Social Media Class 2

Social Media 2010 Get Up To Speed! Shane D. Hudson



Transcript of Social Media Class 2

  • 1. Social Media 2010 Get Up To Speed! Shane D. Hudson


  • Part One:Review and Overview
  • Trends and Numbers
  • Part Two:New and Improved
  • Facebook & Twitter Updates
  • Part Three:Best Practices
  • Ideas and Cool Stuff


  • Part One:Review and Overview
  • Trends and Numbers

4. What Sells a Ticket? 5. Youngins 6. Review and Overview

  • Social media isnt a fad
  • The tools may change, but the concept is here to stay
  • The number of people utilizing social media is growing incredibly fast
  • Social media is about engaging patrons listening, responding, communicating, and building relationships
  • Word of Mouth!

7. Why Social Media

  • Patrons Engaged Through Social Media
    • Like you more
    • Pay more attention to you
    • Spend more on you
    • Talk about you more
    • Recommend you to others
    • Cost less to acquire
    • Stick with you longer

8. And Its Not All Marketing

  • Creation of Art
  • Networking
  • Feedback
  • Crowd Sourcing
  • Customer Service
  • Fundraising
  • Friendraising
  • Issues and Advocacy
  • Human Resources

9. Most Media is Social

  • Social sites are frequent destination for nearly three-quarters of Internet users
  • Watching television #1
  • Facebook next most common media destination
  • Social media games as popular as reading print newspapers.

10. Digital Word-of-Mouth

  • Social destinations important for information about a potential purchase.
  • 92% use Internet Searches
  • 52% use blogs
  • 46% use User Generated Information
  • 34% use Message Boards
  • 26% use Social Networks
  • 20% use Magazines
  • 12% use TV
  • 10% use Print Newspapers

11. Listen, Engage and Respond

  • Blogs, review sites, Facebook & Twitter are vital to making purchasing decisions
    • Set up listening posts
    • Communicate with bloggers and influencers
    • Create opportunities for fans to engage

12. Older Than You Think

  • 64% of Twitters users are aged 35 or older
  • 61% of Facebookss users are aged 35 or older
  • But 18-35 are on more often

13. 14. So We Use Social Media to Attract Young People Right?

  • Dont waste your time trying to figure out how to get a young audience to seeThe Music Man.If you want a young audience, dont f*#@ing doThe Music Man.

15. Arts Participation Audience 2.0

  • Technology is not going to be the downfall of the arts
  • Technology provides a new outlet for people to experience the arts
  • Participation in the arts through electronic & digital media spurs participation

16. 17.

  • Part Two:New and Improved
  • Facebook and Twitter Updates

18. Facebook Stats

  • Average user:
  • Logs in daily
  • Spends 55 minutes
  • Has 130 friends
  • Likes 7 Pages per month
  • Stats:
  • More than 3.5 billion pieces of content shared each week
  • Has 500 million users doubled from one year ago
  • More than 700,000 local businesses have active Pages
  • Tops Google in referring traffic
  • Fastest-growing demographic: women over 55 (increase over 900% between 2009 and 2010)

19. WHAT?!

  • In 17 countries around the world, more than 30% of all citizens not Internet users but citizens are on Facebook.
    • Norway, 46%
    • Canada, 42%
    • UK, 40%
    • Israel, 32.5%
    • Iceland, 53%

20. More Posts = More Engagement

    • Post at least once a day, but not necessarily more
    • Ask Questions
    • Share News/Trends
    • Dont Just Sell
    • Also, more posts = more fans!

21. Open Graph

  • "We're building toward a web where the default is social

22. Open Graph

  • A platform that allows sites to share information about users.
  • Tailors offers, features and services to individual interests and tastes even if that individual has never visited the site before.

23. Facebook Likey-Likey

  • No more Fans
  • Like is the new Fan
  • Use the Like button across the web (See Open Graph)
  • 50% increase in referral traffic

24. Like This Post Please! 25. Groups, Official Pages, Community Pages? What the?

  • Community Pages:
  • Built around topics, causes or experiences
  • Official Pages:
  • Maintained by authorized representatives of a business, brand, celebrity, or organization
  • Groups:
  • Allow direct communication about a specific subject not official pages*** UPDATE!!!

