The Church Scroll June 5,2014 english chinese

Melissa Houston Jun 6 (2 days ago) to bcc: me Hello and Happy Thursday, Our church is receiving the Pentecost Offering this Sunday, June 8. Disciples of Christ support new church ministries each year though this offering. It also provides funds for training and support as new ministries arise to reach out to bring new people into the body of Christ. For more information read the Pentecost Offering attachment. Also, Pentecost Offering flyers and envelopes may be found at the Information Center in the Narthex. The Church Scroll is also attached. "So when they had come together, they asked him, 'Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?' He replied, 'It is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will by my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.' " Acts 1:6-8 Take care, Mel 你好星期四快乐 我们的教堂将在 6 8 日收到降临节布施。基督使徒每年通过这一布施支持新教堂牧 养。它也为新牧人升起延伸到带人到耶稣的身体里支持新牧养。更多信息读降临节布 施附件。还有,降临节布施单张和信封可以在前厅信息中心找到。 也附上教堂书卷。 他们聚集的时候,问耶稣说:‘主啊,你复兴以色列国就在这时候吗?’耶稣对他们说: ‘父凭着自己的权柄所定的时候、日期,不是你们可以知道的。但圣灵降临在你们身 上,你们就必得着能力;并要在耶路撒冷、犹太全地和撒玛利亚,直到地极,作我的 见证。’”使徒行传 16-8 保重 美丽


First Christian Church Salem OR tel:503-363-9273

Transcript of The Church Scroll June 5,2014 english chinese

Page 1: The Church Scroll June 5,2014 english chinese

Melissa Houston

Jun 6 (2 days ago)

to bcc: meHello and Happy Thursday,

Our church is receiving the Pentecost Offering this Sunday, June 8. Disciples of Christ support new church ministries each year though this offering. It also provides funds for training and support as new ministries arise to reach out to bring new people into the body of Christ. For more information read the Pentecost Offering attachment. Also, Pentecost Offering flyers and envelopes may be found at the Information Center in the Narthex.

The Church Scroll is also attached.

"So when they had come together, they asked him, 'Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?' He replied, 'It is not for you to know the times or periods thatthe Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit hascome upon you; and you will by my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and tothe ends of the earth.' " Acts 1:6-8

Take care,Mel

你好星期四快乐我们的教堂将在 6月 8日收到降临节布施。基督使徒每年通过这一布施支持新教堂牧养。它也为新牧人升起延伸到带人到耶稣的身体里支持新牧养。更多信息读降临节布施附件。还有,降临节布施单张和信封可以在前厅信息中心找到。也附上教堂书卷。“他们聚集的时候,问耶稣说:‘主啊,你复兴以色列国就在这时候吗?’耶稣对他们说:‘父凭着自己的权柄所定的时候、日期,不是你们可以知道的。但圣灵降临在你们身上,你们就必得着能力;并要在耶路撒冷、犹太全地和撒玛利亚,直到地极,作我的见证。’”使徒行传 1:6-8保重美丽

Page 2: The Church Scroll June 5,2014 english chinese

The Church Scroll

Volume 72 #11 “Reaching Up and Reaching Out” June 5, 2014

The First Christian Church ~ Disciples of Christ ~ Salem, Oregon Church Services ~ 8:30 am, 9:30 am & 11:00 am ~ Sunday School ~ 9:45 & 11:00 am

What’s Inside Pastor’s Message pg. 2 Pentecost Sunday pg. 2 New Members pg. 2 Celebrating our Church Family pg. 3 Calendar pg. 4 Children’s Message pg. 5 Youth Message pg. 5 Young Adults and Parents with young Children pg. 6 Service Sunday pg. 6 Check It Out pg. 6 Housekeeping pg. 7

Cory Shay– North Salem High School

Kenny Shay– North Salem High School

Zane Ridings– Bachelor of Arts with Honors in Philosophy and Religion from Eureka College; in Fall of 2014 Arthur Vining Davis Foundation Fellow, Texas Christian University, Brite Divinity School

Sherina Walle– Medical Administration and Terminology, Linn-Benton Community College

Al Evans– Masters of Business Management from Southern Oregon University

Collin Wilson– Doctorate in Music Performance (saxophone), University of Illinois

Salem Interfaith Hospitality Network

Hosting June 8-15, 2014 FCC will be hosting SIHN (Salem Interfaith Hospitality Net-work) June 8-15. You have the opportunity to share your time and God’s love with these families in a variety of ways.

Opportunities include Meal Hosts, Evening Hosts, and Over-night Hosts. Mark Ridings also greatly appreciates help setting up for the families and taking down on Sunday morning. If you are unable to host but would like to help, we are also collecting donations for the food that will be provided for

breakfast and at the Day Center for the week.

Detailed descriptions for the host tasks are available, as well as information on SIHN. For more information or descriptions, please contact Michelle Gorman at the church office.

