Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Template

Page 1 of 43 SPSA Year 2017–18 Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Template Addendum 1: Regulatory requirements Addendum 2: General instructions. Appendix A: Guiding Questions: Use as prompts (not limits) LCFF Evaluation Rubrics School Name Sea View Elementary CDS Code 33736766032379 Revision Date ---------- Contact Name and Title Dr. Tim Steele Principal Email and Phone [email protected] 760-848-1565 The District Governing Board approved this revision of the SPSA on THE STORY: Briefly describe the students and community and how the school serves them. Sea View Elementary School is located 30 miles south of Coachella in Salton City, a small community situated on the west shore of the Salton Sea. At the beginning of the 2016-17 school year, 532 students were enrolled, including 8.08% students with disabilities, 54.89% English Language Learners, and 56.39% socioeconomically disadvantaged. Sea View serves transitional kindergarten through sixth grade following a traditional calendar. Sea View Elementary School’s ASES program is available to all students, all grade levels. Structured recreational activities are provided every day until 6:00 pm. Academic support is provided by certificated teachers and aligned to the school-wide goals for student achievement. Transitional Kindergarten - 12 Kindergarten – 56 First Grade – 68

Transcript of Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Template

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Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Template

Addendum 1: Regulatory requirements Addendum 2: General instructions.

Appendix A: Guiding Questions: Use as prompts (not limits)

LCFF Evaluation Rubrics

School Name Sea View Elementary

CDS Code 33736766032379

Revision Date

---------- Contact Name and Title

Dr. Tim Steele Principal

Email and Phone

[email protected] 760-848-1565

The District Governing Board approved this revision of the SPSA on

THE STORY: Briefly describe the students and community and how the school serves them.

Sea View Elementary School is located 30 miles south of Coachella in Salton City, a small community situated on the west shore of the Salton Sea. At the beginning of the 2016-17 school year, 532 students were enrolled, including 8.08% students with disabilities, 54.89% English Language Learners, and 56.39% socioeconomically disadvantaged. Sea View serves transitional kindergarten through sixth grade following a traditional calendar. Sea View Elementary School’s ASES program is available to all students, all grade levels. Structured recreational activities are provided every day until 6:00 pm. Academic support is provided by certificated teachers and aligned to the school-wide goals for student achievement. Transitional Kindergarten - 12 Kindergarten – 56 First Grade – 68

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Second Grade – 71 Third Grade – 87 Fourth Grade – 80 Fifth Grade – 76 Sixth Grade - 82 African American 1.4% Asian 0.0% Filipino 0.0% Hispanic or Latino 91.4% White (not Hispanic) 4.3% Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.0% Two or More Races 1.4% Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 97.3% English Learners 60.0% Students with Disabilities 8.0% Migrant Education 0.0% Foster Youth 2.1% School Vision Creating possibilities! School Mission At Sea View Elementary School, children are encouraged to learn and grow in a safe, nurturing environment that promotes literacy, fosters self-esteem and challenges students to succeed.

SPSA Highlights: Identify and briefly summarize the key features of this year’s SPSA.

The highlights of this year's SPSA is our focus on building capacity within our teachers and administration. You will see a concentration on professional development. This focus will enable us to support our English Language Learners and students who are scoring below or significantly below grade-level. We would expect to see movement taking place with the lowest students moving to the middle ground and the middle students reaching proficient.

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Based on a review of performance on the state indicators and local performance indicators included in the California School Dashboard, progress toward SPSA goals, local self-assessment tools, stakeholder input, or other information, what progress is the school proudest of, and how does the school plan to maintain or build upon that success? This may include identifying any specific examples of how past increases or improvements in services for low-income students, English learners, and foster youth have led to improved performance for these students.


Building Capacity in our Teachers with a focus on English Language Learners' learning is reflected in our overall improvement in both English Language Arts and Mathematics for our Migrant and Special Education populations.

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Referring to the California School Dashboard, identify any state indicator or local performance indicator for which overall performance was in the “Red” or “Orange” performance category. Additionally, identify any areas that the school has determined need significant improvement based on review of local performance indicators or other local indicators. What steps is the school planning to take to address these areas with the greatest need for improvement?


Reviewing the data shows that we have fallen short of meeting our agreed upon targets in English Language Arts. We did meet our learning target for Math. Math is a growing concern district wide. This is the second year of our math adoption. Although we may be reaching our targets, our concern mirrors that of our district in that we are not reaching the levels of learning we would like to see.

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Referring to the California School Dashboard, identify any state indicator for which performance for any student group was two or more performance levels below the “all student” performance. Additionally, identify any areas in which the school has determined there are significant performance gaps based on review of local performance indicators or other local indicators. What steps is the school planning to take to address these performance gaps?


Overall - the various student groups at Sea View are performing uniformly low. The concern for Math is ongoing as is the concern for English Language Arts. Data reflects a significant amount of students are not moving up on the performance tasks.

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If not previously addressed, identify the two to three most significant ways that the school will increase or improve services for low-income students, English learners, and foster youth.

To increase services for low-income, English learners, and Foster youth students - Sea View will continue to build capacity in their teachers with a focus on student learning. Sea View will continue to provide Professional Development, build on collaborative practices such as Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), and offer a peer coaching model.


Complete the table below. LEAs may include additional information or more detail, including graphics.


Title I 2017-18 Preliminary Allocation $19,417


LCFF S/C Funding $22,556

Other funding: 2016-17 Title l Carry-over (15% allowable) $3,177

Other funding: 2017-18 Title l District Parent Involvement $2,984

Other funding: 2017-2018 LCFF Base $55,571.00

$103,705 Total Projected funding for SPSA 2017-18

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Annual Update 2017-18 SPSA Year Reviewed: 2016-17

CA Data Dashboard

Goal 1 Increased Student Achievement in ELA and Math












Kinder - 6th Grade: All students will receive high standards of instruction in English Language Arts, Writing and Math by creating regular constructive collaborative planning time to continue building school wide awareness of Common Core Standards, best practices, and teacher created assessments mirroring the CAASPP. We will move from 8 percent to 15 percent of 3rd-6th-grade students scoring proficient or higher on the ELA California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) in the Spring of 2017. We will move from 1 percent to 3 percent of 3rd-6th-grade students scoring proficient or higher on the Math California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) in the Spring of 2017.

Use actual annual measurable outcome data, including performance data from the CA School Dashboard, as applicable.

Describe the overall implementation of the actions/services to achieve the articulated goal.

• As a staff (and a district), we implemented Units of Study that were centered on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The culminating task, found at the end of each unit of study for ELA/Math, was tailored after the CCSS, and included a performance task. Monitoring points (formative assessments and district benchmarks) were established throughout the units and provided relevant data for teachers to guide instruction.

• Structured Collaboration sessions for ELA/Math occurred monthly. The sessions were structured in a manner that allowed grade level groups to review data, set goals, and strategize instruction for the Units of Study based on the data.

Administration and teachers conducted data team meetings and collaboration two times a month for an hour as a professional learning community. Professional development will be provided to teachers on a weekly or bimonthly basis in the areas of understanding ELD standards, incorporating ELD strategies such as SDAIE, and a peer coaching model to support the new learning of teachers. The following items were addressed:

• Teachers will discuss the implementation of Common Core Standards.

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• Teachers will investigate, understand, and analyze the Common Core Standards. • Teachers will integrate project based learning to assist students with analytical thinking. • Teachers will collaborate on the Units of Study. • Teachers will create assessments to mirror the Smart Balance Assessments. • Teachers will create and set SMART goals to improve student performance. • Teachers will collaborate and implement the mobile learning initiative. • Teachers will collaborate with a District English Language Development (ELD) Teacher on Special

Assignment (TOSA) in developing the universal understanding of ELD standards and best instructional practices.

