Southland Vine The - Clover...

Southland Vine The June 19, 2013 1630 W. Republic Road * Springfield, MO 65807 417.881.7405 * July Leadership Meetings : > ALL Ministry Leaders: Thurs., July 25 6PM Southland Christian Church ... equipping you to LIVE OUT your faith as you ENCOUNTER God, CONNECT with others, GROW DEEP and BUILD UP one another. The next edition of The Vine July 24. What’s Inside … 1 We’re Open 2-3 General Reminders & Info 4 "WE DO!" 5-6 What MATTers to Me 7-8 Les’ Latest ... (Children/Youth) 9-10 southlandwomen 11 Encounter 12 Connect 12 Grow Deep 13-14 Build Up 15 JULY Serving Schedule 16-17 Live Out 18 The Catalogue In the midst of a crazy and busy summer (sports, vacations, family gatherings, etc.), we encourage you to continue to make your participation and attendance here at Southland a priority! Even when the calendar says "June," "July" or "August," we are still striving to equip people to LIVE OUT faith. In fact, significant ministry still happens during these months. Even if you're going to be out-of-town, find a place to worship with the Body of Christ wherever you are. We can even help you locate a place if you let us know where you are going to be on a Sunday. God isn't taking a break from you this Summer, so please don't take a break from Him and His church! (even during the summer!) This just in ... a special announcement from Southland regarding the summer months:

Transcript of Southland Vine The - Clover...

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Southland Vine The

June 19, 2013

1630 W. Republic Road * Springfield, MO 65807

417.881.7405 *

July Leadership Meetings:

> ALL Ministry Leaders: Thurs., July 25 6PM

Southland Christian Church ...

equipping you to LIVE OUT your faith

as you ENCOUNTER God, CONNECT with others,

GROW DEEP and BUILD UP one another.

The next edition of The Vine – July 24.

What’s Inside …

1 We’re Open 2-3 General Reminders & Info

4 "WE DO!"

5-6 What MATTers to Me

7-8 Les’ Latest ... (Children/Youth)

9-10 southlandwomen

11 Encounter

12 Connect 12 Grow Deep

13-14 Build Up

15 JULY Serving Schedule

16-17 Live Out

18 The Catalogue

In the midst of a crazy and busy summer (sports, vacations, family gatherings, etc.), we encourage you to continue to make your participation and attendance here at Southland a priority! Even when the calendar says "June," "July" or "August," we are still striving to equip people to LIVE OUT faith. In fact, significant ministry still happens during these months.

Even if you're going to be out-of-town, find a place to worship with the Body of Christ wherever you are. We can even help you locate a place if you let us know where you are going to be on a Sunday.

God isn't taking a break from you this Summer, so please don't take a break

from Him and His church!

(even during the summer!)

This just in ... a special announcement from Southland regarding the summer months:

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GGeenneerraall RReemmiinnddeerrss aanndd IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn ......

A New Southland Directory is in the works!

Please stop by the tables in the foyer to verify, revise or add your information for a new church directory. Copies

will be available in Connect Groups as well.

AUGUST 25, 2013 ... a special gathering

when we are all together as a church family.

We will take the time to celebrate where

God has brought us and look forward to

where He is leading us! More information

will be coming your way in the weeks ahead.

SEPTEMBER 22, 2013 ... a time when we

gather to eat good fun and enjoy fellowship

together as a church family. This year, we

are looking to have expanded opportunities

for those who are interested in participating

in the cook-off itself.

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“Thank you for the flowers, calls and many prayers that have been provided for me during my recent surgery and

recovery time. I feel very blessed to be surrounded by such a wonderful, loving and compassionate church family.

... With sincere gratitude, B. J. Harvill.”

“We would like to thank you for the prayers, cards, calls and delicious meals you provided during my son Jim's

recent illness and passing. How blessed we are to be a part of such a wonderful church family like Southland. ...

God bless, Freeman & Jewell Rand and family.”

FINANCIAL UPDATE ... May 2013 (the most recently completed month)

We want to start providing this info to keep you aware of what's happening. Keep in mind, this is a snapshot of one month. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have through the office staff.


Regular tithe - $35,977

Love Offerings - $1,715 (includes $1,320 to IMAGINE Fund for the building)

Average weekly tithe - $8,994.25

Weekly budgeted goal - $8,650.00 (This is based on an estimated annual budget of $450,000 ... NOTE: This is our target; we adjust as necessary along the way.)


To share requests with the Southland church family, please

submit them via e-mail to [email protected]

or call the church office.

Got Questions?

