The 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano...

NOVEMBER 2015 二零一五年十一月號 © Bartek Sadowski / Fryderyk Chopin Institute The 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition 第十七屆國際蕭邦鋼琴大賽 樂壇新秀 閉幕音樂會 2015 2015 - Final Concerts

Transcript of The 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano...

NOVEMBER 2015 二 零 一 五 年 十 一 月 號©





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The 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition


樂壇新秀 — 閉幕音樂會20152015 - Final Concerts

Young Music Makers 2015 has finally come to its joyous close. On 12 November, you can be an audience member at Studio One to enjoy live performances of these gifted youngsters. As we have extended an invitation to ALL candidates to perform at the occasion, there are going to be TWO concerts, beginning at 6pm and 8pm respectively.

After the performances, each YMM will be presented a certificate of achievement that serves to recognise their hard work, and is also a testament to their passion in music. The name of the ‘Adjudicators’ Choice’ will be disclosed as well. To request tickets, please fill out the form on p. 37. You may also call us at 2339 6425 during office hours to reserve your seats.

This year’s Chopin Competition has come to an end. Soon, the winners will be appearing on the international concert platform. Stay tuned to The 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition on Tuesday at 8pm as we bring you performances from the Competition.

The RTHK Quartet has just returned from its second European tour. Their performance in Brussels included the world premiere of a work by Hong Kong composer Chan Hing-yan. The work, Two Pieces of Cantonese Music, written for sheng and string quartet, will be given its Hong Kong premiere in February at RTHK Studio One. Details will be announced soon.

Another important event to look forward to is our annual Christmas Concert in the Park. This year, the theme is Beethoven and it will be a wonderful experience to listen to his music in the pastoral surrounding of Hong Kong Park. The programme and artist line-up will be in next month’s FM. In this issue, we first bring you an interview with the four vocal soloists. Please refer to p. 7.

Recently, Radio 4 has been filled with happy moments. This month’s Coda is from presenter Eunice Chow, who has just become a mother of twin girls. You may like to know that RTHK Quartet’s viola player Elvis Chan is Eunice’s husband, and the twins’ arrival was the reason for him to stay in Hong Kong when the Quartet went to Belgium. Congratulations to Eunice and Elvis!

Good things come in threes! Yes indeed. Our English Programme Services’ colleague Joyce Fung, who handles Radio 4’s clerical work, has just given birth to a baby boy. Congratulations to Joyce and her husband Lawrence.

Jimmy Shiu Head, Radio 4


演出之後,每位新秀將獲頒嘉許狀以表揚他們為音樂付出的努力。我們亦會公佈那位新秀是「評判之選」。有興趣出席「閉幕音樂會」的朋友,請即填寫刊於第37頁的表格,你亦可於辦公時間內致電2339 6425登記及留位。



第四台的另一大型製作 ─ 一年一度的聖誕園林音樂會,今年會以貝多芬的音樂為主題。能在田園美景中欣賞他的名曲,可謂賞心樂事。詳細內容請留意下期《美樂集》,在第7頁先有四位獨唱者的專訪。



第四台節目總監 蕭樹勝

Radio 4 would like to thank the patrons for their generous support. If you would like to become a patron of ‘FM’ Fine Music, please call us on 9073 3474 for further information during office hours.

香港電台第四台謹向以下贊助者的慷慨支持致以最深謝意。有興趣成為「美樂集」贊助者的朋友,可在辦公時間內致電 9073 3474 查詢有關詳情。

DIAMOND PATRON 鑽石贊助者 Sir Gordon & Lady Wu 胡應湘爵士伉儷

PLATINUM PATRON 白金贊助者 Anonymous 無名氏

SILVER PATRON 白銀贊助者 Ms. Rayne Chai Chih-hui 蔡之慧女士

SHARE Your LOVE of Music with US,

Become a PATRON『美樂集』of ‘FM’ !


掌台人 隨筆From The Desk of HR4

▲ The RTHK Quartet visited Europe again. Last time they played inside a castle. This time, one of the performances took place inside a palace! 香港電台弦樂四重奏再度出訪歐洲。上次他們在古堡中獻技,今次演出的地點是在皇宮中!

November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 1













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November 2015 二 零 一 五 年 十 一 月 號



SPECIAL FEATURES 特稿04 In Conversation with Charlie Siem

07 踏上華麗舞台 鄺勵齡、張吟晶、譚天樂、黃日珩談香港歌劇演員之路

11 RTHK Quartet in Brussels 香港電台弦樂四重奏 布魯塞爾之行

COVER STORY 封面故事15 The Chopin Challenge – Performances from the

17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition 第十七屆國際蕭邦鋼琴大賽 ─ 演出實況

COLUMNS 專欄23 Sunday Opera 歌劇世界

26 Songs of the Earth 大地之歌

32 Music to Make You Tingle 動人心弦

37 Young Music Makers 2015 Final Concerts 樂壇新秀2015閉幕音樂會

41 New Releases 碟碟不休

43 Concert Highlights 音樂會轉播精選

47 Friends of Radio 4 第四台之友

49 Main Programme Chart 節目時間表

51 Programme Highlights 節目精華

59 ‘FM’ Classified Board 《美樂集》分類廣告

60 Coda


November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 3

A Programme of Contrasts

J : How did you come to pair these two works by Vaughan Williams and Ravel?

C : The Lark Ascending is usually programmed on its own, not always with something else. I did it once with the Chausson Poème but not with the Tzigane. I think they will go very well together, they will certainly contrast with each other, so that would be good.

J : Oh yes I was going to ask you about that - compare and contrast. There is a very different inspiration behind each work.

C : Absolutely. The Lark Ascending is almost cinematic in sound and it’s a very romantic, lush piece. It has a little bit of English folk idiom coming into it and it’s very characteristic of Vaughan Williams, his voice, his sound, and is very pastoral in its nature. Of course the Tzigane is the absolute opposite. Ravel, who is such a meticulous composer, is right at the other end of the spectrum and there is something really wild and crazy about Tzigane. It’s gypsy inspired and written in a very virtuosic style. The famous opening cadenza is so raw and exciting, so that’s the absolute opposite of Vaughan Williams’ controlled writing.

C : Charlie Siem J : Jonathan Douglas

Charlie Siem is one of the rare artists today who straddles

both the classical music and fashion worlds. He performs

in Hong Kong as a violin soloist with the City Chamber

Orchestra of Hong Kong, presenting two outstanding

works, Vaughan Williams’ beautifully haunting ‘The Lark

Ascending’ and Ravel’s gypsy flavoured ‘Tzigane’. Charlie

tells Jonathan Douglas about his favourite recordings and the

musicians who have inspired him over his formative years.

J : In their own ways, both are absolute joy to play I should think.

C : Yes, exactly. As I say, it is so much more lyrical and it’s a much more gentle, soft touch. Tzigane is a thrill ride for the player and the audience.

Sensational Recordings

J : When you were young and listening to recordings of these two pieces, can you remember which violinists you really enjoyed listening to?

C : Well I remember I played The Lark Ascending with the Royal Philharmonic when I was about 15 or 16 at Kenwood House in London. I used to live on a corner by Hugh Bean, who made one of the most famous recordings with Adrian Boult in the 60s. I knew Hugh Bean because I won a competition of his at the Royal College of Music, and I went to him to study the piece. That gave me a tremendous insight into the piece because his recording was celebrated as being the purest, and with the most English sound, appropriate to Vaughan Williams’ romance, so that was a special recording for me. With Tzigane, it’s a far more universal

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FINE MUSIC | November 20154

A Collaboration between Siblings

J : What about your own family? Were you brought up in a musical family?

C : No, I wasn’t. Neither of my parents are musicians, nor my grandparents. It was just me and my older sister who were inspired to learn an instrument. My older sister picked the cello and I picked the violin. In fact, older sister doesn’t play the cello as much now since she became a composer in which she has been doing very well.

J : When she was playing the cello did you play chamber music together?

C : We did, actually. As children, we had a friend of ours who was a pianist when we were very small who used to come round and we’d play trios together and it was a lot of fun. In fact, most recently in Oslo at the chamber music festival, my sister wrote a number of songs and we arranged them for violin and cello and with singing on top of that. We had a full concert of just the two of us, playing a collection of her songs which was really fun. We hadn’t played together for 15 years and we did this project together which was really special.

- transcribed by Jacqueline Leung

This concert promises to be a feast for the eyes and ears. Catch this rare programme of contrasts Live on 4 on 21 November (Sat) at 8pm, featuring Grieg’s Holberg Suite, The Lark Ascending by Vaughan Williams, Respighi’s Gli Uccelli, and finishing with Ravel’s exotic Tzigane.

這場集視覺與聽覺享受的音樂會,會演出葛利格的《霍爾堡組曲》、佛漢威廉士的〈雲雀高飛〉、雷史碧基的《鳥》,以及拉威爾的〈吉卜賽〉。請留意11月21日(六) 晚上8時的第四台音樂會。

piece. It stands apart as one of the most virtuosic repertoire for violinists. There are many inspiring recordings. I used to listen a lot of Jascha Heifetz as a child because I had his entire box set of recordings. He had a number of recordings of Tzigane both with orchestra and piano which were, as with all his virtuosic recordings, just sensational. But I also loved the recording of Christian Ferras, who was a great French violinist who had real character and style. When we talk now about people not having as much personality in their sound as they used to, I look back to Christian Ferras as somebody who had so much character in the way he played, shifting, vibrato and the way he used the sound and the possibility of moving around the instrument and making his unique sound. He played Tzigane phenomenally well. He added many of his own ornaments and gypsy touches that other people didn’t, which gave it a sort of extra life. So those are definitely the two old recordings I love listening to. I also had Vadim Repin doing Tzigane with Kent Nagano which was one of the CDs I used to listen to which was fantastic. We went to see Maxim Vengerov when I was a child performing Tzigane in Toulouse in France. Again, fantastic. So one is inspired by many recordings and performances.

J : I will go in search of those recordings you have been talking about, particularly the Hugh Bean and the Christian Ferras!

C : Yes, Christian Ferras is wonderful to listen to for everything actually, I find. He is one of my favourite violinists when you talk about personality in violin playing. He is to me, absolutely, the most wonderful to listen to.

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November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 5





踏上華麗舞台 鄺勵齡、張吟晶、譚天樂、黃日珩談香港歌劇演員之路


「雖然香港的歌劇市場不大,但是跟十年前或二十年前相比,歌劇主辦者的數目可算以倍數增加。肯努力的話,在香港演歌劇終能爭一席位,不似倫敦或是紐約競爭那麼激烈。」提到香港的歌劇環境,Alex有這看法。Samantha也說道:「相比其他地方,就如我的家鄉馬來西亞,香港能夠給予我更多機會。」Apollo補充:「在香港這個細小而步伐急速的城市演歌劇有其好處 ─ 歌劇這個行頭也是這麼小,我們一眾歌手以至其他音樂家,已經互相認識甚至交情匪淺,這對我們演出的水準有很大好處。」正是地方小有地方小的好處!

▲ 香港的歌劇演員經常同台演出。張吟晶(左二)、鄺勵齡(左三)與黃日珩(右一)就在今年8月上演的《女人皆如此》中碰面。相片中另外兩位表演者分別為錢深銘(左一)及陳永(右二)。





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November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 7


Two boys, 11-year-old Matthew and 10-year-old Harry, have joined the Vienna Boys’ Choir. The two new members are already active at the School in Vienna. Admitted earlier this year, they are the first Hong Kong boys to be part of the 500-year-old choir. It must be a challenge for these young boys to live and study far away from home; the school describes the boys as ‘easygoing and personable’, and reports that the boys are making good progress. Matthew has already sung a few short solos and Harry is an intuitive and quick learner. Although it’s only a few months since they’ve joined the choir, both boys have already sung Mass at chapel and have participated in a documentary on the Choir for Austrian TV, ORF. The boys are also expected to tour to Japan and Korea next year.