Sign-ups are available at the Information Center or online on our church website-

Page 3: The Church Scroll June 5,2014 english chinese

教堂书卷 第一基督教堂~基督使徒~俄勒冈州撒冷 教堂服侍~8:30am,9:30am&11:00am~主日学~9:45&11:00am72 期 11 号 “达到和延伸” 2014 年 6 月 5 日

祝贺 2014 年毕业! 科瑞·塞—北撒冷高中 肯尼·塞—北撒冷高中 詹尼·瑞汀斯---俄卡大学哲学和宗教荣耀文学士,2014 年秋 天亚瑟·维尼·戴维斯基金,接着进入德克萨斯基督教大学布赖 特圣洁学校 里面有什么 舍瑞那·瓦利--医学管理和术语 利尼-本顿 社区大学 牧师的消息 pg.2 爱尔·伊万斯—南俄勒冈大学商业管理硕士 降临节礼拜天 pg.2 科林·威尔森—音乐表演(萨克斯),伊利诺大学 新成员 pg.2

庆祝我们的教堂 撒冷不同信仰款待网络 大家庭 pg.3 2014 年 6 月 8-15 日款待 日历 pg.4 第一基督教堂 FCC 将款待 SIHN (撒冷不同 孩子们的消息 pg.5 信仰款待网络)时间是 6 月 8-15 日。你有机 年轻人的消息 pg.5 会分享你的时间和神的爱与这些不同方式的 年轻成年人和年轻 家庭。 孩子们及父母 pg.6 机会包括饭主人、晚上主人和过夜主人。马 服侍礼拜天 pg.6 可·瑞汀斯也非常欣赏帮助为家庭布置,并在 看一看 pg.6 礼拜天早晨取下。如果你不能款待,但想帮 家务 pg.7 助,我们也收集募捐,为了把食物提供给这 一周日中心的早餐。 有主人任务的详细描述,以及信息在 SIHN。更多信息或描述 请联系教堂办公室的米切尔·哥曼。 注册可以在信息中心或我们教堂的网

Page 4: The Church Scroll June 5,2014 english chinese


Bites of Bread from Bob “A Pastor’s Summer Prayer” After a service at a certain church (which we will not name), the janitor found a sheet of paper on the floor near the pulpit. On it was scrawled the following in the pastor’s handwriting:

“Dear Lord – As we pray for the skimpy expectant congregation this discouraging lovely summer Sun-day morning, we desperately ask beseech Thee to judge bless the late sleepers and Sunday fishermen travelers. Grant the church tramps those who are visiting other churches conviction blessing. Be with those who are goofing off have other commitments. We who are stuck privileged to be here to today envy pray for the vacationers. Guide them as they seek a place to launch their boats attend church in strange waters cities. For those who would rather be caught dead than go to church are unable to find a place of worship, send down fire from Heaven grant them Thy peace. As they tear drive along the high-ways, give them flat tires traveling mercies. Be with the unlucky faithful Sunday School teach-ers who are here today. Give wisdom to those who are seeing double from watching the late show on TV have grown weary in Thy service, and guide them as they stumble through teach the lesson. Give patient, receptive minds to the slouching eager young pupils. Bless the parents who dumped them off wait upon Thee. We would remember the stay at homes shut-ins, the indisposed invalids and those on backyard

hammocks beds of sickness. As they read the Sunday papers meditate upon Thy Word, speak to their stubborn, willful careless seeking hearts. We thank Thee for the skimpy sacrificial offering left over from our vacations that we reluctantly gladly bring to Thee. Now, Lord, bless this warmed over specially prepared effort sermon to this unfortunate blessed congregation. Amen.

(Vern E. Spencer, Author)

As we move into Summer mode, we hope that it will be a great blessing for you, an opportunity to enjoy times of getting together with family, friends and God’s great outdoors. In the life of the church we have many exciting things happening:

• Ambassador Class Campout, June 24 – 26 (all are welcome)

• Series on “Happiness” begins on June 29 • Vacation Bible School, July 20-24 • Youth Summer Camps: High School and Middle School, July 27-August 1 Grade School (grades 3rd-5th), August 11-15 • Max Meek Hike, August 2 • CWF Kick-Off, August 16 • Horseback Riding Trip, August 22-23 • Church Picnic, September 7

God Bless, Pastor Bob

A Warm Welcome to our Newest Members On June 1 Bob & Joyce Pierce came forward to transfer their membership to Salem First Christian Church. Joyce’s mother, Mildred Webb, commented that it was the best birthday gift she could receive. She didn’t need anything else.

Bob & Joyce have worshipped here for quite some time. You can find their picture and address in our church directory.

Pentecost Sunday June 8 Happy Birthday, Church! Come and worship with us at all three worship times! Pentecost is the time we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit into the life of the church to give us power to welcome all and tell God's story to the world.

It is the BIRTHDAY of the Church. At 11:05 am the whole church will join in a two minute POWER SURGE OF PRAYER followed by the reading of the Pentecost scripture, including children, youth and adults.

After the 11:00 am worship we will have Pentecost Sundaes! You won't want to miss this exciting time with our Church family!

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11 期 第 2 页

鲍勃灵修分享“一个牧师夏天的祈祷” 当他们读到礼拜天默祷的文章上在某一个教堂服侍后(我们不知道名字), 有你的话,讲给他们顽固的、故意不一位看门人在讲台附近发现一张纸片。上 关心寻求你的心。面是以下的潦草的牧师的手迹: 我们感谢你吝啬牺牲的供应给我“亲爱的主,当我们在这个令人沮丧的可爱 们剩余的假期,这是我们勉强带给你的夏天的早晨为吝啬的期待的会众祈祷的时 的。候,我们拼命地祈求你审判祝福后来的牧羊 现在主,祝福这个换汤不换药的人和礼拜天渔夫的旅行。 特别预备努力布道给这不幸蒙福的会 看顾教堂的徒步旅行者去参观别的教堂 众。阿门!确信祝福。与这些游手好闲有别的承诺的人 (作者:维尼·E.斯宾赛)同在。 我们在这里肩负特权到至今为休假者嫉 当我们进入夏季模式的时候,我们希妒地祈祷。当他们寻求一个地方来发动他们 望这将会是对你们是一个极大的祝福,的船在奇观水域的城市到达教堂,指引他们。 是一个机会,与家人、朋友们和神的为这些更多的是抓住死亡而不是去教堂,不 伟大的门外的人相聚在一起欢乐的时能找到一个地方来敬拜的人祈祷,把天堂的 光。在教堂的生活中,我们有许多令火降下允许他们你的平安。当他们的眼泪顺 人激动的事情发生:着公路流下来的时候,给他们扁平轮胎旅行 • 大使班露营 6 月 24-26 日(欢迎所有的怜悯。 的人) 与这些不幸的信实的,今天来到这里的 • “幸福”系列从 6 月 29 日开始主日学老师一起,赐智慧给这些人,后来又 •假日圣经学校 7 月 20-24 日上电视的在你的服侍中增长疲惫的人,并指 •年轻人夏令营:引他们当他们整个讲课结巴的时候。给耐心、 高中和中学 7 月 27 日-8 月 1 日有接受思想给没精打彩渴望的学生们。祝福 年级学生(3-5年级)8 月 11-15 日这些丢掉等待你的父母们。 •马克斯·米克远足 8 月 12 日 我们将记得呆在家里被关在屋内的人, •基督教妇女友谊会 CWF开球 8 月不舒服的病人和呆在院子里吊床上的病人。 16 日 •马背骑行之旅 8 月 22-23 日 • 教堂野餐 9 月 7 日 神祝福 鲍勃牧师