While we work hard to communicate all the right information, we know there may be additional questions you have about Southland ... especially if you are new around here! If you have questions, please contact the office and someone on staff will help you out. To e-mail questions, send them to the following address: [email protected].

We encourage you to take advantage of Southland's online presence ... check out our website

to listen to sermons, register for VBS, check out upcoming events, etc. Don't forget: you can also

get information by "liking" our "Southland Christian Church" Facebook page.

We are excited to be utilizing the YouVersion “app” for tablets, smart phones, and other electronic devices during our Sunday services. Among other things, it's a great way to follow along with the sermon and even take electronic notes. You can even send your own notes to your e-mail account from right there within the app!

See the posters around the building for specific instructions on how to find our LIVE event using this app each week: “SCC – Sunday ENCOUNTER.”

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One of the great privileges and joys of following Jesus is being joined together with other believers as His

church. Here at Southland, we express that vital connection in part through our “Membership Covenant.” It

provides the basic parameters for belonging to the church family here – the commitments we have made to

Christ and one another as His people. Now, these are not just our own ideas. Rather, they are our attempt to

communicate the teaching of God’s Word when it comes to His Church – just what does it require of us to

belong to His Body? In this section of the Vine, we will be reviewing these commitments – 1 from each of the

4 sections of the covenant in each edition. It’s a way for us to keep fresh in our hearts and minds just what it

means to be connected to one another as His church here at Southland.

GENERAL LEADERSHIP (for both elders and staff) COMMITMENT … We covenant to take seriously the

responsibility we have to equip people for maturity and ministry. In the New Testament, EVERY believer is to

be a growing and participating part of the church body. Ministry is not the responsibility of a few, but the

shared work of all. It’s what some call the “priesthood of all believers” (see 1 Peter 2:9 and Revelation 1:6 –

in both, the language of “priests” is used in connection with all who are in Christ). As part of this , within the

New Testament’s teaching, leaders are in the position they are in not to do all the work, but to be

EQUIPPERS – those who prepare God’s people for maturity and ministry (see Ephesians 4:11-16).

ELDERS’ COMMITMENT … We covenant to lovingly exercise discipline of members when necessary for the glory

of God, the good of the one caught in sin and the health of the church as a whole. Following Jesus unites us

together with others. Part of living in this Christian community means we have the responsibility to correct

fellow believers caught in sin (see 1 Corinthians 5:1-13; Galatians 6:1 and Jude 22-23 for examples). It’s not

about being harsh, judgmental or condemning others. Rather, it’s about lovingly reaching out so that we can

help restore someone who has wondered astray and lead them back to a right relationship with Christ and

His Body. The attachment to our membership covenant lays out the ways elders specifically participate in this

process as shepherds of the flock. It is based on Jesus’ own teaching found in Matthew 18:15-18.

STAFF COMMITMENT … We covenant to demonstrate the effort appropriate for servants of Christ investing

ourselves in eternally significant work (e.g. the right heart, commitment, humility, etc.). Full-time ministry is a

vocation, not just a job. Even though Paul’s specific role as an Apostle is somewhat different than church staff

today, from reading various words he writes, it is obvious that this service is a very sacred responsibility (for

examples, see 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 and Colossians 1:28-29). That’s why things like

heart, passion, devotion and recognizing the eternal value of this privilege called ministry matters.

MEMBERS’ COMMITMENT … We covenant to care about the health and well-being of Southland, actively

doing my part to help bring that about. Just as a team cannot function well as a whole without the individual

parts performing their roles, a church doesn’t become healthy as a body without each person’s involvement.

Whether it’s our ministry to one another within the church family or our shared efforts to lead others to

Christ, it’s not up to “someone else” to participate, but each one of us!

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What MATTers to me … As the calendar approaches the end of June, it means the Fourth of July is right around the corner – Independence Day. It’s likely there are some natural connections you make with this day: cook-outs … picnics … fireworks … red, white and blue, etc. Even more, there are connections to some key ideals that are part of our nation’s fabric: patriotism, allegiance and especially freedom. We have much to be grateful for when it comes to the country in which we live. In fact, whatever flaws our country might have (flaws that are becoming increasingly apparent), there is a greatness about our nation and especially its heritage of faith. And yet, even as we celebrate our nation, its history and God’s role in it, this day also gives us a glimpse of who we are and what we have in Christ. What we have to celebrate as Americans is great; what we have in Christ is greater still! Think about these connections …