-------- Describe the overall effectiveness of the actions/services to achieve the articulated goal as measured by the school.

We did not see success in our projected movement of 8 to 15 percent growth in English Language Arts. We were successful in meeting our expected goals for Math. We feel we fell short of meeting our expected goals in ELA due to ongoing teacher negotiations, loss of support from our ELD TOSA, and therefore loss of momentum and support for teacher learning.

-------- Explain material differences between Budgeted Expenditures and Estimated Actual Expenditures.

Budgeted Expenditures for Capacity Building in teachers was funded through Title 1, Title 1 Carryover, LCFF, and LCFF Carryover. All funds were spent appropriately to support teacher learning. Additional District funds were provided to support grades Kindergarten through Second-Grade to provide intervention time and focus.

-------- Describe any changes made to this 2016-17 goal, expected outcomes, metrics, or actions and services to achieve this goal as a result. Include specific examples of how these changes have led to improved student performance. Identify where those changes can be found in the SPSA.

Sea View has developed new shared school goals: Learning for All Students, Ensure Safe Environment, and Build Productive Citizenship. Changes are being made to safeguard student learning in the areas of English Language Arts and Math as reflected in the following:

• Teachers will discuss the implementation of newly adopted ELA program and how it aligns to Common Core Standards

• Teachers will investigate, understand and analyze the Common Core Standards in both Eglish Language Arts and Math.

• Teachers will integrate project-based learning to assist students with analytical thinking. • Teachers will create common assessments to mirror the Smart Balance Assessments. • Teachers will create and set SMART goals to improve student performance with a focus on follow-ups

and student movement. • Teachers will collaborate to build teacher and student learning opportunities for Technology to support

student learning. • Teachers will collaborate with District and County Instructional Teachers in developing the universal

understanding of ELD, ELA, and Math standards and best instructional practices to support student learning.

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A newly adopted change will be that administration and leadership teams will be focusing on site/grade-level collaboration of reviewing data and best instructional practices as measured by teacher PLC data, classroom walk-throughs, and shared common assessments.

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Annual Update 2017-18 SPSA Year Reviewed: 2016-17

CA Data Dashboard

Goal 2 Increased language acquisition for English Learners












The percentage of EL students who advance one performance level per year on the overall CELDT score will increase to 40% as indicated by the 2016 CELDT test and noted on the CELDT Movement Report in EADMS.

Use actual annual measurable outcome data, including performance data from the CA School Dashboard, as applicable.

Describe the overall implementation of the actions/services to achieve the articulated goal.

¥ Weekly Grade-Level Meetings ¥ Collaborative review of data to drive instruction ¥ Collaborative Lesson Planning ¥ Collaborative discussions of best practices ¥ Structured Collaboration (Grade-Level Meetings, Group Planning, Data Review) ¥ Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) ¥ Student Engagement and Time on Task ¥ Checking for Understanding ¥ Academic Language ¥ Writing Across the Curriculum ¥ Vertical and horizontal teacher collaboration ¥ Daily documentation of daily interventions used for ELA and Math (Strategy & Student) ¥ Collaborative conversations of teaching strategies based on data


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Describe the overall effectiveness of the actions/services to achieve the articulated goal as measured by the school.

Sea View teachers met their articulated goals by moving 40% of the students on the overall CELDT score during the 2016-2017 academic school year.

-------- Explain material differences between Budgeted Expenditures and Estimated Actual Expenditures.

Budgeted expenditures to meet this goal were to include: Staff Development and Professional Collaboration Aligned with Standards-based Instructional Materials; including staff professional development and grade level articulation to support academic, social, and behavioral instruction; and Involvement of Staff, Parents, and Community. Actual expenditures included, but were not limited to, Staff Development and Professional Collaboration Aligned with Standards-based Instructional Materials in both ELA and Math. District Teacher support in English Language Development, on-site Professional Development by Riverside County Office of Education, and internet based programs such as LEXIA to support language acquisition and understanding, as well as IXL to support math standards. We utilized the AmeriCorp members to provide small group interventions based on students LEXIA levels.

-------- Describe any changes made to this 2016-17 goal, expected outcomes, metrics, or actions and services to achieve this goal as a result. Include specific examples of how these changes have led to improved student performance. Identify where those changes can be found in the SPSA.

The CELDT is typically an assessment that has traditionally been given to students at the beginning of the school year. Changes to the goal are not made until the next school year. In our hopes to see the continued growth we will continue to:

• Utilize LEXIA Core 5, a technology based tool to assist in the understanding and reading fluency of the English language for ALL students 2.7d. This tool can be helpful in building the foundational knowledge of students and fill gaps in their learning. It provides targeted interventions for every student.

• Purchase of consumable core materials 3.1c. • Leveling of students for ELD 3.2c. • After school interventions provided by a credentialed teacher 3.2e • Public recognition for students who make positive movement on the CELDT 3.5c

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• Develop students’ academic English language proficiency in alignment with state ELD standards. Including, but not limited to, supplemental material. 1.1b

• Provide full implementation of state-standards in a Structured English Immersion class to ELL students 1.1c

• Provide 45 minutes of leveled ELD time 1.3e • CELDT training for teachers who are assessing using the CELDT 1.6a • ELD PLCs 1.6e

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Annual Update 2017-18 SPSA Year Reviewed: 2016-17

CA Data Dashboard

Goal 3 Parent Engagement and School Climate












Sea View Elementary School will collaborate with parents, teachers, students, support staff, and community members to support student academic success and College, Career, and Citizenship readiness. Our overall parent involvement will increase by 5%. Collaboration between school and home will be critical as we continue to implement Common Core State Standards. As a staff (and a district), we will continue to implement the Units of Study that are centered on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The culminating task, found at the end of each unit of study for ELA and Math, is tailored after the CCSS, and includes a performance task. Monitoring points (formative assessments and district benchmarks) have been established throughout the units and will provide relevant data for teachers and will guide instruction. We will provide multiple opportunities to collaborate with parents to support our movement towards reaching proficiency as a school as measured by the CAASPP.

Use actual annual measurable outcome data, including performance data from the CA School Dashboard, as applicable.

Describe the overall implementation of the actions/services to achieve the articulated goal.

Parents are encouraged to get involved in their child’s learning environment either by volunteering in the classroom, participating in a decision-making group, or simply attending school events. School-to-home communication is provided in English and Spanish. Parents stay informed on upcoming events and school activities through flyers, Blackboard Connect, school website, monthly calendar, and the AERIES Parent Portal. Opportunities for Parents or Community Members to Volunteer:

• Cafeteria Helper • Classroom Helper • Supervision AM • Library Helper • Office Helper Sea View Elementary School provided multiple opportunities for parents and community members to collaborate with school staff as follows:

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• Kinder Parent Academy (all kinder students/parents) • K-6 Parent Academic Workshops provided by Teachers • Parent/Teacher Conferences • Coffee w/the Principal • FIAT/PLATA Parent Workshops • Saturday Parent Workshops • Student of the Month Assemblies • Academic Olympics • Community Resource Fair • Lion’s Club Presentations • Elks Club Presentations • Adult ESL courses • School Site Council • ELAC • Spelling Bee • Geography Bee • Science Fair

-------- Describe the overall effectiveness of the actions/services to achieve the articulated goal as measured by the school.

Every year Sea View has seen growth in both Parent and Community Involvement. We have not been effective in the upkeep of our web site. We hope to make a concerted effort to ameliorate this situation. We have seen a rise in attendance in all parent invited school functions. Our graduating class of Parents from our Loving Solutions workshops was an all-time high with about 15 graduates who completed the entire program.

