Social networking by jarin

Social Networking By: Jarin Tasmin & Meiting Xu



Transcript of Social networking by jarin

  • 1. Social Networking By: Jarin Tasmin & Meiting Xu

2. What is Social Networking? Online services for social interactions. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and etc. Through social networking, people interact freely, share and discuss information about each other. People often share personal word, picture, videos and audios through social networking. Advanced technologies such as smart phones are also responsible for the use of high amount of social media. 3. For Better Or For Worse? Pros Socialization Increase interaction between friends and family. Provides educational support and material Entertainment Get information Spreads news faster Allows political & social changes. FREE! Cons Age-inappropriate material Lead a sedentary lifestyle Lack of normal healthy social interactions Online bullying Alter childrens brains and behavior making them more prone to ADHD Prevent face to face communication. Expose users to predators like pedophiles and burglars Sometimes spread false and potentially dangerous information 4. Addiction The Internet is more addicting than smoking or drinking. IAD-internet addiction disorder / PIU-problematic internet use -On Facebook, People rely on online friends as substitutes for the relationships they don't have in real life. -There is a nonstop stream of messages, photos, updates and information coming from your friends -Online, people can alter their identities and express their emotions in anyway they wanted. Cyber- bullying Harassment on web 70% of students report seeing frequent bullying online. Bullying victims are 2 to 9 times more likely to consider committing suicide 5. Word Cloud 6. The close relative to the victim of cyber bullying Yao, Xiao Currently at the age 23, in college Interview 7. Questions 1. Internet? For it or against it? - Internet is not a safe place where anyone can access your info and nothing will be deleted. 2. Why do you think cyber bullying existed? -There will be haters who are constantly making you feel bad about yourself. Those people must felt the need of bring other people down to feel better about themselves. 8. Questions (continued) 3. Do you think cyber bullying has a greater impact than traditional bullying? Why or why not. -Yes. Since its people are facing the computer screen, the bullies can say or do things they wouldn't do to a person's face. This makes them even meaner in terms of expressing their hatred towards the victim. 4. How do you feel about social networking? -I feel like it is a dangerous place. once you post anything online, you have to be able to handle any nasty comments heading your way. Also other people can take your info and claim it as theirs. You never know who you are talking to, it might be an old creeper claiming to be a teen. 9. Article: Internet & Computer Addiction (signs, symptoms and treatment) Healthy vs. unhealthy Internet use Signs, Symptoms Losing track of time online. Having trouble completing tasks at work or home. Isolation from family and friends. Feeling guilty or defensive about your Internet use. Treatment Cognitive-behavioral therapy - Therapy can also help you learn healthier ways of coping with uncomfortable emotions, such as stress, anxiety, or depression. Author: Joanna Saisan, M.S.W., Melinda Smith, M.A., Lawrence Robinson, and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D. 10. Follow Ups: For more info, check out the film The Social Network, the novel Socialnomics: How Social Media Transforms the Way We Live and Do Business or visit websites - - 11. Review Questions Name four types of Social Networking Sites. - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & snapchat. Whats your opinion about social networking? Is it good or bad? What is cyber-bullying? - Harassment on the web. What makes Social Networking Sites so addicting? - It is addicting because some people develop IAD-internet addiction disorder or PIU- problematic internet use 12. Look Up (video) 13. References Cain, Kevin. "The Negative Effects of Facebook on Communication." Social Networks Today RSS N.p., 29 June 2012. Web. 20 May, 2014. Canby, Vincent. "Is Social Networking killing you?" New York Times, 4 Feb. 2010. Web. 15 May, 2014. Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society? Ed. Patricio L. Guzman. 26 Mar. 2010. Web. 20 May 2014.