Star Wars I Pauline Daphne

The Phantom Menace. (The Naboo battle)

Transcript of Star Wars I Pauline Daphne

The Phantom Menace. (The Naboo battle)

In this picture, we can see the battle between the Naboo population (on the left) and a lot of droïds from the dark side (on the right).

Here, we can see the battle on the side of the Naboo population. They are many and have some creatures like Lambaa (on the far left and right sides).

The battle starts, the population is launched…

… But they are quickly surpassed by the Dark side.

Here, there are Rebels who are trying to destroy the Trade Federation Battleship.

The little Anakin Skywalker is triyng to help them in his Naboo N1 starfighter. He is with R2D2 (but we can’t see him).

The Rebels (Padmé Amidala, Captain Panaka and others) are also trying to invade the Trade Federation Battleship…

…But some droïdeka do not let them pass.

And it’s another failure…

Meanwhile, there is the battle beetween Obi-Wan Kenobi (with the blue laser sword), Qui-Gon Jinn (with the green laser sword) and Darth Maul (with the red laser sword).

When the doors are closed, Obi-Wan can’t help his master. Darth Maul takes this opportunity to kill him. Obi-Wan is screaming « No ! » while Darth Maul is waiting to kill him.

Meanwhile, Anakin Skywalker gets in the Trade Federation Battleship and he launches a bomb that destroys the ship’s generator, causing it to burst.

The battle droïds in Naboo are now disactivated.

So, the winner is the Naboo population !

The Rebels are also winning. The Trade Federation Battleship is defeated. All this thanks to Anakin Skywalker !

When the doors are oppening, the battle continues between Darth Maul and Obi-Wan. They fight and Obi-Wan falls down a hole. He clings to a rock. His laser sword is missing, he is destabilized.

He uses the force to get the laser sword of Qui-Gon Jinn, his master (now dead), he jumps and he kills Darth Maul, who falls down the hole, dead too.