Template Qurbani Proposal

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  • 8/18/2019 Template Qurbani Proposal


    Qurbani Project 1431AH

    Year 2010

    The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “For every hair on the sacrificial animal, a

    reard ill !e recorded for the person ma"in# the $ur!ani%&

    (Hadith' Muslim)


    Sheikh Eid Foundation


    Education Health and Development

    (EHD) FoundationF, *l Falah Pla+a, Mar"a+ -, .slama!ad, Pa"istan%

    Ph/ 0-1231143564,Fa7/ -1231143564

    8mail: ehd%is!9#mail%com



  • 8/18/2019 Template Qurbani Proposal


    Table o !ontent"#

     Cover Letter-----------------------------------------------------------------------------3

    EHD Profle-------------------------------------------------------------------------------5

    8H F;U  T>U@T88@:5

    Our Projects------------------------------------------------------------------------------88U*T.;  T>*.M*: 36

    FC;; 1636 > 8C.8F *T.?.T.8@:36

     Audit Report----------------------------------------------------------------------------12

    Certifcate o Re!istratio"----------------------------------------------------------1#


    Our Proposal----------------------------------------------------------------------------1$

    8T*.C ;F FC;; *FF8T8 F*M.C.8@358T*.C ;F @CUM F*M.C.8@3-

    ;U>  *PP8*C:16

    Co"tact us-------------------------------------------------------------------------------21


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      over Letter

  • 8/18/2019 Template Qurbani Proposal


    ate: ;cto!er 1=, 1636

    Subject# $eed o A""i"tance or Qurbani Pro%ram 1431AH& Year 2010

    e hope this letter finds you in the !est of your health and .maan% Here e ant to introduce our or#ani+ation to you, ith the help of this !rief introduction% e hope you ill easily understand the

    nature, structure and our achievement in past years%

    8ducation Health and evelopment foundation (8H) is a re#istered elfare or#ani+ation (in.slama!ad, Pa"istan) esta!lished on @eptem!er 33, 1661 to provide 8ducation, Health, lean ater and

    >r#ent >elief Proect to the residence of Ehachi *!adis in Pa"istan% 8HIs o!ectives and #oals 8H

    Foundation cooperates in its various proects ith others

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    EHD Profile


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    8ducation and Health are "ey areas of !asic human needs% Unfortunately, current Health and 8ducation

    situation presents a dismal picture%

    • ountry ide statistics indicate that there is one doctor for every 3,266 people hereas the slum

    areas are not even considered for such facilities%

    • @tudent to teacher ratio in the country is as poor as 3:361%

    • The situation is further a##ravated in the slums (Eachi *!adis), here people have no access to

    even !asic education and civic amenities%

    • Unhy#ienic livin# conditions are hallmar" of such areas

    .n order to address the aforementioned issues, 8ducation, Health and evelopment Foundation as

    esta!lished on @eptem!er =, 1661, ith a vie to provide the !asic amenities of life to the residents of these Eachi *!adis% The Foundation had initially launched its pro#ram from .slama!ad ith the

    o!ective of its su!seuent e7pansion throu#h out the ountry, !ut no its or"in# in il#it, Eashmir and

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  • 8/18/2019 Template Qurbani Proposal


    Our Projects


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    e are a!le to esta!lish 35 schools in the katchi abadis and villa#es in and around>aalpindiK.slama!ad% ;ur first school as inau#urated in the year 1661% ;ver ,666 children are

     !enefitin# from these schools% Boo"s, uniforms and shoes are provided !y 8H%

     Teacher Training: 

    To sharpen teachin# s"ills, monthly meetin#s and uarterly trainin# or"shops are arran#ed under theauspices of the foundation for principals and teachers%


     Supply of Clean Drinking Water: 

    6 hand pumps installed in katchi abadis over the past five years provide clean drin"in# ater to more

    than lac of needy people in and around >aalpindiK.slama!ad%



    *!out 46 medical camps are arran#ed !y 8H in different katchi abadis  annually% The 8H Healthentre at @ha"rial and Physiotherapy entre at il#it are operational year round%


