The calibration and use of n-hole velocity · The...

The calibration and use of n-hole velocity probes Samantha Shaw-Ward * , Alex Titchmarsh, David M. Birch University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK GU2 7XH A generalized calibration process is presented for multi-hole, pressure-based ve- locity probes which is independent of the number of holes and probe geometry, allowing the use of probes with large numbers of holes. The calibration algorithm is demonstrated at low speeds with a conventional seven-hole pressure probe and a novel nineteen-hole pressure probe. Because the calibration algorithm is indepen- dent of probe configuration, it is very tolerant of data corruption and imperfections in the probe tip geometry. The advantages of using probes with large numbers of holes is demonstrated in a conventional wing wake survey. The nineteen-hole probe offers a higher angular sensitivity than a conventional seven-hole probe, and can ac- curately measure velocity components even when an analytical calibration scheme is used. The probe can also provide local estimates of the diagonal components of the cross-flow velocity gradient tensor in highly vortical flows. I. Introduction Despite their comparative simplicity, multi-hole pressure probes continue to be used in the characterization of three-dimensional flows owing to their reliability, robustness and ease of man- ufacture. Furthermore, because they can provide local measurements of the three components of fluid velocity as well as of the local static and total pressure, they are of particular use in wake surveys (see [1, 2, 3, 4] and references cited therein), for which optical methods may present dif- ficulties owing to the potential flow interference arising from particle injection [5] and particle momentum effects [6]. The design, calibration and use of five- and seven-hole probes is already well-developed (see, for example [7, 8, 9, 10, 11]). In general, the calibration process involves the identification of nondimensional pressure coefficients which are as sensitive as possible to the flow angularity but are insensitive to the velocity magnitude. These coefficients are then measured in steady flow over a range of incident flow angles during a calibration procedure; the range of angular sensitivity will depend on both the velocity magnitude and the probe tip geometry. Because the flow angularity has two degrees of freedom, at least two independent coefficients are required. Estimates of the local static and total pressure are also identified, and the errors between the estimates and actual * Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering Sciences, Associate Member AIAA Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering Sciences, Senior Member AIAA, [email protected] 1 of 23 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Transcript of The calibration and use of n-hole velocity · The...

Page 1: The calibration and use of n-hole velocity · The calibration and use of n-hole velocity probes ... by Burr-Brown INA125 bridge signal

The calibration and use ofn-hole velocity probes

Samantha Shaw-Ward∗, Alex Titchmarsh, David M. Birch†

University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK GU2 7XH

A generalized calibration process is presented for multi-hole, pressure-based ve-

locity probes which is independent of the number of holes and probe geometry,

allowing the use of probes with large numbers of holes. The calibrationalgorithm

is demonstrated at low speeds with a conventional seven-hole pressure probe and a

novel nineteen-hole pressure probe. Because the calibration algorithm is indepen-

dent of probe configuration, it is very tolerant of data corruption and imperfections

in the probe tip geometry. The advantages of using probes with large numbers of

holes is demonstrated in a conventional wing wake survey. The nineteen-hole probe

offers a higher angular sensitivity than a conventional seven-hole probe, and can ac-

curately measure velocity components even when an analytical calibration scheme

is used. The probe can also provide local estimates of the diagonal components of

the cross-flow velocity gradient tensor in highly vortical flows.

I. Introduction

Despite their comparative simplicity, multi-hole pressure probes continue to be used in the

characterization of three-dimensional flows owing to theirreliability, robustness and ease of man-

ufacture. Furthermore, because they can provide local measurements of the three components of

fluid velocity as well as of the local static and total pressure, they are of particular use in wake

surveys (see [1, 2, 3, 4] and references cited therein), for which optical methods may present dif-

ficulties owing to the potential flow interference arising from particle injection [5] and particle

momentum effects [6].

The design, calibration and use of five- and seven-hole probes is already well-developed (see,

for example [7, 8, 9, 10, 11]). In general, the calibration process involves the identification of

nondimensional pressure coefficients which are as sensitive as possible to the flow angularity but

are insensitive to the velocity magnitude. These coefficients are then measured in steady flow over

a range of incident flow angles during a calibration procedure; the range of angular sensitivity will

depend on both the velocity magnitude and the probe tip geometry. Because the flow angularity

has two degrees of freedom, at least two independent coefficients are required. Estimates of the

local static and total pressure are also identified, and the errors between the estimates and actual

∗Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering Sciences, Associate Member AIAA†Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering Sciences,Senior Member AIAA,[email protected]

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values (which are also a function of the flow angle) are similarly nondimensionalized and mea-

sured over a range of flow angles. The result of the calibration process is typically a set of four

calibration functions mapping the nondimensionalized pitch angle, yaw angle, static pressure and

total pressure to the pressures measured at the probe ports.These functions are generally either

stored in the form of a look-up table (see [12]) or approximated as a polynomial expansion [9, 8].

A detailed comparison of these two calibration techniques is provided by Sumner [13].

