The Age of Exploration and Discovery What factors led to the Age of Exploration and Discovery?

The Age of Exploration and Discovery What factors led to the Age of Exploration and Discovery?

Transcript of The Age of Exploration and Discovery What factors led to the Age of Exploration and Discovery?

Page 1: The Age of Exploration and Discovery What factors led to the Age of Exploration and Discovery?

The Age of Exploration and

DiscoveryWhat factors led to the Age of Exploration

and Discovery?

Page 2: The Age of Exploration and Discovery What factors led to the Age of Exploration and Discovery?

Timeline of Events in Europe

• Renaissance in Europe- revival of learning, studying both the Ancient world and the world they lived in. (1300-1600)

• Magnetic Compass, Astrolabe and Caravel were invented allowing for further travel into the Ocean (1400’s)

• Printing press invented- spread of information led to growth in Art and Science and Exploration ( 1450’s)

Page 3: The Age of Exploration and Discovery What factors led to the Age of Exploration and Discovery?

What motivated Exploration?

• Curiosity- desire to learn about and understand other cultures

• Religion- spread Christianity, fear of the rise of Islam

• Economic- spices and luxuries in the far east, quest for silver and gold that was becoming more scarce in Europe

• Political- build and empire and conquer other lands

• Some will say it is more simple… the three G’s• God, Glory, Gold

• What was it like?

Page 4: The Age of Exploration and Discovery What factors led to the Age of Exploration and Discovery?

Who were the first European explorers? Where did they go?

• Portugal• Goal- Trade-find a way around Africa

to India

• 1419 Prince Henry the Navigator began funding exploration

• Began trading on the West African coast

• Bartholomeu Dias- rounded the Cape of Good Hope (1488)

• Vasco de Gama- reached Indian Ocean ( 1499)

• Brazil- established slave trade

Page 5: The Age of Exploration and Discovery What factors led to the Age of Exploration and Discovery?
Page 6: The Age of Exploration and Discovery What factors led to the Age of Exploration and Discovery?
Page 7: The Age of Exploration and Discovery What factors led to the Age of Exploration and Discovery?

Map of the World in 1490

Map of the World in 1590

Page 8: The Age of Exploration and Discovery What factors led to the Age of Exploration and Discovery?

Who were the first European explorers? Where did they go?

• Spain• Goal- conquest and colonization

• Columbus- 1474 idea to reach India by sailing west

• Contract from Ferdinand and Isabella to become “Admiral of the Ocean Sea”

• Control of all lands found and 10% of riches

• Did Columbus discover America?


Page 9: The Age of Exploration and Discovery What factors led to the Age of Exploration and Discovery?

Columbus Controversy

• Read article Columbus Controversy• Answer the following:

1. What actions of Columbus may have been considered controversial?

2. What actions of Columbus are considered heroic or beneficial?

3. In your opinion, should we celebrate Columbus day in the United States? Why or why not, cite something specific to support your opinion. (ticket out the door)

Page 10: The Age of Exploration and Discovery What factors led to the Age of Exploration and Discovery?

Who were the first European explorers? Where did they go?

• Spain (continued)• Vasco Nunez de Balboa- crossed the isthmus of Panama, reached the Pacific

Ocean, claiming all lands that it touched for Spain (1519)

• Ferdinand Magellan- crossed the straights of Cape Horn around South America, he was killed but his ship and crew circumnavigated the globe, returning to Spain ( 1522)

• Hernando Cortez- conquistador of the Aztecs in South America

• Spain’s policy was to convert natives to Christianity, plunder for gold and silver and send it back to Europe

• With in 30 years, the Aztec population went from 25 million to 2 million

Page 11: The Age of Exploration and Discovery What factors led to the Age of Exploration and Discovery?

Voyage of Hernando Cortez

Page 12: The Age of Exploration and Discovery What factors led to the Age of Exploration and Discovery?

Who were the first European explorers? Where did they go?

The English, French and Dutch entered the race later and focused on colonizing North America.

Page 13: The Age of Exploration and Discovery What factors led to the Age of Exploration and Discovery?

Columbian Exchange

• SAS Curriculum Pathways • Username: mttabor

• No password

• QL 186

• Go through the directions, except respond on your notes paper by:

• Completing the chart that demonstrates the exchange of good and note whether it was positive or negative/beneficial or harmful to either side.

• Answer the question that follows

Page 14: The Age of Exploration and Discovery What factors led to the Age of Exploration and Discovery?

Columbian Exchange

Page 15: The Age of Exploration and Discovery What factors led to the Age of Exploration and Discovery?

Exploration of North America

• Dig a little deeper into who came to North America and Why• Read the article and complete the chart

Why Who Country/Individual


Page 16: The Age of Exploration and Discovery What factors led to the Age of Exploration and Discovery?

Final Assessment of Discovery and Exploration

• Would you consider the long term effects of the Columbian Exchange an overall positive outcome on the world, or negative?• Consider the facts from the videos, articles and sites that you


• Support your argument with at least 3 pieces of evidence.