolutions con- demning the action of President Haye3 in vetoing the restriction bill passed unanim- ously. At the conclusion of the meeting "R. B." and a Chinaman were burned iu effigy. A little shooting match occurred at Ash- land the other night. Some hoodlums un- dertook to rock the cabin of Chas. Williams, a harmless old man, and one of the party received a load of fine shot as he was about departing from the scene at double quick time for his pains. The Union Sentinel says : The loss of 3tock in this (Graid Ronde) valley is com- paratively light,' as most of our farmers and stock raisers had sufficient feed prepared to carry them through safely, and there can' be no' doubt of increased demand- - for stock during the coming spring, so that tho3e who have exerted themselves in prepariu' feed will reap their deserved reward. An old physician retired from active prac- tice, having had placed in his hands by an E ist Indian missionary the formula of a sim-nl- o vAyfc&t,1n rmftfiv for th'e sieedv and oer- - PY3ALL & IRWIN, City Trucks and Drays. PURCHASED TEti DRAYS AlTD HAVING lately owned by Mr. Jaaies Egtiri,' we are prepared to do all kinds of manent cure of Consum'ption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all inroat .tnu affeetions, also a positive and radical cure t,. r'anar-i- l ilohilif.v Antl all nervous com- - U. Barlow. Hereafter the business will be carried on at the old stand under the firm name and style of Sfreppard, Jaycox & to.- - Mr. George A. Sheppard, of the firm, will in future reside in San Francisco in connec-tio- o with the firm, thus enabling ns to offer superior inducements to customers. Our motto being in the future as in the past, low prices and fair dealing, a liberal share of pat- ronage is solicited. In consequence of the above change all parties indebted to the old firm are request- ed to call and settle their liabilities without delay. SHEPPARD & JAYCOX. Jartuary 1, 1879. 21febl6:8tf. plaints, after having thoroughly' tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, feels it his duty to'make it known 4. u; fAllvw' The'receiDe will be HAULING. DELIVERING OF WOOD,: ETC., in city or country, t rea ton able rateV.', Pf-"- . sent free'of charge, to all who desire it, with Liberal Offer. Bro. J. C. Cooper, ed- itor and proprietor of Tin Valley Fountain, a live little temperence paper, now in its sec-ou- d volume, in order to place his paper in the hands of every friend of temperance in the state of Oregon, offers to send the Foun-t- a n three months for 25 cents. This offer to be open-fo- three weeks. Send for this exce'lent little paper. Address J. C. Coop- er, MsMinnville, Oregon; ronace solicited, and satisfaction gunrantrd in allcaees. ALBERT PYGALL. full directions for preparing antl successiuuy usin". Address with stamp, naming this WILLIAM IRWIN n,ral llr .1 ftCOH8. ft i Uf til --MI1LU 16:!5itfV Corvallis, Dee. 20, 1878. Coming Already we notice many stran- gers in our midst, attracted hither by the fact that we are certain to have railroad con- nection at Corvallis in the near future. Mr. Harry Penn, of Jackson county, a practical tinner, was here a few weeks since, looking out a location for starting in business. He returned last Monday, and has deckled to locate in Corvalli3, and will bring his family hither in about two months. What we used now is a few more business and dwell- ing houses. In less than 90 days there will be a great demand for houses. Judging from present indications, Corvallis will, dur- ing the comming summer and fall, hi one of the liveliest little places in Oregon. The few days of sunshine we have enjoyed, seems to give new life and activity to every body. The junction of the West side with the Willamette Valley and Coast railroad, fully opens a bright future for our own lov- ed "Heart of the Valley." Street, Philadelpha, Pa. 2STOT10E. lilt! iVIflUUAl " - u .v Bradley & Rulofson for the best Photographs in the United States, and the Vienna Medal for the best in the world.. TJ. Sl Land Office, Oregon City, Jb., ) 420 striet nan Francis February 6, 187. ) Comrjlaint havinz been entered at this- ori New' th-i- s "Week. fice bv Oswald Kaeten azaihst Frederick W. Temperance Messenger. The first num- ber of a neat little eight page journal, bear- ing the above title is upon our table. Its name indicates its mission. Published by Messrs. Mansfield & Monteith, job printers, Albany, Oregon. Terms, one doliar per year. Pesth, March 1C The whole country be- low Szegdiu and Temi3var is strewn with caravans of people. All villages and bor- oughs have hospitably opened their houses and stores to the refugees. Railway trains yesterday took to Temisvar about 5,000 fug- itives, while 500 people went by steamer to Szegentes. Engineers and soldiers are busy with their relief pontoons and' boats; there being still great need of them. The emper- or has contributed a further sum of 10,000 florins. Of 9,700 houses in Szegedin, all ex- cept 261 have been destroyed. Most of the habitath ns destroyed were those of the low- er classes of population. A dispatch from Vienna states that it is thought that 6,000 persons have been drowned. THE CHEAT FRUIT CATHARTIf, DELICIOUS Hamburg Figs; Price , siS cent per Box, Sold Everywhere. ABBAMS & CARROLL, Sole Agent, SAM FRANCISCO. M. S, WOODCOCK, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT-LA- CORVALLIS, OREGON. Godfrey for abandoning liis Homestead En- try No. 3373, dated August 25, 1878, up- on the E i of the S E i, Section 2, Town- ship 12 south, Range 7 west in Benton county, Oregon, with a view to cancellation of said entry : the said parties are hereby-summone- to appear at the office of B. W.. Wilson County Clerk, Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon, on the 21st day of March, 1879. at 10 o'clock, A. to respond and. furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. Hl Suffolk PuNCJfc Mr. J. H. Lewis, the proprietor of this- splendid stallion, which seems to bo a favorite among the farmers, has, at the earnest solicitation of many friends, concluded not to take him east of the mountains this year, but will make the season with him at Corvallis and Soap Creek. Times and places will soon be announced by bills from this office. Call and see the horse at Sol. King's stables. x Notice. Notice i3 hereby given that we have this day appointed Mr. D. Carlisle as our agent for Corvallis and surrounding country. He is authorized to receive ajor-der- s for our soda water, and nollect' all moneys due us and receipt for the same. HOFFMAN & DAVIS, Prop'rs Albany Soda Factory. Albany, March 6, 1879. 14marl6:llw4. PUBLIC EXAMINATION. Teachers, and all others interested, are hereby notified that a public examination will be held at the College, in this city, on Saturday, March 29, 1879, commencing at 9 o'clock, a. m. e. b. Mcelroy, Corvallis, March 17, 1879, Co. Supt w2 ON FIRST STREET, OFF. WOODCOCK OPTICS Hardware Store. Special attention given to Collection, Foreclosure of Mr.rtsasej, Real tatate cases. Probate and County 21febl6:8m3 Court matters. Will also huv and sell City Property and rarm Who is powerful? He who can control his passions. Who is rich ? He whois contented with what be has. L. T. BARIN, Regiater, T. R, HARRISON, Receiver. 14febl6:7w6 ILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS. MONTHLY Lands, on reasonable terms.' B sttemnts ntlv print ?d it tats omoe March 20, 17. io:ijyi