Arts Happenings 藝壇快訊

首兩位香港男孩 加入維也納兒童合唱團

First Hong Kong Boys Join Vienna Boys’ Choir

Rachel Lai 黎慧因

▲ Matthew (right) and Harry – the Vienna Boys’ Choir’s first two choristers from Hong Kong 維也納兒童合唱團首兩位香港團員Matthew(右)和 Harry

Tune in to Artbeat every Saturday at noon for more

arts happening around the world.

請收聽逢星期一至六黃昏6時的「藝壇快訊」, 接觸海外和城中最新的藝術資訊。



而 且 歌 劇 始 終 被 標 籤 成 為 昂 貴 娛 樂 , 所 以 很 多 人 仍 然 未 了 解 歌 劇

為何物。」Alex和Apo l l o也甚表認同,Alex說:「香港的市場實

在 太 細 , 作 為 專 業 歌 劇 演 員 的 工 作 量 其 實 不 多 , 這 就 是 我 們 的 難





Is opera a ‘high culture’ unwelcomed by the mass? We don’t think so! Hong

Kong has had a growing number of opera productions in recent decades, and

more young singers are joining the business as opera singers. Louise Kwong,

Samantha Chong, Alex Tam, and Apollo Wong are four of the brightest young

opera stars in Hong Kong. They share their passion and their stories with

readers. Stay tuned to Radio 4. This year’s Christmas Concert in the Park is not

an opera, but you will surely enjoy listening to our four singers’ operatic voices!

November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 9

Louise: 「香港的朋友都覺得我們這一行挺奇怪,而且



(Luciano Pavarotti) 的身形才能發出那種聲音

的嗎?這都是不容易解釋的。 」



Alex: 「『咦,你就是那位Alex?』原來有人知道






Apollo: 「嘩,真的嗎?其實你要做甚麼?你的正職是




Raymond Chung

After their first tour to Italy and France in 2012, the RTHK Quartet shared their

love of music in Europe again last month. Invited by the Hong Kong Economic

and Trade Office (ETO), three members of the RTHK Quartet (Le Hoai-nam,

Selena Choi, and Laurent Perrin) teamed up with guest violist Kim Bo-hyun and

local sheng virtuoso Loo Sze-wang to give the premiere of Hong Kong composer

Chan Hing-yan’s new work in the Egmont Palace, Brussels, Belgium. Chan’s

new work, Two Pieces of Cantonese Music, is an arrangement of two well-

known Cantonese tunes for sheng and string quartet; it was performed at the

gala dinner of the ETO’s 50th anniversary. The work will receive its Hong Kong

premiere in February 2016 at RTHK Broadcasting House.

During the trip, the musicians also visited the Royal Conservatory of Brussels,

which was founded in 1813. You may like to know that Adolphe Sax, inventor of

the saxophone, also studied there. The musicians enjoyed making music with the

young talents from the Conservatory very much.

Apart from bringing Hong Kong’s music to the West, the Quartet is also focusing

on performing local new works for local music lovers. On 14 January 2016, they

will be giving the premiere of 20 new works in a multimedia concert presented by

the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild. Keep an eye on the Quartet’s official website

and their Facebook page to see what new projects are they working on.

▲ Performing at the Egmont Palace 在艾格蒙皇宮演出

▲ The crowd seemed interested with the sheng 觀眾對笙頗感興趣

▲ The Quartet entering the Ballroom at the Palace 四重奏在皇宮大廳中

November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 11

















▲ Royal Conservatory of Brussels 布盧塞爾皇家音樂學院

▼ Performed at the opening ceremony of the ETO’s 50th anniversary celebrations 在經貿辦成立五十週年的開幕禮中演出




RTHK Quartet 香港電台弦樂四重奏

Official Website 官方網頁 :

Facebook page 臉書 :

November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 13

The Chopin Challenge

Performances from The 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition in Live on 4

devoted to one composer’s music. Of the 450 initial applicants this

year, half were from Asia, with China, Japan, and South Korea as

the top four participating countries, along with Poland.

Concertos, Etudes, Nocturnes, Ballades...

In a four-round Competition, each pianist performed nearly 3 hours

of Chopin’s music with 10 pianists admitted to the final round to

perform one of Chopin’s two piano concertos, accompanied by

the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Jacek

Kaspszyk. During the first three stages, the pianists performed

nocturnes, etudes, ballads, scherzos, polonaises, waltzes,

mazurkas and sonatas. Traditionally, six finalists receive main

prizes and the laureate title. In the past, this title was granted to

a higher number of finalists (up to 15), but, over time, fewer titles

have been awarded. The main prize was not granted twice (in 1990

and 1995). The pianists also vie for prizes for the best performance

of mazurkas, a polonaise, a concerto, and a sonata, as well as

numerous other special prizes.

This was the jury’s verdict …

Stacey RoddaTuesdays 8:00pm

The Chopin Competition is accompanied by a number of events, one of them being the anniversary celebration of Fryderyk Chopin’s death. 17 October is included in the Competition’s calendar and is recognised as the day that homage is paid to the composer. On this occasion, a ceremonial mass is held at the Church of the Holy Cross in Warsaw during which Mozart’s Requiem is performed. You can hear this concert on 3 November (Tuesday) at 8 pm.

▲ Adam Harasiewicz 夏拉舒域治 ▲ Martha Argerich 亞嘉莉殊

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Although Chopin left Poland at the age of 20, the Polish spirit

permeates his music and his spirit lives on in the country’s capital of

Warsaw where his heart found its final resting place.

Chopin and Tourism

Hundreds of thousands of visitors come to Poland each year, not

only to hear Chopin’s music, but to gain an understanding of what

shaped him as a composer and a man – you can ‘experience Chopin’

in one of the most modern biographical museums in Europe. One

electronic chip will grant you access to four levels of the restored

Ostrogski Palace, with 11 halls dedicated to the most important

stages of Chopin’s life and, best of all, every step is accompanied

by music.

What a perfect time October 2015 must have been to visit as a

‘Chopin tourist’ when one of the oldest and one of the most

important piano competitions in the world took place in the capital.

The International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition began 88

years ago, the aim of which has been to popularise Chopin’s music.

It has certainly achieved its goal.

The prestige of the Competition is such that it can advance a

pianist’s career to global heights, and even the so-called ‘losers’

receive much attention and success. The Competition itself enjoys

unwavering interest, and the number of applications continues to

steadily increase.

17 Pianists to Judge the 17th Competition

A total of 81 pianists from 20 countries took part in this year’s 17th

International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition - their efforts

judged by a 17-person international jury that included the following

winners of previous competitions: Adam Harasiewicz (1955), Martha

Argerich (1965), Garrick Ohlsson (1970), Dang Thai Son (1980),

and Yundi Li (2000), as well as Dmitri Alexeev, Akiko Ebi, Philippe

Entremont, Nelson Goerner, Andrzej Jasinski, Janusz Olejniczak,

Piotr Paleczny, Ewa Pobłocka, John Rink, Wojciech Switała, and

Dina Yoffe. Just imagine what it would be like for a young pianist to

perform in their presence.

The Chopin Competition is one of the few piano contests in the

world and one of the very few contests in general that are entirely

November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 15





遊 覽 蕭 邦 的 故 鄉






第 十 七 屆 的 十 七 位 評 審






協 奏 曲 、 練 習 曲 、 夜 曲 、 敘 事 曲 ⋯⋯比賽共分四輪。十位選手將進入決賽,與華沙愛樂樂團合作演出。在前三階段的比賽




星期二 晚上8時正 文:盧迪思 翻譯:箬笠

▲ Garrick Ohlsson 奧爾遜

▲ Yundi Li 李雲迪

▲ Dang Thai Son 鄧泰山

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Tune in to ‘The 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition’ on Tuesday at 8pm for recordings of live performances by the winners.

November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 18


3 / 11 Concert of The 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition The anniversary of Chopin’s Death – Mozart : Requiem

第十七屆國際蕭邦鋼琴大賽 蕭邦逝世紀念 — 莫扎特:安魂曲

10 / 11 Highlights of The 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition Performances from participants 第十七屆國際蕭邦鋼琴大賽精華片段 參賽者演出

17 / 11 The 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition Prizewinners’ Gala Concert (1) 第十七屆國際蕭邦鋼琴大賽 優勝者音樂會 (1)

24 / 11 The 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition Prizewinners’ Gala Concert (2) 第十七屆國際蕭邦鋼琴大賽 優勝者音樂會 (2)

November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 19


1st Prize and Gold Medal Fryderyk Chopin Society Prize for Best Performance of a Polonaise Seong-Jin Cho (South Korea) Date of Birth: 28 May 1994

A student of Michel Beroff at the Paris Conservatoire, he has already won the

International Fryderyk Chopin Competition for Young Pianists (2008) and taken

Third Prize in the International Tchaikovsky Competition in Russia (2011). He has

performed with many outstanding orchestras and, as a chamber musician, he has

been invited to work with the exceptional violinist Kyung-wha Chung.

第一名和金獎 蕭邦協會最佳波蘭舞曲獎 趙成珍 (南韓)

出生日期 : 1994年5月28日

趙成珍曾贏得2008年國際蕭邦鋼琴大賽青年鋼琴家獎項以及2011年國際柴可夫斯基大賽第三名。他曾與知名小提琴家鄭京和合作,並與多個世界頂尖樂團同台演出。他現時就讀於巴黎音樂學院,跟隨貝洛夫學習鋼琴。2nd Prize and Silver Medal

Krystian Zimerman Prize for Best Performance of a Sonata Charles Richard-Hamelin (Canada)Date of Birth: 17 July 1989

He was awarded his bachelor’s degree by McGill University in 2011 and his

master’s at the Yale School of Music in 2013, receiving full scholarships at

both institutions. As a soloist, he has performed with the Montreal, Toronto,

and Korean symphony orchestras as well as with I Musici de Montréal.

Since 2014, he has been a member of the celebrated Trio Hochelaga.

第二名和銀獎 冼米文最佳奏鳴曲獎 李察-夏美連 (加拿大)

出生日期 : 1989年7月17日


3rd Prize and Bronze Medal Polish Radio Prize for Best Performance of Mazurkas Kate Liu (United States) Date of Birth : 23 May 1994

Born in Singapore, she studied at the Chicago Institute of Music. She

is currently preparing her bachelor’s degree at the Curtis Institute of

Music, under the guidance of Robert McDonald. She has won numerous

prizes and was twice a recipient of a grant from the American Chopin

Foundation (2011 and 2012).

第十七屆國際蕭邦鋼琴大賽結果 文:盧迪思 翻譯:箬笠

The 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition ResultsStacey Rodda

November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 20

Congratulations to those who are listed in the ‘Honorable Mentions’ — Aljoša Jurinic (Croatia) , Aimi Kobayashi (Japan), Szymon Nehring (Poland), and Georgijs Osokins (Latvia).

另外,其他獲評審團嘉許的決賽入圍者包括于連力克(克羅地亞) 、小林愛實(日本)、尼凌 (波蘭)和奧蘇健士 (拉脫維亞)。



5th Prize Yike (Tony) Yang (Canada) Date of Birth: 7 December 1998

He is a student of Julian Martin at the Juilliard

School of Music and also a pupil of Dang Thai

Son. He is a prize-winner of eight international

competitions including the Hilton Head

International Piano Competition for Young Artists

and the Gina Bachauer Competition in Salt

Lake City. He has performed with the Cleveland

Orchestra and the Toronto Sinfonietta, among


第五名 楊藝可 (加拿大)

出生日期: 1998年12月7日


6th Prize Dmitry Shishkin (Russia) Date of Birth: 12 February 1992

Since 2010, he has studied at the Moscow

Conservatory with Eliso Virsaladze. In that same

year, he played Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto

No. 1 in front of the public and the state

authorities on Red Square, with the ‘Virtuosos

of Gnessin’ Orchestra conducted by Mikhail

Khokhlov. He has won many prizes, including

Third Prize in the 59th Ferruccio Busoni

Competition (2013). He is also a composer.

