Technologies Facilitating Collectivization, Bulk Purchase ...

Technologies Facilitating Collectivization, Bulk Purchase of Inputs and Traceability Nagesh Kolagani

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Technologies Facilitating Collectivization,

Bulk Purchase of Inputs and Traceability

Nagesh Kolagani

● MoRD (GoI) (2007-2010)

○ Koshy Varghese (CE), C. Lakshmana Rao (AM)

○ Public Participation Geographical Information Systems (PP-GIS)

● MoRD (GoI) (2012-16)

○ Koshy Varghese (CE), C. Lakshmana Rao (AM), KP Sudheer

(CE), Balaji Narasimhan (CE), Palaniappan Ramu (ED)

○ Mobile-and-Web PP-GIS; Participatory Modelling (PM)

○ PhD (2016)

■ Alumnus: BTech (1988)

● MHRD (GoI): SPARC (2019-21)

○ Co-PIs: Palaniappan Ramu (ED), Nagesh (IIIT Sri City)

○ Participatory Modelling (PM)2

IIT Madras: Projects

1. Public Participation Geographical Information Systems (PP-GIS)

(Kolagani and Ramu, 2016)

● Mapping: ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’

● Participation: ‘Increases people's sense of ownership’

1. Participatory Modelling (PM)

(Voinov et al., 2016): Voinov, A., Kolagani, N., McCall, M.K., Glynn, P.D., Kragt,

M.E., Ostermann, F.O., Pierce, S.A., Ramu, P., 2016. Modeling with stakeholders -

Next generation. Environmental Modeling & Software, 77, 196-220.

● Defining the problem

● Identifying its root causes

● Selecting the best solution, etc.

○ Case Study: Participatory Water Accounting

Technologies: PP-GIS and PM


Case Study: Participatory Water Accounting

Problem: Groundwater Overexploitation for Irrigated Agriculture

● World

○ ‘Throughout the world, regions that have sustainable

groundwater balance are shrinking by the day’ (IWMI, 2000)

● Africa

○ ‘Water scarcity...reach dangerously high levels by 2025’



Case Study: Participatory Water Accounting


5 years:








Case Study: Participatory Water Accounting

● Problem

○ “...India...overexploitation of...aquifers…

...African countries...avoid disasters before they occur…”

● Solution

○ Well inter-linking i.e. collectivization



Case Study

IIT Madras

1. Rain Water Harvesting

2. Participatory Water Accounting

3. Public Participation GIS




Problem: Groundwater Crisis

Solution: Rain Water Harvesting (?)


Problem: Groundwater crisis

Collapse of agriculture since 2002


Thriving sugarcane & mango economy during 80’s & 90’s



Farmers: Climate change ⇒ Less rains (except 2005/2015) ⇒ ↑ Recharge


Solution: Rain Water Harvesting

● Farmers & Contractors: Build ‘Rain Water Harvesting’ systems

○ E.g. IWMP (GoI): Rs. 5,000 crores per year

■ Efficiency: ‘Sub-optimal’ (< 30% ?) 12

Stakeholder Participation Improves Efficiency

Overflow sluice for a tank that last

overflowed in 2001: By Government

Cattle pond on a rocky patch:

By stakeholders through donations

E.g. A low-cost structure built by farmers Filled with sand and water by first rains


Captures local preferences: E.g. technical efficiency vs. social efficiency

Stakeholder Participation Improves Efficiency

A framework for participatory model calibration (Kolagani et al., 2015)

Stakeholder Participation Improves Efficiency

Problem: Groundwater Crisis

Solution: Participatory Water Accounting

(Gray et al., 2018)


Participatory Water Accounting

Participatory Water Accounting

● Recharge: Scale Needed for Ecological and Economic Viability:

E.g. Forest / Streams / Water body maintenance ⇒ Scale: ~Village

Until 1970s 1980s & 90s 2002 Profit-LossCalculations Water table

Participatory Water Accounting

● Discharge: Scale: Open wells (50’:1km2) vs. Tube wells (600’:9Km2):

Tube wells: Individualistic ⇒ Discharge >>


Until 1970s 1980s & 90s 2002 Profit-LossCalculations Water table

Participatory Water Accounting

Until 1970s 1980s & 90s 2002 Profit-LossCalculations Water table

Participatory Water Accounting

Until 1970s 1980s & 90s 2002 Profit-LossCalculations Water table

Participatory Water Accounting

Until 1970s 1980s & 90s 2002 Profit-LossCalculations Water table

Participatory Water Accounting

Until 1970s 1980s & 90s 2002 Profit-LossCalculations Water table

Participatory Water Accounting

Until 1970s 1980s & 90s 2002 Profit-LossCalculations Water table

Participatory Modelling: How to handle uncertainty?