Transcript of The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.). (Corvallis, Or ... · SchiUl's ferry is being slashed, and...

Page 1: The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.). (Corvallis, Or ... · SchiUl's ferry is being slashed, and many new houses are being built: Three fine Durham cattle, belonging to Mr. Kindt,

THE PERCHERON HORSES. Estray ZN"otice Equalization Notice.This is the time when farmers are looking


Corvallis, March 21, 1879.around, for the purpose of choosing the best IS HEREBY GIVEN, THATNOTICE taken up and posted, one light NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT

on Monday the l'4thdavof Awril. 1879.

Don't forget to call at the Gazette officefor your horse bills.

Thanks toC. W. Royal for a very fineBartlett pear tree.

At last advices, Hon. I. N. Gilbert, ofSalem, was at the point of death.

B. F. Dowell beat the city of Portland,

breed of horses for them to raise. Mr. W.gray horse; about lb hands nign; unbrone;10 years old. Branded on both thighs.The brand on the left is f ; and on-th-

e rightC. Myer, of Ashland, Oregon, has done moreperhaps, to improve the various breeds of

in a suit, a tew days since. jC- - My residence is on Rock creek, Wascocounty, Oregon, (9 miles from the mouth of

Only three inmates in our county jail, atstock in this State, than any other individ-

ual. His Percheron horses, Shetland ponies,and Aldcney cattle, have become householdwords, and everybody admires them. The

said creek.) t he horse was taken up aooutthe present time. the 1st of March. JASPER MIA TO.Rockville, March, 12, 1879. 16:12wlMiss Grace Hanna, of this city, Went to

Eugene City last Saturday. Ashland Tidings, of recent date, in speaking

the undersigned Directors of School'District '

No. 9, in Benton county, Oregon, will sitas a Board of Equalization, at the drugstore of Allen & Woodward, in Corval- -'

lis, Oregon, and publicly examine the assess-ment rolls of said district, made by S. L.Shedd, clerk of said district during the'months of March and April, 1879, in pursu-ance of an action of a meeting of the tax-payers of said district held on the 3d day ofMarch, 1879, and correct all errors in valua-tion; description or qualities of lands, lota;or other property, or other errors in said as-sessment. J.H.LEWIS,


. Directors' of said Disijrict.Dated March 13, 1879. 16-- 1 lw4.

Try the justly popular fine-cu- t tobacco,'


On last Saturday evening the M. was again crowded to overflowing, atthe regular meeting of the Corvalli3 BlueRibbon Club, indicating an increasing in-

terest, in this community, on the subject of

temperance. The address, by Rev. W. C.

Kantner, wa3 exceedingly touching and im-

pressive. He handled his subject in a mas-

terly manner, and received marked atten-tion from the large audience. He was fol

Charm of the West., at Rays.Col. T. E. Hogg returned home, last Sun

day, by private conveyance from Albany.





Nine persons are in the Jackson countypoor house.

Another new paper is to be started onCoos bay.

"The Columbia" is the name of a newhotel at The Dalles.

The Marion county jail is empty, the firsttime for many months.

A whisky war on a small scale is ragingat Carlton, in Yamhill county.

A flock of eleven swan have taken uppermanent quarters in a small lake in Jack-son county.

H. B. Luce has bought the seminaryblock, one of the finest in Forest Grove,for $625.

The schooner Rescue has sailed from Asto-

ria on her fishing expedition to northernwaters.

A great deal of timber in the vicinity ofSchiUl's ferry is being slashed, and manynew houses are being built:

Three fine Durham cattle, belonging toMr. Kindt, living near Soholl's ferry, werekilled by falling timber last week.

meeting has jnst closed at Buttecreek, in Umatilla county. Over seventypersons have been converted to Christianity.

Ranchmen have built a fort near PilotRock, Umatilla county, and have an armedcompany of 50 members.

A small boat was navicrate'd down the

rres t Amort a hrst lecture; at tiie college


Ed. Gazette : I arrived at home in the' Bunch Grass Country," on the 3d, andfound the snow all gone. Between theDalles and this' place, on the night of the3d, snow fell to' the depth of four or fiveinches i but it all disappeared in two days.The snow and rairi have so bleached thegrass that stock, of all kinds, is doing verybad. I learn that a great many cattle aredying in the surrounding country, and thata great many sheep are dying on Willowcreek, Umatilla county. The sheep men, inour part of the country, are having a greatdeal of trouble with the scab; there is hardlya sound band of sheep in this section.

A. dispute arose betweed Mr. Stephensand Mr. Gillehan, about a piece of swampland, on which Mr. Gillehan hauled a loadof rails. Mr. Stephens, seeing him, took hisgun and his boy took his ax, and they wentto Gillehan. Mr. Stephens held his gun,while his boy cut up the rails. Gillehansoon became tired of that fun, anil jumpedoff ,the wagon with a rail in his hands ; atthe same time Mr. Stephens pointed hisgun at him, and told him to stop. Gillehangot on his wagon and drove off.

