Social media nelson


Transcript of Social media nelson

Alex nelson


On Facebook you can share music, videos, pictures and statuses. You do this by simply clicking “share” under the video, song, or picture you are wanting to share. You can also leave a comment under that item as well. Another option is to copy the URL into a status if you are trying to post a video or song from YouTube or another site. You can also click to add a photo or video from your computer or phone (depending on what you are on Facebook with).


Snapchat is a lot simpler than Facebook even though Facebook is quite simple itself. You simply “snap” a photo of yourself with your mobile device and you can choose to add text by clicking on the photo. You the choose how long you want the person your sending it to can see it. Another thing you can do is take a video with Snapchat and send it to someone with text. You can also attach your photo or video to your timeline so people can see it and any other photo or video you have placed here for a certain amount of time.


You can add photos and videos for people to see on this site as well. But you can even share other people photos and videos onto your Facebook by clicking the option to send it to your Facebook. You can also email these items or send them to a twitter or Pinterest account. This site also allows you to comment on items as well as like items or reblog them (share them).