ST. JOSEPH'S-Auburn, ST. CLARA'S-Peru · Rev. Greg Pawloski Phone (402) 274-3733 (cem 402-274-9777...

ST. JOSEPH'S-Auburn, ST. CLARA'S-Peru Rectory: 1306 23R 0 St., P.O. Box 406, Auburn, NE 68305-0406 604 6 1 h St. Peru, NE 68421 www Rev. Greg Pawloski Phone (402) 274-3733 ( cem 402-274-9777 stjo[email protected] Kri s Sarver Rei. Ed. Coordinator office: 274-4502 [email protected] October 23, 2011 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time LOVE GOD AND NEIGHBOR "Love God wholeheartedly and love your neighbor as yourself' is how Jesus sums up the whole law and the prophets. These vertical and horizontal loves are imaged in the cross of Christ Jesus, which binds all creation together and leads all creation to God. We receive the cross in baptism as a sign that we are servants of the living God, who raised his son from the dead so that Jesus might save us from sin and retribution. How do you bear your baptismal cross before humankind and before God? Thirti eth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A. Illustration © 2011 M. Erspamer, OSB. All rights reserved. Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, S.T.D. © 2002, OCP. All rights reserved.

Transcript of ST. JOSEPH'S-Auburn, ST. CLARA'S-Peru · Rev. Greg Pawloski Phone (402) 274-3733 (cem 402-274-9777...


Rectory: 1306 23R0 St., P.O. Box 406, Auburn, NE 68305-0406 604 61h St. Peru, NE 68421

www Rev. Greg Pawloski Phone (402) 274-3733 (cem 402-274-9777 [email protected]

Kris Sarver Rei. Ed. Coordinator office: 274-4502 [email protected]

October 23, 2011 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time


"Love God wholeheartedly and love your neighbor as yourself' is how Jesus sums up the whole law and the prophets. These vertical and horizontal loves are imaged in the cross of Christ Jesus, which binds all creation together and leads all creation to God. We receive the cross in baptism as a sign that we are servants of the living God, who raised his son from the dead so that Jesus might save us from sin and retribution. How do you bear your baptismal cross before humankind and before God?

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Ti me, Year A. Illustration © 2011 M. Erspamer, OSB. All rights reserved. Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, S.T.D. © 2002, OCP. All rights reserved.

October 23, 2011 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

WORSHIP SCHEDULE FOR October 24- 30, 2011 Mon 7:30am Lupe Aldana by Felix & Pam Tues NO MASS (fraternity @ Waverly) Wed 7:30am Kay & Dona DeNeal

1:30pm (@Good Samaritan) Thu 7:00am

+Doug Pawloski Fri 7:30am Sat 5:30pm Sun 8:30am

+Merle Baumhover by J&D Crotty +Anna K. by Kouba

10:30 am Misa Pro Populo

Daily Gospel Readings: Mon: LK 13: 1 0-17; Tues: LK 13:18-21; Wed: LK 13:22-30 ; Thurs: LK 13:3 1-35; Fri: St. Simon & Jude LK 6: 12-16; Sat: LK 14:1 , 7-ll; Sun: MT23:l-12;

Stewardship Report: October 16, 2011

Adult Tithe Loose Plate Rectory Support Stole Fee House Rent Farm Program CCD Reading Center Candles

St Joseph's $1251.00

57.65 648.21 50.00

250.00 1285.00

54.00 3.50

27.75 $3627.11

St. Clara's $215.00

37.01 $252.01


Lector Lorie Volkmer Acolyte Darren Butler Servers

Volunteer Please Joyce Reich Jim Florence Samuel Neiman Jack Kudrna

Gifts & Ushers EMHC Rosary

Seth & Vanessa Doug/Russ/Dave Hunter Adam & Lisa Wenzl

Lana Fulton Janice Scott

Lana Fulton Jim Flaherty

40 days for life-To End Abortion Join us in prayer and fasting.

CONFESSIONS Saturday- 4:00-5: 15 p.m.

Sunday- before M ass Every W eekday:

Before daily M ass For confessions and spiritual direction by appointment, call the rectory: 402-274-3733.

BAPTISM Please contact the pastor early

in pregnancy for Baptismal instructions.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK Call 402-274-3733 to request the Anointing, prayers for the sick or Holy Communion at


Please contact pastor 6 months before planned marriage. NEW OR MOVING '!

Please let us know. Registration forms are in church

on the bulletin board or call. PRAYER CHAIN

CONTACT Deb Kubik @ 402-274-5075 or

mk71951 @; Joyce Reich @ 402-274-556 1

[email protected]

Celebrate the Hope that saves


Prayer Intentions: Darian Yates, Micky Gercich, Val Able, Braxton Genthe, Dave Wright, Christy Smith, Martha Lauber, Summer Crain Seminarians: Eric Allen Clark, Theology 2, Mount St. Mary

An update on a few of our parishioners: GERRY BRADY is at the Good Samaritan Home in Auburn . She wants to be back closer to her friends; VAL ABLE is improving by the day at Madonna in Lincoln; DAR IAN YATES will be returning home for a few weeks before going back for surgery to remove a cyst in his brain. Keep them all in your prayers.