-------- Explain material differences between Budgeted Expenditures and Estimated Actual Expenditures.

Budgeted expenditures to fulfill this goal were spent in the areas of Student recognition ($7,000.00) SPSA 3.5 a-e. We used left over medals and donated certificates to meet these needs. We did not actually spend monies in these areas. We did also allocate funds to provide snacks, water, coffee, and other materials for the parent meetings out of our discretionary account for about $1,500.00.

-------- Describe any changes made to this 2016-17 goal, expected outcomes, metrics, or actions and services to achieve this goal as a result. Include specific examples of how these changes have led to improved student performance. Identify where those changes can be found in the SPSA.

There were not any changes made to this goal in the course of the 2016-17 school year.

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Stakeholder Engagement ---------- ----------




How, when, and with whom did the school consult as part of the planning process for this SPSA/Annual Review and Analysis?

School Site Council met on September 5, 2017, to review data and provide input on the 2016-2017 SPSA. It was discussed that we were moving to an electronic web-based format and that the format would be changing. Sea View Elementary School's pending Leadership Team met on September 11, 2017, where the SPSA was discussed as well. In addition, both the School Secretary and Administration participated in Professional Development toward the understanding of all policies and guidelines along with the implementation of the new electronic SPSA form - August 29, 2017.



How did these stakeholders impact the SPSA for the upcoming year?

The Administration team undertook the task of inputting the school's SPSA information into the new electronic format. Based on data, as it currently stands, we are soliciting feedback about professional development needs of all certificated staff members. A calendar of professional development opportunities will be developed base on staff needs.

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School Site Council Membership California Education Code describes the required composition of the School Site Council (SSC). The SSC shall be composed of the principal and representatives of: teachers selected by teachers at the school; other school personnel selected by other school personnel at the school; parents of pupils attending the school selected by such parents; and, in secondary schools, pupils selected by pupils attending the school. The current make-up of the SSC is as follows:

Name of Members














l S


















Dr. Timothy Steele X

Ms. Courtney Korenkiewicz X

Ms. Isabel Lopez X

Mr. Stephen Clifford X

Ms. Nancy Del Castillo X

Ms. Miriam Juarez X

Ms. Maria Rodriguez X

Irene Vasquez X

Ms. Maya Carter X

Rocio Bañuelos X

Numbers of members of each category: 1 3 1 5

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Goals, Actions, & Services 2017-18

Strategic Planning Details and Accountability






Goal 1

LEA Goal: Increase student achievement and other pupil outcomes to prepare all students for college, career and citizenship in the 21st Century. School Goal: Kinder - 6th Grade: All students will receive high standards of instruction in English Language Arts, English Language Development, Writing, and Math by creating regular constructive collaborative planning time to continue building school-wide awareness of Common Core Standards, best practices, and teacher created assessments mirroring the CAASPP.

---------- State and/or Local Priorities Addressed by this goal: STATE













---------- Identified Need We have identified, based on CAASPP data and District data, that our students are performing at very low levels in ELA,

ELD, and Math


Metrics/Indicators Baseline 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

State Priority: 2- Implementation of State standards: CVUSD will use the proposed Option 2: Reflection Tool from CA Dashboard. CA Dashboard Reflection Tool rating scale: 1-Exploration and Research Phase 2- Beginning Development 3- Initial Implementation 4- Full Implementation 5- Full Implementation and Sustainability. I) Professional Development: Rate the LEA's progress in

2-Implementation of State standards: Use CA Dashboard Reflection Tool rating scale. Rate your school I) Professional Development:

2-Implementation of State standards: Use CA Dashboard Reflection Tool rating scale. Rate your school I) Professional Development: ELA CCSS: 3

2-Implementation of State standards: Use CA Dashboard Reflection Tool rating scale. Rate your school I) Professional Development: ELA CCSS: 3

2-Implementation of State standards: Use CA Dashboard Reflection Tool rating scale. Rate your school I) Professional Development: ELA CCSS: 4

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providing professional learning for teaching to the recently adopted academic standards and/or curriculum framework II. Instructional Materials: Rate in making instructional materials that are aligned to CCSS and/or curriculum frameworks identified in all classrooms where the subject is taught. III. Progress Implementing Policies/Programs: Rate progress in implementing policies or programs to support staff in identifying adopted academic standards and/or curriculum frameworks (e.g. Collaboration, focused classroom walkthroughs, teacher pairing). IV. Rate the School’s progress in Implementing standards for CTE/Health/PE/VAPA/World Language. V. Engaging with teachers and school administrators for the following activities: A) Identifying professional learning needs for teachers and staff as a whole: B) Identifying professional learning needs for individual teachers and staff: C) Providing support for teachers on standards they have not mastered:

ELA CCSS: 3 ELD (Aligned to ELA Standards): 3 Math CCSS: 3 Science NGSS: 1 History- Social Science: 1 II. Instructional Materials: ELA CCSS: 3 ELD (Aligned to ELA Standards): 3 Math CCSS: 3 Science NGSS: 1 History- Social Science: 1 III. Progress Implementing Policies/Programs: ELA CCSS: 3 ELD (Aligned to ELA Standards): 3 Math CCSS: 3 Science NGSS: 3 History- Social Science: __ IV. Progress Implementing other adopted academic standards: CTE: N/A Health Education: 2 PE: 3 VAPA: N/A World Lang: N/A V. Engaging with teachers and school administrators for the following activities: A) Identifying professional learning needs for teachers and staff: 2

ELD (Aligned to ELA Standards): 3 Math CCSS: 3 Science NGSS: 2 History- Social Science: 2 II. Instructional Materials: ELA CCSS: 3 ELD (Aligned to ELA Standards): 3 Math CCSS: 3 Science NGSS: 2 History- Social Science: 2 III. Progress Implementing Policies/Programs: ELA CCSS: 3 ELD (Aligned to ELA Standards): 3 Math CCSS: 3 Science NGSS: 3 History- Social Science: __ IV. Progress Implementing other adopted academic standards: CTE: N/A Health Education: 2 PE: 3 VAPA: N/A World Lang: N/A V. Engaging with teachers and school administrators for the following activities: A) Identifying professional learning needs for teachers and staff: 2 B) Identifying professional

ELD (Aligned to ELA Standards): 3 Math CCSS: 4 Science NGSS: 2 History- Social Science: 2 II. Instructional Materials: ELA CCSS: 3 ELD (Aligned to ELA Standards): 3 Math CCSS: 3 Science NGSS: 3 History- Social Science: 3 III. Progress Implementing Policies/Programs: ELA CCSS: 4 ELD (Aligned to ELA Standards): 3 Math CCSS: 4 Science NGSS: 3 History- Social Science: __ IV. Progress Implementing other adopted academic standards: CTE: N/A Health Education: 2 PE: 4 VAPA: N/A World Lang: N/A V. Engaging with teachers and school administrators for the following activities: A) Identifying professional learning needs for teachers and staff: 2

ELD (Aligned to ELA Standards): 3 Math CCSS: 4 Science NGSS: 1 History- Social Science: 1 II. Instructional Materials: ELA CCSS: 3 ELD (Aligned to ELA Standards): 3 Math CCSS: 3 Science NGSS: 3 History- Social Science: 3 III. Progress Implementing Policies/Programs: ELA CCSS: 4 ELD (Aligned to ELA Standards): 4 Math CCSS: 4 Science NGSS: 3 History- Social Science: __ IV. Progress Implementing other adopted academic standards: CTE: N/A Health Education: 2 PE: 4 VAPA: N/A World Lang: N/A V. Engaging with teachers and school administrators for the following activities: A) Identifying professional learning needs for teachers and staff: 2

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VI. EL access to Common Core and ELD Standards.

