Some Blunders of Indian Historical Research

PJ\!. Oak Some Blunders of Indian Historical Research

Transcript of Some Blunders of Indian Historical Research

PJ\!. Oak Some Blunders of Indian Historical Research SOME BLUNDERS OF INDIAN HJSTORICAL RESEARCH by p. N. OAK. M. A., LL., B. tor Re10rltlaa World Hlltory Ph! 3'3!'1!>:'4 ,. 1 111 HINDI I ' N 2. 8.0 (; .I."' , Road, (N!. Pt2nls,;l 0\llij, Katcl SQn. N.D 5 BHARATI SAHITYA SADAN J0(90, Connoupt Cirws, New Delhi-110001 CONTENTS ..... Preface 5 Wbat Prompted My H11tonc Quest 9 lllunder No. 1 Indian mooumeots Credited to Alien Muslim ll 2 : Ignoble Akbar Believed Noble 81 3 : Fahh in Mediaeval Chronicleval Muslim Coum 14 I 1 : Mych about the Moahul Garden Art 143 8 : Mythic&l Golden Penods Under Alica Rule 146 Key Principles for a Correct Appraisal of lo4iao Mediaeval History 147 9 : Akunder's Oefnt Claimed to be Great V&ctory over Porus I S6 l 0 : Adya Sbankaracharya' o Antiquity UnderBsumated by 1297 Yeara 169 II l ord Buddba '1 Antiqu&ty Uoderesti- ted by Over .1 300 Yearo 184 Mllslo,. IIUratl Sallll,a Sadan. 30/90, Coooou&)ll IUI, X II, Novia Sbabclan, OelhIIOOll. OnJ in of Allah" ul!odo Gocl aocl !Cabo u Hlld For,oueo l oci K.&llaU1'1 Rctl rrom Bah to tbe Baldc aoc1 Keau co IC&ba Forsoneo If> Role o1 S..O.krit u A.,.;.Dt World u aa...,e Forson.., HJoclo Onaio or Proph' aDd be> I of other cirh teem in& with mediaeval moou "7't"' ...,. buill by a "' do UIOrtrueot of forei&oen like lurb lraoiaDJ, Mongolt, Abyuloians, KuakJ and

"' ft lO raise a hue and Cr')t. We are, tbcrcfo(e, caught in a lctou.a drcle. We fJIIIc hl11ory 10 ttudenu because II ia .., writtc.D, and DO 8C-DeratiOD Of bittOC)' $Cholan data that hiltory despite iu contradiclioos a.od absurdities. becaUJC 'Clal is whtt they have been u&ht. Coatiauioa IDY rcJUrch tbrouab actaal olsiu to bbtono sites, aod browsina lhrouah bittorics I have bceo 1ble to pthrr eonsicknobte evldeae< to prove that all promioeo !bat d"taace at rbc letillrely Pce ol an elephAnt ond wtlh all hb "'Uitb aad penon lllld harem upoocd to hostile a !lacks, (Of rhc dub;oua plcuure of peadlllJ a few cool boun rn Ni1hat and Sbaltmor, io a life-UDIa the royal fount. That fount bad beta Patr b. ,..s by tbe H1odu of Kashmir throuah the aacs, b Ool-1u Urdu name " Chasma" is a mere translaUon

old Sanslrit oame, Raj Nirzar. Tbc name of Kashmir's famous llllre "Dal" is also or Sa knt oraa1n "Oal'' means a leaf and signi6ct foliaae. Tbc n: 1ns ptdeos 10 tbat lake aod its abounding lotus plants

' permantnt aurction which eltplains the name " Dal". 0 Tbc names of ntany other tracks in Kashmir arc still Sanskrit, such as Sonmarg (mea nina a golden P11tb) and Oul. marg which was formerly i.e. lho path of 0 odd. lliJ tal. roumscantial evidence we have at"'-''""" vcro6rd by gle whiclllw struck deep roo11 In f-,eno ar&red lbO prel their physical bt:auty promcly bt:cau$0 IUCb beauty wu never bra&aed about 11 least io Indio iD public. Bot Pad mini's phyical bt:auty nmc to b< about ooly bc:et-the >lien in-.drr Allauddio KhPJt was so a>amotmd of btt that he moved havOao couplet the DKbu 11 yet aootl>6 _,. - INDIAN lit.n'OafCAI. I tlO!t ,,,.,., rroortblt tb< cc>uplet was iolald by the captor, 0 ron wbo, dADkd b7 