降临节礼拜天 6 月 8 日 热烈欢迎我们的新成员!教会生日快乐! 6 月 1 日鲍勃&乔伊斯·皮尔斯前来把 来与我们在三场敬拜时间敬拜!降临节是我 他们的成员关系转到撒冷第一基督教们一次庆祝圣灵进入教会生命给我们力量, 堂。乔伊斯的母亲米佐德·维伯评论这来欢迎所有的人讲神的故事给世界,是这样 是她收到的最好的生日礼物。她再也的时间。 不需要其他的了。这是教会的生日。11:05am整个教堂将参加 2 鲍勃&乔伊斯已经在这里敬拜了一段分钟的祈祷力量糖,接着读降临节经文,包 时间了。你可以在我们的教堂目录上括孩子们、年轻人和成年人。 找到他们的照片和地址。11:00am 的敬拜后,我们将有降临节圣代!你不能错过与我们教堂大家庭一起令人激动人心的时间。

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Hello, New Babies! Proud grandmother, Diane Watson, announces a new blessing for her family. Penelope Lucille (Penny Lou) was born on May 30 to Matt & Jessica Watson. Penny's middle name is in honor of her great-grandmother, Lucille Battin. Jordan Jameson Melzer was born on June 3. He was 19 1/2 inches and weighed 7 lbs. 6.4 oz. His happy parents are Kevin & Sierra Melzer, big brother Caden, grandparents Alan & Kathy Melzer and great-grandmother Norma Brown.


Celebrating our Church Family Birthdays


Kim Resch 19 Gary Danielson 20 JoAnna Jackson 20 J.B. Wagner 20 Jackie Austin 21 Denton Kamstra 21 Zane Ridings 21 Andrew Rolen 21


Eric Gorman 8 Kinzie Lazarus 13 Sean Cooper 15 Ellie Horn 15 Dominic Sinibaldi 16 Caitlin Wilson 16 Katie Stebbins 17 Pat Stephens 18 Jack Chetock 19

Prayers For Debbie Adams, daughter of Richard & Carole Adams, bone cancer, severe pain and a broken leg Margaret Brutscher, recently hospitalized, recovering from a fall Ed Gish, needs a lung transplant Matt Gordon, recovering well from an appendectomy and back to work

Thank You I was truly overwhelmed and deeply touched by all the cards and kind words I received after the recent passing of my mom, Edna Lichtenberger. She was loved by all who knew her and she will certainly be missed. She is now with our GREAT God and my wonderful dad and is at peace in Heaven. When you are blessed as I am with family, friends and Salem First Christian, you give THANKS to God every day.

Thank you all so much!!! Sandra (Sandi) Gross Dear FCC Family,

David and I want you to know how important you all have been to us after my father’s unexpected passing. You have filled our hearts with your love, prayers, and service during this time and we can not thank you enough. Mother and Daddy loved this church and we were blessed to have them near us for so many years.

Thank you again. David & Barbara Holler and Family I was so honored and totally surprised to receive the beautiful LOVE award at Sunday service on June 1.

Thank you CWF friends. Arty Day

Congratulations to Kylie Buckmaster On June 1 Kylie Buckmaster was baptized during the 9:30 am service. She is among some others who have completed the Pastor’s class and refresher. May God’s blessings be upon her.

Thank You to Robert Jenner

A big “Thank you” to Robert Jenner, who has been coming in every week to help clean around the church. His assistance is much appreciated.

Surprise Baby Shower for Leann Hughes Bilderback Sunday, June 22 2:00 pm, Chapel

Leann is having a baby boy and we want to celebrate with her, only as a surprise. If you have questions, please call Debbi Rehbehn, 503-743-2384.

