Subject 3.- Overview of Process Synthesis OCW

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overview of process syntheses

Transcript of Subject 3.- Overview of Process Synthesis OCW

  • Subject3.OverviewofProcessSynthesis



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  • 2INDEX1.- Preliminary Process Synthesis

    2.- Basic Steps in flowsheet synthesis

    - Gathering Information- Representing Alternatives- Criteria for Assessing preliminary design

    3.- Generation of flowsheets

    - Hierarchical decomposition- Process Integration and Intensification

    Case Study: application of hierarchical decomposition

    - Superstructure optimization* Examples: HEN, Distillation, Waste treatment network

    4.- Further Reading and References

  • 31.- Preliminary Process Synthesis

    Steps in process synthesis: Process operations Flowsheets

    - Chemical State: Raw material and product specifications (Mass, composition, phase, form of solid phase, T, P, well defined properties as , MW or color).

    - Process Operations: Basic operations, connected + task integration, where operations are combined in Unit Processes.

    - Synthesis Steps: Eliminate property differences between raw materials and products organized alternatives into a synthesis tree.


    Raw materials Desired Product

    Process synthesis problem


    - Eliminate differences - Chemical reaction In molecular types

    - Distribute the chemicals - Mixingby matching sources and sinks

    -Eliminate differences in - Separationcomposition

    - Eliminate differences in - T, P, phase changeT, P and phase

    - Integrate task - Unit operations


    1.- Preliminary Process Synthesis

  • 52.- Basic Steps in flowsheet synthesis

    - Gathering Information and Database creation

    Basic thermo-physical properties for all chemicals considered Information about reaction and conditions Yield Product purity Raw materials Process bounding (restrictions) Utilities Environmental Impact and toxicity of components Cost of equipment, utilities and subproducts. Chemical prices

  • 62.- Basic Steps in flowsheet synthesis

    - Representing Alternatives


    EQUIPMENT AGREGATION REPRESENTING A FUNCTION OF HIGHER LEVEL as: Feed preparation, reaction, recovery, separation.* COMPLETE FLOWSHEET : Equipment and inter-conexin

    - Block Flow Diagram (BFD). Process Flow Diagram (PFD). Flowsheet Unit operations

    - Task Diagram (Change of P, T, Comp.) Batch Processes where the all tasks are developed in the same equipment but at different times

    * REPRESENTATION OF THE PROCESS TRANSITIONS IN THE SPACE OF CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Useful to synthesis of reactor networks and non-ideal separation processes.

    * OTHER REPRESENTATIONS: Useful to think about the design problem. Describe design alternatives.

    * MORE SPECIALISED REPRESENTATIONS (Process Subsystems): T vs.Transfered Heat amount. Allow to obtain alternatives to the heat exchange between streams, minimum heat and cool utilities, etc., in the HEN (Heat Exchange Networks).

  • 72.- Basic Steps in flowsheet synthesis- Criteria for Assessing preliminary design

    ECONOMIC EVALUATIONNeed Equipment and utilities Cost. Mass and heat balances solvedENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNSNeed Satisfy regulations / EIA / LCA.SAFETY ANALYSISDetermine whether any reasonable combination of events leads to unsafe situations. HAZOP Analysis.FLEXIBILITYRequires manufacture of specified products in spite of variations in

    the feeds it handles, ( $, supply), T cooling water, heat transfer coeff.Oil Refinery: Earnings = F(capacity of process different oils at different

    time + scheduling)CONTROLLABILITYAbility of operate the process satisfactorily while undergoing dynamic changes in operation conditions or while recovering from disturbances

  • 82.- Basic Steps in flowsheet synthesis- Criteria for Assessing preliminary design: Pareto Optimal Frontiers (POF); F1(Costs, NPV), F2(EI99, GWP100, RCO2)

    Li, H., Marechal, F., Burer, M., Favrat, D., 2006, Multi-objective optimization of an advanced combined cycle power plant including CO2 separation options. Energy 31, 31173134

    Feasible Solutions

    (Suboptimal)Unfeasible Solutions


    Pareto Optimal Frontier

    POF approaches:- Power Plants: Li et al., 2006; Bernier et al., 2010; Pelster et al., 2001; Yokohama and Ito, 1995- Process systems: Mele at al., 2011; Gerber et al., 2011; Gillen-Gosalbez and Grossmann, 2010, 2009;

  • 93.- Generation of flowsheets: How to generate flowsheets?Exhaustive enumeration may involve 103 106 flowsheets

    Methods to reject non-viable alternatives easy and quickly

    - Hierarchical Decomposition:

    - Successive Refinement. - Tends to ignore some strong interactions between the

    levels- Obtaining flowsheets to apply optimization

    - Superstructure optimization:

    - Optimize superflowsheet that contains all alternatives- Interactions between levels can be considered

    systematically (with more powerful strategies).

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    Process Integration of unit operations to design multifunctional integrated chemical manufacturing systems.

    Advantages of process integration- Higher productivity - Higher selectivity- Reduced energy consumption - Improved operational safety- Improved ecological harmlessness by avoidance of auxiliary agents and chemical wastes

    * Due to he interaction of several process steps in one apparatus (system), the steady-state and the dynamic operating behavior of integrated process unit (system) is much more complex than the behahvior of single, non-integrated units (systems). Examples:

    - Heat and Power Integration; Heat Transfer + Chemical reactions (fuel cell with internal reforming); Separation Process + Chemical reactions (reactive distillation); Mechanical Unit Opeartions + Chemical reactions (Reactive extrusion)

    3.- Generation of flowsheets: Integrated Chemical Processes

    Level 2Input-output


    Level 3Recycle


    Level 4Separation Synthesis

    DESIGN: Hierarchical decomposition approach; Integrated approach

    Level 1Batch-


    Level 5Heat Recovery

    Feed Product

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    Advantages of process intensification Development of novel apparatuses and techniques, as compared to the present state-of-art, to bring dramatic improvements in manufacturing and processing, substantially decreasing equipment size/production-capacity ratio, energy consumption, or waste production.

