TEDxBilbao presentation

Presentation 2010

Transcript of TEDxBilbao presentation

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Dear reader,!

TEDxBilbao is a local, independently organized event that strives to re-create the

unique experience found at TED, where the world"s leading thinkers and doers congregate to share what they are most passionate about. At its core, the fundamental goal of TED and TEDxBilbao is to foster and spread great ideas. We aim to provide a platform where the smartest thinkers, greatest visionaries, and most fascinating people will be inspired and will have the opportunity to inspire others.!

Our conferences main axis is: Imagine Bilbao. This first edition will be held at the Campos Theater in Bilbao on Saturday, November 27th, 2010 from 9:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m., and will be centred around the theme: Education for 2109 and beyond. !

The diverse group present will be able to learn from one another, both as speakers and as attendees, and will leave the conference driven to creatively improve our collective future.!

Please find included in this presentation information regarding TED and the

TEDxBilbao conference. Our team of organizers is passionately dedicated to this event and we hope that you will, by sharing your ideas, share in our excitement. !

Thank you very much for your consideration and we look forward to hearing from you soon.!


Jorge Garcia del Arco!

Jorge Garcia del Arco!TEDxBilbao licensee!

July, 2010!

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About TED!

TED is an annual event where some of the world's leading thinkers and doers are invited to share what they are most passionate about. !

"TED" stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design -- three broad subject areas that

are, collectively, shaping our future. In fact, the event is broader still, showcasing ideas that matter in any discipline. Attendees have called it "the ultimate brain spa" and "a four-day journey into the future." The diverse audience of CEOs, scientists, creatives, philanthropists is almost as extraordinary as the speakers, who have included Nobel laureate Al Gore, architect Frank Gehry, primatologist Jane Goodall,

musician Paul Simon, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Genomics pioneer Craig Venter, Tiananmen Square organizer Li Lu, biologist E.O. Wilson, playwright Eve Ensler, photojournalist James Nachtwey, Nobel laureates Paul Berg, Murray Gell-Mann and Jim Watson (of Watson & Crick), Lost producer JJ Abrams, jazz musician Herbie Hancock, Tipping Point author Malcolm Gladwell, eco-architect William McDonough,

architect & sculptor Maya Lin, evangelist Billy Graham, cellist YoYo Ma, Segway inventor Dean Kamen, Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, graphic designer Stefan Sagmeister, former president Bill Clinton, and leadership coach Tony Robbins.!

TED was first held in Monterey, California, in 1984. In recent years, TED has expanded to include an international conference, TEDGlobal; media initiatives, including TED Talks and TED.com; and the TED Prize. Today, more than 700 talks from past TED conferences are now freely available online at TED.com !

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About TEDx!

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share in a TED-like experience. !

At TEDxBilbao and other TEDx events, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to

spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x=independently organized TED event. !

The TED conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. !

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About TEDxBilbao: !

Bilbao Metropoli 30 stated in May 2000: !“Eight years ago a new plan to revitalize Bilbao was outlined. Public and private institutions

committed themselves to seeing it through, working to fulfill the dreams and aspirations of our


Today Bilbao is a changed city. The differences can be seen and felt. Nevertheless, we live in a changing world. Large cities, products of an industrial age, are giving way to a new kind of

urban center operating in a knowledge-based economy. Our world is becoming a global village

in which ideas are available anywhere, anytime. A flexible and dynamic flow of products and

capital crosses all kinds of countries and borders. !

(…) We must strengthen the advantages offered by cities, with an aim to solving problems and

making the best use of resources and opportunities to the benefit of the people who live in them.

This will happen with a common vision of the future.!

(…) The future Bilbao is conceived as an open, connected society that nurtures the imagination, creativity and the capacity to innovate. The city will be committed to international cooperation,

giving highest priority to the exchange of fresh ideas. To become all this, Bilbao must be in tune

with world trends and must be capable of global thinking”.!

TEDxBilbao is in this context, an appropriate ground to help ”Ideas Worth Spreading”

driven to creatively improve our collective future. Our general claim is “IMAGINE BILBAO” and the theme chosen for this first edition is .!

TEDxBilbao believes that education is the foundation needed to address this changing future. Let´s reflect on it!!

Education 2109!

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TEDxBilbao “Navigation Chart”!

TEDxBilbao will foster the spread and application of great ideas. !We imagine most fascinating and engaging speakers coming together for a day to share their passions and discuss their visions for the world. Bilbao is home to successful transformation and remarkable people. TEDxBilbao looks forward to showcasing this brilliance and enabling these great ideas to be put into action. !

TEDxBilbao will bring together a diverse group of attendees!In recognition that Bilbao is an arena for innovation, originality, and excellence, we have chosen to invite mainly “invisible leaders” to present their own ideas at TEDxBilbao, and perhaps more importantly, to discuss each other"s ideas. Our group

of attendees and speakers will represent some of the brightest minds from the Bilbao community & “surroundings” and will come from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. !

TEDxBilbao will provide a platform for the brightest minds to be inspired and to inspire others. !

We are committed to creating an event where participants are challenged to communicate their passions in an exciting and engaging dialogue. At TEDxBilbao, speakers will give the best talk of their lives so we will have the opportunity to discuss their ideas. TEDxBilbao will allow speakers and attendees to digest and debate the talks and encourage the exchange of ideas and information amongst all participants

through various channels (Face to face, streaming and social media) and different times (before, during and after event). !

TEDxBilbao is focused towards future: IMAGINE BILBAO. !TEDxBilbao, therefore, is a unique opportunity for members of the Bilbao community

and “surroundings” to share their ambitions for our collective future. Speakers will present their forward-thinking ideas and all participants will leave the conference inspired and empowered to effect positive change. !

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We believe the future of Bilbao reflection should not be limited to a single day. Rather, it should be a conversation that has different spaces. You can find us at:!



Built between 1901 and 1902 by local architect Alfredo Acebal and the French Basque Darroquy Jean Baptiste, it´s been re-inaugurated on March 11, 2010. Known as "La Bombonera of Bertendona" is one of the few examples of modernist architecture in the

Basque country, listed as a Cultural Monument in the category. !Undoubtedly, both the exquisite decor "Nouvelle art" as its impressive pit and Daniel Zuloaga ceramic applications and central location, made it an ideal venue candidate for TEDxBilbao.!


The license is limitted to an audience of a 100 people. Nevertheless, TEDxBilbao talks will be available by streaming at http://tedxbilbao.com/!


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