Even in the midst of strong feelings of PATRIOTISM, we remember where our true CITIZENSHIP really belongs. There is a reason that the New Testament uses the language of kingdom. Through Christ, we belong to “a holy nation, God’s very own possession” (see 1 Peter 2:9a), a worldwide kingdom that will have no end. As much as we can celebrate our national heritage … as much as we should embrace our responsibilities as citizens of America … we belong first and foremost somewhere else. It’s why Paul uses the language he does in Philippians 3:20 – “our citizenship is in heaven.” It’s why Peter uses the imagery of “aliens and strangers” to capture our identity – we live here and now, but this is not our home! In other words, we should see our identity not as Americans who happen to be Christians, but as Christians who happen to be Americans. In eternity, what will matter is not our earthly nation, but our heavenly citizenship. And how great it is to know that even if what seems unimaginable occurs and America goes the way of other world powers that have eventually fallen, what we belong to in Christ will never end! We can and should celebrate our country, but how much more our Kingdom!

Even in the midst of pledging ALLEGIANCE, we declare our PRIMARY DEVOTION to Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords. New citizens of our country take an oath declaring their commitment to America. In a similar way, part of what happens when a person enters into a saving relationship with Jesus at their immersion, they confess or acknowledge Him as their Savior and LORD (see Romans 10:9-10)! In a way, it’s an “oath of allegiance.” It’s a declaration that we are making Jesus the unquestioned #1 in our life – that’s what it means to claim Him as Lord. To use the words of one of my seminary professors, that means every other commitment in our life is a “conditional allegiance.” Following Jesus should make me a better husband, father, worker, even a better citizen. But, if Jesus is in the place where He belongs, He will not be a priority among many, but the over-arching priority under which everything else fits. It is appropriate for us to be committed to our country, but how much more to our eternal Lord and King!

Even in the midst of celebrating INDEPENDENCE and LIBERTY, we rejoice in the greater FREEDOM we have in Christ. We have what we have in our country because of the sacrifice of so many. It is appropriate for us to be grateful for what they have done. It’s why we acknowledge days like Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day at Southland … we do want to give honor to whom honor is due. All the freedoms we possess are the result of what others have fought for, defending and protecting what we can now enjoy. And yet, just as our national patriotism is secondary to our heavenly citizenship and our allegiance to country is secondary to our allegiance to Jesus, so our earthly freedom is a reflection of something even greater we can experience in Christ. Jesus came announcing freedom (see Luke 4:17-21), offering true freedom from our slavery to sin (see John 8:34-36; see also Galatians 6:1). In fact, one of the main ways the NT pictures our salvation is with the language of REDEMPTION. In the 1st century, the word described a slave whose freedom from captivity had been purchased through the payment of a ransom. In Christ, it’s what we experience because He laid down His life for us as a ransom (see Matthew 20:28 or 1 Peter 1:18-19). We have what we call our “rights” and “liberties” as citizens of America. There are many great ones indeed. But, Jesus offers us a freedom from the trap of sin, the freedom from its eternal consequences, even the very freedom from death itself. And if it’s fitting to express gratitude to those who have made our earthly freedoms possible, how much more so to the One who has purchased our eternal freedom!

I suppose for some, it’s possible to see in all this a relegation of America to a status below where it deserves. For some, loyalty and commitment to country rank above and beyond EVERYTHING else. It’s particularly difficult for us who have grown-up in a place where God and country have historically been so intertwined. But, as the divorce between the two seems to grow increasingly evident, perhaps this is as good a time as any for us as followers of Jesus to re-orient ourselves to where we should be as His people. As great as America has been and still continues to be, we belong to something even better! So even as we celebrate our country, may we even more celebrate Jesus and His Kingdom.

over for more ...

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In the words of ... PHILIP YANCEY.

Occasionally, it is good to add the voice of another author. This is one of those times. As followers of Jesus living in America, we find ourselves in an odd time. Our country that has long been connected with a heritage of faith seems to be quickly abandoning anything of the sort. This is not a political statement, it is a simple observation of where we are. For citizens of other countries, it may seem quite normal, even appropriate to have a purely secular government in which there is very little interest in God's perspective or His values. Because of our heritage, it seems quite strange to us! Even as we don't want government to demand people embrace a certain faith, we find it hard to swallow the reality that godly values are now shunned and replaced. What are we to do and how are we to respond?

Here are some words from Philip Yancey. He writes these words as part of his book The Jesus I Never Knew. Specifically, these words appear in the context of a chapter on the Kingdom Jesus established. His words are good ones for us to consider for where we are in our country ...