     Animal Gift -- Sustainable Lielihoo! "ro#ect: 

    *s a result of the earthua"e in 1662 some families lost all their earnin# mem!ers leavin# !ehind

    idos, youn# children and senior family mem!ers% 8H Foundation is tryin# to help reesta!lish ameans of livelihood for these people% .n this re#ard a survey as conducted% .n the first phase, 66

    idos have !een provided ith #oats and chic"en so that they can support themselves, consumin# themil" and sellin# the e##s and !a!y #oats to earn their livin#% For many families the mil" from these

    #oats and roti is often times the only food in inter% The families also a#ree to pass on one or more of their animalsI offsprin#, passin# on the #ift of selfreliance to others%

     $ama!han an! %i! "ackages:

    8very year, as a part of >amadhan relief, a!out 5266 people are provided ith food items in "atchi

    abadis. .ftar dinners ere also arran#ed at certain places%oo"in# oil, meat and mil" as provided amon#st poor people in the shape of 8id pac"a#es so they

    could share in this festive occasion%

    Winter $elief: 

    ;rphans and the needy loo" toards your cooperation to provide them ith the !asic necessities of life%8H provides arm clothes and shoes durin# the inter season to more than 31666 deservin# people%


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     %arth&uake '(() $elief Actiities: 

    ;n 4th ;cto!er, 1662, hen the earthua"e destroyed almost everythin# in Eashmir, and many of the elief *ctivities are as follos:

    • +i"tribution# 362 truc"s ere sent carryin# necessities of life%

    • Tent" and eddin%"#  8H Foundation as a!le to provide 6,666 people ith mattresses,

     !lan"ets and 2666 tents%

    • Shelter Home"# 8H Foundation as a!le to provide 53 villa#es ith 15 shelter homes%

    • Free .edical !am,"# 26 free medical camps ere operated time to time in the earthua"e

    affected areas

     *est "erformance A+ar!:

    The Prime Minister of Pakistan ,r Shaukat A.i.  presented %HD /oun!ation with a shield for *est  "erformance on the 0th of 1ctober '((). EH was one of si!t" #$Os to have their work reco%ni&ed.

    Our achievements would not have been possible without "our %enerous donations and pra"ers.

    /loo! '(2( $elief Actiities:

    The 1636 Pa"istan flood !e#an in Auly 1636 folloin# heavy monsoon rains in the Ehey!er Pa"htoon"ha, @indh, Puna! and Balochistan re#ions of Pa"istan% Present estimate indicate that over 

    to thousand people have died and over a million homes have !een destroyed since the floodin# !e#an%

    8H have launched relief activities to help the affectees of the massive flood hich caused devastation

    across the country% 8H inspected areas of Ehy!er Pu"htoon Eha, sindh and Balochistan, here

    instantaneous relief as needed%

    etails of >elief *ctivities are as follos:

    /hber Pukhtunkha#

    • +i"tribution# 8H distri!uted relief items to more than 4666 flood affected families of intensive

    dama#ed areas% >elief items include ration, clothes, croc"ery, cylinders etc%

    .edical !am,"# free medical camps ere or#ani+ed in flood affected areas, here more than666 patients ere prescri!ed ith free medicine%

    • Atari Pro%ramme# 8H accomplished *ftarinner pro#ramme for more than 1266 flood

    affected victims%

    • Flood Aected Hou"e !leanin% Project# 12= houses are under cleanin# process in

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     Sin!h an! *alochistan:

    • +i"tribution# 8H distri!uted >ation to 566 flood affected families of unda"ha and


    • !lean ater Su,,l# ith the help of !oat clean ater as supplied to more then 35,266 floodaffectees% This compain as for 12 days%

