The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

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Transcript of The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Page 1: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

©noticeThis material is copyright by visiongain. It is against the law to reproduce any of this material without the prior written agreement of vision-gain. You cannot photocopy, fax, download to database or duplicate in any other way any of the material contained in this report. Each pur-chase and single copy is for personal use only.

The C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

Page 2: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents 1. Executive Summary 1.1 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Overview

1.2 The Benefits of This Report

1.3 Who is this report for?

1.4 Report Methodology

1.5 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

1.6 C2/C4ISR Systems Submarket Forecasts 2013-2023

1.7 Leading National C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

2. Introduction to the Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2.1 Market Structure Overview

2.2 What is C2/C4ISR?

2.3 The Digital Battlespace

2.4 The Importance of ISR

3. Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 3.1 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

3.2 Divers & Restraints in the C2/C4ISR Systems Market

3.3 Leading C2/C4ISR Systems Markets Share of Global Spending

4. Global C2/C4ISR Systems Submarkets Forecast 2013-2023 4.1 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Submarket Overview

4.2 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Airborne Submarket

4.3 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Naval Submarket

4.4 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Land-Based Submarket

4.5 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Space-Based Submarket

4.6 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Integrated Submarket

5. Leading National C2/C4ISR Systems Markets Forecast 2013-2023 5.1 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Growth Analysis

5.1.1 Fastest Growing National C2/C4ISR Systems Markets 2013-2023

5.1.5 Growth Opportunities in the Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.2 USA C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.2.1 USA C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

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Contents 5.1.2 Sequestration, New War Doctrine and the US Military

5.1.3 USA C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

5.3 Chinese C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.3.1 Chinese C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.3.2 The Rise of China as a C4ISR Power

5.4 UK C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.4.1 UK C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.4.2 Is the UK Adopting a Cost-Effective Military?

5.4.3 UK C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

5.5 Indian C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.5.1 Indian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.5.2 Indian Military Power: Rapidly Expanding and Modernising

5.5.3 Indian C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

5.6 French C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.6.1 French C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.6.2 French Defence Spending Holding Firm

5.6.3 French C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

5.7 Israeli C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.7.1 Israeli C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.7.2 Protection of Economic Assets and Defence of the Homeland: Key Driving Forces

5.7.3 Israeli C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

5.8 Russian C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.8.1 Russian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.8.2 Russian Military Investment Standing at a Crossroads

5.8.3 Russian C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

5.9 German C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.9.1 German C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.9.2 Modernisation Through Efficient Investment

5.9.3 German C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts and Programmes

5.10 Australian C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.10.1 Australian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.10.2 Australia’s Large Acquisition Programmes a Pillar of Growth

5.10.3 Australian C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

5.11 Japanese C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.11.1 Japanese C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.11.2 Japan Responds to the Rise of China

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Contents 5.11.3 Japanese C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

5.12 Italian C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.12.1 Italian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.12.2 Fiscal Pressures Force Italian Military Policy

5.12.3 Italian C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

5.13 Saudi Arabian C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.13.1 Saudi Arabian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.13.2 Increasing Saudi Stability a Response to Regional Instability

5.13.3 Saudi Arabian C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

5.14 South Korea C2/C4ISR Systems Market

5.14.1 South Korea C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.14.2 Preparing for War on its Doorstep

5.14.3 South Korean C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

5.15 Turkish C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.15.1 Turkish C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.15.2 Turkey Establishing itself as a Eurasian Power?

5.15.3 Turkish C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

5.16 Canadian C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.16.1 Canadian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.16.2 Canada Prepares for Arctic Surveillance

5.16.3 Canadian C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

5.17 Brazilian C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.17.1 Brazilian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.17.2 Brazil’s Ambition

5.17.3 Brazilian C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

5.18 UAE C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.18.1 UAE C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.18.2 UAE a Middle Eastern C4ISR Hub

5.18.3 UAE C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

5.19 Other European C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.19.1 Other European C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.19.2 Economic Turmoil and Modernisation

5.19.3 Other European C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

5.20 Other Asian C2/C4ISR Systems Market

5.20.1 Other Asian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.20.2 Rest of Asia Responds to Rise of Regional Powers

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Contents 5.20.3 Other Asian C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

5.21 Other Middle Eastern C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.21.1 Other Middle Eastern C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.21.2 Iraq rebuilds, Iran Remains a Prominent Threat

5.21.3 Other Middle Eastern C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

5.22 Other Americas C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.22.1 Other Americas C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.22.2 Protection of Resources a Key Factor in Investment

5.22.3 Contracts & Programmes

5.23 African C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

5.23.1 African C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

5.23.2 Emergence of African Military Modernisation

5.23.3 African C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

6. SWOT Analysis of the C2 / C4ISR Systems Market 6.1 Strengths

6.1.1 Continued Requirement for C2/C4ISR

6.1.2 Continued Operational Need for Enhanced C2/C4ISR Capabilities

6.1.3 Valued Industry

6.2 Weaknesses

6.2.1 Western Nations Cutting Defence Spending

6.2.2 Cost and Complexity of Systems

6.2.3 Uncertain Business Environment

6.3 Opportunities

6.3.1 Emerging Markets

6.3.2 Increased Development of Unmanned C2/C4ISR Platforms

6.3.3 Refocusing of Forces to Face Future Challenges

6.4 Threats

6.4.1 Double-Dip Recession

6.4.2 Technological Challenges

6.4.3 Preference for Integrated Systems

7. Expert Opinion 7.1 Boaz Nathan – Sr. Consultant to Elta Systems

7.1.1 Elta Systems a Key Pillar in IAI

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Contents 7.1.2 Elta’s Integration Advantage

