Surf’s Up -€¦ · Surf’s Up,Cody and other surfers ... tiger stripes. ......

I n the new DVD of the fun film Surf’s Up, Cody and other surfers decorate their surfboards with their own unique patterns.The designs often tell about each character’s personality.For instance, the aggressive surf champion Tank Evans’s board is decorated with tiger stripes. Numbers have patterns, too. Understanding the patterns helps you figure out how the numbers relate to each other. Look at the pattern of shells on each surfboard in the top row.Use your math skills to decide how many shells should be on the fourth and fifth surfboards.Then make up your own math-based patterns for the bottom row of surfboards. TM & © 2007 Sony Pictures Animation Inc. All Rights Reserved. © 2007 Layout and Design Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Inc.All Rights Reserved. Teaching material © 2007 YMI, Inc. Answer: In addition to the Rockhopper penguin, there are three other different types of penguins in the movie:Emperor penguins (Tank Evans) have two golden stripes on each side of their head. Gentoo penguins (Lani) have wide white stripes like a bonnet over their eyes. King penguins (Geek) have vivid orange patches on either side of their head. Parent Connection: Recognizing patterns is an important skill in math and science.Watch the DVD of the fun animated film Surf’s Up with your child to find out how many different types of penguins you can spot in the film, based on the patterns of their unique markings. For example, Rockhopper penguins like Cody Maverick sport long yellow feathers over their eyes.You can also reinforce your child’s math skills by playing pattern recognition games such as finding the patterns in your child’s clothing. (See the answer at right.) Activity 1 Reproducible Master Su r f bo a rd s G n a rl y C a t c h t h e w a v e a t w w w . s o n y p ic t u r e s . c o m / s u r f s u p w h e n S u r f s U p i s a v a i l a b l e o n D V D o n O c t o b e r 9 t h

Transcript of Surf’s Up -€¦ · Surf’s Up,Cody and other surfers ... tiger stripes. ......

In the new DVD of the fun filmSurf’s Up, Cody and other surfers

decorate their surfboards with their ownunique patterns.The designs often tellabout each character’s personality. Forinstance, the aggressive surf championTank Evans’s board is decorated withtiger stripes.

Numbers have patterns, too.Understanding the patterns helps youfigure out how the numbers relate toeach other. Look at the pattern of shellson each surfboard in the top row. Useyour math skills to decide how manyshells should be on the fourth and fifthsurfboards.Then make up your ownmath-based patterns for thebottom row of surfboards.

Surfer Scores

Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Total Score Rank Average

8 9 10

9 9 9

9 9 6

TM & © 2007 Sony Pictures Animation Inc. All Rights Reserved.© 2007 Layout and Design Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Inc.All Rights Reserved.

Teaching material © 2007 YMI, Inc.

TM & © 2007 Sony Pictures Animation Inc. All Rights Reserved.© 2007 Layout and Design Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Inc.All Rights Reserved.

Teaching material © 2007 YMI, Inc.

Answer:In addition to the Rockhopper penguin,there are three other different types of penguins inthe movie:Emperor penguins (Tank Evans) havetwo golden stripes on each side of their head.Gentoo penguins (Lani) have wide white stripeslike a bonnet over their eyes.King penguins(Geek) have vivid orange patches on either side oftheir head.

Parent Connection: Recognizing patterns is an importantskill in math and science.Watch the DVD of the fun animated filmSurf’s Up with your child to find out how many different types ofpenguins you can spot in the film, based on the patterns of their uniquemarkings. For example, Rockhopper penguins like Cody Mavericksport long yellow feathers over their eyes.You can also reinforce yourchild’s math skills by playing pattern recognition games such as findingthe patterns in your child’s clothing. (See the answer at right.)

Surf’s U


Activity 1 Reproducible Master

Activity 2


Reproducible Master

Parent Connection: Sports and exercise are agreat way to improve your child’s math skills, andimprove fitness too.Talk about how math is used tokeep score for various sports such as the surfingcompetition in Surf’s Up.As an example, watch afavorite sport together with your child and note how itis scored.You might also keep a daily exercise log withyour child.And check out the home page for the EastCoast Surfing Championships at build your child’s math knowledge by followingthe links to find scores and statistics for real surfers.

As Cody Maverick swims out to catch the big wave in the Big ZMemorial Surf-Off, sports announcer Rob Machado comments

that “Maverick is going to have to stay focused and channel hisenergy to good things.”Will Cody pull it off? You be the judge!

Pretend that you are the head judge in a trial competition leadingup to the Big Z Memorial. Help the other judges add up eachsurfer’s score below to find out who the winner is. Under thecolumn marked “Rank,” number the surfers’ scores from highest tolowest. If directed, find the average score for each surfer.

Who is the winner? __________________________________

Do you think Cody will win when it really counts—in the Big Z? Check out Surf’s Up to find out!