    • Hand Pum,"# 8H accomplished rin"in# ater @upply Pro#ramme in the areas of unda"ha

    and Eandh"ot, J6 Hand Pumps are under contruction for flood affectees in this re#ard%

    • Atari Pro%ramme# 8H accomplished *ftarinner pro#ramme for more than 1666 flood

    affectees in the areas of

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    Audit Report


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    Certificate of Registration


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  • 8/18/2019 Template Qurbani Proposal


    Our Proposal


  • 8/18/2019 Template Qurbani Proposal


    Flood created a lar#est humanitarian crisis of the history% .nfrastructure of flood affected areas is !adly

    affected and the locals are livin# in the open places% .t is e7tremely difficult moment for them% Their 

    condition is entirely !usted% Their houses are !ro"en, house holds ruined, livestoc" vanished and theyare sufferin# from food crisis% .n several areas, ater is still all around on the #round% The ater is

     !e#innin# to recede, revealin# a disaster that ill ta"e years to resolve% People made homeless !y the

    devastatin# floodaters and they are not a!le to live on the de!ris of their houses% Many people arelivin# ith their children under the shade of a tree, as their houses !ecome inadeuate ith deadly flood

    and ashed aay all !elon#in#s%

    ;ur representatives are or"in# in the fields to assess and distri!ute the reuired !asic necessities

    amon# the most affected areas, e e7amine that the area of Puna!, Balochistan, Ehy!er Ea"htun"ha

    and @indh are !adly affected% There are still people trapped in ater%

    * part of this affected population is hose, ho never have $ur!aniIs meat% These reuined peple are the

     !est distri!utees of ur!ani meat%

    *ccordin# to our inspection there are more then 4,666 families residin# in the areas of Ehy!er Pa"htunEha, @indh, Puna! and Balochistan% etail of these families is as follos:



  • 8/18/2019 Template Qurbani Proposal


    +etail o Flood Aected Familie"


    $o*5ocation +i"trict Pro6ince

    $o* o 


    $o* o 


    1 @hei"ha!ad harsaddah Ehy!er Pa"htun"ha J6 146

    2 Ba"hri *hmed Ehan Ciyah Puna! J6 146

    3 *#arah @hei"ha!ad harsaddah Ehy!er Pa"htun"ha 346 31-66

    4 ?illa#e Eochyan Peshaar Ehy!er Pa"htun"ha 16 3J6


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    2: Mohl%*!a"hel Eoi+i ush"ai amp .nterchan#e isaal Pur Ehy!er Pa"htun"ha 16= 3JJ1

    32 Masid Cain aalpindi% * detail of 

    these families is as follos:

    +etail o Slum Familie"



    $o o 


    $o o 


    1 Mehra *!adi .slama!ad 33 =J3

    2 o"e $urashian Motor ay - 11-


  • 8/18/2019 Template Qurbani Proposal


    ho"e .slama!ad

    3 Bilal Ton .slama!ad =- 2==

    4 @heh+ad olony .slama!ad =5 J41


  • 8/18/2019 Template Qurbani Proposal


      ontact us


  • 8/18/2019 Template Qurbani Proposal


    Or%ani&ation etails

    Name of Organization: 8ducation Health and evelopment (8H) Foundation

     Address: F, *l Falah Pla+a, Mar"a+ -, .slama!ad, Pa"istan%

    Contact Person: >aa Muhammad Fa+il Ehan

    Position: Founder hairman

    Telephone: ell/ 0-13J21J165J

    Ph/ 0-1231143564

    Fax: 0-1231143564

    E-mail: ehd%is!9#mail%com

    Website: %ehd%or#%p" 

    ank +etail"

     4ame of *ank: *llied Ban" Cimited%

     *ranch: - Mar"a+, .slama!ad%

     Account Title: 8H Foundation

     Account 4umber: 63166J41-

     *ranch Co!e: 6=34

     Sort 5 SW6/T Co!e: *BP*PEE*

    Currency: Pa" >upee
