Social media - enterprise2.0 - course 2010 2011

Enterprise 2.0: toward corporate social networks Guillaume ERETEO



Transcript of Social media - enterprise2.0 - course 2010 2011

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Enterprise 2.0: toward corporate social networks

Guillaume ERETEO

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Organization have problems for connecting people, documents,

information and knowledge

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knowledge management, sharing and accessibility

example: vista print

"we need to train our new people quickly so the don't break our software"

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World wide locations

In 2008: 1400 employees in six locations in north America and Europe

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Good idea and knowledge developed in each location

the whole company would benefit from sharing this knowledge

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"how the company would do a better job of sharing its cumulated


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A public success story of worldwide knowledge management

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problem of information connection

example: 9/11/2001

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Performance of U.S. Intelligence Community

"even though the system was blinking red before 9/11, no one could connect the dots"

[Mc Afee 2009]

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U.S. Intelligence Community

16 agencies in 2001

Each agency had its own database

Stovepiped information / hub-and-spoke

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January 2000

CIA investigations revealed that the suspected terrorists Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi respectively held

a U.S. visa and had traveled to the U.S.not shared with FBI

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July 2001

FBI phoenix office wrote a memo to the counterterrorism

"effort by Osama Bin Laden to send students to the US to attend civil aviation universities and colleges"

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July 5, 2001

Meeting with counterterrorism, FBI, Secret Service, Coast Guard, Federal Aviation


"Something really spectacular is going to happen here, and it's going to happen soon"

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July 2001

Mihdar arrived to the US

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August 6, 2001

CIA analysts' daily brief to the President:

"Bin Laden determined to strike in U.S."

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August 16, 2001

FBI Minneapolis office arrests Zacharias Moussaoui having 747 training without basic plane knowledge.

Agents, citing the crime of

"Destruction of aircraft or aircraft facilities",

were refused a search warrant on its personal effects.

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August 24, 2001

Midhar and Hamzi were added to the TIPOFF watch list, which was intended terrorists from

entering the U.S.

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9/11 commission report"we propose that information be shared horizontally, across new networks that

transcend individual agencies"

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public successes of information connection

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business intelligence and the wisdom of crowd

Example 3: prediction market

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Iowa Electronic Market

applying the principles of stock market to political elections

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replacing securities by candidate

the price of the candidate is replaced by predict percentage of vote

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final result are close to the reality

the final error was of 1.49%!

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Google prediction market

Application to technologies

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can we use the diversity and the mass of users to tackle the diversity and the

mass of information?

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public success story of use of the wisdom of crowd

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"The Intranet tends to follow trends from the web, and social networking is

no exception" [Nielsen Norman Group 2009]

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"It's better to structure information according to how people use it, rather

than what department owns it"[Jakob Nielsen 2009]

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In 2015, the generation Y, used to social medias in their daily personal activities, will represent 15% of the European population

and 40% of workers in France

a whole generation that will ease corporate uses of social medias and that will probably

argue for it

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enterprise 2.0

"the use of emergent social software platforms within companies, or between companies and their partners or customers" [Mc Afee 2006]

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"emergent social software platforms"

"digital environments in which contributions and interactions" are:

• "globally visible and persistent over time"• performed with social softwares that "enable people

to rendezvous, connect or collaborate through computer-mediated communication and to form online communities"

• emergent, freeform, with "patterns and structure inherent in people’s interactions".

[Mc Afee 2009]

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Social softwares for connecting people, documents and information

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• explicit and declared relations

• interactions between actors

• affiliation between actors

Social links





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the bull's eye of @amcafee 

• Strong links: close collaborators

• Weak links professional acquaintances

• Potential links: professional proximity

• Absent relationships: remainder of the network

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Social capital

"resources embedded in one's social networks, resources that can be accessed or mobilized through ties in the networks" [Lin 2008]

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Keep email for its initial goal: asynchronous discussions

Once consumed, information and knowledge in email are lost forever.

release and connect it!

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Enterprise 2.0 and corporate social capital

Wiki, online office suites: • collaboration• productivity• agility

social networking service:• link maintenance• non-redundant information• network bridging

blog, social bookmarking:• efficient search• link formation• collective intelligence

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Wiki are efficient for collaboratively editing document and creating a shared documentation


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Social networking services assist links management

Managing contactsPushing / receiving

informationInteractingEmergent social structure

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Blogs offer to easily publish information and knowledge


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Social bookmarking enables employees to collaboratively classify content through a daily personal activity

Collecting Classifying Sharing Emergent signals

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Corporate acceptance problems

from vertical information silos

tohorizontal information network

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organizational chart vs emerging structure

companies have spent decades at limiting the amount of information and collaborators each employee has to handle, in order to optimize

individual performances.

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confidentiality restriction

some companies face strong information security and confidentiality restrictions and cannot even if accept unexpected practices

and interactions in their processes

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overwhelming flow of social data

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users need help for preserving the benefits of enterprise 2.0 software

in order to efficiently handle there social capital

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Social network analysis

helps understanding and exploiting the key features of social networks in order to manage

their assets, their life cycle and predict their evolution.

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revealingcommunity structure

Influences the wayinformation is shared[Coleman 1988]

influences the way actors behave [Burt 2000]

distribution of actors and activities

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highlighting strategic resources

Degree centrality: Local attention

beetweenness centrality:reveal broker "A place for good ideas"[Burt 1992] [Burt 2004]

Closeness centrality: Capacity to communicate

[Freeman 1979]

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transitivity of relationshipsevaluating social opportunities

Peter Jack


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Analyzing intranet of people

sound great! but… what for?

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have your organizational chart benefits from emerging social structure

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maintain strong links

• Does your organizational chart take into account emerging communities?

• highlight influent actors and popular resources not yet revealed by your organizational chart

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strengthen weak links

reinforce valuable weak links that connect relevant assets and opportunities

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Identify structural gaps and

connect communities and people

that should collaborate

bridge social gaps

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Open problem: using analysis metrics to leverage social intranet usability

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• A. McAfee: "Enterprise 2.0: New Collaborative Tools For Your Organization's Toughest Challenges". Harvard Business Press. (2009)

• R. S. Burt: "Structural holes. The Social Structure of Competition". Harvard University Press. (1992)

• Lin, N.. "A network theory of social capital", In D. Castiglione, J.W. van Deth, and G. Wolleb. Handbook on Social Capital. Oxford University Press. (2008)

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nameGuillaume Erétéo


[email protected]






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