Chicken Joe

Tank Evans

Catch the wave at


wwhheenn SSuurrff’’ss UUpp iiss aavvaa



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Catch the wave at


wwhheenn SSuurrff’’ss UUpp iiss aavvaa



oonnDDVVDD oonn OOccttoobbeerr 99tthh

Cody Maverick

In the new DVD of the fun filmSurf’s Up, Cody and other surfers

decorate their surfboards with their ownunique patterns.The designs often tellabout each character’s personality. Forinstance, the aggressive surf championTank Evans’s board is decorated withtiger stripes.

Numbers have patterns, too.Understanding the patterns helps youfigure out how the numbers relate toeach other. Look at the pattern of shellson each surfboard in the top row. Useyour math skills to decide how manyshells should be on the fourth and fifthsurfboards.Then make up your ownmath-based patterns for thebottom row of surfboards.

Surfer Scores

Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Total Score Rank Average

8 9 10

9 9 9

9 9 6

TM & © 2007 Sony Pictures Animation Inc. All Rights Reserved.© 2007 Layout and Design Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Inc.All Rights Reserved.

Teaching material © 2007 YMI, Inc.

TM & © 2007 Sony Pictures Animation Inc. All Rights Reserved.© 2007 Layout and Design Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Inc.All Rights Reserved.

Teaching material © 2007 YMI, Inc.

Answer:In addition to the Rockhopper penguin,there are three other different types of penguins inthe movie:Emperor penguins (Tank Evans) havetwo golden stripes on each side of their head.Gentoo penguins (Lani) have wide white stripeslike a bonnet over their eyes.King penguins(Geek) have vivid orange patches on either side oftheir head.

Parent Connection: Recognizing patterns is an importantskill in math and science.Watch the DVD of the fun animated filmSurf’s Up with your child to find out how many different types ofpenguins you can spot in the film, based on the patterns of their uniquemarkings. For example, Rockhopper penguins like Cody Mavericksport long yellow feathers over their eyes.You can also reinforce yourchild’s math skills by playing pattern recognition games such as findingthe patterns in your child’s clothing. (See the answer at right.)

Surf’s U

pActivity 1 Reproducible Master

Activity 2


Reproducible Master

Parent Connection: Sports and exercise are agreat way to improve your child’s math skills, andimprove fitness too.Talk about how math is used tokeep score for various sports such as the surfingcompetition in Surf’s Up.As an example, watch afavorite sport together with your child and note how itis scored.You might also keep a daily exercise log withyour child.And check out the home page for the EastCoast Surfing Championships at build your child’s math knowledge by followingthe links to find scores and statistics for real surfers.

As Cody Maverick swims out to catch the big wave in the Big ZMemorial Surf-Off, sports announcer Rob Machado comments

that “Maverick is going to have to stay focused and channel hisenergy to good things.”Will Cody pull it off? You be the judge!

Pretend that you are the head judge in a trial competition leadingup to the Big Z Memorial. Help the other judges add up eachsurfer’s score below to find out who the winner is. Under thecolumn marked “Rank,” number the surfers’ scores from highest tolowest. If directed, find the average score for each surfer.

Who is the winner? __________________________________

Do you think Cody will win when it really counts—in the Big Z? Check out Surf’s Up to find out!


Chicken Joe

Tank Evans

Catch the wave at


wwhheenn SSuurrff’’ss UUpp iiss aavvaa



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Catch the wave at


wwhheenn SSuurrff’’ss UUpp iiss aavvaa



oonnDDVVDD oonn OOccttoobbeerr 99tthh

Cody Maverick

Distance in Flying Miles Home Surfing Base to Pen Gu Island

Shiverpool, Antarctica ➸ ________________________

Sheboygan, Wisconsin ➸ ________________________

Bells Beach, Australia ➸ ________________________

Waikiki, Hawaii ➸ ________________________

Huntington Beach, California ➸ ________________________

DearEducator:Let the delightfulcharacters from thecritically acclaimedanimated film SSuurrff’’ss UUpphelp your students catchthe next wave to becoming “mathmavericks” with this fun andeducational program brought to youby Young Minds Inspired (YMI), inpartnership with Sony Pictures HomeEntertainment and Sony PicturesAnimation.

This highly entertaining andvisually appealing film, aavvaaiillaabbllee oonnDDVVDD bbeeggiinnnniinngg OOccttoobbeerr 99,, 22000077, tellsthe story of Cody Maverick, an up-and-coming penguin surfer, as heenters his first pro competition.

Followed by a camera crew todocument his experiences, Cody isshown leaving his home inShiverpool, Antarctica, to travel toPen Gu Island for the Big ZMemorial Surf-Off. Along the wayCody meets memorable characterssuch as the Sheboygan-based surferChicken Joe, larger-than-life surfingpromoter Reggie Belafonte, andcharming yet spirited lifeguard LaniAli’ikai, all of whom recognize Cody’spassion for surfing, even if it’s a bitmisguided at times. But it’s a mostunlikely encounter with his surfinghero that helps Cody discover that atrue winner isn’t alwaysthe one who comes in first.

