
Steamtech Tech Clockwork or Steam Tech or V-Tech Clockwork Progress This type of alternate technology uses gears, valves and steam power to duplicate own machines. Coal, water, gasoline, are some of the power sources used. Machines tendency to e igger and ulkier with hard metals like steel and iron een used f and stronger machines. Skills ! "eats# To recogni$e this technology an unfamiliar character needs % ranks &nowledge 'Technology( skill. The feat Craft Clockwork 'user feat( is needed to u this type of alternate e)uipment. P* +# n the middle ages the first simple clockwork devices are uilt like music are used to amuse the wealthy that can pay e perts to uilt them. P* # n the age of reason more comple devices, like clocks are uilt. The e per ecome famous and teachers of new e perts. Soon weapons are uilt using this tech P* /# n the industrial age the invention of steam power make the clockwork device more comple and ale to do enormous tasks that needed a do$en men to do. "actorie motori$ed, as are castles and war ships. Transportation is modified using this tec oats and trains. P* %# n the information age very comple machines are uilt like adding machines 'roots(. "lying vehicles 'like alloons and dirigiles( are uilt using this tech travel possile. P* 0# n the fusion age ways of compressing steam in fusion sphere makes the power and more comple machines possile, like walking uildings and flying fortresses. machines are ale to travel to other planets using this compressed steam power and clockwork devices powered y them. P* 2# n the gravity age and higher we encounter more uses and igger devices uil technology. Complete cities can e moved, for e ample.



Transcript of Technology

SteamtechTechClockwork or Steam Tech or V-TechClockwork Progress This type of alternate technology uses gears, valves and steam power to duplicate the effects of our own machines. Coal, water, gasoline, are some of the power sources used. Machines had the tendency to be bigger and bulkier with hard metals like steel and iron been used for building bigger and stronger machines. Skills & Feats: To recognize this technology an unfamiliar character needs 5 ranks in the Knowledge (Technology) skill. The feat Craft Clockwork (user feat) is needed to build and repair this type of alternate equipment. PL 2: In the middle ages the first simple clockwork devices are built like music boxes. This devices are used to amuse the wealthy that can pay experts to built them. PL 3: In the age of reason more complex devices, like clocks are built. The experts that build them become famous and teachers of new experts. Soon weapons are built using this technology. PL 4: In the industrial age the invention of steam power make the clockwork devices bigger and more complex and able to do enormous tasks that needed a dozen men to do. Factories are motorized, as are castles and war ships. Transportation is modified using this technology with steam boats and trains. PL 5: In the information age very complex machines are built like adding machines and automatons (robots). Flying vehicles (like balloons and dirigibles) are built using this technology making aerial travel possible. PL 6: In the fusion age ways of compressing steam in fusion sphere makes the powering of bigger and more complex machines possible, like walking buildings and flying fortresses. Also, flying machines are able to travel to other planets using this compressed steam power and the complex clockwork devices powered by them. PL 7: In the gravity age and higher we encounter more uses and bigger devices built using the same technology. Complete cities can be moved, for example.

NEW GADGETSteampunk GearThis gadgets is used to build steampunk gear using the standard weapons and equipment listed in the manuals. The equipment will get the following modifiers:Advantages: The gear is powered by steam technology and works with things like coal, water and air. It can also work using combustible items like kerosene and simple gunpower depending on the gear original description but it can also use crystals and mirrors to duplicate energy effects. This is an alternate type technology that cannot be reproduce outside its own planet but can be repaired with a +4 in Repair checks. Disadvantages: The gear doesnt work in the vacumm of space. Minimum PL of Gear: 4Purchase DC adjustment: +1

ArcanotechArcane TechArcanetech or M-TechM-tech Magical items or technology usually related to the Mana System habitants. Also known as Arcantech. (see entry)

At this point in time and space, the races have encounter many other races with FX abilities like magic (both divine and arcane), mutations and psionics. These three once oscure and mystic sciences are now studied and cataloged like any other material. There are schools and organizations dedicated exclusivelly to them and artifacts built and sold for those with the ability to harless that kind of abilities.

SpellsA spell is a one-time magical effect. Magic is used by individuals with magical power, which include spellcasters and creatures with spells and spell-like abilities. Spells can be arcane or divine.

Arcane spells involve direct manipulation of mystic energies. These manipulations require long study, and tend to produce dramatic results.

Divine spells draw power from an unworldly source, be it from within the casters own beliefs or some greater entity of power. Divine spellcasting requires meditation and provides more utilitarian effects, including the ability to heal the wounded. Some spells may be cast by both arcane and divine caster, functioning as arcane spells when cast by arcane casters and divine spells when cast by divine casters.

Most spells require the caster to speak some utterance, make complex gestures, or sometimes expend an object or a small quantity of some substance. The spellcasters activity is visible to others, and the effects often are too, but the magic itself is not.

Each spellcasting advanced class learns and casts spells differently. See the class description for more details.

