Social Networking

+ Social Networking By: Kailee Galligan


Social Networking. By: Kailee Galligan. How Much Time Do We Really Spend On Social Networks?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Social Networking

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Social NetworkingBy: Kailee Galligan

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+How Much Time Do We Really Spend On Social Networks? According to a comScore report that was done

in 2011 they found that we spend 1 out of every 7 minutes on the Internet, and 3 out of 4 minutes that are spent on Social Networking sites we are on Facebook.

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+Problems Related to Social Networks Content on your personal Facebook, Twitter, etc. can make it

difficult to find a job. Pictures of poor behavior Inappropriate posts, tweets, statuses, etc.

Makes it easy for people to cyberstalk others, which creates an unsafe environment. Some people list WAY too much personal information that makes it easy

to find them

Children and Adults are spending too much time in front of a screen. Which causes inactivity, lack of exercise Children are more likely to be depressed and experience anxiety Distracts children, teens, and young adults from schoolwork

Cyber Bullying Can ultimately cause children to develop psychological problems, or even

worse commit suicide

Deciphering between real friends vs. online friends How many of our actual friends do we know on a personal level?

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+Ways To Be Safe Online

Do not enter too much personal information i.e. location, last name, interests, educational history

Protect the information you do post with Privacy Settings

Monitor the photos you are posting The Internet is timeless.. Even if you delete something

there are ways it can be found

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Benefits to Blogging

Improves writing skills Serves as an outlet Creates a space for

conversations Therapeutic Opportunity to make

money from home Sense of satisfaction Increased self esteem

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Positive Aspect Associated with Social Networks

Blogs can create a safe place for people to tell their stories and reach out to others who may be going through similar things. For example: It Gets Better


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+More Positives..

The Internet and Social Networking allows people to keep in contact with family and friends

It also gives younger generations the opportunity to fully engage in the Internet

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+Discussion Questions

How do you think Social Networks are beneficial to our everyday life?

Do you think you will ever experience negative effects associated with Social Networking? Have you already?

When did you get your first Social Networking account?

Do you think children today are being introduced to sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. too early?

Do you think the Internet, and especially these sites are better in moderation?