Text Effect 1

8/9/2019 Text Effect 1 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/text-effect-1 1/39 Reflective Liquid Type Tutorials on creating metal type abound online, as do variations on simple liquid effects. Most are fairly short, offering a good foundation for the reader on how certain effects are achieved but fail to take that extra step (or few steps) to make the piece really shine. Once you have an idea of how different techniques fit together in a piece, it is fairly easy to combine, say, the process to create metal and the process to create liquid to create something that exists in both sides of the FX map. 1 Create a new image with the following attributes: Width: 11 inches Height: 11 inches Resolution: 300 ppi, 8 or 16 bit Background Color: White 2 Since the desired effect is to appear liquefied, a font that appears to have been made with a crayon or round brush will work perfectly. Select the Type tool and open the Character palette from the Options bar. The font I’ve chosen is called ‘WallowHmkBold’… if you do not have this installed on your system just use the font of your choice. The attributes for the characters are seen below: 3 Note that the color is gray in the # 666666 range and NOT stark black. Type a word across the face of the image. 4

Transcript of Text Effect 1

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Reflective Liquid Type

Tutorials on creating metal type abound online, as do variations on simple liquid effects. Most are

fairly short, offering a good foundation for the reader on how certain effects are achieved but fail totake that extra step (or few steps) to make the piece really shine. Once you have an idea of how

different techniques fit together in a piece, it is fairly easy to combine, say, the process to create

metal and the process to create liquid to create something that exists in both sides of the FX map.


Create a new image with the following attributes:

Width: 11 inches

Height: 11 inches

Resolution: 300 ppi, 8 or 16 bit

Background Color: White


Since the desired effect is to

appear liquefied, a font that appears to have been made

with a crayon or round brush will work perfectly. Select the

Type tool and open the Character palette from the Options

bar. The font I’ve chosen is called ‘WallowHmkBold’… if you do

not have this installed on your system just use the font of your

choice. The attributes for the characters are seen below:


Note that the color is gray in the # 666666 range and NOT stark


Type a word across the face of the image.


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Rasterize the type layer, then paint a few additional gray dots around the type.


Open the Channels palette and duplicate a channel… the

Blue channel will work fine. Go to Image>Adjustments>Invert.


Open the Filter menu and select Blur>Gaussian Blur. First, blur the

channel at a 25 pixel radius. Blur the channel again at a radius of 15 pixels.

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Turn off the Blue copy channel, but don’t delete it…

you’ll need it in a moment or two.


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Go to Filter>Render>Lighting Effects. Set it up as outlined in the image below… be sure to select the

Blue copy channel as the Texture Channel.


The result of all that is a pretty basic

bevel, and yes, you could do pretty much the same thing with a layer style. Some habits die hard,

however, and I like the end result better when channels come into play. What can I say? I’ve been

doing it this way since at least PS 6, and if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!


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Duplicate the text layer and go

to Filter>Sketch>Chrome. Set up the reflections as seen in the dialog box below:


Now you can play with Layer Styles a bit. Open the Layer Styles dialog box and select Bevel/Emboss.

Enter the following settings… note that the Shadow color is again gray in the # 666666 range and not

black. Once done click OK.


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Let’s shine this up a bit. Command/Control+Click the text layer to generate a selection, then make a

Curves adjustment layer and Levels adjustment layer with the settings seen here:


Against a black background the shine really comes out.


Turn off the background layer or layers (if you added the black separately)

and merge all the others together.


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To give the type an enhanced

liquid quality, go to Filter>Liquify. Use the Bloat tool to expand or otherwise warp areas of the text as

seen here. Once you are happy with the distortions, click OK.


You can now throw the text into any image you so choose. In the following

example, I’ve blurred a tech-style background, placed the type in that document, then placed a

duplicate of the blurred layer above the text. The Blend mode of the top layer is changed to SoftLight to serve as reflections off the type, or making the type appear transparent allowing you to see

the background through it. I’ll let you decide what is actually happening.

That’s it for now. Until next time, I’ll see you at ActionFx.com. Take care!


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Oily and Shinny Text Effect in Photoshop

So, start off by making a new canvas, and fill it with a dark background colour, we used black.

type the word u like… we used customized GauFont PopMagic.