Given any experimental measurement, then, the four coefficients are computed from the pres-

sure readings, and the corresponding pitch angle, yaw angle, static pressure and total pressure are

obtained either by interpolation or by functional approximation. The velocity magnitude may be

determined from the static and total pressures, and the Cartesian velocity components may then be

resolved. For probes with tips having well-defined geometries, it is also possible to obtain theo-

retical estimates of the four calibration functions based on either analytical or numerical solutions

for the surface pressures; these techniques, however, are hindered by the high sensitivity of these

idealized solutions to small manufacturing imperfectionsin the probe geometry, as well as by a

loss of sensitivity in flows of very high vorticity [14].

More recently, a number of novel geometries and calibrationalgorithms have been proposed

for probes having twelve and more holes, capable of resolving even reverse flow ([15, 16, 17]).

The calibration technique proposed by Ramakrishnan & Rediniotis [15] is particularly attractive,

as it is generalized and independent of both probe geometry and hole position; this method, how-

ever, still relies upon the identification and use of piecewise functions to represent the calibration

surface. Calibration schemes such as that of Benay [18] are also of great value, as the procedure is

generalized in the sense that it does not require the division of the probe measurement space into

sectors, nor does it constrain the probe geometry.

The purpose of this work is to demonstrate the use of a continuous, generalized calibration

scheme with probes having an arbitrary number of arbitrarily-arranged holes, and assess the ro-

bustness of the data reduction algorithm against some of those discussed above. In addition, the

use of probes with large numbers of holes for the measurementof velocity components without

calibration, as well as for the direct measurement of the local velocity gradients, is investigated.

II. Experimental setup

Experiments were carried out in an open-return wind tunnel with a working section of 0.9 m×

0.6 m. The free-stream velocity magnitude was set toU∞ = 10 m/s for all of the measurements,

and was maintained constant to within measurement precision by means of a closed-loop active

control system. The control system sampled the average free-stream velocity averaged over 30-

second intervals just upstream of the main measurement station, using a Pitot probe and a Furness

micromanometer having a full-scale range of 196 Pa.

The directional velocity probes being tested were mounted in a five degree-of-freedom traverse

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capable of translation inx, y andz (the streamwise, vertical and trasnverse axes, respectively) with

a precision of±5 µm, and rotation in cone angleθ and rollφ with a precision of±0.2◦ (whereφ is a

rotation about thex-axis). Probes were calibratedin situover an angular range of−60◦ ≤ α ≤ 60◦

and−60◦ ≤ β ≤ 60◦ (whereα andβ are the pitch and yaw angles of the probe axis, respectively).

The probe measurement volume was not held stationary through the calibration process; however,

scans carried out within the envelope of probe movement showed the variation in the freestream

velocity was less than the overall measurement uncertainty.

The probes were connected via lengths of silicone tubing to an array of low-cost Honeywell

PCAFA6D differential pressure sensors, referenced to the wind tunnel static pressure and driven

by Burr-Brown INA125 bridge signal amplifiers to a net sensitivity of ∼0.04 Pa/V. The analogue

signals were routed through DG408 analogue signal multiplexers, and digitized using a Data Trans-

lation DT9836 data acquisition system. In all cases, a totalof 104 samples were collected over 20

s, in order to ensure statistical convergence of the mean pressures. The pressure transducers were

calibrated simultaneously against a micromanometer, by exposing the probe tip to quiescent air at

controlled pressures. Transducer calibration was carriedout before and after each experiment, and

data were rejected if the calibration coefficients varied bymore than 1%. The experimental setup

and wind tunnel coordinate system are illustrated in Figure1.






5-axis (θ-φ-x-y-z)

traverse system

Tunnel walls


Pitot probe

Silicone tube bundle

Data acquisition


Analogue signal


Transducer array

Figure 1. Schematic of experimental setup.

Two probes were constructed and tested. The first was a conventional miniature seven-hole

probe, having a diameter of2.5±0.04 mm and an apex angle of30◦. The probe tip was precision-

machined from solid brass; the holes were drilled to a nominal diameter of0.5 mm, with a centre-

to-centre spacing of1.0±0.06 mm. The second probe had nineteen holes, with seven central holes

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in a closed-packed arrangement, surrounded by twelve peripheral holes arranged axisymetrically.

The probe was constructed by assembling and soldering together lengths of 21-gauge stainless steel

tubing, resulting in holes0.51±0.04 mm in diameter, with a centre-to-centre spacing of0.81±0.04

mm. The probe outer diameter was4 ± 0.08 mm, and the probe tip was precision-machined after

assembly to a hemispherical profile having a radiusR = 3.0±0.2 mm. The configuration and hole

index conventions for the seven- and nineteen-hole probes are shown in Figure2.


1 2


























Figure 2. Schematic of probe geometries, including hole numbering conventions used and photographs of probetips. (a) Conventional seven-hole probe; (b) nineteen-hole probe.