An exciting mathadventure awaits your studentsas they journey along with Codyin this free program for grades1-6 and discover the fun of usinglogic, arithmetic, map-reading, andmeasurement skills to help Codyachieve his dream. Extensions areprovided for older students, as wellas a take-home connection oneach sheet so that parents canjoin in the fun of SSuurrff''ss UUpp whilereinforcing math skills at home.

Please share this programwith other teachers, and return the enclosed reply card.Although the learning materialsare copyrighted, you may copythem for educational purposes.We welcome your comments and suggestions.


Dr. Dominic KinsleyEditor in Chief

Program Objectives• To use logic and reasoning skills to

identify and predict patterns.• To practice addition, calculation, and

numerical ranking skills.• To use a map legend to calculate distances.

Standards AlignmentThis program aligns with national standardsfor mathematics for grades 1-6 (

How To Use This ProgramDisplay the wall poster to introduce theprogram, generate student interest, andengage students in additional math-basedexercises. Review, photocopy, and distributethe reproducible master sheets at thebeginning of each activity.Tailor theactivities to the age and ability of yourstudents, using the suggestions in this guide.Assign the Parent Connection activities atthe bottom of each sheet as homework andask students to report the results.

Activity 1

Gnarly SurfboardsThis activity prompts students to use theirlogic and reasoning skills to identify and

predict number patterns.Ask students to countthe number of shellson each surfboard and identify the

relationship betweenthem. (The shells increase by two.)How many shellsshould appear onthe fourth andfifth boards?(There would be 9and 11 shells,respectively.) Tell

students to drawthose numbers

of shells on the blankboards. Brainstorm

other numericalpatterns with

students and have them use the five blanksurfboards on the second line to create theirown patterns.Extension: Challenge older students tosubtract, multiply, or divide the numbersshown in various combinations as you wish.

Activity 2

Surf-Off ScoresHave students use their math skills to rankthe three surfers who compete in a mocktrial leading up to the Big Z MemorialSurf-Off featured in Surf’s Up.Tell studentsthat three judges have each given a score tothe surfers listed.As head judge, studentsmust complete the scorecard by totalingeach score, then ranking them from highestto lowest to determine the winner—thesurfer with the highest score.Extension: Ask older students to calculateeach surfer’s average score and fill in theappropriate column. Students can also graphthe averages on the back of the paper.Answers: Total Score Rank AverageChicken Joe 27 1st 9Tank Evans 27 1st 9Cody Maverick 24 2nd 8

Activity 3

Tubular TravelsTell students that in Surf’s Up the Big Zcompetition draws surfers from all over theworld to Pen Gu Island (for activitypurposes, cited here as being located nearTaiwan). First point out to students thecontinents of Australia and Antarctica.Antarctica, the world’s southernmostcontinent, is home to Cody Maverick.Guide students to cut out the ruler on thesheet and use it to calculate how far Codytraveled to get to Pen Gu Island.Then havethem do the same for each of the otherlocations listed on the sheet (students maywork in small groups). Help them rank thedistances by writing them on the board andordering the locations from nearest tofarthest from Pen Gu Island.Extension: In the film, surfers come fromall over the world for the competition. Picktwo additional places on the activity mapand have students measure those distancesto Pen Gu Island as well.Answers: Approximate distances in milesto Pen Gu Island from: Sheboygan—8,000;Shiverpool,Antarctica—9,000; Bells Beach,Australia—4,000;Waikiki, Hawaii—4,000;Huntington Beach, California—6,000

Answers to Poster Questions(1) at least 3 (2) The wave is 20 mph fasterthan Lani can swim. (3) approximately 3 (4) 18 inches tall



TM & © 2007 Sony Pictures Animation Inc. All Rights Reserved.© 2007 Layout and Design Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Inc.All Rights Reserved.Teaching material © 2007 YMI, Inc.

TM & © 2007 Sony Pictures Animation Inc. All Rights Reserved.© 2007 Layout and Design Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Inc.All Rights Reserved.

Teaching material © 2007 YMI, Inc.

TubularReproducible Master

In the DVD of the fun movieSurf’s Up, talented surfers

come from all over the world,including faraway places likeShiverpool,Antarctica, to compete

in Pen GuIsland’s Big ZMemorial Surf-Off. How far dothey travel? Tofind out, cut outthe ruler on thissheet.Thenmeasure how farsurfers traveledfrom each of thepoints below toPen Gu Island.Use the maplegend toconvert theinches on yourruler into miles.

Parent Connection: Cody Maverick, the main character in the new DVD of the fun animated film Surf’s Up, calls Antarctica to discover whatlife is really like for penguins living in Antarctica, Earth’s southernmost continent.


1 inch equals 2,000 miles


Huntington Beach,California

Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Waikiki, Hawaii


Bells Beach,



Catch the wave at


wwhheenn SSuurrff’’ss UUpp iiss aavvaa



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