tile Otnlle beAuty Of the moouiiii'Q I lilt a to tbelll u war booty, cbuacteriud It a, 1 ,.,.., ... from the Red Fori we see that tbe two Oeo alon...., oely a llooe't rbrow from the fort, are botb '"' Mulllm. Ooo la tbc red Jain Temple ud the other tho o:"": Slwtbr Temple. Hod Sbahjallall bu!lt Red Fort he ... never bave allo"ed the two ooo-1slamoesbnnes to remain thtrt. Tbcsc tWO temples are there beeowe the fort WU tOOilruttOd by tbe RajpOIIteeral centuries before Sbahjabao. Cbandol Cbowk, tbo maio thoroilahfare stemmlna rrom tbe 1or1 lo almost oxclusovety inhabited by Hindus. Had tbe MoJUis buOt tho fort we should bave seen Turks, Arabao1, Pmlloo, Arabs. Abyasoooaos and Hindu converts sell led lo Cblndoo Cbowk The wbole of Old Ddlll bu a teemios and ovcr-wbtlmloa Htodu pepulatloa. lo its complicated, winding alley all their lobuta too 111< boilr Ia tbc rradirioaal Hindu llyle. To maioralo tk!acrvdd .. por llh Sballjabao boih bouus for Hinduuod rOITllrd tho bole city with a -massive wall is absurd. As tosri6es Old Delhi exi11ed eeoru-roa bd'oro Sba!ojabao. II aalut such over,.btlmios proof ooe or rwo out or DIIIDCIOUS widtly dill'trina spurious veniool or the McmOIII of illllbJihao, cooralo a passins rcftrcoec 10 some fort and some tOWD rounded by Sl!abjabao b!Siorians must at once spot tbe othc1 polo! lA bt considored is that Safdarjana had bcruoo that /lkbr to send hos whu for delovery to Salim Chitl I 111ell euno-us bcuutc: St.lllll Cb11U was cerutln1y not a practiiiOI -c:ertiOed mldwife. 28. Mcordrns to eurreM falsiliec! accouou Fatehpur Sokfl wu uoder cooltructlon from aboul 1670 to I Sin. And yet that wos the prcclst period whon it was capital How could A\bar tlvo In a under construction 1 29. Hostory rccordl Akbu.t forever left the towruhlp In 1585 payina It only "ftying visit In t6(11. Thll a monarch .. bould sray 01 a plocc amidst huge pilet or build in& mllerlal for I S years and tben auddealy teavc tho brand ne01 towablp immediately a(ter ltl complc-tiOD i.s OD the Very face of ll absurd. It only proves tbat Akbar lived i.D RaJpOt royal -pr.Jacc complex Slormed and captured by bis tnondfatber. He bod to leave It on ISSS beCause tbe lokc-bur11 tow>rds the end of I 583 made life In Fatcbpur Sikri unreoabllbare ill ao.oual ofl'uio&s by 1 usl!m polr.roms attbe shrine. Tho two po;ts also teuify bat II wu a goddess ocmple. Bao&Jcs, a symbolic ofl'erina on Hondu still offered at tbe altar during tho nnoual Muohm fcstoval. The Moinuddio Cbisti tomb lies amidst the rulna or tho fortoficauons at t he foot ofTnraaadh As hos been obkrvtd carhor Mushm faki rs U$cd to occupy nnd ruinrd Hindu munsrons. When tbc fakors docdtbey were burled 11 tbe ploct wberc the I" d 1 cd 1 ' ove a course of lome tbe sho anum mportancc u shrine. Exctpt for the triangula r mound markloathc burial plac-e or St. Moiouddon Cblnl the enure 1J pan or 8 hugo Hindu maosion which CAme under 0; throuah COllqucst and converalon and 01 .or t. Mornuddon Cbisti. JtlHMTplnla ),1 .... Aoother Ionic kllo\Oon faJ an 'lrernliLYe e co e a '!"ctd fuLJo, o1 op!WII Ae followed tbe praeroce of bas family for .,.., in consumlnJ both mona dnok and vari'O opponents I o Ahmedabad ruler Munuar be u-.uopled ro dealb by clepbaJlll. ba 