Arcane Progress Some civilizations follow the path of magic instead of a path of progress based on technology. This civilization has magic items and can cast spells. They have access to metamagic feats and magical oriented classes and skills. Items are built with style and beauty in mind, with gems and arcane symbols all around them. Skills & Feats: To recognize this technology an unfamiliar character needs 5 ranks in the Knowledge (Arcane Lore) skill. Magical Craft feats are needed to build and repair them. How to use: Arcane equipment usually needs levels in a magical class to use but the Divine and Magical Heritage feats discussed in the Urban Arcana manual is enough to use them. PL 0: In the stone ages, the arcane will begin to develop the basic concepts of nature an give them magical attributes. They will explore herbalism and the first symbols will appear with the same semi-random magical rituals. PL 1: In the bronze and iron ages the magic rituals will be structured and recorded in secret scrolls and then converted into spells by specific individuals. Alchemy will be born as a science and herbalism will be considered as a magical studied of nature. The first magical items in the form of medieval weapons and armors will be built.PL 2: In the middle ages magic will be a common practice with magicians be considered wise men and respected for their power. The magical arts will be taught by this men to their apprentices. Magic items will be more variable with spells stored into scrolls, potions, rings, wands, staffs and many other miscellaneous magical items. This items will be activated using complex gestures or magical words that are only known to the one who built it. Personal libraries of magical tomes will be in the procession of the wealthy magicians. PL 3: In the age of reason the teaching of magic will be a more open science. There will be guild-like schools that teach people from the middle classes how to do magic. Magic items will be produced to help in construction of ships and castles but mainly for war machine. The first flying vehicles will be available, like flying carpets, flying brooms and flying boats. PL 4: In the industrial age common people will be taught how to operate basic magic items and how to cast basic spells. Magic items will be constructed in mass quantities each time more simple to use and to built. Magic items will be used in many aspects of daily life, like flying ships to transport people an cargo. Libraries with magical tomes will be available to be used by those who want to learn more about magic. Magic used will be specialized in different areas as will be magical spells. Animation of the death will be used as a tool to get cheap labor, for example. PL 5: In the information age the common man will be able to learn magic in any university. Magic items will be used in every aspect of daily life and activated by simple magical words or a more simpler switch. Specialist in different areas of magic will be common with universities teaching specific areas of magic. Magical ways of transmitting and storing information in magical items will be used to replace the old text books. The fusion of specific spells with magic items used to enhance their effect, extend their range or their duration and record their presence will be commonplace. For example crystal balls that receive and transmit and store what was transmitted for later viewing. PL 6: In the fusion age more advanced ways of producing magical energy sources will provide with more complex spells that will allow the building of spaceships powered by magic. Golems will be built in mass to do difficult and dangerous work. PL 7: In the gravity age spells that extend their effect to cover complete cities will be available. Magical force fields and mass teleportation portals will be common and also spells that detect other types of non-magical technologies. PL 8: In the energy age and beyond magical teleportation between planets will be available in the energy age.

NEW GADGETArcane GearThe specific gear is powered by magical means, a magical enchanted crystal or spell.Advantages: The power has double its number of charges or uses but needs to be recharged by a specific magician or in a magic oriented planet. Weapon of this sort works like magic weapons and can attack creatures that are vulnerable to magic. Disadvantages: The gear is subject to spell resistance and anti magic areas. Minimum PL of Gear: 2Purchase DC adjustment: +10

Psi-TechPsionics TechPsi-TechAdd tagsPsionicsAt this point in time and space, the races have encounter many other races with FX abilities like magic (both divine and arcane), mutations and psionics. These three once oscure and mystic sciences are now studied and cataloged like any other material. There are schools and organizations dedicated exclusivelly to them and artifacts built and sold for those with the ability to harless that kind of abilities.

P-tech Psionic technology or " PsiTech" usually related to The Fraals race, the telephats of Church of Betazeth or the Battle Minds of the Order of the Silver Light.

Psionic PowersA psionic power is a one-time psionic effect manifested by a psionic character or creature. Psionic powers require power points to use, although naturally psionic creatures can manifest their powers a certain number of times per day with no power point cost.

Each psionic power is tied to a specific ability, which is the key ability for that psionic power. A psionic character must have a key ability score equal to at least 10 + the powers level to manifest a particular power.

Unlike arcane spellcasters, psionic characters dont have spellbooks and they dont prepare their powers ahead of time. A psionic characters level limits the number of power points available for manifesting powers. A psionic character has a set number of powers available that he may manifest at will, provided he has sufficient power points to pay for the manifestation.

A power manifests when the psionic character pays its power point cost. The character pays the cost, and the power manifests immediately.

Psionic powers dont require special gestures, words, or materials. They operate as thoughts made manifest. Most powers do have a noticeable display associated with their use, however.

