St John the Baptist Scottish Episcopal Church Perth Q U E S T · Fellowship Jean Hendry 623603...

St John the Baptist Scottish Episcopal Church Perth May–Jun 2014 Q U E S T

Transcript of St John the Baptist Scottish Episcopal Church Perth Q U E S T · Fellowship Jean Hendry 623603...

Page 1: St John the Baptist Scottish Episcopal Church Perth Q U E S T · Fellowship Jean Hendry 623603 Mothers’ Union Elaine Kirk 551265 Links Ruth Harris 621379 Traidcraft Rhiannon Miller

St John the BaptistScottish Episcopal Church


May–Jun 2014


Page 2: St John the Baptist Scottish Episcopal Church Perth Q U E S T · Fellowship Jean Hendry 623603 Mothers’ Union Elaine Kirk 551265 Links Ruth Harris 621379 Traidcraft Rhiannon Miller

St. John the BaptistScottish Episcopal Church

Princes Street, Perth, PH2 8LJScottish Charity Number SC 011398

01738 634999

In partnership with the Scottish Association of Retired

Anglican Clergy

Cover image: The refurbished sanctuary. Photo: Kevin McCollum Photography (courtesy of Strathearn Stone & Timber).


Contacts .................................3Reflecting On Pentecost...............4Farewell to Patrick ....................5Notes on the Vestry Meetings in

March and April 2014 ..............9Diocesan Synod (March 2014) ...... 10From the Registers ................... 12Lectionary ............................. 12Church Diary .......................... 13Thanksgiving And Re-Dedication ... 14The Difference ....................... 14Richard Clement ..................... 15Organ news ........................... 16

Change of address ................... 16Ministry Update ...................... 17Bishop Bruce’s Disappearing Act

In June! ............................ 17A Church for the Twenty First

Century ............................. 18A Grave Tale .......................... 20First Sunday of the Month:

Questionnaire Responses ........ 21The Gathering 2014 .................. 22Glen ’14 ............................... 23Ascension Day Craft ................. 24

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Interim Pastor Rt Revd Bruce Cameron

01821 [email protected]

Church officers (Mail to be sent to church office)Rector's Warden Mary Emma Strange 01821 642120People's Warden David Willington 813787

[email protected] Heather Elliott 550281

[email protected] Representative Jean Hendry 623603Vestry Secretary Judy Norwell [email protected] David Roemmele [email protected] of Vulnerable Groups

Malcolm Moore [email protected]

Director of Music Alison Grant [email protected]

Team ConvenorsCasting the Net Lis Burke 624150Ministry and Pastoral Alan MacPherson 552337Finance and Stewardship Mary Emma Strange

& Alastair Cruickshank01821 642120628484

Communications Rhiannon Miller [email protected]

Children and young people Jean Hendry 623603Building and Eco David Willington 813787Social Christine Bracewell

& Joyce Sampson552817860411

Church ActivitiesIntercessors Group Tony Mason 627870Flowers Christine Bracewell 552817Magazine Editor Rhiannon Miller [email protected] Jean Hendry 623603Mothers’ Union Elaine Kirk 551265Links Ruth Harris 621379Traidcraft Rhiannon Miller 625903PACT Jean Hendry 623603Threshold bookings Heather Elliott [email protected] Revd Geoffrey Hall 636802

Retired Assistant ClergyRevd Fergus Harris 621379Rt Revd Michael Hare Duke 622642

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Reflecting On Pentecost

There are two accounts of Pentecost in the New Testament. The account we probably remember best is that in the Book of Acts where the disciples of Jesus ‘were altogether in one place’ in Jerusalem. They are suddenly shocked by a sound like ‘the rush of a violent wind’, and tongues of fire appear to them. Then the crowd who were pilgrims from many parts begin to hear the disciples speak in their own language. No wonder the crowd were perplexed; no wonder the only explanation they could give was that the disciples had drunk too much wine!

The other account is very different and is in St John’s Gospel. It takes place on the evening of that first Easter, not outside with a large crowd but in a room where the disciples had gathered and locked the doors ‘ for fear of the Jews’. The Risen Christ

appears and then John writes ‘When Jesus had said this he breathed on them and said to them ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’’

Rushing winds and flames of fire in the midst of a large crowd; the soft breath calming the fear of the disciples in a quiet room. And by holding these two accounts in balance we can discern how the Spirit of Jesus continues to live on in and through us and through the Church. Sometimes we are called to speak and act in the market place - to proclaim and challenge the world with that spirit of love and justice and peace. And sometimes we will be in the quietness of our homes or churches and receive the soft breath of God’s spirit to calm our fears and anxieties.

