Spai4 I3r. 99 HSLN.W.€¦ · 4-WBeUdi*h&1 = tos.the t es why the 01.1.. at ~WaagtNS have re- gow a...

4- WBe Ud i* h&1 tos. the t es why the = 01.1. . at ~WaagtNS have re- gow a prsi any atbmUU at the bW. a.n et the X11agra River * . war power. available tor 00 -q'U . of e Plesives us e a" Ofthe repbs could A diPath ftrs WashingtoM a day ertwe age ro ted that-bb aemmet authosites had dsel to estetata' a propotsmn invdb v the noute .ti. ot some et te water power of the lower rapde, as- sigafg as a reason that the Cal- adia boundary is not much mee atmesone throw ditnt trem aon the American side of .the Ms where it was in eanttsofa- two to put up a plant for the manu- factore of explosives. ipoeelves are however nanuaec- .tmred elsewhere within a convenient .distance at the Canaedin boundary. .and -there seems to be substantial jeesso, so far as Canada i concern- ed, why munition plants should not be established en the American side of the rapids. In all probability the government jurtbW~ea had in mind the great ovestment of iapital which is repre- sagded-by the industrial plants upon tei aVr.M MI of the Niagara above she falls. The invest- mnet represents many billions of dol- ndthe comnoditles which are produced constitute a most tim- aA rpart of Industrial .ife, If therefore the government were to permit a diversion of some of the motive power in the lower rapids feelodustrial purposes the chances amw that after the war at least Euch bettes might to some extent Impair the. value of investments which are pow based upon the motive power gbfiated from the Niagara River efe the falls. Will be Dome Same Day. .Nevertheless. some day, possibly n In the far-distant future, the 'sttpendous inergy which is In the lowe- rapis will be to 5ome ex tent diverted so as to make it pos- sible to employ it as a motive power for Industries. Befor* J. P. Morgan. with others, decided to finance a proposition in- ,evving the use of some part of the energy which is In the Niagara River above the falls, a man of science- whose name was Love work- ed out a proposition which appealed to some.of the engineers of his day. Ntr. LoVe planned the digging of a cana upon the American side whose intake was to be near the upper padet the Niagara River not far from Lake Erie and whose eastern terminal was to be at the brink on the American side opposite the city of Lewiston. The construction of a canal of this kind' could be made at a cost not prohibitive. The canal would carry water -from the upper Intake the entire distance of a few miles and would contain not only the energy that ~is in the upper Niagara River. but that which is represented by the -Niagara Falls itself. The Lev'e JTfin were not adopted. !fD some *fntaneers are of the opinion Plhat It wonld have been better had they been accepted. Instead, the cor- peration which was financed by J. P. Morgan and others adopted the Than which is nov in operation upon the upper banks of the Niagara where- by water power wiih maintains sev- eral very important industries is fur- nished at, relatively speaking, low cost. What Canada Is DIng. Had it 'not been for the war th probability is strong that Uan C would already have under constructi a system somewhat similar to the en recommended by Mr. Love. The in- take would be and by and by will be. at a small creek that sets in from the Niagara River upon the Canadian -sde. The Canadian plans involve the construction of a canal stretching from this Intake near Lake Erie to the brink of Lake Ontario. The engineers calculated that it would furnish en- ergy equivalent to some hundred thou- osand horse power. Several years ago the Representative din Congress for the Niagara Falls dis- trict. Peter Porter, advocated the con. struction of a dam across the lower rapids of the Niagara River so that some part of the energy that is in ,these rapid* could be secured for in- cdmutrial purposes. If that were done ,the setback from the dam would reach Sthe feet of Niagara Falls. The dam, ceording to the plans, was to be built just below the present suspension bridge. The engineering difficulties were. it was recognised, very great and some engineers reported that they would be -40 great to overcome. Mr. Porter's $plan-did not go farther than the pub "le annoeueement of it. but that it "should have been proposed by a man ,of his intience of itself Is good proof that men of-industry are still con- ,tenplating the capture of a consider able Oart of the Inconceivably great erruy that is In the Niagara River land Falls, but are planning to do this ;without impairing the scenic beauty of the fals. .The prospect that there is soon to be .a very great utiietion of the Ameri- can water-pewers which are to be con- vertad into electrie energy involves nao undoubtedly a imuch larger em- ilyment of the great power that Is -Ia the NIagara River and Falls than is now used for industrial purposes. ''lOLLAND'' L.IVE STOCK EARKETS. Ualtianer. Dc. li.-CA'ILEj--Rempts for the wek en~ded at nen today were 3,0t6 bead, mnist 4,ha last Week: receipts. 20 car- head far fee the, week, *ecariads for emmba todar. Market sacte, but a shade 1sss Ie.... ,anaa 12.8n10; sWd hetcher. MEN;:mdhm, 10.9IL.: een.n .Cab Ochsbrachale, 1.InN.3: ir to good, -sm to smedlou,; balls. esaek.;-.e. Mr to seed, t.SbS.3: counme to mnedi, 5.4bi.O: cosa, ehaiee, 7i.9B.; fair is good. 5Jab-s.. 31EE AlND LAIIBS-Bemipts for the week eded at -sa tese ww bese had slet Rift hane o vesk: liht suipl: mnakt enesme em 1mma inPee es1; lmbs, ii.n Rom..-a-fortheweek endd at seom t 36;m and, =m R13 head bat u.a4 wst. Lisb Weses 1.3; - and Maam E.0: tees, CALV-Semst he the week ene at nam teeby we 5 head, seslue a head latI sa;birsagt; mate stady. Cemag Si ' he a e aesi~mms a..s..''' R s""*** .|aim"du - ** 3 tlas I' of 13 Peime ut Rig d MaUppe Now York. De. M- & . the stock arket osw*Ai a tgen 90 temper thewhedt' e - aed closed wit -ie vsestable net gains. Ceaa elsAeea Mosam Psireaslma e were In ere ~ at the opening. 9111s e1 a tham to points I teed -e - hvdd however. -' also two poluta Afer a dit hesitation, the meter atacks. under the lenducip et General. 3rstes asd (vret. dmassitroAs eat man that avest- eavae 1fe*1ig up bergate s that greeb.. Amsisa Iatsrnational n the advandlg grwe The des was strong 4 best pesse aft= al fn aUaydw. tesom wq on. a ght scale end the advances wore probably due to the eventag up of emiracts ever the nidays. for there had bees a maal short interest developed on the ad- vane that begas late last week, Strengths of the isel tock Ii really due to a IaS extent to an- nouncement by the teel Corpora- ties of the purchase of U0AIMeUs of government obligains against tax payments. Investors have known of the big earnings of the orpora- tion, but the actual tax figures make them realise more keenly what tre- meons eArninga have besa- made. Dig -mna Pesese The steel stocks as a elas ean now be purchased for what they have earned since the war began. With the government foras to go ahead with Its war preparations in a practical way. as it will be forced as a result of the dis- closures made at the Congressional investigation. The steel companies will pue up large earnings in the coming year. By the same token railroad stocks are ecnsidered to be worth more than they have been selling for be- cause priority orders will be issued in such a way as to permit all classes of freight to move more rapidly. Some steel mills are running now at only 50 per cent of caa y and it Is expected that as a resuIt of the cancellation of unnecessary priority orders they will be able to speed up ant get the stuf over the railroads at almost normal rate. Big BSakess Lese Fesw. There is also a better understand- ing of the railroad situation and the big bankers are no longer afraid to hold their own railroad shars. In addition to this it is ug- geated that a way will be found to enable the public to take the new liberty bond issues without sacrificing their investments. The advance in Chevrolet of 12 points early in the day was due partly to investment buying and partly to a renewal of the talk of a merger of that company with General Motors, which it controls. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Petunised by W. N. lbbs & Cs. Eish. Low. C-.. As. neat BMW............... a d 0 F'kCar & roaaft........., - I Of M WA4 'ar & Fonr ve...... Ict = 102 Ameation Cbrp...... H% 53% Am. !Lated pfd..........