Solid Waste Management of Barangay Poblacion Almeria, Biliran

SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT OF BARANGAY POBLACION ALMERIA, BILIRAN ___________ A Research Presented to the Faculty of Engineering Naval State University Naval, Biliran ___________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the CE Research/Thesis (Res 513) ___________ RASONABE JASIEL C. October 2014


solid waste management

Transcript of Solid Waste Management of Barangay Poblacion Almeria, Biliran




A Research Presented to the Faculty of Engineering Naval State University

Naval, Biliran


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the

CE Research/Thesis (Res 513)



October 2014



The researcher would like to take this opportunity to express her utmost

gratitude to the countless individuals, who in one way or another helped the

author in molding this piece of work into realization.

Special thanks to Dr. Rossini B. Romero, who provided her untiring effort,

patience, accommodating attitude, wholehearted advices and helpful assistance

for the completion of this study.

My high appreciation to Engr. Albert Sucalip, who extended his kindness

and time for assessing me to make this study into real.

I am truly grateful to Mr. Jose A. Mari, for his willingness and time, which

was making this study possible.

Also, the author owe gratitude to Hon. Nilda A. Montañes, the Barangay

Captain of Poblacion Almeria, Biliran, to her constituents and to all unmentioned

person who give their everlasting supports and cooperation.

The researchers acknowledge her indebtedness to her family for the

unconditional love, encouragement, prayers, financial supports and for the

patience which keeps the author always on the mode to achieve everything that

is possible.

Foremost, to the ALMIGHTY FATHER, who provided the author strength,

intellect, and guts which was the instrument for her success.





TITLE PAGE……………….………………………………………….……………….i


TABLE OF CONTENTS……….…………………………………………….............iii

LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………...........................v

LIST OF FIGURES…..……………………………………………………………….vi

LIST OF APPENDICES…………………….……………………………….............vii

ABSTRACT………………………………………… …………………….................viii


Background of the Study………………………………………..…………….1

Objectives of the Study……………….………………..…………................3

Framework of the Study……………………..……………..........................4

Theoretical framework………………………………………………..4

Conceptual framework……………………………………………….5

Importance of the Study……………..……………………….......................7

Scope and Delimitation of the Study.……………………..........................7

Definition of Terms……………..…………………………...........................8

Review of Literature………………..……………………………..................8


Research Design…………………………………………………….............11

Research Locale………………………..………………..……….................11

Research Subject…….………………………………………………………11


Research Instrument………………………………………………...............11

Data Gathering Procedure………………………………..………...............12

Data Scoring…………………………..………………………………...........12

Statistical Treatment of Data…………………………..…………………….13


Profile of the Resident-Respondents and/or the Local Officials………..14

Profile of the Solid Waste Management………………………………......18

Extent of Solid Waste Management of the Barangay Officials ………...19

Significant relationships between the profile of the respondents

and the extent of solid waste management of the brgy officials………..20


Summary of Findings……………………………………………………......26



LITERATURE CITED…………………………………….……………....................31


CURRICULUM VITAE………………………………….……………………………39



Table Title Page

1 Profile of the resident-respondents…………………………….….14

2 Profile of the solid waste management……………..……………..18

3 Extent of solid waste management of the barangay official….....19

4 Significant relationships between the profile of the respondents

and the extent of solid waste management

of the barangay officials…………………………………………….23



Figure Title Page

1 Conceptual Framework of the Study…………………………….6



Appendix Page

A Letter of Request for the municipal mayor of

Almeria ,Biliran …………………………………………….33

B Letter of Request for the barangay captain of

Poblacion Almeria, Biliran………………………………...34

C Survey Questionnaire………………...…………..……….35

D Documentation..…….………………...…………………....38



Rasonabe Jasiel C., Naval State University, Naval, Biliran, Philippines. October 2014. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT OF BARANGAY POBLACION

ALMERIA, BILIRAN. A Research Study.


The main purpose of the study was to determine the solid waste

management of barangay Poblacion Almeria, Biliran. Specifically, it is designed

to identify the profile of the resident-respondents and/or the local government

officials according to name, sex, age, length of stay in the community, number of

family members, educational attainment, occupation, average monthly family

income, and role in the community.

The study followed the descriptive survey method adopting the self-made

survey questionnaire in collecting and gathering. Out of twenty sixty one

respondents, majority were female; majority were at the age of 41 to 50 years

old; mostly lived in about 11 to 20 years and 41 to 51 years; generally composed

of three members in their family; commonly graduated in college level; majority

were business men; typically earned of about P5,000.00 or below; and mostly

were ordinary citizens.

The barangay of Poblacion Almeria, Biliran generated an average volume

of twenty dump trucks in one week. The waste that was being collected by the

personnel was disposed in the municipality dumpsite.

The barangay officials managed the availability of container/trash basins

in the household, segregation of solid waste generated, information on the proper

solid waste management of the barangay, number of garbage collectors and


personnel to enforce the anti-littering ordinances; the local officials managed less

the necessary equipment to maintain the dumpsite, commitment of personnel in

implementing of solid waste management, drainage manhole cover, residents

along the river banks and seashore’s disposal of garbage, equipment and

facilities for recycling of solid waste and the political support. The barangay

officials did not manage the free-flowing of canals during heavy rains.

The barangay officials must give time in resolving the problems

specifically the solid waste management in their barangay in order to protect

mother earth and to prevent occurrence of unusual catastrophes.