This prayer seems to sum up for me the hope and message of Pentecost:

Come Holy Spirit, Restore the lives which without you are as deadKindle the hearts which without you are dull and cold.Enlighten the minds which without you are dark and blind.Fill the church which without you is an empty shrine.And teach us how to pray.

May the Spirit of Pentecost be at the heart of our life at St John’s.

Bishop Bruce

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Farewell to PatrickOn Sunday 11 May the Churchwardens, David Willington and Mary Emma Strange, presented Patrick with gifts from the congregation: a print of St John’s and a copy of David’s book, both signed by members of the

congregation. Patrick gave the following address:

Farewell St John’s

The Rector told the congregation that he would shortly be retiring. However he assured them that the bishop had promised to send a good candidate to take over. After the service he noticed a lady crying and said ‘Don’t get upset my dear, the bishop has promised to send someone good to take over’. Through the tears the lady replied ‘That’s what he told us last time!’

Over recent months I have found it difficult to hear of St John’s ‘difficulties’. St John’s has not had difficulties. No church in difficulties could have done what you have done.

You have had challenges, some great, yes, and you have individually and corporately risen marvellously to meet them, you have taken the opportunities God has given you to prepare for the fight ahead. That is exactly what we set out to do seven years ago – no one said following Jesus would be easy, but by doing so you have given yourselves a good fighting chance of a future when so many churches are going to the wall. They are failing often for not taking up the challenges that are placed in

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front of them and not allowing the Holy Spirit to give them the strength to meet them head on.

Don’t get me wrong, you have done wonderfully and completed what I saw as the first and in some ways the easiest phase of growth and renewal because the needs were obvious. Fix the place up and make it a warm and welcoming place for searchers to find a Spiritual home and hopefully while with you to find God in the people they meet and share with. Done, tick that box and gold star, St John’s really does scrub up well, both building and people.

Ahead of you is probably the biggest challenge and yet also the biggest opportunity, both to invite the world in and, in doing so, opening yourselves to their needs and the possibility that their needs will mean changes to the way St John’s does things. If you want to survive you will need to be prepared to be open to change, to help people encounter Jesus in you, but also to encounter a different shade of Jesus in them, a shade that will add to the wonderful diversity of the congregation and when joined in love adding to the unity Bishop Bruce mentioned this morning.

So you welcome people in but you have also got to find ways to go out and meet people in their need and where Jesus may not yet be known. One of my greatest regrets is that I failed to go out and do road shows, to visit our village communities, to take

a Sunday service on a village green, to remind ourselves that we are not just an urban church but also have a wide country parish with Glenfarg, Bridge of Earn, Scone, Dunning and other parts making up our patch. Even going out into Perth itself was still only in its infancy.

Imagine what people might feel like to know themselves valued and prayed for. The farming community needs to know you are there for them. So many ways of reaching out and going out and not remaining safe and secluded behind nice new walls.

The church is the only organisation that exists for people other than its members. William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury, hit this truth on its head, but 70 years later the Church still struggles to listen. I beg you please try.

This renovation may have been the vision of a small group but now it is owned by all of you. I may have helped you see your way and helped you take the necessary leap of faith – you have, and you have given yourselves a fighting chance to be a Church that survives because you seek to serve, to risk and to love.

Together, with a wonderful group of Wardens and Vestry we have developed our Liturgy, having special services to liven up the church year and developed our own service book. We became a home to the retired Clergy in Scotland, and to the Armenian and

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Greek Orthodox Communities around Perth. We helped design and produce the Casting the Net Logo and develop the 9 Marks and so much more unseen work for the diocese. Buggy Club is an outward mission that we created and thrives, with their members coming for Baptism and sometimes staying with us. We supported the new vision for Cath. We began to get to know one another through Bring and Share lunches and teaching groups. Our literary collections need constant refilling as they touch a need in some and have been widely welcomed in adding to important discussions.