7.1.3 Elta Systems Global Reach

7.1.4 Challenges in the C2/C4ISR Systems Market

7.1.5 Trends in the Market

7.1.6 Military use of Civilian Technology

8. Leading Companies in the C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023 8.1 BAE Systems

8.1.1 BAE a Key Player

8.1.2 Historic Revenue

8.1.3 BAE Regional Focus

8.1.4 BAE C2/C4ISR Products

8.1.5 BAE Organisational Structure

8.2 Boeing Company

8.2.1 Boeing Enhances its Position

8.2.2 Historic Revenue

8.2.3 Boeing Regional Focus

8.2.4 Boeing C2/C4ISR Products

8.2.5 Boeing Organisational Structure

8.3 CACI International

8.3.1 CACI Well Positioned for Future Growth

8.3.2 Historic Revenue

8.3.3 CACI Regional Focus

8.3.4 CACI C2/C4ISR Products

8.3.5 CACI Organisational Structure

8.4 Elbit Systems

8.4.1 Elbit - a UAV Powerhouse

8.4.2 Historic Revenue

8.4.3 Elbit Regional Focus

8.4.4 Elbit C2/C4ISR Products

8.4.5 Elbit Organisational Structure

8.5 European Aeronautics Defence and Space (EADS) Company

8.5.1 EADS Cutting Costs

8.5.2 Historic Revenue

8.5.3 EADS Regional Focus

8.5.4 EADS C2/C4ISR Products

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Contents 8.5.5 EADS Organisational Structure

8.6 Finmeccanica SpA

8.6.1 Finmeccanica Consolidating its Position

8.6.2 Historic Revenue

8.6.3 Finmeccanica SpA Regional Focus

8.6.4 Finmeccanica SpA C2/C4ISR Products

8.6.5 Finmeccanica SpA Organisational Structure

8.7 General Atomics

8.7.1 General Atomics Promotes UAV Expertise

8.7.2 Historic Revenue

8.7.3 General Atomics Regional Focus

8.7.4 General Atomics C2/C4ISR Products

8.7.5 General Atomics Organisational Structure

8.8 General Dynamics

8.8.1 General Dynamics Surprise Revenue Decline

8.8.2 Historic Revenue

8.8.3 General Dynamics Regional Focus

8.8.4 General Dynamics C2/C4ISR Products

8.8.5 General Dynamics Organisational Structure

8.9 Harris Corporation

8.9.1 Harris Corporation Enhances its Communication Prominence

8.9.2 Historic Revenue

8.9.3 Harris Corporation Regional Focus

8.9.4 Harris Corporation C2/C4ISR Products

8.9.5 Harris Corporation Organisational Structure

8.10 Honeywell International

8.10.1 Honeywell’s Revenues on the Rise

8.10.2 Historic Revenue

8.10.3 Honeywell International Regional Focus

8.10.4 Honeywell International C2/C4ISR Products

8.10.5 Honeywell International Organisational Structure

8.11 Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)

8.11.1 IAI’s Diversity and Global Reach Vital to Continued Growth

8.11.2 Historic Revenue

8.11.3 IAI Regional Focus

8.11.4 IAI C2/C4ISR Products

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Contents 8.11.5 IAI Organisational Structure

8.12 ITT Exelis

8.1.1 ITT Exelis Expanding Operations Globally

8.11.2 Historic Revenue

8.11.3 ITT Exelis Regional Focus

8.11.4 ITT Exelis C2/C4ISR Products

8.11.5 ITT Exelis Organisational Structure

8.13 L-3 Communications

8.12.1 L-3 Communications Maintains Market Position

8.12.2 Historic Revenue

8.12.3 L-3 Communications Regional Focus

8.12.4 L-3 Communications C2/C4ISR Products

8.12.5 L-3 Communications Organisational Structure

8.14 Lockheed Martin Corporation

8.13.1 Lockheed Martin Continuing Market Growth

8.13.2 Historic Revenue

8.13.3 Lockheed Martin Corp Regional Focus

8.13.4 Lockheed Martin Corp C2/C4ISR Products

8.13.5 Lockheed Martin Corp Organisational Structure

8.15 Northrop Grumman Corporation

8.14.1 Northrop Grumman Falling Revenues Not a Major Concern

8.14.2 Historic Revenue

8.14.3 Northrop Grumman Corp Regional Focus

8.14.4 Northrop Grumman Corp C2/C4ISR Products

8.14.5 Northrop Grumman Corp Organisational Structure

8.16 QinetiQ

8.15.1 QinetiQ Experiencing Significant Global Expansion

8.15.2 Historic Revenue

8.15.3 QinetiQ Regional Focus

8.15.4 QinetiQ C2/C4ISR Products

8.15.5 QinetiQ Organisational Structure

8.17 Rafael Advanced Defense Systems

8.16.1 Export Revenues Drive Rafael Advanced Defense Systems

8.17.2 Historic Revenue

8.17.3 Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Regional Focus

8.17.4 Rafael Advanced Defense Systems C2/C4ISR Products

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Contents 8.17.5 Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Organisational Structure