(Yancey has just spoken about the success of underground churches in nations like the former Soviet Union or China. Even in that context where the church was a persecuted minority, millions and millions declared their allegiance to Christ and His invisible Kingdom)

Problems seem to arise when the church becomes too external, and gets too cozy with the government. As one legislative aide said after a tour of China, "I believe there is a word of caution for us in the apolitical nature of China's underground church. They fervently pray for their leaders but maintain a careful independence. We are privileged to live in a participatory democracy, but having worked in American politics for almost a decade, I have seen more than a few believers trade in their Christian birthright for a mess of earthly pottage. We must continually ask ourselves: Is our first aim to change our government or to see lives in and out of government changed for Christ?"

To rephrase her question: Is our first aim to change the external, political kingdom or to further God's transcendent kingdom? In a nation like the U.S., the two easily get confused.


Nowadays, as the U.S. grows increasingly secularized, it appears that church and state are heading in different directions. The more I understand Jesus' message of the kingdom of God, the less alarm I feel over that trend. Our real challenge, the focus of our energy, should not be to Christianize the United States (always a losing battle) but rather to strive to be God's kingdom in an increasingly hostile world. ...

... I would prefer to live in a country where the majority of people follow the Ten Commandments, act with civility toward each other and bow their heads once a day for a bland, non-partisan prayer. I feel a certain nostalgia for the social climate of the 1950's in which I grew up. But if that environment does not return, I will not lose any sleep. As America slides, I will work and pray for the kingdom of God to advance. If the gates of hell cannot prevail against the church, the contemporary political scene hardly offers much threat.

(taken from The Jesus I Never Knew, pages 249ff.)

As much as we strive to faithfully share Jesus with others around us in our country and around the world ... as much as we strive to LIVE OUT God's values and priorities in the midst of moral decay ... may we remember that our success does not depend on the right political circumstances and preferable legislation (as helpful as that may seem). Rather, our success is the product of Christ and His Spirit at work in us!

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LLeess'' LLaatteesstt UUppddaatteess ffrroomm tthhee CChhiillddrreenn’’ss && YYoouutthh MMiinniissttrriieess

UPCOMING YOUTH EVENTS: MOVIE NIGHT – Monsters University: Sunday, June 30th 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm. Cost for students is $7.00. Cost for adults is $9.00. And, of course you will want to bring some spending money for yummy movie snacks!

The Bigger & Better Hunt: Sunday, July 21st

Come to a Scavenger Hunt of HUMONGOUS proportions hosted by the Cobb Family (4711 S. April Avenue). Times: Meet at SCC @ 5pm. Return to SCC @ 9pm. Please bring $3.00 to cover the cost of dinner.

Night Water at White Water!

Friday, August 2nd, 4:00 pm – 10:00 pm Pre-pay $20.00 (Super Discount!) Bring: Modest swim wear, a towel, and money for dinner in the water park. This is a Rain or Shine event!


Lauren Marsh was selected 2nd team in girls District 3 Soccer. Lauren is a junior at Central High School

Kayla Gray received two awards for most outstanding student - in 7th grade Science as well as 7th grade English. Kayla attends New Covenant Academy.

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Maranatha Bible Camp Information Day Camp (Kindergarten - 1st grade) Saturday, June 22nd * Departing from SCC on Saturday @ 8am * Returning to SCC on Saturday @ 5pm Who's Going: Izzy Foster, Ben Jennings, Luke Jennings, Donna Lillard, Madison Lillard, Les Londeen, Kristie Martin, Nate Martin, Ava Mittag, Amber Neil, Ashlyn Neil, Adam Shaw, & Jackson Shaw.

Junior Camp (5th & 6th grade) Sunday, June 23rd – Wed., June 26th * Departing from SCC on Sunday @ 2pm * Returning Wednesday @ 3pm Who's Going: Luke Bryant, Ian Deckard, Trey Havens, Matt Martin, Simeon Martin, Cristina Turney, Josiah Turney, Joshua Turney & Malia Turney.

Kid Camp (2nd - 4th grade) Thursday, June 27th - Saturday, June 29th * Departing SCC on Thursday @ 9am * Returning Saturday @ 3pm Who's Going: Brandon Carmichael, Price Hamilton, Tatum Havens, Ben Jennings, Nate Jennings, Michaela Kubitschek, Cate Latimer, Lauren Latimer, Hayden Londeen, Les Londeen, Jayde Maggard, Reagan Maggard, Cameron Sampson, Emily Sampson, Wyatt Sampson, Aiden Simpson, Jeremiah Simpson, Kayla Simpson, Amanda Sims, Jill Sims, Macy Stewart, Devlin Sudduth, & Shane Sudduth

What to Pack: Bible, twin fitted sheet, bedding/pillow, personal grooming supplies, towels/washcloths, casual clothing, modest swimwear, flashlight, insect repellent, money for canteen and missions (approx. $5.00 a day)

Medicines: All medicine will be dispensed by an authorized nurse. Medicine must come in the original dispenser with child's name and dosage instructions.