We have had some terrific guests, from Richard Holloway and David Painter to music sessions with the Stuart Muir Pastoral Musician at Dundee Cathedral. We now hold Organ recitals with our new organ and launched these last year. We have had a wonderful growth in Lay leadership both in the Sanctuary and in running our teams, Communication, Social, Stewardship, Finance, 153 Club and Children ministries and Flowers, and so much more all designed to bring us closer together as a church family taking responsibility for the life of the church, enabling greater involvement for any who wish to take part and I hope greater enjoyment.

The institutional church is in a crisis not seen since the 18th Century, we are dying out and failing to encourage a new generation of worshipers. How are you going to respond to the

needs of James, Alex, Bryn, Zoe, Lewis, Callum, Jacob, Anna – and so many other children who come on occasions? They cannot just fit in to what is wanted to make the show look pretty. They must find conviction in you and a belief in an inclusive way or there will be no moderates left in the church and all that will survive will be a rump of exclusive bigots.

You have taken the first wonderful step but it cannot be where you stop, it must be the beginning. And I pray you find a Rector who believes in you as much as I do and in what needs to be done to let St John’s catch the Spirit and soar.

I have found it very hard to step down, my mind was filled with so many ideas I wanted to work with you on. Then I had an epiphany of sorts, you were my comfort zone, ministering to you was a pleasure, walking the path together a Joy. God doesn’t seem to like me being comfortable, and I realised we cannot afford to be comfortable any longer as a Church. We must put behind us the silly things that stop us from doing God’s will, childish ways must be put away so that we can be adult missioners offering an image of God few seem to want to project, a loving Father whose arms are open to all his Children. Wouldn’t that be a Church of which you would be proud to say that you belong?

So no more difficulties, only opportunities and challenges, be proud you have met God’s challenge

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and prepare for more, for it is written, ‘to those who have much, more will be given to them.’

On behalf of Alison, James, Alex, and myself I want to thank you for seven blessed years of opportunities and a reassurance that there are still churches like you around that can offer support and resources to others; that are generous and loving communities that want to engage with God’s mission. Thank you always for your generosity, kindness and friendship, and for your wonderful support through my illness. Without you I doubt Alison would have coped and the boys would have been less grounded. Whenever I think of a spiritual home it will be here and though I am not among you be confident of my prayers for you and for the challenges in your own lives. I hope when David Willington comes

to write part 2 of the St John’s Story you will be able to say that together we gave St John’s a fighting chance to meet the opportunities and challenges of the 21st Century head on.

Lastly, without Alison I would not have managed at all, she has always been my rock, her love allowing me to serve as I believe a priest should, with ready access. This has been a sacrificial ministry for her and I truly appreciate all that she has done and still does. I hope you will continue to enjoy her as Choir Director for many years to come.

May God, the Father of the Good Shepherd be will you all and in all that you do in his name in the days, months and years ahead.

Thank you.

I dreaded Sunday. It was an ending I did not wish to happen, but like always you turned it into a very positive experience for me. It was a joy to be with you all on yet another milestone reached in St John’s history and in my own. I am very blessed by your friendship and have been so touched over the years that you have let me into your lives and shared your stories, often with great humility and humour over great exploits and heartbreaking sadness. I pray you will be able to share equally with your new Rector of the fair church of the fair city.

And thank you all so much for your wonderful generosity and very kind gift. Part of it will go to restore a family painting and my grandfather’s chair. This is not goodbye forever, just a short farewell. The family will continue to worship with you.

My love in Christ to you all


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Notes on the Vestry Meetings in March and April 2014

Since the last Quest, we have returned to our beautifully refurbished church. The Vestry want to extend their thanks to all those who have worked so hard for the Restoration and Re-ordering project and those trades who have taken extra care. A very special thank you goes to David MacLehose who has worked hard on the fund raising front but more than that has been instrumental in bringing the second part of this project to completion. We also have an enormous debt of gratitude to Patrick who drove the whole project forward despite some very real difficulties and his own ill health. He inspired and challenged us to go on and realise our vision for St John’s. Malcolm Moore has written a full report elsewhere in Quest.

The Vestry are very grateful to Bishop Bruce for leading us through Lent and to Elaine as well for the reflections they both lead in Holy Week and on Good Friday. St John’s looked particularly beautiful for Easter Sunday and the flowers were magnificent. Zoe’s Baptism made for a particularly special Easter Celebration.