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11 期 第 3 页

庆祝我们的教堂大家庭 生日 祈祷6 月 6 月 戴比 · 亚当斯,里查德&卡罗·亚当斯的伊瑞克·哥曼 8 金·瑞斯驰 19 女儿,骨癌。非常疼有一条腿断了。金泽·拉撒路 13 盖瑞·丹尼尔森 20 玛格丽特 · 布如兹策,最近住院,从一西恩·库伯 15 乔安那·杰克森 20 次摔倒中康复伊利·豪恩 15 J.B.瓦格呢 20 爱德 · 基斯,需要肺移植多米尼克·辛巴迪 16 杰基·奥斯汀 21 迈特 · 戈登,从阑尾手术中康复好,返凯特林·威尔森 16 登顿·卡姆斯绰 21 回工作卡蒂·斯坦宾斯 17 詹尼·瑞汀斯 21 感谢帕特·斯蒂芬斯 18 安德列·若兰 21 在我妈妈艾达·林驰伯格最近去世时,杰克·切涛克 19 我被收到的所有卡片和话语真正地环 绕,深深地打动。她被所有知道她的 人爱,并当然将被纪念。她现在与我祝贺凯利·巴克马斯特 们伟大的神和我精彩的父亲一起在天凯利·巴克马斯特 6 月 1 日 9:30am 的服侍 堂享受安宁。当你象我与家人、朋友中受洗。她已经在会众中完成了牧师班 和撒冷第一基督教堂蒙福时,你会每和补习课程。愿神祝福她。 天将感谢献给神。你好,新生婴儿! 非常感谢大家!!!骄傲的祖母丹尼·瓦特森宣告她的家庭一 散佐(散迪)·格柔斯个新的蒙福,潘尼楼普·露西勒(潘 亲爱的第一基督教堂 FCC 大家庭尼·楼)5 月 30 日出生在迈特&杰西 我和大卫想让你们知道,当我父亲意卡·瓦特森家。潘尼中间的名字是荣耀曾祖 外死亡的时候,你们大家对我们是多母露西勒·巴蒂。 么重要。你们已经用你的爱、祈祷填乔丹·詹姆森·美泽 6 月 3 日出生。他 19.5英 满了,和在此期间的服侍,我们并不寸长,重 7英镑 6.4盎司。他快乐的父母是 能足以向你们表示感谢。母亲和父亲开文&西如阿·美泽,大哥卡丹,祖父母阿 爱这座教堂,并且我们在他们的附近兰&卡西·美泽和曾祖母诺马·布朗 这么多年蒙福。为利尼·赫格斯·白德班克 再次感谢令人惊讶的婴儿送礼会 大卫&巴巴拉·豪勒及家人6 月 22 日礼拜天 我是如此的荣耀和完全惊讶,在 6 月 1

2:00pm,礼拜堂 日礼拜天服侍时收到这美丽爱的报答。利尼有了一个男婴,我们想与她庆祝,只 感谢基督教妇女友谊会 CWF 的是想来一个惊讶。如果你有问题,请打电 朋友们。话给戴比·瑞宾汉 503-743-2384。 阿提·得 谢谢罗伯特·詹尼 非常感谢罗伯特·詹尼,他 已经每周来帮助清扫教堂周 围。他的援助非常受到欣赏。

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Finance Meeting Wednesday, June 25 10:30 am, Library Healthy for Life Group Wednesday, June 25 12:00-12:30 pm, Library See page 6 for more details. Alzheimer's Spiritually Speaking Group Thursday, June 26 1:00 pm, Chapel JYF Fishing Outing Saturday, June 28 9:00 am leave from the church VBS Workday Saturday, June 28 10:00 am, Fellowship Hall Service Sunday - June 30 10:00 am Combined Worship See page 6 for more details. Looking Ahead

Salem Interfaith Hospitality Network FCC Hosting Families June 8-15 There are still opportunities to serve. Contact Michelle Gorman in the church office. Library Workday Mondays, June 9, 16, 23 4:00 pm, Library Prayer Gathering Tuesdays, June 10, 17, 24 6:45 pm, Chapel Prayer Shawl Ministry Wednesday, June 11 1:00 pm, Parlor Pinochle Wednesday, June 11 6:30 pm, Chapel Youth Sunday June 15 Happy Father’s Day Sunday, June 15 Scroll Submissions All items need to be 100 words or fewer and due no later than Monday at 10:00 am– June 16 Email to- [email protected] or drop off in Melissa’s box. Book Club Thursday, June 19 1:00 pm, Library


Mark Your Calendars Craft Day Saturday, June 21 10:00 am-5:00 pm Fellowship Hall Plenty of tables for all crafters… including quilters. The fellowship is awesome and there is always laughter. Come and create! Promotion and Graduation Sunday June 22 Strengthening Families and Potluck Dinner Sunday, June 22 5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall Please bring a dinner dish to share. Teaching Meeting Tuesday, June 24 9:30 am, Library Rebuilders’ Potluck Lunch Tuesday, June 24 12:00 pm, Parlor This is a support group for any and all who are rebuilding from any life experiences. Ambassador Class Campout Silver Falls State Park June 24-26

The Ambassador Class has a group RV site reserved at Silver Falls State Park. We welcome any from our church family to come join us. Contact Jim Kinkaid for details, 503-581-8679.

Flying M Ranch/Trask Mountain Overnight Horseback Ride August 22-23

Join in the fun on a two-day, one-night trail ride package. Ride up to the summit of Trask Mountain to a secluded log cabin.

Includes: 2 Breakfasts, 2 Lunches, 1 Dinner.

Cost is $290. To reserve your space, make a $50 deposit with the church office.


