Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or...

Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or human hormones

Transcript of Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or...

Page 1: Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or human hormones.


The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or human hormones

Page 2: Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or human hormones.

Anabolic Androgenic

Anabolic Androgenic steroids refer to synthetic steroids which are man made and are similar to the male hormone testosterone

Page 3: Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or human hormones.


Anabolic means tissue building

Page 4: Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or human hormones.


Androgenic means to make masculine

Page 5: Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or human hormones.

Medical Treatment

Steroids were created for the treatment of certain medical issues such as cancers and anemia, along with a delay in maturation in children

Page 6: Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or human hormones.

Ways in which Steroids are Taken

• Pill Form – Orally• Injected – Using a needle• Cream – Blended or rubbed into the skin

Page 7: Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or human hormones.

Stacking Steroids

Stacking steroids refers to taking several different types of steroids at one time for certain desired effects.

Page 8: Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or human hormones.

Cycles of Steroids

Cycles is a term that refers to taking several different types of steroids for about 6 to 12 weeks and then stopping or abstaining from using these steroids for a certain time period. Then the process is repeated.

Page 9: Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or human hormones.

Physiological Long Term Effects

Steroids can be an ironic drug, males take them to build more masculine bodies, yet they may wind up with more feminine characteristics.They may also take them to grow bigger but it may wind up preventing growth

Page 10: Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or human hormones.

Steroids Do Not

Steroids are taken to enhance strength and performance, but so far no evidence proves that it actually does this, it may help to build muscle only if the user maintains a strenuous exercise program.

Page 11: Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or human hormones.

Steroids help muscles grow

Using steroids may help muscles to grow, but they do not help your tendons and ligaments to grow and therefore the user may experience injuries because the tendons and ligaments can not handle the growth of the larger muscle.

Page 12: Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or human hormones.

Steroids cause a host of side effects

Some side effects from using steroids are:AcneGrowth plates closing prematurely which can stunt your growthLiver and Prostate Cancer

Page 13: Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or human hormones.

Males may experience

Males may experience the following problems if they are using steroids:Shrunken testicles which can lower your sperm countProstate cancer or problems associated with your prostate glandEnlarged breasts which is a feminine characteristic

Page 14: Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or human hormones.

Females may experience

Females may experience the following problems if they use steroids:Problems with their menstrual cycles such as it being skipped or stoppedDevelop facial hair a masculine characteristicDeeper voice a masculine characteristic Hair loss

Page 15: Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or human hormones.

Both Males and Females

Both males and females may develop the following problems while using steroids:Cardiovascular problems with their heartPossibility of having a strokeHigh blood pressureHigh cholesterol levelsLiver diseaseRashes from injections

Page 16: Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or human hormones.

Psychological Long Term Effects

A psychological long term effect which can occur from using steroids is “Roid Rage” which is an uncontrollable violent outburst which can become physical and in some cases deadly.Mood disorders or mood swingsSuicidal tendencies

Page 17: Steroids The term “steroid” applies to many fat soluble organic compounds such as cholesterol or human hormones.


People who use steroids can become addicted to steroids both physiologically and psychologically.People who quit using steroids often experience some withdrawal symptoms such as fatigue, dissatisfaction with their body image, depression, suicidal tendencies, and a desire to use more steroids.