% a7 67%, Am F.onmtive............ O% 4g gg Am ;r!ting & Ref..........71% 71% 71j A m. "meting & Ref, 'M.... gg% 1n,. 1ri% A-. "e-I Foundry....---. 351 61 Am. SMaatra Tobacc......... m %9 l, Am. Tl & Tel...........g g% 101% A.. Tohacco.-............. -% 134% Anrnda ................. 56% .ttehi7on ..6 A .ien 7d.................... 76 7 16% AT.Lantic Cost t4o........... 82 s- a Grti. & w. I.. . I 7 F o ''.,n locomotire ........... gr 4% W% .:ore & Ohio old......... 04 0% a% ':ett Co....................... S gf% g2% 'hem Rteel................71% 0 70% -hem steel ((-as B).... 71% 60% 71% hem Steel pfd., t.. I 9I r x S- ............. 12% 1,1% 112% anohan Pacie.......... 132% Lii 132'% Ctnal L.ather....... 0% 50'1 5% Chandler Motor............. 3% Chicsgo, M. & St. P. W.... 60% 64 61% Chicass & Northwetna.... % a U% Consolidatet Gas of N. Y.... j% 7g , Continental Can---....... 5 S Cora Pro.Lct pfd..... % g gg% Crucible Steel................... 4% 4@% @% Wtrawae & HEdsta... . -S I 9% DIlawam,. A. w........... 70 1 1 leneral lectric.......-.... 28% 12% 12 % Oeneeal Motore................. 96% 0% of Granlw Con. Mining-.......... ' 7 T1 Great Northern vfd............ 8 81% 111% rulf States Steel.............. a n as Illinois Central................. ar % 86% Int. Harvester of N. .... Il% 1t 110% lt. Memmet~e Marine fd.. w% 79% W4 Int. Paper pfd., stapd..... IS % 0 Iekawana Steel-.............. 4% 7 T% lhigh Valley................... 2 % 52% M3r -onItsille & Nasville......... 10Fi 10% 180% Maxwell Motor lst Vfd........ g% 51% aZ Meiean Petrolenas..----....... T 72% 74 Midgte t ................... 4% 41% 4r Montana Power...........4 61% 01% National Bisentt............... 0 80 " New Tork Air Brake.......... 4 113 Ila New York Central.............. 64% 43% 64% Norfolk & Western............ % 97 Nortbern Paciic............... 7 % 71 Nova Scotia Steel.............. 6 6 Owens Bottle Machine......... 53% 5 53% Pierce-Arrw pM.:............. go a Plttaborsh, C.,C. & St. l... I %5 5 Pressed Steel Car.............. 4 M4 64 Premed Steel Car tfd... 9 5 Punma Car M............ 'In 11. G Reading Co...................... 8K 8% 0% Republe bon & Steg.......... t6% 7414 75% Republic Ion & Steel Vfd.... go% 0 91% Ro.aI Dutch...............% % % Southeen Pacice............4 112y 7514 Southe, Railway lfd...... Us i 5 Tezas Companies............ 30% 11r 13 Unimn Bas & Paper (new).... 0 % 5% Unton P'seilf---.............10o 15% 1et Union Pac ii;$...........6 is 1 6 United Clgar tans...... 3 % U U. 5. Ind. almani........ 11 1 31% U. S. Rubber............... 8 g 8 U- S. Steel Coeeatin..... % 53% 8% U7. 5. steel afd...........%l 10% 161 Utah Cbpper............. 75 74% 115% Va.-Car. Chemial tdM... W f 8 wee.. Unim. ...... % 704 7 Woolorth pfd.......... 6 i 114 COTTON MARETS. thcu.tda -fr re emb eoti S an tha noice inolvng eweng esA e and haer wee cot emaued edeante acettty in the fmenoem, but afte the Dcmbe puoalem ex- lMedt6nooa the mtet samma a heidme chater med tradi nw s, oasit diring the emndea ot the -an. Net adana et 7 to U pmants wee seedsed. Nee deeto mihst the lat he1r' trading sad the ceam es s at h sat admm of 7 to 1T a. flh-lsi at the pets ms aset LU hIm;s ePUts, 3.A64 balm. 5pat he, wa quiet. 3 pambe er et 31e; 5o sales. Seat at New Orlean wee stedy, with ai.imid at 3.3; she.m 1.0 bals Receipt at Galseide .Tm; New Game Ualam-e. Mi., ee. 3.-eC~ ,s.. s 5ea~tm~ezgaia misbt: 'WURmAT-. S m ee, 1; We, B sad win- -n RU. kgst et buesa ketm RU to 11as to in ~ir -e ~Saea bade a amtr er upe ee O -inhgweba 575; Ra, S waw, U M-Ua 2 3um, eipat, .se 1.3, ma kin a-at ae ese n -3. l a.s*. ALEXANDRIA CHU PRIiRAMS TODAY Christmas Sevices to Include Nota- ble Musical Oeings. BZRALD BUREAU, R. E. Knight & Sea. 04 Kist Stet. Alexandria. Va., Dec. 24.-Christ- mao here will be malked by ser- vices Ia most of the churches and by family reunions. The Christ- mas spirit was this afternoon brought into the homes of many worthy poor families when baskets were distributed by the Elks and Salvation Army. A committee of the Elks worked all the afternoon filling baskets. Elaborate musical programs will be given at many of the churches omorrow. At St. Mary's Catholic hurch there will be five masses. at 5. 6. 7. 9 and 11 o'clock. the last being a' solemn high mass followed by benedietion oC the meet blessed sacrament. Mass will be celebrated at St. Joseph's Catholic Church at -> a. mr. Services at Christ P. E. Church will be held at 11 o'clock and there will be holy communion. St. Paul's P. E. Church will hold ser- vices at i o'clock and Grace P. E. Church at 6:80 o'clock. The Methodist Protestant and Trinity M. E. Churcee will hold services at 6 o'cloct. Christmas celebrations were held this afternoon by Christ P. E. Church Sunday School and tonight by Bt. Paul's P. E. Church Sun- day School. Trinity Sunday School will hold its Christmas cel- ebration Wednesday night. E. E. Downham, this city, has been elected representative to the Imperial Council, A. A. 0. A. M. a. of North America. for the nine- teenth consecutive year by Acca Temple of Richmond. Va. Mr. Downham is one of 22 persons hav- Ing an honorary membership in the Imperial Council. In the Police Court today four per- sons were charged with violating the Sunday closing law, and Justice Thompson imposed fines of 32 each on three of those arraigned, the fourth being acquitted. Two of those arraigned had two stores and each were fined $4. Georgianna Byrd. colored, reports that a burglar entered her residence. 51O Gibbon street, Saturday night and stole M and a pistol. Collateral of $50 was forfeited in Police Court today by seven men charged with gambling. The propri- etor forfeited $20 and the others $5 each. Members of Old Dominion Com- mandery No. 11. Knights Templar. will assemble in their asylum at noon tomorrow and drink a toast to the health of the moot eminent grand commander. Engineers today began a survey of the American Shipbuilding Corpora- tion's site in the. southeastein Sec- tion of the city. CHICAGO GRAIN. chuae. Des. n-nhere wsre .dvnms Of Ito to Ie for som snd ls to 1%e for eats. Onamee ii sas absen for beth of thee slais, ad while .the .hihest' ris Isledtad is hibi, ths undem.t f~e beth gales was string. im, wise so seaboard er sif tids Ser eats. me the eM demand in the amnamst ast was frm ednter isaute. b he, s -lang th pain to ao, The. e~ marbe for er lots was mi-em is is Mharu. The sren is the hag .a'me a .the abs se ustewm these -uas the heeda in- bem in seimeas Ther, m wa id buying br mse mf the lare ------m- hssa Ene- mmu entreets eo ns--e-s-- pecidcs beve bern let in the suet feir dse i the see- iamment to, fourtmen 4f the lamen Westurn parera. !e adeies of the Ibid hbsisista- Mma to farners to held bom eebS een the markt was due to a deste to uinsiaa a "nihem- 4f I5%e for the lies ajici P1-a 11r W. B. Elis A s CoSZ-- Opn EB e. wan. Ueombe........... t.i .sg iig u.g Ma............. 11% 1. 5 41 . ....... 1.5% 3.3 35 DII --.a. 36 s3 3.3 .36.3 MEEslr Ouse. WARE NOR KilR LEAM TO SIM N Afred Figine, of Linden, Va., 19s in Hospital He Shot during a quarrel, Alfred Fig- gins. 39 years old, a resident of LUn- de, Va.. was removed to the Home- opathie Hospital frmthe Union ata-. tion Yesterday, suffering fro gun- shot wounds, said to have been in- flicted by UnDh Corder, o of I Sden. Figan' rght am and cHentw torn by the shot which was fired during an altequrel between the two men. According to the sheriff f Warren County, Mtge Minnie Marti, who was with Figgins at the theth shoot- ing. went to Corder@ hooms and asked Figgins to accompany her away from ion plaes. An altercation followed. and Corder i said to have appeared with a shotgun a fired at Corder is In Jail at Port Royal, charged with shooting with intent to kill. Sly h at the Solons, V; TIM OBSIERVER. Several Representatives bae not been using sugar at all freely. for several yearsand the use of this article Is almost entirely curtailed' by several members of the Senate. The shortage, therefore, was not felt by them. In fact. they insisted that it would be better for the kid- neYs of the human race if the shortage continued indenitely. This IC what Senator Hollis insisted constituted a silver lining of avery black cloud. Senator Kenyon's successful eof- beort to stop the sugar Inquiry and investigate the coal situation was brought about by his belief that coal is needed oreo than sugar jnt now. There