第六名 施舒健 (俄羅斯)

出生日期: 1997年2月12日


Audience Award Szymon Nehring (Poland)Date of Birth: 29 September 1995

In 2014, he won the First Prize in the ‘Arthur Rubinstein in memoriam’ Competition in Bydgoszcz,

Second Prize in the ‘Premio Academia’ in Rome, and First Prize and a distinction for the best

performance of a Chopin nocturne in the ‘Halina Czerny Stefanska in memoriam’ Competition in

Poznan. He is one of the recipients of grants and scholarships from the Ministry of Culture and

National Heritage.

4th Prize Eric Lu (United States) Date of Birth : 15 December 1997

Since 2013, he has been a student of

Jonathan Biss and Robert McDonald at

the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia.

He is also a student of Dang Thai Son.

He has qualified for The 17th International

Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition in

2015 as winner of this year’s US Fryderyk

Chopin Piano Competition in Miami.

第四名 陸逸軒 (美國)

出生日期: 1997年12月15日

從2013年起,陸逸軒在寇替斯音樂學院修讀,並跟隨比斯和麥當勞學習。他 也 是 鋼 琴 家 鄧 泰 山 的 學 生 。 他 於2015年曾贏得美國邁阿密蕭邦鋼琴大賽獎項。

第三名和銅獎 波蘭電台最佳馬祖卡獎 劉珒 (美國)



觀眾獎 尼凌 (波蘭)


尼 凌 於 2 0 1 4 年 連 續 贏 得 多 個 音 樂 比 賽獎項,其中包括悼念魯賓斯坦音樂比賽的首獎、在波茲南舉行的悼念斯特凡斯卡音樂比賽中獲得首獎及「蕭邦夜曲最佳演奏獎」。這位生於波蘭的年輕鋼琴家,曾獲波蘭文化部頒授獎學金。







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November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 21


In November, Sunday Opera presents one of the world’s most famous tragic love stories, a spectacular Baroque vocal tour-de-force, a French

romantic rarity, a pioneering German music drama, and an Italian setting of a Western thriller in the gold rush era.

▲ Angela Gheorghiu

▲ The famous Paris Opera at Palace Garnier

Sundays 2:00pm

1 November: Verdi’s La Traviata

This beautiful and enduringly popular opera had one of the worst fiascos in performance history at its

premiere in Venice in 1853. Both performers and audience thought the contemporary setting and costumes

unacceptably avant-garde. Giuseppe Verdi (1813 -1901) wisely transplanted the plot a hundred years

earlier to the 18th century and the work began to find favour with the public. It soon established itself,

with Verdi’s original intentions restored, as one of the top box-office hits in the international repertoire.

The protagonist Violetta is based on the Parisian courtesan Marie Duplessis who inspired the younger

Dumas’s novel La dame aus camelias (The Lady of the Camellias), from which the libretto was derived.

For the love of Alfredo, Violetta sacrifices her only chance of finding happiness by rejecting her true love

so that Alfredo’s family reputation will not be tarnished by her misguided past. Dying with consumption in

abject poverty, she greets Alfredo’s return, only to breathe her last in a final moment of ecstasy.

8 November: Handel’s Alcina

In this wonderful Baroque opera, there is a great deal of lovely singing by a cast of today’s top bel canto performers with exceptionally beautiful

voices. For this work, George Frideric Handel (1685 -1759) used an anonymous libretto based on an episode from the romance epic Orlando

Furioso by the 16th-century Italian poet Ludovico Ariosto.

The central character Alcina, sung by Renée Fleming, is an enchantress who lures men to her magic island and transforms them into rocks,

trees, and wild beasts. But, for the first time, she has genuinely fallen in love with Ruggiero, sung by mezzo-soprano Susan Graham, whose

fiancée Bradamante, sung by contralto Kathleen Kuhlmann, is determined to win him back. The plot also involves the sorceress Morgana, sung

by coloratura soprano Natalie Dessay. It ends in the destruction of Alcina’s magical powers and the return of the transfigured men to human


The opera is conducted by William Christie, leading his famous early music group Les Arts Florissants, in a live recording made at the Paris

Opera at Palace Garnier.

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The principal role of Violetta is interpreted by Romanian soprano Angela Gheorghiu. Alfredo is portrayed by American tenor Frank Lopardo.

Alfredo’s father Germont is sung by Italian baritone Leo Nucci. The Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, perform

under the baton of Hungarian maestro Georg Solti.

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November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 23


▲ Francisco Arazia

▲ Giacomo Puccini

▲ When Mireille avows of her love of Vincent to her father – original 1864 production

Prof. Lo King-man, producer and director of numerous opera productions in Hong Kong.

15 November: Gounod’s Mireille

This five-act romantic tragedy by Charles Gounod (1818 -1893) was first performed in Paris at the Theatre Lyrique in 1864, five years after the completion of the composer’s Faust and three years before his Romeo et Juliette. Mireille is generally regarded as his third most successful work for the stage.

Gounod wrote the opera at Saint-Remy in Provence, finishing the score within the space of only two months. There, he felt he was in spiritual contact with Frederic Mistral, the Provencal poet on whose epic poem the libretto was based. It tells the story of Mireille, a simple country girl, whose love for Vincent is subjected to harsh trials. For that love, she travels on foot across the desert of La Crau and dies exhausted in the arms of her beloved. Her soul is called to heaven by a celestial voice.

Mireille is sung by soprano Mirella Freni, Vincent by tenor Alain Vanzo, and his rival Ourrias by bass-baritone Jose van Dam. The Orchestra and Chorus of Capitole de Toulouse perform under the musical direction of Michel Plasson.

22 November: Weber’s Der Freischütz

Carl Maria von Weber (1786 - 1826) composed Der Freiscühtz (The Freeshooter) for the Schauspielhaus of Berlin where the opera was given its premiere in June 1821. The work is considered by scholars and critics to be the first important German romantic opera, especially in its national identity and emotional expression. Following the German singspiel tradition, the text contains spoken dialogue; the plot is based on German folk legend. The initial reception of the opera surpassed Weber’s own expectations and it quickly became an international success, being produced in Vienna, Leipzig, Prague, Copenhagen, London, and Paris in rapid succession.

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Max, a superb huntsman, is required to pass a test of marksmanship before he can marry his beloved Agathe. Anxious to succeed, Max allows himself to be persuaded to use the magic bullets cast by the Devil himself. Six bullets will hit their targets, but the seventh belongs to the Devil. Max is, of course, not aware that Agathe is to be the target of that seventh shot. Fate decides otherwise, however, and the opera ends happily with Max passing the test, marrying Agathe, and appointed chief forester of the land.

In our recording, Max is sung by tenor Francisco Araiza; Agathe by soprano Karita Mattila; and Kaspar, the Devil’s advocate, by bass Ekkehard Wlaschiha. The principal singers are ably supported by a strong team of soloists, the Leipzig Radio Chorus and the Staatskapelle Dresden. Sir Colin Davis is the conductor.

29 November: Puccini’s La Fanciulla del West

Giacomo Puccini (1858 -1924) chose David Belasco’s melodrama, The Girl of the Golden West, as the subject of his seventh opera, which was composed with the American public in mind. Its world premiere under the musical direction of Arturo Toscanini at the Metropolitan Opera of New York in December 1910 was a sensational success. The score reflects Puccini’s efforts to explore the new musical language of the 20th century, especially in harmony and orchestration.

Set against the background of the great Californian forest during the gold rush period in mid-19th century, the opera tells the story of an extraordinary woman who runs a bar and teaches Bible classes for the miners. She falls in love with the leader of a group of bandits. The sheriff who heads the hunt for the bandits also loves her and this tense relationship is the focal point of conflict in the opera.

The great lyric voice of soprano Renata Tebaldi will be heard in the role of the protagonist, stentorian tenor Mario del Monaco portrays the bandit Dick Johnson, and baritone Cornell MacNeil sings the part of the sheriff. Franco Capuana conducts the Orchestra and Chorus of the Santa Cecilia Academy of Rome.

November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 25


Sundays noon

I f folklorist and ethnomusicologists John and Alan Lomax are remembered at all today, it is probably as the father/son team

who discovered the blues singer Lead Belly in a Louisiana prison in 1933. Huddie ‘Lead Belly’ Ledbetter had a history of

problems with the law. He had previously been imprisoned for owning a pistol, but escaped. Later he served time for killing

one of his relatives in a fight and was pardoned. But, in 1930, he went to prison for attempted homicide, and when the

Lomaxes visited the Angola Prison Farm, they were amazed by his talent. They worked for his release and eventually got

him pardoned again. While free, Lead Belly had a tumultous relationship with the Lomaxes. They brought him to New York

City and on multiple tours of the East Coast, but there were repeated falling-outs over Lead Belly’s drinking and aggressive

behaviour and the Lomaxes’ non-payment of royalties and poor management choices.

Christopher Coleman

▲ John Lomax (left) shaking hands with musician ‘Uncle’ Rich Brown in Sumterville, Alabama

Bringing Out American Music

But the Lomaxes’ contribution to music was so much more than

discovering a single blues artist, no matter how gifted. The father, John

Lomax (1867 - 1948) became interested in cowboy songs as a young

man in Texas, and his publication Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier

Ballads (1929), based in part on field work he’d done as a graduate

student at Harvard, stimulated a great deal of interest in the folklore of

America. He co-founded the Texas Folklore Society, which collected not

only songs but also stories and poems. Particularly unusual for the time,

John Lomax, as a white man, was interested in discovering, preserving,

and promoting the music of the black and Mexican cultures in the US. He

took a position as a field collector for the Archive of American Folk Song

at the Library of Congress, through which he and his son met folklorists,

ethnomusicologists, and performers from all over the world.

Like Father, Like Son

The son, Alan Lomax (1915 - 2002) began travelling with his father

on collecting trips to farms, towns, and even prisons — he was only

18 when the two found Lead Belly. Alan expanded his father’s work,

going around America to do fieldwork, recording and interviewing

hundreds of musicians playing any kind of music — blues, gospel, jazz,

country, bluegrass, hillbilly music, whatever. Alan Lomax did not limit his


November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 26


11月的大地之歌 (英語節目),高爾文會在節目中帶來盧美斯父子所收藏的珍貴錄音。

collecting to the US, also travelling to Ireland and the

Bahamas. He worked for the Library of Congress,

eventually building a collection of over 10,000

field recordings, many of which were commercially

released. But his work brought him into contact with

many people that the US Government of the late

1940’s was suspicious of — communists, blacks,

prison inmates, civil rights activists, folk singers and

poets — and during the 1950s he felt compelled

to leave the US for Europe. Based in London, he

not only explored the folk music of the British Isles

but also travelled and recorded extensively in both

Spain and Italy.▲ Alan Lomax and Lead Belly

▲ The Lomaxes ‘portable’ recording equipment

Field Recordings

Upon returning to the United States in the 50s, he became an early advocate of

rock and roll as a place where blacks and whites could find common interest.

He sponsored numerous concerts where world musics of vastly different types

were juxtaposed for the first time. His radio programmes and lectures brought

music from literally all over the world to thousands who would otherwise

never have a chance to know it existed. Ironically, he was also aware of the

pernicious influence of mass communication — that commercially driven radio

and television promoted only the most popular, well-known, and predictable

types of music at the expense of the unique. It is in the tradition of the Lomaxes

— and using some of their field recordings — that ‘Listening to the World’

continues this month, bringing this fascinating but little-known music from

across the globe to you.

November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 27


The Julliard School and the Vienna Boys’ Choir both announced their plans

for overseas expansion for the first time in each institution’s history, and have

selected Tianjin and Hong Kong as the locations for their first overseas schools

respectively. Both campuses are scheduled to open in 2018.