Go to layer >> layer styles >> blending options, and set the following settings:

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.  Inner Shadow 

2.  Inner Glow 

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3.  Bevel and Emboss 

4.  Contour Line Inside 

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5.  Contour 

6.  Satin 

.  Colour Overlay 

After all these settings, u will have this:

Now, duplicate your layer.

Select the upper (copied) layer and go to Filter >> Blur >> Gaussian Blur, and apply THIS BLUR 

Reduce the opacity of the blurred layer to about 70%.

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That’s it, hope u like the result, please post any questions u have!

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Liquid Text Photoshop Tutorial

In this Photoshop tutorial I am going to teach you how to create liquid text. Liquid text created in

Photoshop looks super cool and it is surprisingly easy to do. So why don’t we get started?

First of all we need to find an image that we are going to put our liquid text on. You want somethingwith some pattern on it so that the liquid that you create can distort it. I used the wood grain image

on the right (click for a much bigger version).

Once you have your background image loaded up switch over to your channels palette and create

a new channel. In this newly created channel you need to create your text. I used a font called Tree

Frog, try and find something that is kind of liquidy looking. In this channel I also added a few water

droplets to spice things up a bit. This is what my finished channel looks like.

Now we need to create the displacement map that we are going to use when we run the glass filter

in a few steps. Duplicated the channel that you created in the last step. Once you have the channel

duplicated we need to blur it a bit. Go to Filters/Blur/Gaussian Blur, I used a value of 7 for the blur. The

resulting channel should look like this.

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The glass filter, which we are about to use, requires a separate image to be used we need to

duplicate this channel and save it as a standalone image. To do this click the little arrow on top of

the channels window and from the menu that drops down choose “Duplicate Channel”. After you

click duplicate channel another window will popup. From this window that pops up from the drop

down menu choose new and press ok. The image you created in the channel will now popup in it’s

own window. Save the image that pops up as a PSD file, it doesn’t matter where but remember whatyou called it so that you can find it later. I named mine displacementmap.psd.

Now go back to your layers palette and duplicated you background image. In your layers palette

you should now have a layer called background and one called background copy. Now lets break

out the glass filter. The glass filter can be found by going to Filter/Distort/Glass. When you choose

glass a new screen will popup, on this screen you need to load your displacementmap.psd as the

texture. Press the little arrow next to the drop down menu and choose load and browse to wherever

it was that you saved your image in the previous step. Fiddle with the Distortion and smoothness levelsto taste. I used a Distortion level of 10 and a Smoothness level of 4, keep scaling at 100%. Your image

should now look like this (click for bigger). Rename this layer, which is currently called “background

copy” to “Glassy”.

Now we need the original, unblurred copy of our text in the layers palette. To do this go back to your

channels palette and ctrl-click the unblurred image which has your text and water drops on it to

choose its selection. Go back to your layers palette, create a new layer between the background

layer and the Glassy layer, and with the selection still active fill the selection with black. Your layers

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palette should now look like the image to the right.

We need to join the text layer with the glass layer. To do this right click the Glassy layer and choose

“Create Clipping Mask”. Your layers palette should now look like this.

Now lets have some fun and really make this pop. We are going to be doing a few different layer

styles. Select the layer that has your text on it (the middle layer) and open up your layer styleswindow, lets start with bevel and emboss (Layer/Layer Style/Bevel and Emboss).

For bevel and emboss I used the following settings:

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Now lets add a drop shadow. I used the following settings, for color click around your background

image until you find a color that you like.

Next, lets add a bit of an outer glow to really make things stand out. Once again, here are the

settings that I used.

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Snow on Text

This tutorial teaches you how to create nice looking snow effect on your text, you can use the effect

on christmas themed graphics..

To start this tutorial, create a new document and fill the

background with a dark color, this is so we can see the

snow better, we can change the background color at

the end.

Then use your type tool to type in your text.

Select the lasso tool.

Then draw your selections on top of your one of your

letter. This will be your snow, so make it look

runny/dripping from the top down.