in no answer to this .argument. We know of two me bers of Congres who are ut1zing the hol- idays to have the dentist Al every cavity Ju their teith. They want to take no chanen on shortages in materials used far that purpose. Wethae theard of none who are preparing for the recently-announ- ed shortage In fanse-trett. Every energy will be bert accordf Ing to Representative Glass, to get the Federal farm loan amendment through after the holidays. The district banks are calling for It, and so are the farmers. And the lat- ter class have to be "Pa apered" now If anybody does and it seems right tat they shoulid. soaealn the mese ofd th word-- wasn't It applied to Mr. Goethals by Senator Stone when the Goe- thals-Denman row was on last sum- mer? Is it possible that Seniator BIll will still apply it to the gen- eral when he takes his place as chief quartermaster? Senator Baker will come before the Senate Military Committee one of these days-and he Is, "loading up" for it, so It . whispered, And he hasn't ths least desire in the world, so It Is said, to hide any- thing that has been done. It might be added the committee doesn't want him to try to hide anything. Gladgome news for the law- makers -"Aaserica's Extra War ,Charities to be .Investigated." By the national defense council, how- ever, and not by any legislative body. A curious member4 of Con-' grees found out, upon InquIring of somne of his friends In both Houses. that they had contributed to from sin to a dosen war eharities. Where is "the money goingT? Woyd from Mlsssslppi-after the holida. veostion is over Pat Har- ison, in the Mouse and James Var- dama In the lenate will vie writh sach other for support of. every- thing pr'dpeeed. or thought- to be proodeed, byr the President. for the war program. But Pat's reg insiSt *at the pat will eo n ore that the future will with Demo- cratie voters down there., One~In a while the ueties Is me. the Capitol teeS Wesuh- ing -a g4 2,2 ACE KLE Remiiis in Making Oda A"l- ib Cauass CAeUplanL Basing estimates upon the number who have failed to return their questlonnalres within the prescrib- ed seven days. there will be more than 239 men of the 30,000 odd in the District receiving the papers who will faoe trouble with the War Department. Thee men will occupy the 0am position as a man who failed to register and will be subject to im- mediate Induction into military ser- vice. Many papers dled fail to have the necessary affdavit properly filled out and these registrants will be haled bWfore the District exemp- tion board to rdctify their omis- uons. A. A. Hoehling, chairman of the legal advisory board, yesterday urged all notaries to give their spr- vices froe in the completion of af- fdavits required by questionnaire. "We have written such notaries as have received fees . and asked them as a patriatic duty to perform the work gratis," he said. "While we have no way of enforcing our request. I feel sure that calling of attention to the matter will pre- vent a single notary from accept- Ing money for this .ervlee," VI T9 IC9 MARRIAGE LICENSES, WHITE. Jesmsi H. Bartensi, and Beln A. Neely, 1. Rev. F. J. Prettiyan. Charles W. Travers 2 Lad edia C. Erm. 2. Rev. . I. Duham. WIism H. Pmla.s. O sad Ann U. OIl, 19. tev. F. KErrin. Ieslie L. MUmmel 2L, and lns P. Stanlay, Is. Rev. J.. Ea sut. John F. Sebillisar, 3F. ad Anale U. Stra. 3. Rew. 7. Doorm. Frank P. K . 3X, and Jans . Soels, 9 Rev. W. Bk et. Leais Horwits. 21, ad Beda EL. Fr., I. Scued 1.. Guyer. II. ad Edea L. re ff. Bes, . N. Ldes,. Warren 0. 2sa . and Olivia U. Gib. uel, Reas. J. E.. tirt. Irs R. Nicet. 2, and U1an B. Kamed. I. Res. H. F. Downs. Wmar Tarlr., and Ida . Hoand. I. ae. 3. D. intehen. Willism J. ansri.f U, ad Ada E. nate- men, U. R.,. 5. . Huddle. James D. Blih, ti, and C. Loulse Ssmq, N, Re,. C. F. Theina. Frank J. Bartomaa. 4, ad Edna L. Cain., 31 Be. G. W. Van Fnee. sry E. Olive, 4 and retya McWilias. 3. Rev. 5. V. Bryma. Vern F. Hult. U. ad Gseie E. REsait, K. Rev. HI. D. Mitchenl. Jehn U. Diste, E ad leads U. Sre, S. Re,. J. D. Bolser. Garie R. hiser, 3 R aAm Diaemi- on, 3. Re,. 3. a BrimL John W. Ianh, U, and Kathuya M. ES.D.. 31, Uev. 3. C. Psa.eer weaimmon= P. Rergera, ad Mary 0. O'Bre, UK Re,. P. 0. Gemaa. Neile F. Nuyebs, 3, and Anum. E. Armam- trout. U. Rev. E. IL Iar. L. Iee BUrke, N. ad Iams E. (mm. 3. Re,. 3. C. BsaR.. Ceos. a. Hathawkr. 3, aml Marths K. Wit, a. Re. . . Bressa Charlee D. Parke, , Ane R. Garntta, II. Rev. J. 3. Bas. Walter L. Dunema, U amfi Mary E. 3mar. N. Rev. 5. N. Jefdm., O si I. ae a a b. Paul Dieis. ad Aamie N. Wedqe, U Esn A.Iin, . m P'earle 3. G~ms U 3vInha i atg. s hamt a nim . 3 Us. V. U. Grieen !hmmaIL ehr, . a see bel Gemin, U Use, ia AlU, E sdw ILD~Wieh.D. amt TiliKieht., ys -eeS 3nd mlad E. o h. Usc. C.rV. mla- K.OU 3. Ge~rOw, 5 B'33.Easels a, mas mus a ~Lsja Iiel a sim. h a. A ese -t 1, L AtuW.,eg s M ___. 32ILes . sn 31ola ILma A- . DOW 11 mm . ama . a01. £9.ase . as nm E. - 0 sIhets A. - imm a. msm - ' WAIL 96 SM kw.tILU01 assn W. E. 2 , aii. ftE i. Tm, D. 11 . - Rom BAlhEm, , S. E'SeOpm - lmet Cas. Iss St. El3-. s's a. 26inse Dp. N, 3amalt wim'3t* E=bel Ad a, peas so es Co. nED.. Dme Cwlaheme st UC anew, &%L Within Cami 6k Nata. Ibem.n Emtt. 5 amlha Um4tse. Elm~~ Cahil %Wus 1 S . e tliao A.a Xslm 41. hea 366W U 3 It.lh 042416=810L sr.. Imme of Bskamma DalMa, S asie. km I sB IM. sw Iews. U .sa, D. C.i W b, a. .sta Sans Wqasm.. St am Kai~mp" DIED. AssETON.-On Friday. December 21. 1937, at Richmnond. Va., CLAMt = ENCE K.AHTON beloved 0so of Clinton 3. and Adela B. Aehton, In'his 3M year. RemainsL . Thirtieth street northwest Funsral services at S o'eiodt today at 122 ThIrtieth street nerthwet. (Baltirnore papers please engy.) CLARK-On Monday. December . 7after a long illness, JOHN W. aged 22 yeaE1 s. ovd husband of Mary Clark. and belov- ed son of Abner . anD the late Carrie a. Clark. at id reddece. 110 B estreet northeast. Funeral Thursday at *dock a. mn., fom Church of Nativity. Fourteenth end A streets south- east. Friends invited. FRAZIER-On Saturday. December . 1917, at 6 p. n.. CARL L. FRA- ZIER. He is survived by his fath- er. B. T. Frazier; brother. Ben- jamin C.; sister. Evelyn R. Fra- sier, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Conly, and aunt, Mrs. Minie t. Frazier. Funeral at 10 a. n. today from hIs late residens, 190 Third street northwest. FRANK-On Sunday. December 2. M171. at 7:2 p. m.. MELVIN M. FRANK, the beloved son of Mose and Rosa Frank. Funeral from his late residence. 614 M street southwest, tomorrow at 3 p. m. HOLLIDAY-O Sunday December 23. 1917, at Georgetown 'niversity HospIt, JOHN H. HOLLID)AY, r., of apols. first lieuten- ant. . . C., ordnance depart- ment. JOHN'SON--Departed this life Sunday. December 72. 1917. at his residence. 415 B street southeast. Sert.WM.a H. JOHNSON. of the G. A.R.,de-' voted husband of Alice R. John- son, brother of John Williams, Primrose and Mrs. Lizzie Lee. Funeral services at Haven M. E. Churh, Fourteenth and B streets southeast, tomorrow at 11 a. mn. In- terment at Arlington cemetery. LISTON-On Monday, December 24. 1917. at 2: a.o.. LEO A. LIS- TON, beloved son of K A. and K. C. Iston. aged 1 years. 10 months, and M days. Funeral from late residence, 42 New Jersey avenue southeast, tomorrow morning. December 26, thence to 1t. Peter's Church. where requiem mass will be said at . in. MAGRU'DER--In New York on De- cember ::2, 1917, ANNIE MERRICK MAGRUDER departed this life. Residence. 55 L street northwest. Washington. D. C. Funeral from Florida Avenue Bap- tist Church tomorrow at 1 p. m. (Harrisburg, Pa.. papers please copy.). MEREDITH-On Monda December 34. 1917. Capt. WLLIAM K MER'EDITH. Funeral from his late residence, 1219 Girard street northwest, on tomor- row at 2 p. i. Interinent Atling- ton National Cemetery. (Chicago, Il, and Indianapolis papers please copy.) PERRY--Sunday, December 23, b17. at 110 p. m., at the residence of his son. Ashland, avenue. West Riverdal~e, Prince George County. Md., Dr. FRED C. PERRY, be- loved husband of Lula Perry, late of Washington, D. C. Funeral tomorrow at 2 p. m. Inter- ment private. ROWAN--On December 22, 117, at his residence, the Wyoming Apart- ment, Maj. HAMILTON ROWAN, U. s. A. Funeral will be tomorrow at 10 a. s., from St. James' Church, on Eighth street between B and C streets northeast. RUS -On Bunday morning, Decem- her 23. 