Success in previous blogs

Success in previous blogs Ellysha Kular

Transcript of Success in previous blogs

Success in previous blogs

Ellysha Kular

Ilan has used a number of different sites such as slide share, prezi, Issuu and also uploaded video diaries and screenshots where he talks about the work that he has uploaded which all help to give the examiner a better understanding and explanation of your work. This also portrays how he has gone to extent of using these sites to set out his blog in a more sophisticated and effective way. It gives the entire blog a better layout and structure and makes it easier to view the work that is uploaded.

Ilan also used labels to make it easy for the examiner to find exactly what they were looking for if they wanted to see a specific part of the coursework, This makes Ilan’s blog look more organised and well lay out. All of this including the work has been placed on a plain coloured background. This is so that the blog looks more professional and isn't bright or colourful taking the attention away from the work. From the labels I can also tell that Ilan uploaded on a regular basis because of the numbers next too each label. This is good because he kept up to date and posted a new blog every time he finished a piece of the coursework. This shows the examiner that he put a lot of work in to updating the blog and making sure it had as much on it as possible.

Ilan also used sound and video in his blog which is very helpful to the examiner, It helps to explain your work in a lot more detail and makes a difference instead of every evaluation being typed out. It shows that Ilan worked hard and put in a lot of effort in to his blog.