Seth Morgan.Butte Creek, Wasco co., March 8, 1879.

chapel, at 7 o'clock, this evening.Circuit court, for Benton county, second

Monday in April. Some important cases on FORT1HE ADVANTAGES CLAIMEDthe docket.

John McCombe, of San Francisco, came upVick's Floral Guide.A beautiful work of 100 1'ajres. One Color

on ednesday s stage, and gave us a pleasant call.

Myer Harris proposes to se"l out his en

of the Percheron horses says:fMr. Myer and others have sold in all

from this county to date forty-riv- e colts,for which they received 13,317, an averageprice of about $296. They were all sired byWhite Prince, which horse has not made aseason here for five years, and the sales ex-ceed those from any other horse in Oregon.The colts were mostly sold when under twoyears old and many were sent away as soonas weaned. They went to California, East-ern Oregon, Washington Territory and Ida-ho, and favoraVile reports have come fromall, and in sever 1 instances the purchasershaving returned and bought others.

We have sometimes heard objections tothe Percheron horses for some uses on ac- -'

count of their size, but the attempt to createthe impression that the stock is short-liv- e 1,

most surely fail when the record of thehorse3, where they have been known andused for a long time, becomes known. Iuthe Pacific Rural ot Jan. 25th we find an ar-ticle upon Percheron stock from which wetake the following enumeration of their pe

ed Flower Plate, and 300 Illustrations,'tire stock of merchandise, at cost, to make

lowed by Dr. Bayley and Dr. Green. Thechoir discoursed some excellent music, Miss

Estella Glass presiding at the organ in herusual happy style. Several accessions weremade to the roll of membership. On mo-

tion adjourned to meet at the Evangelicalchurch evening, at 7 o'clock:

The following is the programme for the

evening : Music ; prayer ; address by Rev.H. P. Dunning; music ; reading by Mi;sC. M. Taller : recitation by W. E. Yates ;

music ; volunteer speeches ; music.J. A. Hanna, Ch'n Ex. Com.

with Descriptions' of the best .blowers and

Vegetables, and how to crow them. All forroom for new goods.

Rev. J. A. Hanna went up to Eugene a Five Cent Stamp. In English orlast Wednesday, to attend the funeral of

J. this wonderful discovery are these :

1. Meats can be preserved PerfectlyFrch for an indefinite length of time inan open vessel ; that is, a vessel with a clothtied over it, or with a snugly fitting cover.

SEALING UP REQUIRED.2. Vegetables of sill kinds, if sound,

can ajt be preserved indefinitely, and with-out drying or cooking.

3. Any clean vessel of wood, stone, orijlass, that wiil hold water, may be used tocontain the article preserved.

4. The process is so simple that a child often years old can operate it, and there is II udanger of miiukM.

5. As used, neither the material nor pre-served articles are jni'ioiix to th'l?uith, nor is the flavor of the articlepreserved in the least affected.

the late Robert Fagan, Esq.Harry Penn, practical tinner, of Jackson The Flower and Yearctablc Garden, 175

Pages, Six Colored Plates, and many huncounty, formerly or Portland, cave us a dred Eugravings. For 50 cents in paper cov-

ers; $1.00 in elegant cloth.- In German orEnglish.

Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine32 Pages, a Colored Plate in every num

Callipooia, from 20 miles above' Brownsvilleto Albany in rear of a drive of logs.

There is soon to be a steam ferry acrossculiar characteristics:

"First, the horse3 are found in a sufficientGood Enough. The Yamhill Reporter,

of the 14th inst. , hoists a flag, and greatlyrejoices over the fact that " the agony isover," and the Westside railroad will pass

ber and many linn Engravings. Price $1.25 ayear; Five Copies for $5.00. Specimen numthe Columbia at the Da!le3. Arrangements

are completed for building the boat. bers sent for 10 cents.Tick's Seeds are the' best in the world.The galvinize 1 iron cornices are being put

pleasant call, last Monday.Dr. II. F. Adams, arrived last Monday,

on the stage, and had several ' ' professionalcalls" during the afternoon and evening.

Ne- - barns, and new fences, are quite nu-

merous, in various parts of our city. Sureindications of thrift and prosperity.

Our hotels are crowded, to overflowing,indicating a commencement of travel. Whatwill they do when the roads get good?

The Rain of Tuesday afternoon and nightput a slight check on Gardening, plowingand grain sowing.

August Knight has some elegant furni-ture, which he is closing out at reducedprices. Now is the time to furnish your

on tne UaprEul ouiluing rapuuy ana soon nwill look something better than a mare

Send Five Cent Stamp for a Floral Guide,'containing List and Prices, and plenty of in-

formation; Address

variety of size to suit all the ordinary pur-poses of the farm, the road, the expresswagon, the city cart, dray and truck. Sec-

ond, the animals have re3onaldy fine form,compact, well knit, an' I immense power forthe size. Third, they have good wind,superior bone an l muscle. .Fourth, theyhave large, strong joints, and the best oflegs an 1 feet. Fifth, their disposition is oneof indomitable pluck, never balking or re

brick pile.JAMES VICK. Rochester, F. Y.Railroad surve's between Weston, Uma

tilla county, and Whitman's' Station, have

6. The entire additional expense for ma-terials, will not exceed I Wen I y- -t it

cent) for preserving 10Q pounds of meator for preserving a barrtl (30' gallons) of veg-etables.

7. The materials used can usually be ob-

tained at any drug store, and prepared atodd times, when a person is not otherwisebusy, and kept on hand for future use.

8. Neither flies or vermin will everdisturb meat preserved by this process.

9. Mettslthathave become tainted can

Lands! Farms! Homes!

through McMinnville. We congratulateyou, Brothers Snyder, upon your good for-

tune, and the future prosperity of yourhandsome town. Ere long we hope to seeMcMinnville and Corvallis united by bandsof steel .and then we'll stick out our " rag"and yell lustily. Hurrah for the Westside.