Chapter I


Background of the study

Solid waste management refers to all activities pertaining to the control of

generation, storage, collections, transfer and transport, treatment and processing,

and disposal of solid wastes in accordance with the best principles of public health,

economics, engineering, conservation, aesthetic and other environmental

considerations. (Uricerte, 2008)

One of the most obvious impacts of rapidly increasing urbanization and

economic development can be witnessed in the form of heaps of municipal solid

waste. Based on estimates, waste generation in Asia has reached 1 million tons per

day. A World Bank study showed that urban areas in Asia spent USD25 million per

year on solid-waste management, and this figure will increase to USD47 million per

year. Despite the huge expenditures, urban areas in most APO member countries

are still grappling with the challenge of preventing environmental degradation due to

nonsystematic solid-waste management. Apart from the contamination of water

resources and severe air pollution due to the open burning of solid waste, the health

hazard is another key issue to be addressed. Solid-waste management has become

an important issue in the Asia-Pacific region, and it needs to be resolved through an

integrated community, private sector, and policy-based approach. (Takenaka, 2007)

The activities associated with managing solid waste from the generation

point to final disposal normally include generation, reduction, reuse, recycling,

handling, collection, transfer and transport, transformation (e.g., recovery and

treatment), and disposal. Depending on site specific conditions, a sound waste-


management program can be established by combining some of the necessary

activities into integrated solid-waste management. On the other hand, legislative

efforts and effective implementation are vital for the safe management and disposal

of solid waste. Incentives may be provided for the development and practice of safe

treatments, harmless manufacturing processes, and methods for converting solid

waste into valuable resources by recycling and reuse. On the part of industry,

industrial waste-management is also indispensable from the viewpoint of both the

social responsibility of business corporations and ISO 14000, which will influence

their survival in global markets. (Hwa, 2007)

The move for environmental sanitation is not new in the Philippines.

Government efforts were already directed towards the protection and promotion of

health considered of paramount importance. As a result, Presidential Decree no.

856 otherwise known as “Sanitation Code of the Philippines” was passed on

December 1975 and was made part of the law of the land. Paragraph (c). section 83

of the Decree states that “refuse shall not be thrown in any streets, sidewalk, yard,

parts or any body of water. It shall be stored in a suitable container while waiting it’s

final disposal.” (Philippine Environmental Laws, 1983)

The Payatas tragedy in Quezon City would have not happened if the

government gave the attention it deserved. According to Romeo Capuling, “the July

10 (2000) tragedy only should the importance of Government in addressing a very

basic problem – that of garbage”. (Philippine Daily Inquirer, 2000)

The municipality of Almeria in Biliran Province has a great number of

residents occupying the place that’s why the local government takes actions by

initiating outreach programs to various barangays for them to learn proper solid


waste management. However, despite all these, there still remain a number of

people who indiscriminately dispose their garbage anywhere. And by this, they

experienced clogging of canals and overflowing of water during heavy rains.

The main purpose of this study was to determine the solid waste

management in Barangay Poblacion Almeria, Biliran to be able to address the

problems related to solid waste management.

Objectives of the Study

The main aim of the study was to determine solid waste management in

Barangay Poblacion Almeria, Biliran.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following objectives:

1. Determine the profile of the residents and/or local government officials in

terms of:

1.1 gender;

1.2 age;

1.3 educational attainment;

1.4 no. of family members;

1.5 no. of years in residence;

1.6 occupation;

1.7 monthly income; and

1.8 role in the community

2. Identify the profile of solid wastes in Barangay Poblacion, Almeria, Biliran

in terms of:

2.1 average volume of solid waste disposed per week; and


2.2 method of disposal

3. Determine the extent of solid waste management of the barangay officials

in Poblacion Almeria, Biliran; and

4. Determine the significant relationships between the profile of the resident-

respondents and the extent of the solid waste management of the

barangay officials in Poblacion Almeria, Biliran.

Framework of the Study

This study was anchored on the theoretical and conceptual framework as its

main and strong foundation in the due course of its proceedings.

Theoretical framework. The theory of this study is based on the Global

Construction and Environment by Fred Moavenzadeh (1999) states that solid

wastes do not only generate foul smell and air pollution during incineration, they

also emit greenhouse gases that affect global climate. The rise in concentration of

greenhouse gases over the period from 1865 to 1960, some 100 years, was about

the same as the increase in the past thirty (30) years, and the same rate of increase

was true for methane. Methane is another greenhouse gas emitted by decaying

solid waste, it is now about two-and-one-half times what it was in pre-industrial


He specified that the unavoidable component of the solid waste management

system is the landfill, since non-recyclables, non-combustibles, and the residuals of

waste processing all require disposal. It also plays an important role because it can

accommodate a large scale of the waste stream readily. However, it has limited

capacity so that, new ones must be continuously sited. Landfills should be properly

engineered to conform to environmental requirements. They entail appropriate


waste containment; gas venting facilities to allow methane to escape into the

atmosphere, and; prevention of vermin population growth in the area. A landfill

when properly designed and operated protects the public from health and safety


Another theory which has bearing to this study is the theory of Genandrialine

Peralta (1999) on integrated solid waste management. She specified that solid

waste can also be converted into other useful products such as compost, methane,

refuse-derived fuel, etc. Combustibles such as such papers, plastics, organics, etc.

can be processed as refuse-derived fuel (RDF). They undergo size reduction and

are extruded to form briquettes or blocks of combustible refuse. These can be used

for fuel or substitute for charcoal.

Conceptual framework. As shown in Figure 1, the local government officials

and the residents of the community were the main focus of the study. To determine

the ability of the community respondents to view, understand and comply with the

management of solid waste, their profile was asked. Solicited in the profile was their

age, sex, educational attainment, number of family members, length of stay in the

community, occupation, monthly income and role in the community. Also, the local

government unit of the municipality was inquired regarding the profile of the solid

waste management such as the average volume of solid waste disposed per week

and the methods in disposal. This was made to identify how much they are

contributing to the generation of solid wastes in the municipality. Out of the result,

significant differences were ascertained to serve as a basis in evaluating the solid

waste management in the Municipality of Almeria, Biliran.


Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of the Study

Data Gather on:

I. Profile of the

residents and/or

local government

officials in Barangay

Poblacion, Almeria,






No. of family


Length of stay in the



Monthly income

Role in the


II. Profile of solid

waste management

in the Municipality of

Almeria, Biliran

Average volume of

solid waste disposed

per week

Method of disposal

III. Extent of solid waste

management of the

barangay officials in

Poblacion, Almeria,


Analysis of the Data:

I. Profile of the

residents and/or

local government

officials in Barangay

Poblacion, Almeria,






No. of family


Length of stay in the



Monthly income

Role in the


II. Profile of solid

waste management

in the Municipality of

Almeria, Biliran

Average volume of

solid waste disposed

per week

Method of disposal

III. Extent of solid waste

management of the

barangay officials in

Poblacion, Almeria,


Improved Solid

Waste Manage-

ment in






Importance of the study

This study could certainly benefit the following people:

Local Government Unit. The result of this study will provide them information

regarding solid waste management problems encountered by the municipality and

whatever the outcome is, it will give them idea to further improve their solid waste

management programs.

Residents of the community. It is hoped that the study will serve as an eye-

opener to them, that solid waste management is not the responsibility of the

municipal government but theirs as well.

Future researchers. Information obtained from the study will serve as a guide

and provide data for other related future studies. This may serve as a reference for

upcoming researchers in developing their research problems.

Scope and Delimitation of the study

The study covered the profile of the residents and/or local government

officials including the age, sex, educational attainment, number of family members,

length of stay in the community, occupation, monthly income and role in the

community and also the profile of solid waste management in Barangay Poblacion,

Almeria, Biliran including the average volume of solid waste disposed per week and

the method of disposal.

This study will cover 10% percent of its household population in Barangay

Poblacion, Almeria, Biliran.


Definition of Terms

To understand better the contents of the study, the following terms were

operationally and conceptually defined:

Average volume of solid waste. Defined as the mean capacity of solid waste

generated from residential and commercial undertaking in a particular space.

Method of disposal. This refers to the process of dumping the solid waste in

an appropriate method

Solid waste. Defined as the unwanted or useless solid materials

generated from combined residential and commercial activities in a given area.

Solid waste management. This refers to source separation, storage,

collection, transportation and final disposal of waste in an environmentally

sustainable manner .

Review of Literature

Management of solid waste reduces or eliminates adverse impacts on

the environment and human health and supports economic development and

improved quality of life. A number of processes are involved in effectively

managing waste for a municipality. These include monitoring, collection,

transport, processing, recycling and disposal. Solid waste management of any kind

is a relatively recent phenomenon. The use of sanitary landfills did not begin until

the early 1930s in Britain and during the 1940s in the United States. Before these

years waste was dumped on any available land or water. Although recycling had

been practiced for centuries it is only recently that solid waste management

has become important. Recycling now forms a partnership with solid waste

management, as the one cannot exist without the other. (Scott, 1998)


Yeshey Penjor et al. (2007) stressed that Resources consumption and the

waste generation are inbuilt in the living process of a .human life. Human

activities alter all the wastes composition conditions and pose a challenge in

the waste management. The wastes, if unmanaged or inadequately managed pose

threats of epidemic diseases, air pollution and groundwater contamination

besides space constrain, odor and aesthetic problems. The situation is worse in a

municipal waste management where wastes variety ranges from biodegradable

organic wastes to toxic, infectious and hazardous wastes generated from

various sources. Public and the local authorities have the responsibility to dispose

municipal solid wastes to protect public health and the environment. Managing

municipal waste, industrial waste and commercial waste has traditionally consisted

of collection, followed by transportation and disposal. The particular concerns of

unmanaged wastes arise during rainy seasons, high temperature and when

there are settlements in close proximity or the low-lying areas.

Sankar et al. (2007) revealed that Improper handling of solid waste and

indiscriminate disposal in open spaces, road margins, tank beds, and etcetera, give

rise to numerous potential risks to the environment and to human health. Direct

health risks mainly concern those working in the field without using proper gloves,

uniforms, and etcetera; a high percentage of waste workers and individuals who

live near or on disposal sites are infected with gastrointestinal parasites,

worms, and related organisms.

Sokka et al. (2007) specified that Municipal solid waste (MSW) usually

means all the waste fractions (e.g. kitchen waste, packaging materials, glassware,

tin cans) which are handled in the municipal waste management system.


MSW is produced in households, trade, industries, construction and public

and private institutes. Some part of MSW is composted, recycled or otherwise

recovered as material, some of the waste is incinerated or gasified and the rest is


Given the rapid rates of urbanization occurring around the world, the

importance of an efficient and effective solid waste management system is more

critical than ever before. Nowhere is this truer than in the developing world, where

unprecedented urban growth has resulted in greater amounts of municipal solid

waste (MSW) being generated.

Kirunda et al. (2009) stated that Waste management is one of the services

that are usually left to the authorities to take care of, and is particularly of concern in

the debate on sustainable development. Particular attention has to be paid to the

practices of waste management because if not well done, may have far reaching

effects on the environment and thereby affecting sustainable development. There is

an indication that the ways in which solid waste is managed, are as diverse as the

human race itself. Some methods of waste management are proper and

environmentally sound, while some are not. Conventionally, solid waste (in

most cases referred to as garbage) is usually collected as a bundle of trash

by local authorities or by private firms to be taken to a transfer station and

then to a landfill (sometimes collected and taken straight to the landfill).


Chapter II


This chapter presents the procedure used in the conduct of the study. This

section included the research design, research locale, research subject, research

instrument, data gathering procedure, data scoring and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study used the descriptive – correlational method of research which

contains a survey questionnaire and a personal interview manuscript in producing

data for analysis.

Research Locale

This study was conducted in Barangay Poblacion, Almeria, Biliran.

Research Subject

To gather the data of this study, this research study was subjected to ten

percent (10 %) of the household population in the barangay of Poblacion Almeria,

Biliran as the respondents of the survey questionnaire and the local government

official assigned to solid waste management as the defendant for the personal

interview manuscript.