'lllary commandanl was barbarously puolsh Ha.mza o. a m1 , cd by Akbar by the ucisloo of his tonau ID JS7J. . . lation of wb.o had Msud Hussa1n MIIU, 1 ncar "' H:J o1bcr risco Ia rovoll, bad his eyes sewn up tbe skins of 300 supporters were dnawn up before . f ll!m I$$CJ bop and doas drawn over !hell faces. t wcre'executed whh various iogeoou.s tortures. dltJU$UD& to ftnd a mao lillc Akbar uoeliooiog such wbleh he i nhcrhcd from biJ Tartar ancestors," aays Smuh. When tho Miru was dofealtd in the baltlo o( Ahmedabad, Sepl. 2, 1 S7 J, "3 pyramid was built with 1hc beadJ of abc rebels. more ban 2,000 10 number." (p. 86). Wben the ruler or Bengal, Oaud Kbao, was defeated "followlna the barbtrous custom of 1hc times (Akbar's com mander Muoim Khan) musacrtd his prisoners, whose btads were sulllcitoUy numerous 10 furnish eight sky high minartts" (Akbamoma iii, 180). When Dnud ove1comc with thirst asked for water "tbey filled b1s slipper whb Willet and brought It to bim." These inSiancu should suffice 10 convince 1:te reader that Akba-r'a wbole rclao Is a continuous tale of hornd cruelllC$ Smith's account or Akbar's contaios numerous 10stancta of Akbar's perfidy, On Pae S7 be says "Ao e11raord1nary loeidtol which occumd In April while lbe royal camp wu 11 Tbanesar, the famous Hiodu place of pll&rimare to the oortb or Delhi, liuotl'l a ather uoplcawu liJbt upon Akbar's cbataclor. "The Sauyasins sscmblcd at the holy tank "'etc into two Pltlieo, caUcd tbe Kurs aod PUris. The leader ol' tbc Iauer eompl11ned 10 the Kioa thAt llle ICun had UOJU&el) octupird lhe occuaiOUitd 1111ioa pluc of tbe 1'11111 "ho 11rrc fO INDIAN lti$TOIICAl ot.,Cit rbu debarred from collCD la)lll have otUtaU I 1 bell or bit ra!>lously. Thus betweon tbcmselve.s thcae chro

aod me moors provide uau;ring evidence of tbo '"ent ood deplb or corrop11on tbat prevaoltd under All rul ab from Kolllboddio to B1badursbab ZaroT. tn JlbJDflfJ c.J&im, to bnc built seraij. sunk "'tile IDif I ill the Plf- to the editor "S' H ,1 tqects ,e:rs:ioo u baviog bee:n writtc,: by

ntbtr lhlo an emperor tbe preteoded lCCUrat) aDd IIIUUIItDUS Wllb which the V>JUe or &Old, SiJvt and rcriout , .,.Ia" II> to, and tbt oboondioa uaaaerauon dfspiAJtd a caomcrotJn& sums ..must be nonked with the 6elio"' 0( Euooutd Pl&lamaomr." :. HiJ'!'ry Vol. vii, paae 206 rllt pro. tl'/ unlotable 1nd soerooanDJptnJ. Those w we ourer ftoJbtafc conduct lhrou&b ho\ own turnory if Alexander proceeded soUih Till' W&l cry rarslabtcJ move on Porul'\ pari beCIIUIO had bo lei Alu:andor sa back tO Ambhl't rcgion aod ioto Afah&Di\lao Alruntlcr may have lroJicherouiY regroup! f>ICCI far anot hd hn dtfeace wr:nl 1nto octlon Poru bad provided a pcotcchve coftr throu&b bis owo terrllory. But he \ocw lhat Aleuadcr ould never be able to SO uQSCitbed tbrou&h Olbtr pull or lad .. wbidl ...... tborouahly aotl e auarded by ovr bra>< Kshatriyu, 1Gd !bat by tbe "':" be WCIDI ""t throup tbc; othct end bis back would be COIIIP p."J Dl!.fiA T CLAtMt!O 'Lp.UOO \6S od f1r trom !Kina a world-c4nqucror be would be tel)' broklto< tl>e uodoput...S bcro. It is btgb umc that lh ""'4'01 cl.wllo or Gre010 (rom 788 A.D. 10 840 A. D. J> occuioned by a very close s im11u lily belwce Ado by advaodna the )Car of Abhinava Shanker "'"do., ) cars. Thua a branch of the Sbrioaerl Pecrh b:,. l1lpPOrred b 10 nmulcha." Yudbtstbrra ern 26J I corrt1poods 10 2593 Kali wbich it tht ume 1J B.C. The horOI(:Ope IJ dRJ"pu w1>o .. 