Over the last couple of months the Vestry has been working in conjunction with Bishop David on the appointment process. The advertisement for the new incumbent has now gone into the Church Times and a team have worked with the Bishop on the Congregational Profile. Many thanks to Rhiannon for all the work she has done in producing the Profile and sorting out the website. We are enormously lucky that she is so generous with her time and talents. The Vestry are continuing to think about the selection process and ask for your prayers for themselves and for those who may be interested in the post. The deadline for applications is 31 May and the Vestry will continue to meet with the Bishop and the Dean and work to select a suitable candidate.

Now that the work to the Church is finishing, Graham Kingsley Rowe has amended the Health and Safety policy and continues to monitor this aspect of Church life. He asks that any accidents in Church or the Threshold should be reported to him, likewise any issues of concern.

Mary Emma Strange

4th May 2014

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Diocesan Synod (March 2014)

As I prepared for this year’s Synod I thought about last year’s event and my main recollection of that day was of just how cold the Cathedral was, so I paid attention to the forecast and the likely temperature and made sure I had on warm clothing. I can report that although, as last year, I never removed my coat, I didn’t come away feeling cold!

The fact that this aspect figures so much in my perception of a day at the Cathedral led me to think about the new heating system being installed in St John’s and the importance of its effectiveness. We won’t know until next winter how successful we have been with our choice of heating. I discovered on talking to others over coffee and lunch that I wasn’t the only Synod member with that recollection of last year. The sound system was also working better this year.

The day followed the usual pattern of starting with a pre-Synod celebration of communion followed by coffee. The main official business of Synod then followed. This year, more than in previous years, seemed to be totally routine AGM-type business along the lines of our own St John’s AGM, where various reports are sent out beforehand to representatives in a handbook. For just a few of them, such as with the Diocesan accounts and also the report from

the Protection of Vulnerable Groups coordinator, where it is important congregations are fully aware of the importance of compliance with legislation and the resulting SEC protection policies, was any further elaboration and discussion of the report given.

The Bishop’s address was the one significant item not given in advance in the Synod papers. He focussed on the number of congregations in the Diocese where, for a variety of reasons, there are currently vacancies. Technically at the time of Synod we at St John’s are not on that list although sadly we are about to be added to it.

The only items that required any formal approval or voting were non-controversial. One was reassigning the congregation of St Columba’s, Stanley from St Ninian’s Cathedral to St Mary’s Birnam. The other was on approving the rewording of Canon 63 to make it clear and unambiguous as to who could be a Lay Representative. It must be a Lay person and not retired clergy. The formal business was concluded before the lunch break.

The session after lunch was led by Rt Revd Nigel Peyton, Bishop of the neighbouring diocese of Brechin, and took the form of ‘Holy Conversations’. All present were assigned to a specific

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table with a facilitator and about eight at each table. The topic of discussion was ‘Same Sex Relationships’ which is inevitably a topic of current concern since the passing of the recent bill in the Scottish Parliament which makes provision for same sex marriage.

Bishop Nigel asked us four questions and left it up to each group as to whether they spent a few minutes on each or concentrated on one or two of them. The questions for discussion were:• What has shaped our views

over the years on same sex relationships?

• What considerations should the SEC take into account when

exploring acceptance of same sex relationships?

• What areas of agreement exist in our group and what are the greatest barriers to discussion of same sex relationships?

• What outcomes might we envisage by the end of the year?

It was clear from the reporting at the end of the session that there were wide ranging views held by those present but I felt the topic was discussed with sensitivity and recognition of differing views. The group I was in focussed on numbers 1 and 3 and the emphasis given to what we agreed on meant I came away with a positive feeling about this session.

Jean Hendry

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From the Registers

Baptism Zoe Miller 20 April 2014


18 May Easter 5Acts 7:55—60John 14:1—14EvensongIsaiah 60:1—14Mark 16:9—16

25 May Easter 6Acts 17:22—31John 14:15—21Acts 1:1—11Luke 24:44—53

1 June Sunday after AscensionMatins Acts 1:6—14John 17:1—11Alive for Christ t.b.a.

8 June Pentecost Acts 2:1—21John 20:19—23

15 June Trinity Sunday 2 Corinthians 13:11—13Matthew 28:16—20EvensongEzekiel 1:4—10;22-28aMark 1:1—13

22 June Feast of St John the BaptistGalatians 3:23—29Luke 1:57—80

29 June Feast of St Peter1 Peter 2:19—25Matthew 16:13—19

6 July 4th Sunday after Pentecost Zechariah 9:9—12Matthew 11:16—19, 25-30

13 July 5th Sunday after Pentecost Romans 8:1—11Matthew 13:1—9,18-23

20 July 6th Sunday after Pentecost Romans 8:12—25Matthew 13:24—30,36-43

27 July 7th Sunday after Pentecost Romans 8:26—39Matthew 13:31—33, 44-52

3 Aug 8th Sunday after PentecostRomans 9:1—5Matthew 11:16—19, 25-30

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Church DiaryRegular services