In the presence of the first lady of China, Peng Liyuan, on 28 September the

Julliard president, Joseph W. Polisi, announced the plan for establishing the

‘Tianjin Julliard School’. The new school, a collaborative project between Tianjin

Conservatory and other parties, will be the first performing arts institution to

offer a U.S. accredited master’s degree in China. Admitted students may earn

degrees in orchestral or chamber music performance, as well as collaborative

piano. There will be a permanent faculty as well as guest artists, many of whom

are likely to be members from the New York Julliard community. Polisi noted

that ‘it is part of Julliard’s strategy to make its artistic and educational expertise

accessible to a wider public.’

Less than two weeks later, on 9 October, the Vienna Boys’ Choir also announced

its plan to establish an international school in Hong Kong through Irene Au, the

Founding Director of the Vienna Boys’ Choir Music Academy in Hong Kong.

‘Hong Kong was chosen because of the musical potential of local students’,

said Au. The first batch of 300 students will be enrolled in the kindergarten and

primary section in 2018, and the school expects to expand to secondary section

later on. The International Baccalaureate(IB) programme will be adopted by the

school, along with Austrian music courses. The school stressed that children

are not expected to have any music experience or certificate; those who show

passion and extraordinary musical talents will also get a chance to be enrolled.

Arts Happenings 藝壇快訊


World-renowned Music Institutions Open New Branches in Tianjin and Hong Kong

Rachel Lai 黎慧因

Tune in to Artbeat every Saturday at noon for

more arts happening around the world.























▲ (Second left) The First Lady of China, Peng Liyuan, coached Juilliard soprano Liv Redpath, who was singing a traditional Chinese song Flowing Stream. (左二)中國國家主席習近平夫人彭麗媛指導茱莉亞音樂學院學生雷德帕芙演唱〈小河淌水〉

▲ During their recent Hong Kong visit, the Vienna Boys’ Choir performed ‘Radetzky March’ as the guests toast to the launch of the VBC Music Academy in Hong Kong. 在維也納兒童合唱團音樂學院基金的成立酒會上,正訪港的合唱團獻唱〈拉德茨基進行曲〉為嘉賓祝酒

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November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 29

We all have tingles – that delicious feeling of gentle excitement from something that is happening now or eager anticipation of something

we would like to happen soon. This sensation led to the expressions ‘The Tingle Factor’ and ‘The Tingle Quotient’ in 1980s British

journalism and led soon to a regular radio series where celebrities introduced their list of music which gave them their highest ratings in

the tingle department. In the five-programme series Music To Make You Tingle, you are invited to share some of the pieces that appear on

many people’s lists, and to spend a little time thinking about what exactly it is about music that makes us tingle so much.

Colin Touchin


Sundays 10:00am

Top Tinglers

The Times published a list of 50 Top Tingles as voted by their

readers, and some of them feature in this series, but I’ve also

included some personal favourites because they’re likely to make

a majority of our listeners feel the same way. Of course, this leaves

the way for a follow-up series to include the missing pieces from

the original list, and more personal favourites, because there are

bound to be more pieces which inspire in listeners generally, both

at home and in the concert hall, that physical sensation which tells

us something magical and special is happening in the music.

What We Find Impressive

Human beings look at, listen to, smell, and admire many

Wonders of Nature and describe them with words like ‘beautiful’,

‘breathtaking’, and ‘unforgettable’. The first encounter creates

an inner response that sets our senses tingling, or maybe gives

us goose-bumps all over. A repeat encounter can immediately

stimulate the same reaction; further recurrences often produce

almost identical feelings, and may sometimes even heighten the

memory of the first. We can also simply look forward to a repeat

event which can set up the same tingles well before the actual

real-life experience returns. Such things could be sunsets, cloud

formations and rainbows, the patterns of tree-branches, the

distant horizon of the sea or the mountains; or the sensations of a

great meal - both smells and tastes; a walk in the forest, especially

after rain; or the feeling of the wind on your face and in your hair

as you climb higher up The Peak!

A Tingling Repertoire

The music we’ll listen to includes chamber music, opera,

orchestral, and choral music, both old and new. Some of the

chamber music included are Mozart’s Adagio from the Gran Partita

(featured to such telling effect in Peter Shaffer’s brilliant stage-play

and later film Amadeus), Brahms’ Clarinet Trio, and Schubert’s

String Quintet. From the orchestral field we’ll hear a Bach Violin

Concerto and one of the Brandenburg Concertos, a Mozart Piano

Concerto, Berlioz’ Symphonie Fantastique, Bruckner’s Symphony

No. 7, Elgar’s Cello Concerto, and Stravinsky’s The Firebird. Choral

works are represented by works as widely different in resources

and intentions as Tallis’ 40-voice motet Spem in alium, selections

from Purcell’s opera Dido and Aeneas, Vivaldi’s Gloria, part of

Handel’s Zadok the Priest, Haydn’s The Creation, Beethoven’s

Missa Solemnis, Orff’s Carmina Burana, selections from Wagner’s

Tristan and Isolde, and Walton’s Belshazzar’s Feast. I’ve also

included some less well-known but equally tingle-worthy music,

such as the wind band works by American David Maslanka,

Walton’s First Symphony, and Ravel’s Chansons Madécasses, all

of which exert their power on me in very similar ways to more

often-heard masterpieces.

Tingle Research

Some years ago, I was working with a psychological researcher

to investigate possible precise musical locations that stimulated

these tingles. We set up an experiment where subjects could

press a button to indicate the precise moments in their listening

when they experienced something like a tingle. We then correlated

these button-pressings against the timing of the music to find

some indication that, even for non-musical listeners, certain

notes or chords in the music might trigger a generally coincident

reaction. We played two 30-minute compilation tapes (one of

generally slow pieces, one of generally fast) to 85 or so subjects

who were volunteers from university, city, and local networks.

Some subjects were older, some younger, some had a wide

cultural awareness, while others were admittedly only aware of

local pop groups.▲ Allegri’s Miserere was memorised by the boy

Mozart in this beautiful Sistine Chapel▲ Sir Edward Elgar, composer of

several sources of many tingles

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November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 32

Although there was no obvious match

between the moments of button-pressing

and individual chords in any of the

music, I had a quietly confident feeling

that the climax in Nimrod from Elgar’s

Enigma Variations might, of all examples,

produce significant button activity. This

type of research continues in different

countries as psychologists, musicologists,

composers and synaesthetists all seek

deeper understanding of the mental and

physical processes that control and inspire

our intellectual and emotional responses.

There is often also a spiritual response,

possibly of deep religious fervour and

conviction, or by association to works

such as Allegri’s Miserere, settings of the

Requiem by Fauré, Mozart, and Verdi,

Elgar’s The Dream of Gerontius and

Vaughan Williams’ Sea Symphony with

its visionary words by Walt Whitman.

And the best tingle of all? Well, why not

tune in to all the programmes to find out

what single piece is the most tingly for

you! Then tell us your favourite Tingles if

we didn’t include them this time round.

▲ A commonly shared ‘tingle’ experience - a sunset

每個人對音樂的反應都不一樣。有些作品會令人一聽難忘,或痛哭流涕,又可能無慟於衷。八十年代《時代週刊》曾列出由樂迷評選五十首最動人心弦的音樂。杜程將會從這些作品中選取部份樂曲,再加上個人選輯,於星期日早午10時的動人心弦 (英語節目) 中為大家逐一介紹。

In the past months, Radio 4 has been filled with spirited and

youthful performances by the 16 Young Music Makers. In order to

let their supporters enjoy more of their playing, we have invited all

of them to appear in the ‘Final Concerts’ on 12 November 2015.

These young talents will share the stage in two concerts. Do fill

out the ticket request form and see for yourself how they shine

on stage!





Kathy Lam 林家琦



‘Young Music Makers 2015’ – Final Concerts Ticket Request Form

「樂壇新秀2015」﹣閉幕音樂會 門票索取表格

Date 日期 :12/11/2015(Thur 星期四) Venue 地點 :RTHK Studio One, Broadcasting House, 30 Broadcast Drive, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon 九龍塘廣播道30號香港電台廣播大廈一號錄播室

Name 姓名:

Address 地址:

E-mail 電郵地址:

Tel. 電話   (Day 日間)   (Evening 夜間)

FOR4 Membership No. 第四台之友會員編號 (if applicable 如適用):

Please return the completed form to:Radio 4, P.O. Box 70200 Kowloon Central Post Office請郵寄至九龍中央郵箱70200號,香港電台第四台

Fax傳真:23396427 Enquiries查詢:23396425

(A) ‘Young Music Makers 2015’ Final Concert (1) 「樂壇新秀2015」閉幕音樂會 (1)

Time時間:6:00pm Number of Tickets 門票數量

(B) ‘Young Music Makers 2015’ Final Concert (2) cum Prize-presentation Ceremony 「樂壇新秀2015」閉幕音樂會 (2) 暨頒獎禮

Time時間:8:00pm Number of Tickets 門票數量

(Please specify the no. of tickets, maximum 2 per concert) (請列明數量,每場最多兩張)

Please note that seats are limited, when a full-house is reached, patrons may be invited to watch the relay at the foyer.因座位有限,未能進場的觀眾或須於大堂欣賞視像轉播。

November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 37



樂壇新秀2015 — 閉幕音樂會 (1)

Lee Kin-tat, Alfred (horn) Schumann: Adagio and Allegro, Op. 70

李建達(圓號) 舒曼:慢版與快版,作品70

Liu Tung-bo (bassoon) Mozart: Bassoon Concerto in B flat, KV. 191 – 2nd mov’t Osborne: Rhapsody for Bassoon

廖冬保(巴松管) 莫扎特:降B大調巴松管協奏曲, KV. 191–第二樂章 奧斯本:巴松管狂想曲

Sung Dizhang, Jasper (tenor) Mozart: Dies Bildnis ist bezaubernd schön from Die Zauberflöte Britten: Sonnet from Serenade, Op. 31 Brahms: Botschaft, Op. 47, No. 1

宋狄樟(男高音) 莫扎特:多美麗的肖像,選自《魔笛》 布烈頓:十四行詩,選自小夜曲,作品31 布拉姆斯:信息,作品47,第一首

Yip Hiu-yeung (saxophone) Piazzolla: Adios Nonino Molinelli: Tango Club from Four Pictures from New York

葉曉洋(薩克管) 皮亞蘇拉:再見爺爺 莫連尼利 : 探戈俱樂部,選自《來自紐約的四幅圖畫》

Hong Kong Professional Zheng Junior Mo Fan: Horse Grazing Folk Song Yunnan folk song: Riddles Song

箏音樂 Junior 莫凡:放馬山 雲南民歌 : 猜調

Chu Ying-lam, Eva (guzheng)Liu Le: Sleeves Dance

朱映霖 (古箏) 劉樂:袖夢

Wong Tsz-kei (erhu) Liu Wenjin: Yubei Ballad

黃紫琦(二胡) 劉文金:豫北敘事曲

2015 ﹣ Final Concert (1)

November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 38


Chan Kai-him (huqin) Trad.: The Sorrow of Lady Wang Zhaojun Liu Mingyuan: The Ditty of Henan

陳啟謙(胡琴) 古曲:昭君怨 劉明源:河南小曲

Chan Tin-chi (guzheng) Peking Opera (Wang Zhongshan arr.): In the Deep of the Night Hakka zheng music/Luo Jiuxiang (trans.) : The Lotus Rising from the Water

陳天姿(古箏) 京劇曲牌(王中山改編):夜深沉 客家箏曲(羅九香傳譜):出水蓮

Cheung Ping (piano) Schubert: Nos. 2 and 3 from Three Klavierstücke, D. 946

張平(鋼琴) 舒伯特:三首鋼琴小品 — 第二及第三首,D. 946

Leung Ka-lok (pipa) Wu Houyuan: Excerpts from The Heart’s Pouring Folk tune (Zhang Buchan trans.): Dragon Boats

梁家洛(琵琶) 吳厚元:訴(選段) 民間樂曲(張步蟾傳譜):龍船

Liu Chi-man, Elise (marimba) Keiko Abe: Piacer d’amor Piazzolla (Pius Cheung arr.): Verano Porteno