B) Identifying professional learning needs for individual teachers and staff: 3 C) Providing support for teachers on standards they have not mastered: 2

learning needs for individual teachers and staff: 3 C) Providing support for teachers on standards they have not mastered: 2

B) Identifying professional learning needs for individual teachers and staff: 3 C) Providing support for teachers on standards they have not mastered: 2

B) Identifying professional learning needs for individual teachers and staff: 3 C) Providing support for teachers on standards they have not mastered: 2

State Priorities: 4-Pupil Achievement & 8-Other Pupil Outcomes: A. SBAC assessments (3-8 met or exceeded percentages & placement on CA 5 by 5 Grid) D. EL progress (% of EL students improving 1 CELDT

4-Pupil Achievement & 8-Other Pupil Outcomes: A. 2016-2017 SBAC: Percentage of students meeting or exceeding standards on SBAC for: ELA: All Students 18.1% English Learners 1.9% R-FEPS 52.8% Migrant 21.7% Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 18.1% Hispanic/Latino 18.3% Students with disabilities 2.1% MATH: All Students 7.4% English Learners 1.9% R-FEPS 13.9% Migrant 17.4% Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 7.4%

4-Pupil Achievement & 8-Other Pupil Outcomes: A. 2016-2017 SBAC: Percentage of students meeting or exceeding standards on SBAC for: ELA: All Students 23% English Learners 5% Migrant 27% Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 23% Hispanic/Latino 23% Students with disabilities 4% MATH: All Students 11% English Learners 4% Migrant 20% Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 12% Hispanic/Latino 11% Students with disabilities 4%

4-Pupil Achievement & 8-Other Pupil Outcomes: A. 2016-2017 SBAC: Percentage of students meeting or exceeding standards on SBAC for: ELA: All Students 28% English Learners 8% Migrant 32% Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 28% Hispanic/Latino 28% Students with disabilities 7% MATH: All Students 14% English Learners 7% Migrant 23% Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 7.4% Hispanic/Latino 13% Students with disabilities 7%

4-Pupil Achievement & 8-Other Pupil Outcomes: A. 2016-2017 SBAC: Percentage of students meeting or exceeding standards on SBAC for: ELA: All Students 38% English Learners 13% Migrant 37% Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 33% Hispanic/Latino 33% Students with disabilities 10% MATH: All Students 17% English Learners 10% Migrant 26% Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 7.4% Hispanic/Latino 16% Students with disabilities 10%

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Proficiency Level) E. EL reclassification

Hispanic/Latino 7.7% Students with disabilities 2.1% D. EL progress: 40.5% E. EL reclassification: 13.3%

D. EL progress: 45% E. EL reclassification: 13.3%

D. EL progress: 50% E. EL reclassification: 18%

D. EL progress: 55% E. EL reclassification: 23%

State Priority: 7-Course Access B. Programs/Services developed and provided to unduplicated pupils: Placement on CA 5by5 Grid

7-Course Access: B. Programs/Services developed and provided to unduplicated pupils: Percentage of students meeting or exceeding standards on SBAC ] 2016-17 Placement on 5 by 5 Grid: 1) All Students: ELA Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -87.6 Change: Increased Points change: 10.3 Math Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -116.7 Change: Increased Points change: 8.8 2015-16 Placement on 5 by 5 Grid: 1) All Students:

7-Course Access: B. Programs/Services developed and provided to unduplicated pupils: Percentage of students meeting or exceeding standards on SBAC Placement on 5 by 5 Grid: 1) All Students: ELA Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -80.6

7-Course Access: B. Programs/Services developed and provided to unduplicated pupils: Percentage of students meeting or exceeding standards on SBAC Placement on 5 by 5 Grid: 1) All Students: ELA Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -73.6

7-Course Access: B. Programs/Services developed and provided to unduplicated pupils: Percentage of students meeting or exceeding standards on SBAC Placement on 5 by 5 Grid: 1) All Students: ELA Color: Yellow Status: Low Distance/points from 3: -66.6

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ELA Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -95.6 Change: Increased Points change: 10.6 Math Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -125.5 Change: Increased Points change: 11.4 2) English Learners: ELA Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -96 Change: Increased Points change: 18.3 Math Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -124.7 Change: Increased Points change: 9.7 3) Migrant: ELA Color: ____ Status: ________ Distance/points from 3: __ Change:______ Points change: __ Math Color: ___ Status: ________ Distance/points from 3: __ Change:_______ Points change: __ 4) Socioeconomically Disadvantaged: ELA Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -95.9 Change: Increased Points change: 17.1 Math Color: Orange

Change: Increased Points change: 7 Math Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -111.5 Change: Increased Points change: 5 2) English Learners: ELA Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -82 Change: Increased Points change: 7 Math Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -119.7 Change: Increased Points change: 5 3) Migrant: ELA Color: ____ Status: ________ Distance/points from 3: __ Change:______ Points change: __ Math Color: ___ Status: ________ Distance/points from 3: __ Change:_______ Points change: __ 4) Socioeconomically Disadvantaged: ELA Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -88.9 Change: Increased Points change: 7 Math Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -121.4 Change: Increased Points change: 5

Change: Increased Points change: 7 Math Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -106.5 Change: Increased Points change: 5 2) English Learners: ELA Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -75 Change: Increased Points change: 7 Math Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -109.7 Change: Increased Points change: 5 3) Migrant: ELA Color: ____ Status: ________ Distance/points from 3: __ Change:______ Points change: __ Math Color: ___ Status: ________ Distance/points from 3: __ Change:_______ Points change: __ 4) Socioeconomically Disadvantaged: ELA Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -81.9 Change: Increased Points change: 7 Math Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -116.4 Change: Increased Points change: 5

Change: Increased Points change: 7 Math Color: Yellow Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -101.5 Change: Increased Points change: 5 2) English Learners: ELA Color: Orange Status: Low Distance/points from 3: -68 Change: Increased Points change: 7 Math Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -104.7 Change: Increased Points change: 5 3) Migrant: ELA Color: ____ Status: ________ Distance/points from 3: __ Change:______ Points change: __ Math Color: ___ Status: ________ Distance/points from 3: __ Change:_______ Points change: __ 4) Socioeconomically Disadvantaged: ELA Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -74.9 Change: Increased Points change: 7 Math Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -111.4 Change: Increased Points change: 5

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C. Programs/Services developed and provided to individuals with exceptional needs: Percentage of students meeting or exceeding standards on SBAC or CAA

Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -126.4 Change: Increased Points change: 10.7 5) Hispanic/Latino: ELA Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -93.6 Change: Increased Points change: 19.5 Math Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -124.6 Change: Increased Points change: 12.1 C. Programs/Services developed and provided to individuals with exceptional needs: 1) Students with disabilities: Placement on 5 by 5 Grid: ELA Color: Red Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -157.3 Change: Maintained Points change: 4 Math Color: Yellow Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -166 Change: Increased Significantly Points change: 21.4

5) Hispanic/Latino: ELA Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -86 Change: Increased Points change: 7 Math Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -119 Change: Increased Points change: 5 C. Programs/Services developed and provided to individuals with exceptional needs: 1) Students with disabilities: Placement on 5 by 5 Grid: ELA Color: Red Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -150 Change: Maintained Points change: 7 Math Color: Yellow Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -161 Change: Increased Significantly Points change: 5

5) Hispanic/Latino: ELA Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -79 Change: Increased Points change: 7 Math Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -114 Change: Increased Points change: 5 C. Programs/Services developed and provided to individuals with exceptional needs: 1) Students with disabilities: Placement on 5 by 5 Grid: ELA Color: Red Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -143 Change: Maintained Points change: 7 Math Color: Yellow Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -156 Change: Increased Significantly Points change: 5