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11 期 第 4 页


撒冷不同信仰款待网络 手工日 财务会议第一基督教堂 FCC 6 月 21 日礼拜天 6 月 25 日星期三款待家庭 10:00am—5:00pm 10:30am,图书馆6 月 8-15 日 友谊大厅 为生命组健康仍然有服侍的机会,联 充足的桌子为所有的 6 月 25 日星期三系教堂办公室的米切 手工者...包括拼布。 12:00-12:30pm尔·哥曼。 友谊是令人敬畏的, 图书馆图书馆工作日 总是有笑。来创造! 详见第 6 页6 月 9,10,23 日 提升和毕业礼拜天 阿兹默灵里星期一 6 月 22 日 讲话组4:00pm,图书馆 倾力打造家庭和 6 月 26 日星期四祈祷聚会 家常晚餐 1:00pm,礼拜堂6 月 10,17,24 日 6 月 22 日礼拜天 青少年友谊 JYF星期二 5:30pm,友谊大厅 室外钓鱼6:45pm,礼拜堂 请带晚餐一道菜来 6 月 28 日星期六祈祷披肩组 分享。 9:00am 从教堂离开6 月 11 日星期三 教的会议 假日圣经学校 VBS1:00pm 会客室 6 月 24 日星期二 工作日皮诺驰 9:30am,图书馆 6 月 28 日星期六6 月 11 日星期三 重建者家常午餐 10:00am 友谊大厅6:30pm,礼拜堂 6 月 24 日星期二 服侍礼拜天--

年轻人礼拜天 12:00pm,会客室 6 月 30 日6 月 15 日 这是一个支持组为任何 10:00am 合一起敬拜父亲节快乐 从任何生命经历中重建 详见第 6 页6 月 15 日礼拜天 者提供支持。 先睹为快书卷投稿 大使班露营 所有的稿件需要 100 银瀑布州公园字或 100 字以内。不 6 月 24-26 日晚于 6 月 16 日星期一 大使班已经预订了一组 10:00am。发 Email 到 娱乐车的位置在银瀑布[email protected] 州公园。我们欢迎来自或投递到美丽莎邮箱。 我们教堂的任何家庭来图书俱乐部 参加。联系吉姆·金凯德6 月 19 日星期四 了解详细情况:1:00pm,图书馆 503-581-8679。

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Children and Youth A Little Light from Laurie Nancy Stebbins and I have started an on-going series with the 1st-5th graders about how we treat others, espe-cially with our words. Our first lesson focused on two scriptures: Psalm 19:14 says, “May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to you, oh Lord.” We learned that talking about others in a negative way is like spreading poison because it poisons the spirit. Ephesians 4:29 also says: “Do not let any un-wholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” In the sec-ond lesson, we learned Proverbs 16:28, New Living Translation: “A troublemaker plants seeds of strife; gos-sip separates the best of friends.” We want to make sure that only pure things come out of the same mouths that are used for praising God. Are your words being used to build up the Kingdom or tear it down?

Upcoming Events: **Summer Teachers are needed for Sunday School and Children's Church. We combine preschool and kinder-garten for the summer and NEED teachers 9:30-10:45 am. We also would like to have a few volunteers inter-ested in learning our Worship and Wonder program for Children’s Church in order to substitute for the Chil-dren’s Church time at 11:20 am.

**June 22, 9:45 am: Promotion Sunday **June 22, 5:30 am: Strengthening Families. We would like to see more families attend this free class. We are watching a video series on building positive communi-cation within the family and with others. Please bring a dinner dish to share.

**June 28, 9:30 am-1:30 pm: JYF Family Fishing Trip with Vern Wolford. No equipment needed. Bring a sack lunch and dress according to the weather. RSVP by June 22.

** July 20-24th Vacation Bible School, “Weird Ani-mals, Where Jesus’ Love is One of a Kind.” We are looking for “guides” to lead groups of children to their rotations, and “workshop leaders” who are in charge of those rotations. We also need help with decorations, registration, etc.

May the words of my mouth be acceptable to you, Lord. Amen Shining His light, Laurie

Ramblings from Riane “And do everything with love.” (NLT) -1 Corinthians 16:14

How do you express your love to others? Possibly by always opening up your home, consistently greeting people with a warm smile and friendly hug, offering your prayers, or teaching someone something you know. Some acts of love may be small, but they speak volumes.

The great thing about love is that it can be given and received in a multitude of ways. The Bible says, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” -1 Corinthians 13:13. It is our love that is left behind for others to remember us by. Create opportunities to express love.

With Father’s Day approaching, it is especially im-portant that we take the time to express our love for the “fathers” in our lives – whether they be dads, granddads, friends, or mentors. Everyone deserves to be loved and everyone is capable of expressing it.

Important Youth Dates!

• Sunday, June 8 – Youth Group 12:00-1:30 pm (We will be preparing for Youth Sunday!) • Wednesday, June 11 – 6:30 pm AMPT Music

Rehearsal for Youth Sunday (All singers and instrument players during the 9:30 am service for Youth Sunday)

• Saturday, June 14 – 9:00 am Youth Sunday Rehearsal

• Sunday, June 15 – YOUTH SUNDAY! (Youth meet at church at 8:00 am)

*Camp forms and payment due • Sunday, June 22 – 12:15 pm Youth/Parent meet-

ing (Discussing summer schedules and events) • Sunday, June 29 – Service Sunday (No Sunday