廖智敏(馬林巴琴) 安倍圭子:愛情的喜悅 皮亞蘇拉(張鈞量改編):布宜諾斯艾利斯的夏

Yuen Ka-yi (yangqin) Yu Qingzhu: Beautiful Africa Wang Se, Wang He: Spring

袁嘉怡(揚琴) 于慶祝:美麗的非洲 王瑟、黃河曲:春

Luen Long-yuet (erhu) Chen Gang (arr.), Liu Tianhua (trans.) : The Sun over Taxkorgan Huang Haihuai (Shen Liqun trans.): Horse Race

倫朗悅(二胡) 陳鋼改編、劉天華移植:陽光照耀著塔什庫爾干 黃海懷(沈利群移植):賽馬

Cheung Wing-lam (soprano) Zhu Jiaqi: An Ancient Song Puccini: O mio babbino caro from Gianni Schicchi Gounod: Je veux vivre from Romeo and Juliet

張穎琳(女高音) 朱嘉琪:古老的歌 浦契尼:我親愛的爸爸,選自《祖安尼‧斯基基》 古諾:我要活下去,選自《羅密歐與朱麗葉》

cum Prize-presentation Ceremony2015 - Final Concert (2)

樂壇新秀2015 — 閉幕音樂會 (2) 暨頒獎禮

November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 39

Rachel Lai and a group of music critics guide you through some of the most interesting new releases to keep you in touch with the

latest in fine music recordings. The segments are also available on Radio 4’s website for streaming:


Rachel Lai 黎慧因

Monday and Friday 5:30pm 逢星期一及五下午5時30分


23 NOV

13 NOV


27 NOV

16 NOV


30 NOV

20 NOV

November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 41


November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 43

Date 日期 Highlights 重點推介

7/11 (Sat 六) 8:00pm

Live 現場直播

12/11(Thu 四) 2:00pm

Repeat 重播

Cellomania - Aurélien Pascal plays Schumann

Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s ‘Cellomania’ series continues with rising young cellist

Aurélien Pascal, who won First Prize, Audience Prize, and Special Prize in the

Grand Prix Emanuel Feuermann Competition in 2014. He performs Schumann’s

Cello Concerto in A minor under the baton of Principal Guest Conductor

Christoph Poppen. The programme opens with Mendelssohn’s The Fair

Melusine Overture and concludes with Brahms’ cheerful Symphony No. 2.

最愛大提琴 — 舒曼大提琴協奏曲


13/11 (Fri 五) 8:00pm

18/11(Wed 三) 2:00pm

Repeat 重播

Romanticism Undefiled - Taiwan Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra

Founded in 1986, the Taiwan Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra

has rapidly established itself as one of the most exciting

orchestras in Asia. Its renowned Music Director, Lü Shao-chia,

conducts its performances of Brahms’ Symphony No. 2 and

Flying Towards the Horizon by Taiwanese composer Yen Ming-

hsiu. One of the foremost young pianists from Taiwan, Yen Chun-

chieh, joins in playing one of Mendelssohn’s energetic Piano

Concerto No. 1 in G minor.

14/11 (Sat 六) 8:00pm

19/11(Thu 四) 2:00pm

Repeat 重播

Avi Avital and the Cologne Academy

Grammy-nominated mandolin player Avi Avital plays

arrangements of works by Vivaldi and Bach, and music

with folk elements. The Cologne Academy chamber

ensemble joins him.




▲ Aurélien Pascal, cello 大提琴:柏斯卡爾

▲ Lü Shao-chia, conductor 指揮:呂紹嘉

© D





浪漫‧奔騰 — 臺灣愛樂交響樂團



▲ Avi Avital, mandolin 曼陀林琴:艾維塔

© H


d H



/ D


Date 日期 Highlights 重點推介

21/11 (Sat 六) 8:00pm

Live 現場直播

26/11(Thu 四) 2:00pm

Repeat 重播

Charlie Siem with CCOHK

The City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong opens its hot new season with

violinist and fashion model Charlie Siem. In his Hong Kong debut, he plays

Vaughan Williams’ The Lark Ascending and Ravel’s exotic and virtuosic

showpiece Tzigane, while Ken-David Masur guest conducts the Orchestra in

Grieg’s Holberg Suite and Respighi’s Gli Uccelli (The Birds).


身兼時裝模特兒的小提琴家查理‧席姆,為香港城市室樂團的新樂季揭開序幕。首次來港演出,他會帶來佛漢威廉士的〈雲雀高飛〉及拉威爾的異國情調炫技之作〈吉卜賽〉。現任波士頓交響樂團助理指揮健 — 大衛‧馬素亞,帶領樂團演出葛利格的《霍爾堡組曲》和雷史碧基的管弦組曲《鳥》。

28/11 (Sat 六) 8:00pm

3/12(Thu 四) 2:00pm

Repeat 重播

Symphony Under the Stars

Enjoy the unique atmosphere of the Hong Kong

Philharmonic’s annual outdoor highlight Symphony

Under the Stars on radio. This year’s event takes place

at Central Harbourfront, where Jaap van Zweden

leads the Orchestra in popular favourites such as

Tchaikovsky’s Capriccio Italien, Ravel’s Boléro, and

excerpts from Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5.




▲ Charlie Siem, violin 小提琴:查理‧席姆

▲ Symphony Under the Stars 2014 去年的「港樂‧星夜‧交響曲」

© G



ie Z




November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 45


Mon - Fri 星期一至五 : 7:55am, 12:55pm, 5:55pm, 10:55pmWeekends 週末 : 9:55am, 4:55pm, 10:55pm

– be in touch in 3 minutes — 三分鐘錦囊

Topic 內容 Host 主持

Mon : Listening to the World Christopher Coleman 星期二 : 樂在神州 塵紓 Wed : Zooming In Rachel Lai Thu : Arts News Jonathan Douglas Fri : The Golden Voices Lo King-man 星期六 : 碟碟不休 胡銘堯 星期日 : 今日話當年 馬盈盈

Friends of Radio 4 Society Limited第四台之友協會有限公司

會籍年費 Annual Membership Fee

個人會員 Individual Member : HK$120家庭會員 Family Member : HK$150半費會員 Concession Member : HK$60

(只供學生、65歲或以上長者及殘疾人士)(Only for students, senior citizens aged 65 or above, and people with disabilities)

亞斯頓教育.Aston Education

伯樂音樂學院.Baron School of Music

嘉林琴行.Collin Music Co. Ltd.

琴之屋.Eddie’s House of Strings

偉樂琴行.Eddy Music Co. Ltd.

香港鋼琴教育專業學院.HK Prof. Piano Education Academy

繆斯琴行.Muse Music Company

向日葵文化良品.Sole Cultural Goods

華偉音樂藝術中心.S T Music & Art Centre

通利琴行.Tom Lee Music Co. Ltd.

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Please allow 3 weeks for processing of membership and 5 weeks for delivery on the first issue of Fine Music. 會員證將於三星期內寄到府上;而第一期《美樂集》將於五星期內郵寄至閣下地址。

November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 47

Monday 星期一







Aubade 晨曲

Morning Call with Jonathan Douglas清晨妙韻 杜格尊

Music Infusion 樂樂無窮Ben Pelletier


Sunday Morningon 4

週日早晨 Stacey Rodda


Minutes That Matter

Non-stop Classics美樂無休

Stacey Rodda / Ben Pelletier 盧迪思 / 彭禮傑

Play by Ear 週末隨想Synthia Ko


Music to Make you Tingle動人心弦

Colin Touchin 杜程

Church Service 主日崇拜

Artbeat Jonathan Douglas 杜格尊

Songs of the Earth 大地之歌

Christopher Coleman 高爾文

News at One

Music à la Carte (Tue ﹠ Thu : Chinese Music) 午間精點 (星期二及四:中樂篇) Shing Chun-hay / Kathy Lam / Daphne Lee / Tina Ma 成俊曦 / 林家琦 / 李德芬 / 馬盈盈

Live on 4 第四台音樂會

(Repeat 重播)

Music of Friends室樂雅聚 (Repeat 重播)

R4 Buddies四台插班生

Raymond Chung鍾子豪

Sunday Opera歌劇世界Lo King-man


Rupert Chan 陳鈞潤

(1st Sunday 首個週日)

(1st b/c: Wed) (首播:星期三)

(1st b/c: Thu) (首播:星期四)

(1st b/c: Fri) (首播:星期五)

(1st b/c: Sat) (首播:星期六)

Music from China樂在神州

Christopher Pak 白得雲

Four for Classics with Rachel Lai 四時行樂 黎慧因


All or Nothing情有獨鍾

Ben Pelletier / Rebecca Siu彭禮傑 / 蕭程佳明

Children’s Corner 親親童樂日

Nancy Loo 羅乃新New Releases (Mon ﹠ Fri) 碟碟不休 (星期一及五) News at Six

Arts News 藝壇快訊Tunes to


Emma Liu廖碧楨

Jazz and more... with Kathy Lam 不太古典 林家琦

All or Nothing情有獨鍾

Cantilena 自投羅網

Nancy Loo 羅乃新

Live on 4 第四台音樂會

Music of Friends室樂雅聚

Sunday Divertimento

星夜樂逍遙Wendy Ng


Nocturne with Gladys Lau 夜心曲 劉建婷

Chamber Fragrance

寫意室樂Ben Pelletier / Rebecca Siu

彭禮傑 / 蕭程佳明Jazzing Up

爵士靈感Ben Pelletier 彭禮傑

Bilingual 雙語B Cantonese 粵語C English 英語E

















































C / E

Music for All適合所有樂迷

Music Exploration擴闊音樂領域






* Reflections 晚禱 Mon-Fri (星期一至五)11:57pm

RTHK Radio 4 香港電台第四台 FM Stereo 97.6-98.9MHz


November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 49

節目精華Programme Highlights

第十七屆國際蕭邦鋼琴大賽音樂會蕭邦忌辰紀念音樂會蕾藤(女高音)丹茲(女低音)格切爾(男高音)布魯克(男低音)華沙愛樂樂團及合唱團 / 卡斯帕斯基莫扎特:安魂曲,K. 626


4/11/2015 (Wed 星期三)11:00am SHCHEDRIN 蕭卓倫 Cello Concerto 28’ Mstislav Rostropovich (vc)London Sym. Orch. / Seiji Ozawa大提琴協奏曲羅斯卓波維契(大提琴)倫敦交響樂團 / 小澤征爾

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Concert by Ian Bostridge and Xuefei YangIan Bostridge (t)Xuefei Yang (g)Dowland: In Darkness Let Me DwellSchubert: Die Mainacht, D. 194 Der König in Thule, D. 367 An die Musik, D. 547 Ständchen from ‘Schwanengesang’, D. 957Britten: Songs from the ChineseChinese Trad. Song (Xuefei Yang arr.): Fisherman’s Song at EventideGoss: Book of Songsand more

Presented by Leisure and Cultural Services Department. Recorded at Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall on 25/10/2015.

博斯烈茲與楊雪霏音樂會博斯烈茲(男高音)楊雪霏(結他)杜蘭特:讓我躲在黑暗中舒伯特:五月之夜,D. 194 圖勒的國王,D. 367 音樂頌,D. 547 小夜曲,選自《天鵝之歌》,D. 957布烈頓:中國歌曲集中國民謠(楊雪霏編):漁舟唱晚高斯:詩經及其他曲目


1/11/2015 (Sun 星期日)2:00pm SUNDAY OPERA 歌劇世界Verdi: La Traviata 124’Violetta Valéry: Angela Gheorghiu (s)Flora Bervoix: Leah-Marian Jones (ms)Alfredo Germont: Frank Lopardo (t)Orch. & Cho. of Royal Opera House, Covent Garden / Georg Solti

威爾第:茶花女華拉莉:基柯基沃(女高音)寶禾爾:鍾絲(女中音)傑爾蒙:盧帕度(男高音)高文花園皇家歌劇院樂團及合唱團 / 蘇提

8:00pm MUSIC OF FRIENDS 室樂雅聚Jacqueline Leung, Cherry Tsang (p)Mayevsky: Fantasy on Songs by Gershwin 9’Barber: Souvenirs, Op. 28 19’Piazzolla: Adiós Nonino and Revirado 10’

Recorded at RTHK Studio Two on 10/3/2015.



