Sunday Dec 17 - · Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish 965...

Українська Католицька Парафія Покровa Пресвятої Богородиці Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish 965 Boyd Avenue – Winnipeg, MB R2X 0Z9 – (Established 1922) Parish Office: Ph: 204 582-7535; Fax: 204 582-4647 Parish email: [email protected] www.; Office hours: Please call before coming to the office. “Independently owned” 1442 Main Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 3V7 Ph: 586-8044 Serving the Ukrainian Catholic Community For over 50 Years Ivan’s AUTOBODY IVAN PECUH 811 Murray Ave Winnipeg, MB, R2V 4S7 Tel: 334-4754 Fax: 338-3705 COLLISION, GLASS RE COLLISION, GLASS RE COLLISION, GLASS RE COLLISION, GLASS REPLACEMENT, PLACEMENT, PLACEMENT, PLACEMENT, RESTORATION, INSURANCE CLAIMS; RESTORATION, INSURANCE CLAIMS; RESTORATION, INSURANCE CLAIMS; RESTORATION, INSURANCE CLAIMS; GALARNYK INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 696 McGregor Street Winnipeg, MB R2V 3T8 Mon to Fri 9:00 – 6:30 Sat 9:00 – 2:30 Servi n g t h e C o m m u ni ty fo r o v er 4 0 yea rs 582-7891 KARPATY MEATS & DELI 536 BANNERMAN AVE. Phone: (204) 586-1395 (at McGregor St.) Tuesday – Friday: Winnipeg, Manitoba 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. R2W 0V6 Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. “The Financial Institution of choice for Manitoban’s Ukrainian Community” 950 Main St. 80-2200 McPhillips St. 1341-A Henderson Hwy. 1375 Grant Ave. 1-850 Regent Ave. West Ph: 204 989-7400 ПРОПОНУЄМО ПОВНИЙ ОБСЯГ ФІНАНСОВИХ ПОСЛУГ Serving Canadian Ukrainian community for over 70 years! 310 Leila Ave. (204) 954-7450 Ваше... моє... наше! Sunday, December 17, 2017 Sunday of the Holy Forefathers 17 грудня 2017 # 51 (667) December 17, 2017 Неділя 17 грудня 2017 Неділя Святих Праотців Divine Liturgy: Weekdays – 9:00 am; Feast Day – 9:00 am, 7:00 pm; Sunday Schedule: Saturday — 5:00 pm (English) Sunday – 10:00 am (Bilingual) Baptisms & Weddings by Appointment Pastor Rev. Volodymyr Bashutskyy Ph: 204 582-7535 Chair Parish Executive: Glen Henkewich Ph.: 204 633-1502 UCWLC President: Janet Kuchma Ph: 204 582-5932 Men's Club President: John Natyna Ph: 204 339-9366 Catechism Coordinator: Teresa Hryndzio Ph: 204 334-4298 Perogy Committee President: Myron Fedoruk Ph: 204 338-7243 Parish Bus Coordinator: Jerry Pilipowicz Ph: 204-582-7570 Hall Rental: John Kutcher Ph: 204 589-7152 Church Auditorium: Ph: 204 582-4466 Auditorium Rental: Ph: 204 582-7535 College Avenue Hall: Ph: 204 586-3032

Transcript of Sunday Dec 17 - · Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish 965...

Українська Католицька Парафія Покровa Пресвятої Богородиці Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish 965 Boyd Avenue – Winnipeg, MB R2X 0Z9 – (Established 1922)

Parish Office: Ph: 204 582-7535; Fax: 204 582-4647

Parish email: [email protected] www.; Office hours: Please call before coming to the office.

“Independently owned”

1442 Main Street

Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 3V7

Ph: 586-8044

Serving the Ukrainian Catholic Community

For over 50 Years

Ivan’s AUTOBODY IVAN PECUH 811 Murray Ave Winnipeg, MB, R2V 4S7 Tel: 334-4754 Fax: 338-3705



INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 696 McGregor Street Winnipeg, MB R2V 3T8

Mon to Fri 9:00 – 6:30

Sat 9:00 – 2:30

Serving the Community

for over 4

0 years



536 BANNERMAN AVE. Phone: (204) 586-1395 (at McGregor St.) Tuesday – Friday: Winnipeg, Manitoba 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. R2W 0V6 Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

“The Financial Institution of choice for

Manitoban’s Ukrainian Community”

950 Main St.

80-2200 McPhillips St.