Research Instrument

A survey questionnaire and a personal interview were used to produce the

necessary data to specifically answer the objective of the study. The questionnaire

was constructed with three (3) parts. Part I was the profile of the residents and the

local government officials. The data generated includes the age, sex, educational


attainment, number of family members, length of stay in the community, occupation,

monthly income and role in the community. Part II was on the profile of the solid

waste management in their area. Part III focused on the solid waste management

responsibilities of the barangay officials in Poblacion Almeria, Biliran.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before the implementation of the study, the researcher secured an approval

letter or permission from the Municipal Mayor of the Municipality of Almeria to

conduct the study. A questionnaire was distributed to the respondents personally by

the researcher. Instructions and personal interview were all conducted during the

distribution. Data were collected, tallied and analyzed, interpreted and presented in

tables and narrative descriptions based on the variables of the study.

Data Scoring

To process the raw data that was obtained from this research, coding of data

is important. This process of coding facilitated in the statistical computation,

analysis, and tabulated as follows:

For the solid waste management in Barangay Poblacion, Almeria, Biliran:

Scale Description

1 - Very well managed

2 - Well managed

3 - Managed

4 - Less managed

5 - Not managed


Statistical Treatment of Data

To further describe and interpret the data gathered in this study, the

following statistical tools were considered in order to have scientific inferences. First

simple Percentage was used to identify the fraction of the respondents from the

total number of respondents. Then the Weighted Mean was used to determine the

solid waste management responsibilities of Barangay officials in Poblacion Almeria,

Biliran. And the Pearson Product-Moment of Correlation was used to determine the

relationship between the Profile of the resident-respondents and/or the local

government officials to the solid waste management of Barangay Poblacion

Almeria, Biliran.



Chapter III


This chapter presents the answer to all the questions as well as their analysis

and interpretation.

Profile of the Resident-Respondents and/or the Local Government Officials

The profile of the resident-respondents and/or the Local Government

Officials are shown in table 1 below.

Table 1

Profile of the Resident-Respondents and/or the Local Government Officials in Barangay Poblacion,

Almeria, Biliran


f %

Female 43 70.49

Male 18 29.51 Total 61 100.00


f %

20-below 5 8.20

21-30 8 13.11

31-40 16 26.23

41-50 18 29.51

51-above 14 22.95 Total 61 100.00

Number of years in residence

f %

10-below 12 19.67

11-20 13 21.31

21-30 11 18.03

31-40 7 11.48

41-50 13 21.31

51-above 5 8.20 Total 61 100.00

Number of family


f %

2 1 1.64

3 19 31.15

4 10 16.39

5 13 21.31

6-above 18 29.51


Total 61 100.00



f %

Elementary level 14 22.95

Secondary level 15 24.59

College level 26 42.62

Degree holder 6 9.84 Total 61 100.00


f %

business owner 14 22.95

housewife 11 18.03

private employee 6 9.84

government employee 15 24.59

fishermen 5 8.19

driver 3 4.92

const. worker 3 4.92

student 3 4.92

sewer 1 1.64 Total 61 100.00

Average monthly


f %

P5,000.00-below 39 63.93

P5,000.00-P10,000.00 12 19.67

P10,000.00-P15,000.00 0 0.00

P15,000.00-above 10 16.40 Total 61 100.00

Role in the


f %

Ordinary citizen 48 78.69

Government employee 13 21.31 Total 61 100.00

As shown in the Table, out of 61 respondents there are forty-three (43) or

70.49 percent were female and eighteen (18) or 29.51 percent were male. This

implies that majority of the respondent are females.

From the table, out of 61 respondents, there are eighteen (18) or 29.52

percent were 41 to 50 years of age while five (5) or 8.20 percent were 20 below

years of age.

As gleaned in the same table, out of 61 respondents, twelve (12) or 19.67

percent were 10 years or below residing in barangay Poblacion, thirteen (13) or

21.31 percent were 11 to 20 years existing in the barangay, eleven (11) or 18.03


percent were 21 to 30 years residing, seven (7) or 11.48 percent were 31 to 40

years exist in the community, thirteen (13) or 21.31 percent were 41 to 50 years

living in the barangay and five (5) or 8.20 percent were 51 years or above existing in

the community. The result indicates that the highest year of residence were 11 to 20

and 41 to 50 years, and the lowest year of residence was 51 years and above. This

data shows that majority of the respondents is living for 21 to 30 and 41 to 50 years.

This implies that the respondents were capable enough to judge of how the

Barangay Officials managed the solid waste.

As presented in the table, out of 61 respondents, one (1) or 1.64 percent

were only 2 members consisting in their family, nineteen (19) or 31.15 percent were

have a 3 members in their family, ten (10) or 16.39 percent were consisting of 4

members, thirteen (13) or 21.31 percent consisting of 5 members in the family and

eighteen (18) or 29.51 percent consisting of 6 and more than 6 members in their

family. The result specifies that the highest number of member in one household

was 6 and/or above while the lowest was 2 members every family. The data shows

that majority of the respondents were 6 or more than 6 number of members in one

family. This implies that the barangay of Poblacion can generate a large volume of

solid waste because majority of the households in the community has a 6 more than


As shown in the table, out of 61 respondents, fourteen (14) or 22.95 percent

were graduated in primary level, fifteen (15) or 24.59 percent graduated in

secondary level, twenty six (26) or 42.62 percent graduated in tertiary level, and six

(6) or 9.84 percent have graduated as a degree holder. The result indicates that the

highest educational attainment was the college level and the lowest was the degree


holder. This data shows that majority of the respondents were graduated in college.