8.18 Raytheon Company

8.18.1 Raytheon’s Innovation Maintains Market Position

8.18.2 Historic Revenue

8.18.3 Raytheon Company Regional Focus

8.18.4 Raytheon Company C2/C4ISR Products

8.18.5 Raytheon Company Organisational Structure

8.19 Rockwell Collins Inc

8.19.1 Rockwell Collins Continues Partnership Contracts

8.19.2 Historic Revenue

8.19.3 Rockwell Collins Inc Regional Focus

8.19.4 Rockwell Collins Inc C2/C4ISR Products

8.19.5 Rockwell Collins Inc Organisational Structure

8.20 SAIC

8.20.1 SAIC’s Software Success

8.20.2 Historic Revenue

8.20.3 SAIC Regional Focus

8.20.4 SAIC C2/C4ISR Products

8.20.5 SAIC Organisational Structure

8.21 Thales Group

8.21.1 Thales Group Expanding From Traditional Markets

8.21.2 Historic Revenue

8.21.3 Thales Group Regional Focus

8.21.4 Thales Group C2/C4ISR Products

8.21.5 Thales Group Organisational Structure

9. Conclusions 9.1 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

9.2 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Submarket Forecast 2013-2023

9.3 Leading 17 National C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecasts 2013-2023

9.4 C2/C4SR Systems Market Conclusions

9.4.1 Market Forecast Conclusions

9.4.2 Continued Expansion of UAV employment

9.4.3 Emerging Markets Drive Growth

9.4.4 Rise of Integrated Networks

9.4.5 Central Importance of C2/C4ISR to Effective Battlefield Operations

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Contents 9.5 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

10. Glossary

List of Tables Table 1.1 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast Summary 2013, 2018, 2023 ($bn, CAGR %)

Table 1.2 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Submarket Forecast Summary 2013, 2018, 2023 ($bn, CAGR %)

Table 1.3 Leading National C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast Summary 2013, 2018, 2023 ($bn, CAGR %)

Table 3.1 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 3.2 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 4.1 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Submarket Forecasts 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Table 4.2 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Airborne Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 4.3 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Naval Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 4.4 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Land Based Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 4.5 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Space Based Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 4.6 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Integrated Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.1 Leading National C2/C4ISR Systems Markets Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn AGR %)

Table 5.2 Fastest Growing National C2/C4ISR Systems Markets Forecast 2013-2023 (AGR %)

Table 5.3 Leading National and Regional C2/C4ISR Systems Markets 2013-2023($bn, Cumulative & % share)

Table 5.4 USA C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.5 USA C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.6 USA Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Value, Details)

Table 5.7 Chinese C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.8 Chinese C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.9 UK C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.10 UK C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.11 UK C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Value, Details)

Table 5.12 Indian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.13 Indian Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.14 Indian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Value, Details)

Table 5.15 French Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.16 France Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.17 France C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Value, Details)

Table 5.18 Israeli C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.19 Israeli C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.20 Israeli C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Value, Details)

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Contents Table 5.21 Russian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.22 Russian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.23 Russian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Value, Details)

Table 5.24 German C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.25 German C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.25 German C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Value, Details)

Table 5.27 Australian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.27 Australian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.29 Australian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Value, Details)

Table 5.30 Japan Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.31 Japanese C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.32 Japanese C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Value, Details)

Table 5.33 Italian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.34 Italian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.35 Italian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Value, Details)

Table 5.36 Saudi Arabian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.37 Saudi Arabian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.38 Saudi Arabian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Value, Details)

Table 5.39 South Korean C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.40 South Korean C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.41 South Korean C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Value, Details)

Table 5.42 Turkish C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.43 Turkish C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.44 Turkish C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Value, Details)

Table 5.45 Canadian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.46 Canadian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.47 Canadian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Value, Details)

Table 5.48 Brazilian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.49 Brazilian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.50 Brazilian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Value, Details

Table 5.51 UAE C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.52 UAE Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.53 UAE C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Value, Details)

Table 5.54 Other European C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.55 Other European C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.56 Other Europe C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Country, Value, Details)

Table 5.57 Other Asian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

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Contents Table 5.58 Other Asian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.59 Other Asian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Country, Value, Details)

Table 5.60 Other Middle Eastern C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.61 Other Middle Eastern C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.62 Other Middle East C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Country, Value, Details)

Table 5.63 Other Americas C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.64 Other Americas C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.65 Other Americas C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Country, Value, Details)

Table 5.66 African C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.67 African C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.68 African C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Country, Value, Details)

Table 6.1 SWOT Analysis of the Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

Table 8.1 Leading Companies in the Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013 (Total Revenue $bn)

Table 8.2 BAE Systems Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.3 BAE Systems Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 8.4 Boeing Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.5 Boeing Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 8.6 CACI Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.7 CACI Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 8.8 Elbit Systems Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.9 Elbit Systems Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 8.10 EADS Group Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.11 EADS Group Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 8.12 Finmeccanica Group Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.13 Finmeccanica Group Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 8.14 General Atomics Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Website)

Table 8.15 General Atomics Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 8.16 General Dynamics Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.17 General Dynamics Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 8.18 Harris Corporation Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.19 Harris Corporation C2/C4ISR Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 8.20 Honeywell International Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.21 Honeywell International C2/C4ISR Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 8.22 IAI Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Website)

Table 8.23 IAI C2/C4ISR Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 8.24 ITT Exelis Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.25 ITT Exelis Products / Services (Name, Description)

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Contents Table 8.26 L-3 Communications Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Website)

Table 8.27 L-3 Communications Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 8.28 Lockheed Martin Corporation Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.29 Lockheed Martin Corporation Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 8.30 Northrop Grumman Corporation Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.31 Northrop Grumman Corporation Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 8.32 QinetiQ Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.33 QinetiQ Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 8.34 Rafael Advanced Defence Systems Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, and


Table 8.35 Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 8.36 Raytheon Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.37 Raytheon Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 8.38 Rockwell Collins Inc Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.39 Rockwell Collins Inc Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 8.40 SAIC Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.41 C2/C4ISR SAIC Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 8.42 Thales Group Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.43 Thales Group Products / Services (Name, Description)