1341-A Henderson Hwy.

1375 Grant Ave.

1-850 Regent Ave. West

Ph: 204 989-7400


Serving Canadian Ukrainian

community for over 70 years!

310 Leila Ave. (204) 954-7450

Ваше... моє... наше!

Sunday, December 17, 2017 Sunday of the Holy Forefathers

17 грудня 2017 # 51 (667) December 17, 2017

Неділя 17 грудня 2017 Неділя Святих Праотців

Divine Liturgy: Weekdays – 9:00 am; Feast Day – 9:00 am, 7:00 pm; Sunday Schedule: Saturday — 5:00 pm (English)

Sunday – 10:00 am (Bilingual) Baptisms & Weddings by Appointment


Rev. Volodymyr Bashutskyy

Ph: 204 582-7535

Chair Parish Executive:

Glen Henkewich

Ph.: 204 633-1502

UCWLC President:

Janet Kuchma

Ph: 204 582-5932

Men's Club President:

John Natyna

Ph: 204 339-9366

Catechism Coordinator:

Teresa Hryndzio

Ph: 204 334-4298

Perogy Committee President:

Myron Fedoruk

Ph: 204 338-7243

Parish Bus Coordinator:

Jerry Pilipowicz

Ph: 204-582-7570

Hall Rental:

John Kutcher

Ph: 204 589-7152

Church Auditorium:

Ph: 204 582-4466

Auditorium Rental:

Ph: 204 582-7535

College Avenue Hall:

Ph: 204 586-3032

old self with its past deeds and put on a new man, one who grows in knowledge as he is formed anew in the image of his Creator. There is no Greek or Jew here, circumcised or uncir-cumcised, foreigner Scythian, slave, or freeman. Rather, Christ is everything in all of you.

Alleluia Verses: Moses and Aaron were among his priests, and Samuel, among those who called upon his name.

They called upon the Lord, and he answered them

Gospel: Luke 14: 16-24

At that time the Lord said this parable: ''A man was giving a large dinner and he invited many. At dinner time he sent his servant to say to those invited, 'Come along, everything is ready now.' But they began to excuse themselves, one and all. The first one said to the servant, 'I have bought some land and must go out and inspect it. Please excuse me.' Another said, 'I have bought five yoke of oxen and I am going out to test them. Please excuse me.' A third said, 'I am newly married and so I cannot come.' The ser-vant returning reported all this to his master. The master of the house grew angry at the account. He said to his servant, 'Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor and the crippled, the blind and the lame.' The servant reported, after some time, 'Your or-ders have been carried out, my lord, and there is still room.' The master then said to the servant, 'Go out into the highways and along the hedge-rows and force them to come in. I want my house to be full, but I tell you that not one of those in-vited shall taste a morsel of my dinner. For many are called, but few are chosen.'

Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest.

Exult, you just, in the Lord; praise from the up-right is fitting. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Sunday, December 17, 2017 Sunday of the Holy Forefathers

Sunday, tropar, tone 3: Let the heavens be glad, let the earth rejoice,* for the Lord has done a mighty deed with His arm.* He trampled death by death; He became the first born of the dead;* He saved us from the abyss of Hades* and granted great mercy to the world.

Tropar of the Forefathers, tone 2: O Christ, You have justified the forefathers by faith, thus forming through them the Church of the gen-tiles. These saints are glorified because the Vir-gin who bore You descends from them. O Christ God, through their prayers have mercy on us.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen!

Kondak of the Forefathers, tone 6: Armed with invisible power, you did not adore the idols made by human hands, O thrice-holy youths; strengthened by a power beyond words, you stood in the midst of a devouring fire and called upon God, saying, “Hasten, O merciful One, and speed to our help, for You are good and have power to do whatever you desire.”

Prokimen, tone 4: Blessed are you, and praise-worthy, O Lord, the God of our fathers, and glo-rious forever is your name.

