Social -Cultural Factor Asif

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  • 8/13/2019 Social -Cultural Factor Asif


    1. Linguistic affiliation:Language is one of the most contentious issues in Kazakhstan. The official state

    language of Kazakhstan is a Turkic language spoken by only 40% of the people.

    They mostly used a Russian language spoken by virtually everyone. The

    language which is increased use of Kazakh symbols on money, in schools, ontelevision, and in national holidays has been tempered by those who do not wish

    to part with soviet symbols of the past.

    2. Symbolism:Kazakhs are historically a nomadic people and thus many of their cultural

    symbols reflect nomadic life. The horse is probably the most central part of

    Kazakhs culture. Kazakh love horses, riding them for transportation in the


    Kazakhs are also very proud of their mountains, rare animals and their national

    instrument, the dombra, a two- stringed instrument with a thin neck and potbelly

    base, resembling a guitar.2. National identity:Several factors that are unique to Kazakhstan, its land, its history, unite its

    people. Kazakhs are proud of the nations abundant natural resources,

    agriculture land potential, and natural beauty.3. Ethnic relation:

    According to many people of Kazakhstan, during the soviet years they wanted for

    very little, everyone had jobs; everyone had a house or an apartment, food was

    abundant. The Kazakhstan was part of powerful union that challenged the United

    States and other power of the world. They lived in a socialist system that based

    its success on the hard work of its people. Oil money, foreign investments, and a new management style have created a

    whole new style in Kazakhstan. Almaty and Astana both have five-star high-rise

    hotels. The big cities have casinos, Turkish fast food restaurants, and Americansteak houses.

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    4. Food and Economy:Food in Kazakhs culture is very big part of their heritage, a way of respecting

    guest and of celebrating. When sitting down to eat with a Kazakhs family one can

    be sure of two things: There will be more than enough food to eat, and there will

    be meat, possibly of different types.

    Food in daily life:In daily life Kazakhs eat some of their own national dishes, but have borrowed

    some from the Russians, Ukrainians, Uzbeks, and Turks that they live among.Daily meals for Kazakhs usually are very hearty, always including bread and

    usually another starch such as noodles or potatoes and then a meat. With their

    daily meals, Kazakhs drink fruit juices, milk, soft drinks, beer, water, and tea. Basic economy:Because of the richness of its land and resourcefulness of its people, The

    Kazakhs basic economy is not very dependent on foreign trade and imports. The

    degree to which this is true varies greatly between the cities and towns and the

    village of the countryside. Almost every rural Kazakhs has a garden, sheep and

    chickens, and some have horses.Commercial Activity:Seventy years of living in a land without imports or major foreign trade made the

    people of Kazakhstan rely heavily on their soviet neighbors and on producing for

    themselves, In local markets, all types of goods and services are for sale, from

    product to clothes, cars, and livestock. Mineral and oil exports brings in much

    needed revenue.Major Industries:

    Major industries of Kazakhstan are oil, coal, ore, lead, zinc, gold, silver, metals,

    construction materials, and small motors. Kazakhstan produces 40% of the

    worlds chrome ore, second only to South Africa. Besides the major fossil fuels

    and important minerals extraction, which is being supported by both foreigninvestment and the Kazakhstan and the Kazakh government, much of the major

    industrial production in Kazakhstan has slowed or stopped. An industrial growth

    rate of -2.1% in 1998 was very frustrating to a country and people with such a

    rich land but with such a poor infrastructure and rate of capital investment.

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    Division Of labor:Liberal arts colleges have only existed in Kazakhstan since independence in

    1991. Until that time all institute of higher education trained workers for a specific

    skill and to fill a specific role in the economy. This is still very much the case with

    high school senior deciding among careers such as banking, engineering,computer science, or teaching.

    5. Social Stratification:Class and Caste:

    Some would argue that there is no bigger problem in Kazakhstan than rising

    social stratification at all levels. Kazakh capitalism has been a free-for all, with a

    few people grabbing almost all of the power regardless who suffers.The terms New Kazakh or New Russian have been used to describe thenouveau rich in Kazakhstan, who often flaunt their wealth. This is in contrast to

    the number of unemployed or underpaid. A culture of haves and have not is

    dangerous for a country composed of many different ethics groups used to

    having basic met regardless of who they were or where they came from.

    Symbols of Social Stratification:The symbols of stratification in Kazakhstan are much like they are in many

    developing countries. The rich drive expensive cars, dress in fashionable clothes,

    and throw lavish parties. The poor drive old soviet cars or take a bus, wear cheapclothes important from china or Turkey, and save for months just to afford a

    birthday party or a wedding.

    6. Political Life:Government:

    American legal and constitutional experts helped the Kazakhstan government

    write their constitution and form their government in 1995. The system is a strong

    presidential one, with the president having the power to dissolve the parliament if

    his prime minister is rejected twice or if there is a vote of no confidence. The

    president also is the only person who can suggest constitutional amendment and

    make political appointments. There are some forms of checks and balance

    provided by a bicameral legislature called the kenges.

    The legal system is based on the civil law system. There is a supreme court of

    forty-four members and a constitutional court of seven members. while much of

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    the control is centered in Asian with the president, legislature and courts, there

    are fourteen provinces or states, called oblasts in Russian, with governors and

    certain rights.