The Release Of... By Tailor Burton



Transcript of T

The Release Of...

By Tailor Burton

Brand New Eyes by Paramore was released on the 29th

September. Here's a look at the promotion and marketing

up to this date...


Part of the anricipation of this album was the background of the previous album as

there were break up rumours after the band cancelled shows. The band said that

this album is all about issues with each other, and learning to see other through 'brand new eyes'. Hayley Williams, "I'm

writing about something I'm going through right now, and it's still painful"The band as

a whole treated the writing as a therapeutic experience, which helped

them hash out old differences. In a way this helped promote the album, as

everyone was curious also about the lyrics, and the drama behind them.


The band appeared on many radio stations,

playing songs and giving interviews, and talking

about 'Brand New Eyes'. By doing this, they're are reaching out to listeners

who may not know about them and just

generally promoting the album.

The band done a massive U.S tour with No Doubt, to prepare

people for their new album.


Before 'Brand New Eyes' was released the band were on the cover of

Kerrang (world's biggest selling weekly rock magazine) with the

subheadings, "we were sick of it all" and 'secret

conflict revealed'and featured inside with a long article about 'BNE', this is another form of promotion.

Another big form of promotion is television. On August 13th, MTV premiered Paramore's new music video and single,


They also apperared on T4, popular show aimed at

16- 25 year olds- the band's main audience also.

Their album and their single 'ignorance' was

promoted in an advert as well.

One of their main means of promotion and

marketing is their own official website. Which

promotes merchandise, gives information on tour

datesl, and the band. During the run up to

'BNE' the band advertised a 'deluxe

edition set' of the album, normally fans to get the new album faster, This also makes them lots of


A promotional photo- distributed for the purpose of publication.