Verse: For you are just in all you have done.

Epistle: A reading from the Letter of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Colossians(3: 4 - 11)

Brothers and Sisters! When Christ our life ap-pears, then you shall appear with him in glory. Put to death whatever in your nature is rooted in earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil de-sires, and that lust which is idolatry. These are the sins which provoke God's wrath. Your own conduct was once of this sort, when these sins were your very life. You must put that aside now: all the anger and quick temper, the malice, the insults, the foul language. Stop lying to one another. What you have done is put aside your

Тропар Воскресний, глас 3: Нехай веселятся небесні, нехай радуються земляни,* бо показав владу рукою Своєю Господь.* Він смертю смерть подолав, первістком з-поміж мертвих став,* визволив нас із глибини аду,* і подавав світові велику милість.

Тропар Св. Отців, глас 2: Великий подвиг віри: посеред полум'я, немов на водах пільги, три юнаки раділи, а пророк Даниїл появився пастир левам, ніби овечкам. Тож їхніми молитвами, Христе Боже, спаси душі наші. Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові, і нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь.

Кондак Праотців, глас 6: Рукописанному образові не поклонившись, але неописанним єством захистившися, триблаженні, а подвизі вогню ви прославилися і посеред нестерпного полум'я стоячи, Бога ви призвали: “Поспішись, о щедрий, і скоро прийди, як милостивий, нам на поміч, бо ти можеш, якщо воля твоя.”

Прокімен, глас 4: Благословенний ти, Господи Боже Отців наших, і хвальне і прославлене ім'я твоє на віки.

Стих: Бо праведний єси у всьому, що сотворив ти нам.

Апостол: До Колосян послання святого апостола Павла читання (З: 4 - 11)

Браття і Сестри! Коли з'явиться Христос, ваше життя, тоді й ви з ним з'явитесь у славі. Умертвлюйте, отже, ваші земні члени: розпусту, нечистоту, пристрасті, лиху пожадливість, зажерливість -- що є ідолопоклонство. За все це падає гнів Божий на неслухняних. Ви самі нещодавно поводилися так само, коли жили в тому. Тепер же відкиньте й ви все те геть від себе: гнів, лютість, злобу, наклеп, сороміцькі слова з ваших уст! Не говоріть неправди один одному, бо ви з себе скинули стару людину з її ділами й

одягнулися в нову, що відновлюється до досконалого спізнання, відповідно до образу свого Творця. Тим то немає грека, ні юдея, ні обрізання, ні необрізання, ні варвара, ні скита, ні невольника, ні вільного, а все й у всьому -- Христос.

Стихи на Алилуя: Мойсей і Арон в ієреях його, і Самуїл у тих, що призивають ім'я


Призвали Господа, і він вислухав іх.

Євангелія: від Луки 14: 16-24

Сказав Господь притчу оцю: "Один чоловік справив велику вечерю і запросив багатьох. Як настав час вечері, послав він слугу свого сказати запрошеним: 'Ходіть, усе готове.' І зараз же всі вони стали відмовлятися.' Перший йому сказав: 'Я купив поле і мушу піти на нього подивитись; вибач мені, прошу.' Другий сказав: 'Я купив п'ять пар волів і йду їх випробувати; прошу, вибач мені.' А інший мовив: 'Я одружився, тому не можу прийти.' Вернувся слуга і розповів це панові своєму. Розгнівався тоді господар і каже до слуги свого: 'Іди-но чим скоріш на майдани й вулиці міста і приведи сюди вбогих, калік, сліпих, кульгавих.' Озвався слуга: 'Пане, сталось, як ти велів, і ще є місця.' Сказав пан до слуги: 'Піди на шляхи та огорожі і силуй їх увійти, щоб дім мій наповнився. Кажу бо вам: Ніхто з тих запрошених не покуштує моєї вечері. Бо баґато покликаних, та мало вибраних.' "

Причастин: Хваліте Господа з небес, хваліте Його на висотах.

Радуйтеся, праведні, в Господі, правим належить похвала. Алилуя! Алилуя! Алилуя!

