Selly Wood House - Fees Made Simple Guide

Selly Wood House Fees made simple Nursing Care Home



Transcript of Selly Wood House - Fees Made Simple Guide

Page 1: Selly Wood House - Fees Made Simple Guide

Selly Wood House

Fees made simple

Nursing Care Home

Page 2: Selly Wood House - Fees Made Simple Guide

Your Local AuthorityMost of our residents lived in Birmingham prior to their move to Selly Wood House so Birmingham City Council (BCC) is their Local Authority. However, some residents have moved to us from other parts of the country, and their responsible local authority will be different. If you don’t come under BCC we will help to get the right information for you about who to contact.

Moving on, we’ve split your guide into two parts:

• Section A: I have assets above £23,250

• Section B: I don’t have assets above £23,250

“How much does it cost to live at Selly Wood House?” That’s a big question for all potential residents and their loved ones. So we’ve put together this practical guide for you. It has everything you need to know about our fees.

Selly Wood House fees made simple

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Section A: I have assets above £23,250£23,250 is the current “upper limit” used to assess your fees contribution. If you have assets above this figure, you will normally have to pay your own fees. This is called “self-funding”.

Your “personal expenses allowance”Every Local Authority, must leave you with a weekly “personal expenses allowance”, which you may spend as you wish. In 2014/ 2015:

• your weekly personal expenses allowance is £24.40

• any income you have over this limit will go to the Local Authority towards your fees

Own your own home? If so, your home’s value will be ignored for the first 12 weeks you live with us as a permanent resident. This is called the “12 week property disregard.”

After the 12 week property disregard, your home will usually be counted as “capital”. This normally means you’ll have to sell it to pay for your fees. Please note: in some cases your house won’t count as capital. For example:

• if your partner or spouse still lives there

• if a close relative who is “incapacitated” lives there

Need some advice? Then please contact us today. You’ll find our details on the back page.

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Don’t want to sell your home?The Local Authority can let you defer payment of your contribution but will still require any top-up to the fees to be paid by a third party. This is essentially an interest-free loan. It’ll be paid back when your property is eventually sold.

Attendance allowanceAs a self-funder at Selly Wood House, you are eligible for Attendance Allowance. This is a non-means tested, non-taxable allowance for anyone needing care day and night.

Reduction for nursing care feesAre you assessed as needing care from a registered nurse? Then the NHS should make a financial contribution towards your fees.

If the NHS agrees you need nursing care, they will pay an amount directly to Selly Wood House. If you’re self-funding, your fees will be reduced as a result.

There is a flat rate amount that the NHS will contribute for people newly assessed as needing nursing care. This is currently £110.89 per week.

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Section B: I don’t have assets above £23,250£23,250 is the current “upper limit” used to assess your fees contribution. If your assets are below the “upper limit”, you may be eligible for Local Authority support. This will also be the case if your savings drop to less than £23,250.

£14,250 is the current “lower limit” used to assess your fees contribution. Any savings you have below this figure should not be counted.

To work out how much you will pay towards your fees, the Local Authority will take your income and savings into account. Usually their Social Care and Health Departments will make these decisions.

How your income is calculatedYour income is how much money you have coming in each week. This includes any income you get from your:

• savings

• pension

• benefits (such as Pension Credit)

Your Local Authority will look at this information, and then work out your income.

BCC, for example, do this by using a simple formula. They convert savings between the lower limit (£14,250) and the upper limit (£23,250) into a weekly income.

To find out more, please visit Or you can call BCC on 0121 303 1234.

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What’s the most my Local Authority will contribute?This will depend on your individual needs. It could be as much as:

• £405 per week for a residential placement

• £461 per week for an existing placement only (excluding Nursing Care that’s funded)

What about top-up fees?Selly Wood House fees are above the maximum limits that Local Authorities will contribute. That means a third party must pay the difference. These are called “top-up fees”. Third parties are often family members.

Need help with top-up fees?There are a number of sources that can help you with top-up fees. These include benevolent funds and charities. We’ll do our best to advise you on your options. You can also:

• ask your Social Worker

• visit Age UK’s website for a downloadable fact sheet

• visit Paying for Care’s website for financial advice

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How much care costs at Selly Wood HouseType of care Full weekly/

monthly feeMaximum that health authority will pay towards weekly fee*

Usual maximum that BCC will pay towards weekly fee*

Third party top-up for standard/ en-suite room

Basic residential

£574.77/ £2497.51

N/A £405 £169.77/£201.87

Extra residential

£605.69/ £2631.87

N/A £405 £200.69/£232.79

Nursing care

£744.87/ £2754.79 (excluding nursing payment)

£109.79 £461 £172.98/£205.08

£3236.64 (with nursing payment)

*Please note:

• the exact amounts that BCC and the Health Authority will pay will depend on your financial assessment

• if BCC is not your Local Authority, please contact us. We’ll find the right information for you

How does the monthly invoicing work?For each resident, every month we:

• deduct any Local Authority payment and Health Authority nursing care payment from your monthly fees invoice (these payments are sent straight to us)

• invoice for the third party fee top-up fee and any other payments the resident owes

• send this invoice to the resident, their family or representative

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350 Bournville Lane, Bournville, Birmingham B30 1QY.

email: [email protected]

Get in touch todayWe understand that fees can seem confusing at first. So if you have any questions at all, please ring us on

0121 472 3721



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