Terms of the Holocaust

By D. Almberg Terms of the Holocaust


Terms of the Holocaust. By D. Almberg. Auschwitz- Birkeneau. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Terms of the Holocaust

Page 1: Terms of the Holocaust

By D. Almberg

Terms of the Holocaust

Page 2: Terms of the Holocaust

Prisoners were brought to Auschwitz in overcrowded cattle trucks or freight cars. 80% of prisoners were sent straight to the gas chambers. All the prisoner’s heads were shaved and their possessions stolen. The prisoners chosen for slave labor had a number tattooed on their arm, this was their new name. Prisoners were often whipped, beaten, or executed for minor or no reasons. The Camp was liberated on January 27, 1945 by the Russians.


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Gate into Auschwitz, “Work will set you free”.


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Dr. Josepf Mengele led the S.S Nazi doctors. He worked at Auschwitz, a Nazi death camp. Dr. Mengele took pleasure in the selection process, choosing who goes to the gas chamber and who becomes a slave, he was even seen humming classical music while sending people to their deaths. He often intentionally scheduled gassings on Jewish Holidays. Accounts of him range from a gentleman to murderous madman. He had a particular interest in twins and eye color. He was never put on trial.

Dr. Josepf Mengele

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A picture of Dr. Josepf Mengele.


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Joseph Goebbles was the head of Nazi Propaganda. He also acted as the Nazi party’s campaign manager. Joseph Goebbles was intelligent and usually charming. He was a good liar and manipulator; he always prepared what to say, but the emotion felt real. Joseph Goebbles gave speeches, organized marches and rallies, wrote racist articles, and even picked fights with the stronger communists to gain sympathy for the Nazis. He was born in a lower middle class family. He was sickly since birth with a club foot and one leg shorter than the other. Joseph Goebbles was often called a clubfooted demon.

Joseph Goebbles

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Joseph Goebbels with fans at a public appearance.


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Kristallnacht was a two day event from November 9-10, 1938. Most participants were Nazi S.A, but some citizens participated. During the night of broken glass, 7,500 businesses were destroyed along with 275 synagogues. 236 people were killed in the chaos. About 10% of German Jews were arrested and put into concentration camps during the night of broken glass.

Kristallnacht- Night of broken glass

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A Synagogue on fire during Kristalnacht.


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To join the Hitler Youth, you must first recite the oath, “In the presence of this Blood Banner, which represents our Fuhrer, I swear to devote all my energies and my strength to the savior of our country, Adolf Hitler. I am willing and ready to give up my life for him, so help me God.” Boys and girls begged their parents to become “Good Nazis” so they could join the Hitler Youth. Many children and teens joined the Hitler Youth to rebel. The Hitler Youth harassed the Catholic Church and the church forbade it’s members from joining. Physical fitness was stressed for both boys and girls. Boys were trained for the military and girls were trained as wives and mothers.

Hitler Youth

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Adolf Hitler appearing with the Hitler Youth


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Thousands of victims underwent medical experiments done in terrible conditions, many died and all suffered extreme pain. In some of the experiments, the whole point was to test how long different methods took to kill a person and how much pain it inflicted. Another sadistic experiment involved removing bones, nerves, muscles, and limbs from one living person to another. Thousands of people were sterilized through x-rays. Others underwent experiments such as being put in a tank of ice water for hours, being forced to drink salt water, being infected with diseases, and many other torturous experiments. Some people who survived these experiments were then killed to be disected. Dr. Joseph Mengele was in charge of the S.S doctors who preformed these experiments.

Medical experiments by S.S doctors

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This is an image of a gypsy forcibly given a sea water injection.http://tinyurl.com/bdavtlo

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Lawton, Clive. Auschwitz. Massachusetts: Candlewick Press, 2002. Text

Bartoletti, Susan. Hitler Youth- Growing up in Hitler’s shadow. Singapore: Scholastic Inc., 2005. textRoberts, Jeremy. Joseph Goebbels- Nazi propaganda Minister. New York: The Rosen publishing Group, 2000. TextDeem, James. Kristallnacht. Berkely Heights: Enslow Publishers Inc., 2012. TextCeferey, Holly. Dr.Josepf Mengele- The Angel of Death. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group Inc., 2001. TextSpitz, Viven. Doctors from Hell. Boulder: Sentient Publications, 2005. Text
