Shlok Kasat LCP Application



AIESEC Surat Local Committee President Applications 2016 - Shlok Kasat

Transcript of Shlok Kasat LCP Application

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Opening Note   Right questions are often more helpful for moving forward than the right answers. AIESEC Surat has risen and then fell. We were once the subjects of everyone’s curiosity, but now we’ve taken a way out, just mute spectators to the sunrise of growth and development across the network. Why?    

  In the past few years, we forgot to ask ourselves the right questions – we forgot our ‘Why’ and just kept marching ahead directionless without any commander and found ourselves lost and broken. We lost the excitement to learn something new.         I am eager to know what it feels to – achieve the impossible, to shift paradigms, to stand in front of my membership and congratulate them, to meet parents of my members and listen to them talk about AIESEC experience. I am curious to find out how many Politicians, Industrialists, CEOs, Activists, World Leaders will AIESEC Surat produce?    

Let’s strive for achieving what’s never been thought before. Let’s replace the fear of unknown with curiosity.


kjʊərɪˈɒsɪti/ noun 

A strong desire to know or learn something.  

“The truest characters of ignorance are vanity and pride and arrogance.”

Samuel Butler

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Shlok Kasat B 1004 Surya Complex Citylight! Surat, Gujarat 395002

Phone: +91 8866219246 ! E-Mail: [email protected]


Carrying on with BBA 3rd year.


• TM Marketing/OCVP YE and OCVP CIM C1

• TL BD C2

• OCP GV 2014 C2-C3




1st Aug – 31st December2014

14th September – 31st

December 2014

1st December 2014 - Present

Professional Development

• Leadership skills

• Soft Skills

• Team Management


• Automobiles

• Cycling

• Technology

• Sales

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My Roles and Lessons SECTION C

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Biggest AIESEC achievements and non-achievements

Creating two biggest projects in the history of AIESEC Surat – creating a record and then breaking my own record! Become the most performing VP BD in LC’s history Making Business Development desirable

Team Culture in EB

Lcong 2014 as a Delegate showed me what AIESEC


Annual Leaders Conference Kolkata

as a Delegate showed me the

importance of my EB role

June National Conference Goa

inspired me to keep marching towards

my goals

My Experience in the EB Dhurandhars showed me a lot about how a team shouldn’t be functioning – there was a lot to learn about team dynamics in the last 10 months in my role as VP BD. Personally, I had a fantastic time as a Vice President – I met new people, did things I wouldn’t have done otherwise. I’m sure my team mates appreciate my energetic and zealous nature towards my responsibilities and also the constant inputs in the thought process I provided to the Executive Board in the first 6 months of our term, some EB members went as far as saying that ‘imagining this year would be difficult without Business Development’

Conferences I ’ve attended and my take back

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Personally I could have invested more energy in helping to develop a sense of Synergy in the EB, maybe that way 2015 could’ve become the year it promised to be.

As a team, we could’ve worked upon the Holy Trinity Of Efficiency

Clarity Measurability Accountability Efficiency

Things that could’ve improved in the EB Term

Work Ethic:

I was never a

procrastinator, but now the extra mile doesn't feel extra.

Be The Change You Want To See:

AIESEC experience

showed me that one person can

make a difference

Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover:

I don’t anymore judge people and

hate is a word which ceased to

exist for me

These Values have now become a part of me for my whole life all because of an intense AIESEC experience

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Why am I running for LCP? Qualities of an LCP and Why Me?


I believe this is the natural next step in my progression towards being a better person – this role will help me gain immense self-improvement, which in turn can be consciously channelised towards the Local Committee’s improvement and welfare - leading to a better Shlok Kasat and a much more stronger AIESEC Surat, hence I have decided to run for the office of President of AIESEC Surat.

I don’t think an LCP or even any leader should be an amalgamation of various ambiguous heavy words. A very skewed definition of leadership has been rammed down our throats for years now. The only quality that an LCP or any leader for fact requires is being open to learn – this will create all necessary thought processes and environment needed to create a difference.

I do not have any restricting time commitments but I do have to

maintain a balance between Work and AIESEC, which I promise to do. I don’t believe that an LCP role can be limited by time commitments, I promise to be here every minute

that the LC requires me to be.

My Time Commitments v/s What an LCP should give

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How  To  Carry  


How  To  Lead  With  Vision  

How  To  Interact  With  People  

Elec=on  Process  Will  Teach  How  to  Run  for  an  Office  

Network  Successor  

and  Predecessor  Planning    

Lead AIESEC Surat to deliver 120+ quality exchanges Go for an AIESEC Exchange

Run a Business Conglomerate Run for a Government Office

Significance of LCP Term for My Life Goals

Starting digital sales from scratch for one of India’s leading Women’s Ethnic Wear Garmenting Company – driving sales from zero to Rs. (xx, xx, xx, 000) Passing two years of college with minimal effort.