Table 9.1 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast Summary 2013, 2018, 2023 ($bn, CAGR %)

Table 9.2 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Submarket Forecast Summary 2013, 2018, 2023 ($bn, CAGR %)

Table 9.3 Leading 17 National C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast Summary 2013, 2018, 2023 ($bn, CAGR %)

Table 9.4 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Drivers & Restraints

List of Figures Figure 2.1 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Structure Overview

Figure 3.1 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR%)

Figure 4.1 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Submarket Share Forecasts 2013-2023 ($bn)

Figure 4.2 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Submarket CAGR Forecasts 2013-2023 (%)

Figure 4.3 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Submarket Spending 2013-2023 ($bn)

Figure 4.4 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Submarkets Share Forecast 2013 (%)

Figure 4.5 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Submarkets Share Forecast 2018 (%)

Figure 4.6 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Submarkets Share Forecast 2023 (%)

Figure 4.7 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Airborne Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR%)

Figure 4.8 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Airborne Submarket Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 4.9 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Naval Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR%)

Page 14: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents Figure 4.10 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Naval Submarket Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 4.11 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Land Based Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR%)

Figure 4.12 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Land Based Submarket Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 4.13 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Space Based Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR%)

Figure 4.14 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Space Based Submarket Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 4.15 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Integrated Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR%)

Figure 4.16 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Integrated Submarket Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.1 Leading National C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecasts 2013-2023 ($bn)

Figure 5.2 Leading National C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013 (%)

Figure 5.3 Leading National C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2018 (%)

Figure 5.4 Leading National C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2023 (%)

Figure 5.5 Barriers to Entry vs. National Market Size vs. CAGR% 2013 ($bn, AGR%)

Figure 5.6 Fastest-Growing C2/C4ISR Systems Markets CAGR (%) 2013-2023

Figure 5.7 Fastest-Growing C2/C4ISR Systems Markets CAGR (%) 2013-2018

Figure 5.8 Fastest-Growing C2/C4ISR Systems Markets CAGR (%) 2018-2022

Figure 5.9 Seven Fastest Growing National C2/C4ISR Systems Markets 2012-2023 ($bn)

Figure 5.10 Leading C2/C4ISR Systems Markets’ CAGR Africa & Global 2013-2018, 2018-2023 ($bn, %)

Figure 5.11 Leading C2/C4ISR Systems Markets’ Cumulative Sales 2013-2023 ($bn)

Figure 5.12 USA C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.13 US C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.14 Chinese C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.15 Chinese C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.16 UK C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.17 UK C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.18 Indian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.19 Indian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.20 French C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.21 French C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.22 Israeli C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.23 Israeli C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.24 Russian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.25 Russian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.26 German C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.27 German C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.28 Australian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.29 Australian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.30 Japanese C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Page 15: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents Figure 5.31 Japanese C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.32 Italian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.33 Italian Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.34 Saudi Arabian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.35 Saudi Arabian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.36 South Korean C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.37 South Korean C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.38 Turkish C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.39 Turkish C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.40 Canadian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.41 Canadian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.42 Brazilian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.43 Brazilian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.44 UAE C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.45 UAE C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.46 Other European C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.47 Other European C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.48 Other Asian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.49 Other Asian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.50 Other Middle Eastern C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.51 Other Middle Eastern C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.52 Other Americas C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.53 Other Americas C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.54 African C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Figure 5.55 African C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 8.1 BAE Systems Revenue 2008-2012 ($bn)

Figure 8.2 BAE Systems Organisational Structure

Figure 8.3 Boeing Systems Revenue 2008-2012 ($bn)

Figure 8.4 Boeing Organisational Structure

Figure 8.5CACI Revenue 2008-2012 ($bn)

Figure 8.6 CACI Organisational Structure

Figure 8.7 Elbit Systems Revenue 2008-2012 ($bn)

Figure 8.8 Elbit Systems Organisational Structure

Figure 8.9 EADS Group Revenue 2008-2012 ($bn)

Figure 8.10 EADS Group Organisational Structure

Figure 8.11 Finmeccanica Group Revenue 2008-2012 ($bn)

Figure 8.12 Finmeccanica Group Structure

Page 16: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents Figure 8.13 General Atomics Organisational Structure

Figure 8.14 General Dynamics Revenue 2008-2012 ($bn)

Figure 8.15 General Dynamics Group Structure

Figure 8.16 Harris Corporation Revenue 2008-2012 ($bn)

Figure 8.17 Harris Corporation Organisational Structure

Figure 8.18 Honeywell International Inc Revenue 2008-2012 ($bn)

Figure 8.19 Honeywell International Organisational Structure

Figure 8.20 IAI Organisational Structure

Figure 8.21 ITT Exelis Revenue 2008-2012 ($bn)

Figure 8.22 ITT Exelis Organisational Structure

Figure 8.23 L-3 Communications Holdings Inc Revenue 2008-2012 ($bn)

Figure 8.24 L-3 Communications Holding Inc Organisational Structure

Figure 8.25 Lockheed Martin Corporation Revenue 2008-2012 ($bn)

Figure 8.26 Lockheed Martin Corporation Organisational Structure

Figure 8.27 Northrop Grumman Corporation Revenue 2008-2012 ($bn)

Figure 8.28 Northrop Grumman Corporation Organisational Structure

Figure 8.29 QinetiQ Revenue 2008-2012 ($bn)

Figure 8.30 QinetiQ Organisational Structure

Figure 8.31 Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Revenue 2008-2012 ($bn)

Figure 8.32 Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Organisational Structure

Figure 8.33 Raytheon Company Revenue 2008-2012 ($bn)

Figure 8.34 Raytheon Organisational Structure

Figure 8.35 Rockwell Collins Inc Revenue 2008-2012 ($bn)

Figure 8.36 Rockwell Collins Inc Organisational Structure

Figure 8.37 SAIC Revenue 2008-2012 ($bn)

Figure 8.38 SAIC Organisational Structure

Figure 8.39 Thales Group Revenue 2008-2012 ($bn)

Figure 8.40 Thales Group Organisational Structure

Companies Mentioned in This Report

3DI Technologies

AAI Corporation

Abu Dhabi Ship Building

Abu Dhabi Systems Integration

ACI Technologies

Page 17: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents Adams Communications & Engineering Tech


Aeronautics Defence Systems

Aeronautics Ltd.