5) Hispanic/Latino: ELA Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -72 Change: Increased Points change: 7 Math Color: Orange Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -109 Change: Increased Points change: 5 C. Programs/Services developed and provided to individuals with exceptional needs: 1) Students with disabilities: Placement on 5 by 5 Grid: ELA Color: Red Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -136 Change: Maintained Points change: 7 Math Color: Yellow Status: Very Low Distance/points from 3: -151 Change: Increased Significantly Points change: 5


Page 11 of 43

Action 1

For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served


English Learners

Students with Disabilities

Foster Youth

Low Income






1.1 Continue to provide full implementation of state-standards through Houghton Mifflin Legacy of Literacy reading program and GO Math & McGrall Hill and/or other District approved curriculum 1.2 Develop students’ academic English language proficiency in alignment with state ELD standards. Including, but not limited to, supplemental material. 1.3 Provide full implementation of state-standards in a Structured English Immersion class to ELL students 1.4 Teachers will develop, implement and monitor common assessments to monitor progress of English Learners, Socio Economically Disadvantaged students, Special Education students, Gifted and Talented students. 1.5 Staff will regularly assess and review data including CELDT data, benchmark results, student engagement, use of academic language, checking for understanding, time on task, and the use of content standards. 1.6 Teachers will use SDAIE instructional strategies in addition to, think write pair share, checking for understanding, use of academic language, sentence frames, time on task, and thinking maps and EDI strategies. This will be done during whole group and small group instruction throughout all areas of the curriculum 1.7 Use Thinking Maps in all subjects school wide 1.8 Provide 2.5 hours of uninterrupted ELA time grades K-3 and 2 hours in grades 4-6. 1.9 Provide 60 minutes of uninterrupted mathematics instructional time in grades K-6 1.10 Provide full implementation of state-standards in a Structured English Immersion class 1.11 Provide at least 30-45 minutes of uninterrupted ELD time. 1.12 Use Write from the Beginning strategies school-wide 1.13 Use Checking for Understanding strategies across all content areas 1.14 Use writing across all content areas 1.15 Use academic language across all content areas 1.16 Use EDI Strategies 1.17 Provide opportunities for teachers to meet with peers to discuss instructional and behavioral strategies during the instructional day. 1.18 Teachers will display standards and objectives and reference them throughout the lessons. (White-board configuration) 1.19 Current student writing will be displayed with standards and rubrics allowing students the opportunity to understand why they received the grade they did. 1.20 Research-based Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS) will be introduced to all students including "at risk", EL, and GATE. Daily PBIS lessons will be taught daily in every classroom based on set expectations developed by Admin or PBIS Team. Additionally, if funding allows staff may pursue other positive-based behavior programs, as they are able and agreed upon by Administration. 1.21 Ensure full implementation of the READ 180 reading intervention program. Including, but not limited to, supplemental materials. 1.22 All students (including GATE, EL and those with special needs) experiencing difficulty mastering the ELA and Math standards may participate in appropriate increased learning opportunities during the school day, such as (but not limited to), small group settings, workshop time, and peer tutoring. 1.23 Purchase needed consumable materials for Grade 4-6 ELD classes such as, Elements of Reading, Rev it Up. Including, but not limited to, supplemental materials. 1.24 Provide a 30 minute “Up Time” for extended ELA instruction and 15 minutes of additional instruction intervention in mathematics for all students. 1.25 Continue to leverage all learning time to target increase in achievement on State Testing. 1.26 Provide 30 minutes/3 days a week of Momentum Math instruction for Grade 4-6 students who are Far Below Basic on the CST. Provide 3 hours of intensive intervention through READ 180 for designated Students. Including, but not limited to, supplemental material. 1.27 GATE differentiation in Grades 4-6

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1.28 Leveling EL students by CELDT level K-6 1.29 Small group instruction for Resource students and SDC students. 1.30 Students scoring Standard not Met, and Standard Nearly Met on State Standardized testing (SBAC, CELDT) will be invited to attend the ASES program after school first. 1.31 EL students will receive ELD intervention during the ASES extended day program provided by a credentialed teacher 1.32 CELDT training for teachers will be provided during Wednesday Staff Development 1.33 Staff development and Professional Learning Communities (PLC) focus on: differentiation, data analysis, SMART Goals, instructional strategies (Thinking Maps, Sentence Frames, Write from the Beginning and Bloom’s Questioning/DOK, checking for understanding, academic language, writing across the curriculum), student engagement, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, academic language, examining student work, pacing guides, Common Assessments and test released questions for the CA Common Core Standards. 1.34 To improve student achievement, grade level, and cross grade level teams will use data to target students who score Far Below Basic, Below Basic, Basic, and proficient on the State Test for Language Arts and/or Math for all students. 1.35 Continually and collaboratively review the progress of student intervention and revise instruction as necessary to enhance student performance in order to improve student learning and achievement. 1.36 The Special Education teachers and support staff will have the opportunity to participate in district-sponsored professional development with a focus on the California State Standards, successful teaching strategies, and differentiated instruction. 1.37 Teachers will continue to meet and work in grade level and cross-level professional learning communities to discuss and share successful strategies, share data, and examine and analyze student work. Teachers will deepen their understanding of professional learning communities and how they lead to improved student achievement. 1.38 Staff will attend site meetings and professional development. In addition, they will have the opportunity to participate in professional development centered team collaboration, effective instructional strategies, differentiation, assessment results, writing across the curriculum, checking for understanding, and use of academic language, ELD strategies. 1.39 Provide quality, on-going professional development for teachers, principals, paraprofessionals and other staff to enable all children in the school with a focus on the state academic content standards, the academic improvement overall, and progression towards individual student achievement. 1.40 Staff development and Professional Learning Communities (PLC) focus on: Direct instruction, differentiation, data analysis, SMART Goals, vertical articulation, instructional strategies (Thinking Maps, think-write-pair share, Sentence Frames, Write from the Beginning, checking for understanding, academic language, writing across the curriculum, and Bloom’s Questioning), student engagement, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, academic language, examining student work, pacing guides, CA Common Core Smarter Balanced test released questions. 1.41 Provide extra services pay for those teachers who prepare staff development for the focus in 2.1b.b Developing teacher leadership through professional development by facilitation / presentations. 1.42 Continually review the progress of students and revise instruction as necessary to enhance student performance in order to improve student learning and achievement. 1.43 Provide all staff a job description of the Assistant Principal listing the roles and responsibilities focused on supporting classroom teachers 1.44 Provide teachers the opportunity to collaborate, observe lessons by highly qualified teachers, or demonstrated lessons in their classroom by a content expert. 1.45 Provide extra services pay/Stipends for those teachers who participate in staff development. 1.46 In partnership with the Latino Commission and other Community Based Centers, the school will identify “at risk” students in need of academic counseling tied to behavior. 1.47 Response to Intervention (Rti2) for academics and behavior.- Positive recognition: This Paws for You, Student of the Week, positive calls home, Academic Olympics 1.48 Train a group of 5th and 6th grade students (Good Friends) to work with Kindergarten and First Grade students during their non-instructional time. 1.49 Response to Intervention (RTI) for academics and behavior. 1.50 On-going Bully Prevention curriculum through PBIS. 1.51 Schoolwide Positive Behavior Program (PBIS) 1.52 Provide access to Library before, during, and after school to allow students a supervised area to have access to the internet and to do research or complete unfinished classwork or homework. 1.53 Supplemental learning experiences for students to increase background knowledge OR provide culminating knowledge based on content standards and aligned with instruction. Example could be, but not limited to, in-school or out-of-school learning experience from outside vendors/parties. 1.54 Each teacher will regularly update their ABI Grade-book/ Teacher Portal Grade-Book to allow parents access to their students’ academic achievement through the Parent Portal. 1.55 Teachers will use classroom computers and/or iPads for extended learning opportunities in Language Arts and Mathematics. 1.56 Teachers will use a iPads and laptop computers to access EADMS and other websites to support state standards. 1.57 All classrooms will be equipped with LCD projectors, document cameras or comparable equipment, and wireless internet access. 1.58 Software, hardware and/or accessories for web-based educational sites including, but not limited to programs such as: Rosetta Stone, Accelerated Reader, Ticket to Read, Vmath Live, Lexia Core 5, and Discovery Education will be purchased and used to extend learning opportunities. 1.59 Teachers will use ABI Parent Portal/Gradebook. 1.60 All students will have digital access in the classroom, and library for internet research purposes. 1.61 All ELL Parents will have access to technology and other devices in the parent center for access to internet. As well as educational materials to assist their children at school