    - 99% reduction in impurity levels Better product quality more valuable- Just-in-time manufacture becomes feasible with ultra-short residence times.- Distributed (rather than centralised) manufacture more economic. 60% capital cost reductions - 70% plus reduction in energy usage and hence substantial reduction in operating cost- Lower waste levels reduce downstream purification costs.- 99.8% reduction in reactor volume for a potentially hazardous process, leading to inherently safe operation. Smaller inventories lead to improved intrinsic safety.

    - Better control of process irreversibilities can lead to lower energy use.

    3.- Generation of flowsheets: Process Intensification Level 2Input-output


    Level 3Recycle structure

    Level 4Separatio

    n Synthesis

    DESIGN: Hierarchical decomposition approach; Integrated approach

    Level 1Batch-


    Level 5

    Heat Recovery



    The aim of Process Intensification is to optimize capital, energy, Environmental and safety benefits by radical reduction in the physical size of the plant. Development of novel apparatuses and techniques, as compared to the present state-of-art, to bring dramatic improvements in manufacturing and processing, substantially decreasing equipment size/production-capacity ratio, energy consumption, or waste production

    Examples:- Equipments: heat exchanger in the form of the printed circuit/diffusion bonded unit; microchannel heat exchangers; structured packed columns; heat exchange reactor; supersonic gas liquid reactor.

    - Methodologies: reactive distillation, reactive extraction, membrane separations, oscillating flows in reactors, membrane reactions, fuel cells. Use of ultrasound, microwave, centrifugal fields, supercritical fluids.

    - Industrial applications: Small intensely stirred reactors and microchannel reactors in Organic Nitration (nitroglycerine); isothermal reactor crystallizer in Phosphoric acid; single equipment to coagulation of latex, washing, extrusion, dewatering and drying in styrene-butadiene rubber. Methyl isocyanate (MIC-Bhopal accident) generated and immediately converted to final pesticide in process with a total inventory

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    3.- Generation of flowsheets: Case Study

    - Application of Hierarchical decomposition: 5 Levels

    - To interpret a given flowsheet in terms of hierarchy (proceed in reverse). to discover alternatives

    1. Remove heat exchangers, pumps2. Group all liquid + vapor separators

    Level 4 Separation synthesis3. Aggregate structure separation

    Level 3 - Recycle structure4. Lump entire process

    Level 2 Input-output structureMemo 1 is to obtain Base Case Flowsheet

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    3.- Generation of flowsheets

    - Superstructure Optimization

    Representation that contains all the alternatives to be considered for a design.

    Useful with high number of alternatives

    State-Task Network (STN)2 kind of Nodes: State and Task. 1 Task in 1 Equipment

    State-Equipment Network (SEN)2 kind of Nodes: State and Equipment. Several Tasks in 1 Equipment.

    Example 1: Heat exchange of H1 with C1, C2, C3 and H1, H2 with C1, C2 Example 2: Wastewater treatment networkExample 3: Synthesis of ammonia plant

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    STAGE 1



    STAGE 2












    C1-HUSuperstructure(Yee and Grossmann, 1990)

    Superstructure(Floudas et al.,1986)

    Example 1: Heat exchange of H1 with C1, C2, C3 and H1, H2 with C1, C2

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    Final wasterwaterto discharge

    Wastewater 1

    Wastewater 2

    Wastewater 3


    HM. BATs

    Inorg. BATs

    Org. BATs

    Biorg. BATs











    Final Mixer












    Super-structure for the industrial waste waters treatment, eliminating suspended solid, heavy metals, inorganic salts, organic compounds unsuitable for biological treatment, bioorganic compounds.

    Example 2: Wastewater treatment network

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    HM. BATs

    Inorg. BATs







    Final Mixer




    Super-structure for the industrial waste waters treatment, eliminating suspended

    solid, heavy metals and inorganic salts (Galan and Grossmann, 1998, 2011).

    Example 2: Wastewater treatment network

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    Superstructure(Biegler et al.,1997)

    Example 3: Synthesis of ammonia plant

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    4.- Further Reading and References

    Biegler, L., Grossmann, I., Westerberg, A., 1997, Systematic Methods of ChemicalProcess Design, Prentice Hall.

    Douglas, J.M., 1988, Conceptual Design of Chemical Processes. McGraw-Hill.

    Floudas, C.A., Ciric, A.R., Grossmann, I.E., 1986, Automatic synthesis of optimum heat exchanger network configurations. AIChE Journal, 32 (2), pp. 276-290

    Galan, B., Grossmann, I.E., 1998, Optimal design of distributed wastewaters treatment networks. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 37 (10), pp. 4036-4048.

    Galn, B., Grossmann, I.E., 2011.Optimal design of real world industrial wastewater treatment networks. European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering ESCAPE-21. E.N. Pistikopoulos, M.C. Georgiadis and A.C. Kokossis (Editors).

    Smith, R.M., 2005, Chemical Process: Design and Integration. John Wiley & Sons

    Yee, T.F., Grossmann, I.E., 1990, Simultaneous optimization models for heat integration-II. Heat exchangers networks synthesis. Computers and Chemical Engineering 14 (10), pp. 1165-1184.