This implies that the respondents are knowledgeable enough about solid waste

management and knows of how the officials in the barangay managed their solid


As given away in the table, out of 61 respondents, fourteen (14) or 22.95

percent were business men, eleven (11) or 18.03 percent were housewives, six (6)

or 9.84 percent were employee of a private organization, fifteen (15) or 24.59

percent were a government employee, five (5) or 8.19 percent were fishermen,

three (3) or 4.92 percent were driver, construction worker and student, only one (1)

or 1.64 percent were a sewer. The result indicates that the topmost occupation was

business owner and the lowest was the sewer. This data shows that majority of the

respondents were a government employee. This implies that majority of them were

educated about the solid waste management of their barangay.

As presented in the table, out of 61 respondents, thirty nine (39) or 63.93

percent will earn an average income of P5, 000.00 or below in a month, twelve (12)

or 19.67 percent will yield of P5, 000.00 to P10, 000.00, while none of the

respondents earn of P10, 000.00 to P15, 000.00 and ten (10) or 16.40 percent of

the respondents earn of P15, 000.00 and above. The result indicates that the

common average monthly income of the respondents was P5,000.00 and or below

and the lowest was P10,000.00 to P15,000.00. This data shows that majority of the

respondents earn an average income of P5, 000.00 or below in a month. This

implies that the residents of the barangay cannot afford to manage their solid waste.

As shown in the table, out of 61 respondents, forty eight (48) or 78.69

percent were ordinary citizens, and thirteen (13) or 21.31 percent were Government


employee. This data shows that majority of the respondents were ordinary citizens

which implies that the respondents sees of how the barangay officials managed the

solid waste that being generated.

Profile of the solid waste management in Barangay Poblacion Almeria, Biliran

The study identifies the profile of solid waste management in barangay

Poblacion in terms of the average volume disposed per week and the method of

disposal they are applying.

Table 2 below shows the profile of the solid waste management in barangay

Poblacion Almeria, Biliran.

Table 2

Profile of the solid waste management In Barangay Poblacion

Almeria, Biliran

Average volume per


20 dump trucks

Method of disposal

F %

Waste disposed in vacant lots 0 0.00

Waste disposed are burnt 0 0.00

Waste disposed are buried in one place

0 0.00

Waste disposed in the municipality dumpsite

1 100.00

Total 1 100.00

As shown in the Table, the average volume of solid waste that is being

disposed is twenty (20) dump trucks per week. And all of the waste or 100 percent

of the solid waste generated from every household in barangay Poblacion were

disposed in the municipality dumpsite.


Extent of solid waste management of the barangay officials in Poblacion Almeria,


Table 3 below shows the solid waste management of the barangay officials

in Poblacion Almeria, Biliran.

Table 3

Solid waste management of the Barangay Officials in Poblacion

Almeria, Biliran

Statement on Extent of Solid Waste





Availability of container/trash basins in the household

2.79 Managed

Segregation of solid waste generated 2.97 Managed

Information on the proper solid waste Management of Poblacion Almeria, Biliran

2.62 Managed

Local Government of Almeria have the

Necessary equipment to maintain the dumpsite

3.61 Less Managed

Number of garbage collectors 3.21 Managed

Commitment of some personnel in the implementation of the proper solid waste


3.67 Less Managed

Free-flowing of Canals during heavy rains 4.21 Not Managed

Drainage manholes cover 4.11 Less Managed

Personnel to enforce the anti-littering ordinances

3.31 Managed

Residents along the river banks and

seashore disposal of garbage

3.74 Less Managed

Equipment and facilities for recycling of

solid wastes

4.03 Less Managed

Political support 3.61 Less Managed

Average Weighted Mean 3.49 Less Managed

From the Table, availability of container/trash basins in the household,

segregation of solid waste generated, information on the proper solid waste


management of Poblacion Almeria, Biliran, number of garbage collectors, and the

personnel to enforce the anti-littering ordinances were “managed” by the barangay

officials; local government of Almeria have the necessary equipment to maintain the

dumpsite, commitment of some personnel in the implementation of the proper solid

waste management, drainage manholes cover, residents along the river banks and

seashore disposal of garbage, equipment and facilities for recycling of solid waste,

and the political support were “less managed” by the local officials; and the free

flowing of canals during heavy rains were “not managed” by the barangay officials.

This implies that the barangay officials of Poblacion Almeria, Biliran less managed

the solid waste of their barangay.

Significant relationships between the profile of the resident-respondents and the

extent of solid waste management of the barangay officials.

Table 4 shows the relationship between the profile of the resident-respondent

and the extent of solid waste management of the barangay officials.

From the table shown, the gender, age, number of years in residence,

number of family members, educational attainment, occupation, average monthly

income and role in the community of the resident respondents has no significant

relationship with the availability of container/trash basins in the household.

The segregation of solid waste generated has no significant relationship with

the age, number of years in residence, number of family members, educational

attainment, occupation, average monthly income and the role in the community of

the resident-respondents while the gender has a significant relationship the

segregation of solid waste generated at 0.5 alpha level of significance.


The Information on the proper solid waste Management of Poblacion

Almeria, Biliran has no significant relationship with the profile of the resident-


The necessary equipment to maintain the dumpsite and the role in the

community of the resident-respondent has a significant relationship at 0.5 alpha

level of significance (α) with a degree of freedom (df) of 4. And it has no significant

relationship with the gender, age, number of years in residence, number of family

members, educational attainment, occupation and in the monthly income of the

resident respondents.

The number of garbage collectors has no significant relationship with the

profile of the resident-respondents in barangay Poblacion Almeria, Biliran.

The commitment of some personnel in the implementation of the proper solid

waste management has no significant relationship with the gender, age, number of

years in residence, number of family members, educational attainment, occupation

and the average income of the resident-respondent while the role in the community

of the resident-respondents and the commitment of some personnel in the

implementation of the proper solid waste management has a significant relationship

at 0.5 alpha level of significance (α) with a degree of freedom (df) of 4.