2/11/2015 (Mon 星期一)11:00am BRAHMS 布拉姆斯 String Quartet No. 3 in B flat, Op. 67 38’Julliard String Quartet降B大調第三弦樂四重奏,作品67茱莉亞弦樂四重奏

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Verbier Festival 2015Pretty Yende (s)Verbier Fest. Ch. Orch. / Joshua Bell (v & cond)Mozart: Exsultate Jubilate, K. 165 15’Bruch: Violin Concerto No. 1 in G minor, Op. 26 24’Beethoven: Symphony No. 7 in A, Op. 92 38’

Recorded at Salle des Combins, Verbier on 1/8/2015.

韋爾比亞音樂節2015欣迪(女高音)韋爾比亞節日室樂團 / 貝爾(小提琴及指揮)莫扎特:喜悅歡騰,K. 165布魯克:G小調第一小提琴協奏曲,作品26貝多芬:A大調第七交響曲,作品92


8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 Mendelssohn: Octet in E flat, Op. 20 33’Melos Ensemble of London Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 2 in B flat, Op. 52, ‘Hymn of Praise’ 75’Elizabeth Connell (s)Karita Mattila (s)Hans Peter Blochwitz (t)London Sym. Orch. & Cho. / Claudio Abbado


孟德爾遜:降B大調第二交響曲,作品52, 「謝恩讚美詩」高妮爾(女高音)馬蒂娜(女高音)博威玆(男高音)倫敦交響樂團及合唱團 / 亞巴度

3/11/2015 (Tue 星期二)11:00am MESSIAEN 梅湘 Cinq Rechants 18’ The Sixteen / Harry Christophers五首叠唱曲十六人古樂合唱團 / 基斯杜化士

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Salzburg Festival 2015Christian Tetzlaff (v)Tajna Tetzlaff (vc)Lars Vogt (p)Dvořák: Piano Trio No. 3 in F minor, Op. 65 40’Schubert: Piano Trio No. 2 in E flat, D. 929 48’

Recorded at Mozarteum, Salzburg on 2/8/2015.

薩爾斯堡音樂節2015基斯安‧特茨拉夫(小提琴)堤拿‧特茨拉夫(大提琴)拉斯‧霍特(鋼琴)德伏扎克:F小調第三鋼琴三重奏,作品65舒伯特:降E大調第二鋼琴三重奏,D. 929


8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Concert of The 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano CompetitionConcert on the anniversary of Chopin’s DeathLenneke Ruiten (s)Ingeborg Danz (a)Robert Getchell (t)Matthew Brook (b)Warsaw Phil. Orch. & Cho. / Jacek KaspszykMozart: Requiem, K. 626

Recorded at Church of Holy Cross, Warsaw on 17/10/2015.

Jacek Kaspszyk 卡斯帕斯基

November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 51


8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Wu Wei (sheng)Wu Man (pipa)Luxembourg Phil. Orch. / Muhai TangChen Qigang: Wu Xing (Five Elements) 13’Unsuk Chin: Šu for Sheng and Orchestra 30’Chen Qigang : L’Eloignement 17’Zhao Jiping: Pipa Concerto No. 2 21’

Recorded at Luxembourg Philharmonie on 27/2/2015.

吳巍(笙)吳蠻(琵琶)盧森堡愛樂樂團 / 湯沐海陳其鋼:五行陳銀淑:為笙與樂團而寫的「空氣之歌」陳其鋼:走西口趙季平:第二琵琶協奏曲


5/11/2015 (Thu 星期四)11:00am MARTINŮ 馬天奈Symphony No. 2, H. 295 24’ Bamberg Sym. Orch. / Neeme Järvi第二交響曲,H. 295班貝格交響樂團 / 約菲

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Live at Wigmore Nikolai Lugansky (p)Liszt: Sposalizio from ‘Deuxième anneé: Italie’ from the ‘Années de pelerinage’ 9’Wagner (Liszt tran.): Liebestod from ‘Tristan and Isolde’ 8’Rachmaninov: Piano Sonata No. 1 in D minor, Op. 28 36’

Recorded at Wigmore Hall, London on 27/2/2012.

威格摩音樂廳的迴響盧根斯基(鋼琴)李斯特:婚禮,選自《旅遊歲月》的 《第二年:意大利》華格納(李斯特編):愛的死,選自《崔斯坦 與伊索爾德》拉赫曼尼諾夫:D小調第一鋼琴奏鳴曲, 作品28


8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Alexandru Tomescu (v)Romanian Radio Nat. Orch. / Cristian MǎcelaruWeber: Der Freischütz Overture, Op. 77 10’Dvořák: Violin Concerto in A minor, Op. 53 33’Brahms: Symphony No. 4 in E minor, Op. 98 39’

Recorded at Mihail Jora Concert Hall, Romanian Radio, Bucharest on 14/4/2015.

November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 53


7/11/2015 (Sat 星期六)8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Cellomania: Aurélien Pascal Plays Schumann Aurélien Pascal (vc)Hong Kong Sinfonietta / Christoph PoppenMendelssohn: Fair Melusine Overture, Op. 32Schumann: Cello Concerto in A minor, Op. 129Brahms: Symphony No 2 in D, Op. 73

Presented by Hong Kong Sinfonietta. Live from Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall.

最愛大提琴:舒曼大提琴協奏曲柏斯卡爾(大提琴)香港小交響樂團 / 樸賓孟德爾遜:美麗的梅露西娜序曲,作品32舒曼:A小調大提琴協奏曲,作品129布拉姆斯:D大調第二交響曲,作品73


8/11/2015 (Sun 星期日)2:00pm SUNDAY OPERA 歌劇世界Handel: Alcina, HWV34 160’Alcina: Renée Fleming (s)Ruggiero: Susan Graham (ms)Morgana: Natalie Dessay (s)Les Arts Florissants / William Christie韓德爾:阿琪娜,HWV34阿琪娜:費林明(女高音)盧姬洛:嘉咸(女中音)摩根娜:德茜(女高音)繁花古樂團 / 基斯狄

8:00pm MUSIC OF FRIENDS 室樂雅聚Verna Yeung, Stephen Wong (p)Chaminade: Six Pièces romantiques, Op. 55 15’Ravel: Ma Mère l’Oye Suite 17’

Recorded at RTHK Studio Two on 27/11/2014.



多鎂斯高(小提琴)羅馬尼亞電台國家樂團 / 瑪薩蕾如韋伯:自由射手序曲,作品77德伏扎克:A小調小提琴協奏曲,作品53布拉姆斯:E小調第四交響曲,作品98


6/11/2015 (Fri 星期五)11:00am GLINKA 葛令卡 A Life for Tsar (excerpts) 24’ Belgrade Opera Cho.Concerts Lamoureux / Igor Markevitch為沙皇獻身(選段)貝爾格萊德歌劇院合唱團拉穆勒音樂協會樂團 / 馬加域治

2:00pm MUSIC OF FRIENDS (REPEAT) 室樂雅聚(重播)Prog. as 1/11/2015, 8pm節目與2015年11月1日晚上8時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會BBC Proms 2006 Yuri Bashmet (va)London Sym. Orch. / Valery Gergiev Shostakovich: The Golden Age, Op. 22 (excerpts) 30’Schnittke: Viola Concerto 28’Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Op. 74, ‘Pathétique’ 45’

Recorded at Royal Albert Hall, London on 18/8/2006.

英國廣播公司逍遙音樂節2006巴舒密(中提琴)倫敦交響樂團 / 葛濟夫蕭斯達高維契:黃金時代,作品22(選段)舒尼格:中提琴協奏曲柴可夫斯基:B小調第六交響曲,作品74, 「悲愴」


Alexandru Tomescu 多鎂斯高

Verna Yeung 楊慧儀

Stephen Wong 黃偉榮

Yuri Bashmet 巴舒密

9/11/2015 (Mon 星期一)11:00am TCHAIKOVSKY 柴可夫斯基 Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Op. 74, ‘Pathétique’ 45’ USSR State Sym. Orch. / Yevgeny SvetlanovB小調第六交響曲,作品74,「悲愴」蘇聯國家交響樂團 / 史雲蘭洛夫

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 4/11/2015, 8:00pm節目與2015年11月4日晚上8時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Franck: Fantasie in A 13’Michael Murray (o)

Franck: Violin Sonata in A 27’Sarah Chang (v)Lars Vogt (p)

Franck: Symphonic Poem, ‘Rédemption’ 58’Gé Neutel (s)Netherlands Radio Phil. & Cho. / Jean Fournet



法蘭克:交響詩,「救贖」紐圖(女高音)荷蘭電台愛樂樂團及合唱團 / 霍尼

10/11/2015 (Tue 星期二)11:00am BENEVOLO 班尼霍羅Missa Azzolina 29’ Le Concert Spirituel / Hervé Niquet阿佐利納彌撒曲 高雅協奏團 / 尼給

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 5/11/2015, 8pm節目與2015年11月5日晚上8時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Highlights of The 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano CompetitionPerformances by participants Programme and pianists to be announced


FINE MUSIC | November 201554


11/11/2015 (Wed 星期三)11:00am BACH 巴赫 Cantata: ‘We Have a New Squire’, BWV212, ‘Peasant Cantata’ 27’ Emma Kirby (s)David Thomas (b)Acad. of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood「我們來了個新地主」清唱劇,BWV212, 「農民清唱劇」卻比(女高音)大衛‧湯馬士(男低音)古樂學院合奏團 / 賀活特

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 6/11/2015, 8:00pm節目與2015年11月6日晚上8時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Dagmar Ondracek (va)Alisa Weilerstein (vc)Luxembourg Phil. Orch. / Pietari InkinenR. Strauss: Don Juan, Op. 20 19’Prokofiev: Symphony No. 1 in D, Op. 25, ‘Classical’ 17’R. Strauss: Don Quixote, Op. 35 49’

Recorded at Luxembourg Philharmonie on 6/3/2015.

安德勒斯克(中提琴)韋拿斯坦(大提琴)盧森堡愛樂樂團 / 恩健李察‧史特勞斯:唐璜,作品20浦羅歌菲夫:D大調第一交響曲,作品25, 「古典」李察‧史特勞斯:唐吉訶德,作品35


12/11/2015 (Thu 星期四)11:00am HUMMEL 亨密爾String Quartet No. 3 in E flat, Op. 30 27’ Delme String Quartet降E大調第三弦樂四重奏,作品30狄美弦樂四重奏

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 7/11/2015, 8pm節目與2015年11月7日晚上8時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Sergiu Tuhutiu (p)Romanian Radio Nat. Orch. / Gabriel BebeseleaGlinka: Russlan and Ludmilla Overture 5’Rachmaninov: Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op. 43 27’Dvořák: Symphony No. 9 in E minor, Op. 95, ‘From the New World’ 40’

Recorded at Mihail Jora Concert Hall, Romanian Radio, Bucharest on 24/10/2015.

圖胡蒂(鋼琴)羅馬尼亞電台國家樂團 / 貝貝斯梨葛令卡:魯斯蘭與柳德米拉序曲拉赫曼尼諾夫:巴格尼尼主題狂想曲,作品43德伏扎克:E小調第九交響曲,作品95, 「來自新世界」


13/11/2015 (Fri 星期五)11:00am HAYDN 海頓 Symphony No. 101 in D, Hob. I:101, ‘Clock’ 29’ Vienna Pro Musica / Jascha HorensteinD大調第一百零一交響曲,Hob. I:101,「時鐘」維也納雅樂團 / 賀倫斯坦

2:00pm MUSIC OF FRIENDS (REPEAT) 室樂雅聚(重播)Prog. as 8/11/2015, 8pm節目與2015年11月8日晚上8時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Romanticism Undefiled by the Taiwan Philharmonic Symphony OrchestraYen Chun-chien (p)Taiwan Phil. Sym. Orch. / Lü Shao-chia Yen Ming-hsiu: Flying Towards the HorizonMendelssohn: Piano Concerto No. 1 in G minor, Op. 25Brahms: Symphony No. 2 in D, Op. 73

Presented by Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Centre Limited. Recorded at Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall on 1/11/2015.