Voinov, A., Kolagani, N.*, McCall, M.K., Glynn, P.D., Kragt, M.E., Ostermann, F.O., Pierce, S.A., Ramu,

P., 2016. Modeling with stakeholders-Next generation. Environmental Modeling & Software, 77, 196-220.

doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.11.016 (*Corresponding author)

⇒Need for tubewell inter-linking: Village-wide pipeline grid

○ Facilitates sharing/trading

⇒ Optimal utilization of groundwater

⇒ Investment generation for recharging

○ Requires effective communication between stakeholders

⇒ Need for technologies for better understanding & comn.

Participatory Water Accounting

Public Participation GIS

(Kolagani and Ramu, 2016)

● Improves visualisation, understanding and participation

○ E.g. Farmers can quickly learn and use Google Earth for

participatory planning of their village development activities


Participatory GIS

Crowd sourcing from school children Visualisatio


Set up a national portal: Open data

PP-GIS: Spatial planning of village development activities

PP-GIS: Map of works: Planned vs. Completed

PP-GIS: Each work tagged with photographs,

measurements & financial details

PP-GIS: Data collection,map preparation by school


Kolagani, N., Ramu, P., 2017. A participatory framework for developing public participation GIS solutions to

improve resource management systems. International Journal of Geographical Information Science [IF:

2.065], 31(3), 463-480. doi: 10.1080/13658816.2016.1206202

PP-GIS: Participatory Framework for its Development

PP-GIS: GIS Enabling of e-Governance Efforts

• Start with India map

• Zoom to any village and view its wells

• When a well is clicked:

• Show its data

• Credits: Names & photos of: Student(s), Teacher, HM, School

PP-GIS: Set up a national portal: ‘Open data'

PP-GIS: 5-day, hands-on workshops for school children



Hands-on, five-day workshops (9 nos. during 2007-16)

IIT Madras: Village GIS Training Workshops



In collaboration with local NGOs: E.g. WASSAN (AP state)

IIT Madras: Village GIS Training Workshops


With schools of agriculture @ rural universities: E.g. Centurion (OD state)

IIT Madras: Village GIS Training Workshops

IIT Madras: Village GIS Training Workshops


Started Intl. audience: Online + Offline


● Gray, S., Voinov, A., Paolisso, M., Jordan, R., BenDor, T., Bommel, P., Glynn, P., Hedelin, B.,

Hubacek, K., Introne, J., Kolagani, N., Laursen, B., Prell, C., Schmitt-Olabisi, L., Singer, A.,

Sterling, E., Zellner, M., 2018. Purpose, Processes, Partnerships, and Products: 4Ps to advance

Participatory Socio-Environmental Modeling. Ecological Applications, 28(1), 46-61.

● IWMI, 2000: Tushaar Shah, David Molden, R. Sakthivadivel, David Seckler, “The Global

Groundwater Situation: Overview of Opportunities and Challenges"


● Kolagani, N., Ramu, P., Varghese, K., 2015. Participatory Model Calibration for Improving

Resource Management Systems: Case Study of Rainwater Harvesting in an Indian Village. JAWRA

Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 51(6), 1708-1721.

● Kolagani, N., Ramu, P., 2017. A participatory framework for developing public participation GIS

solutions to improve resource management systems. International Journal of Geographical

Information Science, 31(3), 463-480.

● Voinov, A., Kolagani, N., McCall, M.K., Glynn, P.D., Kragt, M.E., Ostermann, F.O., Pierce, S.A.,

Ramu, P., 2016. Modeling with stakeholders-Next generation. Environmental Modeling & Software,

77, 196-220. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.11.016

● Voinov, A., Jenni, K., Gray, S., Kolagani, N., Glynn, P. D., Bommel, P., Prell, C., Zellner, M.,

Paolisso, M., Jordan, R., Sterling, E., Olabisi, L. S., Giabbanelli, P. J., Sun, Z., Page, C. L., Elsawah,

S., BenDor, T. D., Hubacek, K., Laursen, B. K., Jetter, A., Carrera, L. B., Singer, A., Young, L.,

Brunacini, J., 2018. Tools and methods in participatory modeling: selecting the right tool for the job.

Environmental Modelling & Software, 109:232-255.42

• Labour crisis since 2007

• Rs 50 in 2007=>Rs 700 in 2019=>14 times in 12 years

• Precision agriculture: IoTs, Drones, Mechanisation, etc.

• Credit

• Blockchain-based Farmer-Godown-P2P lending system



Future Work: AI for agriculture