Tairua School Newsletter

Global Citizens of the Future TAIRUA SCHOOL NEWSLETTER 16th July 2012 Week 1 of 11 Kia Ora tatou Welcome back. With the holidays now behind us, we look forward to term 3 and some fairly major events for Tairua School. Throughout the term the school newsletter will explic itly communicate approaching events and information re garding the school curriculum and student achievement. If at any time you are unsure of events, information or require ments please pop in and see the classroom teacher for de tails. Classroom newsletters will be issued this week outlining areas for inquiry/study and ways parents and caregivers might be able to assist. Term 3 looks to be yet another exciting term for the students and the community of Tairua School. Maori Language week, 2012 Olympic Games, Yr 7/8 Snow Camp, Room 4 Waitomo Camp, School Cross Country, Interschool Cross Country, and school wide Hockey focus are but a few areas of inter est for students throughout term 3. %\ QRZ \RX ZLOO KDYH UHDG RYHU \RXU FKLOG·V LQWHULP UHSRUW which was issued in the final week of term 2. The purpose of these reports was to inform you and your child of progress being made towards age expected outcomes and provide clear direction for learning over the next two terms. As al ways, the teaching staff is available to meet with you to dis FXVV \RXU FKLOG·V SURJUHVV DFKLHYHPHQW RU LVVXHV WKDW PD\ QHHG DGGUHVVLQJ LQ UHVSRQVH WR \RXU FKLOG·V VFKRRO UHSRUW I would like to wish everyone all the best for term 3 and re mind you that my door is always open if you have questions or queries regarding life at Tairua School. Attendance Records for Term 2: Term 2 proved to be pretty tough on our students with sick ness affecting our attendance. Lets hope term 3 brings warmer weather and fewer health issues than last term. Rm 1 84.7% attendance Rm 2 91.3% attendance Rm 3 90.9% attendance Rm 4 93.4% attendance Rm 5 90% attendance Average for term 2 90% / Average for term 1² 93.4% Guitara Guitara Concert: We have William Lewis (ex Tairua School student) returning to 7DLUXD 6FKRRO WKLV )ULGD\ ZLWK KLV EDQG ¶*XLWDUD *XLWDUD· 7KH purpose of this visit is to share their talents with our students and raise money towards new band equipment. These stu dents have a huge amount of talent, however, lack the re sources to truly reach their potential. We are asking every student to bring a gold coin donation for Fridays concert. The concert starts at 9:30am in the M.P.R room, if you would like to pop down and see William Lewis and the band per form please feel free to do so. Yummy Stickers: This year we have once again registered 7DLUXD 6FKRRO IRU WKH ¶<XPP\ 6WLFNHUV 6SRUWV 3URPRWLRQ· 7KH PRUH \XPP\ VWLFN ers our school collects the more sports equipment we receive. Please send these stickers to school, including the square cuts outs off bags of yummy apples. Blank sticker sheets are available in the office. TAIRUA SCHOOL NEWSLETTER E.R.O Community Meeting: 18th July 2012 As I mentioned in last terms newsletters, we have Jocelyn Wilding and Paul Matthews from the Education Review Office in our school as of Tuesday morning for approxi mately four days. The purpose of this visit is to assess pro gress and initiatives to date and provide direction for rais ing student achievement. This visit involves everybody in the school community from the B.O.T, staff, children and parents. On Wednesday afternoon Jocelyn and Paul would like to meet with members from the school commu nity from 2:15pm²3:00pm in the Multi ²purpose room. If you are able to attend please feel free to do so. Yr 7/8, Senior Camp: As part of your E.O.T.C programme our senior year 7/8 students will be partici SDWLQJ LQ WKH ELHQQLDO ¶%Mac snow FDPS· :H KDYH FRQILUPHG WKH IRO ORZLQJ GDWHV IRU WKH ¶%OXH 0RXQWDLQ $GYHQWXUH &HQWUH· OHDYLQJ 6XQGD\ the 2nd of September, returning on Friday the 7th. We will be requiring approximately 5 parent helpers for this week. This is a 6 day camp that is tai lored for year 7/8 students and has been in place for many years. The nature of the activities and duration of the camp is best suited to our senior students and ensures the camp is attended once during a students stay at Tairua 6FKRRO 7KURXJK %%4·V UDIIOHV DQG D VXEVWDQWLDO JUDQW IURP ·1DXWLOXV )RXQGDWLRQ· we have raised approximately $8000.00 towards the cost of this camp. Once again our snow camp consisting of 6 days of adventure activities will cost no more than $60 per child. I would like to acknowl edge the Nautilus Foundation for their generous donation. A camp approval notice will be sent home next week with more details regarding this camp. Kiwi Hockey Module: As part of our winter sports / Physical education pro gramme we have enrolled in a 6 week hockey module run through Kiwi Sport. Every Monday, starting in week 2 of term 3, all classrooms will be run through skills and drills that ZLOO GHYHORS WKH FKLOGUHQ·V DELOLW\ WR SOD\ WKLV VSRUW , ZRXOG encourage all students to have a mouth guard for this pro gramme as no amount of risk management can eliminate a stray ball or stick causing damage. Mouth guards are available at the Tairua Pharmacy and a number of places in Thames. Wine and Food Festival Meeting: Monday 23rd July 6:30pm in the staffroom. This will be an initial planning meeting requir ing all team leaders to be pre sent. All parents welcome. Should you require any further information please contact Lianne on 864 8754. The Week Ahead at Tairua School Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Newsletter out Soccer Practice Garden Club / BIS Yr 7/8 Tech Kiwi Hockey 9th Grade Soccer Te Reo Adult Class Art Class with Mel ERO team offsite WFF Mtg ERO team onsite ERO team onsite ERO team onsite Guitara Guitara