First Sunday in the month:

8:30 am Holy Communion (Scottish Prayer Book)9:30 am Matins

10:45 am Family EucharistThird Sunday in the month:

8:30 am Holy Communion (Scottish Prayer Book)10:30 am Sung Eucharist with healing service6:00 pm Evensong

Other Sundays: 8:30 am Holy Communion (Scottish Prayer Book)10:30 am Sung Eucharist

Weekday services:Thursdays 11:00 am Holy Communion (Scottish Prayer Book)

Other ServicesThursday 29 May 7:30 pm Ascension Day

Service of rededication and thanksgiving

Sunday 22 June 10:30 am Sung Eucharist for the Feast of St JohnSunday 22 September 10:30 am Harvest Festival

Other EventsEvery Monday 10:30 am Giraffe Community Lunch in the

ThresholdEvery Tuesday 9:30 am Buggy Club in the ThresholdEvery Thursday 6:00 pm Yoga class in the ThresholdEvery Thursday 7:30 pm Choir practice in the church

Saturday 31 May 10:00 am Casting the Net Gathering at St Ninian’sSunday 22 June Bring and Share lunch after the serviceSaturday 19 July Church picnic in Comrie (bring your own)Saturday 21 September Open doors daySunday 22 September Open doors day

Bring and Share lunch after the service

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Thanksgiving And Re-Dedication

With the completion of Phase 2 of the refurbishment of the Church on which Malcolm and Mary Emma have written in this Quest it seemed right to the Vestry to mark and celebrate this with a service of Thanksgiving and Rededication.

This will take place on Ascension Day – Thursday 29 May at 7.30pm. It will be in the context of a Sung Eucharist and Bishop David will both preach and preside at it.

Invitations have gone out to clergy and neighbouring congregations in the

Diocese and in other denominations in Perth. In addition we have invited those who have sponsored the work with generous donations; those from the various trades who carried out the work over the past 3-4 years; organisations who have a close association with St John’s; and representatives of the City’s public life including the Provost.

The Vestry do hope as many of the congregation as possible can join us – and raise the roof (well not literally otherwise we will need a Phase 3!) in thanksgiving and joy.

Bishop Bruce

The Difference I got up early one morning and rushed right into the day. I had so much to accomplish that I didn’t have time to pray. Problems just tumbled about me, and heavier came each task. ‘Why doesn’t God help me?’ I wondered He answered ‘You didn’t ask’. I wanted to see joy and beauty, but the day toiled on, grey and

bleak I wondered why God didn’t show me, He said ‘but you didn’t seek’. I tried to come into God’s presence: I used all my keys at the lock. God gently and lovingly chided, ‘My child, you didn’t knock’. I woke up early this morning and paused before entering the day: I had so much to accomplish that I had to take time to pray.

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Richard ClementDavid Willington gave this address after the Easter Sunday service.

We have welcomed Zoe Miller into our congregation. However, it is sad but today we say farewell to Richard Clement who, over these last few years, has been an immense help during the difficult times we have had, in taking services and exercising pastoral care. All this was over and above his RAF duties.

He first came to us when he was posted as an RAF Chaplain to Leuchars. Then for a time he was seconded to Kandahar in Afghanistan and it was very interesting hearing him describe his experiences there. Last year he went to the Falklands, so that he missed out on the excellent summer we had, thereby enduring three winters in a row. The Falklands catered admirably for one of his interests, namely bird-watching, but certainly not for the other, campanology, which he has pursued around the world. And he is a keen climber and hill-walker.

My researches have turned up some remarkable information about Richard. He is a man of many parts, having been amongst other things, a driving instructor, housing officer and

tax inspector. And he was a trendy young man, sporting a beard and pony tail (you could not imagine it now) and playing the saxophone and guitar. However, after his ordination and on joining the RAF, he had to have a short back and sides, and also, in his case, top.

Richard’s sermons have drawn on his many and varied experiences. He preaches with admirable clarity (and brevity) and he always has interesting things to say. But what comes across most of all is the depth and sincerity of his faith. This he has readily communicated to us.