VVaaccaattiioonn BBiibbllee SScchhooooll JJuullyy 2299tthh –– AAuugguusstt 11sstt

((AAggee 44 tthhrroouugghh 55tthh ggrraaddee))

6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Each Day

Please donate the following items: **juice boxes/pouches (We need 500!)

CCIIYY 22001133 MMOOVVEE CCoonnffeerreennccee

““RRIISSEE UUPP”” University of Nebraska

DDeeppaarrttiinngg JJuullyy 77tthh aafftteerr tthhee 11sstt sseerrvviiccee..

RReettuurrnniinngg JJuullyy1133tthh iinn tthhee eeaarrllyy eevveenniinngg..

Youth: Be sure to sign up at the youth display for dorm room mates, refer to the mailed packing list & prepare for a life-changing week!

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The message on Father’s Day got me thinking. It was not new material, but the Holy Spirit has a way of using the familiar in very unexpected ways. As Matt was talking about “Abba” – that intimate, yet respectful name we are privileged to use when calling out to God, I began thinking about what a challenge that intimacy can be. It is not hard to be close to our spouse, our kids or grandkids, or even to a friend. They are visual and much of the time, extremely “hearable.” But to have intimacy with our “Abba” Father, we have to slow down. We have to quiet the external noise so we can tune in to the internal, to the intimate. In today’s world, that is an extreme challenge.

There is another challenge to intimacy that we often overlook. Believe it or not, it is even more of a challenge than forcing ourselves to slow down. It is a concept we find in the book of Hosea:

“Come, let us return to the Lord … After two days He will revive us; on the third day He will restore us,

that we may live in His presence. Let us acknowledge the Lord; Let us press on to acknowledge Him.

As surely as the sun rises, He will appear; He will come to us like the winter rains,

like the spring rains that water the earth.” (Hosea 6:1-3)

In our language, to “acknowledge” is to give credit for a job well done or recognize an extraordinary achievement. The Hebrew word carries the much richer meaning of intense intimacy. It’s the kind of intimacy like you have after years of marriage where you can finish each other’s sentences or you just know what your spouse is thinking. It comes from working together to accomplish goals and sacrificing in the present with the hope of greater things in the future.

As you read this verse, it would seem like Israel has “got it.” God has called them on the carpet and they are remorseful. However, if you continue reading through Hosea you see that, in spite of these words, Israel was not seeking intense intimacy. Instead, they wanted to get out of their situation. It is kind of like the kid who knows they are in big trouble and thinks a pre-emptive “I’m sorry” will prevent punishment. As we read on, Hosea reveals the true character of the nation. He describes their love as the morning mist – a love that looks beautiful in the morning, but burns away during the heat of the day. God, through Hosea, calls for something much more. He doesn't desire any self-serving pursuit of intimacy. He longs for genuine and whole-hearted relationship.

We often pursue intimacy with Him when things are not going so well in our lives. We treat God as a heavenly lifeguard who is obligated to deliver us. We shed tears of remorse, not over sin, but over our suffering. We want happiness, not holiness – a change of circumstances, not a change of character. We want to cry out “Abba” not for real intimacy, but rather because we are uncomfortable. We have even been deceived into believing that just because we cry out for intimacy that His response should be quick and immediate. Our shallow understanding of God and His ways causes us to expect that cries for intimacy and mechanical acts of contrition will bring forth a great and mighty movement from Him. As a result, our hard circumstances will magically disappear.

The time to first pursue intimacy with God is not when we find ourselves in the midst of a battle or painful situation. The time to pursue intimacy with God is way before the battle begins so that “Abba” can carry us through even the hardest times that He requires of us. The intimacy that God desires with us is not easy to attain – especially in our “right now” world. A great price was paid so that we can have that intimacy. We must not cheapen it as the Israelites did with self-serving motives and the habits of “speed” worship, study and prayer. Yes, we must slow down to find intimacy, but the true place where intimacy starts is in our willingness to seek God for who He is, not for what He can do for us. “Let us press on to acknowledge Him” - let us pursue intense intimacy with our “Abba” Father.

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Summer Bible Study

This is a 5-week study

Offered in the morning

& the evening!

Begins June 25th

Morning study begins at 9:30 am.

Evening study begins at 7:00 pm.

Choose the time

That works

best for you!

Childcare is available at both study times.

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Weekly ENCOUNTER ... a time to gather in God's presence together.

Plan NOW to go! See Debbie Nelson for more details.