Неділя 17 грудня 2017 Неділя Святих Праотців

Please pray for the following sick & shut-in Parishioners from BVM: "Oh God, Our Father we pray You restore to physical health those of our parishioners who

are weakened with illness, give peace of mind to those troubled with worry and comfort to

those discouraged with problems. Help them find in the days of their strength, a faith and

trust in You and a love for one another to guide them through any health challenges or

troubles they may face". Amen.

Schedule of Services from December 17 to December 24, 2017 Sunday Services:

5:00 pm Divine Liturgy

For health & God’s blessings for all parishioners


10:00 am Divine Liturgy (Bilingual)

In thanksgiving, for all blessings received this past year, from Glenn, Anne,

and Simeon Rusnak and Andriana Tarasiuk

Mon. Dec 18 9:00 am За здоров’я і Боже благословення

для о. Нестора і їмості Анни Баранюк від сина Андрія і родини

Tues. Dec 19 9:00 am Divine Liturgy

7:00 pm Christmas Confession and Divine Liturgy. All are Welcome!

Wed. Dec 20 9:00 am For the late + John Bodnar from Sophie Manulak

Thu. Dec 21 9:00 am For the late + Myron Bielak from Alan and Eleanor Harik

Fri. Dec 22 9:00 am Divine Liturgy

Sat. Dec 23 9:00 am For the late + father Wilfred Krawchuk (26 yrs)

from Terry Krowchuk

10:00 am For the late + Catherine Eschuk from Walter and Olga Eschuk

Sunday Services:

5:00 pm Divine Liturgy

For the late + Eugenia Petrycky from Bohdan Petrycky & Family

Sun. Dec 24 Eve of Nativity - Навечіря Різдва

10:00 am Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great (Bilingual)

For health & God’s blessings for all parishioners

Christmas Services

10:00 pm Christmas Confession - Різдвяна Сповідь

10:30 pm Great Compline with Litia-Велике Повечір’я з Литією



Shut-ins: Emillia Rose, Stella Demedash,

Holy Family Nursing Home: Stephania Demkiw, Rose Burack, Lorraine Putasnick, Olga Di-

lay, Anna Kmet; Olga Palmer, Father Edward Evanko, Mary Popiel; Michael Dutka

Maples Care Home: Murray Balagus; Joseph Bodnar, Helen Trafiak, William Tomchuk;

Anna Paslawsky Fred Douglas Lodge: Michael Pawlosky; Olive Pollock

River Park Gardens Nursing Home: Sofia Bachynsky

December 17, 2017

Epistle Readers:

10:00 am Simeon Rusnak

Nadia Cap

December 24, 2017

Epistle Readers:

10:00 am Simeon Rusnak

Sofia Cap


10:00 am


10:00 am

Eucharistic Ministers:

10:00 am Bernice Kulbaba

Eucharistic Ministers:

10:00 am Adeline Natyna

December 24, 2017

Epistle Readers:

10:30 pm Simeon Rusnak

Alexander Hryndzio


10:30 pm Janet Kuchma &

Pat Werbicki

Eucharistic Ministers:

10:30 pm Bernice Kulbaba

LAST WEEK INCOME: Sunday Collection: $ 1,176.00; Env: 64;

Direct Deposit: Parishioners:16; Church Auditorium Rental:$125.00; Seminary:$100.00;

Christmas Offering: $35.00; Christmas Flowers: $80.00; Christmas Caroling: $160.00;

Donations: Holy Family Extension: $400.00; Repair of the Iconostas: $200.00;

EXPENSES: Total: $1,521.48; OSBM Publications: $781.50; Mat Master: $89.98;

UCWLC BVM Parish: $650.00.


In memory of + Wilfred Krawchuk (26 yrs) from Terry Krowchuk

Available dates in: January: 7, 21, 28


For health & God’s blessings for Allison Bielak on the occasion of her birthday from

Mom & Dad

Available dates in: January: 7, 21, 28


For health & God’s blessings for son Ben Yasenko on the occasion of his birthday from

his mother Agnes, his children, grandchildren & sisters.