'C"i' &< G: .. u :Carme "' a U:C. - lry tt.c fint Wlft o( Oand,.JI'J"L "fer lk ll;:kr .._. &o b)oau n a.nd dcclale !C 1c!- ..... r J. RAIATARANGIN( at aces tbar J 30 Yars before Loktdbuu 1 4 :>1cmponl)' of KaoiJbka {129412}4 B.C.), Lord lllllioed Niru1111 Accorttro dhJAat ua.l Syria- :., _.. 1otenptoon rul4 a. a cousequcox:c the M.u:r-flitl a.. . p4,aq lbt neat ... " . .:! Jtundrcd )'c-1 ra , . .., ....... ..... _. FP iq b' t p __, cluoaoloar by COOiplctely by 411 1 lloc -...pcioo rbat tbey .,..,. ItA'S ANTIQUITY t,OIP at!DD 199 codemoc Tbe history of a -fi'IIUds ao:n cr be properly lnvrtnt mend tholr currently profuse. e.bronoloaJ Jhl. buth at 1887 B.C.. and Jcmue at ISG-7 uod put The 9 1 1 h eveotl properly belona. 11te D.C. the datu to v :;,cof ancient Indian history doted durong other unportant e h oo Tbe Buddbn mu$1 abo be Jokc-tbo coun< o11f bO>toricl :Ailoos dCJeltbed In the Romayan1 and the M1habharato If this is clearly understood then thoro be"" difficulty in vlulrztog tbot 1bo two Indian cptc two rul, ancient civilizations and tbe ocbievemcnta ll>ry lOa far thh academic intnenslgcni)C l1 chat India bu btcn ruled by a.lient for over .. thousand yeats. or tltcto Ulo ""' 800 yoaro Muallm rule wore or complete chaos and barred between tbo ruler and tbc ruled. Ourtn1 lltflllh dornroauon for tho ooxl 200 ycara WeAtorn scholara' tmm11urc mcdloevol concop11 about time and spaco, tho orl1ln of the co.moo and the appceraoce or lifo oo canh were hl1h baa4:. !k; 111 .... ..... .-.eo if to. th'ec ot bo a%1Cl .r the d.alt, ,._., aa4 '"" of binh :uc t.ooa:. "'"" rcsc:bd tmplaotioj uawamottd cbroooloD' tD lodia11 lustor)'. To illustrate tbJJ poiollean &a actual IDiliDC< of bow such btas bad almost led to fOUIUtt a 6chhou date oa a research tbcSts. A adlolar kllown to me wu wotking for bls doctoral theat& lin ' aoude' w" 10 lodlan Cllrtauan who bad Imbibed all the dcq>-oc&trd PJUdoc:n or Western M:hOillt'l for ladlao astnll clarA. Tbt rub,..t of tbo tbcal ""' Nana Phadaavecs-tbo 18th Ccfllur) Duuoatbt ouurac QfbtS research the ieholor found three dilll:rwt clatn mentfnncd by conte111porary Enalsb officlala or 1M Eaotlnda Compa.,y, baa a beariaa 00 Naoa Phadoa - \lrU.. Tbc lbtee ollki&h had retpceltvdy rec:orded tblt 11MJ ..._ IIIC>tl '" receptlooo lrt&GICd by lbe Pbedneveet fiiDoily Ott FtbtU Ulajllt arOUJU of Thus II is satd that there t"r tu- d In OUt WO ld 0 -- aa Thb m> . r wbttu, black to tlkotafY tho ,.hit- IU " A y alngbt so far aJ It IO arc dciCflbcd as the eocmiu of the couotry ond ""' of U.. so-called luyao peoples as such. Therefore, inllcld or Ar)&Ot btaa.atupposed to be rorciJ,.Dtf$ a more proper in1tt P'tllhOD woui..S be. that some suptroatorat be: mas aile-d the 0 >vt wert mtmohj,, . ..,.,..,., 1 Sow ll'llclc oo tbo topic rilten by Or N R Wahnd _..,""'Deihl . . ! llaca &Od SOOtety by Duoo and Oobtbansky. SaaQrk Loeaa by T. Mur111w, Tilt Vodtc lido by ketrb aod llkOoonrc1 as -d by tbc aacltlnct ioo, aod have perhaps attained greater beoabu or remporat and