The probes were used to collect wake survey data behind a finite wing model, as wing tip

vortices offer a velocity field which is strongly three-dimensional, highly vortical and easily val-

idated as tip vortices tend to closely approximate a Batchelor vortex [19, 20]. The wing used

had a uniform NACA 0012 profile with no taper or twist, and was fitted with a matching NACA

0012 body-of-revolution end-cap to minimize the generation of secondary vortices (see [21]). The

wing had a chordc = 157 mm and an aspect ratio of 2.5, resulting in a chord Reynolds number

Rec = U∞c/ν ∼ 1.05 × 105 (whereν is the kinematic viscosity). The wing was set at an angle

of attack of ranging from5◦ to 12◦ relative to the tunnel axis, and in all cases the wake surveys

were collected atx/c = 5 downstream of the trailing edge, with the probe axis alignedwith the

free-stream flow.

III. Calibration algorithms

A. Conventional seven-hole probe calibration technique

As discussed above, there exist a number of different conventional techniques for the calibration

of seven hole probes, and the definitions of the nondimensional coefficients will vary. Here, the

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sectorized normalization technique of Wenger & Devenport [12] is adopted.

The seven-hole probe calibration process requires the assumption that the flow remains attached

only in the immediate vicinity of the hole registering the maximum pressure. For small flow angles,

then, the central hole will register the largest pressure. In this case, the pressures are converted into

nondimensional coefficients as

Cα =P4 − P1

P7 − P

Cβ =P5 + P6 − P2 − P3


P7 − P) , (1)

whereCα andCβ are coefficients sensitive to the pitch yaw angle, respectively; P is defined here


P =1




Pk, (2)

and the subscripts indicate the hole indices, defined as shown in Figure2. In order to obtain

local measurements of the velocity magnitude, approximations of the local static and stagnation

pressures are also required. The stagnation pressure is approximated as the pressure at the central

hole, and the static pressure is approximated as the mean pressure at the six peripheral holes; the

differenceP7 − P therefore approximates the local dynamic pressure. The stagnation pressure

coefficientC0 and static pressure coefficientCs are then defined as

C0 =P7 − P0

P7 − P

Cs =P − Ps

P7 − P, (3)

whereP0 andPs are the true stagnation and static pressures measured in thefree-stream flow

(generally by an independent reference probe).

For flows of large angularity, the maximum pressure will be recorded at some holei such that

i 6= 7, and it may be assumed that the flow is attached only in the immediate vicinity of holei.

In this case, it becomes more convenient to express the flow angles in spherical coordinates; the

different flow angles and velocity components are illustrated in Figure3 for clarity. Then,

Cθi =Pi − P7

Pi − Pi = 1, 2, ..., 6

Cφ =Pcw − Pccw

Pi − P, (4)

whereCθi andCφi are sets of coefficients sensitive toθ andφ, respectively;Pcw andPccw are

the pressures recorded at the holes located adjacent to theith hole in the clockwise and counter-

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clockwise directions, respectively, andP (the approximation of the static pressure) must be rede-

fined asP = (Pcw + Pccw)/2. The static and stagnation pressure coefficients may then bedefined


C0 =Pi − P0

Pi − P

Cs =P − Ps

Pi − P, (5)

where it has been recognized that for large flow angles,Pi (as the maximum pressure recorded on

the probe tip) provides the best approximation ofP0. The functional dependence of the coefficients

Cα andCβ (or, equivalently,Cθi andCφi), C0 andCs uponα andβ (or θ andφ) may then be de-

termined by calibration. Seven sets of discrete (but presumably piecewise-continuous) calibration

functions will result; the appropriate calibration functions are selected depending on which holei

registers the highest pressure.






Figure 3. Graphical representation of velocities in pitch/yaw and spherical coordinate systems.

When subjected to an unknown velocity, the hole registering the maximum pressure is iden-

tified and the appropriate coefficients are evaluated from either (1) or (4). The flow angularity is

determined from the corresponding calibration function, together with the corresponding values of

C0 andCs. The individual velocity components may then be resolved, as

U = |VVV| cos(α) cos(β) = |VVV| cos(θ)

V = |VVV| sin(α) = |VVV| sin(θ) sin(φ)

W = |VVV| cos(α) sin(β) = |VVV| sin(θ) cos(φ). (6)

The velocity magnitude|VVV| is obtained from (3) or (5) and the Bernoulli equation, as

|VVV| =



ρ(Cs − C0 + 1)


, (7)

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where∆P is the difference between the approximations of the stagnation and total pressures (in

this case,∆P = Pi − P ), andρ is the fluid density [10].

B. Generalized,n-hole probe calibration algorithm

Consider now a probe with a tip of arbitrary geometry, havingn holes. As was the case for the

conventional seven-hole probe, the local stagnation pressure may be approximated as the maximum

pressurePmax recorded from then holes. However, because the tip geometry and hole arrangement

is arbitrary, no combination of holes can be identifieda priori from which to obtain an average

measure of the local static pressure. Instead, the closest available measure of static pressure is the

minimum pressurePmin recorded from then holes.