School, no youth group) Praying you feel God’s love for you! Riane

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11 期 第 5 页

孩子们和年轻人来自劳瑞的一点光 瑞尼漫谈我和南希·斯坦宾斯开始进行 1-5 年级的系 “凡你们所做的,都要凭爱心而作。”列:我们怎样看待别人,特别用我们的话 (NLT)--哥林多前书 16:14时。我们的第一课聚焦在两个经文:诗篇 如何向别人表达你的爱?可能的是打19:14“愿我口中的言语,心里的意念,在 开你家,始终用温暖的微笑和友好的拥你面前蒙悦纳。哦主“ 我们学习谈论被人 抱,提供你的祈祷,或教某人你所知用负面的方法象传播毒药一样,因为它毒 道的,一些爱的行动或许小,但它们有灵。以弗所书 4:29 也说:”污秽的言语,一 意义。句也不可出口,只要随事说造就人的好话, 关于爱最伟大的事能给予和许多方法叫听见的人得益处。“在第二课里,我们学 收到。圣经说:“如今常存的有信,习箴言 16:28 新生活的翻译:“乖僻人播 有望,有爱;这三样,其中最大的是散纷争,传舌的离间密友。” 我们想清楚 爱。”-哥林多前书 13:13。这是我们的只有纯净的事情出自同样的嘴就是用于赞 爱为别人记得剩下之后的。创造机会美神。你的话用于建造神国或者拆除它? 去表达爱。即将到来的活动 : 随着父亲节的临近,为我们生命中的**需要夏天的老师为主日学和孩子们的教 “父亲们”花时间去表达我们的爱,这堂。我们把学前班和幼儿园合一起为夏天, 是特别重要的--无论他们是爸爸、祖老师是 9:30-10:45am。我们也想有一些志 父、朋友或有经验可信赖的顾问。每愿者有兴趣学习我们的敬拜和奇妙的计划, 个人都值得被爱并且每个人都有能力为了孩子们的教堂替换孩子们的教堂时间 去表达爱。11:20am。 **6月 22 日 9:45am:提升礼拜天 重要的年轻人的日期!**6月 22 日 5:30pm:倾力打造家庭。我们 • 6月 8 日礼拜天—年轻人组 12:00-想看到更多的家庭参加这个免费班。我们 1:30pm(我们将准备年轻人礼拜观看一个录像系列关于建造积极的社区在 天!)家庭中和与别人一起。请带一道晚餐的菜 • 6月 11 日星期三—6:30pm 为年轻来分享。 人礼拜天 AMPT 的音乐彩排(所有**6月 28 日,9:30am-1:30pm:青少年友谊 歌手和器乐演奏者在 9:30am服侍中JYF与维恩·沃夫德家庭钓鱼之旅。不要 为年轻人礼拜天)。装备。带一份零食午餐和根据天气穿戴。 • 6月 14 日星期六—9:00am 年轻人6月 22 前 RSVP。 礼拜天彩排**7月 20-24 日假日圣经学校,”不可思议 ∙ 6月 15 日礼拜天--年轻人礼拜天!的动物,耶稣的爱是唯一的。“我们正在 (年轻人 8:00am 在教堂碰头)寻求“指导”为领导孩子们的组来运转,并 夏令营表格和付款截止且“专题讨论会的领导”掌管这个运转。我 • 6月 22 日礼拜天—12:15pm 年轻们也需要装饰、注册等的帮助。 人/父母聚会(讨论夏天日程和活主,愿我口中的话被你接受 动)阿门 • 6月 29 日礼拜天--服侍礼拜天(没他的光闪耀 有主日学,没有年轻人组)劳瑞 祈祷你们感觉神的爱! 瑞尼

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Things to Know and Do Attn: Book Readers The Church Book Club has selected “An Irish Coun-try Doctor” by Patrick Taylor to read for the month of June.

If you would like to join us during the discussion time, meet at the Library on Thursday, June 19, at 1:00 pm. All are welcome to drop in for conservation or just to visit.

North Bend First Christian Church Celebrates it’s 100th Anniversary

We are invited to share in their celebration on Sunday, June 22, at a 10:45 am Worship followed by lunch and memory sharing. Please R.S.V.P. to 541-756-5555.

Available for You Dr. Alger Fitch, of our congregation, has written a book entitled, “Meet My Friend the Holy Spirit”. We have extra copies available. If you interested in a free copy, please contact Betty Charnholm or the church office.

Calling all Young Adults and Parents of Young(er) Children! Zane Ridings here, one of my jobs as Ministry Intern this summer is to help start ministries for both young adults (college age to mid-30's) as well as for young families. If you or a loved one fall into this category, please contact me or recommend someone to contact me.

I want to know what people want out of a ministry. Young adults: I am hoping to plan a “Youth Group Reunion” of sorts for people who were in the youth group in the last ten years or so to gather, reminisce, and catch up.

If you have any ideas or interest, please contact me at the church office, on my cell phone: 503-798-7445, or at [email protected].

Check It Out! Pentecost Sunday reminds us to call on the Holy Spirit’s power, to seek the Holy Spirit’s transforming ability and to recognize the gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit. Your Church library has a number of ex-cellent books about the Holy Spirit to help you under-stand this Person of the Trinity in a fuller, richer way. You will find these books displayed on the back counter of the library for your reading convenience.

The video shown in Church last Sunday about influ-ential people in the Disciples of Christ Church may have inspired you to learn more about them and the history of the Church. If so, look for the display of books about Alexander Campbell, Barton Stone, Rosa Page Welch and others who were led by the Holy Spirit to found and perpetuate the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ. Do Check them out!

Librarian Betty Ministry of the Books – For God’s Glory

Healthy for Life Group Wednesdays at Noon 12:00-12:30 pm Starting June 25 in the Library

• Focus on lifestyle habits to protect your health • Scripture Based • Encouraging one another

Service Sunday - June 29 One Worship Service at 10:00 am

After the worship service you are encouraged to join us in an array of service projects. This is a great way to meet others, to fellowship, and to serve all at the same time. This is also a wonderful Sunday to invite friends, relatives, and family to church.

There are projects for all ages, abilities, and interests. The sign-up board is now available at the Information Center in the Narthex.