Hamburg Figs. For the cure of habitualConstipation, Indigestion and Liver Com-

plaints. "The Great Substitute for CastorOd. " Price, 25 cents; For sale by Graham,Hamilton & Co.

fusing to pull when attached to any reasona-ble load. Sixth, they have free, easy action.Seventh, they are of high spirit, yet gentle I HAVE FARMS, (Improved and unim--proved- .)

STOPES and MILL PROPand docile. Eighth, they are quick feeders,and eas'ly kept. Ninth, they have a gener ERTY, very desirrble,

Welcome Back. Col. T. Egenton Hogg,whose reappearance in our mi.lst gives back-

bone and strength to the Yaquina railroadscheme, returned home, last Sunday, fromSan Francisco, where he has been spendingthe winter. The Colonel was most cordiallywelcomed, by his numerous friends. Hehas been so full of business, sines his return,that we have scarcely bad opportunity tomore than pass the "time o' day," with him.He is enjoying excellent health, and feels

quite sanguine as to the bright future ofBenton county. With him comes Mr. W.H. Watson, a gentleman of means, who i3

looking out a pleasant place for a futurehome. Ho is a retired "print," and a mem-

ber of the Old Tvphogr iphical Union ofSan Francisco. We are gla I to make theacquaintance of Mr. W., an I sincerely hopethat he will locate in our midst. Col. Hogginforms us that Wallis Nash, Esq., of ling-lau-

who was so well please I with his vis-

it to Oregon in 1877, will return in April,for the purpose of locating in Corvalii3.Other gentlemen, of means and influence,will accompany him, doubtless. Such acqui-sitions are very desirable, and we are gladto welcome them, a indications of the "goodtime coming," which is near at hand inCorvallis.

be restored to their original condition, and O JEi. & -- L Xji 3E2 .al freedom from disease, and especially trom--t.e more common disease of ring bone spav-in, curb, and founder. Tenth, the animals then kept sweet indefinitely.

10. Experiments do not justify giving aguarantee in regard to fruits, cut the prob-abilities aie, that large, solid fruits, such as

mature early, and are so powerful that theycan be put to light work w'ithout injury attwo years old. Eleventh, they are long liv-

ed ami enduring. Lastly, prepotency, im-

parting to his offspring a greater sfliare ofhis goad qualities than is usual to stallions of

parlors.Mr. O. P. Jaycox, of the firm of Sheppard,

Jaycox & Co., returned from Portland lastWednesday. Mr. Sheppard will hereafterreside in S. F.

Wallace Baldwin and T. J Buford, arriv-ed in San Francisco, O. K. , last Wednesday.They had a pleasant passage down thecoast.

Mrs. Heberfc, late of Silverton, wife ofthe murdered Oliver Hebert, left for S. F.,a few days since. She will probably meetJohn D. Whitney, at that city.

We had a call from Wm. R. Dixon, ofPhilomath, Wednesday. He reports someforty additions to the church, at that piace,during the late revival.

A postal card from Rev. L. A. Banks, ofDrain station, informs us that he is having avery prosperous year. Over seventy acces

apples, pears, etc., cau be preserved. Ber-ries and solt fruits are considered doubtful.

Horse Bills. We are now prepared tofurnish horse bills, on short notice, and atreasonable prices. Mr. C. B: Mays, of Phi-

lomath, was the first to give us a call inthis line, this season.

These lands are cheap.'Also claims in unsurveyed tracts for sale.Soldiers of the late rebellion who have,,

under the Soldiers' Homestead Act, located'and made final proof on less than 160 acres,can dispose of the balance to me.

Write, (with stamps to prepay postage).'Address, R. A. BEN SELL,Newport, Benton County, Oregon.

January 7, 1878. 16:2tf.

other breeds, is characteristic of the Percheron Norman, and this often render hi.s de- -

11. We will agree to verify all the abovestatements under a forfeiture of j$500gold coin, in case we fail in ANY PARTICULAR;Provided, that in case we succeed, the par

cendents out of common mare3 equal in general worlc to tne l ereneron .Noiman ties calling tor the trial shall pay our neces

siry traveling and hotel expenses to the

Please Return. Will the person hav-

ing the electric machine of the late Dr. J.O. Grubbs, please return the same to hiswidow at her residence, or leave the same atthis office. Also an electric disc.

place of trial and back, and in additionFast Time. The Oregonian of the 18thpay us for our time and trouble the sum of

inst has the following account of the recent 3100 gold coin. Both sums, as well as suftrip of Oregon's congressman elect : Hon. ficient to cover traveling and hotel expenses

to be deposited in responsible, disinterestedsions to Church on his circuit this year.

Mr. Henry Gerber has greitly improvedthe appearance of our door yard by setting

reached a point near the Walla Walla river.Rev. E. Heiniuger, of Dayton, will soon

return to his old home in the East, also Rev.Mr. Jones, of the Methodist church iu thesame p ace.

The Inland Empire reports that the moun-tains " up north" are heavily covered withsnow, and predicts a flood when the warmweather comes.

Wagner creek school district in Jacksoncounty, has voted a special tax of 10 millsand will put up a new school house to co3t

1,000.A little daughter of Robt. Bannister, of

Applegats drank a quantity of strong lye afew days ago and came near dying from theeffects of it.

At Spaulding's landing oil the Columbiariver above Astoria is to be seen the steep-est railway perhaps in the world. It is almost perpendicular.

The Ashland academy has suspended.The trouble is that the proprietor of thebuilding wants more rent than the mana-gers of the school can afford to pay.

Jacksonville Times : Will. Hunter, whohas just returned from Applegate, says arumor is in circulation there to the effectthat a S2,000-uugg- has been found on sil-

ver creek.A "scientific society" has been organized

at D nion. The object is to furnish an in-

centive to home study and induce the mem-bers to devote their spars hours to the ac-

quisition of scientific kiiowle Ige.Pike, the famous guide of the Yosemite

valley, has been commissione I by hotel pro-prietors' iu Yosemite to visit Oregon for thepurpose of procuring new varieties of plantsand trees for the valley.