Now create the same type of selection for the rest of

your text, but do this by "adding" to the selection. To add

to selection, in the selections' menu bar, select the "Add

to Selection" button.

This is the most time consuming part for this tutorial, take

your time to create some nice dripping selections. If youaccidentally make a bad selection, just press CTRL+Z to

undo that step.

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Switch to your Channels pallette (Windows-Channels)

then create a new channel by clicking on the "new

channel" icon at the bottom of the pallette.

Press "D" to reset your your colors. then select the Paint

bucket tool, and fill in the selection with white.

Press CTRL+D to deselect your selection.

Then go to Filter » Blur » Guassian Blur 

Radius: 3px 

Now go to Image » Adjustments » Levels 

Move your levels sliders so the image is sharp and


Switch back to your layer's pallette, create a new layer. 

Go to Select » Load Selection, in the load selection

pannel, in the channel field, select Alpha 1.

Then fill in the selection (on the new layer) with white.

Now you can press CTRL+D to deselect.

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Add some shade to the snow, by adding a bevel

emboss style to it.

So go ahead and add "Layer » Layer-Style » BevelEmboss" to the snow layer.


Now, you can just use your own creativity to add layer

styles/background color to your image, but if you want

to create what i've done, apply the following layer styles

to the original text layer.

(note: You may need to adjust a few things with the

settings because these settings have different effectsdepending on the size of the text)

Inner Shadow

Bevel and Emboss

Gradient Overlay


Now create a new layer in between your text layer and

snow layer.

Press D to set your foreground color white, then select

your brush tool and set the brush size to about 27, and

set it's hardness to about 70% (Set this in the "Brush"


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Now just paint underneath your text so it looks like snow


That's it, add some gradients to your background orwhatever....


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Ice Text

In this tutorial, i'll show you how to make your text freezing cold. This tutorial will also show you how to

use this ice text on any colored background..

Start a new document 700x400px with blue

HEX:#043A79 background.

Switch over to the Channel's Pallete and create a new channel. (if

the channel pallete is not visible, go to "Windows » Channels".

While still in the channels pallete and with the new channel (Alpha

1) selected, select the Type Tool and type your text. Make it as big

as possible.

Pixelate » Fragment

Pixelate » Crystalize

Now duplicate this new text channel, to do this, drag the channel

into the "create new channel" icon. This will not be Alpha 1 copy.

Go to Filter » Pixelate » Fragment. Repeat this step for 3 times.

Then go to Filter » pixelate » crystalize. Enter 6. (This depends on the

size of your text. play around)

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Go to Select » Select All, then Edit » Copy 

Then go back to the layers pallete. Then Edit » Paste 

Then go to Image » Adjustments » Hue/Saturation.Match the

following settings:

Go to Image » Rotate Canvas » 90CW 

Go to Filter » Stylize » Wind 

Method: Wind Direction: From the right

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Go to image » Rotate Canvas » 90CCW 

Go back to the Channels Pallete. and click on the original text

channel (Alpha 1) to select it.

Then go to Filter » Blur » Guassian Blur. 

Enter: 8.0

Go to Image » Adjustments » Levels 

Input Levels: [ 0 ] [ 0.15 ] [ 60 ]

CTRL+Click on Alpha 1 (the original text channel) to make a

selection around the text.

Then go back to the Layer's Pallete 

Create a new layer.

Press D and X on the keyboard to reset the colors back to default

white and black.

Go to Filter » Render » Clouds 

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Go to Filter » Sketch » Chrome 


Detail: 3Smoothness: 3

You can play around with this to get different effects.

Apply Inner Glow layer style to this chrome layer. (Blue

used: #39C5FF ) 

Change the blending mode of the chrome layer tooverlay, and set

the opacity to about 80% 

Now you are done, but what if we want to place our text on

another color background? we cant, because it is already on a

colored background.

The following steps will show you how to overcome that.

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Go b

the ori

Go to

Go to

Go to




Go to 

ck to the Channels Pallete, CTRL click on Al

iginal text channel, then go back to thelaye

Select » Inverse, then hit delete to delete, th

 Image » Rotate Canvas » 90CW. 