Available dates in: January: 7, 21, 28


Donor Intention $

BVM Sports & Wildlife Club Donation to pay for 5 children 1/4 of the cost of

Ukrainian Park Camp $343.75

Glenn & Anne Rusnak Repair of Iconostas $200.00

Glenn & Anne Rusnak Holy Family Extension $200.00

BVM Sports & Wildlife Club Holy Family Extension $200.00

Myron Fedoruk Donation for two Divine Liturgy Books $140.00

The time to support the Holy Spirit Seminary in Ottawa and the CCCB (Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops) is here once again. Based on this year’s assessment of $5,225.31 the requested donation for each of Blessed Virgin Mary Parish families is $64.51. Please use the blue envelope marked Seminary Offering from your donation en-velopes to forward your donation. The costs as-sessed are based on the sponsorship of three Semi-narians from Manitoba. Thank-you for supporting our seminarians who in the future will serve our churches throughout Manitoba. Total collected for this year: $2,351.71

Teresa Antoniuk, Past President of the Winnipeg Regional UCWLC, presented the Blessed Virgin Mary Branch of the UCWLC with a cer-tificate of Highest Attendance for a

branch with 50 members or less for the 2016 - 2017 year. Congratulations ladies!

December 10 & 17: Distribution of Church envelopes and calendars for 2018 after Divine Liturgy in Church auditorium.

10 та 17 грудня будуть видаватися конвертки і календарі на 2018 рік після Служби Божої в церковній аудиторії If you have moved please advise the Parish Office of your new contact information so that corrections in the Parish Membership list can be made.

Those who would like to become members of Blessed Virgin Mary Parish please pick up the Membership Form at the entrance of the church. Please place forms in the collection basket.

In your box of envelopes for 2018 the first blue envelope (January 2018) or Initial Offering, is used to cover the costs to print the envelopes & calendars which you are now receiving. The recommended donation is $7.00. Thank-you for your support.

Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural

and Educational Centre

is pleased to present the

Festival of Carols

фестиваль колядок Sunday January 14, 2018 at 3:00 pm

Westminster United Church

745 Westminster Avenue

Admission is by Cash Donation

To receive the bulletin by email weekly, please send y o u r r e q u e s t t o [email protected] ask-ing that we add your name to the mailing list.

Вифлеємський Вогонь Миру Bethlehem Peace Light

Plast (Ukrainian Youth Association of Winnipeg) invites everyone to participate in the Bethlehem Peace Light 2017 ceremony which will take place at Sts. Vladimir & Olga

Cathedral December 17th at 9:00 am. After the ceremony Plast members of our Parish will bring the flame to our Parish. Please bring a long-burning candle or lantern so that you make

take this Holy Flame home to share with your family on Christmas Eve. For more information please call Marta Hnatiw at 204-339-7296. Вифлеємський Вогонь Миру (BBM) 3 місця народження Ісуса Христа передає організація української молоді Пласт. Австрійські скаути кожного року від 1986, передають BBM 3 Вифлеєму по всій Европі і Пласт в Україні вже більше як 10 років

розповсюджує BBM no всій Україні. Цього року Вогонь перевезено до Ню Йорку і Торонта звідки українські пластуни та американські скаути організують передачу BBM

по Америці та Канаді. Вінніпезькі пластуни одержать BBM від американських скаутів y Фарґо, Н.А. і займуться передачою BBM y Вінніпегу. BBM можна запалити на Святий

Вечір і його світлом поширити мир, любов і надію в різдвяний час.


Christmas Parish Confession will be held on Tuesday, December 19th starting at 7:00 pm. We will have two Fathers: Fr. Yaroslav Buduykevych and Fr. Ihor Shved who will be confessing in English & Ukrainian. During Confession, Father Bashutskyy will celebrate Divine Liturgy. This will give

parishioners the opportunity to receive Holy Eucharist immediately after Confession. In this busy time of preparation for Christmas please take the opportunity to prepare your soul and heart for the coming of our Lord. All are welcome. For those Parishioners who can’t come to the church for Christmas Confession please call Fr. V. Bashutskyy at 204

-582-7535 to arrange the visit.

to all Parishioners and

Parish organizations for

your support of our on-

going Parish projects:

*Iconostas Restoration

*Holy Family Extension

*Christmas Donations

Please continue to support these projects

as they will continue into 2018 and be-