Now I know, Richard, that, in the old parlance, you are a reading man, so we hope that with this you can buy the book which you have always coveted but never dared to spend the money on.

And in recognition of your spiritual mission in the wilds of Shropshire – in winter Shropshire can be one of the coldest counties in England - we hope that this will be a reminder of Scotland and will keep the inner man warm.

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Change of addressDiana Glazebrook’s new address is

6, the Broch, Monart Road, Perth, PH1 5UQ 01738 245 329

Ken Miles’ new address is21 Bowerswell Cottage, Perth

Organ news

You may have noticed that the organ has been sounding a bit different since the refurbishment of the church. The new floor and porch have radically altered the acoustics of the building – for the better. The building is much more resonant, and somewhat warmer (you may also have noticed your singing is sounding better too!). The organ though was still set up for the old acoustics and needed changed to sound good in the refurbished building.

Also, when we first moved back in, some of the speakers were wired in wrongly, which didn’t help! Fortunately one of the Rodgers Organs technicians was passing through and spent a few hours correcting the worst of the problems, so we had a better sound in time for Easter Sunday.

If everything has gone according to plan then by the time you’re reading this then the organ should all be

sorted out. Two specialised Organ Voicers are scheduled to come and adjust the organ on 21st May. This will involve not only rebalancing it to the new situation, but also hopefully improving on what we had before. I hope you’ll agree with me that in general the organ has been a very welcome addition to St John’s, but perhaps not quite perfect. I’ve been getting feedback from the various organists we’ve had play the instrument, as well as having discussions with Henry Neil and Howard Duthie, the Kirk organist. We think there is some capacity to make the instrument sound a little bit mellower.

Hopefully you’ll enjoy the improvement! By now we should have a first rate instrument to support the mission of the church and, we hope, run another series of recitals on over the summer!

Robin Miller

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Bishop Bruce’s Disappearing Act In June!

I’m afraid that for three Sundays in June I will not be at St John’s. As some of you are aware our son Dermot will be married on June 7th in St John’s and this is followed a fortnight later by a further celebration in his new wife, Natalie’s, family home in Lichfield. At the end of June Elaine and I mark a personal event which all means that on the 8th, 22nd, and 29th you will have other clergy leading worship at the 10.30am service.

8th June : Pentecost : Rev Celia Matthews

22nd June : Patronal Festival : Very Rev Kenny Rathband, Dean of the Diocese

29th June : St Peter : Most Rev David Chillingworth, Bishop of the Diocese

I know you will give them a warm welcome to St John’s.

If you come on the 1st or 15th you will note that I have not totally disappeared!!

Bishop Bruce

Ministry Update

We bade farewell to Richard Clement on Easter Sunday on his move to a new post in England and David Willington expressed the congregation’s warm thanks to him for his support over the past two and a half years. A gift was handed over to him as a token of our appreciation.

It is good to see Lis Burke back with us after her placement in Crieff. She

completes her TISEC training in July. You will see her officiating more often over the coming months.

With the departure of Richard, Bishop Bruce will be considering the possibility of some short term ordained assistance on occasional Sundays in those months before a new Rector is in post.

Bishop Bruce

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A Church for the Twenty First Century

I hope you were able to see the completed works on the Church building at Easter, when the glasswork of the porch was finished. The only remaining task is the re-voicing of our organ on May 21st.

This whole project has only been able to be carried out thanks to a number of groups and individuals.

The work is the culmination of a task to modernise, and make St Johns fit for the coming years. The Rev. Bob Fyffe was responsible for arranging to buy the building next door, now our Threshold, connecting it to the Church itself, as well as refurbishing the East Window.

The Rev. Patrick Grant encouraged the Vestry to go further, proposing plans to improve the Church. Alas, this has coincided with the economic downturn and the work had to be split and modified to allow it to be done within our budgets, while maintaining the original ideas to make the building more comfortable and modify it for use by the wider community.

It is due to the efforts of the fund raising committee, led by Ranald Noel Paton, David MacLehose, Mary Emma Strange and James Provan that we were able to embark on and complete the work. We must give thanks to all those, led by the Forteviot Trust, who

donated monies, for their generosity in funding the project.

The Diocesan Building Committee, and their Chairman the Very Rev. Kenny Rathband, must be thanked for the way they have helped to understand our problems in getting this work completed and short circuiting the usual channels, by coming to meet the Vestry members on site rather than having to wait on correspondence going to and fro.

