Self evaluation

Farben Nikon Ahamed Units 1, 16, 29 SELF EVALUATION Pre – production: What went well? Throughout the whole pre – production process I and my group have always had something to do as the manager/the group has always been setting up work for each individual to contribute for. I was mainly following what the others told me to do as they made the best decisions at that time and as a result of our organisations we managed to finish our pre – production process towards the beginning of December. Also due to the fact that I have already had experience in media (thanks to previous years) I did some of the “hardest” bit, including the storyboard that I also had to do last year for a short horror movie. Our combination of experience from the past and teamwork led to having good work and all tasks completed in time or close to, also all tasks have been checked more than once by at least 2 members of the group to ensure a good standard. Improvements: An improvement I could have made as an individual and as a group was to let everyone have a go even on the most difficult tasks and not only that, but also on sharing their opinions and thoughts about something which although has been done throughout the pre- production process, it wasn’t constant enough.

Transcript of Self evaluation

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Farben Nikon Ahamed Units 1, 16, 29


Pre – production:

What went well?

Throughout the whole pre – production process I and my group have always had something to do as the manager/the group has always been setting up work for each individual to contribute for. I was mainly following what the others told me to do as they made the best decisions at that time and as a result of our organisations we managed to finish our pre – production process towards the beginning of December. Also due to the fact that I have already had experience in media (thanks to previous years) I did some of the “hardest” bit, including the storyboard that I also had to do last year for a short horror movie. Our combination of experience from the past and teamwork led to having good work and all tasks completed in time or close to, also all tasks have been checked more than once by at least 2 members of the group to ensure a good standard.

Improvements: An improvement I could have made as an individual and as a group was to let everyone have a go even on the most difficult tasks and not only that, but also on sharing their opinions and thoughts about something which although has been done throughout the pre-production process, it wasn’t constant enough.


What went well?

Throughout the production I was able to utilise the skills of filming that I learnt in the past year as I have already been a cameraman which gave me and our group a little boost to complete the whole project, but at the same time, even others had the chance to practice and try filming which gave them new experiences and knowledge about how to film and take shots from different angles and also about how camerawork is important as it has a lot of

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responsibilities such as being constant whilst filming by doing colour corrections and movements.


Many improvements could have made, starting with the lack of shots that have been taken. I was too focused on getting the shot right (when I was filming and being the cameraman) often times without considering the fact that we needed to take way more shots, not only to make sure we had a good take to use, but also to have more shots from different angles in case we needed more cuts, which we did and due to this we had to zoom in and therefore loose quality giving a bad experience to the viewer/s.

The biggest mistake that made all look unprofessional was this shot, where Lela is walking downstairs and as she walks the back door is closed, but when

she opens the front door you can see a continuity error as the back door is now opened. Even though it wasn’t me the one in charge of the continuity errors, being the one who films every time means that I should be able to spot these mistakes if we would have recognised this earlier we could have fixed it by just re-taking the shots.

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Post – production:

What went well?

During the post – production process, which is mostly about editing, I and the others had something to do and although some people did not edit that much, they still had to sit with us and give their opinions about how everything was going. We contributed to try and finish editing as soon as possible also to have more time at the end to do the post - production screenshots and explanation of the plot which has been done by everyone.


The main improvement we should have made was dividing equally the amount of editing each member of the group had to do, though that was some of the people’s weakness, having a go at it and making mistakes too can teach you, for your next time, also some members should have edited more because they will be assessed by the teacher on how much and how they contributed for the final product which means that they might get a lower grade because they didn’t’ participate that much so we should’ve been organised more to let everyone do the same work.