Achievements out of AIESEC

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I never take any responsibility to lose. I don’t know how to give up for what I believe in.

Discipline, Honesty and Simplicity are in the crux of anything I do. Together, they become Aggression.

I try to convert my weaknesses into my strengths. An example would be I use my ego to strive for excellence

Sometimes I come off as very arrogant because of the way I express myself. I am working on it by observing how other people express their opinions humbly.

I sometimes don’t know when to stop and relax. I realised this few months back and am now trying to get a little laid back in my approach

AIESEC Surat’s direction in 2016 in a Single Phrase

Aggression Towards Goals

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Role of an LCP An LCP carries a veto power to all decisions made by the Executive Board – this is the intended role of an LCP, however in an actual scenario a lot of micromanagement happens which hampers productivity leading to low motivation and low trust among each other and once again leading to micromanagement. I intend to wield my veto power logically and not emotionally, trying to keep in mind interest of each and every stakeholder – however I will have to take some hard decisions- that nobody will like and burn bridges, I am not afraid to do that and have done that successfully in the past as well.

I lead myself by pushing myself and lead others by making them push their limits My Leadership


My Leadership

AIESEC Surat has lost its plot, in a way that we keep on planning and planning and planning and when it comes on to execution, we blame situations, predecessors, markets, members, EB – just try to shift the blame and try to fool ourselves with the fake thought process that we tried hard enough but the job is impossible. We need to come out of this endless circle of mediocrity and start pushing our own limits – I think this is why my leadership style is very relevant to the context the LC is in right now and BD’s progress this year is a testimony to the fact.

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Managing The Executive Board

- Coaching

- Creating A Common Standard And Goal

- Synergy Management

- Create A Platform For Learning

Strategic Goal Setting - Manage Local Planning Process

- Streamlining Functional Areas and Following Up

- Securing Long Term and Perspective of the LC

- Securing and Maintaining Financial Stability and Performance

Representation and Liaising

- Represent LC’s interests in National and International Plenary

- Liaison on behalf of the Local Committee with other Local Committees and the Member Committee and Focus.

- Represent the Local Committee and its interest with other governmental and semi-governmental organisations


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0  20  40  60  80  100  120  

2011   2012   2013   2014   2015  


110  99  


29  14  

102   103  

45   41  

Realisa=ons   Matches  

•  Low Knowledge, Low Ambition and Low Passion •  Since this was the first year as a Local Committee, had almost

zero presence in all markets •  Poor Pipeline

•  High Energy, High Passion •  Financially Sustainable Activities •  Lots of Innovations used to gain exponential growth in GC(o) •  Absence of Process Oriented Strategies

•  High Energy, High Passion •  Financial Sustainability went for a toss •  Poor Transitions and Poor Pipeline


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•  High On Energy, Low on Passion •  Lack of Accountability and Discipline •  Lack of Overall Aggression •  Moderate Financial Security •  Poor Transitions and Poor Pipeline

•  Low Energy, Low Passion •  Better Financial Security •  Misguided Aggression •  Lack of Accountability and Discipline •  Successful Planning and Execution of Events


- Financial Sustainability

- Leadership

- Decent CRM


- Negative YoY Growth

- Poor Office Culture

- Lack of Knowledge

- Member Retention


- New Markets

- Board Leverage

- Public Relations


- Lack Of Ownership in the EB


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In 2020, at the age of 25 – I picture myself as the CEO of multiple companies in different spectrums. My contribution to the society will be the excellence that we will be producing, among other economical contributions that a business gives like job creations and capital circulation. I picture myself as an ambitious young man who’s on an exploration drive everyday – not only the world, but his own self and limitations as well, I believe an LCP term will let me push myself to my absolute limits and will definitely open up a whole new world once again for me.

2020 for me and AIESEC Surat

300 Members

750+ exchanges

Mayor attending

LCP elections

LCP on every youth

panel by government

Half Million in Reserves

750 forms sold every

recruitment drive

Fastest Growth in AI


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VP  Finance  and    Legal  

VP  Talent  Management    

VP  ER+PR   VP  Digital  Cpmmunica=on   VP  GC(o)   VP  GC(o)   VP  oGX   VP  GT(o)  

Proposed EB Structure (Subject to Modifications)

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    AIESEC Surat’s contribution towards National Association is next to NIL. For the majority of our existence, we’ve been mute spectators of the growth that AIESEC India is enjoying. The Local Committee doesn’t create value for the Member Committee and the Plenary to take interest and our contribution towards AIESEC India’s growth in terms of Finances, Exchange and Outreach is extremely minute.

