Synergy Oil - Ortronic

Synergy Oil – Ortronic ® 1 + 1 > 4

Transcript of Synergy Oil - Ortronic

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FREE ENERGY, renewable, clean and inexhaustible.

Tesla called free energy to solar energy, now used in variations of photovoltaic, thermal, wind

and hydraulic. The four are caused by the sun, will exist until there is sun and can be used until

the temperature on earth allows life of our species.

The main advantages of solar energy have its drawbacks and limitations, as discussed below:

1º. Gratuity: - These energies are free when are used directly, but they are not free when

transformed into other energies, as electricity for example, direct or alternating. The devices that

carry out the transformation have a cost, a "Know How", an industrial development and profits.

Summarizing, an inevitable transformation cost.

2º. Limitations: - The electricity generated by solar photovoltaic is much more expensive

than the generated by fossil fuels.

2.1 The life of the photovoltaic panels is much lower than the life of power plants powered

by fossil fuels.

2.2 The generation is not constant over time because it is not possible to generate during the

night, and the power is not constant because it depends on the following variables:

• The angle of solar declination where the photovoltaic panels are installed.

• The sun hours of the installation place.

• The clouds that exist during daylight hours.

• The existence or not of an automatic system for the panels orientation.

• To can be used overnight is needed to storage during the day, but storage systems are

more expensive than the panels and have a shorter life time than the power plants

powered by fossil fuels.

3º. The renovation, the worst inconvenience. Renovation requires a minimum of 24 hours,

and only depends on the sun, its internal conditions and contingencies that may arise, resulting

from collisions of asteroids and meteorites out of control, which may affect the sun. To events of

this nature, our species could be with no power for a possible defense of survival.

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ORE, FREE ENERGY, renewable, clean, and inexhaustible.

It is known that all possible energies are not universal, or what is the same, do not exist in the

Universe, but their applications can be invented and patented, while complying with the

Universal Law of energy conservation.

As an example of said above we mention the alternating electricity invented by Tesla and ORE,

Ortigosa Renewable Electricity, invented by Juan Ortigosa García.

ORE is a breakthrough of the alternating electricity invented by Tesla, which has established a

new model of alternating electricity, a new concept of electricity and a paradigm change,

essential to understand its technical bases, its operation and its advantages.

Today, ORE is the only free energy, clean, constant and inexhaustible, developed at

industrial level and ready for worldwide use on a large scale, as we will see in the ORE

Global Expansion Plan, which will be better understood by a brief review of the world

energy situation.

Currently, 88% of the total energy consumed by our world comes from fossil fuels, oil,

natural gas and coal.

Origin and current dependence on oil.

The origin of oil is plants and animals that lived in ancient seas around 500 million years ago.

These organisms died and eventually were covered by sediments; pressure, heat and anaerobic

bacteria turned what was living matter in oil, which was trapped in porous rocks. Normally oil

deposits also contain a top gas layer, natural gas and a lower layer of salt water.

The first uses of oil goes back to 5000 years and probably some oil is currently being formed, but

its formation is too slow to consider oil as a renewable resource.

Marco Polo, in the XIII century, observed and described oilfields in his travels through Persia.

The first oil well in the US was drilled in Titusville, Pennsylvania in 1859, and since then, our

way of life has been greatly altered by the increasing use of oil.

Our activities depend to a large extent on the fossil fuels. Its uses in combustion engines of

automobiles, buses, trucks and other transports has become so common that we are forgetting the

current importance of oil for humanity.

Today everybody needs oil, in one way or another we use it every day of our lives. Provides

power, heat and light; lubricates machinery; so many products such as asphalt to pave many

highways and roads and a variety of other products such as plastics, detergents, drugs, flavors,

etc., are derived from it.

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Electricity generation. - The demand of electricity, according to the predictions made in

2007, will strongly grow between 2004 and 2030. Global production will grow by 2.4% annually

over this period, from 16,424 billion to 30,364 billion kWh. Most of this growth, as in the case of

coal, is caused by the needs of emerging economies. In fact, is expected that in 2030 the

developing economies will generate more electricity than OECD countries, while demand will

grow at a rate three times higher in the first than in the seconds.