spiritual acbievemenu but have been lost and rotgoueo. Likewise oura is not the world io tbe bdlaoal! vast cosmos. Muy other civiltulloos morr woodmal aod similar or from ours could czin. Thtt too is ao u ci eot u iom of tbc Hindus who term God II' be tbc Lor4 or Uncountable Millions of World like our own. That the whole creation is a conti nuous cycle wit bout be1innlol or md, u has been propounded by tbo tliodul since Ume Jmmemonal may also l>e verified by lookloa arouod our cosmiC coflroamcnl Oor solar yscem II m d up of orbs wbith haye been soloa round aod round In an endle" whirl Men. aa1m1fa andTeft tabielire tJrn roood In a eoootaot cyeloof oreatioo and deatrut> tton. Time and apu c too hove oo bcaloal and liD vtctory o T er commemorotlog tb "" be be Vlkrtm ow atie>lly lower may t biltof'Y Jd autom uuJet o( 80CICOI coaqucstl or A artat manY Ulldcntaodiaa of lndlan sc:holart, ulved bJL & propc At recorded by 8;.':. wortbop cult, pru-Kins workers sprc3d tho ool; tOks have bob Parsces Aan Comities like tho wbtcb I 6nJ tht and Iraq It '' tbose blppcrs It h t.berod fire ttmpl: hotrcC-S or tirC""wo" kina 'Jntlcttlu or aul ... , Kurda and tranl,:k': B\u aod

l ndi>O , p1&Cd o( 111e1 Ul Vl _.. t cxutioe n d' and -.c.Mti d ,he oumcro o> way from lu ''' to B:alkh an ld E"cT ,,a.:c ioO tbcot et.DliCI ltke ttf Sovic' JtolS11 P 238 IIl

witb them. AI Ubla tribe o f Jets in .. tlber drlvlna IN - b- ia -111-cal dioauol SANSKRIT DHARANI In Central Asia A SIUknt Oharana amon& tbe Turb of tbtmome. of the ronowaoa \'aksbas. tbe eighth century. 11 eeords \IIQII- (el'l'( ..... .... rout Mongolia even today is the lndiall Tbc Indian system of astrology i. practised on Monaoha. Ancient Jndia.o treatises on utrology, medicine, proaody aad grammar. rarely round In India are stilllreawred &lid Mooaolia Mongolians alto yearn to ttorc and worlhip Oan,n water as do 1 be Indians. The Indian caclc is the guardian deity of tbe Moo&olran capital Ulnn Bator. Mongolians study ancien Indian lore cooner:ted witb kin1 Bboj, Lord Krosbna nod the llitopadesb. They alutthcfr hb-tory with Milllu as do the Indians. Mexlt, 1>11 omeo from the trader's bouse - fOOd 10 tloc IYCSIJ, brought rrom their own bomet io ood..,. All tb1J IJ reminiscent O( oocicot lbt>t!u cult"'" "'" prevail In tbat remote reslon. These .....,.,, aoc tdcotocol ub th- provaihng to Indian volla&cs. Aa ltot, CODtra, aod admioiatratort ' I&W a -.101 9 -ues while tho prieally order op .. m """'o j - a llloaloaopbiC toDc to the wbolo no.. e'Otttl ' 101 &Colllibcny IO aU, -...,.ht ua uIJiaru liu tbc Nna a ut.J l)f ... a in Bolkh. Maoy sucb Yibaras have beeo ddco..r' cullunl behind memorih of tho llud ld h i lb blltOn Jda111 Br>b.OIA "'"""""' ldODI fldopl .,..ud bJ ItO Sbapadapl Sba k>h lb: ( in the ....... pUI bas b page 2S7 of the same ancient Arabie anthology Soyr-ul Olul Ia another rely, lbOIC of Ubi, 'blis> Some of the ern tell Arab ao paid rvtdlY and Ji"hom and Umar have uor1 . ulvc the tontolillnl "'' IR\ i\n or.-dt of ar on either aide or the apu . The word 'Fatehpuri mcanJ a con-quered {Hindu) townJbip. Tbo marblc slab on the ted .. tonc J u 1 _ - cd 11 the Hondu .. d ochre arc co - s.Krn .. I'll maon h&h :at of Oelbt ktlo"'n !