The Age of Jackson

The Age of Jackso n 1829 - 1837


The Age of Jackson. 1829 - 1837. Presidential Election. John Quincy Adams is elected president over Jackson in 1824 Jackson won the popular vote , but neither candidate received a majority in the electoral vote - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Age of Jackson

Page 1: The Age of Jackson

The Age of

Jackson1829 - 1837

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Presidential Election John Quincy Adams is elected president

over Jackson in 1824 Jackson won the popular vote, but neither

candidate received a majority in the electoral vote

Corrupt Bargain – Henry Clay influenced the House of Representatives to elect Adams and was appointed Clay Secretary of State

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Voting Requirements Prior to 1828 majority of Americans were

content with allowing the aristocracy to select the President.

Aristocracy – wealthy, educated, privileged class

By 1828 most states got rid of property qualifications for voting, therefore more people could vote

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Election of 1828 Adams – characterized as an intellectual

elitist Jackson – characterized as a man of

humble origins, “president for the common man” In reality Jackson was a wealthy

plantation owner

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General JacksonGeneral Jackson’’s Military s Military CareerCareer

General JacksonGeneral Jackson’’s Military s Military CareerCareer

Defeated the Creeks at Horseshoe Bend in 1814Defeated the British at

New Orleans in 1815Took Florida and

claimed it for the US in 1819.

Loved by his soldiers called him “Old Hickory”

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1824, Thomas Jefferson said of Jackson

“When I was President of the Senate he was a Senator; and he could never speak on

account of the rashness of his feelings. I have seen him attempt it repeatedly, and as often choke with rage. His passions are no doubt cooler now….BUT HE IS A DANGEROUS


jackson the man

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Jackson’s Top Ten10. Andrew Jackson was the first President from

a state west of the Appalachian Mountains. 9. Andrew Jackson was the first Tennessean to

serve in the U.S. House of Representatives. 8. Andrew Jackson was the first territorial

Governor of Florida.7. Andrew Jackson was the first person to serve

as a U.S. Representative, Senator, and President.

6. Andrew Jackson exercised his veto power 12 times as President, more than all of his predecessors combined.

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Jackson’s Top Ten5. Andrew Jackson was the first

President to articulate that as President he represented all the people and the will of the majority must govern.

4. Andrew Jackson helped found and was the first U.S. President to represent the Democratic Party.

3. Andrew Jackson is the only U.S. President to be censured by the U.S. Senate. The censure (official criticism) was cancelled in the last year of his presidency.

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Jackson’s Top Ten

2. The first assassination attempt on a sitting U.S. President occurred on January 30, 1835, when Robert Lawrence failed to slay Andrew Jackson.

1. Andrew Jackson was the only President in American History to pay off the national debt and leave office with the country in the black.

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Rise of the Common Man and The New




The Working Class

Powerful movement in the country to

expand involvement and participation of the common man in


Land easy to obtain in the

West so property

qualifications were dropped

Education not as


•Common Man and the west become politically

powerful •Jackson brought democracy to the

Common man

Jackson stood for the

common man which was most of the population

Other Common Men in US History:

Davy CrockettSam Houston

Common man cluster

Page 11: The Age of Jackson

JEFFERSONIAN DEMOCRACYPeople should be governed as little possiblePeople should be governed as little possible

JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACYWhatever governing needed to be done, it should be Whatever governing needed to be done, it should be

done by the done by the common man.common man. ““Government by the Government by the majority of people; instead of a government majority of people; instead of a government

governed by the upper class was introduced during governed by the upper class was introduced during JacksonJackson’’s Presidency.s Presidency.

New Democracy

• Property ownership/education not needed to vote• Growth of political power of the working class

• Increased number of elected officials• Land easy to get out West

• Ideas of the DOI become important and people saw inequalities in society..

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President Jackson Presidential veto - the right of a president to

reject bills passed by the legislature.

Spoils system – to the victor belongs the spoils

Rewarded loyal friends from the campaign with government positions

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Spoils System

Jackson’s policy was said to be product of the “kitchen cabinet,” a group of close friends who also served as his informal advisors

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President Jackson Indian Removal Act of 1830

Jackson believed assimilation would not work and reservations required too many soldiers to prevent white settlement

Indian Removal Act – a series of treaties that moved Native American Tribes west

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Worcester v. Georgia (1832) Supreme court rules that Georgia does not

have the right to regulate the Cherokee or invade its lands

Andrew Jackson on the subject: “John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it.”

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Trail of Tears November 1838 – Cherokee made an

800-mile trip west Government officials stole their money Outlaws stole their livestock More than a quarter of the Cherokee

died along the way

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Page 19: The Age of Jackson

Don’t Drink the WaterCome out, come out no use in hidingCome out, come out can you not see?

There’s no place here, what were you expecting?Not room for both, just room for me

So you will lay your arms downYes I will call this home

Away, away you’ve been banishedYour land is gone and given to me

And as you go I will spread my wingsYes I will call this home

Don't Drink the Water

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Tariff of 1828Tariff of Abominations

Limited exports from Great Britain forcing the South to buy more expensive items from the North

John C. Calhoun – nullification Questioned the legality of applying federal

laws in sovereign states U.S. was a compact of sovereign states which

could nullify, or reject a law considered unconstitutional

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Jackson vs. Calhoun (Pres. vs. VP)

Jackson on Calhoun’s Beliefs on nullification & secession: “Our Union; it must

be preserved!”

Calhoun’s rebuttal:

“The Union, next to our liberty, the most dear; may we all remember that can only be preserved by respecting the rights of the States…”

Calhoun resigns as VP in 1832…

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Jackson on Calhoun & Clay…

"I have only 2 regrets: that I have not shot Henry Clay or hanged John C. Calhoun."

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South Carolina Rebels Tariff of 1832 caused South Carolina to

threaten to secede or withdraw from the Union

Jackson threatened military action against South Carolina

Henry Clay proposed a bill that would gradually decrease the taxes of 10 years

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The National Bank Viewed the bank as a “tool of the elite”

or “privileged institution” In 1832, Jackson vetoed the

re-chartering of the bank

Jackson began removing government funds and placing them in state banks called “pet banks”

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Panic of 1837 A direct result of the closing of the

National Bank “Pet banks” over-speculated and paper

money became nearly worthless People lost their savings, businesses went

bankrupt and 1/3 of the population was out of work

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Jackson’s Legacy Increase of respect and power for the

common man Voting rights expanded to all white

male adult citizens, rather than only land owners in that group

Increased the strength of the Executive branch at the expense of the Legislative branch

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Conflicts in Jackson’s Administration Tariff Nullification Indian Second Bank Panic of 1837 – Specie Circular

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Texas Saga Austin Houston Alamo San Jacinto Sectionalism – Slavery – Annexation debate

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Politics Old Hickory Corrupt Bargain Kitchen Cabinet Spoils System Universal Manhood Suffrage Jacksonian Democrats