26. Community Pages 27. GROUPS UPDATE!!!

  • JUST ANNOUNCED! New Groups
  • Simple way to stay up to date with small groups of your friends and to share things with only them in a private space.
  • The default setting is Closed
  • Shared Docs
  • All posts are shared
  • Posts via email
  • Collaboration not branding

28. Groups VS. Pages 29. Add a Tab or Two

  • Review Tabs
  • Welcome Tabs
  • Email Tabs
  • Static Images
  • Polls and Vote Tabs
  • Applications for Anything Else You Can Think Of

30. Make a Good First Impression

  • Where do you really want someone meeting you for the first time to land?
    • Your wall?
    • Your basic info tab?
    • A special offer or
    • welcome?

31. Landing Page 32. Shop! 33. Static Images 34. Club La Cage 35. Tickets 36. Review Tab 37. Welcome 38. Welcome 39. Twitter Trends

  • Twitternow has75m user accounts
  • Only around 15m are active users
  • Average tweets per day is over 27.3 million
  • Twitter will process almost 10bn tweets this year

40. Twitter Is (Kinda) Everywhere

  • 87% have heard of Twitter
  • Only 7% use Twitter
  • Twitter users are 3 times more likely to follow brands than Facebook users
  • Brand Interaction is a major part of life on Twitter
    • 42% learn about products and services
    • 41% provide opinions about products/services
    • 19% seek customer support

41. Twitter is Disproportionately Popular with African-Americans

  • 25% of Twitter
  • users are African-Americans (approximately double the U.S. population).

42. Yeah, I Still Dont Get It

  • What can Twitter help you do?
    • Connect to your current audience
    • Deepen experiences by giving insider information
    • Get instant feedback
    • Provide customer service
    • Show some personality
    • Make friends!
    • Its viral word-of-mouth!

43. Thanks Devon Smith! 44. Lists Are In

  • Lists as a way of organizing your followers
  • Lists as a form of recommendation
  • Lists as a way of measuring influence
  • You can also follow other peoples lists without following each person on that list.

45. There are Tweets In My Google! 46. Social Circle 47. 48.

  • Part Three:Best Practices
  • Ideas and Cool Stuff

49. Best Practices and Cool Stuff

  • Devon Smith has several great Social Media in Theatre Presentations

50. Create A Scene


51. Share Your Story 52. Twitter Performance 53. Royal Shakespeare Company 54. 55. Ovation TVBroadway Plot 56.

  • Christine hears voice; Angel of Music? No, just ugly Erik. He snatches her; relents after kissyskissy. They cry. He dies.
  • The Sound of Music: There are nuns. And Nazis. And some mountains.
  • TITANIC: The unsinkable happens.
  • Wrongly accused ex-convict seeks both revenge and his long-lost family. Step off, you love-starved pie mistress.
  • Tony knows somethings coming. Riff plays it cool. Maria feels pretty. Anita lies. Tony dies
  • Poor Argentinean girl uses her wit, guile, and sex appeal to ascend through the class systems eventually becoming the First Lady.

#BWAYPLOT 57. FourSquare My newest obsession! 58. Share Knowledge, Play a Game,Receive Promotions & Rewards from Businesses 59. Putting it Together 1stfans at Brooklyn Museum 60. What is 1stfans?

  • 1stfans membership is an interactive relationship with the Brooklyn Museum in person and online
  • Its a socially networked museum membership
  • Developing face-to-face relationship with Museum staff and other Museum Members (literal social networking)
  • Creating a strong, exclusive online relationship through social networking sites (Facebook, FourSquare, Flickr, and Twitter).

61. FourSquare 62. Twitter 63. Facebook 64. Shane D. Hudson

    • @shanedhudson (Twitter)
    • [email_address]