Bueua Vista and Independence are anx-ious the West Side railroad should go' theirway. Staat's gap i3 said to present theeasiest grades, but Lecke's gap is the short-est route. We don't un lerstmd that eitherof these go through Buena Vista.

Blackhawk Johnson, a pioneer, and oneof Yamhill's solid farmers, returned lastweek from a visit to his old home in Illinois.He brought back with bim aborrt fifteen per-sons who will make Oregon' their home.

The entrance to Rogue river i3 in goodcondition. Tho channel is perfectly straight,

hands before we start for the place of trial.A copy of the above, properly signed, is

given to the purchaser of every Right, andstands as our agreement and guarantee forthe truth of the above statements.

ORLANDO C. TAYLOR,Inventer and Proprietor of Taylor'tf


DITCHING MACHINE,Proposes to cut a Ditch five feet wide at thetop, one anil a half feet at the. bottom andtwo feet deep, the djrt two feetfrom ditch, for the small consideration ofThirty-thre- e and one-thir- d Cents per Rod.This he guarantees or no charges. He hi itthree machines now in operation. One eachin Linn, Benton and Lane counties.

Junction City, Oregon. Jan. 17, 1879.10":3m6.

Ghost Stories The Roseburrr

Independent seems to be vieing w illithe Portland Standard in the ghoststory business. The former paper, ofthe 15th inst., publishes the "lliril'lingadventure" of two prins, in "haunt-ed hnus:-.- " If they had spml the ev-

ening at the same place that they re-- i

freel to in the morning, it is no won-

der they "saw sights" and heard'sournls" and rushed around town ina semi-nud- e stale. Is that "story" tobe continued, Mr. Independent?

Revival Meetings. The revival meet-

ings which have been in progress, in thiscity, Aire' still continued, and are increasingin interest. Rev. T. V. Spanswick arrivedin this city, last Thursday afternoon, andhas taken the lead in the meetings since,

ably assisted by the pastors of the differentchurches in this city. Quite a number ofconversions have already occurred, and

many others are inquiring, " What mast wedo to' be saved ?" The day meetings havetreen changed from 10 A. M. to 2 o'clock p.

ni.j alid are well attended, while large con-

gregations come out, each evening, exceptSaturday when the regular religious ser-

vices give way to the Blue Ribbon (.Ivrb. A

glorious work is being accomplished. Sure-

ly there Was great nee 1 of it in Corvallis.Mr. Spanswick, the celebrated revivalist,has intimatel that he cjainut remain loagefthan Sunday night.

The above process was patented January15, 1873, by Theodore Ames, of Texas, andthe undersigned have the exclusive right tosell patents for the same for the States ofOregon, California and Nevada, and the Ter-ritories of Washington, Idaho, Montana,Utah, Wyoming and Arizon. Patents forfamily use only, and limited to the produc-tions of the purchaser, including apparatus,list of chemicals, and direction in full foroperating and using, will be sold at $10.00each. Patents for wholesale purposes andfor counties on reasonable terms. For fur-ther particulars, address

(iOLDSON & MATTOON,Corvallis, Benton county, or Albany, Linncounty, Oregon.


John Whiteaker, congressman from Oregon,has arrived safely in Washington, sj thedispatches inform us. He has made the" fastest time on record " from his home tothe national capital. Mr. Whiteaker lefthis home in Lane county on Saturday,March 8, at 7 o'clock. He arrived at Port-land by special train Sunday mffrning at 3o'clock, and sailed on the E'der for SanFrancisco two hours later the same morning.He reached Astoria about noon Sunday, butowing to the roughness of the bar was com-

pelled to lie there until Monday morning.The Elder experienced strong head winds allthe way down, and arrived at San Fran-cisco Wednesday morning, March 12th, at10 o'clock A. M. Crossing the bay to Oak-

land, Mr. Whiteaker was placed on board aspecial train and hurled across the continentas rapidly as steam could drive him. SaltLake, Omaha an 1 Chicago were successivelypassed, and Oregon's congressman was borneto the nation il capital in triumph yesterday

arriving there at 10 A. X. Some idea maybe formed of the celerity with which Mr.Whiteaker was hurled toward his destina-tion by the run made between Omaha andChicago a distance of 500 mile3, accom-

plished in 12A hours at the rate of 40 milesan hour. He was just 207 hours in makingthe trip from his humble home in Oregon tothe bosom of the Democratic Abraham inWashington. Hooray for " our Honest OldJohn."

Sheriff's Sale.

Enjoy Life.What a truly beautiful world we live in!

Nature give3 us grandeur of mountains, glensand oceans, and thousands of means for en-

joyment. We can desire no better when inperfect health ; but how often do the majori-ty of people feel like giving it up disheart-ened, discouraged and worried out with dis-

ease, when there is no occasion for this feel-

ing, as every sufferer cau easily obtain satis-factory proof that Green's Aagust Flowerwill make them as free from disease as whenborn. Dyspepsia and Liver Complanint isthe direct cause of seventy five per tent ofsuch malalies as Bilious:ie3s, Indigestion,Sick Headache, Costiveuess, Nervous' Pros-tratio-

Dizzines3 of the Head, Palpitationof the Heart, and other distressing symp-toms. Three doses of August Flower will

To' Correspondents. One recret rf thegreat success of the Gazette, for the pasttwo years, is, doubtless, that we admit com-

munications without regard to party, sector cree l. The Gazette, being the only pa-

per published in Corvallis, the shiretown of

Benton, gives all partie3 an opportunity of

being heard through its columns. We are,therefore, in nowise responsible for the

of correspondents but trust thatall mi.itte personalities, or other objectiona-ble matter, will be avoided. While we doMOt always publish the name, the full nameof the write must accompany every com



dealers nr






And also the very best assortment of


over brought to this place,

with twenty tejt ot water on the bar at lowtide, so that vessels of moderate draft canenter the river in perfect safety.