We are called to this Euchari stic celebration - alo ng with Catholics in every parish, chapel and church throughout the world - to fulfill the call we fi rst heard at Baptism, the call to be missionar ies, to share our fai th.

On World Mission Sunday, we' re invited to "celebrate the hope that saves" through prayer and parti cipation in the Euchari st, and by giving generousl.y to the collection today for the Society for the Propagation of the Fai th.

Let us pray especia lly at this Mass for all who long to hear the hope-filled, saving message of Jesus, and for the priests, re ligious and Jay catechists in mission countries worldwide who offer them that "Good News."

NEXT SUNDAY, October 30 •!• CCD CHTLDREN will help us

celebrate the Mass with their partic ipation

•!• K C 4'h DEGREE will have a corporate Communion here at St. Joseph 's

•!• GODPARENT CLASSES wi ll have a social gathering, 6:30 p.m. at Bill & Lana Fulton's, 64275 730 Rd

Soup Suppers and Fall Dinners );> ST. MARY ' S ANNUAL SOUP SUPPER

in St. Mary's, NE, Sunday, October 23, 4:30-7:30 pm Free Will Donations. Raffle & Door Prizes

);> ST. PETER AND PAUL CHURCH, Falls City, Annual Bazaar and Dinner, Sunday, November 6, 4:00-7:00 pm

St. Anne's Prayer Circle Wednesday, October 26 at 2 PM St. Joseph's Church Basement

RCIA/Study of our Catholic Faith meets on Thursdays, 7:00p.m. in the church hall . You are welcome to join us. We will be studying and sharing this week on The Church.

The changes in the Mass are a month away, November 27. We are planning to start practic ing the sung responses and parts of the Mass over the next four weekends beginning with next Sunday, 10 mjnutes before Mass begins and repeated after Mass. Plan to join us before or after Mass to prepare for these changes. I hope you have a copy of A Guide to the New Translation of THE MASS, by Edward Sri. This bookle t will help you understand the changes and our response. There are extra booklets avai I able in church.

ADULT STUDY -Changes in the Mass at St. Joseph's

•!• Sunday, 9-10: 15 am •!• Wednesday, 7-8: 15 pm

Events & Meetings for November 1- Holy Day of Obligation- ALL SAINTS 2- All Souls Day 4-5 First Friday and Saturday 7- Tabernacle (PCCW) 6- Day L ight Saving Times ends 13- 6pm M ass @ St. Clara's 19- Knights of Columbus 24- Thanksgiving 27- Advent & M ass changes

St. Francis Gift & Thrift We looking to hire someone part-time to

move furniture and general "muscle" work, including occasional deli veries of furniture, and pick ups of donations. This position is 15-20 hours per week, wou ld work around your schedule and the schedule of the thrift store hours as needed. Must be able to lift 50 pounds. If interested, please call the store: 402-274-48 18 and ask for Lana, or, call her cell phone: 402-274-7462.

The thrift store's supply of recycled plastic bags and newspapers is running low. I f you have some, they can be dropped by any time the store is open, or, if you need to have them picked up, please call the store & leave a message.

We could also use some extra volunteers, especially during the Christmas room season which starts early Nov. If you have a couple hours of time to give once a month or even more often, we would be most grateful !

Help needed and appreciated I f you wou ld like to help out with odd j obs around the rectory or church contact Dave Hunter

' Jim Flaherty or Fr. Greg.

Good Counsel Retreat House Oct 28-30 Fr. Thomas Dunavan, Women Nov 4·6 Catechists' Retreat, Fr. Lee Jirovsky

Call: 402-786-2705 Email: [email protected]

Three weeks to the LIGHT OF THE WORLD

Parish Retreat at St. Joseph's. A sign up sheets for the RETREAT and for

RETREAT FOOD are in the church. Call a friend to come along-join us!

November 4-6 T ime spent will be returned 100 fold!

For information contact: Bill & Lana Fulton 402-2745608

TEC Retreat McCook, NE - December 3-5

(TEC is a retreat for young Catholics who are juniors and seniors in high school).

QUEST Retreat Tecumseh, NE - November 19-20 (QUEST is a retreat or young Catholics between the ages of 14 & 16 who are

freshmen & sophomores in high school. For further information and to register,


The Annual Central Nebraska Conference of the Catholic Charismatic

Renewal Will be held October 28-30

At the Central Catholic High School In Grand Island .

For information call: 308-384-4577 or 308-390-6223

Altar Flowea·s at St. Joseph's There is a sign up sheet in church to provide flowers for the altar or donations if you perfer. There is more information in church. Thank you!