During the summer months, we will be in a series of sermons using Old Testament stories to help us discover how we can better LIVE OUT our faith. As we focus on these ordinary people, we will make sure we stop to see this extraordinary God who was and is at work. More than anything else, what we need is greater confidence in who He is and what He can do.


The communication of God's Word has always been an integral part of the gatherings of God's people. As God's old covenant people would assemble, part of their purpose was to hear and consider His instruction. Likewise, with the arrival of God's new covenant people, teaching became an important priority (see Acts 2:42 where it is listed with fellowship, the Lord's Supper and prayer). That's why it's fitting for us to also make it a priority as we ENCOUNTER God each and every week. Part of meeting with Him as a church family is the privilege of listening to Him.

We believe that Scripture is inspired by God and that it can equip us to LIVE OUT our faith in God (see 2 Timothy 3:16-17). That's why as we come to the sermon time, it is not about human ideas and wisdom. No, it is an opportunity for us to hear His voice speaking to us. Through a human messenger speaking His Word, the Holy Spirit reveals God to His people. Indeed, at its purest, preaching is the task of communicating the 21st century significance of His ancient, yet living-and-active Word. Through this time of teaching, we discover God's desire for our lives. We are reminded of our identity in Christ -- recipients of His grace. We are challenged to live more faithfully for Him. We tune-in to His voice so that we can be prepared for the life He calls us to live. That's why we place a high priority on His Word each and every week as we gather to ENCOUNTER Him.

Upcoming sermons in this series:

June 23: Moses (Exodus 3-4) ... Trusting God's CALL

June 30: Noah (Genesis 6-9) ... Trusting God's WORD

July 7: The Israelites in the Wilderness - manna and quail (Exodus 16-17) ... Trusting God's PROVISION

July 14: Hezekiah (Isaiah 36-37) ... Trusting God's DELIVERANCE

July 21: Elijah (1 Kings 18) ... Trusting God's SUPERMACY

July 28: Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego (Daniel 3) ... Trusting God's ABILITY

If you miss a sermon, you can catch it online! Go to the "Sermons & Media" tab on

the home page of our website. Once there, click "Launch

Sermon Player" to find the one you want to hear.

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CONNECT Ministries ... a place to discover Christian community.

G ROW DEEP Ministries ... an opportunity to plant deep roots in Jesus and God's Word.

At Southland, a significant way we help people grow is through our Deeper Life Groups (a.k.a. "D-Groups"). While we occasionally offer other teaching opportunities, this is our primary way of helping people plant DEEP roots into Christ and God's Word (see Colossians 2:6-7).

To be a part of a Deeper Life Group, please fill out one of the GREEN CARDS found at the Welcome Center.

(NOTE: If you have already signed-up to be a part of a D-Group, we will be forming new groups soon!)


We have designed our CONNECT Ministries to help people discover Christian community. They provide the right kind of place to build relationships with other believers, pray with and for one another as we strive to follow Jesus faithfully and consider how God’s Word applies to our lives. Please see the "CONNECT Counter" in the foyer for information about where these groups meet weekly (mainly 9 and 10:30 on Sunday mornings), and for more details about any upcoming events (also listed


EMPTY NESTERS will have a

patriotic themed dinner at the

church on July 12th.

Wear red, white & blue!

Make sure you check periodically at the CONNECT Counter in the foyer for more details about upcoming events!!

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This section of the Vine provides a central place for you to be informed about how to become active in service at Southland. One of our major priorities is to be a place where God's people BUILD UP one another. In fact, according to Ephesians 4:16, the overall health of the church (the Body) depends upon each part doing its "own special work." Through our acts of service, God uses us to help others grow. At the same time, here’s what is beautiful about God's design: what we do for the benefit of others even has benefits for our own growth as followers of Jesus. That's why we share this section with you. While we cannot include every potential opportunity to serve, we want to (1) highlight some specific areas where we have a need for help, (2) make you aware of special opportunities to serve and (3) provide a place to thank some of our volunteers.

Opportunities to BUILD UP ... a way to serve others and even help ourselves grow.

To volunteer to serve in any area of ministry, please fill out one of the BLUE "Build Up" response cards at the Welcome Center. We will pass your name along to the appropriate leader.


Our nursery is staffed by a wonderful group of volunteers who serve on a rotating basis. We currently have enough volunteers to cover both services for 4 weeks. BUT WE HAVE A PROBLEM! In months where there are 5 Sundays (typically about 4 times per year) we struggle to staff the nursery on that 5th Sunday. Often this means that people have to serve twice in the same month or people who are already serving in other areas (e.g. Lil Cruisers,

Sunday School, etc.) are also called upon to serve in the nursery. We need 6 people who are willing to volunteer just 4 times per year on those 5th Sundays! AND GUYS – THIS IS NOT ONLY AN OPPORTUNITY FOR WOMEN!!! We have several couples who serve together! Contact Gabrielle Carroll.