A party of enthusiastic roughs of Day-to- n

and vicinity fortirie I themselves withbad gin one day last week, and tried to per-snal- e

the Chinese to go, usinj froely ehfbs,knives, pistols, etc. lhey were promptlyarrested an 1 fined 20 each.

Un last Sunday over titty persons werereceived into the different churches at Junc-tion City. On Monday evening, notwith-standing disagreeable weather, Rev. Mr.

On the WlXGL A postal card from ourold-tiin- e friend, D. Newsome, bearing date

Halsey, Linn co.. 17th inst., says: "Since theclose of the Alliance I have spent threeweeks amongst my kindred, trying to mendup from my severe attack of influenza. Iam at Halsey to-da- and will meet thelodge here, t. Bro. Dunbar will

meet the lodge in Albany night,'I shall be there; As Dr. Watts is appointedreceiver at the land office at Oregon City,he will likely cease to lecture. Bro. Dun-

bar will locate in Klickitat valley, afterJune."

mon. jNO intention is paid to anony- -

fnee haptissd twenty in a null race nearcommanications. Write plain, andthat place.

An infant child of Mr. and Mr3. W. T.Lewis died during last Saturday night while

VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTIONBY out of and under the seal of theCounty Court, of the State of Oregon, forthe county of Benton, to me directed anddelivered, for the sum of (458 57) fourhundred and fifty-eig- dollars and fifty-seve- n

cents, with interest thereon, from the4th day of January, 1864, at the rate of 43per cent, per annum, and for the furthersum of 'PS 50 costs and accruing costs, infavor of Green B. Smith, and against Wm.Liuville, for want of personal property, Outof which to satisfy the same, I have leviedupon and seized the following described realproperty, Commencing 20 chainseast, of the S W corner of Sec. 35, in T 10,S R 4 W, Willamette meridian; thencenorth 18.76 chains ; thence west 60.00ichains;thence south 18.76 chains ; thence east 60.00chains to place of beginning, containing1 12 56-10- 0 acres, lying and being situatedin Benton county, Oregon, together with allthe tenements, hereditaments' and appur-tenances thereto belonging, or in anywiseappertaining ; and on

Wednesday the 26(h day of Harch 1879.I will sell at public auction to the highestbidder for cash in hand, all the right, titleand interest which the said Wm. Liuvillehad at the date of said judgment, or nowhas in and to the above described real prop-erty to satisfy said judgment anil Costs, andthe costs and expenses of sale. .

.Sale will take place at the hour of 1

o'clock P. M. of said day, at the Court Housedoor in the City of Corvallis, in said countyand State. SOL. KINO,

Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.Dated Feb. 19, 1S79. 16:8w5

iu bed with its parents. It had not beenwell for a few days, but gave no special

only on one side of the paper and be espe-

cially particular in writing proper names.We have not the time, or health, to allow usto copy correspondence before placing thesame in the hands of the printer. The wri-

ter should do this, as it would avoid manymistakes, and greatly accommodate theprinter.

signs of sickne3s and its death was not dis-covered until morning.

In Wallowa valley, Joseph's old Make.a heavy fad of snow has been experienced

and the loss of stock will exceed that of any

out some handsome evergreens and shrubs,received from the nursny of G. W. Walling& Son, Oswego, Oregon.

Bring your babies. Now is the time tohave your children photographed. Mrs. L.Goidson has just returned, and is ready toexecute work iu the latest improved style.a

Jas. A. Yantis, Esq., has been rusticating,over in Linn, for a few days. We are in-

clined to think there are attractions in thevicinity of Peoria, other than professionalbusiness.

Seth Morgan, of Wasco county, has prom-ised to keep us poste I as to "news items"fn hi3 portion of the " bunch grass country. "Would like a regular correspondent in everycounty in the State.

J. J. Smith, the shoe-make- r, returns af-

ter an absence of three years, spent in Cal-ifornia. Eastern Oregon and W. T. Hetinils no place like Corvallis.

The' new hotel is rapidly approachingcompletion. It looms up h in 's imely. Weunderstand that Messrs You ig & Pollvcontemplate erecting a large business ho ise,for rent, immediately south of their hotel.Good scheme.

Our friend James Drake, of the firm ofDrake & Grant, has returned from the bay.Now 13 the time to call and leave your meas-ure for a "spring suit." Everybody wearsthem. Call and ex inline samples of goods.

L. Vineyard, Fsq.took the stage, lastWe lues lay morning for Albany, to con-nect with the outgoing steamer, en route forhij old home, in Missouri. He intends stoi-pin- g

a short time iu California, to visit rela-- 'tives.

John Thornton has returned to' this city,after an absence of several years. Duringhid absence he has had the misfortune tolose an eye, from an accident receiver.'while tiling a saw some of the filings lodg-ing iu that tender organ.

Mr. Robert Horning leaves this morningfor his home in Lake county. He gnesvia the Dalles, and takes with him a tinestallion. He subscribed, aid paid for theGazette, before starting.

At the urgent solicitation ot patients,Dr. H. F. Adams has consented to remainin Corvallis until Wedmesday of next week.He may be found at the New EnglandHouse.

There was a meeting of the Board ofDirectors of the Willamette Valley andCoast R. It. last Wednes lay. We have nota report of their proceedings. Will look af-

ter the matter for our next issue.Garroters are at work in Portland, and

ere long the late iucrease of "roughs" fromSan Francisco, attracted hither by low fares,will be distributed through the interiortowns. Look out for them.

An interesting communication entitled"Harbor of Refuge," from our regul ircorrespondent, at Yaquina Bay, came tohand too late for this issue. Look out forit next week.

C. H. James, Esq., foreman of the Ga-

zette, started for Salem, host Wednesdaymorning, to attend a greenback gathering.The object of the meeting, we understand,was to consult with reference to starting agreenback organ for the State.

Mr. Ash by Pearce, proprietor of the ferryat Albany, gave us a call last Mklnes lay,and renewed his subscription to tneGAZErTE.He is alive and deeply in earnest in the Ya-

quina railroad question. Would that everycitizen of Benton county were the same.

