Secretary Alice Leuchte - On the Chairman of the Alaska Republican Party

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Transcript of Secretary Alice Leuchte - On the Chairman of the Alaska Republican Party

  • 7/28/2019 Secretary Alice Leuchte - On the Chairman of the Alaska Republican Party


    Paid for by the Alaska Republican Party 1001 W. Fireweed Lane, Anchorage, AK 99503.

    Not authorized or approved by any candidate or candidate committee.ALASKAREPUBLICANS.COM P 1

    ALIC LEUCHTESecretary

    April 9, 2013

    ALASKA REPUBLICAN PARTY1001 West Fireweed Lane, Anchorage, Alaska 99503

    Phone: (907) 276-4467 Fax: (907) 276-0425

    V i s i t u s o n l i n e a t a l a s k a r e p u b l i c a n s . c o m

    Re: Debra Holle Brown, Chairman

    Peter Goldberg, Vice Chairman

    Randy Ruedrich, Past Chairman

    Dear Sir or Madam:

    As the elected State Secretary of the Alaska Republican Party, I affirm my records reflect:

    Debra Holle Brown is the current State Chairman. Chairman Brown was elected to the Vice Chairman position at the

    last State Convention on April 28, 2012. She was found not guilty of a complaint brought against her in January 2013

    and assumed the office of State Chairman February 1, 2013 after the removal of the Chairman Elect, Russ Millette.

    A second attempt to remove Chairman Brown from leadership took place April 8, 2013; however, according to my

    records, this meeting was not an official ARP meeting, as:

    The outcome was predetermined (March 12) before charges were even filed (March 14); 25% of the voting membership did not call the meeting (March 24-26); The complaint did not go through the proper process before the call of the meeting; and The complaint was reviewed by the new Rules Committee and was determined to be unfounded (April 6).

    Therefore, Debra Holle Brown still remains the Chairman of the Alaska Republican Party.

    Peter Goldberg is the current State Vice Chairman. Peter was elected to serve as Vice Chairman by the State Centra

    Committee at the February 9, 2013 meeting in Juneau, Alaska.

    Randy Ruedrich is the Past Chairman. He is incorrectly listed on ( as

    the Executive Director. The Alaska Republican Party does not currently have an Executive Director.

    For further information, please feel free to contact me [email protected], or call (910) 742-0467.

    Thank you,

    Alic Leuchte

    Secretary, Alaska Republican Party[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://