We need to contribute more towards the National Plenary by actively participating in National Projects and aligning ourselves with the Member Committee’s direction and interacting with High Performing Local Committees so as to learn more out of them. By becoming a Full Member Local Committee, active participation in Legislation Meets is also how we can contribute towards the National Association.

Contribution to the National Association can also be by giving future MC members, NST role takers and National Events CC participation


Our Contribution Towards National Association and The Way Ahead

Weekender (Mid Year)



Stakeholders Summit (Jan


YSF (October)

Stakeholders Summit (Jan



Proposed Timelines

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AIESEC Surat’s culture does not fan the flames of passion that an AIESEC experience should, we are mediocre and our culture is the one, which promotes more mediocrity. We try to bring out very complex solutions to very simple problems – so that we look smart, but it inevitably leads to more and more hampering of the processes and methods that we want to shift towards. I don’t think anything in its present format with the culture of the Local Committee can be retained. An organisation to function healthily must follow the Holy Trinity of Efficiency: Clarity, Measurability and Accountability, which are not present in our culture at all. We need more goals driven culture where each member understands his Why for AIESEC. An EB member plays a very important role in the organisation, he must be present in the organisation like a coach – who’s team performs and he is there in the background providing direction and not the one who comes on ground to play. An EB member is also the one in touch with the commission – so it is their role and responsibility to flow down information from the Member Committee and the Commission down to the LC and align the LC’s operations according to the direction the National Association is moving. An EB member in 2016 will be aggressive towards their goals and will be talking a lot about their goals and the significance of their goals instead of saying that these targets are unachievable or unrealistic – because when the EB loses belief in their goal, there’s no way can they achieve anything.

AIESEC Surat will finally become the youth organisation it deserves to become, not known for its events or parties, but as an organisation, which parents will recommend on the basis of their children having some real life changing experiences delivered by AIESEC. Governmental and semi governmental organisations will know us as an organisation which delivers hardcore leadership experiences to its members and Exchange Participants and not just some random students approaching every time they want to do a fancy event.   AIESEC will provide the biggest corporate houses of Surat with relevant International HR which will in turn lead to proper branding and sell ‘Leadership Experiences’

Our Culture

An EB Member in 2016

AIESEC as an International Youth Organisation in Surat

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Accountable AIESEC Surat

GB x LCP Conversation

Spaces in LCMs

Monthly JBMs

Accountability Culture in the


A new Governance and Accountability Model will help the EB stay on its toes and be more focused towards their


Monthly JBMs with the Board can help us with quick solutions to some of our

problems and helps to maintain accountability of the President towards

the Board

GBMs should have a separate conversation space of the President just with the GB without the involvement of

the EB to get a better picture of the ground realities and also the members can question the LCP on any decision

taken by the EB

Accountability Culture has to be set in the EB – it is necessary that the EB has periodic reviews with their targets and are accountable towards themselves,

EB and the LC.

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SECTION F | PROGRAMS Changes that will leverage the volume of AIESEC in Surat ELD Experiences in 2016

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Membership Volume and Experience • Q! MB to be in place by Dec 31

• Recruitment Drive in January

• Engagement through EYLC/LCong and GBMs

Logistical Management

 • Relevant  Task  Forces  to  be  in  place  

• New  Delivery  Model  for  GC(o)  to  be  designed

Stakeholders’  Experience  Delivery

• Proper  Communica=on  Channels  • Proper  Documenta=on  • Feedback  Mechanisms  • Story  Showcasing  • Training/Integra=on  

International Relations • iXP

• CEED Capitalisation

• International Conferences

Delivering Stronger and Better Experiences does not necessarily need to comprise a lot of a Brainstorming Sessions where we try to bring in very smart solutions. The answer lies in Communication. If we follow proper channel of communications, and not overpromise in order to make the sales happen, Strong Delivery won’t be a challenge since AI and Member Committee already have long processes and systems in place.

We fail to follow those systems because our customer has been promised something entirely different from what can be delivered in the local reality.

Better Quality Of Experiences Communica=on  

Flow   Misbalance  

Clients  to  EP  

Clients  to  LC  

LC  to  Clients  

EP  to  LC  

LC  to  EP  

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Better Utilisation and Deep Understanding of the Customer Flow will help us delivery better experiences

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Quickest Source of Generating Income by BD. With proper PR, a lot of income can be generated and with the new model of Event Delivery designed in my term can lead to greater profitability as well. Board was ignored by all VP BD’s till 2015. This year we have the strongest Board ever, and LC’s first JBMs this year. Timely JBMs and interaction with Board can help the LC with strategic guidance. A strong CRM module couldn’t be followed an implemented this year due to first my non-understanding of it and then unable to implement it. In the coming year, AIESEC Surat will be more connected to its stakeholders and customers.