臺灣愛樂交響樂團《浪漫‧奔騰》2015香港 音樂會嚴俊傑(鋼琴)臺灣愛樂交響樂團 / 呂紹嘉顏名秀:翔‧天際孟德爾頌:G小調第一鋼琴協奏曲,作品25布拉姆斯:D大調第二交響曲,作品73


14/11/2015 (Sat 星期六)8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Concert by Avi Avital and Cologne AcademyAvi Avital (mandolin)Cologne AcademyVivaldi: Concerto in F, ‘Autumn’ from ‘The Four Seasons’, RV293Bach (Avital arr.): Concerto in G minor, BWV1056 Bloch: Nigun from ‘Baal Shem’Bartók: Romanian Folk Dancesand more

Presented by Hong Kong Premiere Performances. Recorded at Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall on 2/11/2015.

艾維塔與科隆學院室樂團音樂會艾維塔(曼陀林琴)科隆學院室樂團韋華第:F大調協奏曲,「秋天」選自 「四季」,RV293巴赫(艾維塔編):G小調小提琴協奏曲, BWV1056布拉克:即興曲,選自《美名大師》巴托:羅馬利亞民謠舞曲及其他曲目


15/11/2015 (Sun 星期日)2:00pm SUNDAY OPERA 歌劇世界Gounod: Mireille 150’Mireille: Mirella Freni (s)Vincent: Alain Vanzo (t)Taven: Jane Rhodes (ms)Ramon: Gabriel Bacquier (b)Capitole de Toulouse Orch. & Cho. / Michel Plasson

古諾:米雷葉米雷葉:費蘭妮(女高音)雲遜:華索(男高音)他仿:路特(女中音)拉蒙:比基亞(男低音)土魯斯市政大廈樂團及合唱團 / 比拉遜

8:00pm MUSIC OF FRIENDS 室樂雅聚Wong Wai-yin (p)Chopin: Preludes, Op. 28, Nos. 1-4 6’Prokofiev: Sonata No. 6 in A, Op. 82 30’

Recorded at RTHK Studio Two on 11/12/2014.



Sergiu Tuhutiu 圖胡蒂

Wong Wai-yin 黃蔚然

November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 55


16/11/2015 (Mon 星期一)11:00am CHADWICK 查特維克Symphonic Sketches 29’Detroit Sym. Orch. / Neeme Järvi交響素描底特律交響樂團 / 約菲

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 11/11/2015, 8:00pm節目與2015年11月11日晚上8時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Villa-Lobos: Piano Trio No. 1 in D minor 23’Antonio Spiller (v)Monique Duphil (p)Jay Humeston (vc)

Villa-Lobos: Foresta do Amazonas 78’Anna Korondi (s)São Paulo Sym. Orch. & Cho. / John Neschling


魏拉-羅伯士:亞馬遜森林歌隆狄(女高音)聖保羅交響樂團及合唱團 / 尼殊寧

17/11/2015 (Tue 星期二)11:00am VILLA-LOBOS 魏拉-羅伯士 Bachianas Brasileiras No. 8 24’São Paulo Sym. Orch. / Roberto Minczuk第八巴西的巴赫風格聖保羅交響樂團 / 明蘇克

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 12/11/2015, 8:00pm節目與2015年11月12日晚上8時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Concert of The 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano CompetitionPrizewinners’ Gala Concert at the Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall on 21/10/2015.Programme and performers to be announced 第十七屆國際蕭邦鋼琴大賽音樂會優勝者晚會音樂會2015年10月21日華沙愛樂樂團音樂廳。曲目與鋼琴家容後公佈

18/11/2015 (Wed 星期三)11:00am SMETANA 史密塔納 Piano Trio in G minor, Op. 15 29’Joachim TrioG小調鋼琴三重奏,作品15約甘三重奏

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 13/11/2015, 8:00pm節目與2015年11月13日晚上8時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Luxembourg Phil. Orch. / Eliahu InbalMahler: Symphony No. 6 in A minor, ‘Tragic’ 81’

Recorded at Luxembourg Philharmonie on 24/4/2015.

盧森堡愛樂樂團 / 恩布馬勒:A小調第六交響曲,「悲劇」


19/11/2015 (Thu 星期四)11:00am DUTILLEUX 迪蒂耶Tree of Dreams 24’ Renaud Capuçon (v)Radio Phil. Orch. of France / Myung-whun Chung夢之樹卡普桑(小提琴)法國電台愛樂樂團 / 鄭明勳

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 14/11/2015, 8pm節目與2015年11月14日晚上8時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Razvan Suma (vc)Romanian Radio Nat. Orch. / Mircea HoliartocBerlioz: Béatrice et Bénédict Overture, H. 138 8’Fauré: Elegy in C minor, Op. 24 6’Tchaikovsky: Pezzo capriccioso in B minor, Op. 62 7’Dvořák: Rondo in G minor, Op. 94 8’Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4 in F minor, Op. 36 45’

Recorded at Mihail Jora Concert Hall, Romanian Radio, Bucharest on 6/2/2015.

蘇馬(大提琴)羅馬利亞電台國家樂團 / 夏利亞圖白遼士:比阿特麗斯和本尼迪克序曲,H. 138佛瑞:C小調輓歌,作品24柴可夫斯基:B小調隨想曲,作品62德伏扎克:G小調迴旋曲,作品94柴可夫斯基:F小調第四交響曲,作品36

2015年2月6日布加勒斯特羅馬尼亞電台約拉 音樂廳錄音。

Eliahu Inbal 恩布

20/11/2015 (Fri 星期五)11:00am ELGAR 艾爾加 Enigma Variations, Op. 36 31’ Royal Phil. Orch. / Charles Mackerras謎語變奏曲,作品36皇家愛樂樂團 / 麥嘉理斯

2:00pm MUSIC OF FRIENDS (REPEAT) 室樂雅聚(重播)Prog. as 15/11/2015, 8pm節目與2015年11月15日晚上8時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Young Music Makers 2015 ‘Final Concert’ (1)Programme to be announced

樂壇新秀2015「閉幕音樂會」 (1)曲目容後公佈

21/11/2015 (Sat 星期六)8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Concert by Charlie SiemCharlie Siem (v)City Ch. Orch. of Hong Kong / Ken-David MasurGrieg: Holberg Suite, Op. 40Vaughan Williams: The Lark AscendingRespighi: Gli Uccelli Ravel: Tzigane

Presented by City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong. Live from Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall.

查理‧席姆音樂會席姆(小提琴)香港城市室樂團 / 健-大衛‧馬素亞葛利格:霍爾堡組曲,作品40佛漢威廉士:雲雀高飛雷史碧基:鳥拉威爾:吉卜賽


22/11/2015 (Sun 星期日)2:00pm SUNDAY OPERA 歌劇世界Weber: Der Freischütz 136’Ottokar: Siegried Lorenz (br)Kuno: Thomas Thomaschke (b)Agathe: Karita Mattila (s)Ännchen: Eva Lind (s)Rundfunkchor Leipzig, Staatskapelle Dresden / Colin Davis韋伯:自由射手奧圖家:齊格菲‧羅蘭士(男中音)古諾:湯馬鍚克(男高音)亞嘉法:馬蒂娜(女高音)艾斯克:連達(女高音)萊比錫電台合唱團、德累斯頓國家樂團 / 哥連‧戴維斯

FINE MUSIC | November 201556


8:00pm MUSIC OF FRIENDS 室樂雅聚Timothy Kwok (p)Grieg: Holberg Suite, Op. 40 21’Liszt: Transcendental Étude No. 11, ‘Harmonies du Soir’ 12’

Recorded at RTHK Studio Two on 11/8/2014.



23/11/2015 (Mon 星期一)11:00am R. STRAUSS 李察‧史特勞斯 Till Eulenspiegel’s Lustige Streiche, Op. 28 16’ Berlin Phil. / Rudolph Kempe狄爾的惡作劇,作品28柏林愛樂樂團 / 甘比

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 18/11/2015, 8:00pm節目與2015年11月18日晚上8時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Tallis: Missa Puer natus est nobis 32’Clerkes of Oxenford

Falla: Nights in the Gardens of Spain 25’Alicia de Larrocha (p)London Phil. Orch. / Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos

Falla: The Three-Cornered Hat 40’Maria Lluisa Muntada (s)Spain Nat. Youth Orch. / Edmon Colomer


法雅:西班牙庭園之夜拉洛嘉(鋼琴)倫敦愛樂樂團 / 費伯克狄保高士

法雅:三角帽蒙泰達(女高音)西班牙國家青年樂團 / 哥魯瑪

24/11/2015 (Tue 星期二)11:00am BALAKIREV 巴拉基列夫 Piano Sonata No. 1 in B flat minor, Op. 5 24’ Alexander Paley (p)降B小調第一鋼琴奏鳴曲,作品5柏里(鋼琴)

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 19/11/2015, 8:00pm節目與2015年11月19日晚上8時相同力

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Concert of The 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano CompetitionPrizewinner’s Concert from the National Forum of Music, Wrocław, 25/10/2015.Programme and soloist to be announcedNFM Sym. Orch. / Marek Pijarowski

第十七屆國際蕭邦鋼琴大賽音樂會優勝者音樂會-2015年10月25日樂斯拉夫國家 音樂論壇曲目與鋼琴家容後公佈樂斯拉夫交響樂團 / 皮耶洛夫斯基

25/11/2015 (Wed 星期三)11:00am PURCELL 浦賽爾 Ode for Queen Mary’s Birthday 21’Deller ConsortStour Music Fest. Orch. / Alfred Deller瑪麗女皇生辰頌歌狄勒古樂團史陶爾音樂節日樂團 / 狄勒 2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 20/11/2015, 8:00pm節目與2015年11月20日晚上8時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Cristina Branco (vocal)Mário Laginha (p)Miguel Amaral (Portuguese guitar)João Rafael (g)Luxembourg Phil. Orch. / Peter RundelNunes: Ruf 41’Berio: Folk Songs (excerpts) 12’Laginha: Folk Songs 39’

Recorded at Luxembourg Philharmonie on 8/5/2015.

布蘭高(聲樂)拿建雅(鋼琴)阿瑪洛(葡萄牙結他)雷菲奧(結他)盧森堡愛樂樂團 / 隆道藍斯:盧夫貝里奧:民謠(選段)拿建雅:民謠


26/11/2015 (Thu 星期四)11:00am GERSHWIN 歌舒詠An American in Paris 18’ New York Phil. / Leonard Bernstein一個美國人在巴黎紐約愛樂樂團 / 伯恩斯坦

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 21/11/2015, 8pm節目與2015年11月21日晚上8時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Alexandru Tomescu (v)Romanian Radio Nat. Orch. / Cristian MǎcelaruSalieri: Sinfonia Veneziana in D 10’Mozart: Violin Concerto No. 2 in D, K. 211 20’Beethoven: Symphony No. 7 in A, Op. 92 34’

Recorded at Mihail Jora Concert Hall, Romanian Radio, Bucharest on 20/2/2015.