UsingPmin andPmax as defined above, pressure coefficients may then be defined, as

Cj =Pmax − Pj

Pmax − Pmin

j = 1, 2, ..., n

C0 =Pmax − P0

Pmax − Pmin

Cs =Pmin − Ps

Pmax − Pmin


wherePj is the pressure recorded at thejth hole, andP0 andPs are again the reference total and

static pressures, respectively. Note thatCj = 0 identically for the hole registering the largest pres-

sure. These definitions are based upon the same reasoning used to obtain (1) and (3): that the error

in the approximations of local stagnation and static pressure will become velocity-independent

when normalized against the approximation of local dynamicpressure.

The pressure coefficients defined above have the advantages of being continuous throughout

the range of calibration, and of being independent of the hole arrangement and the probe tip ge-

ometry. However, they are consequently more susceptible toerror arising from flow separation

(and therefore loss of accuracy in flows of high angularity);furthermore, if eitherPmin or Pmax is

recorded in a region of separated flow, this approach will necessarily fail.

With the pressure coefficients defined as shown in (8), a set of calibration data may be collected

by recording the values of these coefficients with the probe oriented at a range of angles inα and

β (or, equally,θ andφ) in constant, uniform flow at a single velocity. Assuming that all of the

coefficientsCj are mutually independent, thenα, β, P0 andPs will each be continuously and

uniquely defined within then-dimensional parameter space, so that

α = fα(C1, C2, ..., Cn)

β = fβ(C1, C2, ..., Cn)

C0 = f0(C1, C2, ..., Cn)

Cs = fs(C1, C2, ..., Cn) (9)

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wherefα, fβ, f0 andfs are empirical functions defined by the calibration data. If the probe is then

subjected to an unknown flow, the coefficients(C1, C2, ..., Cn) obtained in that flow will describe a

unique location within then-dimensional hypercube. The flow angularity,C0 andCs (and thereby

|VVV|) may then be obtained by evaluating the functionsfα, fβ, f0 andfs at that point. This may

be accomplished in the same way as is done for five- and seven-hole probes, using either look-up

tables or curve fitting. The Cartesian velocity components may then be resolved in the same way

as in the conventional seven-hole probe calibration procedure using (6) with ∆P = Pmax − Pmin.

Alternatively, it is possible to approximatefα, fβ, f0 and fs as continuous functions over

the entire domain by fitting to polynomials of orderk havingn variables. However, previous

work [22] has suggested that a polynomial of at leastk = 6 is required. Then, ifn = 19 (for

example), this results in 177,100 terms, and the inversion of the calibration polynomial matrix

becomes computationally intractable.

For the purposes of this work, the coefficients were in all cases obtained from the calibration

data using third-order interpolation (see, for example, [8, 9]). Formally, then,fα, fβ, f0 andfswere approximated as piecewise bicubics.

C. Extension of generalized calibration scheme to high-speed flows

The generalizedn-hole probe calibration scheme described above requires that the fluid density

remain constant; consequently, it is necessarily limited to flows of low Mach numbers. However,

when multi-hole probes are used in high-speed flows, the directionality of the flow is obtained in

much the same way as it is in low-speed flows.

Conventionally, the nondimensional coefficientsCα andCβ (or Cθ andCφ) are defined us-

ing the same pressure differences as in (1), except that the pressures are normalized against the

upstream dynamic pressure (which needs to be determined separately, and may require iteration)

[23]. Because the generalized calibration scheme described above operates on nondimensional

coefficients sensitive only to flow angularity, it may equally be used to resolve the directionality of

high-speed flows using ann-hole probe with an appropriate tip geometry.

D. Analytically-derived calibration function for the nine teen-hole probe

For the particular case of a probe with a hemispherical tip, the probe geometry is such that analyti-

cal relationships between the hole pressure and local flow velocity may be obtained [14, 24, 25]; in

this way, the probe may be used without requiring empirical calibration. In all cases, however, the

analytical calibration of probes requires some idealization of the probe tip geometry. Because the

probe performance tends to be highly sensitive to the tip geometry, the small imperfections which

are unavoidable in the manufacture of any probe contribute significantly to measurement error

and generally preclude the use of analytically-derived calibration functions (especially at higher

Reynolds numbers). On the other hand, for the case of probes having a large number of holes, the

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impact of error arising from imperfections affecting only some small number of the holes will be

reduced as a consequence of the high level of data redundancy. The use of analytically-derived

calibration functions for the nineteen-hole probe was therefore investigated.

