Summary of Selections of Recommended Books by Tout-Fait’s ...

Summary of Selections of Recommended Books by Tout- Fait’s Contributors Craig Adcock recommends: Leave Any Information at the Signal by Ed Ruscha (MIT Press, 2002) Robert Irwin Getty Garden by Lawrence Weschler,with photographs by Becky Cohen (J. Paul Getty Museum, 2002) Bill Anastasi recommends: Tractatus Logico Philosophicus (Routledge Classics) By Ludwig Wittgenstein, 2 edition (Routledge, September 1, 2001)

Transcript of Summary of Selections of Recommended Books by Tout-Fait’s ...

Page 1: Summary of Selections of Recommended Books by Tout-Fait’s ...

Summary of Selections ofRecommended Books by Tout-Fait’s ContributorsCraig Adcock recommends:

Leave Any Information at the Signal by Ed Ruscha (MIT Press, 2002)

Robert Irwin Getty Garden by Lawrence Weschler,withphotographs by Becky Cohen (J. Paul Getty Museum, 2002)

Bill Anastasi recommends:

Tractatus Logico Philosophicus (Routledge Classics)By Ludwig Wittgenstein, 2 edition(Routledge, September 1, 2001)

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Selected Works of Alfred Jarryby Alfred Jarry (GrovePress, June 1980)

Robert S. Bast recommends:

click images to enlarge

How Buildings Learn: What Happens After They’re Builtby Stewart Brand (Penguin USA; Reprint edition, October1995)

Benjamin Franklinby Edmund S. Morgan, Benjamin Franklin (Yale UniversityPress, October2002)

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a BigDifferenceby Malcolm Gladwell (Back Bay Books, January 2002)

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Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man ofthe Oglala Sioux by John G. Neihardt et al(Bison Books,2004)

Walker Evansby James R. Mellow (Basic Books, 2001)

Winsor McCay : His Life and Artby John Canemaker (Harry N. Abrams, 2005)

Arthur C. Danto recommends:

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Writing by Marguerite Duras(Cambridge, MA: Brookline Books, 1998)

Six Memos for the Next Millennium/the Charles EliotNorton Lectures 1985-86by Italo Calvino (London: Vintage Books, 1993)

Stephen R. Ellis recommends:

Pictorial Communication in Virtual And RealEnvironments,Taylor and Francis, London 1991, 603 pages.

Leif Eriksson (editor) recommends:

From Your Breeder With Loveartist´ book 52 pp with manipulated images, 1983.

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$100.00Daniel Buren, A Monographpublished in connection with his exhibition at ModernaMuseet, Stockholm,1984

Steven B. Gerrard recommends:

Philosophical Investigationsby Ludwig Wittgenstein, 3rd edition (BlackwellPublishers, 2002)

The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein by H. Sluga andD. Stern (Cambridge University Press, 1996)

The Measure of All Things : The Seven-Year Odyssey andHidden Error That Transformed the World by Ken Adler(Free Press, 2002)

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Manual of Instructions for Etant Donnes 1 la chute d’eauby Marcel Duchamp (Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum ofArt, 1987)

Le President Thomas Woodrow Wilson PortraitPsychologiqueby Sigmund Freud and William C. Bullitt

The Young & Evilby Parker Tyler and Charles Henri Ford(Richard Kasak Book, 1996)Where The Money Was: The Memoirs of a Bank RobberbyWillie SuttonJet-Thrust Newsby Ron Ellerby (ed.)

Apocalypse Roseby Charles Plymell (Water Row Press)

Glenn Harvey recommends:

Language, Saussure, and Wittgenstein: How to Play GamesWith Wordsby Roy Harris(New York: Routledge, 1988)

Raymond Roussel and the Republic of Dreamsby MarkFord(New York: Cornell Univ Press, 2000)

Camera Lucida : Reflections on PhotographyRoland

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Saussure and His Interpretersby Roy Harris(New York: NewYork University Press, 2002)

Libertineby Louis Aragon (Calder Publications, 1987)

Night Flight / Southern Mailby Antoine de Saint-Exupery(Everyman Publishers, 2001)

Stephen E. Hauser recommends:

Kurt Seligmann 1990-1962Schwabe Verlag, Basel, 1997

Pia Hoy recommends:

Det Dekonstruerede Maleri; Duchamps Étant donnés (TheDeconstructed Painting; Duchamp´s Étant donnés)Johannes F.Sohlman, Forlaget PolitiskRevy., Nansensgade 70, DK-1366Copenhagen K.Tel.: +45 33 91 41 41 /Fax: +45 33 91 51 15E-mail: [email protected] /

Sarah C. Kank recommends:

DESERT QUARTET : An Erotic Landscapeby Terry Tempest

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Williams and Mary Frank (New York, NY: Pantheon Books,NY., 1995)

Mainstreams of Modern Artby John Canady(InternationalThomson Publishing, 1981)

Richard Kegler (editor) recommends:

Buffalo ViewsP22 Inc., 1996, 15 pages.DearMr. Hunter: The Letters of Vojtech Preissig to DardHunter, 1920-1925P22 Inc., 2000, 65 pages

>Antoinette LaFarge recommends:

Benjamin’s Blind Spot: Walter Benjamin and the PrematureDeath of Auraby Lisa Patt (ed.)(Los Angeles, CA:Institute of Cultural Inquiry, 2001)

The Rings of Saturnby W.G. Sebald(New York: NewDirections, 1999)

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39 Microlectures: In Proximity of Performanceby MatthewGoulish (London and NY: Routledge, 2000)

Live: Art And Performanceby Adrian Heathfield (Londonand NY: Routledge, 2004)