>Ill aoided by Mus! oms. octs the Red Fort "'''h tbe royal tJ oaodlll oow turned 1010 Ftchpun Mosque pb II Old Delhi protected b) a rnaw e - dth'sullwu uo I d Arou.o 1 , an t:cccllcnt c..\a.mplc of nnc1t0\ n tan II Delhi u t)lcre.ore. wa . Aocordtop 10 Akbornoma and the Agnl Pur:toa. bY the Hondu ktng Anongpal uound 372 A.D J)clbl was dl of llllum Prhll\' irJ Raso. work of b fore the oOUD 08 ' . . h times auem to the foet that Prlthvuoj l ived tn os Lal Kot- Red Palate) on the banh of the Yomunn The ( s our-uor< to this descripuon True to RaJpUt Fori an$wcr ' ,.., 1 d1 on the Red Fort hiiJ a gote ( llothopol ) llaolced by e e-tra 11 ' d II H d bJ.DI imag6 The: Pietra Our:a de\1g.ns ms1 c. nrc a 1n u ;... SawaoBhado pavilio o ore Hindu names. The portoon where the Moabul emperors ore bclicve4 to hae lived i nside itb alwem of S.OOO women. is barely enough for even five royal persollllges to live in reaal comfort The stone of the Red Fort cannot withstand connon-fire. proves that ol was buill by the Hondus in ancient times when wars used to b< waged with swords and arrows The Red Fort is an Octagon "1\sthakon" Is a Sanskrot word and a Sanskrit form oaly tbt ljindus hl't distinct names for eight direction;. The TaJ (which I have pruved to be an ancient Rajput on my book TAJ MAHAL WAS A RAJ PUT PALACE' t oo is un. oeta8,!)nal building. 1 such omJmental morble called !'1etro Dura, inm' _ the Delhi and Agra Red Forts aud inside the Taj Mahal ond tho so-called ltmdud Daulah tomb (Agra) is a n eo:irely Hindu design and art depicting Hindu flora- Such o rna zentation was taboo in Muslim All these monument$ arc, therefore. usurped and misappro priat ed Hindu mansions. Muslim court r ecord.< do not have even a Single document, bill, rcctipt, expense-account sheet, . design drawrngs or commissioning orders showong thot they built even one of the many r , usands of monuments t hey claim to have built in India . Moht Tb11 t)mpbooy Ill muble ""IS a royal Hiodu palocc. lis ..ry oamc Ta1 Mahal llp>i66 oolbiog more nor leu Ju octa (OIIa) thapc aod the cupolas 2lld four towers at the photh iUo,. oa A&ra' Red Fan ,.... buoh by the R.JpUI) for obt RaJpu" Tlus SO'l!> tllf Mn01oul mn bema &lvlom " roat. n Joopur, whteb proves that tile butldona 11 .tt) urf,r: R. .. Jrut pa lliCOiume aoticat \IUdy ol mcdicval Mu1tim chronodes 320 Galtlti J Sikaodra Th tat lhc rft.IJC'Uh.: ill Sil.J.ndr3 P .. C' lht U'lll uu.Jt lumtJ 1nto .1 1omb 1fttr Akbar II t.aib: by the RiJPUh ccntuncs befor-e Mushm IO\Jdcu lund t c. a carttr 11f \.mdlhun .md usurpCb& .. la (tntertocutJ triao&Ies) inl.1id 1n 11 lht '-'OJ !Muili!n fonttll fit.' of no such design All Su(:h ,C:\IId('l" Pf'O\'d lhlt A\bar ,..u burit:d here because he dicc1 m lut Hindu rQn.-on Sai1IJ.1tl "h11n ._1 ft l\lau,olrnrn, A:r Tlht Sal.tbal .,. Xh01.n''\ m:.u \Oleum i) u. tluo : ..ucr p J PUI p..vuaon a.Jiolted 10 the IOaa ror bos 'Wdt"ntc On h,, de:ath he ... ";}. houht"d JAIPUR Jll -of motqua and tcmtt. ..n "-ut A1ta.n .,,c 111>o or dtDtical 4n1p Thtt prou..s fu from ..., IDecurc regonoes but nu correspondons palaceuatry the many mllltntum or theor rule from Pandv& t" PrtthoraJ ..., 61.,1 _. t 'tiT " if'R" ._, ,_. n 16414 it Ill ijiiit;:q')- CfiTt t "'< (.t 1 t ll5lf 5Wh