Psionic Progress Some civilizations follow the path of psionic powers instead of a path of progress based on technology. This civilization has psionic items and can use psionic powers. They have access to metapsionic feats and psionic oriented classes and skills. Items are built with crystals all around them. Skills & Feats: To recognize this technology an unfamiliar character needs 5 ranks in the Knowledge (Arcane Lore) skill. Psionic Craft feats are needed to build and repair them. How to use: Psionic equipment usually needs levels in a psionic class to use but the Wild Talent feats discussed in the Modern manual is enough to use them. PL 0: In the stone ages, the psionically active will begin to develop the basic use of their powers and relate them to nature. PL 1: In the bronze and iron ages the psionic powers will be structured and recorded in secret scrolls for others to learn. The first psionic items in the form of medieval weapons and armors will be built. PL 2: In the middle ages psionics will be a common practice with psionic gifted people be considered wise men and respected for their power. The use of psionic powers will be taught by this men to their apprentices. Psionic items will be more variable with powers stored into scrolls, potions, rings, wands, staffs and many other miscellaneous psionic items. This items will be activated only by people with psionic potencial. Personal libraries of psionic tomes will be in the procession of the wealthy telephats. PL 3: In the age of reason the teaching of psionics will be a more open science. There will be guild-like schools that teach people from the middle classes how to use their powers. Psionic items will be produced to help in construction of ships and castles but mainly for war machine. The first flying vehicles will be available. PL 4: In the industrial age common people will be taught how to operate basic psionic items and how to use basic psionic powers. Psionic items will be constructed in mass quantities each time more simple to use and to built. Psionic items will be used in many aspects of daily life. Libraries with psionic tomes will be available to be used by those who want to learn more about them. Psionic used will be specialized in different areas. PL 5: In the information age the common man will be able to learn psionics in any university. Psionic items will be used in every aspect of daily life and activated by simple words or a more simpler switch. Specialist in different areas of psionic will be common with universities teaching specific areas. Psionic ways of transmitting and storing information in psionic crystals will be used to replace the old text books. The fusion of specific powers with psionic items used to enhance their effect, extend their range or their duration and record their presence will be commonplace. For example psionic crystals that receive and transmit and store what was transmitted for later viewing. PL 6: In the fusion age more advanced ways of producing psionic energy sources will provide with more complex powers that will allow the building of spaceships powered by psionic. PL 7: In the gravity age and beyond psionic powers that extend their effect to cover complete cities will be available. Psionic force fields and mass telephaty grids will be common and also powers that detect other types of non-psionic technologies.

NEW GADGETPsitech GearThe gear is psionic in nature. Advantages: The character can fuel the object using psionic points and take psionic points from the object. The amount of points equals the level of the psionic class of the character. Disadvantages: The object is subject to power resistance. Minimum PL of Gear: 5Purchase DC adjustment: +8

The Fraals race and the Church of Betazeth are those who show the higher development of these powers as the Order of the Silver Lights Battle Minds.

ElemtechTechE-tech - Elemental technology usually related to the Elohim Empire during the Galactic Wars. Also used to refer to their technological advanced elemental weapons of Progress Level 6 to 9.

CrysTechTechCrystal Technology- This is technology similar to the Klicks and the Tholians based on energy crystal, crystal formations and sound of different frecuencies. Also known as C-Tech

BiotechTechBiotech ProgressPL 2: In the middle ages the studies about alchemy, chemistry and biology are mixed and widespread, the experts in herbalism and physicians mix their sciences and area able to find cures to plagues more easily. PL 3: In the age of reason libraries about these sciences are more common and the growing of foodstuffs using them is common. Hunger and disease are less common and people develop more uses for alchemical and herbalism products. PL 4: In the industrial age natural resources are duplicated by factories, slug throwers that launch drugs are more used than firearms. The first living organism are duplicated and characteristics changed using inserts of some plants or animals inside others to produce specific effects providing with the same genetic manipulation experiments. PL 5: In the information age genetic manipulation is common place and used to produce specific plants and animals that can do tasks for their masters. Armors and weapons are grown instead of built. PL 6: In the fusion age vehicles are living organism and also computers. Seeds that can be pre-produce to grow into the needed object are engineered. Power cells that produce enough energy for a single object substitute other forms of archaic power cells. PL 7: In the gravity age living technology is possible preparing the first living spaceships that can survive in the coldness of space with or without people inside. PL 8: In the energy age and beyond the technology is made bigger, deadlier and more integrated into the peoples life turning their life into one of symbiosis with their living machines.

K-Tech and N-Tech are types of Biotech.

NEW GADGETBioware GearThis gear is designed by bioengineers to be part of the wearers living biofield. Advantages: It has the Technoorganic gadget (FUT) included and can be powered by the persons owns health. The gear will work for an unlimited amount of time with unlimited charges until the person dies. Disadvantages: If the person is forced to make a Fortitude Save for Massive Damage he must make a second save for his equipment or the equipment will die. The equipment only works with the person that its tailored to.Minimum PL of Gear: 6Purchase DC adjustment: +6

NEW GADGETLiving GearThe gear is a living organism more advanced than bioware in symbiosis with the wearer. Advantages: It has the Technoorganic gadget (FUT) included but it heals and additional hit point per combat turn. The organism is attached to the wearer and responds only to him. An hour of rest restores all of the organisms hit points and charges. Disadvantages: The organism dies if the wearer dies. Minimum PL of Gear: 7Purchase DC adjustment: +10