1917, Mrs. ANNA A. RtSl. Services at 12 noon today /at Lee's chapel. Friends invited. SMITH-On Saturday. December A., 1317, JAMIES SMITH, beloved hus- band of Elizabeth- Smith. Funeral from his late residence. 13 Irving stret northeast, Brook- land, tomorrow at 11:30 a. mn. In- terment Rock Creek cemetery. TALL-On Sunday, December 2, 1917. at George Washington University Hospital. JENNIE A. TAL.5 wid- ow of Capt. Joseph H. TalL. Funeral services at the chapel of W. R. Spear. Co., 120i H street north- west, tomorrow at 1 p. mn. WELSH-On Sunday, December 23, 1917 ,at his home, Rockville, Mid.. WILLIAM WALLACE WELSH. Funeral from late residence tomor- row at 10:30 a. mn FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOSEPH GAWLER'S SONS Matm U5Bin-s s 170a Pa. Ave. , 1337 10th1St N. W. Phone N. 47 aUITOMOBIL. BVCE. U FUNERAL DESIGNS, GEo.C. SAFFR E~a EEPRE155lVE FLORAL, EMBLEM5Fkiha . at NODERATE PRIcU-Sig. Exmp ssi uSaW Amas Clhepmi Sub s e Cs., 1214 P rest. 3.... -~sen. 1e. MT~aiU mead m~ms= M Lims reas e.4 sadbenieq. .. I* demo y t mau & naup wkhi be was a - 00d"e an set *re te e s teAt R Peamaml Afw. Fiemam =espi Therae dae the 00n " i. IS his ight be he etatbha Part at the brams tamp. hratn emase tm ut vira abowtv ,eu ame 6" 88*6 a Pr8i80e11 sh b8shim. Damage to the ballg- a" oft- tot was estimatai 1600. Published mwww a" t e 00 w The Washi aL at 43Sdstet I T*tpha xBuelsg - can Mai I3r. For elasafiae advertisements t Branch 1). ember Audit Burea of Clreulp- CLASSB D RATES w -me Hel.... ......... .. woeda aeman-=e,. ........ o Wa SUm DeeM. rw imt im.......... A At- a. .. ......... , w AD Otebs' Cla... geaeima-. Itiw ....... .. . .. s m 2 tims titm a 0 .......... ats 3 twe wiibe a N.. .... ........ Sm Mw th Us a 0 as. Dbdt m em ......... F gg- a" a so i a foar dax 0 u pmEK am eota. PHE P C BECtWrTD -PCAL AGENCT. liM Taseek Riftt. Ap MieCe 1 fiesY..................'nbR S MA us. Desit otk......................P read igt . Ri. Leas O......1w Bank Ms. LOST. Return to Ho 0 t v. m.. Rewad. HELP WANTED-KAL WAN'IED--B R I G H T BO i work in editorial depam t of rhe Washington HerakL App MfY EDITOR MACHINI . dOILERMAKERS. .ACn_ N- As- wues, b amemaa wu- bep.. dm. Tmeer bms gga ad men porte. hte and enlad laboredm Appy em. M, UNte' Statio. ers: 6 p. m. to 12 p. m.: 25e 3pr hour. Appiy TIAEKEEPER. Second and I ets. ne. A. .or.tgtor a.nographe The PemNe. Mu Raireoad C t. For waMaiNs and ear rejeinmen. For wNdte and eoloed aborle it e NO Jeo a aG. .. Wasbhtinton ., or w" the N. T.. P. a N. t. ie. C. iouy t. a.8 :. NCNT. A:m Np.efa. W1. HELP WANTE-EMALE. ried or single. as stenographer to the manager. Mu be good at shorthand and be alble to turn out mt work Good pay to start with; 1ine chance for advancement. gours. 8: 30 a. m to 5: 30 p. m. Appy Mr. Eastwent. Herald office.. Erst floor. 1 FOR RENT-APARTMENTS. First aid to the apartment seek- :r will be from the small ad col- imns of The Washington Herald. Watch the announcements of diw- )lay advcrtiscrs also. FOR RENT-HOUSE. to 30TH OT. iE -PEB3LE-DASE; tams, partly furnshed; adults; Seymt worker ptrferred; Z minutes to goaement FOR RENT-BUNGALOWS. DONVENNT 5fiNGifOW.S MITUES to government Ogis M. MRS. Bi&CE- BURN. Chenyler. .%a. FURNISHED. NEW BrN;A LOW: FIVE ~RME~1A." bsth: electrey: I mntma to gernment .me..; $0Lt MRS. BLACKBURN. CbeTydale, Va. REAL ESTATE. CABIN JOHN PARK. ATr.rtHMVE StUBURBAN HOMES. . S. IIO.' 0. BLDG. M. T44. Careful Investments Of me th Firt Deeo af Treat (nha Mat was am Wadigtem. D. C., Rmi Estate shrepe te. the M inhtemt - - ad the reter ot in the Pridrie due. reardleo af the .arying imea and valus of etba seaito. ad ther am not subAet to taxation. We bee been su- ulye a mat Mi making thus lmetme ar or chets far me tham a qeret a 0 reatury. Inesme ts, M. 80 to SE.00. at a. 5%. end 6 yr cent w reedy for delbeTy Lasse inveetmerte made. WE. EL SAUNDERS & CO., Seuthern Beig, 307 15th St. WANTED TO BUT. trial ia all we ask. SBERZMAN'. 110 5th st. ow. Pbeme WtU CALLt IN MY UNLIETEED~Aoya moue. ci t ersbusbm an y iou bldins tie. far ladiis'. gentlenmea'. ehode' es reded clothiag, et aD desattaaa. Addema postal or phone. I etU eml. E. RICE, IRI 7th it. aw. N. 11t. OOSOF EVERY 7'ESCRIPToN. BiN-. gle books to entire iaa iaMa mo PEAsyLEANS' gegg ggog. gi it. no. WAlE. StUNE CO., 11h and 0 e. ELs. FOR SALE-MISCELL IANEOUS. NEW DE5KE, I) iL. WiTH PaEE. tal built for tyteewrite. lequire FEDFJRAL COUNCIL OF CRURCHER, 11U1 Woodwasd Bldg. FR BALE - CREAP. oML BITO bangalow. 22EI7 feet: 10 se, with tiil loe. Sit-re. bungslw sad s acese; all withsa easy walking dastaneof eti. Aidres MP st. it. PERSOP'.ALS. WK'O1EiGN-EARLY *M~OP!ENt (aums -ee .r-d minis, .ma yag om be omre to plamk it dowa like a niinomair. ro de this mae en a sm at oerswt. Fee -s for msiaseghtly used; wiread low at S up. Oet seas. JUlTH'S OLD STAND. Us D. MONET TO LOAN. MONEY T0 IDAN ON IMPROVED REAL esat omat emsmi. D. U. Johm. 33 Whemn want moey you ern t opl.Deal wtth re- liable concerns advertising in The I st ie. agat saad. 4% to 6 ber sa-aB emeea with -mm .2 a tmln he temm WE 3. 5Ammm a 00. sAmhen - Sb it. us. a a..%........ Jmbo Jiat Spai4 ro ,ek &.......32c 3Oamki 8.... CGAmi, 25 H SL N. W. qvL Wietsm s When you waIt your car re- you want it done qui eads "in this column wil only of reliable concerns. ANT 5CETC. AN! 2MS , ANT PLMaM Ausa d~ aar -am amn es -etm a p- lMsSad while oen wdtL UumagB 006 00! MACEET. 20B abE,. EL@ U ft. P606m rsPsed; estboa semees: oen amakis, Bodmen-fd Ca.. se UN t . n. PRICE CAR r!! 1T. WEWOINtG fl A.' metab el to mew. Eapuq 6to se P'Ns Avis sop* gbAk = X. 3a.t . BROKEN CAST IRON hAl d estal. -eded te e&.tegmun WEDT CO.. 00 .. a4. m . lai We bas ces .md .~a ,.bU... BUSINES ANNONCJEMS WNDOW SREE149 AND S5EAD WINDOW lA AD TO ltDEa. Best nie. ok i . U. "12.0. L. PE NE LET, IM H st a. _________'ee L. e12 en MA'PFR EOSEN. MATTREIES R LNUATED AND REMADE. In Pm"pt atetin to subdm esem. CAITOL EEMOVATING 00., 604- a a. M.1114. MOVING, PACKING, S'ORING. MOVING We fI. lare pe em sad gefg spaa to wdle u .r gds. PACKERS Of furutture. Paune, em. brie- brer, etc. Erreriered oes Oily. SHIPPING to "I parte. . the wril. STORAGE toe furtltu, p. mad ia - hnld vonde KRIEG'S EXPRESSe SAFETY FIRST. A5SOLCTELY FIRErUiOF SOEAg., at. 3w. 1. 41. g A NTOIRAGN O. S. Nigh. Ph. X. a. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR I:ET -7"h.TO') -,w %tR two; thee roo and bath; goa' loetion for taioler. ee e.ingt, e esarety met; t.:0. CAYWOOD & GARREET. 131 N Y a-rw. EDUCATIONAL F arirafik s i genis bie een sent 1 b 10 at. no Ref. RERIGERATORS, ICEOIES. McCRAY~REFRIGERATORS. 4Ad CeeMS Resin Are r.e.guals. McCRAY REFRIGERATOR CO. We btuId (to orir saI rostr rr-rtas, 6U F St. N. W. FRANKLIN 89M. Ito MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. RECORDS-VICTOR. (00LUMBIA. AND i-w* 100N-6aogt. sold. and &.me& RECORD EZCHANo, Phema 1 Tie 'a Ob 0. w. SPECIAL NOTICE. ot By-Laws, motie is he et.. i that the ammal neun of the t Seiekhoers of the Ca. tal Tractuas Coxnany for the election of a Bord eof Dirletor. for the eta ng- year and the trns.-taU of sach other boee a ma be broueh befoe the meeting t-lt be bed at the offie ef the e laro. Thirty-entth and I streets MNorthws. Washiugto. ) C., o0 Wn. NESDAY. Jn.."y h.' 10-43 o cloch a. a. Th. rolls wrill be '.n- frr ! oIek a- 0. un- tIl 12 o'coc noon. EL D. CftILjIN, seee. tar'. A 6Pt.CIAL MEETING OF THE TRLTEEA and PtockbIIok of THE FRANKIUN OIL CIMPANT (maparaaid under the l.a. of the Distri.t of Conta =l te held at Rooa 2;. Warerl Building. W n D. C.. JAg UARY 3. 1II, to n-,dor a aelf M the a,* tal stod of said eriaey am! to de any othe inoess ltewer to oxme before "Ad gmras. D. t. LETCHER. N. A. -MITH. C. L. FILETInER. Tr..e. THE HERALD AUTO AUTO ACCESSORIES. NATIONAL ELEC'TUIcAL SUPPI.? 1330 New York Rve. MaIn 6500 ER A 'i1RES- FEDRILAL AUTO StITILI ca 477 Pena- ase. Phone M. 4M% 8N, a. £aMb*LAnan Steware-Warnet s' frlte StatI Garel Snubbers, 1sa1T V Fureentetg.. Ierth ELECTRIC CARS. RAKER-MA Itst.LA... BARTRAM EL.ECTRIC GARAG3, 1204-OS N. H. aee 2107-1 U st Phones West 458-15 GASOl.INE CARS, AUURN-r*AIT~MEijj... A U BU R N AND r'11EFrDER SA LES CO.. 5IZ AND H S1!. NW. Pbee Wg 1n. S'EPansM-AKANA.... WOODR2UFF MOTOR m. 183 14th st. NortH 1202. MAX WELL--. U. 3. .3ART. 1321 Fourteenth et. N. 466 Norti 4414. OVERLA N.- W1LLYB- iiiR BARPER-OVERLA~ND m 1138-30 Coma .~ *______ WERF MUTOI 1120 Om.. eS. 1521 Othst. Tel . 4 s6%B a esi-u