If you would be interested in serving at the Welcome Center on a rotational basis, please contact Deb

Nelson at [email protected] or by calling the church office at 881-7405.

We have a list of items needed for our Vacation Bible School July 29th

– August 1st.

Please donate the following items: We will need approximately 500 juice boxes/pouches for snack time. Your donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you for serving in this way!


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What a great BUILD UP project! Malia, Christina, Joshua, and Josiah Turney and Simeon Martin spent a morning pulling weeds and tidying up the playground. The really neat thing about this project is that they saw something that needed to be done and teamed up to accomplish the project.

Well done Malia and kids!

Most likely, his is one of the first faces you will see when you come in the church doors on Sunday. You will usually find him talking to folks in the foyer even while he keeps a special eye out for visitors. He can be seen taking count during first service, challenging us with a communion meditation, or hopping up to fill in when needed to pass communion and offering trays. He regularly serves at the Welcome Center during second service. If something goes awry on a Sunday morning, he is one of the "go to" people we seek out to rectify the situation. For many, those are the things they think about when they think of Dennis McCann. But the truth is, there is so much more that Dennis does here at Southland.

One of Dennis' responsibilities is serving as leader of Southland's Lawn Sharks. He is responsible for organizing the mowing teams, making sure that all the equipment is in working order, and that there is gas available. Just keeping track of who has the keys is a job in itself! That would be enough, but the fact is, Dennis also does many other things. If you know much about Dennis, you know that he takes very seriously the way the church grounds look. He spends countless hours planting, weeding, watering, and trimming. When many of us are sitting in air conditioning in the middle of the summer, Dennis is often here working out in the heat. When someone cannot mow on their scheduled weekend, Dennis somehow fits that into his own weekend so the church lawn will look its best on Sunday morning. Put it this way: If anything needs to be done with landscaping or lawn care, Dennis is the guy we call.

But, there is more! Dennis also comes in to set up the room for Ladies Bible Study or other events, empty trash and pick up in the middle of the week. He sees something needs doing and just gets it done. Several times in the middle of the night, he has been called by the police to come to the building because the alarm has gone off. (He gets this privilege because he is the elder that lives closest to the church. Lucky him!) Dennis leads a D group, and as an elder, is present at most events as well as the twice monthly elders' meetings. To put it bluntly, Dennis' everyday life cannot truly be separated from his involvement with our church and his service to the Lord. Thinking of Southland comes as easily to him as thinking of his own family. He does not seek praise or recognition, but he certainly deserves it. What an example of selfless sacrifice and caring he sets for the rest of us! Thank you Dennis!


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Communion Prep: Warren and Carolyn Burros


Junior High Class 9:30 Free At Last Connect Group

Brandon Joines/Jay Butler Sue Malina/Shirley Bloss

7/14/13 - 1ST SVC 7/14/13 - 2ND SVC

Empty Nesters Connect Group Refuge Connect Group

Jay & Kim Tyler Edith Phipps/Dorothy Marti

7/21/13 - 1ST SVC 7/21/13 - 2ND SVC

10:30 Free At Last Connect Group 9:30 Branch Connect Group

Michael Seal/Mike Lippert Ken Nelson/Marty Hamm

7/28/13 - 1ST SVC 7/28/13 - 2ND SVC

Empty Nesters Connect Group 242 Connect Group

Dustin & Lacey Shumaker Dennis & Kay McCann

/ /13 - 1ST SVC / /13 - 2ND SVC

SERVERS 1ST SERVICE 2ND SERVICE 7/7/13 Various People Austin Presko Team

7/14/13 Various People Doug Graves Team

7/21/13 Various People Ben Jennings Team

7/28/13 Various People Les Londeen & Youth Ministry


7/7/13 Dorothy Marti Jill Sims

7/14/13 Marian Smith Debbie Gray

7/21/13 Pam Sewell Amanda Butler

7/28/13 Edna Houser Terra Gegg

NURSERY 1ST SERVICE 2ND SERVICE 7/7/13 Cortney Joines/Joy Shearin Jill Sims/Laura Lippert/Jessie Worthy