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11 期 第 6 页

知道和做的事注意:书籍读者 你有可能教堂图书俱乐部选择了《一个爱尔兰的乡村 爱吉·非驰博士是我们的会众,已经医生》,派垂克·泰勒著,作为 6 月的读书。 写了一本书书名是《遇见我的朋友如果你想参加到这个讨论时间,6 月 19 日星 圣灵》。我们有另外的复印件。如果期四 1:00am 在图书馆相见。欢迎所有的人来 你有兴趣免费复印一份,请联系贝串门交谈或仅仅来拜访。 蒂·查霍姆或教堂办公室。 呼唤所有的年轻成年人和年轻

一些的孩子们的父母 詹尼·瑞汀斯在这里,这个夏天我做 实习牧师的工作之一是去帮助年轻成 年人(大学年龄到 30 岁左右)和年 轻人的家庭开始牧养。如果你或你所 爱的人是这个类型的,请联系我或建 议某人联系我。 我想知道离开牧养的人。年轻成年人: 我希望去计划“年轻人组再联合”,这

看一看 是为年轻人组有 10 年以上或因此聚降临节礼拜天提醒我们去呼唤圣灵的力量, 集、追忆和赶上。 去寻求圣灵的改变能力并且承认圣灵给予 如果你有任何想法或兴趣,请联系 我们的恩赐。你的教堂图书馆有许多有关 我在教堂办公室,在我的手机上: 圣灵的极好的书,来帮助你理解三位一体 503-798-7445 或 人更加充满和丰富。你将会找到这些书在 [email protected]。 图书馆柜台后面展示,为了方便你阅读。 上周在教堂里放的录像,是有关在基督使 服侍礼拜天--6 月 29 日徒教会有影响力的人,激励你学习更多 一个敬拜服侍在 10:00am关于他们和教会的历史。如果这样的化, 敬拜服侍后,鼓励你参加到我们安排寻找图书的展示有关阿里克谢‧堪普贝尔、 好的服侍项目。这是一个伟大的途径巴顿·斯通、罗莎·佩吉·威尔驰和其他由圣 在同一时间去遇见别人,去建立友谊灵引领去发现和保持基督教会,基督使徒。 并去服侍所有的人。这也是一个精彩去看一看这些书! 的礼拜天去邀请朋友、亲戚和家庭到图书管理员 贝蒂 教堂。书籍牧人—为神的荣耀 项目为所有年龄段、能力和兴趣的 人。注册公告栏可在前厅的信息中心。 北本德第一基督教堂庆祝第 100 个生日 我们受邀去分享他们的庆祝在 6 月 22 日礼拜天 10:45am 的敬拜,接下 来是午餐和记忆分享。 请 R.S.V.P.到 541-756-5555

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Housekeeping Serving Sunday, June 8

ELDERS 8:30 & 9:30 am– Virginia Krebs 11:00 am– Lela Jackson, Joyce Frame, Bambi Rux, Bud Pierce, Craig Johnson


8:30 am Service– Betty Charnholm, Faith Coleman, Dutch Sealy 9:30 am Service– Deana Costello, Andy Eno 11:00 am Service– Rosealee Clemens, Richard Adams, Jim & Penny Blackwell, Barbara Holler, Becky Johnson, Jim Kinkaid, Murray McNeil, Don & Nancy Vowell Choir: Kim Otis, Ila Russell


Betty Patterson

COMMUNION CLEAN UP Linda Jordan, Ila Russell, Pat Salas


Bob & Virginia Krebs

FLOWERS From JD & Arty Day in celebration of their

32nd wedding anniversary.

Serving Sunday, June 15

ELDERS 8:30 & 9:30 am– Kim Resch 11:00 am– Craig Johnson, Gene Clemens, Joyce Frame, Neva Clausen, Ron Nelson

JUNE DEACONS 8:30 am Service– Betty Charnholm, Faith Coleman, Dutch Sealy 9:30 am Service– Deana Costello, Andy Eno 11:00 am Service– Rosealee Clemens, Richard Adams, Jim & Penny Blackwell, Barbara Holler, Becky Johnson, Jim Kinkaid, Murray McNeil, Don & Nancy Vowell Choir: Kim Otis, Ila Russell

SATURDAY FILL Collette Tennant


Judy Brown, Beth Manzo, Ferol Weyand

COFFEE HOUR Jeff & Barb Leisman


From Claude & Eileen Shinn in celebration of their 39th wedding anniversary on June 16.

June 1, 2014

GIVING General– $10,238.87

Building– $185 Special Offering– $10

ATTENDANCE 8:30– 48 / 9:30–98

11:00– 245

Sunday School– 101

May 25, 2013

GIVING General– $4383.46

Building– $0 Special Offering– $3200

ATTENDANCE 8:30– 41 / 9:30–61

11:00– 198

Sunday School– 105

N U M B 3 R S

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11 期 第 7 页

家务 6 月 8 日服侍礼拜天 6 月 15 日服侍礼拜天 长老 长老8:30&9:30am—弗吉尼亚·科伯斯 8:30&9:30am--金·瑞斯驰11:00am—莱拉·杰克森,乔伊斯·福瑞姆,巴 11:00am--克瑞格·约翰森,简尼·克莱姆比·如克斯,巴德·皮尔斯,克瑞格·约翰森 门斯,乔伊斯·弗瑞姆,尼瓦·克劳森, 6 月执事 让·奈尔森8:30am 服侍—贝蒂·查霍姆,费斯·克莱曼, 6 月执事达驰·西利 8:30am 服侍--贝蒂·查霍姆,费斯·克莱9:30am 服侍—迪那·克斯泰罗,安迪·以诺 曼,达驰·西利11:00am 服侍—罗莎丽·克莱门斯,里查 9:30am 服侍--迪那·卡斯泰罗,安迪·以德·亚当斯,吉姆·金凯德,默瑞·迈克奈尔, 诺当&南希·沃维尔 诗歌:金·奥蒂斯,伊 11:00am 服侍--罗莎丽·克莱门斯,里查拉·罗素 德·亚当斯,吉姆&潘尼·布莱克威尔, 星期六填充 巴巴拉·豪勒,白克伊·约翰森,吉贝蒂·帕特森 姆·金凯德,默瑞·迈克奈尔,当&南 圣餐清扫 希·沃维尔 诗歌:金·奥蒂斯,伊拉·罗素琳达·乔丹,伊拉·罗素,帕特·撒拉斯 星期六填充 咖啡时间 科莱特·田纳特鲍勃&弗吉尼亚·科伯斯 圣餐清扫 花 朱迪·布朗,白斯·芒佐,费罗·威扬德JD&阿提·得庆祝结婚 32 周年 咖啡时间 杰夫&巴伯·莱斯曼 花 克劳德&艾丽恩·施恩庆祝 6 月 16 日 结婚 39 周年。