AeroVironment Inc.

AFK Sistema



Alena Aermacchia SpA

Alenia Aeronautica

Alenia Aeronavali

Alion Science and Technology

Allan Webb

Alliant TechSystems (ATK)

Alliant TechSystems (ATK) Space Systems


Applied Data Trends

Argon ST

Arkoon Network Security


Assured Space Access Technology Inc

Athena Consulting

Atlas Technologies


Austal USA

Australian Aerospace

Avartek CO ky kb


BAE Systems

BAE Systems Advanced Systems

BAE Systems AeI

BAE Systems Australia

BAE Systems C4

BAE Systems Inc.

BAE Systems Insyte

Page 18: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents BAE Systems Surface Ships

BAE Systems Technology Solutions and Services

Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation


BBN Technologies

Beatty and Company Computing

Boeing Company

Boeing Defense, Space and Security

Boeing Electronic and Mission Systems

Boeing Integrated Defense Systems

Boeing Network and Space Systems

Boeing Satellite Systems


Booz Allen Hamilton

Bosh Global Services

C4 Advanced Solutions


CACI International


CEA Technologies

CenterBeam Inc.

Centurum In

CGI Federal Inc

Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC)

China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation (CATIC)

Chugach Federal Solutions Inc


Cobham Defense Systems

Cohesion Force Inc.


Colorado Engineering

Colsa Corporation

Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC)

Concern Radio Technical and Information Systems (CRTIS)

Dassault Aviation

Data Link Solutions

Page 19: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents DCNS


Dell Federal Systems

Denel Dynamics

Digital Receiver Technology (DRT)

DRS Signal Solutions

DRS Technical Services Inc

DRS Technologies


EADS Airbus Military

EADS Astrium

EADS Astrium Satellites

EADS Astrium Services

EADS Astrium Space Transportation


EADS Cassidian

EADS Defence Electronics

EADS France

EADS Germany

Elbit Systems

Electro Optic Systems


Elsag Datamat

ELTA Systems


Emiraje Systems LLC

Emirates Advanced Investment group

EMS Technologies


Engility Inc

Engineering Ingegneria Informatica

Ericsson Microwave Systems

ESII Consortium


Eurofighter GmbH

European Aeronautics Defence and Space (EADS)

Page 20: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents Euroradar

FGM Inc.

Fincantieri - Cantieri Navali Italiani


FLIR Systems Inc

Fokker Aerostructures

Forward Slope Inc. (FSI)

FTL Systems

Future Skies Inc.

G2 Software Systems Inc.

Galileo Avionica

General Atomics

General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc (GA-ASI)

General Dynamics

General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems

General Dynamics C4 Systems

General Dynamics Canada

General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT)

General Dynamics One Source

General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies

General Dynamics UK

General Electric Aircraft Engines

Gentex Corporation

Goodrich Corporation

Goodrich Corporation ISR Systems

Guizhou Aviation Industry Group


Harris Communications

Harris Corporation

Harris RF Communications

Hawker Beechcraft

HCL InfoSystems


Heckler and Koch

Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL)

Honeywell International Inc.

Page 21: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.


Hybrid Air Vehicles



IAI Systems, Missiles and Space Group

IAR Brasov


ICx Technologies Inc.

ILC Dover


Imagine One StraCon Venture LLC

Indra Sistemas

INDUS Technology Inc.

INEO Defense

Innovative Communications Engineering (ICE)


Insitu Inc

Insta DefSec Oy


Intelligence Enterprise Joint Venture (IEJV)




Iron Bow Technologies

ISHPI Information Technologies

ISPA Technology LLC

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Tamam Division

ITT Corporation

ITT Defense

ITT Electronic Systems & Radar Systems

ITT Exelis

ITT Force Protection Systems

ITT Industries Defense Electronics and Services

ITT Systems Division

Page 22: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents Iveco

Iveco-Oto Melara Consortium

Janus Research Group

Juno Technologies



Kawasaki Heavy Industries

Kazan Helicopters

KBP Instrument Design Bureau

Koam Engineering Systems Inc.

Kollmorgen Electro Optical


Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI)

Korean Air

Kratos Defense and Security Solutions

L-3 Communications

L-3 Communications Integrated Systems (L-3 IS)

L-3 Communications Systems Group

L-3 Communications Systems Group

L-3 Communications West

L-3 Nova Engineering

L-3 SAM Electronics

L-3 Services Inc.


LGS Innovations

Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company

Lockheed Martin Corporation

Lockheed Martin Corporation Maritime Systems and Sensors Tactical Systems

Lockheed Martin Information Technology

Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems and Solutions

Lockheed Martin Maritime Systems and Sensors (MS2)

Lockheed Martin Missile and Fire Control

Lockheed Martin Mission Systems

Lockheed Martin Mission Systems and Sensors, Radar Systems

Lockheed Martin MS2 Tactical Systems

Lockheed Martin Radar Systems

Page 23: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents Lockheed Martin Services Inc.

