Shaping music into bi and tree dimensional forms LS RO1


Transcript of Shaping music into bi and tree dimensional forms LS RO1


Materials : a square piece of paper - 10x10 cm , ruler , sticker , pins , scissor , colored pencils , polystyrene .

You have to take an equal space in the center of one border .

According to the sounds we hear , we are going to draw some organic shapes (in the meantime , the music is going to play in the background ).

The next step is to take the scissors and to cut out , carefully , the shapes .

We slide the shapes in front of the border .

After we slide the shapes , we stick them .

After sticking the shapes , we prepare for the next step .

Now , you let your creativity flow to explore the shapes obtained . Colour it the way you feel . ( The music is still playing .)

This is one of the examples .

Moving forward , take the pins , polystyrene and the shape .

You pin the shape on the polystyrene .

So the , bidimentional (plane) becomes a threedimentional (spatial ) form .

This is a sculpture .

Music and visual arts are different at the first sight . Visual art is an art which can be touched and admired . Music is an art which is perceived while it is playing . We

have to listen carefully a song until the end , so that we are able to make a general impression about it . 

Today , we want to tell you and show you the differences between both of the arts :

• visual arts and music are based on structures and elements • the masterpiece results from mixing the basic elements . • as long as visual arts are a result of combining more shades , colors , volumes , lines and dots  , music is also a result of combining different sounds and tones 

Ex: Bolero-Maurica Ravel • the same musical topic which is exposed at more instruments at a time , and at the end , they get together with the hole orchestrate . 

• Both of the arts wake up the feelings inside the soul of each person . Today, we want to underline the way in which the musical audition can inspire the visual art creation .