Stages of Immigration

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Stages of Immigration. Objectives. After today’s lesson, you will: Describe some of the patterns of immigration throughout U.S. History. Focus Question. In a short response of 2-3 sentences, answer the following question: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Stages of Immigration

Stages of Immigration

Stages of ImmigrationObjectivesAfter todays lesson, you will:Describe some of the patterns of immigration throughout U.S. History

Focus QuestionIn a short response of 2-3 sentences, answer the following question:

What advice would you give to a student who newly entered this class on how to succeed?

Four Major WavesColonial ImmigrationAntebellum ImmigrationGilded Age ImmigrationModern Immigration

Each wave has similarities and differencesColonial Immigration1650 through 1800Largely from the British Isles and AfricaSought freedom and landFaced difficultiesBorder warfare with Native AmericansCarving home from wilderness

Antebellum Immigration1835-1860Largely from Germany and IrelandCame seeking liberty, land, and workFaced discrimination and poverty

Gilded Age Immigration1870-1920Largely came from Southern and Eastern Europe and AsiaCame seeking work and freedomFaced discrimination, culture shock, poverty

Modern Immigration1970 through todayLargely came from Latin America, Africa, and AsiaCome largely seeking freedom and workFace discrimination Gilded Age ImmigrationNew ImmigrantsTended to settle in the citiesDrawn to the industrial jobs of the periodLacked funds to purchaseland elsewhere

Ellis IslandMajor immigration processing center on the East Coast12 million from1892 to 1954Angel Island onthe Pacific

Culture ShockLives of Immigrants turned aroundMove from the farms to the factoryMove from the country toan urban worldMove away from familiarcustoms and languages to a new world

Coping MechanismsSettle in Immigrant NeighborhoodsForm attachments to national churchesForm ethnic solidarity clubsFind the familiar in the chaos of the new

Faced DiscriminationRising tensions with Old Immigrants and Native-bornPromoted Immigration restrictionChinese Exclusion Act of 1880Alien Land LawsGentlemens Agreement with JapanNational Origins Act of 1924Set up immigration quotasSet at 2% of the ethnicitys population from 1890Designed to limit immigration from undesirable countriesPromoted by eugenicists

SummarySummarize the main points of todays lesson in a short, 2-3 sentence response