Transcript of Spai4 I3r. 99 HSLN.W.€¦ · 4-WBeUdi*h&1 = tos.the t es why the 01.1.. at ~WaagtNS have re- gow a...

Page 1: Spai4 I3r. 99 HSLN.W.€¦ · 4-WBeUdi*h&1 = tos.the t es why the 01.1.. at ~WaagtNS have re- gow a prsi any atbmUU at the bW.a.n et the X11agra River * . war power. available tor-q'U00.



tos.the t es why the=01.1.. at ~WaagtNS have re-gow a prsi any atbmUU at thebW.a.n et the X11agra River* . war power. available tor

00-q'U . ofe Plesives usea" Ofthe repbs could

A diPath ftrs WashingtoM aday ertwe age ro ted that-bbaemmet authosites had dsel

to estetata' a propotsmn invdbv thenoute .ti. ot some et tewater power of the lower rapde, as-sigafg as a reason that the Cal-adia boundary is not much mee

atmesone throw ditnt tremaon the American side of

.the Ms where it was in eanttsofa-two to put up a plant for the manu-factore of explosives.

ipoeelves are however nanuaec-.tmred elsewhere within a convenient.distance at the Canaedin boundary..and -there seems to be substantialjeesso, so far as Canada i concern-ed, why munition plants should notbe established en the American sideof the rapids.In all probability the government

jurtbW~ea had in mind the greatovestment of iapital which is repre-

sagded-by the industrial plants uponteiaVr.M MI of the Niagara

above she falls. The invest-mnet represents many billions of dol-

ndthe comnoditles which areproduced constitute a most tim-aArpart of Industrial

.ife, If therefore the governmentwere to permit a diversion of some ofthe motive power in the lower rapidsfeelodustrial purposes the chancesamw that after the war at least Euchbettes might to some extent Impairthe. value of investments which arepow based upon the motive power

gbfiated from the Niagara Riverefe the falls.

Will be Dome Same Day..Nevertheless. some day, possiblyn In the far-distant future, the

'sttpendous inergy which is In thelowe- rapis will be to 5ome extent diverted so as to make it pos-sible to employ it as a motive powerfor Industries.Befor* J. P. Morgan. with others,

decided to finance a proposition in-,evving the use of some part ofthe energy which is In the NiagaraRiver above the falls, a man ofscience- whose name was Love work-ed out a proposition which appealedto some.of the engineers of his day.Ntr. LoVe planned the digging of acana upon the American side whoseintake was to be near the upperpadet the Niagara River not farfrom Lake Erie and whose easternterminal was to be at the brink onthe American side opposite the cityof Lewiston.The construction of a canal of this

kind' could be made at a cost notprohibitive. The canal would carrywater -from the upper Intake theentire distance of a few miles andwould contain not only the energythat ~is in the upper Niagara River.but that which is represented bythe -Niagara Falls itself.The Lev'e JTfin were not adopted.

!fDsome *fntaneers are of the opinionPlhat It wonld have been better hadthey been accepted. Instead, the cor-peration which was financed by J.P. Morgan and others adopted theThan which is nov in operation uponthe upper banks of the Niagara where-by water power wiih maintains sev-eral very important industries is fur-nished at, relatively speaking, lowcost.

What Canada Is DIng.Had it 'not been for the war th

probability is strong that Uan C

would already have under constructia system somewhat similar to the enrecommended by Mr. Love. The in-take would be and by and by willbe. at a small creek that sets in fromthe Niagara River upon the Canadian-sde. The Canadian plans involve theconstruction of a canal stretching fromthis Intake near Lake Erie to thebrink of Lake Ontario. The engineerscalculated that it would furnish en-ergy equivalent to some hundred thou-osand horse power.

Several years ago the Representativedin Congress for the Niagara Falls dis-trict. Peter Porter, advocated the con.struction of a dam across the lowerrapids of the Niagara River so thatsome part of the energy that is in,these rapid* could be secured for in-

cdmutrial purposes. If that were done,the setback from the dam would reach

Sthe feet of Niagara Falls. The dam,ceording to the plans, was to be

built just below the present suspensionbridge.The engineering difficulties were. it

was recognised, very great and someengineers reported that they would be-40 great to overcome. Mr. Porter's$plan-did not go farther than the pub"le annoeueement of it. but that it"should have been proposed by a man,of his intience of itself Is good proofthat men of-industry are still con-,tenplating the capture of a considerable Oart of the Inconceivably greaterruy that is In the Niagara Riverland Falls, but are planning to do this;without impairing the scenic beautyof the fals..The prospect that there is soon to be

.a very great utiietion of the Ameri-can water-pewers which are to be con-vertad into electrie energy involvesnao undoubtedly a imuch larger em-ilyment of the great power that Is

-Ia the NIagara River and Falls thanis now used for industrial purposes.


L.IVE STOCK EARKETS.Ualtianer. Dc. li.-CA'ILEj--Rempts for

the wek en~ded at nen today were 3,0t6 bead,mnist 4,ha last Week: receipts. 20 car-head far fee the, week, *ecariads foremmba todar. Market sacte, but a shade1sss Ie.... ,anaa 12.8n10; sWd hetcher.MEN;:mdhm, 10.9IL.: een.n .Cab

Ochsbrachale, 1.InN.3: ir to good, -sm to smedlou,; balls.esaek.;-.e. Mr to seed, t.SbS.3: counmeto mnedi, 5.4bi.O: cosa, ehaiee, 7i.9B.; fairis good. 5Jab-s..31EE AlND LAIIBS-Bemipts for the weekeded at -sa tese ww besehad sletRift hane o vesk: liht suipl: mnaktenesme em 1mma inPee es1; lmbs, ii.n

Rom..-a-fortheweek endd at seomt 36;m and, =m R13 head batu.a4 wst. Lisb Weses 1.3;- and Maam E.0: tees,

CALV-Semst he the week ene atnam teeby we 5 head, seslue a head latI

sa;birsagt; mate stady. Cemag Si


hea e aesi~mmsa..s..''' R s""***

.|aim"du - ** 3

tlas I' of 13Peimeut Rig d MaUppe

Now York. De. M- & .the stock arketosw*Ai a tgen90 temper thewhedt' e -aed closed wit -ie vsestable netgains. Ceaa elsAeeaMosam Psireaslma ewere In ere ~at the opening.

9111se1 a tham to pointsI teed -e -hvdd

however. -' also twopoluta Afer a dit hesitation, themeter atacks. under the lenducipet General. 3rstes asd (vret.dmassitroAs eat man that avest-eavae 1fe*1ig up bergate s thatgreeb.. Amsisa Iatsrnationaln the advandlg grwe The

des was strong 4 best pesseaft= al fn aUaydw.

tesom wq on. a ght scale endthe advances wore probably due tothe eventag up ofemiracts ever the

nidays. for there had bees a maalshort interest developed on the ad-vane that begas late last week,Strengths of the isel tock Ii

really due to a IaS extent to an-nouncement by the teel Corpora-ties of the purchase of U0AIMeUsof government obligains againsttax payments. Investors have knownof the big earnings of the orpora-tion, but the actual tax figures makethem realise more keenly what tre-meons eArninga have besa- made.

Dig -mna PeseseThe steel stocks as a elas ean

now be purchased for what theyhave earned since the war began.With the government foras to goahead with Its war preparationsin a practical way. as it will beforced as a result of the dis-closures made at the Congressionalinvestigation. The steel companieswill pue up large earnings in thecoming year.By the same token railroad stocks

are ecnsidered to be worth morethan they have been selling for be-cause priority orders will be issuedin such a way as to permit allclasses of freight to move morerapidly.Some steel mills are running now

at only 50 per cent of caa y andit Is expected that as a resuIt ofthe cancellation of unnecessarypriority orders they will be ableto speed up ant get the stuf overthe railroads at almost normalrate.

Big BSakess Lese Fesw.There is also a better understand-

ing of the railroad situation andthe big bankers are no longerafraid to hold their own railroadshars.

In addition to this it is ug-geated that a way will be foundto enable the public to take thenew liberty bond issues withoutsacrificing their investments.The advance in Chevrolet of 12points early in the day was due

partly to investment buying andpartly to a renewal of the talk ofa merger of that company withGeneral Motors, which it controls.

NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGEPetunised by W. N. lbbs & Cs.Eish. Low. C-..As. neat BMW............... a d 0F'kCar & roaaft.........,- IOf M WA4

'ar & Fonr ve...... Ict = 102Ameation Cbrp...... H% 53%Am. !Lated pfd..........% a7 67%,Am F.onmtive............ O% 4g gg

Am;r!ting & Ref..........71% 71% 71jA m."meting & Ref, 'M.... gg% 1n,. 1ri%A-. "e-I Foundry....---. 351 61Am. SMaatra Tobacc......... m %9 l,Am. Tl & Tel...........g g% 101%A.. Tohacco.-............. -% 134%Anrnda ................. 56%.ttehi7on ..6A .ien 7d.................... 76 7 16%AT.Lantic Cost t4o........... 82 s- a

Grti. & w. I.. . I 7F o''.,n locomotire ........... gr 4% W%.:ore & Ohio old......... 04 0% a%

':ett Co....................... S gf% g2%'hem Rteel................71% 0 70%-hem steel ((-as B).... 71% 60% 71%hem Steel pfd., t.. I 9Ir xS- .............12% 1,1% 112%anohan Pacie.......... 132% Lii 132'%Ctnal L.ather....... 0% 50'1 5%

Chandler Motor............. 3%Chicsgo, M. & St. P. W.... 60% 64 61%Chicass & Northwetna.... % a U%Consolidatet Gas of N. Y.... j% 7g ,Continental Can---....... 5 SCora Pro.Lct pfd..... % g gg%Crucible Steel................... 4% 4@% @%Wtrawae & HEdsta... .-S I 9%DIlawam,. A. w...........70 1 1leneral lectric.......-....28% 12% 12 %Oeneeal Motore................. 96% 0% ofGranlw Con. Mining-.......... ' 7 T1Great Northern vfd............ 8 81% 111%rulf States Steel.............. a n asIllinois Central................. ar % 86%Int. Harvester of N. .... Il% 1t 110%lt. Memmet~e Marine fd.. w% 79% W4Int. Paper pfd., stapd..... IS % 0Iekawana Steel-.............. 4% 7 T%lhigh Valley................... 2 % 52% M3r-onItsille & Nasville......... 10Fi 10% 180%Maxwell Motor lst Vfd........ g% 51% aZMeiean Petrolenas..----....... T 72% 74Midgte t ................... 4% 41% 4rMontana Power...........4 61% 01%National Bisentt............... 0 80 "New Tork Air Brake.......... 4 113 IlaNew York Central..............64% 43% 64%Norfolk &Western............ % 97Nortbern Paciic............... 7 %71Nova Scotia Steel.............. 6 6Owens Bottle Machine......... 53% 5 53%Pierce-Arrw pM.:............. go aPlttaborsh, C.,C. & St. l... I %5 5Pressed Steel Car.............. 4 M4 64Premed Steel Car tfd... 9 5Punma Car M............ 'In11. GReading Co...................... 8K 8% 0%Republe bon & Steg.......... t6% 7414 75%Republic Ion & Steel Vfd.... go% 0 91%Ro.aI Dutch...............% % %Southeen Pacice............4112y 7514Southe, Railway lfd...... Usi 5Tezas Companies............ 30% 11r 13Unimn Bas & Paper (new).... 0 % 5%Unton P'seilf---.............10o 15% 1etUnion Pac ii;$...........6is 1 6United Clgar tans...... 3% UU. 5. Ind. almani........ 11 1 31%U. S. Rubber............... 8g 8U- S. Steel Coeeatin..... % 53% 8%U7. 5. steel afd...........%l 10% 161Utah Cbpper............. 75 74% 115%Va.-Car. Chemial tdM... W f 8wee.. Unim. ...... % 704 7

Woolorth pfd.......... 6i 114

COTTON MARETS.thcu.tda-fr re emb eotiS an

thanoice inolvng ewengesA eand

haer wee cot emaued edeante acettty in thefmenoem, but afte the Dcmbe puoalem ex-lMedt6nooa the mtet samma a heidmechater med tradi nw s, oasit diringthe emndea ot the -an. Net adana et7 to U pmants wee seedsed.Nee deeto mihst the lat he1r'trading sad the ceam es s at h sat admmof 7 to 1T a.flh-lsi at the pets ms aset LU hIm;sePUts, 3.A64 balm.5pat he, wa quiet. 3 pambe er et 31e;5o sales. Seat at New Orlean wee stedy, withai.imid at 3.3; she.m 1.0 balsReceipt at Galseide .Tm; New Game

Ualam-e. Mi., ee. 3.-eC~ ,s.. s5ea~tm~ezgaia misbt:'WURmAT-. S m ee, 1; We, B sad win--nRU. kgst et buesa ketm RU to11as toin ~ir -e ~Saeabade aamtr er upe ee

O-inhgweba 575; Ra, S waw, U

M-Ua 2 3um, eipat, .se 1.3, makin a-at ae ese n-3. la.s*.


Christmas Sevices to Include Nota-ble Musical Oeings.

BZRALD BUREAU,R. E. Knight & Sea.

04 KistStet.Alexandria. Va., Dec. 24.-Christ-

mao here will be malked by ser-vices Ia most of the churches andby family reunions. The Christ-mas spirit was this afternoonbrought into the homes of manyworthy poor families when basketswere distributed by the Elks andSalvation Army. A committee ofthe Elks worked all the afternoonfilling baskets.Elaborate musical programs will

be given at many of the churchesomorrow. At St. Mary's Catholichurch there will be five masses.

at 5. 6. 7. 9 and 11 o'clock. the lastbeing a' solemn high mass followedby benedietion oC the meet blessedsacrament. Mass will be celebratedat St. Joseph's Catholic Church at-> a. mr.Services at Christ P. E. Church

will be held at 11 o'clock andthere will be holy communion. St.Paul's P. E. Church will hold ser-vices at i o'clock and Grace P. E.Church at 6:80 o'clock.The Methodist Protestant and

Trinity M. E. Churcee will holdservices at 6 o'cloct.Christmas celebrations were held

this afternoon by Christ P. E.Church Sunday School and tonightby Bt. Paul's P. E. Church Sun-day School. Trinity SundaySchool will hold its Christmas cel-ebration Wednesday night.

E. E. Downham, this city, hasbeen elected representative to theImperial Council, A. A. 0. A. M. a.of North America. for the nine-teenth consecutive year by AccaTemple of Richmond. Va. Mr.Downham is one of 22 persons hav-Ing an honorary membership in theImperial Council.

In the Police Court today four per-sons were charged with violating theSunday closing law, and JusticeThompson imposed fines of 32 eachon three of those arraigned, thefourth being acquitted. Two of thosearraigned had two stores and eachwere fined $4.

Georgianna Byrd. colored, reportsthat a burglar entered her residence.51O Gibbon street, Saturday night andstole M and a pistol.

Collateral of $50 was forfeited inPolice Court today by seven mencharged with gambling. The propri-etor forfeited $20 and the others $5each.

Members of Old Dominion Com-mandery No. 11. Knights Templar.will assemble in their asylum at noontomorrow and drink a toast to thehealth of the moot eminent grandcommander.

Engineers today began a survey ofthe American Shipbuilding Corpora-tion's site in the. southeastein Sec-tion of the city.

CHICAGO GRAIN.chuae. Des. n-nhere wsre .dvnms Of

Ito to Ie for som snd ls to 1%e for eats.Onamee ii sas absen for beth ofthee slais, ad while .the .hihest' risIsledtad is hibi, ths undem.t f~ebeth gales was, wise so seaboard er sif tids Ser the eM demand in the amnamst astwas frm ednter isaute. bhe,s -langth pain to ao, The. e~ marbe for er

lots was mi-em is is Mharu.The sren is the hag .a'me a .theabs se ustewm these -uas the heeda in-bem in seimeas Ther, m wa id buyingbr mse mf the lare ------m- hssa Ene-mmu entreets eo ns--e-s-- pecidcsbeve bern let in the suet feir dse i the see-iamment to, fourtmen 4f the lamen Westurnparera. !e adeies of the Ibid hbsisista-Mma to farners to held bomeebS een the

markt was due to a deste to uinsiaa a"nihem- 4f I5%e for the lies ajici

P1-a 11r W. B. Elis A sCoSZ-- Opn EB e.wan.

Ueombe........... t.i .sg iig u.gMa............. 11% 1. 5 41

. ....... 1.5% 3.3 35 DII

--.a. 36s3 3.3 .36.3




Afred Figine, of Linden, Va., 19sin Hospital He

Shot during a quarrel, Alfred Fig-gins. 39 years old, a resident of LUn-de, Va.. was removed to the Home-opathie Hospital frmthe Union ata-.tion Yesterday, suffering fro gun-shot wounds, said to have been in-flicted by UnDh Corder, o of ISden.Figan'rght am andcHentw

torn by the shot which was firedduring an altequrel between thetwo men.According to the sheriff f Warren

County, Mtge Minnie Marti, who waswith Figgins at the theth shoot-ing. went to Corder@ hooms and askedFiggins to accompany her away fromion plaes. An altercation followed.and Corder i said to have appearedwith a shotgun a fired at gest.erCorder is In Jail at Port Royal,

charged with shooting with intent tokill.

Sly h at the Solons,V; TIM OBSIERVER.

Several Representativesbae notbeen using sugar at all freely. forseveral yearsand the use of thisarticle Is almost entirely curtailed'by several members of the Senate.The shortage, therefore, was notfelt by them. In fact. they insistedthat it would be better for the kid-neYs of the human race if theshortage continued indenitely. ThisIC what Senator Hollis insistedconstituted a silver lining of averyblack cloud.

Senator Kenyon's successful eof-beort to stop the sugar Inquiry andinvestigate the coal situation wasbrought about by his belief thatcoal is needed oreothan sugar jntnow. There in no answer to this.argument.

We know of two me bers ofCongres who are ut1zing the hol-idays to have the dentist Al everycavity Ju their teith. They wantto take no chanen on shortages inmaterials used far that purpose.Wethae theard of none who arepreparing for the recently-announ-ed shortage In fanse-trett.

Every energy will be bertaccordfIng to Representative Glass, to getthe Federal farm loan amendmentthrough after the holidays. Thedistrict banks are calling for It, andso are the farmers. And the lat-ter class have to be "Pa apered"now If anybody does and it seemsright tat they shoulid.soaealnthe mese ofdth word--

wasn't It applied to Mr. Goethalsby Senator Stone when the Goe-thals-Denman row was on last sum-mer? Is it possible that SeniatorBIll will still apply it to the gen-eral when he takes his place aschief quartermaster?