The free-flowing of canals during heavy rains has no significant relationship

with the gender, age, number of years in residence, number of family members,

educational and the occupation of the resident-respondents. While the average

monthly income was highly significant at 0.1 alpha level of significance (α) with a

degree of freedom of (df) 12. And the role in the community has a significant

relationship at 0.5 alpha level of significance (α) with a degree of freedom (df) of 4.


The personnel to enforce the anti-littering ordinances has no significant

relationship with the profile of the resident-respondents.

The residents along the river banks and seashores disposal of garbage and

the age and gender of the resident-respondents has a significant relationship at 0.5

alpha level of significance (α) with a degree of freedom (df) of 20 and 4. And it has

no significant relationship with the number of years in residence, number of family

members, educational attainment, occupation, average monthly income and the role

in the community.

The equipment and facilities for recycling of solid wastes and the gender of

the resident-respondents has a significant relationship at 0.5 alpha level of

significance (α) with a degree of freedom (df) of 4. And it has no significant

relationship with the age, number of years in residence, number of family members,

educational attainment, occupation, average monthly income and the role in the


The political support and the gender of the resident-respondents has a

significant relationship at 0.5 alpha level of significance (α) with a degree of freedom

of (df) 4. And it has no significant relationship with the age, number of years in

residence, number of family members, educational attainment, occupation, average

monthly income and the role in the community.