We are also grateful to our interim Pastor, Bishop Bruce and our Bishop David for their input and suggestions during this time.

Two people who deserve special mention and thanks, are Alan Macpherson and David MacLehose who project managed the first and second part of the works.

Finally it is you, the Congregation, who financed the first part of the operation, and put up with patience and forbearance with the closure of the building, to allow the changes to take place, while continuing to support your Church.

There will be small problems which will have to be addressed in the coming weeks. We have no doubt that what has been done will not please everybody, but we hope you will accept that these changes have been made in good faith. If there are

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niggles that you have, please feel free to bring them to any member of the Vestry so that they can be discussed.

There is to be a service of Re-dedication and Thanksgiving on Thursday 29th May at 7.30 pm.

Malcolm Moore

Photos courtesy of Strathearn Stone & Timber and Kevin McCollum Photography

Easter Sunday BaptismZoe Miller was baptised on Easter Sunday, 20 April. Her godparents are Lis

Burke and Patrick Grant.

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Quest — May–Jun 201420

A Grave Tale

On Saturday 10 May a group of 8 walkers left Dunbog, a couple of miles east of Newburgh on the Cupar road, undaunted by the overcast weather, and walked the 7+ miles over the hill to Monimail (one interesting ruined church and churchyard), on to charming Collessie, picnicking in the well maintained graveyard there, and thence through Collessie Den to Grange of Lindores with a break at old Abdie Church, mort house and graveyard. It was a congenial five hours despite the prevalence of

graves. A highlight was to come off the hill above Loch of Lindores and nip across the road just in time to watch a steam train (drawn by two Black 5s - for the railway buffs) on day two of a nine-day Steam Dreams Highland tour puffing past four yards away. Eat your hearts out Alastair, Fergus, Donald… We finished with tea at the delightful Tiffin Community Café in Newburgh, complete with straight- off-the griddle pancakes and home made cakes.

Judy Norwell

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First Sunday of the Month: Questionnaire Responses

Many thanks to all who completed the questionnaire. There were 53 responses which is about 40% of the communicant membership, but probably nearer 70% of those who attend St John’s on a regular basis.

The results did not provide any great surprises. In Question 1 regarding age range of the congregation a large number (80%) were in the over 60 group. Of their practise on the first Sunday 34 attended either Matins and/or Alive for Christ and 18 attended neither. Again this fairly accurately reflects the percentage difference in attendance numbers between the 1st Sunday and other Sundays

To the question of preference for one or two main services on that Sunday 37 would prefer just 1 service while 12 were happy with the present two services (4 expressed no preference).

These were the straightforward questions. When it came to different

options there was a quite a variation of opinion.

The response to various options reflected overall a Congregation which is primarily Eucharistic in its worship preference. There are a minority though who would wish to see Matins retained at its present level of once a month.

A number of you added some of your own comments, not all with reference to the 1st Sunday. A number reflected a genuine concern that St John’s worship pattern needs to reach out to more people in a younger age range.

The Vestry regard this as a consultative document which will help them as they consider candidates for the post of Rector. It is information that would be made available to a new Rector as he/she takes up the post. But until then no change to the present pattern of services is planned.

The Vestry warmly thank all those who contributed to this questionnaire.

A little boy said to the minister ‘When I grow up I’m going to make lots of money and I’ll give it to you!’ The minister replied, ‘That’s very kind of you, but why?’

‘Because Daddy says you’re the poorest preacher he’s ever heard!’

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The Gathering 2014

Saturday 31st May

10am – 4pm

St Ninian’s Cathedral, Perth

It doesn’t seem long since last year’s very successful and enjoyable Gathering! Around 120 people from around the Diocese celebrated the life of the Church, and were inspired and encouraged to ‘Transform Lives and Communities’.

This year’s Gathering will focus on ‘Worship that Renews and Inspires,’ and we are delighted to have an interesting and varied programme on offer:

Communicating the Gospel in drama• Using visual arts in worship• Photography in worship• Celtic Art• Planning and leading a Taizé service• New music• Leading Intercessions• Messy church• …and more!

Booking forms will be available from the end of April from your Casting the Net Liaison Officer or on the diocesan website (

All are welcome – and the Gathering is a family-friendly event. Please contact Sarah McMillan, Casting the Net Coordinator, if you need crèche facilities, or have any questions about access to the Cathedral or indeed, any aspect of the Gathering:

[email protected] or on 01738 443173 (Mondays and Thursdays).