According to predictions, energy consumption in the world will increase a 57% between 2004

and 2030, although the prices of oil and natural gas continue rising.

With current rates of consumption, it is estimated that global reserves of coal will last 1500

years, natural gas will last 120 years and oil will last 60 years. These figures are not certain and

will depend on saving measures that will be taken when scarcity appears.

Oil is a lacking resource that should be allocated to its most beneficial applications to mankind,

which are also the most profitable for oil and petrochemicals producers. Tesla said that it was a

crime to burn oil, and every day continues increasing the value of that phrase.

Petrochemicals. - At present, many ordinary objects are synthetic, namely, made by the

chemical industry from oil or natural gas. These compounds are called petrochemicals.

Only 6% of currently refined oil, is the source of most of the organic compounds that are used to

manufacture consumer goods, to generate plastics, synthetic rubber, synthetic fibers, fertilizers,


The total world production of petroleum-based plastics is five times greater than aluminum

products, more than a third of all fibers and 70% of rubber around the world, are created from

petrochemicals, and also other products such as detergents, pesticides, pharmaceuticals and

cosmetics. Without limitation may be mentioned the following products:

a) Plastics. Artificial rubbers. Clothing. Tires. Cement. Electrical insulators. Fibers and films.

Textile. Artificial leather. Insulation. Building materials. Rigid and flexible forms. Toys.

Kitchenware. Furniture. Automotive components and machines.

b) Alcohols. Solvent. Other chemicals. Astringents. Flavors. Cosmetics.

c) Medicines. Aspirin. Sulfas. Antiseptics.

d) Sweeteners. Saccharin. Aspartame. Sorbitol.

e) Perfumes.

f) Colorant.

g) Explosives

Humanity needs to face important decisions to reduce dependence on oil, an important

nonrenewable resource which should be protected for the benefit of all, for the oil companies

which are the owners, for the processors industries and for the humanity which are the users.

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Objectives of "ORE Global Expansion Plan".

The objectives of "ORE Global Expansion Plan" are:

1º. The industrial electrification of all countries of our world, primarily those without

electricity or with interruptions and limitations, by installing ORE, the new renewable


2º. To use the new ORE alternating electricity mentioned in the preceding paragraph

combined, where appropriate, with photovoltaic solar energy.

3º. To reduce electricity costs in industrialized countries, installing ORE cogeneration

systems that use as only residual energy, the reactive energy.

4º. Progressively and in the corresponding proportion to the increase of objectives 1., 2. and

3., to reduce the amount of oil dedicated to generate electricity.

5º. The industrialization of the new countries will increase oil consumption used for

petrochemicals, which will have a higher price and higher profits for oil companies,

refining industries, petrochemicals and all users.

6º. The ultimate objective is the sum of all partial objectives, which is the intelligent use of

ORE, the electric power multiplier and reverse resonance, combined with the use of fossil

fuels, which ensure minimal synergy of 1 + 1> 4.

7º. The neediest peoples will have total free alternating electricity and will start paying when

permitted by the benefits of their industrialization. With that sole purpose will be created a

foundation that will use part of the global Ortronic®

Technology benefits to fulfill this

objective, which is the most important.

Fundamental advantages of ORE, irrefutably demonstrated.

ORE is the only FREE ENERGY known today, free, renewable, clean, and inexhaustible,

with unlimited power and with instant renewal, which eliminates the need for batteries in

fixed installations that are used today.

ORE is the cheapest electricity known in our world and the only one that allows industrial

development and rising living standards for all peoples. It is the only one that can end poverty in

our world.

Present cars will be replaced by electric cars powered by ORE, superior in all possible

comparisons to the mechanicals fueled by oil. It will not pollute, with no batteries for traction

and at a cost much lower than the mechanics.