Table 4

Profile vs extent of solid waste management Of the barangay officials

availability of container/trash basins in the


Profile df r ρ Decision

Gender 4 .018 0.087 Not significant

Age 20 .165 0.167 Not significant

No. of years in residence 24 0.136 0.303 Not significant

No. of family members 20 -0.190 0.149 Not significant

Educational attainment 12 0.153 0.079 Not significant

Occupation 28 0.305 0.138 Not significant

Average monthly income 12 -0.007 0.955 Not significant

Role in the community 4 -0.043 0.745 Not significant

Segregation of solid waste



Gender 4 0.044 0.044 Significant

Age 20 0.328 0.877 Not significant

No. of years in residence 24 0.192 0.146 Not significant

No. of family members 20 -0.155 0.240 Not significant

Educational attainment 12 0.60 0.739 Not significant

Occupation 28 0.313 0.138 Not significant

Average monthly income 12 -0.140 0.291 Not significant

Role in the community 4 -0.214 0.104 Not significant

Information on

the proper

solid waste Management

of Poblacion Almeria, Biliran


Gender 4 0.341 0.377 Not significant

Age 20 0.855 0.742 Not significant

No. of years in residence 24 0.188 0.154 Not significant

No. of family members 20 -0.004 0.976 Not significant

Educational attainment 12 0.620 0.135 Not significant

Occupation 28 0.348 0.052 Not significant

Average monthly income 12 0.186 0.159 Not significant

Role in the community 4 -0.123 0.354 Not significant


equipment to maintain the



Gender 4 0.619 0.172 Not significant

Age 20 0.226 0.699 Not significant

No. of years in residence 24 0.119 0.368 Not significant

No. of family members 20 -0.083 0.533 Not significant

Educational attainment 12 0.460 0.774 Not significant

Occupation 28 0.109 0.886 Not significant

Average monthly income 12 -0.078 0.558 Not significant

Role in the community 4 -0.276 0.034 Significant

Number of garbage



Gender 4 0.801 0.745 Not significant

Age 20 0.861 0.802 Not significant

No. of years in residence 24 -0.351 0.066 Not significant

No. of family members 20 0.153 0.246 Not significant

Educational attainment 12 0.657 0.485 Not significant


Occupation 28 0.260 0.498 Not significant

Average monthly income 12 -0.092 0.489 Not significant

Role in the community 4 -0.050 0.705 Not significant

Commitment of some

personnel in

the implementation

of the proper solid waste



Gender 4 0.914 0.711 Not significant

Age 20 0.465 0.802 Not significant

No. of years in residence 24 -0.125 0.346 Not significant

No. of family members 20 0.180 0.174 Not significant

Educational attainment 12 0.801 0.168 Not significant

Occupation 28 0.923 0.424 Not significant

Average monthly income 12 -0.065 0.627 Not significant

Role in the community 4 -0.296 0.023 Significant

Free-flowing of Canals during heavy rains


Gender 4 0.268 0.192 Not significant

Age 20 0.652 0.496 Not significant

No. of years in residence 24 -0.039 0.770 Not significant

No. of family members 20 0.025 0.840 Not significant

Educational attainment 12 0.414 0.085 Not significant

Occupation 28 0.714 0.526 Not significant

Average monthly income 12 -0.338 0.009 highly significant

Role in the community 4 -0.314 0.015 Significant


manholes cover


Gender 4 0.017 0.023 Significant

Age 20 0.459 0.968 Not significant

No. of years in residence 24 -0.273 0.037 Significant

No. of family members 20 0.123 0.384 Not significant

Educational attainment 12 0.426 0.074 Not significant

Occupation 28 0.238 0.758 Not significant

Average monthly income 12 -0.143 0.278 Not significant

Role in the community 4 -0.472 0.00 Highly significant

Personnel to

enforce the anti-littering



Gender 4 0.400 0.518 Not significant

Age 20 0.664 0.239 Not significant

No. of years in residence 24 -0.031 0.814 Not significant

No. of family members 20 0.197 0.135 Not significant

Educational attainment 12 0.423 0.506 Not significant

Occupation 28 0.746 0.421 Not significant

Average monthly income 12 -0.016 0.907 Not significant

Role in the community 4 -0.094 0.477 Not significant

Residents along the river

banks and


Gender 4 0.33 0.029 Significant

Age 20 0.087 0.023 Significant

No. of years in residence 24 0.155 0.241 Not significant

No. of family members 20 -0.060 0.653 Not significant



disposal of garbage

Educational attainment 12 0.386 0.219 Not significant

Occupation 28 0.539 0.468 Not significant

Average monthly income 12 -0.023 0.860 Not significant

Role in the community 4 -0.241 0.066 Not significant

Equipment and facilities for recycling of

solid wastes


Gender 4 0.070 0.027 Significant

Age 20 0.180 0.217 Not significant

No. of years in residence 24 0.190 0.149 Not significant

No. of family members 20 -0.118 0.374 Not significant

Educational attainment 12 0.764 0.388 Not significant

Occupation 28 0.322 0.438 Not significant

Average monthly income 12 -0.074 0.578 Not significant

Role in the community 4 -0.146 0.270 Not significant

Political support


Gender 4 0.011 0.021 Significant

Age 20 0.917 0.844 Not significant

No. of years in residence 24 -0.112 0.398 Not significant

No. of family members 20 -0.033 0.803 Not significant

Educational attainment 12 0.217 0.624 Not significant

Occupation 28 0.269 0.428 Not significant

Average monthly income 12 -0.028 0.836 Not significant

Role in the community 4 -0.160 0.225 Not significant


Chapter IV


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and

recommendations appropriate to the findings of the study.

Summary of Findings

This study aimed to determine the solid waste management of Barangay

Poblacion Almeria, Biliran.

The following were the findings of the study:

Profile of the resident-respondent and/or local government officials

Gender. Out of 61 respondents, forty three (43) or 70.49 percent were

female; and eighteen (18) or 29.51 percent.

Age. There were five (5) or 8.20 percent whose age of the resident-

respondent was 20 years or below and eighteen (18) or 29.51 percent were 41 to

50 years of old.

Number of years in residence. Thirteen (13) or 21.31 percent of the resident-

respondents were residing for 11 to 20 years in the community and another thirteen

(13) or 21.31 percent were existing in the area for 41 to 50 years; and five (5) or

8.20 percent were residing for 50 years and above.

Number of family members. There were only one (1) or 1.64 percent of

household in the barangay that has 2 members and nineteen (19) or 31.15 percent

have 3 members.


Educational attainment. Out of 61 respondents, twenty six (26) or 42.62

percent of the resident-respondents graduated in college; and six (6) or 9.84

percent have a degree holder.

Occupation. Fifteen (15) or 24.59 percent of the resident-respondents were

government employee; and only one (1) or 1.64 percent was sewer.

Average monthly income. There were thirty nine (39) or 63.93 percent of the

resident-respondents earned P5,000.00 or below; and none of them earned

P10,000.00 to P15,000.00.

Role in the community. Out of 61 respondents, forty eight (48) or 78.69

percent of the resident-respondents were ordinary citizens; and thirteen (13) or

21.31 percent were government employee.

Profile of the solid waste management in barangay Poblacion Almeria,


Average volume of solid disposed per week. Twenty (20) dump trucks is the

average volume of solid waste generated from the residential, public and

commercial building per week.

Method of disposal. 100 percent of the solid waste generated every

household in the barangay were disposed in the municipality dumpsite.

Extent of managerial responsibilities of Barangay Official in terms of solid

waste management

Extent of Solid Waste Management. The barangay officials managed the

availability of container/trash basins in the household, segregation of solid waste

generated, information on the proper solid waste management of the barangay,

number of garbage collectors and personnel to enforce the anti-littering ordinances;


the local officials managed less the necessary equipment to maintain the dumpsite,

commitment of personnel in implementing of solid waste management, drainage

manhole cover, residents along the river banks and seashore’s disposal of garbage,

equipment and facilities for recycling of solid waste and the political support; and the

barangay officials not managed the free-flowing of canals during heavy rains.

Relationship of variables.

Relationships between the profile of the resident-respondents and the extent

of solid waste management of the barangay officials. The gender has a significant

relationship the segregation of solid waste generated at 0.5 alpha level of

significance (α) with a degree of freedom (df) of 4. While the necessary equipment

to maintain the dumpsite and the role in the community of the resident-respondent

has a significant relationship at 0.5 alpha level of significance (α) with a degree of

freedom (df) of 4.Whereas the role in the community of the resident-respondents

and the commitment of some personnel in the implementation of the proper solid

waste management has a significant relationship at 0.5 alpha level of significance

(α) with a degree of freedom (df) of 4.

However the average monthly income was highly significant at 0.1 alpha

level of significance (α) with a degree of freedom of (df) 12. And the role in the

community has a significant relationship at 0.5 alpha level of significance (α) with a

degree of freedom (df) of 4. Though the residents along the river banks and

seashores disposal of garbage and the age and gender of the resident-respondents

has a significant relationship at 0.5 alpha level of significance (α) with a degree of

freedom (df) of 20 and 4.


The equipment and facilities for recycling of solid wastes and the gender of

the resident-respondents has a significant relationship at 0.5 alpha level of

significance (α) with a degree of freedom (df) of 4. And the political support and the

gender of the resident-respondents has a significant relationship at 0.5 alpha level

of significance (α) with a degree of freedom of (df) 4.


In the light of the afore-mentioned findings, the following conclusions were


1.) Majority of the respondents were female and an ordinary citizen, and also the

respondents sees of how the Barangay officials managed their solid waste

generated because they live in the barangay for many years. Most of the

respondents were working as a government employee and a college

graduate thus they were sufficiently educated on how to manage their solid

waste properly. Besides majority of the households of the barangay consist

of three members and earn of fifteen thousand pesos or below in a month

therefore they will generate a minor volume of solid waste every household.

2.) The barangay of Poblacion Almeria, Biliran generated an average volume of

twenty dump trucks per week. And they disposed their waste in the

municipality dumpsite.

3.) The solid waste management of the barangay officials in Poblacion Almeria,

Biliran not managed the free-flowing of canals during heavy rains. They

managed less the equipment and facilities for recycling of solid waste, the

drainage manhole cover, residents along the river banks and seashores


disposal of garbage, the necessary equipment to maintain the dumpsite, and

the commitment of the personnel in the implementation of solid waste.