The flow around the probe tip is assumed to approximate potential flow around a sphere, so

that the local surface pressure (normalized by the far-fielddynamic pressure) varies linearly with

the square of the cosine of the relative flow cone angle, such that


ρ |VVV|2(P − Ps) =




4, (10)

whereP is the surface pressure at some pointp on the sphere, andθ′ is the angle subtended between

the incident velocity vector and the position vector ofp (relative to an origin at the centre of the

sphere). If the cone and roll angles describing the positionvector ofp on the surface of the probe

tip areθp andφp, respectively, then

cos(θ′) = sin(θ) cos(φ) sin(θp) cos(φp)

+ sin(θ) sin(φ) sin(θp) sin(φp)

+ cos(θ) cos(θp). (11)

Substituting (11) into (10) will then yield a single equation relating the pressure atp to the magni-

tude and direction of the velocity incident upon the sphere.Given a hemispherical-tip probe having

n pressure ports, the pressuresP1, P2, ..., Pn are known; equally, since the probe tip geometry is

fixed, the locations of each holeθp = θ1, θ2, ..., θn andφp = φ1, φ2, ..., φn are also known. Then,

(10) yields a system ofn equations inθ, φ and|VVV|. If n = 3, the system may be solved exactly;

however, for cases ofn ≥ 4, more robust estimates ofθ, φ and|VVV| may be obtained by treating the

system as an unconstrained optimization problem. In this case, (10) may be alternatively expressed

as a set ofn equations,


ρ |VVV|2(Pj − Ps)−


4cos2(θ′j) +


4= εj j = 1, 2, ..., n, (12)

whereεj is a measure of the error at each hole. The total errorε0 may be defined such that




ε2j . (13)

The system of equations given by (12) may then be solved, subject to the minimization of (13).

For the purposes of the present work, a generic search function is used to determineθ, φ and|VVV|

to within a resolution of at least 0.1%.

Because this data reduction procedure is sensitive to the probe tip geometry, and because the

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probe tip geometry is likely to be subject to some manufacturing errors, the sensitivity of the probe

response to errors in hole position has been assessed for thecase of the 19-hole probe. A synthetic

data setP1, P2, ..., P19 was generated using (10), assuming a uniform flow field havingU = V = 0.

A random error of up toδ in hole position (including an error in localR) was then applied to the

known hole locations, and the resultant velocity components were obtained by minimizing (13)

and applying (6). Any measured cross-flow velocity magnitudeVxy = (V 2 +W 2)1/2 is therefore

an artifact of the data reduction process and is indicative of the resultant error. This process was re-

peated until the mean error achieved statistical convergence. Figure4 showsVxy/U∞ as a function

of δ/R. The error increases almost linearly with the error in tip geometry, withVxy/U∞ ∼ 40δ/R.

These results suggest that the analytical calibration of the nineteen-hole probe was sufficiently

robust that even large tolerances in the probe tip geometry will still result in an acceptable error


δ /R (%)


/U∞ (


0 5 10 15 200





Figure 4. Error in cross-flow velocity magnitude as a function of error in hole position. ◦, computed values ofVxy/U∞; - - -, 40δ/R

IV. Results

A. Validation of generalized calibration algorithm

In order to assess the effectiveness of the generalized calibration process, a single calibration data

set was collected with the seven-hole probe, and the probe was then used to carry out a wake

survey behind the wing model set at an angle of attack of12◦. Trailing vortex flows are fundamen-

tally three-dimensional, and are characterized by both angularity and shear. These flows therefore

provide a good test-case for the assessment of velocity probes.

Wake scan data were processed using both the conventional, sector-based seven-hole probe

algorithm (1) - (5) and the new generalized algorithm (9). The normalized streamwise vortic-

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ity ζc/U∞ was computed from the cross-flow velocity field using local bicubic fitting, and the

resulting isovorticity contours are plotted in Figure5. The maximum self-normalized vorticity

ζrc/v0 (whererc is the core radius andv0 is the peak tangential velocity) was2.626 and2.484 for

the conventional and generalized calibration techniques,respectively. However, the conventional,

sector-based calibration technique resolved a secondary structure which was not apparent when

the generalized calibration technique was used (Figure5 a).



−0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1







(a) (b)

−0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1







Figure 5. Contours of normalized vorticity ζc/U∞ from seven-hole probe measurements behind the wing at12◦

incidence, using (a) conventional sector-based calibration technique, and (b) generalized calibration technique.

Since secondary structures are not typically expected to persist in wing wake surveys as far

downstream asx/c = 5, the existence of a pronounced secondary vortex in the wake was in-

vestigated further. Figure6 (a) shows isocontours of the pressure coefficientCP7 = 2P7/ρU2

from the central hole of the seven-hole probe. The contours are skewed toward the positive-z axis,

suggesting either a manufacturing defect in the probe tip oran initial misalignment between the

probe axis and the tunnel axis. However, there are no localized disturbances in the pressure fields

at the location of the secondary structure. The pressure fields from the six peripheral holes (not

shown) likewise do not demonstrate any localized irregularities. Since concentrations of vorticity

are normally associated with local pressure defects, theseresults appear to be contradictory.

Figure6 (b) shows the isovorticity contours obtained using the conventional seven-hole probe

calibration algorithm (as in Figure5 b) together with the spatial regions in which the discrete

calibration function for each holei was used. From this plot, it is apparent that the secondary

structure occurs directly upon the interface of two calibration sectors. Since there is no evidence of

the existence of a secondary structure in the direct pressure measurements, it may be concluded that

the secondary structure was an artifact of the conventionalcalibration scheme. Since secondary

structures within regions of high vorticity can be common inwake surveys [21], the use of discrete

calibration functions may yield misleading results.

