Smith, Lisa J. - Cercul Secret - 00. the Secret Circle Series

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Transcript of Smith, Lisa J. - Cercul Secret - 00. the Secret Circle Series

The Secret Circle Series[edit]

The Secret Circle Series

1. The Initiation (1992) ISBN 978-0-06-106712-9

2. The Captive (1992) ISBN 978-0-06-106715-0

3. The Power (1992) ISBN 978-0-06-106719-8

4. The Divide (2012) ISBN 978-0-06-213039-6 (Written by Aubrey Clark)

5. The Hunt (2012) ISBN 978-0-06-213042-6 (Written by Aubrey Clark)

6. The Temptation (2013) (Written by Aubrey Clark)