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and/or at home. Including, but not limited to, supplemental material. 1.62 Teachers will document EL academic progress through items such as digital portfolios, online “cloud” storage. This information will be communicated to parents and will be accessible to parents, student, teachers and all stakeholders. Identities will be protected as needed. Including, but not limited to, supplemental material. 1.63 The school will provide internet access at school to those families who don’t have internet access at home. Computers wi ll be set-up during Parent Club meetings. 1.64 The school will provide continued training for parents of “at risk” students using ABI Parent Portal 1.65 Teachers will have access to identified websites to support English Learners, Socio Economically Disadvantaged students, Special Education students, Gifted and Talented students 1.66 iPad Learning Labs and student iPads 1.67 EL Student intervention during extended day. Including, but not limited to, supplemental material.


Amount 3,194.00

3,194.00 Source Title I 3010

3,194.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

1000-1999: Certificated Personnel Salaries Certificated Subs to cover classrooms so that teachers may participate in staff development during the instructional day to support student learning for English Language Arts, English Language Development, and Math. Up to $35,000.00 as funds become available.

Amount 0

0 Source LCFF Base

0 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

1000-1999: Certificated Personnel Salaries * We can use LCFF BASE if needed. Certificated Subs to cover classrooms so that teachers may participate in staff development during the instructional day to support student learning for English Language Arts, English Language Development, and Math. Up to $35,000.00 as funds become available.

Amount 22,078.00

22,078.00 Source LCFF Supplemental/Concentration 0701

22,078.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

1000-1999: Certificated Personnel Salaries Certificated Subs to cover classrooms so that teachers may participate in staff development during the instructional day to support student learning for English Language Arts, English Language Development, and Math. Up to $35,000.00 as funds become available.

Amount 0

0 0

Amount 478.00

478.00 Source LCFF Supplemental/Concentration 0701

478.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

5000-5999: Services And Other Operating Expenditures We can use LCFF Supplemental Concentration for AVID Elementary Foundations Training for Teachers. Up to $xxx.00 as funds become available.

Page 14 of 43

Amount 3,022.00

3,022.00 Source LCFF Base

3,022.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

5000-5999: Services And Other Operating Expenditures We can use LCFF Base for AVID Elementary Foundations Training for Teachers

Amount 0

0 Source Title I 3010

0 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

1000-1999: Certificated Personnel Salaries Extra Services Hours for teachers who participate in Professional Development/Growth and other professional meetings that support student learning outside the instructional day. Five hours for each teacher. Up to $40,000.00 as funds become available.

Amount 0

0 Source LCFF Supplemental/Concentration 0701

0 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

1000-1999: Certificated Personnel Salaries Extra Services Hours for teachers who participate in Professional Development/Growth and other professional meetings that support student learning outside the instructional day. Five hours for each teacher. Up to $40,000.00 as funds become available.

Amount 0

0 Source LCFF Base

0 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

1000-1999: Certificated Personnel Salaries Extra Services Hours for teachers who participate in Professional Development/Growth and other professional meetings that support student learning outside the instructional day. Five hours for each teacher. Up to $40,000.00 as funds become available.

Action 2

For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served


English Learners

Students with Disabilities

Foster Youth

Low Income






Page 15 of 43

Software, hardware and/or accessories for web-based educational sites including, but not limited to programs such as: Rosetta Stone, Accelerated Reader, Ticket to Read, Vmath Live, Lexia Core 5, and Discovery Education will be purchased and used to extend learning opportunities and provide interventions for students.

Amount 10,860

10,860 Source Title I 3010

10,860 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

5000-5999: Services And Other Operating Expenditures IXL is an online software to be used as a math intervention program that supports ALL students.

Amount 0.00

0.00 Source LCFF Base

0.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

5000-5999: Services And Other Operating Expenditures We can use LCFF Base. IXL is an online software to be used as a math intervention program that supports ALL students.

Amount 0.00

0.00 Source LCFF Supplemental/Concentration 0701

0.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

5000-5999: Services And Other Operating Expenditures We can use LCFF Supplemental Concentration. IXL is an online software to be used as a math intervention program that supports ALL students.

Amount 0.00

0.00 Source LCFF Base

0.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

4000-4999: Books And Supplies Laptops and iPads for teachers as funds become available. UP to $60.000.

Amount 0.00

0.00 0.00

Amount 0.00

0.00 Source LCFF Base

0.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

4000-4999: Books And Supplies Laptops and iPads for teachers as funds become available. UP to $60.000.

Amount 0.00

0.00 Source LCFF Base

0.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

4000-4999: Books And Supplies Replace LCD Bulbs up to $3,700.00 as funds become available

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Amount 0.00

0.00 Source LCFF Base

0.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

4000-4999: Books And Supplies Replace LCD Bulbs up to $3,700.00 as funds become available

Action 3

For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served


English Learners

Students with Disabilities

Foster Youth

Low Income





Develop students’ academic English language proficiency in alignment with state ELD standards. Including, but not limited to, supplemental material. Up to $3,000.00

Amount 0.00

0.00 Source LCFF Supplemental/Concentration 0701

0.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

5000-5999: Services And Other Operating Expenditures Supplemental learning experiences for students to increase background knowledge OR provide culminating knowledge based on content standards and aligned with instruction. An example could be, but not limited to, in-school or out-of-school learning experience from outside vendors/parties. UP to $8,000.00 as funds become available. WE can use LCFF Supplemental Concentration as funds become available.

Amount 0.00

0.00 Source Title I 3010

0.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

5000-5999: Services And Other Operating Expenditures Supplemental learning experiences for students to increase background knowledge OR provide culminating knowledge based on content standards and aligned with instruction. An example could be, but not limited to, in-school or out-of-school learning experience from outside vendors/parties. UP to $8,000.00 as funds become available.

Amount 0.00

0.00 Source LCFF Base

0.00 Budget Reference 5000-5999: Services And Other Operating Expenditures

Page 17 of 43

Expenditure Description Supplemental learning experiences for students to increase background knowledge OR provide culminating knowledge based on content standards and aligned with instruction. An example could be, but not limited to, in-school or out-of-school learning experience from outside vendors/parties. UP to $8,000.00 as funds become available.

Amount 0.00

0.00 Source LCFF Supplemental/Concentration 0701

0.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

5000-5999: Services And Other Operating Expenditures Supplemental learning experiences for students to increase background knowledge OR provide culminating knowledge based on content standards and aligned with instruction. An example could be, but not limited to, in-school or out-of-school learning experience from outside vendors/parties. UP to $8,000.00 as funds become available.