Tairua School Newsletter

Transcript of Tairua School Newsletter

Global  Citizens  of  the  Future          

TAIRUA SCHOOL NEWSLETTER 16th July 2012 Week 1 of 11

Kia Ora tatou Welcome back. With the holidays now behind us, we look forward to term 3 and some fairly major events for Tairua School. Throughout the term the school newsletter will explic-­itly communicate approaching events and information re-­garding the school curriculum and student achievement. If at any time you are unsure of events, information or require-­ments please pop in and see the classroom teacher for de-­tails. Classroom newsletters will be issued this week outlining areas for inquiry/study and ways parents and caregivers might be able to assist. Term 3 looks to be yet another exciting term for the students and the community of Tairua School. Maori Language week, 2012 Olympic Games, Yr 7/8 Snow Camp, Room 4 Waitomo Camp, School Cross Country, Inter-­school Cross Country, and school wide Hockey focus are but a few areas of inter-­est for students throughout term 3.

which was issued in the final week of term 2. The purpose of these reports was to inform you and your child of progress being made towards age expected outcomes and provide clear direction for learning over the next two terms. As al-­ways, the teaching staff is available to meet with you to dis-­

I would like to wish everyone all the best for term 3 and re-­mind you that my door is always open if you have questions or queries regarding life at Tairua School. Attendance Records for Term 2: Term 2 proved to be pretty tough on our students with sick-­ness affecting our attendance. Lets hope term 3 brings warmer weather and fewer health issues than last term. Rm 1 -­ 84.7% attendance Rm 2 -­ 91.3% attendance Rm 3 -­ 90.9% attendance Rm 4 -­ 93.4% attendance Rm 5 -­ 90% attendance Average for term 2 -­ 90% / Average for term 1 93.4% Guitara Guitara Concert: We have William Lewis (ex Tairua School student) returning to

purpose of this visit is to share their talents with our students and raise money towards new band equipment. These stu-­dents have a huge amount of talent, however, lack the re-­sources to truly reach their potential. We are asking every student to bring a gold coin donation for Fridays concert. The concert starts at 9:30am in the M.P.R room, if you would like to pop down and see William Lewis and the band per-­form please feel free to do so. Yummy Stickers: This year we have once again registered

ers our school collects the more sports equipment we receive. Please send these stickers to school, including the square cuts outs off bags of yummy apples. Blank sticker sheets are available in the office.

TAIRUA SCHOOL NEWSLETTER E.R.O Community Meeting: 18th July 2012

As I mentioned in last terms newsletters, we have Jocelyn Wilding and Paul Matthews from the Education Review Office in our school as of Tuesday morning for approxi-­mately four days. The purpose of this visit is to assess pro-­gress and initiatives to date and provide direction for rais-­ing student achievement. This visit involves everybody in the school community from the B.O.T, staff, children and parents. On Wednesday afternoon Jocelyn and Paul would like to meet with members from the school commu-­nity from 2:15pm 3:00pm in the Multi purpose room. If you are able to attend please feel free to do so. Yr 7/8, Senior Camp: As part of your E.O.T.C programme our senior year 7/8 students will be partici-­

-­Mac snow

the 2nd of September, returning on Friday the 7th. We will be requiring approximately 5 parent helpers for this week. This is a 6 day camp that is tai-­lored for year 7/8 students and has been in place for many years. The nature of the activities and duration of the camp is best suited to our senior students and ensures the camp is attended once during a students stay at Tairua

we have raised approximately $8000.00 towards the cost of this camp. Once again our snow camp consisting of 6 days of adventure activities will cost no more than $60 per child. I would like to acknowl-­edge the Nautilus Foundation for their generous donation. A camp approval notice will be sent home next week with more details regarding this camp. Kiwi Hockey Module: As part of our winter sports / Physical education pro-­gramme we have enrolled in a 6 week hockey module run through Kiwi Sport. Every Monday, starting in week 2 of term 3, all classrooms will be run through skills and drills that

encourage all students to have a mouth guard for this pro-­gramme as no amount of risk management can eliminate a stray ball or stick causing damage. Mouth guards are available at the Tairua Pharmacy and a number of places in Thames. Wine and Food Festival Meeting: Monday 23rd July 6:30pm in the staffroom. This will be an initial planning meeting requir-­ing all team leaders to be pre-­sent. All parents welcome. Should you require any further information please contact Lianne on 864 8754.