Lockheed Martin Simulation, Training and Support

Lockheed Martin Skunk Works

Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company

Lockheed Martin Systems Integration

M.C. Dean Inc.

MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates (MDA)

ManTech International

Matsuda and Associates Inc.

MBDA Germany

MBDA Italia

MBDA Missile Systems

MEADS International



Millennium Engineering and Integration Company

Mission Essential Personnel LLC




NH Industries

Nizhny Novgorod Radio Engineering Institute

nLogic Inc.

Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems

Northrop Grumman ASIP

Northrop Grumman Cobham Intercoms LLC (NGCI)

Northrop Grumman Corporation

Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems

Northrop Grumman Electro-Optical Systems

Northrop Grumman Information Systems

Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems

Northrop Grumman Space and Mission Systems Corporation

Northrop Grumman Systems


OGSystems (OGS)


Page 24: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents Olympus

OmniTech Partners Inc.

O'Neil & Associates

Oto Melara

Overwatch Systems

Pacific Science and Engineering Group

Paradigm Secure Communications


Pratt & Whitney

Provincial Aerospace

PT Dirgantara


QinetiQ North America


Rafael Advanced Defense Systems

Raytheon Anschütz

Raytheon Company

Raytheon ELCAN Optical Technologies

Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems

Raytheon Technical Services

Rheinmetall Defence

Rheinmetall Nordic


Rigel International Engineering & Consultancy Agency

Rockwell Collins

Rockwell Collins Network Enabling Software Inc.

Rohde & Schwarz

Roke Manor Research

RUAG Aerospace AG

S2 Corporation


Saab AB


Schafer Corporation

SCI Technology Inc.

Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)

Page 25: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents Scientific Research Corp

Selex Communications

Selex Galileo

Selex Sensors and Airborne Systems

Selex Sistemi Integrati

Sentek Global



Shaaxi Aircraft Industry Corporation



Sikorsky International Operations Inc.

Silverback 7 Inc.

Skylla Engineering Ltd

Software Professional Solutions

Soldato Futuro Consortium

Sotera Defence

Southwest Research Institute

Space and Missile Defense Technologies (SMDT)

Space Dynamics Laboratory

Sperry Marine

SRI International


Sun MicroSystems


Symetrics Industries

Systems Planning and Analysis

Syzygy Technologies Inc.

Tactical Engineering & Analysis Inc

Tapestry Solutions

Techflow Inc.

Technical Logistics Corporation

Telephonics Corporation


Textron Defense Systems

Textron Inc.

Page 26: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents Thales Airborne Systems

Thales Alenia Space

Thales Angenieux

Thales Australia

Thales Canada

Thales Communications Inc.

Thales Defence Systems

Thales Deutschland

Thales Group

Thales Norway

Thales Systèmes Aéroportés

Thales UK


Tobyhanna Army Depot

UAS Dynamics LLC

Ultra Electronics

Unicorn Government



Vectronix (AG)

VT Group

VT Milcom Inc.

World Wide Technology


Page 27: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents Government Agencies and Other Organisations Mentioned in This Report Andersen USAF Base

Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)

Australian Army

Australian Defence Force (ADF)

Australian Defence Material Organisation (DMO)

Australian Navy

Bahrain Defense Force (BDF)

Beale USAF Base

Belgian Navy

Brazilian Air Force

Brazilian Ministry of Defence

British Army

Brunei Ministry of National Defence

Camp Bastian, Afghanistan

Canadian Army

Canadian Ministry of National Defense (DND)

Canadian Navy

Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN)

Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)

Colombia National Police

Creech USAF Base

Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC)

Edwards US Air Force Base

Estonian Defence Forces (EDF)

Estonian Ministry of Defence

European Defence Agency (EDA)

European Space Agency (ESA)

Finish Air Force

Finnish Air Force

Finnish Defence Forces

Finnish Ministry of Defence

Finnish Navy

French Air Force

French Army

Page 28: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents French Direction Générale pour l'Armement (DGA)

French Inter-Forces Infrastructure, Networks and Information Systems Department (DIRISI)

French Ministry of Defence

French Navy

French Resaeu Integre de Transmissions Automatique (RITA)

French Space Agency (CNES)

German Air Force (Luftwaffe)

German Army (Bundeswehr)

German Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung (BWB)

Guangzhou Military Command

Gulf Cooperation Council


Headquarters, United States Army, Europe, and Seventh Army (HQ USAREUR/7A)


HMS Albion

HMS Bulwark

Indian Air Force (IAF)

Indian Army

Indian Electronics and Radar Development Establishment

Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD)

Indian Navy

Indian Special Forces

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)

Iraqi Air Force (IqAF)

Iraqi Army Air Corps

Israel Ministry of Defence (IMoD)

Israeli Air Force (IAF)

Israeli Artillery Corps

Israeli Defence Forces (IDF)

Italian Air Force

Italian Army

Italian Ministry of Defence

Italian Navy

Italian Space Agency (ASI)

Japan Air Self Defence Force

Japanese Defence Agency

Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force

Page 29: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents Japanese Ministry of Defence

Kurdish Workers Party (PKK)

Kuwaiti Air Force

Los Angeles US Air Force Base

Malaysian Armed Forces

Malaysian Army

Mexican Navy

NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (NAMSA)

Netherlands Defence Material Organisation (DMO)

Netherlands Ministry of Defence

North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)