A private note from W. C. Myer, the finestock importer and breeder, of SouthernOregon, informs ns that he will be in Cor-vallis the first week in April, with his finePercheron stallions, Gen. Flenry, and willmake the coming season at Corvallis andAlbany.

In sending estray notices, for publication,our friends will please remembsr to accom-

pany the notice with SI 50, and 50 cents ex-

tra for each additional animal to be adver-tised. To insure insertion the money shouldaccompany the notice.

The steady increase of our subscription isa sure indication that times are "gettingbetter" in the Gazette office, at least. Asan advertising medium the' Gazette, beingthe official paper of the State, as well as ofBenton county, possesses many advantagesnot enjoyed by any merely local paper.

former winter, although iu most instance)ranchmen were well prepared for storm withample feed with which to insure their flocksand herds,'

proveha wonderful effect. Sample bottle3,10 cents. Try it.

Sad Havoc is CreatedAmong the tenants of the mouth by allow-

ing impurities to collect upon their surfaceor in their interstices. SOZODONT

every vestige of tartar from theteeth, and renders their premature decayimpossible. It not only imparts to themwhiteness and vigor, but communicateshardness and rosinoss to the gums. Thebreath acquires a most acceptable . fragrancefrom its use ; it is a purely botanic liquid,and it may be relied on to accomplish itsbeautifying effects without injuring the en-

amel like a gritty tooth paste.

Don't Forget ItIf you are troubled with nervousness are

disheartened th-e- of life, fear death or feelout of sorts as the saying is, you may safelyconclude that you h ive the Dyspepsia orLiver Complaint. The liver is very apt tobecome torpid this season of the year as

poisons arising from stagnant wateror decaying vegetation are more numerousand are through inhalation taken into theblood. Unless the liver is strong and activeand furnishes a supply of fresh and pureblood to drive out the impurities, the abovementioned symtoms surely follow, and ifnot heeded, end in more terrible diseasesand death. White's Prairie flower provesitself the Ore-i- Liver Panacea Its actionon the liver is different from any medicineever compounded. Its cures are truely won-

derful. Try it. Price twenty-fiv- e centsand seventy-fiv- e cents.

Consninnlion Cured.

AGENTS FOR THEJacksonville Sentinel From all part3 of

To be Established. R. C. Martin,- malfcontractor, informs us by letter bearing dateJunction City, 18th inst., that he had justclosed up a petition of over two hundrednames, to the Postal agent, for the

of the old route between Corvallisand Junction, with P. O. at Corvallis, Rick-ard'- s

and Monroe. The postmasters allsigned it, and Mr. Martin feels confidentthat before many weeks this neglected por-tion of our county will be enjoying mail fa-

cilities. This will be glad news to many.Let it come, the sooner the better.



Charles Brailley. In the Gazette of

Feb. 4th we published an account of the sui-

cide of Mr. Charles Brailley, almost an en-

tire stranger in this community. The par-

ticulars of .the sad affair, as far as known tothe public, are all fresh in the minds of ourleaders. Upon the first page of the Ga-

zette, to-da- will be found a letter from a

young friend of the deceased, written fromhis former home in Ohio, which seems to addto the melancholly of the sad fate of YoungBrailley, and increases the deep mysterywhich surrounds the sad and terrible affair.

Sent upon an important mission, and with

money at hi3 command, for the asking, whatcon "J have induced him, in the very primeof life, to commit such a fearful act, is be-

yond human conjecture, and he leaves notone line of explanation. In a short time,perhaps, an elder brother will arrive in Ore-

gon to fulfill the mission upon whichfUharleywas sent.


Ihanjre of Firm.

T0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT1 the general merchandize business here-

tofore carried on next door sonth of thepostoffice, in' Corvallis, under the firm of

Sheppard & Jaycox,Have this day taken in as a partner, Mr. C.


Sad News. Last Tuesday our citizenswere startled by a telegram from Eugene,announcing the death of Mr. Robert Fagan,a rising young lawyer of that place, whowas well known in our city, having former-

ly taught school here. He died, of typhoidfever, at 7 o'clock on Tuesday morning, 18thinst. the dawn of his 31st birth-day- . Mr.

Fagan was a young man of acknowledgedability, a consistent christian, respected andhonored by all knew him. Surely " Deathloves a shining mark. " Peace to his ashes.

the. county we hear that stock are sulrenngseverely from the late cold storm. Stockare generally in a very poor condition, grassis exceedingly scarce, and the trround nowbeing soft they readily mire down withoutsufficient strength to extricate themselves.

A large fir tree fell during the severewind storm on the night of the 5th inst.across the house of Mr. Starr, in Yamhillcounty. The house was completely demol-

ished, but mo3t singularly, none of the fam-

ily, all of whom were in bed, Were injuredin any way.

An indignation meeting was held at Day-ton on the 8th inst., and resolutions con-

demning the action of President Haye3 invetoing the restriction bill passed unanim-ously. At the conclusion of the meeting "R.B." and a Chinaman were burned iu effigy.

A little shooting match occurred at Ash-land the other night. Some hoodlums un-dertook to rock the cabin of Chas. Williams,a harmless old man, and one of the partyreceived a load of fine shot as he was aboutdeparting from the scene at double quicktime for his pains.

The Union Sentinel says : The loss of3tock in this (Graid Ronde) valley is com-paratively light,' as most of our farmers andstock raisers had sufficient feed prepared tocarry them through safely, and there can' beno' doubt of increased demand- - for stockduring the coming spring, so that tho3e whohave exerted themselves in prepariu' feedwill reap their deserved reward.

