Symptoms That Alternator Needs To Be Replaced

Symptoms That Alternator Needs To Be Replaced

Transcript of Symptoms That Alternator Needs To Be Replaced

Symptoms That Alternator Needs To Be Replaced

Alternator turns mechanical energy into electrical energy that helps to generate direct current to charge the

vehicle's battery to start the vehicle.

Alternator also recycles and restores the power a battery uses while starting and driving the vehicle.

Your vehicle's electrical system totally depends on properly maintained alternator. If it gets malfunctioned then leads to a

sudden vehicle break down.

What are the symptoms of alternator failure?

Here is a complete list of warning signs to avoid alternator problems.

:- Difficulty in starting the vehicle

When a vehicle needs to jump start on a regular basis--- means the battery is low or uncharged.

It is the responsibility of alternator to make sure the battery is fully charged and transfer the right amount of

electricity to vehicle while starting.

But when alternator is faulty, it won't maintain the charge and leaves the battery to die.

:- Dim Lights

The alternator is the main part of electrical system that provides power to starter, ignition, light etc.

When it becomes worn out, the dashboard light or head lights will begin to dim.

These symptoms also indicate that the alternator is unable to keep up with the electric needs of vehicle.

:- Warning Light pops up :

When ECU monitors the voltage out put is below or above the pre-set limit, it makes the dashboard light to pops up.

The fluctuation in light comes when you are using multiple electrical components.

This is the right time to take your vehicle to service point where the mechanic will let you know how much life is left in your vehicle’s

alternator and how much electricity your vehicle is using.

:- Dead battery

It's always not the issue with alternator, but sometimes if the battery is not working properly then it will not receive the charge that alternator is sending to it.

If you want to know whether there is a problem with alternator or battery then charge the battery and restart

the vehicle.

If the vehicle starts running but lights are dim then there is a problem with the charging system.

But if the vehicle won't start or showing problem in starting then the alternator is faulty.

:- Weird smell

The alternator works with the help of alternator belt. When the belt doesn't rotate freely, it produces excess friction and

belt gets heat up which generates a weird rubber-burning


This problem sometimes can be solved by tightening the belt but it's advisable to check with the mechanic first.

:- Grinding sound

If any part of the alternator becomes worn or breaks,it produces grinding or whining noise inside the engine.

Tips :- Except all these symptoms, make sure to do a visual inspection of engine compartments to see weather

the belt is loose or broken or worn out etc.