Senator Baker will come beforethe Senate Military Committee oneof these days-and he Is, "loadingup" for it, so It . whispered, Andhe hasn't ths least desire in theworld, so It Is said, to hide any-thing that has been done. It mightbe added the committee doesn'twant him to try to hide anything.

Gladgome news for the law-makers -"Aaserica's Extra War,Charities to be .Investigated." Bythe national defense council, how-ever, and not by any legislativebody. A curious member4 of Con-'grees found out, upon InquIring ofsomne of his friends In both Houses.that they had contributed to fromsin to a dosen war eharities.Where is "the money goingT?Woyd from Mlsssslppi-after theholida. veostion is over Pat Har-ison, in the Mouse and James Var-dama In the lenate will vie writhsach other for support of. every-thing pr'dpeeed. or thought- to be

proodeed, byr the President. for thewar program. But Pat's reginsiSt *at the pat will eo n orethat the future will with Demo-cratie voters down there.,One~In a while the uetiesIs me. the Capitol teeS Wesuh-

ing -a



Remiiis in Making Oda A"l-ib Cauass CAeUplanL

Basing estimates upon the numberwho have failed to return theirquestlonnalres within the prescrib-ed seven days. there will be morethan 239 men of the 30,000 odd inthe District receiving the paperswho will faoe trouble with the WarDepartment.Thee men will occupy the 0am

position as a man who failed toregister and will be subject to im-mediate Induction into military ser-vice.Many papers dled fail to have the

necessary affdavit properly filledout and these registrants will behaled bWfore the District exemp-tion board to rdctify their omis-uons.A. A. Hoehling, chairman of the

legal advisory board, yesterdayurged all notaries to give their spr-vices froe in the completion of af-fdavits required by questionnaire."We have written such notaries

as have received fees . and askedthem as a patriatic duty to performthe work gratis," he said. "Whilewe have no way of enforcing ourrequest. I feel sure that calling ofattention to the matter will pre-vent a single notary from accept-Ing money for this .ervlee,"



Jesmsi H. Bartensi, and Beln A.Neely, 1. Rev. F. J. Prettiyan.Charles W. Travers 2 Lad edia C. Erm.

2. Rev. . I. Duham.WIism H. Pmla.s. O sad Ann U. OIl,

19. tev. F. KErrin.Ieslie L. MUmmel 2L, and lns P. Stanlay,

Is. Rev. J.. Ea sut.

John F. Sebillisar, 3F. ad Anale U. Stra.3. Rew. 7. Doorm.Frank P. K . 3X, and Jans . Soels, 9

Rev. W. Bk et.

Leais Horwits. 21, ad Beda EL. Fr., I.

Scued 1.. Guyer. II. ad Edea L. re ff.Bes, . N. Ldes,.

Warren 0. 2sa . and Olivia U. Gib.uel, Reas. J. E.. tirt.Irs R. Nicet. 2, and U1an B. Kamed. I.

Res. H. F. Downs.Wmar Tarlr., and Ida . Hoand. 3. D.intehen.

Willism J. ansri.f U, ad Ada E. nate-men, U. R.,. 5. . Huddle.James D. Blih, ti, and C. Loulse Ssmq,N, Re,. C. F. Theina.Frank J. Bartomaa. 4, ad Edna L. Cain.,31 Be. G. W. Van Fnee.

sry E. Olive, 4 and retya McWilias.3. Rev. 5. V. Bryma.Vern F. Hult. U. ad Gseie E. REsait,K. Rev. HI. D. Mitchenl.Jehn U. Diste, E ad leads U. Sre, S.

Re,. J. D. Bolser.Garie R. hiser, 3 R aAm Diaemi-on, 3. Re,. 3. a BrimLJohn W. Ianh, U, and Kathuya M. ES.D..

31, Uev. 3. C. Psa.eerweaimmon= P. Rergera, ad Mary 0.O'Bre, UK Re,. P. 0. Gemaa.Neile F. Nuyebs, 3, and Anum. E. Armam-

trout. U. Rev. E. IL Iar.L. Iee BUrke, N. ad Iams E. (mm. 3.

Re,. 3. C. BsaR..Ceos. a. Hathawkr. 3, aml Marths K. Wit,

a. Re. . . BressaCharlee D. Parke, , Ane R. Garntta,II. Rev. J. 3. Bas.Walter L. Dunema, U amfi Mary E. 3mar.N. Rev. 5. N. Jefdm.,O si I. ae a a b.Paul Dieis. ad Aamie N. Wedqe, U

Esn A.Iin, . m P'earle 3. G~ms

U 3vInha i atg. s hamt a

nim . 3 Us. V. U. Grieen!hmmaIL ehr, . a see bel Gemin, U

Use, ia AlU, E sdwILD~Wieh.D. amt TiliKieht., ys

-eeS 3ndmlad E. oh.

Usc.C.rV.mla-K.OU 3. Ge~rOw,5B'33.Easels

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assn W. E. 2 , aii.ftE i.Tm, D.11 . -

Rom BAlhEm, , S. E'SeOpm-lmet Cas.Iss St.El3-.s's a.26inse Dp. N, 3amalt wim'3t*

E=bel Ad a,peas so es

Co.nED..Dme CwlahemestUC anew,&%L

WithinCami 6kNata.Ibem.n Emtt. 5 amlha Um4tse.

Elm~~Cahil %Wus 1S . etliao A.a Xslm 41. hea366W U3 It.lh042416=810L sr..

Imme of Bskamma DalMa,S I sB IM.

sw Iews.,D.C.iW b, a. .sta

Sans Wqasm.. StamKai~mp"

DIED.AssETON.-On Friday. December 21.

1937, at Richmnond. Va., CLAMt=ENCE K.AHTON beloved0soof Clinton 3. and Adela B. Aehton,In'his 3M year. RemainsL

.Thirtieth street northwestFunsral services at S o'eiodt todayat 122 ThIrtieth street nerthwet.(Baltirnore papers please engy.)

CLARK-On Monday. December .

7after a long illness, JOHN W.aged 22 yeaE1s. ovd

husband of Mary Clark.and belov-ed son of Abner . anD the lateCarrie a. Clark. atid reddece.110 B estreet northeast.

Funeral Thursday at *dock, fom Church of Nativity.Fourteenth end A streets south-east. Friends invited.

FRAZIER-On Saturday. December. 1917, at 6 p. n.. CARL L. FRA-

ZIER. He is survived by his fath-er. B. T. Frazier; brother. Ben-jamin C.; sister. Evelyn R. Fra-sier, and grandparents, Mr. andMrs. F. 0. Conly, and aunt, Mrs.Minie t. Frazier.

Funeral at 10 a. n. today from hIslate residens, 190 Third streetnorthwest.

FRANK-On Sunday.December 7:2 p. m.. MELVIN M.FRANK, the beloved son of Moseand Rosa Frank.

Funeral from his late residence. 614M street southwest, tomorrow at3 p. m.

HOLLIDAY-O Sunday December23. 1917, at Georgetown 'niversityHospIt, JOHN H. HOLLID)AY,r., of apols. first lieuten-ant. . . C., ordnance depart-ment.

JOHN'SON--Departed this life Sunday.December 72. 1917. at his residence.415 B street southeast. Sert.WM.aH. JOHNSON. of the G. A.R.,de-'voted husband of Alice R. John-son, brother of John Williams,Primrose and Mrs. Lizzie Lee.

Funeral services at Haven M. E.Churh, Fourteenth and B streetssoutheast, tomorrow at 11 a. mn. In-terment at Arlington cemetery.

LISTON-On Monday, December 24.1917. at 2: a.o.. LEO A. LIS-TON, beloved son of K A. and K.C. Iston. aged 1 years. 10 months,and Mdays.

Funeral from late residence, 42 NewJersey avenue southeast, tomorrowmorning. December 26, thence to1t. Peter's Church. where requiemmass will be said at . in.

MAGRU'DER--In New York on De-cember ::2, 1917, ANNIE MERRICKMAGRUDER departed this life.Residence. 55 L street northwest.Washington. D. C.

Funeral from Florida Avenue Bap-tist Church tomorrow at 1 p. m.(Harrisburg, Pa.. papers pleasecopy.).

MEREDITH-On Monda December34. 1917. Capt. WLLIAM KMER'EDITH.

Funeral from his late residence, 1219Girard street northwest, on tomor-row at 2 p.i. Interinent Atling-ton National Cemetery. (Chicago,Il, and Indianapolis papers pleasecopy.)

PERRY--Sunday, December 23, 110 p. m., at the residence ofhis son. Ashland, avenue. WestRiverdal~e, Prince George County.Md., Dr. FRED C. PERRY, be-loved husband of Lula Perry, lateof Washington, D. C.

Funeral tomorrow at 2 p. m. Inter-ment private.

ROWAN--On December 22, 117, at hisresidence, the Wyoming Apart-ment, Maj. HAMILTON ROWAN,U. s. A.

Funeral will be tomorrow at 10 a.s., from St. James' Church, onEighth street between B and Cstreets northeast.

RUS -On Bunday morning, Decem-her 23. 1917, Mrs. ANNA A. RtSl.

Services at 12 noon today /at Lee'schapel. Friends invited.

SMITH-On Saturday. December A.,1317, JAMIES SMITH, beloved hus-band of Elizabeth- Smith.

Funeral from his late residence. 13Irving stret northeast, Brook-land, tomorrow at 11:30 a. mn. In-terment Rock Creek cemetery.

TALL-On Sunday, December 2, George Washington UniversityHospital. JENNIE A. TAL.5 wid-ow of Capt. Joseph H. TalL.Funeral services at the chapel of W.R. Spear. Co., 120i H street north-west, tomorrow at 1 p. mn.

WELSH-On Sunday, December 23,1917 ,at his home, Rockville, Mid..WILLIAM WALLACE WELSH.