An old physician retired from active prac-tice, having had placed in his hands by anE ist Indian missionary the formula of a sim-nl- o

vAyfc&t,1n rmftfiv for th'e sieedv and oer- -


City Trucks and Drays.PURCHASED TEti DRAYS AlTDHAVINGlately owned by Mr. Jaaies Egtiri,'

we are prepared to do all kinds of

manent cure of Consum'ption, Bronchitis,Catarrh, Asthma, and all inroat .tnuaffeetions, also a positive and radical curet,. r'anar-i- l ilohilif.v Antl all nervous com- -

U. Barlow. Hereafter the business will becarried on at the old stand under the firmname and style of

Sfreppard, Jaycox & to.--

Mr. George A. Sheppard, of the firm, willin future reside in San Francisco in connec-tio- o

with the firm, thus enabling ns to offer

superior inducements to customers. Ourmotto being in the future as in the past, low

prices and fair dealing, a liberal share of pat-

ronage is solicited.In consequence of the above change all

parties indebted to the old firm are request-ed to call and settle their liabilities withoutdelay. SHEPPARD & JAYCOX.

Jartuary 1, 1879. 21febl6:8tf.

plaints, after having thoroughly' tested itswonderful curative powers in thousands of

cases, feels it his duty to'make it known4. u; fAllvw' The'receiDe will be


in city or country, t rea ton able rateV.', Pf-"- .sent free'of charge, to all who desire it, with

Liberal Offer. Bro. J. C. Cooper, ed-

itor and proprietor of Tin Valley Fountain, alive little temperence paper, now in its sec-ou- d

volume, in order to place his paper inthe hands of every friend of temperance inthe state of Oregon, offers to send the Foun-t- a

n three months for 25 cents. This offer

to be open-fo- three weeks. Send for thisexce'lent little paper. Address J. C. Coop-

er, MsMinnville, Oregon;

ronace solicited, and satisfaction gunrantrd inallcaees. ALBERT PYGALL.full directions for preparing antl successiuuy

usin". Address with stamp, naming this WILLIAM IRWINn,ral llr .1 ftCOH8. ft i Uf til --MI1LU 16:!5itfVCorvallis, Dee. 20, 1878.

Coming Already we notice many stran-

gers in our midst, attracted hither by thefact that we are certain to have railroad con-

nection at Corvallis in the near future. Mr.

Harry Penn, of Jackson county, a practicaltinner, was here a few weeks since, lookingout a location for starting in business. Hereturned last Monday, and has deckled tolocate in Corvalli3, and will bring his familyhither in about two months. What weused now is a few more business and dwell-

ing houses. In less than 90 days there willbe a great demand for houses. Judgingfrom present indications, Corvallis will, dur-

ing the comming summer and fall, hi one ofthe liveliest little places in Oregon. Thefew days of sunshine we have enjoyed,seems to give new life and activity to everybody. The junction of the West side withthe Willamette Valley and Coast railroad,fully opens a bright future for our own lov-ed "Heart of the Valley."

Street, Philadelpha, Pa.

2STOT10E.lilt! iVIflUUAl " - u .vBradley & Rulofson for the best Photographs in theUnited States, and the Vienna Medal for the best inthe world.. TJ. Sl Land Office, Oregon City, Jb., )

420 striet nan FrancisFebruary 6, 187. )

Comrjlaint havinz been entered at this- ori

New' th-i- s "Week. fice bv Oswald Kaeten azaihst Frederick W.

Temperance Messenger. The first num-

ber of a neat little eight page journal, bear-

ing the above title is upon our table. Itsname indicates its mission. Published byMessrs. Mansfield & Monteith, job printers,Albany, Oregon. Terms, one doliar peryear.

Pesth, March 1C The whole country be-low Szegdiu and Temi3var is strewn withcaravans of people. All villages and bor-oughs have hospitably opened their housesand stores to the refugees. Railway trainsyesterday took to Temisvar about 5,000 fug-itives, while 500 people went by steamer toSzegentes. Engineers and soldiers are busywith their relief pontoons and' boats; therebeing still great need of them. The emper-or has contributed a further sum of 10,000florins. Of 9,700 houses in Szegedin, all ex-

cept 261 have been destroyed. Most of thehabitath ns destroyed were those of the low-er classes of population. A dispatch fromVienna states that it is thought that 6,000persons have been drowned.



Hamburg Figs;Price , siS cent per Box, Sold Everywhere.




Godfrey for abandoning liis Homestead En-

try No. 3373, dated August 25, 1878, up-on the E i of the S E i, Section 2, Town-

ship 12 south, Range 7 west in Bentoncounty, Oregon, with a view to cancellationof said entry : the said parties are hereby-summone-

to appear at the office of B. W..Wilson County Clerk, Corvallis, Bentoncounty, Oregon, on the 21st day of March,1879. at 10 o'clock, A. to respond and.furnish testimony concerning said allegedabandonment. Hl

Suffolk PuNCJfc Mr. J. H. Lewis, theproprietor of this- splendid stallion, whichseems to bo a favorite among the farmers,has, at the earnest solicitation of manyfriends, concluded not to take him east ofthe mountains this year, but will make theseason with him at Corvallis and Soap Creek.Times and places will soon be announced bybills from this office. Call and see the horseat Sol. King's stables. x

Notice. Notice i3 hereby given that wehave this day appointed Mr. D. Carlisle asour agent for Corvallis and surroundingcountry. He is authorized to receive ajor-der- s

for our soda water, and nollect' allmoneys due us and receipt for the same.

HOFFMAN & DAVIS,Prop'rs Albany Soda Factory.

Albany, March 6, 1879. 14marl6:llw4.


Teachers, and all others interested, are

hereby notified that a public examinationwill be held at the College, in this city, on

Saturday, March 29, 1879, commencing at9 o'clock, a. m. e. b. Mcelroy,

Corvallis, March 17, 1879, Co. Suptw2


Special attention given to Collection, Foreclosureof Mr.rtsasej, Real tatate cases. Probate and County 21febl6:8m3Court matters.

Will also huv and sell City Property and rarmWho is powerful? He who can

control his passions. Who is rich ?He whois contented with what be has.

L. T. BARIN, Regiater,T. R, HARRISON, Receiver.

14febl6:7w6ILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS. MONTHLYLands, on reasonable terms.' B sttemnts ntlv print ?d it tats omoeMarch 20, 17. io:ijyi