Action 4

For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served


English Learners

Students with Disabilities

Foster Youth

Low Income





Student Incentives up to $1,200 as funds become available


Amount 0.00

0.00 Source LCFF Base

0.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

4000-4999: Books And Supplies Student Incentives

Page 18 of 43

Goals, Actions, & Services 2017-18

Strategic Planning Details and Accountability






Goal 2

LEA Goal: Improve conditions of learning in a fiscally solvent and operationally efficient manner. School Goal:

---------- State and/or Local Priorities Addressed by this goal: STATE













---------- Identified Need


Metrics/Indicators Baseline 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

State Priority: 1. Basic Services A. Access to Curriculum- Aligned Instructional Materials: Williams Report B. Safe, Clean and Functional School Facilities: Facilities Inspection Tool (FIT) report on Restrooms and Overall School Rating

1.Basic Services A. Access to Curriculum- Aligned Instructional Materials: Williams Report 100% Textbook Sufficiency B. Safe, Clean and Functional School Facilities: Facilities Inspection Tool (FIT): Overall: Rated Good with 95.76% Restrooms: Rated Good with 92.62%

1.Basic Services A. Access to Curriculum- Aligned Instructional Materials: Williams Report 100% Textbook Sufficiency B. Safe, Clean and Functional School Facilities: Facilities Inspection Tool (FIT): Overall: Rated Good with 98.76% Restrooms: Rated Good with 95.62%

1.Basic Services A. Access to Curriculum- Aligned Instructional Materials: Williams Report 100% Textbook Sufficiency B. Safe, Clean and Functional School Facilities: Facilities Inspection Tool (FIT): Overall: Rated Exemplary with 99% Restrooms: Rated Good with 98.62%

1.Basic Services A. Access to Curriculum- Aligned Instructional Materials: Williams Report 100% Textbook Sufficiency B. Safe, Clean and Functional School Facilities: Facilities Inspection Tool (FIT): Overall: Rated Exemplary with 100% Restrooms: Rated Exemplary with 99%

Page 19 of 43


Action 1

For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served


English Learners

Students with Disabilities

Foster Youth

Low Income






Google Form used to monitor facilities on a monthly basis.

Page 20 of 43

Goals, Actions, & Services 2017-18

Strategic Planning Details and Accountability





Goal 3

LEA Goal: Increase engagement and collaboration among students, parents, staff and community members. School Goal: Sea View Elementary School will collaborate with parents, teachers, students, support staff, and community members to support student academic success and College, Career, and Citizenship readiness. Collaboration between school and home continues to be critical as we continue to implement Common Core State Standards. We will provide multiple opportunities to collaborate with parents to support our movement towards all students meeting or exceeding standards school-wide as measured by the CAASPP.

---------- State and/or Local Priorities Addressed by this goal: STATE













---------- Identified Need One identified need is to increase Parent awareness of how to communicate and work alongside with teachers,

administrators, and office staff toward the betterment of the community as a whole our shared focus on student achievement.


Metrics/Indicators Baseline 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

State Priority:3- Parental Involvement A) CVUSD will use the proposed Option 1: Survey from CA Dashboard (LEA administers a local survey to parents/guardians in at least one grade within each grade span): B) Seeking input from parents in decision making: C) Promoting Parental Participation:

3- Parental Involvement A) CVUSD administered a local survey to parents/guardians in at least one grade level within each grade level span in May, 2017. There were 611 responses from the following stakeholders: Students: 274 Parents: 46 Teachers: 272 B) Seeking input from parents in decision making: We met quorum 8 times a year for the following parent committees: SCC, ELAC, and FIAT.

3- Parental Involvement Administer Parent Survey in grades 5 for at least 82 families. B) Seeking input from parents in decision making: We will meet quorum for at least 6 times a year for the following parent committees: SCC, ELAC, and FIAT. C) Promoting Parental Participation: At least 5 percent of our parent population (unduplicated) will attend our parenting workshops

3- Parental Involvement A) Administer Parent Survey in grades 5 for at least 87 families. B) Seeking input from parents in decision making: We will meet quorum for at least 6 times a year for the following parent committees: SCC, ELAC, and FIAT. C) Promoting Parental Participation: At least 5 percent of our parent population (unduplicated) will attend our parenting workshops as measured by sign in sheets.

3- Parental Involvement A) Administer Parent Survey in grades 5 for at least 87 families. B) Seeking input from parents in decision making: We will meet quorum for at least 6 times a year for the following parent committees: SCC, ELAC, and FIAT. C) Promoting Parental Participation: At least 5 percent of our parent population (unduplicated) will attend our parenting workshops as measured by sign in sheets.

Page 21 of 43

C) Promoting Parental Participation: 9.89% of our parent population (unduplicated) attended our parenting workshops as measured by sign in sheets.

as measured by sign in sheets.

State Priority: 5-Pupil Engagement A. School Attendance B. Chronic Absenteeism

5-Pupil Engagement A. School Attendance rate: 94.1% B. 2016-17 Chronic Absenteeism rate: 16.7%

5-Pupil Engagement A. School Attendance rate: 95% B. Chronic Absenteeism rate: 14%

5-Pupil Engagement A. School Attendance rate: 98% B. Chronic Absenteeism rate: 12%

5-Pupil Engagement A. School Attendance rate: 99% B. Chronic Absenteeism rate: 10%

6-School Climate A. Pupil suspension rate B. Pupil expulsion rate C. California Healthy Kids School Survey

6-School Climate A. 2015-16 Pupil suspension rate: 2% B. 2015-16 Number of Expulsions: 1 C. California Healthy Kids School Survey: Analyze site data and set goals based on CHKS.

6-School Climate A. Pupil suspension rate: 2% B. Number of Expulsions: 1 C. California Healthy Kids School Survey: Analyze site data and set goals based on CHKS.

6-School Climate A. Pupil suspension rate: 1% B. Number of Expulsions: 0 C. California Healthy Kids School Survey: Analyze site data and set goals based on CHKS.

6-School Climate A. Pupil suspension rate:1% B. Number of Expulsions: 0 C. California Healthy Kids School Survey: Analyze site data and set goals based on CHKS.


Action 1

For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Page 22 of 43

Students to be Served


English Learners

Students with Disabilities

Foster Youth

Low Income






3.1 Continue to provide a full-day kindergarten program to prepare students. This gives Kindergarten students 2.5 hours of ELA instruction instead of the required 60 minutes. 3.2 Provide a transition program for students leaving grade 6 and entering middle school. 3.3 Advanced and other student incentive programs 3.4 District Title I Supplemental Educational Services 3.5 District Migrant Program 3.6 Back to School Night, Science Fair, Math Field Day, Spelling Bee, Family Science Night, etc . Teachers are compensated for their time based on current contract. Including, but not limited to, supplemental material. 3.7 STAR Chats with Grade 3-6 3.8 Monthly calendars, newsletters and Connect Ed messages from the school and classrooms in English and Spanish. 3.9 Access to ABI Portal/School Fusion web page 3.10 Parent Booster Club, School Site Council meetings, meetings, GATE meetings, FIAT meetings/ Parent Center. Including, but not limited to, supplemental material. 3.11 Parent / Teacher Conferences 3.12 Celebration/Motivation for Students who met or exceeded standards on a District Benchmark. Including, but not limited to, supplemental material. 3.13 Family Involvement Action Team(FIAT) meetings. Including, but not limited to, supplemental material. 3.14 Leadership Meetings are made-up of teachers and Assistant Principal, and Principal. Leadership is compensated for their time with a stipend based on the current contract. Leadership’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to: provide time for grade level leaders to analyze and use assessment data and data system during the tri-monthly grade/course level meetings in order to facilitate discussions regarding common core standards, lesson planning, project-based learning and lesson delivery 3.15 Continue to provide parents with information on grade level standards and expectations. Provide Parents an overview of Common Core. Including, but not limited to, supplemental material. 3.16 SSC and ELAC will be engaged in the development of the SPSA, monitoring of Sea View’s effectiveness, helping to establish and approve the annual budget; and to be an active participant in our decision-making process. 3.17 GATE meetings will be held at least twice a year for parent input. 3.18 Title I informational meeting will be held annually. 3.19 Covering classes for Individual Education Plan (IEP) meetings & Response to Intervention (RTI) meetings. 3.20 Staff will participate in family and student kindergarten “Round-Up”, and middle school transition. 3.21 Staff will discuss with all students (including Title I, GATE, SED and EL) and their parent's, post-secondary opportunities including college attendance and technical and vocational education. 3.22 FIAT Teacher Stipend 3.23 FIAT (Family Involvement Action Team) will educate EL parents to help students at home and how to collaborate with the school 3.24 Academic Recognition / Medals and Reception 3.25 ASB Leadership 3.26 Academic Olympics / CELDT Movement / Attendance Recognitions 3X year 3.27 Student of the week recognition 3.28 Met/Exceeded Standards Student Celebration/recognition. 3.29 Parents will be provided ongoing parenting classes 3.30 Collect and use data to identify students, Meet with Parents of Students to enlist support, Adopt a Student Program, Identify and Monitor Sub-Group Students, PBIS – School-wide and in Classroom, EL Parent training/classes such as Loving Solutions or parental education classes/English Classes. Including, but not limited to, supplemental material.