Not only has Business Development been the best performing portfolio in the LC with respect to T v/s A. but 2015 has been the best year for Business Development – with respect to Clients, Partners, Board and Sales. Bachpan broke the record for single highest grossing project and it was once again broken by Global Village – which is among one of the highest nationally. With the excellent pace that we are enjoying, upscaling in terms of National Partnerships and 1.5 million in Gross Revenues in 2016 should be the ideal target. VP ER will also be handed over PR so as to maintain single point responsible and accountable for all things Event related namely Conversion, Finances and Outreach.

External Relations







Business Development in 2015 and Way Ahead

Key Projects

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A Financial Sustainable LC can easily invest in its membership, is out of debt and is independent of ER income. I see the LC investing on its membership, in a better office, with minimal receivables and independent of BD’s performance

Finance in 2015 started with good pace with proper accountability measures and with the opening of a new Bank Account. However, Finance lost its pace after Q1 and with the let go of VPF Akshita Narang – Finance as a portfolio went for a toss and is still struggling. A lot of our books are still not in place and we almost lost our Membership Status because of the Books not in place. Finance in 2016 has to be taken up by a very responsible and energetic individual to clear up all the mess that has been created in the past few years. Focus should be on basic things like – Profitability Per Exchange and ER vs Exchange Income – the rest will come on its own.

AIESEC Surat and Financial Sustainability

Outline of Budget

Finance in 2015 and Way Ahead

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TM is the only portfolio which enjoys the status of both a Function and A Program. TM as a function measures member experience, productivity, learning and development. In its capacity as a function fulfills talent needs of every department, trains them, prepares induction material for them and finally evaluates and appraises them. As a Program, it implements TMP and TLP principles and manages and tracks members on the programs.

Recruitments this year were moderately better than conducted in 2014. They were not marketed properly, market penetration was very low and talent acquired was more or less mediocre. More focus could’ve been given to iXP to boost oGX However, one very key change to be implemented in recruitments is to never stop it. We should let people in whenever they want to join instead of just sticking to the recruitment cycles.

TM will map the experiences of the members on a real time basis and this in turn can be submitted to Universities, Parents or back to the members. This is a very ambitious project but can change the direction of the Local Committee.

Having LC Forums looks very obvious but this is something which we’ve missed in 2014 and 2015. Having more LC Forums connect the GB to each other and in turn with the LC. It also empowers members and can be a platform to engage other stakeholders also.

Talent Management and Learning and Development

Function or A Program


Real Time Tracking

LC Forums

Key Projects

Real Time Tracking

LC Forums

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Leadership Development Module needs to be a part of our everyday activities. TM needs to ensure that the LDM is implemented through proper education of the AIESEC Way, AIESEC’s History.

Periodic Review of the Member’s Journey and asking them to rate themselves on the above mentioned Qualities is a way of ensuring proper implementation and education of the LDM

The fine details of the LDM are still unclear to a lot of people – not only in the LC, but the network as well.

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Marketing holds great emphasis in any LC as it helps in direct sales of all the Programs and leads to direct and focused ELD generation. However, there was a lot of role confusion and lethargy shown this year with no proper PR channels and Marketing Strategies not having well thought out implementation channel designs and well calculated conversation numbers. Marketing’s contribution to ELD generation was very low for the Local Committee in 2015 with almost no generation of Sales Leads for more than quarters. PR was almost NIL and whatever Media Appearances we had were not promoting AIESEC as an exchange organisation. Presence in External Forums was not properly curated and causing Major Loss of Talent and Energy, but with no outputs

More Direct Focus on Sales Leads generated through Marketing will be made and Marketing will be made accountable towards their targets and the investment made into them. I am shifting PR to VP ER so that conversions can be tracked more easily and more focus on Digital Lead Generation and Intra-Network Communication and Training for the same will be done by VP Digital Communications.

Information Systems help in securing data for the Local Committee, Organising them and Making Sense of the data for an optimised data collection. Better Decision Making can help create more impact as the Organisation.

Marketing/ Communications and Information Management

Marketing in 2015

The Way Ahead

Spheres where CIM is useful

Content Creation

Knowledge Management

Communication Channels

Information Systems in Functioning of The LC

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Blank Paper ChallengeOver the years, AIESEC Surat has forgotten the meaning of simplicity, we have tried to be ‘over-creative’ and created problems, which weren’t present for us in the first place out of, misplaced sense of aggression, ego and self-loathing. Its time we forget about all those complexities and focus on the only thing that we need to be doing – Creating Leaders   Lets create strong and powerful leaders who will lead the society towards a better world and help in ‘Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind’s Potential’. Let’s try to find out if sky is really the limit, lets push ourselves to create something so beautiful, so serene that we will remember it for the rest of our lives.   Just ask yourself is this is the AIESEC Surat we always wanted? Is this it? Is this our legacy?   I say we break out from these chains and unleash the true potential of each and every one of us – Let’s Change The World.