Stephen Lewis recommends:

The Marble Faun : or, The Romance of Monte BenibyNathaniel Hawthorne

The Senses of Walden : An Expanded Editionby StanleyCavell

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>Thomas Hirschhorn recommends:

A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and SchizophreniabyGilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari(Minneapolis: Universityof Minnesota Press, 1987)

La Part maudite précédé de “La Notion de dépense”byGeorges Bataille(Paris: Editions de Minuit (Critique),2000)

Les enfants Tannerby Robert Walser(Paris: Gallimard(Folio), 1992)Empireby Michael Hardt(Cambridge, MA: Harvard UnivPress, 2001)

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Daniel Huertas Nadal recommends:

Marcel Duchampby Dawn Ades, Neil Cox, David Hopkins, Duchamp(London: Ed Thamesand Hudson, 1999)

Interview vs. Marcel Duchampby J.Johnson Sweeney, The Museumof Modern Art Bulletin, vol. 13(New York: MOMA, 1945)

Duchamp du signe: écritsby Marcel Duchamp, (Paris: Ed.Flammarion, 1978)

Ingénieur du temps perdu: Entretiens avec Pierre CabannebyPierre Cabanne (Paris: Pierre Belfond,1977)

Seis Propuestas Para El Proximo Milenioby Italocalvino(Madrid: Libros del Tiempo. Editorial Siruela, 1989)

A sedimentation of the mind: Earth Projects. Retrospectiveworks 1955-1973by Robert Smithson (Oslo: The National MuseumOf Contemporary Art,1999)

My Positionby Dan Graham, (Villeurbanne: Nouveau Musée/Presses

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du Réel, 1992).

La Visión y el Tiempoby Pablo Palazuelo (Madrid: MuseoNacional Reina Sofía, 1995)

Nura Petrov recommends:

Time and Senseby Julia Kristeva(New York: ColumbiaUniversity Press, 1996)

The Dialectics of Seeing: Walter Benjamin and theArcades Projectby Susan Buck-Morss(Massachusetts: theMIT Press,1989)

The Size of Thoughts : Essays and Other LumberbyNicholson Baker(London: Chatto and Windus, 1996)

Inventorby Jakov Lind(London: Methuen, 1989)

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Edward D. Powers recommends:

Marcel DuchampbyDawn Ades, Neil

Cox, DavidHopkins(N.Y.:

Thames and Hudson,1999)

The DefinitivelyUnfinished Marcel

DuchampbyWThierry de Duve(ed.)(Cambridge,Mass.: M.I.T.Press, 1991)

Visions of Excess:Selected Writings,1927-1939by Georges

Bataille,1927-1939, ed. and

trans. AllanStoekl(Minneapolis:

University ofMinnesota Press,


Page 29: Summary of Selections of Recommended Books by Tout-Fait’s ...

On Languageby RomanJakobson(Cambridge,

Mass.: HarvardUniversity Press,


The Originalityof the Avant-Garde and OtherModernist Mythsby

RosalindKrauss(Cambridge,Mass.: M.I.T.Press, 1985)

Marcel Duchamp:Artist of the

Centuryby RudolfKuenzli and Francis

Naumann(Eds.)(Cambridge,Mass.:M.I.T. Press,


Chris Rael recommends:

Out of the Labyrinth : Selected Poemsby Charles Henri Ford(San Francisco, CA: City Lights, 1991)

Ian Randall recommends:

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Infinite Regress: Marcel Duchamp 1910-1941by DavidJoselit(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998)

Affectionately, Marcelby Francis Naumann(Ludion, October2, 2000)

Kornelia Roeder recommends:

Marcel Duchamp: Respirateurby Kornelia von Berswordt-Wallrabe (ed.), Gerhard Graulich, Herbert Molderings(Ostfildern-Ruit: Cantz Verlag and Schwerin: StaatlichesMuseum, 1995)

Eternal Network: A Mail Art Anthologyby ChuckWelch(Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1995)

Mail art: Osteuropa im internationalen Netzwerk by GuySchraenen, Kornelia Röder, ed. Kornelia von Berswordt-Wallrabe(Schwerin: Staatliches Museum, 1996)

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Dada without Duchamp / Duchamp without Dada: Avant-gardeTradition and the Individual Talent 1998 by MarjoriePerloffMarcel Duchamp, Fountainby William A. Camfield (Houston:The Menil Collection, 1989)

Rhonda R. Shearer recommends:

The Languages of the Brainby Albert M. Galaburda,Stephen M. Kosslyn, and Yves Christen (Eds.)(Cambridge,MA: Harvard University Press, 2002)

Amanda Grace Tigner recommends:

Boccioni’s Materia: A Futurist Masterpiece and theAvant-garde in Milan and Pariseds. Umberto Boccioni,Laura Mattioli Rossi (New York: Solomon R. GuggenheimMuseum, 2004)Boccioni 1912 materiaby Umberto Boccioni (Mazzotta,

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Olav Velthuis recommends:

Landscape with Figures:A History of Art Dealing in the UnitedStatesby Malcolm Goldstein (Oxford, UK: OxfordUniversity Press, 2000)

John Vick recommends:

Legend, Myth, and Magic in the Image of the Artist: AHistorical Experimentby Ernst Kris, Otto Kurz,(contributor) E.H. Gombrich (New Haven, London: YaleUniversity Press, 1979)

Perspective as Symbolic Formby Erwin Panofsky,(translator) Christopher S. Wood (Cambridge: MIT Press,1993)

Duchamp: Domestic Patterns, Covers, and Threadsby W.Bowdoin Davis, Jr. (New York: Midmarch Arts Press, 2002)