多鎂斯高(小提琴)羅馬利亞電台國家樂團 / 瑪薩蕾如沙利烈:D大調威尼斯交響曲莫扎特:D大調第二小提琴協奏曲,K. 211貝多芬:A大調第七交響曲,作品92


27/11/2015 (Fri 星期五)11:00am BRAHMS 布拉姆斯 Symphony No.4 in E minor, Op. 98 32’ Berlin Phil. Orch. / Claudio AbbadoE小調第四交響曲,作品98柏林愛樂樂團 / 亞巴度

2:00pm MUSIC OF FRIENDS (REPEAT) 室樂雅聚(重播)Prog. as 22/11/2015, 8pm節目與2015年11月22日晚上8時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Young Music Makers 2015 ‘Final Concert’ (2) cum Prize-presentation ceremonyProgramme to be announced


Timothy Kwok 郭家豪

Cristian Mǎcelaru 瑪薩蕾如

November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 57


28/11/2015 (Sat 星期六)8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Symphony Under The StarsHong Kong Phil. / Jaap van ZwedenTchaikovsky: Italian Capriccio, Op. 45Ravel: BoléroRespighi: Pines of Rome (excerpts)Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67 (excerpts)and more

Presented by The Hong Kong Philharmonic Society Limited. Recorded at Central Harbourfront Event Space on 21/11/2015.

港樂‧星夜‧交響曲香港管弦樂團 / 梵志登柴可夫斯基:意大利隨想曲,作品45拉威爾:波萊羅 雷史碧基:羅馬之松(選段) 貝多芬:C小調第五交響曲,作品67(選段)及其他曲目

香港管弦樂協會有限公司主辦。2015年11月 21日中環海濱活動空間錄音。

29/11/2015 (Sun 星期日)2:00pm SUNDAY OPERA 歌劇世界Puccini: La fanciulla del West 133’Minnie: Renata Tebaldi (s)Dick Johnson: Mario Del Monaco (t)Jack Rance: Cornell MacNeil (br)Orch. and Cho. of the Accademia di Santa Cecilia, Roma / Franco Capuana浦契尼:西方女郎米妮:狄邦第(女高音)莊遜:狄蒙拿哥(男高音)蘭斯:麥尼爾(男中音)羅馬聖西西利亞音樂學院樂團及合唱團 / 卡普亞拿

8:00pm MUSIC OF FRIENDS 室樂雅聚Hui Wing-chun, Mark (v)Wong Ka-jeng (p)Prokofiev: Violin Sonata No. 1 in F minor, Op. 80 31’

Recorded at RTHK Studio Two on 19/3/2015.



30/11/2015 (Mon 星期一)11:00am BRITTEN 布烈頓 Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge, Op. 10 31’ New Stockholm Ch. Orch. / Péter Csaba布里奇主題變奏曲,作品10新斯德哥爾摩室樂團 / 沙巴

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 25/11/2015, 8:00pm節目與2015年11月25日晚上8時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 Schumann: Kinderszenen, Op.15 16’Radu Lupu (p)

Schubert: Three Military Marches, D. 733 15’Daniel Barenboim, Radu Lupu (p)

Mozart: Quintet in E flat for Piano and Winds, K. 452 25’Han de Vries (ob)George Pieterson (cl)Vicente Zarzo (fh)Brian Pollard (bn)Radu Lupu (p)

Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 5 in E flat, Op. 73, ‘Emperor’ 38’Radu Lupu (p)Israel Phil. Orch. / Zubin Mehta


舒伯特:三首軍隊進行曲,D. 733巴倫邦、 盧甫(鋼琴)

莫扎特:降E大調鋼琴與木管五重奏,K. 452維士(雙簧管)彼得遜(單簧管)沙素(法國號)普勒特(巴松管)盧甫(鋼琴)

貝多芬:降E大調第五鋼琴協奏曲,作品73, 「帝皇」盧甫(鋼琴)以色列愛樂樂團 / 梅達

Wong Ka-jeng 黃家正

Hui Wing-chun, Mark


1/12/2015 (Tue 星期二)11:00am MOZART 莫扎特 Concertone in C, K. 190 28’ Shigenori Kudo (f) Salzburg Mozarteum Orch. / Jean-Pierre Rampal (f & cond)C大調小協奏曲,K. 190工藤重典(長笛)薩爾斯堡莫扎特音樂學院室樂團 / 雷波爾(長笛及指揮)

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 26/11/2015, 8:00pm節目與2015年11月26日晚上8時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Programme to be announced曲目容後公佈

2/12/2015 (Wed 星期三)11:00am WEBER 韋伯 Clarinet Concerto No. 2 in E flat, Op.74 23’ London Sym. Orch. / Alun Francis降E大調第二單簧管協奏曲,作品74倫敦交響樂團 / 法蘭西斯 2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 27/11/2015, 8:00pm節目與2015年11月27日晚上8時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Luxembourg Phil. Orch. / Emmanuel KrivineWebern: Passacaglia 10’R. Strauss: Also sprach Zarathustra, Op. 30 33’

Recorded at Luxembourg Philharmonie on 5/6/2015.

盧森堡愛樂樂團 / 克里雲魏本:帕薩卡利亞舞曲李察‧史特勞斯:查拉圖斯特拉如是說, 作品30


Emmanuel Krivine 克里雲

FINE MUSIC | November 201558


• Radio Television Hong Kong • Music Office • Hong Kong Cultural Centre • Hong Kong Cultural Centre • Hong Kong City Hall • Shatin Town Hall • Tsuen Wan Town Hall • Tuen Mun Town Hall • Kwai Tsing Theatre • Yuen Long Theatre • 香港電台 • 音樂事務處 • 香港文化中心 • 香港大會堂 • 沙田大會堂 • 荃灣大會堂 • 屯門大會堂 • 葵青劇院 • 元朗劇院 • Tom Lee Music Co. Ltd. Retail branches including: Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Bay, Causeway Bay, Wanchai, Quarry Bay, Aberdeen, Western District, Shatin, Tai Po, Tsuen Wan, Ma On Shan, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, Telford, Olympic City, Luk Yeung Galleria • Eddy Piano Co. Ltd. Retail Branches including: Kowloon City, Mongkok, Hung Hum, Tseung Kwan O, Tai Po, Homantin • Tsang Fook Piano Co. Ltd. Wanchai • Hong Kong Children’s Strings Retail Branches including: Causeway Bay, Tai Kok Tsui • Muse Music Company • Harmony Music Co. Ltd. Prince Edward • Hong Kong Records Tsimshatsui & Admiralty • Pro-sound Ltd. • ST Music & Art Centre • Rosealan Music • Sole Cultural Goods • Youth Square • Hong Kong Zhang Shixiang International Violin School • Dynamics Music • Aria Academy of Music • 通利琴行 分行包括:尖沙咀、九龍灣、銅鑼灣、灣仔、鰂魚涌、香港仔、西環、沙田、大埔、荃灣、馬鞍山、屯門、元朗、德福、奧海城、綠楊坊 • 偉樂琴行 分行包括:九龍城、旺角、紅磡、將軍澳、大埔、何文田 • 曾福琴行 灣仔 • 香港兒童弦樂團 包括: 銅鑼灣、大角咀 • 繆斯琴行 • 凱聲琴行 太子 • 香港唱片有限公司 尖沙咀及金鐘 • 寶韻 Pro-sound Ltd • 華偉音樂藝術中心 • 樂爵士琴行 • 向日葵文化良品 • 青年廣場 • 張世祥國際小提琴學校 • 卓弦音樂藝術中心 • 艾莉亞音樂學院 • Hong Kong Children’s Choir • Music Department of the University of Hong Kong • Music Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong • Music Department of the Hong Kong Baptist University • The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts • Hong Kong Music Institute • The United Academy of Music • Hong Kong International Institute of Music • Hong Kong Percussion Centre • Baron School of Music • Hong Kong Professional Piano Education Academy Tin Hau, Quarry Bay, Tsuen Wan • The Hong Kong Institute of Education • Lingnan University • 香港兒童合唱團 • 香港大學音樂系 • 香港中文大學音樂系 • 香港浸會大學音樂系 • 香港演藝學院 • 香港音樂專科學校 • 聯合音樂學院 • 香港國際音樂學校 • 香港敲擊樂中心 • 伯樂音樂學院 • 香港鋼琴教育專業學院 天后、鰂魚涌、荃灣 • 香港教育學院 • 嶺南大學

• Hong Kong Public Libraries Including: Hong Kong Central Library, Kowloon Central, Fa Yuen Street, To Kwa Wan, Lai Chi Kok, North Point, Shatin, Sheung Shui, Tai Po, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, North Kwai Chung • Hong Kong Museum of Art • Hong Kong Museum of History • 香港公共圖書館 包括:香港中央圖書館、九龍中央圖書館、花園街、土瓜灣、荔枝角、北角、沙田、上水、大埔、荃灣、屯門、元朗、北葵涌 • 香港藝術館 • 香港歷史博物館

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Publisher Friends of Radio 4 Society Limited P.O. Box No.97497 at Tsim Sha Tsui Post OfficeFM Magazine is officially endorsed by RTHK Radio 4

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© 2015 by Friends of Radio 4 Society. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior permission of the publisher.

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RTHK Radio 4 香港電台第四台 FM Stereo 97.6-98.9 MHz











European Broadcasting Union

3/12/2015 (Thu 星期四)11:00am BEETHOVEN 貝多芬String Quartet No. 6 in B flat, Op. 18, No. 6 35’ Alban Berg Quartet降B大調第六弦樂四重奏,作品18第6首貝爾格四重奏

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 28/11/2015, 8pm節目與2015年11月28日晚上8時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Dana Borsan (p)Romanian Radio Nat. Orch. / Gheorghe CostinMussorgsky: A Night on Bare Mountain 12’Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 22 in E flat, K. 482 36’Stravinsky: Rite of Spring 36’

Recorded at Mihail Jora Concert Hall, Romanian

Radio, Bucharest on 20/3/2015.Dana Borsan


博臣(鋼琴)羅馬利亞電台國家樂團 / 告斯丁穆索斯基:荒山之夜莫扎特:降E大調第二十二鋼琴協奏曲,K. 482史達拉汶斯基:春之祭


廣告查詢: Miss Wong 黃小姐

Tel 電話: 9073 3575

Email 電子郵箱: [email protected]

Contact Us440A Piano Tuning Restoration by MIU

PIANO recital, studio tuning, regulation, 2nd hand trading. 鋼琴調音


Piano, Theory, Aural, Accompaniment

Experienced bilingual tutor with FRSM, BA(Hons.) Music, AMusTCL.

All levels. Theory to Grade 8

6076 7454 Causeway Bay [email protected]

Diploma / G.5-G.7 Piano Teaching

LTCL, LRSM Tailored repertoire design,

Musicianship-focused Very affordable fee. weekend/weekday nights

All Location/ Causeway Bay Studio

Mr. Kwok 6095 2042 [email protected]

Piano Teaching


9360 7410 Mr. Chiu Fb: Warmy’s Piano Tutorial


Padua Piano Technology Workshop

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Concert Tuner / Servicing / Tuning / Rebuilding Japanese Used & European Antique Pianos

2345-7950 / 9783-3929


The United Academy of Music

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2575 5772 / 9436 0167

[email protected]

Heavenly Music 天韻樂室

Music rooms equipped with piano for hire

Teachers …. for teaching, recital, music studio

Students …. for lesson and practice

Newly renovated. Close to Sai Ying Pun MTR station. 15 sqm room with performance grade grand piano.

21100432 [email protected]


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November 2015 | FINE MUSIC 59

Eunice Chow 周琬婷


When the image came up in my first-ever pregnancy ultrasound scan I knew at once it


‘Twins, congratulations.’ The doctor announced in an authoritative tone, confirming my idea.

Twins?!! My heart skipped a beat. I wasn’t even sure I could look after myself properly, let alone

take care of two helpless babies. The prospect of mothering two fragile beings was daunting

to say the least...


Now that these two wonderful girls have made their grand entrance(s), my doubts have

vanished; my fear gone. I’ve been given two precious gifts at once and I have the determination

to do my best for them in every possible way.





▲ (From left) Emorie (younger sister) and Eulia (左起) 陳樂潼 (細孖) 與陳凈潼 (大孖)

▲ Eunice, Elvis and the twins 周琬婷、陳子信與他們的寶貝

▼ The twins’ ultrasound image 超聲波孖胎圖像

FINE MUSIC | November 201560