7/14/13 Tammy Worthy/Mara Ray Debbie & Kayla Gray/Elizabeth Kubitschek

7/21/13 Sheila Seal/Erica Shaw Stewarts/Millers

7/28/13 Melissa Mittag/Stacy Gambill AJ & Terra Gegg/Linsey Drake

/ /13

Wee Cruisers Li'l Cruisers 10:30 - 11:45am

Cruiser's LEADER

7/7/13 Debbie Jennings Shelby Ritz

Sara Emmerton Allison Ritz

Andy and Donna Lillard

7/14/13 Kristin Londeen Shelby Ritz

Kelly Loftis Alexis Simpson

Brad and Ashley Worthy

7/21/13 Gabrielle Carroll Brittney Shearin

Emily Sampson Kayla Bryant

Amanda and Austin Presko

7/28/13 Danielle Keeton Victoria Kubitschek

Marsha Foster Anna Martin

Les Londeen

/ / 13

COMPUTER 1ST SERVICE 2ND SERVICE 7/7/13 Jordan Marsh Emily Courtney

7/14/13 Dan Gray Dan Gray

7/21/13 Katy Carmichael Jay Butler

7/28/13 Sonya Simpson Sonya Simpson

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LIVE OUT Ministries

... a path for putting faith into action.

"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." Galatians 6:10

The G6:10 Ministry recently added Show-Me Christian Youth Home to the list of our local ministry partners. Their main facility is located in LaMonte, MO. House parents provide care for children in six homes at this unit. Administrative offices are located here as well. They have additional facilities located in Camdenton, El Dorado Springs, Mayview, Barnett, Goodman, and Galt.

The Mission Statement for the Show-Me Christian Youth Home is as follows:

Show-Me is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing a loving, stable, Christian home for children with backgrounds of abuse, neglect, abandonment, and unfortunate circumstances. Services are available to all persons regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or handicap. We are funded solely by contributions from individuals, churches, and groups that are willing to put their faith into action to help children.


Spiritually. * Daily devotions with the family * Involvement in an area Christian Church * Christian Summer Camps and VBS programs

Academically. * Attending public school or Show-Me Christian School * Study time is required each day after school * Parents are available to help their children with homework with additional help when needed * Gaining skills by participating in farm and home tasks

Emotionally. * Daily contact with trained and dedicated houseparents * Support from the Children’s Services Team, when needed * Regular appointments with a licensed counselor

Physically. * Plenty of open space and recreational facilities promote healthy lifestyles * Healthy meals are provided in the homes with the Show-Me family

* Children are encouraged to participate in sports at the public school, Christian school, or in community programs * Medical, dental, and eye care are available to each child

This can be a good way to LIVE OUT your faith in a practical way nearby. Volunteer opportunities are available in many areas. SCC’s contact person for Show-Me is Danny Houser.

Check out more information on the G6:10 bulletin boards in the hallway outside the Fellowship Hall.

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As part of our effort to keep you informed about Southland's missions partners, we have listed the organizations and their websites (where applicable) below. These are the ones we financially support.

Central India Christian Mission ...

Ozark Christian College ...

Maranatha Bible Camp ...

Christian Campus House at MSU ...

Pregnancy Care Center ...

Salvation Army ...

Make sure you stop by the alcove (north end of the auditorium). It's where we publish newsletters and others

updates that we receive from our foreign partners.

This year, as part of our partnership with the Pregnancy Care Center, we participated in the

“Baby Bottle Boomerang” fundraiser. It's a great way for us to LIVE OUT God's values and

priorities as we partner with them in service to Christ in our community. A good portion of

the bottles have been returned. Prior to having ALL the change counted (and it's a significant

amount!), we have already raised $740.

Great job Southland family!

PLEASE remember to return your bottle if you haven't done so yet.

Just so you know ... we sent $1,000 to Draper Park Christian Church in the Oklahoma City area to

support their tornado relief work. Draper Park is the home church of Southland member Gary

Gambill. We determined that partnering with this sister church is the best way for us to assist in

these efforts. It's just another way for us to LIVE OUT faith as a church family.

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Catalogue The A "For Sale" Listing Service For Members of Southland

The Catalogue ads:

Ads are accepted from SCC Members only. They must be submitted 7 days prior to the day The Vine is published. You must submit your ad to [email protected] & to [email protected] . Ad will not be published unless it has been approved. Ads offering items free to church members are welcome. Whenever possible, for best quality - digital images in .jpeg format are preferred over printed photos. All ads will be screened for appropriateness, and refused if deemed inappropriate. Editor's discretion will be used when preparing ads - this includes, but is not limited to, graphic size, type, spelling, phrasing. Ad runs ONCE, unless an additional run is requested by the above submission time. It is seller's responsibility to contact us to renew an ad.

Rattan and glass dining set with Pier1 cushions…$300. Contact Debbie Little 417-350-5934