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−0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1









−0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1

i = 7





Figure 6. (a) Contours ofCP from the central hole of the seven-hole probe; (b) Contours of ζc/U∞ for the caseof the conventional seven-hole probe calibration, showingthe use of individual sectors.

B. Validation of nineteen-hole probe using generalized calibration

Because probes with hemispherical tip geometries have characteristically low ranges of sensitivity,

the response of the nineteen-hole probe to flows of high angularity was assessed directly and com-

pared to that of the conical seven-hole probe. The probes were first calibrated, and then positioned

at a series of prescribed angles(α, β) in steady flow at constantU∞. The flow angles returned by

the probes (using the generalized calibration and data reduction scheme) were then compared to

the prescribed angles. The nineteen-hole probe was accurate to within a mean error of0.5◦ over the

range−60◦ ≤ α ≤ 60◦ and−60◦ ≤ β ≤ 60◦, compared to a mean error of1.2◦ for the seven-hole

probe (Figure7). The nineteen-hole probe also demonstrated a much higher level of accuracy at

large angularity. Note that the calibration remained monotonic within this range of flow angles,

and so did not appear to be affected by any flow separation on the probe tip.

The relative accuracy of the probes is quantitatively demonstrated in Figure8 (a), which shows

the mean error in flow angularity∆(α, β) as a function of the prescribed flow cone angleθ0, where

∆(α, β) =(

(α− α0)2 + (β − β0)


, (14)

andα0 andβ0 are the prescribed pitch and yaw angles, respectively. The plot shows results from

the seven-hole and nineteen-hole probes, both using the generalized calibration scheme within an

angular range of−60◦ ≤ α ≤ 60◦ and−60◦ ≤ β ≤ 60◦. Note that results are also shown for the

analytically-calibrated nineteen-hole probe, though over a reduced range of−30◦ ≤ α ≤ 30◦ and

−30◦ ≤ β ≤ 30◦. Throughout the range of angles, the calibrated nineteen-hole probe provides an

error of less than0.75◦, and provides typical improvement in accuracy of∼0.25◦ over the seven

hole probe. Figure8 (b) shows the probability distributions of∆(α, β) for the same data. The

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(a) (b)

Figure 7. Demonstration of the angular range of the (a) seven-hole probe, and (b) nineteen-hole probe, bothusing the generalized calibration scheme.◦, prescribed angle;•, measured angle.

calibrated nineteen-hole probe has both a narrower distribution and a substantially reduced tail

relative to the seven-hole probe.























(a) (b)








t (%


Figure 8. Distributions of error in flow angularity. (a) Mean error as a function of cone angle; (b) errorprobability density functions. �, seven-hole probe using generalized calibration scheme;◦, nineteen-hole probeusing generalized calibration scheme;�, nineteen-hole probe using analytical calibration.

Both the seven-hole probe and the nineteen-hole probe were then used to obtain wake survey

data behind the wing, set at a5◦ angle of attack. The cross-flow velocity vectors, streamwise

vorticity fields and streamwise velocity fields obtained with the two probe systems are compared

in Figure9. As expected, the results are almost indistinguishable. The nineteen hole probe does,

however, appear to have slightly better resolved the velocity and vorticity at the centre of the vortex,

likely as a consequence of its higher sensitivity to flow angularity.

The tip vortex formed downstream of a finite wing is expected to agree well with the ax-

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−0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1










−0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1



Seven-hole probe Nineteen-hole probe








Figure 9. (a) Cross-flow velocity vector fields, and contoursof (b) ζc/U∞ and (c)U/U∞ for the seven-hole probe(left) and nineteen hole probe (right).

isymmetric Batchelor [19] profile, through a wide range of experimental parameters [20]. Radial

profiles of self-scaled circulationΓ(r)/Γc (wherer is the radial coordinate relative to the vortex

centre, andΓc is the circulation atr = rc) were computed from the vorticity fields measured with

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both probe systems, and the results were compared to the self-similar Batchelor solution,



=1− exp (−ar2/r2c )

1− exp(−a), (15)

wherea ≈ 1.25643 is Lamb’s constant. The circulation profiles obtained with both probe systems

agree very well with (15) for 0 . r/rc . 1.5.

0 0.5 1 1.5 20








Figure 10. Core-normalized radial circulation profiles. – ––, Seven-hole probe; - - -, nineteen-hole probe; ——,(15).

C. Data redundancy and robustness of generalized calibration scheme

In order for a pressure-based velocity probe to adequately resolve the velocity components in

three-dimensional flow, at least four mutually independentpressure signals from the probe tip are

required. For probes havingn > 4, then, a generalized calibration scheme (which is independent

of the probe tip geometry) would enable the probe to functionshould one or more of the pressure

signals be deemed unusable in post-processing.