The Week Ahead at Tairua School Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Newsletter out Soccer Practice Garden Club / BIS Yr 7/8 Tech Kiwi Hockey 9th Grade Soccer Te Reo Adult Class Art Class with Mel ERO team offsite WFF Mtg ERO team onsite ERO team onsite ERO team onsite Guitara Guitara

School email addresses: (07) 864 8590

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Maria Cory-­Wright 864 8175

Term dates: Term 1 01/02/2012 -­ 05/04/2012 Term 2 23/04/2012 -­ 29/06/2012 Term 3 16/07/2012 -­ 28/09/2012 Term 4 15/10/2012 -­ 15/12/2012

Staffing for Term 3, 2012: There are no staffing changes for term 3. I would like to thank and commend our teaching and administration team for their hard work and dedication throughout term 2. Brendan Finn Principal Catherine Browning D.P/Rm 3, Yr 3-­4 Nel Bracegirdle Rm. 1, N.E Yr 1 Amy Langsford Rm. 2, Yr 2-­3 Carin Hetherington Rm. 4, Yr 4-­5-­6 Samantha Telfar Rm. 5, Yr 6-­8 Joan Boeglin Learner Support Teacher Annette Lloyd Reading Recovery Jane Land Teacher Aide Louise Elliott Office Administrator Mark Cory-­Wright Property Manager School Bell Times for term 3: Important reminder! Please ensure your child is at school no later than 8:50am. This allows your child to set up his/hers materials and equipment for the day and catch up with peers before the bell at 8:55am. Those students that arrive well after the 8:55 bell, struggle to settle and often show heightened levels of anxiety throughout the morning pro-­gramme. We will be closely monitoring our students arrival times this term.

8:55 To classrooms, equipment ready. 9:00 Start classroom programme. 10:30 Break for morning tea. 10:50 Start classroom programme 12:30 Lunch 1:30 Start afternoon programme 2:50 Classrooms packed up 3:00 Ka kite, kids dismissed by the teacher from the classroom after the bell If your child is sick or going to be away for a particular rea-­son, please contact the office or send an email via the school website. Tairua Soccer Draw -­ Round 10 Here is the draw for round 10.

Major School Events for Term 3

23rd July Maori Language Week 27th July Room 5 Assembly 27th July Olympics starts 2nd Aug Australian Maths Competition 9th Aug Tairua School X Country (Pepe Reserve) 11th Aug Tairua Sports Club Junior Prize Giving 12th Aug Olympics Ends 13th Aug St Johns Safe Kids Programme 16th Aug Peninsula X Country (Coromandel Town) 29th Aug Thames Valley X Country 2-­7th Sept Year 7/8 BMAC Ski Camp 10th Sept Conservation Week 11-­14th Sept Room 4 Camp 17th Sept Keep NZ Beautiful Week 17-­28th Sept Canteen Bandanas on sale/worn 25th Sept Maths Day

Tairua Junior Rugby: 8th Grade Saturday 21st July Tairua v Paeroa at Tairua 9th Grade Saturday 21st July Tairua v Whangamata 2 at Tairua Tairua Library: Maori Language Week -­ Arohatia te reo -­-­ Learn it! Live it! Love it! Celebrate Maori Language Week with us at the District Li-­braries. From Maori language dictionaries, to CDs of waiata to interactive online resources -­ your library can connect you with a wide range of resources to help you learn it, live it, love it! Visit our interactive displays during Maori Language Week to find out how you can get involved in Maori Language Week by visiting your local library. Arohatia te reo.

Bank of Books Winter Reading Programme is underway with over a hundred Thames Coromandel children connecting with books on a daily basis. The programme has been re-­vamped to encourage children to develop a love of read-­ing through a daily reading habit. Children who have read every day for four weeks earn prizes and entry to the grand finale gathering. Bank of Books makes reading a fun activity for children, with

available through TCDC libraries. How many minutes will the Thames, Tairua and Mercury Bay Bank on Books children read in four weeks? Visit the incen-­

out. Go kids! Piano/Guitar Tuition: I am a music teacher with many years of musical experi-­ence. My background is both Classical and Modern having trained with The Associated Royal Schools of Music and in more recent years became a member of The New Zealand Modern School of Music. I teach in schools in Auckland, Tairua and Whenuakite. Taking small groups and individual lessons for 20 to 30 minutes. Please contact Michelle Jameson on 07 864 9366 / 021 117 0506 / mbal-­[email protected] for further information. Kindest Regards Brendan Finn

Global  Citizens  of  the  Future  

Date   Time   Team  1   Team  2   Venue  

21/07/2012   10:45am   Hauraki  Hawkes  11  

Tairua  11   Ngatea  2  

21/07/2012   11:30am   Thames  Tiger  11  

Tairua  11   Ngatea  2