With ORE, undeveloped countries or developing ones will not build power grids because the

cheapest electricity, with ORE, is the one produced at the point of use, avoiding losses in

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distribution lines and large investments installing grids. Ortigosa Renewable Electricity –ORE-

can provide all the electricity needed, present and future for our planet.

ORE is not a futuristic vision of electric energy, it is a reality in the present. The ORE global

expansion must be supported by all peoples in the planet. It is a responsibility of all, an

unavoidable obligation.

Description of "ORE Global Expansion Plan”.

“ORE Global Expansion Plan" will be done according to the following


Stage 1. ORE products’ Certification.

It is the most important for the following reasons:

1.1 The revolutionary advances of the Ortronic® Technology, standing out ORE, the

Electric Power Multiplier (EPM) and the Inverse Resonance, are based on multiple new

dimensions not used by the current knowledge of alternating electricity, which does not represent

true alternating electricity, because it is based on a mathematical model of unknown author,

which cannot exist in the real universe. It only exists in the imagination of mathematicians, that

claims to represent the alternating electricity invented by Tesla, hereinafter "Mathematics

Alternating Electricity” or "Unreal Electricity" with multiple errors and inconsistencies

arising from the ignorance to understand and use the "True Alternating Electricity".

1.2 The “Unreal Electricity” uses less than 10% of the total power that exists in the "True

Alternating Electricity”. Consequently, the power meters currently used worldwide are

designed and manufactured to measure the "Unreal Electricity" using angles that do not exist,

false powers and blind or wattles powers, a set of errors that damage everyone in our world.

1.3 Given the facts mentioned in paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2, irrefutably demonstrated, the

scientific world of today should not “tearing his hair” and put obstacles and difficulties to

revolutionary advances that exceed their knowledge. The scientific truth demonstrated with

irrefutable facts should prevail for the benefit of all. The intelligent species in our world cannot

repeat mistakes like the one done with Nikola Tesla.

Stage 2. Electricity Meters based on True Alternating Electricity.

2.1 Ortronic® has initiated the Global Expansion Plan over a year ago and has developed

meters and systems with the maximum precision to measure the faults and errors of the meters

currently used to measure the "Unreal Electricity".

2.2 Ortronic®

meters will be homologated by world-renowned companies or government

institutions, in order to utilize them with the "Unreal Electricity" and the “True Alternating


Ortronic® has initiated contacts with leading multinational companies in various sectors, looking

for new partners that want to participate in "ORE global expansion".

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Stage 3. Creation of Ortronic® subsidiaries.

Ortronic® has initiated contacts with leading multinational companies in various sectors,

looking for new partners that want to participate in "ORE Global Expansion Plan".

3.1 The creation of Ortronic® subsidiaries was also started over a year ago and is well

underway in several countries. Subsidiaries will be created for a specific territory, here in after

THE TERRITORY, which may include one or more countries.

3.2 Ortronic®

subsidiaries can be hundred percent owned by Ortronic®

or involving NEW

PARTNERS, which can be local or from any other country. The partnership conditions will

depend on the specific applications for THE TERRITORY and its potential market.

3.3 Our partners in Ortronic®

subsidiaries can cover territories as large as desired, always

entire countries, and a maximum participation in the subsidiary of 40%

Stage 4. Economic valuation of the Ortronic® Technology.

4.1 The cost per share of the subsidiary will be calculated by an international renowned

company and technical solvency, selected by agreement with the NEW PARTNERS and will use

for the valuation the certifications of the Ortronic® Technology, described in Stage 1 and

technical and commercial documentation that will be prepared by Ortronic®.

4.2 The NEW PARTNERS will participate, proportionally to the value of their participation

in the subsidiary or subsidiaries, in all the decisions and also in the costs related to the Ortronic®

products certification and the valuation of the Ortronic® Technology.

Stage 5. Ortronic® R&D&I Central Laboratory.

5.1 Ortronic® R&D&I Central Laboratory will research and develop for all Ortronic


subsidiaries, being an important advantage for Ortronic®

subsidiaries because none of them

would afford alone such a complicated and expensive investigation as Ortronic® has planned.