To test the robustness of the calibration scheme described by (9), the pressure signals collected

by the nineteen-hole probe during the wake survey shown in Figure9 were re-processed using only

data from some numberk of randomly-selected holes (wherek = 4, 5, ..., n − 1). A cross-flow

velocity error fieldε(k) was defined, as

ε(k) =

∣(V 2

k +W 2

k )1/2

− (V 2

n +W 2


(V 2n +W 2



(where the subscriptsk andn indicate the number of holes used to obtain the corresponding esti-

mates ofV andW ). This estimate of error has the advantage of being a scalar quantity sensitive

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to differences in both the direction and magnitude of the velocity vector. The mean errorε was

then computed as a spatial average over the cross-flow field (which had a maximum flow angu-

larity of ±∼25◦). This process was repeated, eliminating different randomly-selected holes, until

ε achieved statistical convergence. The variation ofε with k is plotted in Figure11, which also

shows the extrema obtained for individual combinations of holes removed. Fork > 12, the error

was always less than∼1%. However, fork ≤ 8, the mean error in the cross-flow velocity fields

remained within∼1%, while the maximum error was within∼3%. Measurements of the veloc-

ity components are therefore possible using the nineteen-hole probe and the current calibration

technique with as many as any eleven of the individual sensors inoperative.

5 10 150






ε (


Figure 11. Variation in the mean cross-flow velocity error parameter ε. Error bars indicate range of valuesobtained.

D. Assessment of the analytical calibration scheme with thenineteen-hole probe

In order to assess the the validity of the analytical calibration scheme described in SectionD, data

was collected with the probe positioned at a range of prescribed angles(α, β) in a uniform free-

stream flow. Although this technique derives from the assumption of inviscid flow and therefore

low Reynolds numbersReD = U∞D/ν (whereD is the diameter of the probe tip), Pisasale &

Ahmed [25] show that flows of angularity of less than60◦ may be resolved forReD . 1600. In

the present work,ReD ∼ 3300, so care was taken in the validation and assessment of the therange

of sensitivity.

The response of the probe is plotted in Figure12, which shows the prescribed pitch and yaw

angles, together with the corresponding pitch and yaw angles obtained from the data reduction

algorithm. For angles within±∼15◦, the error in flow angularity is within the range of measure-

ment uncertainty. For flow angles up to±∼30◦, the error in pitch and yaw increases to as much

as2.5◦. The error distributions within this range of flow angles arealso shown quantitatively in

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Figure8, together with the calibrated seven-hole and nineteen-hole probe results for comparison.

Surprisingly, at flow angles ofθ < 10◦, the analytically calibrated probe was more accurate than

the experimentally calibrated one, though the mean error increases rapidly with increasingθ above

10◦, and the distribution of error is broad.
















Figure 12. Demonstration of the angular range of the analytical calibration. ◦, prescribed angle;•, measuredangle.

The nineteen-hole probe may therefore be expected to provide good accuracy, providing that

measurements are made in flow fields having small angularity (. ±15◦ in pitch and yaw). Since

the calibrated post-processing of the wake survey data fromthe wing at5◦ incidence (see Figure9)

showed regions with flow angularities both within and outside of this range, these data were used

to assess the use of the analytically-calibrated nineteen-hole probe in a vortical flow field.

Figure13 shows contours ofζc/U∞ andU/U∞ for the analytically-calibrated nineteen-hole

probe; these are directly comparable to the data shown in Figures9 (b) and (c). These results

are almost indistinguishable from the results obtained using the calibrated probes; the contours

are nearly circular, and the maximum and minimum values are within the range of experimental


E. Direct measurement of local velocity gradients using generalized calibration

Intrusive probes are occasionally used for the direct measurement of local velocity gradients, ei-

ther using multiple hot-wire elements [26] or pressure taps [27]. Typically, these probes provide

independent measures of velocity at several locations in space, separated by distances with length-

scales of the order of those of the probe measurement volume.By assuming that the velocity is

constant within the probe volume (which is equivalent to theassumption that(R/U∞)dVi/dxj is

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−0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1−0.1






−0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1

(a) (b)







Figure 13. Contours of (a)ζc/U∞ and (b) W/U∞, obtained behind the wing set at5◦ incidence using theanalytically-calibrated nineteen-hole probe.

negligible), mean velocity gradients within the volume maybe obtained. While estimates of local

velocity gradients may always be obtained from wake survey data by computing the gradients of

the velocity fields, these estimates will be subject to increased error owing to the sensitivity of the

gradients to small errors in the measurement locations. Also, computing spatial gradients from a

wake survey grid requires the assumption that(∆x/U∞)dVi/dxj is negligible (where∆x is the

spatial resolution of the measurement grid). Consequently,for flows with high, local concentra-

tions of vorticity (such as wing wakes), local measurementsof the gradients are preferable.

Because the nineteen-hole probe is able to obtain velocity measurements always accurate to

within ∼2% with as many as ten arbitrarily selected pressure signals discarded (for flows of angu-

larity of at least±25◦; see Figure11), it is possible to obtain multiple, independent local measures

of velocity by separately processing data from subsets of the nineteen holes. As an extension, if the

holes in the probe head are assigned to four overlapping quadrants (as shown in Figure14), quasi-

independent measurements of the velocity components will be available at the approximate spatial

locations(x, y ± R/4, z ± R/4), where(x, y, z) is the nominal measurement point. Since bothV

andW will be independently available from two different known locations iny and two different

known locations inz within the same cross-flow plane, it is possible to obtain local estimates of

the cross-flow velocity gradients.