Norwegian Army

Norwegian Defence Logistics Organization

Norwegian Defence Procurement Division (NDPD)

Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan (PKK)

Polish Army

Polish Ministry of National Defence

Polish Special Operations Command (POLSOCOM)

Public Works and Government Services Canada

Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF)

Republic of Korea Army (ROKA)

Republic of Korea Navy (ROKN)

Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF)

Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN)

Royal Air Force of Oman

Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF)

Royal Australian Navy (RAN)

Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF)

Royal Moroccan Air Force (RMAF)

Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNAF)

Royal Netherlands Marine Corps (RNLMC)

Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN)

Royal Norwegian Navy

Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF)

Royal Thai Air Force

Russian Federation Ministry of Defense (MoD)

Page 30: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents Russian Space Force

South African National Defense Force (SANDF)

Swedish Armed Forces

Swedish Defense Material Organisation (FMV)

Swiss Air Force

Swiss Army

Turkish Air Force

UAE Army

UAE Navy

UK 32 Regiment Royal Artillery

UK Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S)

UK Ministry of Defence (MoD)

UK Royal Air Force (RAF)

UK Royal Navy

United Nations (UN)

US 401st Army Field Support Brigade

US Air Combat Command

US Air Force (USAF)

US Air Force Military Satellite Communications Systems Wing (MCSW)

US Army

US Army Brigade Combat Team (BCT)

US Army Communications and Electronics Command (CECOM)

US Army Communications, Electronics Lifecycle Management Command

US Army Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center (CERDEC)

US Army Corps of Engineers

US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM)

US Army Military Intelligence

US Army National Guard (ANG)

US Army Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems (PEO EIS)

US Army Space and Missile Defense Command

US Army Special Forces

US CECOM Acquisition Center

US Coast Guard (USCG)

US Congress

US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP)

US Defence Meteorological Satellite Program

US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

Page 31: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents US Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)

US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA)

US Department of Defense (DoD)

US Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

US Department of the Army

US Government Accountability Office (GAO)

US Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organisation (JIEDDO)

US Joint Program Executive Office for the Joint Tactical Radio Systems(JPEO JTRS)

US Joint Program Office (JPO)

US Joint Special Operations Task Force, Philippines

US Marine Corps (USMC)

US Marine Corps Systems Command (MARCORSYSCOM)

US Missile Defense Agency (MDA)

US NAVAIR Air Combat Electronics Program Office (PMA-209)

US NAVAIR Aircraft Division

US Naval Air Station Sigonella

US Naval Air Systems Command

US Naval Air Warfare Center (NAVAIR)

US Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD)

US Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)

US Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC)

US Navy

US Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC)

US Navy PEO Integrated Warfare Systems (PEO IWS)

US Navy Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic

US Navy Special Communications Requirements Division


US Office for Naval Research (ONR)

US Office of the Secretary of Defense - Director of Defense Research and Engineering (OSD DDRE)



US PEO Command, Control and Communications Tactical (PEO C3T) Program Manager Battle Command

US PEO Soldier, Project Manager Soldier Sensors and Lasers (PM SSL)


US Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC)

US Space and Missile Systems Center Space Superiority Systems Wing

Page 32: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023

Contents US Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWAR)

US Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWARSYSCEN) Atlantic

US SPAWAR Center Atlantic C2 Systems Division

US SPAWAR Center Pacific

US SPAWAR Center San Diego

US SPAWAR Tactical C2 Engineering Division

US Special Communications Requirements Division

US Special Operations Command (SOCOM)

US Strategic Command (USSSTRATCOM)

USAF Aeronautical Systems Center



USAF Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC)

Page 33: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023 Page 56

The C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023 4.4 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Land Based Submarket

Table 4.4 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Land Based Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2013-

23 Sales $bn 18.7 19.6 20.7 21.4 22.2 23.1 24.3 25.7 27.1 28.5 29.9 31.7 293.0

AGR (%) 4.8 5.4 3.4 4.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 5.0 6.0

CAGR 2013-18 (%) 4.4

2018-23 5.5

CAGR 2013-23 (%) 4.9 Source: Visiongain 2013

2013 2018 2023

















2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023AG

R (%



s $b


Year Land AGR (%)


24.0 %


Source: Visiongain 2013

Figure 4.12 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Submarket Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Source: Visiongain 2013

Figure 4.11 Global C2/C4ISR Systems Land Based Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Page 34: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023 Page 115

The C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023 5.6 French C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023 5.6.1 French C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023

Table 5.15 French Global C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2013-


Sales $bn

3.7 3.8 4.0 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 46.6

AGR (%) 4.0 3.0 1.5 1.0 0.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0

CAGR 2013-18 (%) 1.5

2018-23 2.7

CAGR 2013-23 (%) 2.1

Source: Visiongain 2013

2013 2018 2023













2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023AG

R (%



s $b


Year Market value AGR %




Source: Visiongain 2013

Figure 5.21 French C2/C4ISR Systems Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Source: Visiongain 2013

Figure 5.20 French C2/C4ISR Systems Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Page 35: The C2/C4 ISR systems market 2013-2023 Page 136

The C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023 5.10.3 Australian C2/C4ISR Systems Contracts & Programmes

Table 5.29 Australian C2/C4ISR Systems Market Major Contracts (Company, Date, Value, Details)

Company Date Value Details

BAE Systems February 2010


Contract to supply imaging systems to the ADF. Under the contract BAE Systems Australia’s Land Business

Unit to provide over 400 AN/PAS-13C thermal weapons sights for the Carl Gustaf M3 anti-tank

recoilless rifle system

Harris April 2010 $112m

Harris to provide various Falcon radio systems and equipment. The order was placed as part of the Land

75/125 and Joint Project 2027 communications modernisation programmes

AAI Corporation May 2010 - Purchase of two AAI Corporation RQ-7B Shadow 200 UAV systems, which comprise four unmanned aircraft

along with ground control and support equipment

SAAB AB July 2010 $27.5m

Procurement of SAAB AB Giraffe Agile Multi-Beam (AMB) radar system. The Giraffe AMB is a modular,

off-the-shelf radar system that is able to fulfil a variety of roles, including air, ground and sea surveillance,

weapons location and air traffic control

Elbit System (Harris



2010 $9.5m

Elbit Systems as a Harris Corp subcontractor will

provide ADF Land 200 communications program.