Filter » Stylize » Wind. 

d: Wind

ion: From the right

image » rotate Canvas » 90CCW. 

ha 1 to select

s pallete. 


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Now your ice text can be place on any colored background.

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Reflectively Refr

This is an advanced tutorial, illustrating a

particular form, using Photoshop's Glassdemonstration I will use Photoshop 7.

This method can be used in conjunction

a) Creatimage (C


b) Use th

image, p

This exam

layer be

c) Now h

to select

a) In the

button to

b) Now,

still in tact

Might I su

very smo


Filter > Bl

Then blurThen blur

Then aga

Then again, 3 pixels .

Then finally, only 1 pixel .

The height map you create here is key t

ctive Glass Filter T

simple method of giving the illusion of a 3d

filter. It should work in Photoshop versions 5 a

with lighting effects for slippery smooth resul

an image, 800x800 pixels. For reference pur

trl+S) as glass.psd .

type tool, or create an original form, filling

eferably using a typeface with thick smooth

ple is using Goudy Old Style, Extra Bold. For r

nown as the 'Type' layer.

lding down Ctrl, click on the Type layer in th

he it's transparency.

hannels Window, press the 'Save selection

create a channel of the selection.

lick on the new channel this created, and w

, Gaussian Blur it accordingly.

ggest, a series of blurs in succession, so that t


r > Gaussian Blur... 9 pixels  

6 pixels .6 pixels .

in, 3 pixels .

the goodness of the final effect.


eflection to a

nd later. For the


poses, save this

ost of the


ference, let this

e Layer Window

s channel '

ith the selection

he edges falloff

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Tip: If you have My Actions loaded, this blurring process can be

done quickly and easily by pressing: F8 (blur 9px), F7 (blur

6px), F6(blur 3px), F5 (blur 1px)

c) Once you deem your blurration fit for submission, press Ctrl+A toselect the entire channel, then copy it to the clipboard Ctrl+C.

d) Create a new image (Ctrl+N), of the same size (800x800 ), and paste

(Ctrl+V) the blurred channel into it. Now, save this image as

a glass_bump.psd  into the same folder you are working from. You may

now close it if you wish.

a) Download this photo by right clicking on the link then selecting 'Save

target as...'. Open the image in photoshop.

Note: This can also be done by clicking on the link, so that the full image loads in your web browser,

then drag the photo off the browser into Photoshop.

b)Once the image is in Photoshop, Select All (Ctrl+A), copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl+C), then go to the

original image glass.psd and paste it (Ctrl+V) onto a new layer.

This will be the image which the glass refracts. Let it be known as the 'Photo' layer.


If you use your own photo instead of this one, such as pictures of water which look cool

and refreshing, make sure that it is exactly the same size as the glass.psd , or else make

sure that the edges of the Photo layer go beyond he edges of the image. Also, make sure

you select the whole image (not layer) (Ctrl+A) before running the Glass filter, or elsethere will problems with the placement of the glass refraction. You will see.

a) With the Photo layer selected, select all (Ctrl+A), then go in the menu:

Filter > Distort > Glass... 

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b) From the texture dropdown, choose Load Texture... 

Then select the bump map you saved earlier, glass_bump.psd , and

press OK.

These sliders are self-explanatory, though for this demonstration I willuse:

Distortion: 20

Smoothness: 8

The Invert option may also produce a desired effect.

When you're done here, press OK to apply the filter.

Note: Rendering the glass filter a second or third time on the same

layer (Ctrl+F) may also produce desirable effects.

The following steps are entirely optional, and should be experimented


To fit the glass refraction inside the original form, hold down Alt, then

move your mouse between the Type layer and the Photo layer, until a

little icon with two intersecting circles replaces the cursor, then click.

This will use the Type layer transparency as a mask for the

refracted Photo layer.

To disable this, click between the layers again holding down Alt.

a) Holding down Ctrl click the Type layer to select it's transparency.

Click on the Photo layer, then create a new layer above it.

Fill the new layer with a dark color, such as black, by pressing X (to select Black as foreground color),

and then Alt+Backspace (to fill). Then deselect (Ctrl+D).

Rename this layer 'Highlight ', or something to this extent.