Figure15shows isocontours of the normalized velocity gradients(c/U∞)dV/dy and

(c/U∞)dW/dz obtained from the single-point nineteen-hole probe measurements (left) and from

conventional field estimates (right); these are the same data as presented in Figure9. Significant

differences between the two gradient estimates are observed. The local measurements have a

vanishing value near the origin, and lobes of positive and negative values in each of the four

quadrants (though the estimate ofdV/dy was corrupted by some bad vectors in thez > 0, y < 0

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Quadrant 2 Quadrant 1

Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4

Figure 14. Holes used to obtain spatially-separated measurements of velocity.

quadrant), while the field estimates have a local maximum near the origin.

These results may be compared to the gradients of an axisymmetric Batchelor vortex,


dz= −






1 +1






aη2 + 1)



, (17)

(whereη = r/rc) which has extreme values ofdW/dz = ±0.5242V0/rc at z = ±y = 0.8448rc,

and vanishes along they andz axes. For the data shown, (17) predicts local extrema of(c/U∞)dW/dz =

±5.29 at y/c = ±z/c∼0.028. The large, nonzero values of the gradients obtained at the vortex

centre by field estimates is therefore likely to be an artifact of the poor spatial resolution of the

scan relative to the scale of the vortex core (for the data shown in Figure15, rc/∆x ∼ 3). The

peak magnitudes of the gradients and the spatial locations of these peaks were similar for both the

local measurements and the field estimates; these also agreed with those predicted by (17).

The velocity gradientsdW/dy anddV/dz could not be obtained reliably from the test-case

velocity field using this technique. The distribution of thegradients obtained were subject to a

high degree of noise and distortion. This poor agreement is likely due to the magnitude of the

gradient. For the case of a Batchelor vortex,






1 +1







aη2 + 1)





1− exp(



, (18)

which has an extreme value ofdW/dy = 1.7564V0/rc at the origin (note thatdV/dz = −dW/dy

when subjected to a90◦ rotation). The peak absolute magnitude of(c/U∞)dW/dy expected was

therefore∼18, corresponding to(R/U∞)dW/dy ∼ 0.37, which is not negligible. This large

gradient is likely to have resulted in significant error due to probe interference effects [28, 29],

especially since the sampling holes have been clustered together (rather than being randomly dis-

tributed). However, the results presented in Figure11 suggest that a probe of this design may be

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z/c z/c


−0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1






−0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1

















Local measurement Field estimate



























Figure 15. Contours of normalized velocity gradients in a vortex flow. (a) (c/U∞)dU/dx, (b) (c/U∞)dV/dy;left, local measurements from nineteen-hole probe; right,field estimates.

used to measuredW/dy anddV/dz in flows with smaller gradients.

V. Conclusions

The use of a miniature, nineteen-hole pressure probe and a generalized calibration algorithm

in low-Re wing wake surveys is demonstrated. The calibration algorithm is particularly useful,

since it is independent of the probe geometry and the number of active pressure taps, and therefore

tolerant of data corruption and imperfections in probe manufacture.

The nineteen-hole probe was tested in the vortex wake behinda wing, as this flow offers a

well-characterized and strongly three-dimensional velocity field with high angularity and shear.

The nineteen-hole probe was able to accurately return the three components of velocity in the vor-

tex wake, and yielded vorticity fields which were more closely axisymmetric than those obtained

with a conventional seven-hole probe. The large number and high concentration of holes in the

nineteen-hole probe, together with ann-dimensional calibration function, results in velocity mea-

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surements which are less susceptible to error resulting from high velocity gradients or calibration

data interpolation.

The large number of holes also allows the more accurate use ofthe probe with an analytical

calibration function for flows with angularity of less than∼15◦, though this process necessarily

requires a nominally hemispherical probe tip geometry. Thesensitivity to error in probe tip geom-

etry has been quantified, demonstrating that a mean error of as much as0.1R in hole position will

result in a measurement error of only∼3%.

Quasi-independent velocity estimates were obtained from different subsets of holes in the

nineteen-hole probe tip, in order to obtain local estimatesof the cross-flow velocity gradients

in a vortex wake. The diagonal components of the gradient tensor were accurately reproduced,

and agreed well with the distribution characteristic of axisymmetric vortex flows. By comparison,

finite-difference field estimates of the vorticity exhibited a high degree of error near the vortex

centre, owing to the high vorticity and low spatial resolution of the wake scan. The off-diagonal

components of the gradient tensor could not be obtained using the nineteen-hole probe, as the error

sensitivity was too high in the vortex flow field.


This work was supported in part by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Coun-

cil under grant number EP/H030360/1. The authors are very grateful to Dr. Paul Nathan for his

assistance in the fabrication and integration of the instrumentation systems used.

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