Page 23 of 43


Amount 1,000.00

1,000.00 Source LCFF Base

1,000.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

4000-4999: Books And Supplies Light refreshments for parents, trainings, school site council, workshops, etc.

Action 2

For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served


English Learners

Students with Disabilities

Foster Youth

Low Income






Monthly calendars, newsletters and Connect Ed messages from the school and classrooms in English and Spanish. UP to $1,500.00 as funds become available

Amount 1,500.00

1,500.00 Source Title I 3010

1,500.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

4000-4999: Books And Supplies Monthly calendars, newsletters from the school and classrooms in English and Spanish. UP to $1,500.00 as funds become available

Amount 0.00

0.00 Source LCFF Base

0.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

4000-4999: Books And Supplies Monthly calendars, newsletters from the school and classrooms in English and Spanish. UP to $1,500.00 as funds become available

Amount 0

0 Source LCFF Supplemental/Concentration 0701

0 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

4000-4999: Books And Supplies Monthly calendars, newsletters from the school and classrooms in English and Spanish. UP to $1,500.00 as funds become

Page 24 of 43


Action 3

For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served


English Learners

Students with Disabilities

Foster Youth

Low Income





Stipends for Teachers up to $6,200.00 as funds become available

Amount 6,200.00

6,200.00 Source Title I 3010

6,200.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

1000-1999: Certificated Personnel Salaries Parent Education Nights. This will be used to pay teacher stipends for preparing and implementing parent education nights.

Amount 0.00

0.00 Source LCFF Base

0.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

1000-1999: Certificated Personnel Salaries Parent Education Nights. This will be used to pay teacher stipends for preparing and implementing parent education nights.

Amount 0.00

0.00 Source LCFF Supplemental/Concentration 0701

0.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

1000-1999: Certificated Personnel Salaries Parent Education Nights. This will be used to pay teacher stipends for preparing and implementing parent education nights.

Amount 3824.00

3824.00 Source Title I 3010

3824.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

4000-4999: Books And Supplies Listening and translating devices for Parents meetings

Amount 400.00

Page 25 of 43

400.00 Source LCFF Base

400.00 Budget Reference Expenditure Description

4000-4999: Books And Supplies Listening and translating devices for Parents meetings

Page 26 of 43

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 26 of 43 11/2/17

Recommendations and Assurances

The school site council (SSC) recommends this school plan and Proposed Expenditure(s)s to the district governing board for approval and assures the board of the following: 1. The SSC is correctly constituted and was formed in accordance with district governing board policy and state law. 2. The SSC reviewed its responsibilities under state law and district governing board policies, including those board policies relating

to material changes in the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) requiring board approval. 3. The SSC sought and considered all recommendations from the following groups or committees before adopting this plan (Check

those that apply):

State Compensatory Education Advisory Committee


X English Learner Advisory Committee


Special Education Advisory Committee


Gifted and Talented Education Program Advisory Committee


District/School Liaison Team for schools in Program Improvement


Compensatory Education Advisory Committee


Departmental Advisory Committee (secondary)


Other committees established by the school or district (list):


4. The SSC reviewed the content requirements for school plans of programs included in this SPSA and believes all such content requirements have been met, including those found in district governing board policies and in the local educational agency plan.

5. This SPSA is based on a thorough analysis of student academic performance. The actions proposed herein form a sound, comprehensive, coordinated plan to reach stated school goals to improve student academic performance.

6. This SPSA was adopted by the SSC at a public meeting on . Attested:

Typed Name of School Principal Signature of School Principal Date

Typed Name of SSC Chairperson Signature of SSC Chairperson Date

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The Single Plan for Student Achievement 22 of 43 11/2/17

SPSA Expenditure Summary

Total Expenditures by Funding Source

Funding Source 2017-18

Annual Update Budgeted

2017-18 Annual Update

Actual 2017-18

2017-18 Total

All Funding Sources 0.00 0.00 52,556.00 52,556.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

LCFF Base 0.00 0.00 4,422.00 4,422.00

LCFF Supplemental/Concentration 0701 0.00 0.00 22,556.00 22,556.00

Title I 3010 0.00 0.00 25,578.00 25,578.00

* Totals based on expenditure amounts in goal and annual update sections.

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The Single Plan for Student Achievement 23 of 43 11/2/17

Total Expenditures by Object Type

Object Type 2017-18

Annual Update Budgeted

2017-18 Annual Update

Actual 2017-18

2017-18 Total

All Expenditure Types 0.00 0.00 52,556.00 52,556.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

1000-1999: Certificated Personnel Salaries 0.00 0.00 31,472.00 31,472.00

4000-4999: Books And Supplies 0.00 0.00 6,724.00 6,724.00

5000-5999: Services And Other Operating Expenditures 0.00 0.00 14,360.00 14,360.00

* Totals based on expenditure amounts in goal and annual update sections.

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The Single Plan for Student Achievement 24 of 43 11/2/17

Total Expenditures by Object Type and Funding Source

Object Type Funding Source 2017-18

Annual Update Budgeted

2017-18 Annual Update

Actual 2017-18

2017-18 Total

All Expenditure Types All Funding Sources 0.00 0.00 52,556.00 52,556.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

1000-1999: Certificated Personnel Salaries

LCFF Base 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

1000-1999: Certificated Personnel Salaries

LCFF Supplemental/Concentration 0701

0.00 0.00 22,078.00 22,078.00

1000-1999: Certificated Personnel Salaries

Title I 3010 0.00 0.00 9,394.00 9,394.00

4000-4999: Books And Supplies LCFF Base 0.00 0.00 1,400.00 1,400.00

4000-4999: Books And Supplies LCFF Supplemental/Concentration 0701

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

4000-4999: Books And Supplies Title I 3010 0.00 0.00 5,324.00 5,324.00

5000-5999: Services And Other Operating Expenditures

LCFF Base 0.00 0.00 3,022.00 3,022.00

5000-5999: Services And Other Operating Expenditures

LCFF Supplemental/Concentration 0701

0.00 0.00 478.00 478.00

5000-5999: Services And Other Operating Expenditures

Title I 3010 0.00 0.00 10,860.00 10,860.00

* Totals based on expenditure amounts in goal and annual update sections.

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The Single Plan for Student Achievement 25 of 43 11/2/17

Total Expenditures by Goal

Goal 2017-18 2017-18


Goal 1 39,632.00 39,632.00

Goal 3 12,924.00 12,924.00

* Totals based on expenditure amounts in goal and annual update sections.