Set the blending mode for this layer to Overlay .

b) With the Highlight layer still selected, go in the menu:

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Filter > Render > Lighting Effects... 

Set your texture channel to the bump map created earlier (possibly Alpha 1), then setup some nice

lights, according to the Lighting Effectstutorial.

Channel height set to 100 'Mountainous', may or may not look hoopy.

When this is done, perhaps even change the blending mode to Color Dodge, or Screen... whatever

appears the most groovy to your pulsating eyeballs.

In addition to the Photo layer, try refracting a layer of black and white scan lines to produce highly

detailed moire patterns. This tutorial can also be used to create chrome looking items. Throw

down drop shadows, stone textures, disgruntled dots, and hopefully better effects you've come up

with by now.

Massage the pixels thoroughly, until they stimulate your eyeballs in return, and be sure to experiment

until the persistantly unfolding depths of your mind push you to the brink of madness.

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Freeze your text and make it look like an ice cube with a frosted top and icicles.

This is a multiple page tutorial because there are 4 layers, each adding to the effect. 


The first layer is the underlying text with a simple ice effect. Start out with your font on asimple background. I used a solid blue as a background to help work the font effects.


Next you'll add some pretty basic layer styles by double clicking the layer in the layer window

(Layer>Layer Style>Blending Options

First set the Fill Opacity in the Blending Options tab. You can also adjust the layers Fill amount

in the layer window, but since you're in the Layer Styles window its easy to do here.

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Add a bevel and emboss style. Use inner Bevel with Smooth technique. Set depth to about

75, direction Up, size approximately 13 with soften set to 0. The shading angle and altitude

should be fine, but you'll need to adjust the highlight and shadow modes so the colors are

white and the opacities are higher. Set Highlight mode to normal 100%, and Shadow modeto lighten at 90%.

Here's what will make the basic frosted texture. Add a texture to the bevel and emboss style.

Make it the Clouds pattern. Scale it down and set the depth low, about 15 should do.

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Duplicate this layer so you have two text layers.


Open the layer styles for the duplicate text layer. Change the texture to the Satin pattern,

adjust the scale to about 150 or by eye. This will add a cracked ice type pattern to the text.


Now we are going to add another layer to act as the frosted topping. Duplicate the text

layer again so you now have three text layers. Remove or disable the layer effects on the

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new top text layer, set the fill opacity to 100 and change the color to white if it isn't already.


Now we're going to use a quick edit mask and the paint brush to define a layer mask.

Hit the Q key to enter Quick mask mode and using a normal paint brush with soft edges,

paint the area roughly you would like to frost.

Exit quick mask by hitting Q again, then inverse the selection (quick key Shift-Ctrl-I or menu

Select>Inverse). Add a layer mask using this selected area.

(or Layer>Add Layer Mask)

Your text should resemble this.

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 STEP 7 

On the third text layer with the now applied layer mask, select the layer mask thumbnail.

Doing this will allow us to effect the layer mask without effecting the layer itself.


Apply two ocean ripple filters to the layer mask. Set the ripple size low and the magnitude

high at about 15.


That concludes the basic frost text effect. If you want to continue on to learn how to add

icicles, then continue to the next part of the tutorial.

STEP 10 

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In these steps you'll learn how to apply the same layer effects along with a special brush tocreate an icicle effect.

Start out by adding a new empty layer.

Now select a brush of appropriate size for the base of the icicle. In my case, I used the hardround brush of size 9.

STEP 11 

Now go to the brushes window (F5) and set the brush control to fade. The amount, which I

set to 30, will depend on your text size, so try 30 and if its too short or too long, come back

and change it.

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STEP 12 

On the black layer, start drawing icicle shaped lines using the brush tool (B). Since we are

using a fade, the bush will quickly shrink to nothing making drawing icicles fairly easy.

To make the icicles simply select the bottom most text layer and copy the layer styles (right

click Copy Layer Styles) then apply them to the icicles layer (right click on new icicle layer

and Paste Layer Styles).

And there you have it, a frosted, frozen, ice cubed text effect. An added bonus is that each

layer is still a text layer, so if you wanted to change the text its relatively easy.

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