数 2013 年 5 月 25 日 2014 年 6 月 1 日 给予 给予 字 总数—$4383.46 总数—$10,238.87 建筑物--$0 建筑物--$185

追 特别布施--$3200 特别布施--$10 参加 参加 凶 8:30-41/9:30-61 8:30-48/9:30-98 11:00-198 11:00-245 主日学—105 主日学--101

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First Christian Church Periodical Postage 685 Marion Street NE Paid At: Salem OR 97301-3729 Salem OR Post Office

First Christian Church Phone: 503-363-9273

[email protected] /

Senior Pastor Bob Hanna

Business Administrator Leanne Griffin

Children’s Ministries Director Laurie Dyer

Director of Ministry Involvement Michelle Gorman

Interim Youth Director Riane Towery

Summer Ministry Intern Zane Ridings

Secretary Melissa Houston

Keeper of the House Mark Ridings

Music Director Judy Dyer

Praise Team Leader Billy Strehlow

Nursery Coordinator Teri Garland

Handbell Choir Director Christine Sinibaldi

Organist Marilyn Reischke

Security Terrance Jull, John Erickson

Sound Engineer Loring Hermann Video Engineer

Ed Vawter

The Church Scroll UPSP 112-660 Published Semi-Monthly by the

First Christian Church 685 Marion Street NE

Salem OR 97301-3729 Periodical Postage

paid at Salem, Oregon POSTMASTER


685 Marion Street NE Salem OR 97301-3729

Pentecost Sunday - June 8 A Pentecost Power Surge of Prayer

11:05-11:07 am

Wherever you are at 11:05 am on June 8, take 2 minutes to stop and pray for FCC to know the power of the Holy Spirit to bring us together to share God’s Good News with everyone.

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第一基督教堂 定期邮资: 685 Marion Street NE 付给: Salem OR 97301-3729 俄勒冈州撒冷邮局

第一基督教堂 电话:503-363-9273 [email protected]/ 主任牧师 鲍勃·汉那 事务管理 丽尼·格瑞芬 孩子们的牧养指导 劳瑞·迪耶 牧养参与指导 米切尔·哥曼 临时年轻人指导

降临节礼拜天—6 月 8 日 瑞尼·托瑞

为波涛汹涌的 夏季实习牧师

降临节的力量 詹尼·瑞汀斯

祈祷 秘书

11:05-11:07am 美丽莎·休斯顿

无论 6 月 8 日 11:05am 你在哪里, 看门

花 2 分钟停下来为第一基督教堂 马可·瑞汀斯

FCC 祈祷知道圣灵的力量带领我们 音乐指导

聚集去与每一个人分享神的好消息。 朱迪·迪耶 赞美队领导 比利·斯垂豪楼 看护协调人 泰瑞·嘎兰德 手铃诗歌指导 克瑞斯蒂·辛巴迪 风琴家 马瑞丽恩·瑞斯驰克 安全 特让斯·朱尔,约翰·伊瑞克森 音响工程师 劳润·赫曼 视频工程师 爱德·瓦沃特 教堂书卷 USPS112-660 第一基督教堂出版 半月刊 685 Marion Street NE Salem OR 97301-3729 付款给俄勒冈州撒冷 邮政局长 邮寄地址改为: The Church Scroll 685 Marion Street NE Salem OR 97301-3729

Page 18: The Church Scroll June 5,2014 english chinese
Page 19: The Church Scroll June 5,2014 english chinese

你的教堂曾经是新的!你记得你的教堂是哪年开始的?是谁或者是谁决定在你的社区栽种新教堂?只是想象一下如果没有人回应神的呼召去开始你的教堂,你的生命会象什么样子?你知道吗有 2/3的美国人没有生活在就近架车就可以到圣会(基督使徒)吗?因为新教会运动,基督使徒已经在纠正这个严重统计数据方面,做了大幅度的改善。自从2001年以来,使徒已经开始了 830座教堂,延伸到 5000个没有与神建立关系的人。我们的新教堂敬拜至少有 19种语言。正象我们的祖先开始新教堂一样,考虑你怎样能支持到处并不是现在就有一个基督使徒教堂的见证,去创建一座教堂。你可以支持的一个重要的方法是通过你给予降临节布施的慷慨奉献。通过支持降临节布施,你让招募、评价、训练和执教新教堂的播种实现。一半的布施收集起来留在你的地区,另一半到希望伙伴为布道转变支持他们新教堂的牧养。今年降临节的布施将会在 6月 1日和 6月 8日进行。我们向神献上赞美为了在我们面前一代又一代的牺牲—新教堂在有鼓励和远见卓识的领导带领下开始了。作为使徒教会的一员,曾经是一名新人,你愿意考虑参与到这个布施,这样其它的新教堂能经历新的生命吗?