5.2 Each subsidiary will annually pay in advance the corresponding proportion of the total

cost of Ortronic® R+D+I Central Laboratory, which will become effective on the date of

incorporation of the subsidiary for the new creation subsidiaries, and during the last half of

December of each year for subsidiaries already created.

Stage 6. Manufacturing of the Ortronic® products.

Products derived from the Ortronic® Technology, present and future, will be manufactured in

the most favorable countries for Ortronic® fundamental objectives, which are:

6.1 The electrification, at the lowest possible cost, of countries currently without electricity

or with deficiencies and limitations.

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6.2 With the electrification will come the industrialization, which will raise the standard of

living of the poorest countries that will be the foundation of an ethical society, not predatory,

which will raise the evolution level to the highest possible.

6.3 Currently the most suitable country for manufacturing the existing Ortronic® products is


Stage 7. The electric cars.

All electric cars that exist nowadays work with chopped direct electricity generated by the PWM

inverters, which remains being direct electricity although some people think it is alternating


7.1 Inductive loads powered by PWM inverters do not generate reactive power, so it is not

possible the electric power multiplication (EPM), the alternating electricity invented by Tesla,

the True Alternating Electricity nor the Ortigosa Renewable Electricity “ORE”.

7.2 The fact mentioned in the preceding paragraph is irrefutably and can be confirmed by any

engineer or electricity technician, and just need a network analyzer, one or more inductive loads,

a PWM inverter and then check that the reactive power KVAR does not exist:

7.2.1 To be an irrefutable demonstration it is essential that inductive loads do not have installed

capacitors, because if there are, others will use them as an excuse to justify that there is no

reactive power because it is 100% corrected by capacitors.

7.2.2 If in the demonstration are used single phase motors others may argue that they need a

capacitor to power the starting phase, but the capacitors are not necessary if it is used two

separate power supplies, one to power the main phase and another with a 90º phase lag from the

main phase, to power the startup phase.

7.2.3 After exhausting all possible arguments, it will be accepted as irrefutable what is said in

paragraph 7.2.

KVAr reactive power in one or more inductive loads powered by a PWM inverter will

demonstrate that the reactive power and the reactive energy do not exist.

7.3 To know the advantages and disadvantages of the more sold electric cars in the world,

Ortronic® has bought one and installed it onto an Italian testing bench, DINO-RACE brand,

adjusted and operated by the manufacturer that the interested people can see, previous request

and acceptance by Ortronic®.

Stage 8. Electric car powered by ORE.

The scientific Juan Ortigosa García, as inventor and developer of the Ortronic® Technology

with its R&D team formed by four Industrial Engineers -specialized on digital electronics, power

electronics, physics, mechanics, automotive, microprocessors and telecommunication-, is a

group specially equipped to further the development of multiple applications of the Ortronic®

Technology, including implementation of ORE into electric vehicles, a definitive solution that

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Ortronic® has decided to show to the world with an electric car powered by ORE to compete

with the best mechanic cars in the famous Paris-Dakar.

8.1 The only purpose of this demonstration is to sell ORE license in its application for

electric cars to the highest bidder and dedicate most of the benefits to what we call "Ortronic®

Special Developments”, which can be seen in the Ortronic® commercial presentation located in

our website.

8.2 The experience and knowledge accumulated by the Ortronic® R&D group allows us to

confirm, with demonstrated technical basis, that the electric cars powered by ORE are the

definitive solution that the world is waiting for, cars that will beat in all possible comparisons to

mechanical cars.

8.3 The next date to sign up the Paris-Dakar rally is November 2015. We have enough time

and from here we encourage potential sponsors who want to participate in our ERO electric car



Juan Ortigosa García

Scientist, Inventor and Entrepreneur.

Chairman and Technical Director of Ortronic Technology, S.L.

Owner of Ortronic®


Web Site:

Company e-mail: [email protected]

Personal e-mail: [email protected]



Twin Golf “B” Building

Perú Street, 6, 2nd Floor

28290 Las Rozas (Madrid)

Tel.: (34) 91 630 80 80