On the base of the result and conclusions drawn from the study, the following

recommendations are hereby ended:

1.) The barangay officials in Poblacion Almeria, Biliran should manage the

canals in order to have free-flowing of water during heavy rains.

2.) The officials must have adequate equipment’s for recycling of solid waste

and equipment for the maintenance of the dumpsite.

3.) The officials should enforced the anti-littering campaign to lessen the

residents who are disposing their waste in the river banks and in the


4.) The officials in the barangay must conduct training and seminars to their

constituents so that they will be educated on how to segregate and recycle

the solid waste that is being generated in their households.

5.) The barangay officials must give time in resolving the problems specifically

the solid waste management in their barangay in order to protect mother

earth and to prevent occurrence of unusual catastrophes.

6.) Parallel studies looking at different dimensions on solid waste management

in barangay Poblacion Almeria, Biliran may be replicated to establish more

valid, sound and reliable baseline information on this subject.



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Appendix A


Republic of the Philippines NAVAL STATE UNIVERSITY

6543 Naval, Biliran Province

August 11, 2014


Municipal Mayor Municipality of Almeria, Biliran Sir:


The undersigned, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering 5th year student of Naval

State University is currently conducting a research in partial fulfillment of the subject RES

513(CE Research/Thesis) entitled “SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT OF BARANGAY

POBLACION ALMERIA, BILIRAN.” In line with this, I have considered one barangay that

can be of help in assessing the management.

In this regard, it is requested if you can extend help by inviting the barangay officials

to participate in the study by means of answering the pertinent questionnaire and by

permitting me to field the same to their respective constituents. Data gathered will be

treated with care and confidentially.

I humbly request for your approval. Thank you very much and more power.

Respectfully yours,


Researcher Noted:


Dean, College of Engineering



Municipal Mayor


Appendix B


Republic of the Philippines NAVAL STATE UNIVERSITY

6543 Naval, Biliran Province

August 11, 2014


Barangay Captain Barangay Poblacion, Almeria, Biliran Madam:


The undersigned, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering 5th year student of Naval

State University is currently conducting a research in partial fulfillment of the subject RES

513(CE Research/Thesis) entitled “SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT OF BARANGAY

POBLACION ALMERIA, BILIRAN.” In line with this, your barangay was selected as the

source of information related to solid waste management of the municipality.

In this regard, the researcher would like to ask your permission to conduct survey in

your respective barangay and to distribute questionnaires to your relevant constituents.

I humbly request for your approval. Thank you very much and more power.

Respectfully yours,


Researcher Noted:


Municipal Mayor



Barangay Captain


Appendix C


Direction: Kindly fill/check your choices from those given below in each item.

Part I: Residents and/or Local Government Officials Profile:

Name: ___________________________________ gender: ________ age:________ No. of years in residence: _____ No. of family members: _________

Educational Attainment:

Elementary level [ ]

Secondary level [ ]

College level [ ]

Degree holder [ ]

Socio-Economic Status:

Occupation: _____________________

Income bracket (average monthly income):

[ ] below P5,000

[ ] between P5,000 – P10,000

[ ] between P10,000 – P15,000

[ ] above P15,000

Role in the Community:

[ ] ordinary citizen

[ ] government employee

Part II: Profile of Solid Waste Management in Poblacion Almeria, Biliran:

Directions: This part is for the Local Government Officials Only. Please feel free to

fill/check the blanks that correspond to your perception in the Profile of Solid Waste

Management in Pobalcion Almeria, Biliran:

a.) Average volume of solid waste disposed per week:_______________________________

b.) Methods of disposal:

Waste disposed in vacant lots [ ]


Wastes disposed are burnt [ ]

Wastes are buried in one place [ ]

Wastes are disposed in the Municipality [ ]


Other methods, please specify:

1. _________________________________________

2. _________________________________________

3. _________________________________________

4. _________________________________________

Part III: Extent of Solid Waste Management of the Barangay Officials in Poblacion

Almeria, Biliran.

Direction: Please encircle the number that corresponds to your perception about the

solid waste management in Poblacion Almeria, Biliran using the following scale:

1 – Very well managed 2 – Well managed 3 – Managed

4 – Less managed 5 – Not managed

Managerial Responsibilities Rating

1. Availability of container/trash basins 1 2 3 4 5

in the household.

2. Segregation of solid waste generated 1 2 3 4 5

3. Information on the proper solid waste

Management of Poblacion Almeria, Biliran 1 2 3 4 5

4. Local Government of Almeria have the

Necessary equipment to maintain 1 2 3 4 5

the dumpsite.

5. Number of garbage collectors 1 2 3 4 5

6. Commitment of some personnel in the

implementation of the proper solid waste 1 2 3 4 5



7. Free-flowing of Canals during heavy rains 1 2 3 4 5

8. Drainage manholes cover 1 2 3 4 5

9. Personnel to enforce the anti- 1 2 3 4 5 littering ordinances

10. Residents along the river bank’s 1 2 3 4 5 disposal of garbage

11. Equipment and facilities for recycling 1 2 3 4 5

of solid wastes 12. Political support 1 2 3 4 5

“Thank you for your generous time and cooperation. God Bless!!!


Appendix C







Capiñahan, Naval, Biliran Mobile No: 09107657630

Personal Information


Date of Birth : December 08, 1993

Place of Birth : Brgy. Lucsoon, Naval, Biliran

Sex : Female

Civil Status : Single

Height : 5.0’

Weight : 42 kilo

Father : Carlito L. Rasonabe

Mother : Maribel C. Rasonabe

Religion : Roman Catholic


Educational Background

Elementary : Capiñahan Elem. School

Capiñahan, Naval, Biliran


Secondary : Lucsoon National High School

Lucsoon, Naval, Biliran


Collegiate : Naval State University

Naval, Biliran