Harris Corp will integrate its tactical radio systems into

the Battle Management System being developed by

Elbit and will also provide support

Raytheon January 2011


Raytheon to provide faster and more reliable battlefield communications. Under the contract,

Raytheon will provide more than 1000 radios, both for vehicle mounting and to be carried by soldiers on the field, along with the equipment needed to mount and

operate the radios, along with maintenance and support services

General Dynamics October 2011 $12.7m

General Dynamics to provide the Australian Defence Force with AN/PRC-112G, GPS enabled Search and Rescue radios. The AN/PRC-112G sends encrypted

global positions information, along with user identification, situation reports and other critical

information to combat search and rescue aircraft in short bursts to reduce the risk of detection and

interception. These radios form a part of the HOOK2 Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) system

Raytheon January 2012 $80.8m

Purchase of the Raytheon AN/AQS-22 airborne low frequency sonar (ALFS) for the planned fleet of 24

MH-60R naval combat helicopters

Harris January

2012 $234m

Order to deliver Falcon tactical radio systems to the

Australian DOD in the next phase of its tactical radio

modernization program (JP2072).

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The C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023

7. Expert Opinion 7.1 Boaz Nathan – Sr. Consultant to ELTA Systems

7.1.1 Elta Systems a key pillar in IAI Visiongain: Could you tell me about Elta Systems position in the market and some of the products

and services you offer the C2/C4ISR Market?

Boaz Nathan (BN): Elta as a member of the Israeli Aerospace Industries group is a leader in the

[C2/C4ISR] field. We deal with radar, communication, electronic warfare, Signal Intelligence and

C4ISR as a whole. That is our place in the group, other divisions deal with UAV’s, aircraft

modifications and naval assets and so forth. Many of our projects are run in house, within Elta, or

with other members of IAI. This takes advantage of knowledge and experience from other fields

which they have expertise in.

Elta has been operating in the field of electronics for 45 years now; it grew in the beginning from a

radar house. Elta is Israel’s national radar house, when Israel was formed there were several key

strategic technologies, which was decided that had to be produced and developed in Israel for a

variety of reasons. Israel would be independent in these strategic technologies; Radar was one of

these technologies. We do most of the radars and all of the strategic radars in Israel. In addition we

grew throughout the years to Electronic Warfare, Communication and Signal Intelligence. These

are the main fields we deal with. Now for the past couple of years we deal in cyber.

We traditionally grew from a central producer to a system integrator or solution provider. Meaning

we bring the whole solution and not just the system or radar. For example one of our products is

airborne early warning aircraft which we call the CAEW. It is an innovative design which was built

on a Gulfstream 550 business platform which we added radar systems, communications systems

and Signal Intelligence systems all which are built in house and integrated onto the aircraft. We sell

that as a full solution. This is one area which we deal with; mission aircraft; airborne early warning,

maritime patrol, signal intelligence aircraft and air to ground intelligence aircraft.

We make air defence radars, for missile defence, in fact all Israeli missile defence radar are

produced by Elta. One of which is the Arrow ballistic missile interceptor, in which Elta’s Green Pine

radar is incorporated. There are also other kinds of radar such as; Multi mode radar, this is the

radar which works with the Iron Dome anti missile system. All of the air defence radars are

produced here at Elta. From long range ballistic missile defence, down to very short range air

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The C2/C4ISR Systems Market 2013-2023 8.1 BAE Systems

Total company revenue $bn $28.2bn Headquarters Farnborough UK

Ticker LSE: BA.L IR Contact Sejal Ierland Website

8.1.1 BAE a Key Player

BAE Systems is a British defence, security and aerospace company with global interests,

particularly in North America through its subsidiary BAE Systems Inc. The company provides a

range of C2/C4ISR systems for airborne, ground and naval platforms.

BAE Systems consolidated their C2/C4ISR capabilities in a reorganisation of their Electronics and

Integrated Solutions Operating Group. BAE Systems C2/C4ISR products include communications,

radio-frequency sensors and surveillance and reconnaissance systems.

BAE Systems is involved in the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program where it contributes with the

airframe and mission systems. The company oversees the F-35’s Electronic Warfare (EW)

systems suite and is providing advanced low observable apertures and advanced countermeasure

systems. BAE Systems also has significant involvement in autonomic logistics and is involved in

the integrated test force, including the systems flight test and mission systems. Additionally, BAE

Systems is supplying the vehicle management computer, the Communication, Navigation, and

Identification (CNI) modules, the active stick and throttle and the Electro-Optical Targeting System

(EOTS) laser subsystem.

BAE Systems also provide the Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) suite for the US Air Force’s F-

22 Raptor aircraft. BAE Systems have also supplied their Integrated Defensive Electronic Radio

Frequency Countermeasures (IDECM) system for the US Navy F/A-18E/F aircraft.

Table 8.2 BAE Systems Company Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Source: Visiongain 2013