Funeral from late residence tomor-row at 10:30 a. mn


JOSEPH GAWLER'S SONSMatm U5Bin-s s170a Pa. Ave. ,

1337 10th1St N. W. Phone N. 47aUITOMOBIL. BVCE. U


Sub s e Cs., 1214 P rest.3.... -~sen. 1e.


mead m~ms= M Lims

reas e.4 sadbenieq. ..I* demo y tmau& naup wkhi be was a -00d"e an set *re te e s teAtR Peamaml Afw.Fiemam =espi Therae dae

the 00n " i. IS his ight behe etatbha Part at the brams tamp.

hratn emase tm u t viraabowtv ,eu ame 6" 88*6 aPr8i80e11 sh b8shim.

Damage to the ballg- a" oft-tot was estimatai1600.

Published mwww a" t e00w The WashiaL at 43Sdstet

I T*tpha xBuelsg - can MaiI3r. For elasafiae advertisementst Branch 1).ember Audit Burea of Clreulp-

CLASSB D RATESw -me Hel.... ...........

woeda aeman-=e,. ........ o

Wa SUm imt im.......... A

At- a. ........... ,wAD Otebs'Cla... geaeima-.

Itiw ....... .. . .. s m2 tims titm a 0 .......... ats

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a" a so ia foardax 0 upmEKam eota.


liM Taseek Riftt.Ap

MieCe 1 fiesY..................'nbR S MAus.

Desit otk......................P read igt .Ri. Leas O......1w Bank Ms.

LOST.Return to Ho 0 t v. m.. Rewad.

HELP WANTED-KALWAN'IED--B R I G H T BO iwork in editorial depam t of

rhe Washington HerakL App


As- wues, b amemaa wu- bep.. dm.

Tmeer bms gga ad men porte.hte and enlad laboredm Appy em. M,

UNte' Statio.

ers: 6 p. m. to 12 p. m.: 25e

3pr hour. Appiy TIAEKEEPER.

Second and I ets. ne.A. .or.tgtor a.nographe

The PemNe. Mu Raireoad C t.For waMaiNs and ear rejeinmen.

For wNdte and eoloed aborle ite NO Jeo a aG. .. Wasbhtinton .,

or w" the N. T.. P. a N. t. ie. C.

iouy t. a.8 :. NCNT. A:m Np.efa. W1.


ried or single. as stenographer

to the manager. Mu be goodatshorthand and be alble to turn out

mt work Good pay to start with;1ine chance for advancement.gours. 8: 30 a. m to 5: 30 p. m.

Appy Mr. Eastwent.Herald office..Erst floor. 1


First aid to the apartment seek-:r will be from the small ad col-imns of The Washington Herald.Watch the announcements of diw-

)lay advcrtiscrs also.


tams, partly furnshed; adults; Seymtworker ptrferred; Z minutes to goaement

FOR RENT-BUNGALOWS.DONVENNT 5fiNGifOW.S MITUESto government Ogis M. MRS. Bi&CE-BURN. Chenyler. .%a.

FURNISHED.NEW BrN;A LOW: FIVE~RME~1A."bsth: electrey: I mntma to; $0Lt MRS. BLACKBURN. CbeTydale,Va.



Careful InvestmentsOf me th Firt Deeo af Treat (nha Mat

was am Wadigtem. D. C., Rmi Estate shrepete. the Minhtemt - - ad the reter otin the Pridrie due. reardleo af the .aryingimea and valus of etba seaito. ad ther

am not subAet to taxation. We bee been su-ulye a mat Mi making thus lmetmear or chets far me tham a qeret a 0

reatury. Inesme ts, M. 80 to SE.00. at a.5%. end 6 yr cent w reedy for delbeTy Lasse

inveetmerte made.WE. EL SAUNDERS & CO.,Seuthern Beig, 307 15th St.

WANTED TO BUT.trial ia all we ask. SBERZMAN'. 110 5th st.

ow. Pbeme

WtU CALLt IN MY UNLIETEED~Aoyamoue. ci t ersbusbm an y iou bldinstie. far ladiis'. gentlenmea'. ehode'esreded clothiag, et aD desattaaa. Addema

postal or phone. I etU eml. E. RICE, IRI 7th

it. aw. N. 11t.

OOSOF EVERY 7'ESCRIPToN. books to entire iaa iaMamo PEAsyLEANS' gegg ggog. gi

it. no.

WAlE. StUNE CO., 11h and 0 e. ELs.



tal built for tyteewrite. lequire FEDFJRALCOUNCIL OF CRURCHER, 11U1 Woodwasd


FR BALE - CREAP. oML BITObangalow. 22EI7 feet: 10 se, with tiilloe. Sit-re. bungslw sad s acese; all withsa

easy walking dastaneofeti. Aidres MPst. it.

PERSOP'.ALS.WK'O1EiGN-EARLY *M~OP!ENt(aums -ee .r-d minis, .ma yagom be omre to plamk it dowa like a niinomair.

ro de this mae en a sm at oerswt. Fee -sfor msiaseghtly used; wiread low at S up.Oet seas. JUlTH'S OLD STAND. Us D.



esat omat emsmi. D. U. Johm. 33

Whemn want moey youern t opl.Deal wtth re-

liable concerns advertising in The

I st ie. agat saad. 4% to 6 bersa-aB emeea with -mm.2 a tmln he temm

WE 3. 5Ammm a 00.sAmhen - Sb it. us.

a a..%........

Jmbo Jiat Spai4ro ,ek &.......32c

3Oamki 8.... 99CGAmi, 25 H SL N. W.

qvL Wietsms

When you waIt your car re-you want it done qui

eads "in this column wilonly of reliable concerns.

ANT 5CETC. AN! 2MS , ANT PLMaMAusa d~ aar -am amn es -etm a p-lMsSad while oen wdtL UumagB 006

00! MACEET. 20B abE,. EL@U

ft. P606m rsPsed; estboa semees: oenamakis, Bodmen-fd Ca.. se UN t. n.

PRICE CAR r!! 1T. WEWOINtG fl A.'metab e l to mew. Eapuq 6to se

P'Ns Avis sop* gbAk = X. 3a.t .

BROKEN CAST IRONhAl d estal. -eded te e&.tegmun

WEDT CO.. 00 .. a4. m . laiWe bas ces .md .~a ,.bU...


Best nie. ok i . U. "12.0.L. PE NE LET, IM H st a.

_________'ee L. e12 enMA'PFR EOSEN.

MATTREIES RLNUATED AND REMADE.In Pm"pt atetin to subdm esem.CAITOL EEMOVATING 00., 604- a a.



We fI. lare pe em sad gefg spaato wdle u .r gds.PACKERS Of furutture. Paune, em. brie-

brer, etc. Erreriered oes Oily.SHIPPING to "I parte. . the wril.STORAGE toe furtltu, p. mad ia -

hnld vonde



at. 3w. 1. 41. g

A NTOIRAGN O.S. Nigh. Ph. X. a.


two; thee roo and bath; goa'loetion for taioler. ee e.ingt, e esaretymet; t.:0. CAYWOOD & GARREET. 131

N Y a-rw.

EDUCATIONALF arirafik s i genis bie

eensent 1 b10 at. no Ref.


4Ad CeeMS Resin Are r.e.guals.McCRAY REFRIGERATOR CO.We btuId (to orir saI rostr rr-rtas,

6U F St. N. W. FRANKLIN 89M.


RECORDS-VICTOR. (00LUMBIA. AND i-w*100N-6aogt. sold. and &.me&

RECORD EZCHANo,Phema 1 Tie 'a Ob 0. w.

SPECIAL NOTICE.ot By-Laws, motie is he et.. i that theammal neun of the t Seiekhoers of the Ca.

tal Tractuas Coxnany for the election of aBord eof Dirletor. for the eta ng- year and thetrns.-taU of sach other boee a ma bebroueh befoe the meeting t-lt be bed at theoffie ef the e laro. Thirty-entth and Istreets MNorthws. Washiugto. ) C., o0 Wn.NESDAY. Jn.."y h.' 10-43 o cloch a. a.Th. rolls wrill be '.n- frr ! oIek a- 0. un-

tIl 12 o'coc noon. EL D. CftILjIN, seee.tar'.A 6Pt.CIAL MEETING OF THE TRLTEEAand PtockbIIok of THE FRANKIUN OILCIMPANT (maparaaidunder the l.a. of the

Distri.t of Conta =l te held at Rooa 2;.Warerl Building. W n D. C.. JAgUARY 3. 1II, to n-,dor a aelf M the a,*

tal stod of said eriaey am! to de any otheinoess ltewer to oxme before "Ad gmras.

D. t. LETCHER. N. A. -MITH. C. L.FILETInER. Tr..e.



1330 New York Rve.MaIn 6500

ER A 'i1RES-FEDRILAL AUTO StITILI ca477 Pena- ase. Phone M. 4M%

8N, a. £aMb*LAnanSteware-Warnet s' frlte StatIGarel Snubbers,1sa1T V Fureentetg.. Ierth

ELECTRIC CARS.RAKER-MA Itst.LA...BARTRAM EL.ECTRIC GARAG3,1204-OS N. H. aee 2107-1 U stPhones West 458-15


A U BU R N AND r'11EFrDERSA LES CO..5IZ AND H S1!. NW. Pbee Wg 1n.

S'EPansM-AKANA....WOODR2UFF MOTOR m.183 14th st.NortH 1202.

MAX WELL--.U. 3. .3ART.1321 Fourteenth et. N. 466

Norti 4414.OVERLA N.- W1LLYB- iiiRBARPER-OVERLA~ND m1138-30 Coma .~ *______


1120 Om.. eS.

1521 Othst. Tel . 4s6%B a esi-u