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Scottish Episcopal Church Youth Weeks

at Glenalmond College, Perthshire

Week 1: Sunday 27th July - Saturday 2nd August OR

Week 2: Sunday 3rd August to Saturday 9th August

General Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church | Scottish Charity Number SC015962

GLEN ‘14

WHO? The Youth Weeks are open to anyone in secondary education up to, and including, July 2014; also those under 18 years old who have left full-time education. You must be sponsored by your local Scottish Episcopal Church congregation.

WHERE? The Youth Weeks happen at Glenalmond College in Perthshire. Set in magnificent grounds about 10 miles from Perth, it has superb facilities which include an indoor swimming pool, sports hall, sports fields, dedicated arts and music facilities, and much more. New and varied menus at every meal are provided in the magnificent dining hall. Accommodation is in modern halls of residence, in single or twin rooms. Each room has its own wash-hand basin and there are ample shower facilities in each house. Sheets are provided, but please bring a sleeping bag or duvet.

WHAT? The Youth Weeks happen each year when young people and leaders from all over Scotland gather together for a week of fellowship, worship, activities, arts and crafts workshops, sports, and fun evening events. It’s a fun-filled holiday week with a difference - there’s plenty of time to relax, make good friends and generally have a great week! You'll be part of a housegroup, made up of people your own age, this group meets twice a day to discuss study material focused on Bible passages with a theme throughout the week - the theme this year will focus on the life of Jesus, and each group makes their own worship which they perform each evening. Faith is explored with differing views and experiences being encouraged at Glenalmond. The days are also made up of morning workshops, afternoon activities, worship and then evening events - with plenty of time to socialise and hang out.

“Life Story…”

An open air, delegate lead, worship during Glen ’13 week one.

CONTACTS ABERDEEN AND ORKNEY Bex Collins c/o Diocese office 01224 662 247 [email protected]

ARGYLL AND THE ISLES Sue Pollard 01631 570870 [email protected]

BRECHIN Mairi Cuthbert 01382 562 244 [email protected]

EDINBURGH Diocese office 0131 538 7033 [email protected]

GLASGOW AND GALLOWAY c/o Diocese office 0141 221 5720 [email protected]

MORAY, ROSS AND CAITHNESS +Mark Strange 01463 811 333 [email protected]

ST ANDREWS, DUNKELD AND DUNBLANE Diocese Office 01738 443 173 [email protected]

The 2014 Youth Weeks are open to anyone in secondary education (you must at least have completed 1st year) up to 18 years old. The Youth Weeks happen each year when young people and leaders from all over Scotland gather together for a week of fellowship, worship, activities, arts and crafts workshops, sports, and fun evening events. It’s a fun-filled holiday week with a difference - there’s plenty of time to relax, make good friends and generally have a great week! You'll be part of a housegroup, made up of people your own age. This group meets twice a day to discuss study material focused on Bible passages with a theme throughout the week - the theme this year will focus on the life of Jesus, and each group makes their own worship which they perform each evening. Faith is explored with differing views and experiences being encouraged at Glenalmond. The days are also made up of morning workshops, afternoon activities, worship and then evening events - with plenty of time to socialise and hang out.

Week 1: 27th July to 2nd August

Week 2: 3rd August to 9th August

Apply by:2nd June 2014

Further details and the application form are available from the Scottish Episcopal Church website:

Glen ’14

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Ascension Craft

You will need:

▢A paper cup ▢Coloured pencils or felt tips ▢Blue paper or blue paint ▢Cotton wool ▢Glue ▢String or a ribbon ▢A lolly stick

Colour in the picture of Jesus (or draw your own) and cut it out.

Paint the cup blue, or wrap blue paper round it, and stick cotton wool on it for clouds.

Using a sharp knife or pair of scissors, make a small hole in the bottom of the cup and thread the string through.

Tie the lolly stick round the end that sticks out of the bottom, and glue Jesus to the other end.

Now you can hold the cup upside down and pull the string to make Jesus disappear into the clouds!

Things to think about

Read the story of the Ascension in Acts 1:6–10

▢Where did Jesus really go? ▢Why did he leave? ▢Why is it important to us? ▢What did Jesus tell us to do?

Ascension Day Craft