Savage Swords BOL

HUNT A Combat Quest Adventure


Barbarians of Lemuria Adventure

Transcript of Savage Swords BOL

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HUNTA Combat Quest Adventure

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Hail Hero!Savage Swords focuses on the tactical combat play style possible with the Heroes & Other Worlds adventure game. A series of combat scenarios combined with an overland map allows you to play out a different kind of adventure, a combat quest! You will live or die by your decisions on the battlefield, and off!

Ideally you will want 4 to 6 Heroes to undertake each Savage Swords adventure. You may find opportunity to hire or recruit more help along the way, but don't count it! This combat quest can be played solo or in a group, reading each section, undertaking the battle and then deciding where to go next. While a Referee is not strictly necessary, it can help in playing out the enemies and in creating a more lively game experience.

The MapIn each Savage Swords Combat Quest you will find an overland map sectioned in hexes. Each hex represents 6 miles and it takes Players 6 hours to move through it.

You will see hexes marked with letters. These lettered hexes represent fixed combat or events that the players will encounter when they enter that hex.

Wilderness EncountersHexes with only terrain in them may still yield an event or a sudden test of arms! For every hex (except hexes marked with a letter) entered by the party, one person in your party (or the Referee) rolls 1d6. If a 6 is rolled then something occurs in that hex. Roll on the Wilderness Encounter chart to determine what happened. Note there is a sun chart and a moon chart, make sure you roll on the correct chart based on your time of day.

Time of Day PhasesEach day is split up into 4 phases each representing 6 hours: Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night. For each hex you enter, move the time of day one phase and roll for an Encounter. Morning and Afternoon periods you roll on the Sun encounter chart. For Evening and Night Roll on the Moon encounter chart. Note the party must rest for one period each day. Resting consumes food, allows players to set up camp, and to recover their Endurance.

Dice roll Sun Encounters Moon Encounters

1 or 2 Wolves (d6+3) Bandits (d6+1)

3 Giant Spider Lizardmen (1d6)

4 Wild Boar (1d6) Wolves (2d6)

5 Giant Snake Bear

6 SPECIAL SPECIALIf you roll a result of “SPECIAL” then you roll again on the “SPECIAL” chart below. These will be wilderness events, weather events, or possible Barrowmounds found in the wilderness. Note in a Lost or Fog test situation, all characters must pass the test or the party fails and remains lost in the hex. A river fording test is made and applied to each individual character.

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Die Roll (d6) Special Event

1 or 2 Rain Storm Spend phase sheltering in hex, advance time to next phase.

3 Lost Pass 4/IQ or be lost in hex, advance time to next phase

4 Fog Pass 5/IQ or be lost in hex, advance time to next phase

5 Ford River Pass 4 DX or lose 2 ST and 1 item crossing the river

6 Barrowmound 2d6 skeletons attack! Survive, then search barrowmound and find d6 gems worth 1d6x50 coins each.

Encounters for HUNTThe text in gray are the story elements for each encounter. Read them out loud to the party. Next you will see a battle set-up, this will tell you where to place the Party and its foes on a battlefield.

Starting HUNTOn the fringes of Perlantis your party makes its way towards the City State of Veraxus. The capital of a small city state, Veraxus is hiring outriders and rangers to patrol the outskirts of the city state's area. Bandits and tales of worse creatures are scaring merchants and caravans away. Veraxus will use outriders to patrol the roads and protect caravans as escorts. In need of coin and with no other prospects your group meets on the road and ventures together towards Veraxus.

Encounter A: Gray Death Four days out from Veraxus in a small clearing, the haunting howl of wolves nearby stops your party in its tracks. Drawing your weapons you turn to face the wild snarling faces of gray death.

Battle Set-upUsing Battlefield A, set your party together at or near the hex marked X. Two wolves will emerge to fight per Party member. Roll a die for each wolf appearing, place a wolf marker on or adjacent to the number rolled for the wolf. Do not stack wolves into the same hex. Wolves ST9 DX14 IQ6 MV7; AR-1; DM1d6+1

If the going gets bad for the party and they wish to escape they can move off the board at B to continue their journey to Veraxus. A character must enter the hex marked B to be removed from the battlefield. Once removed they cannot come back.

If the Party slays the wolves they continue towards Veraxus by going to B.

Encounter B: ArvusYou follow a wagon rutted path and pass a sign marked ARVUS. Ahead a few smokey chimneys and thatched roof buildings provide hope for a warm meal and a bed out of the elements. The sound of livestock and water greet you as you enter Arvus, but no people do. All the homes are shut except for a long building at the end of the village road. A door stands open and as you get closer you see both a store house to one side and a barn with two horses at the other side. A weathered sign over the door with the image of a bed and tankard mark it as a public house.

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You enter the low roofed public house and the smell of smoke and unwashed bodies hits you before you eyes adjust to the dimness inside. It appears to be a full house a group of men all turn as you enter, and the richly dressed youth between asks, “I am Tersus. Have you come to rescue father?”

In short, the moneyed and haughty lad and his father are merchants on their way to Veraxus. His father was abducted in the night and Tersus paid some villagers to go find help. Your Party arrives and he assumed you were the help villagers went to fetch. Most likely the villagers took the coin and went into hiding until the lad leaves.

The villagers show you strange footprints and drag marks which lead to the lake, and the locals believe Lizardmen on the lake island are responsible for the abduction. A local ferryman will take you to the island and has charged the lad 5 coins a person to go.

The Players may rest overnight and regain their EN to full before venturing across the lake if they need to. When Ready read the following:

The lake stretches before you and a brackish smell seems to float across the water and assault you as near the island. Suddenly the boat shakes as if its hit something sold. The boat shifts from one side to another (all must pass 3/DX to remain on their feet-any who fail fall down) a wet splash followed by a thudding boom on the deck. Purple green tentacles lash about and more seem to be rising!

Battle Set-upThe ferry is under attack from a pair of Octopo. They appear on opposite corners of the ferry and each makes TWO attacks per turn. The ferry should be 6 hexes wide by 12 hexes long. The ferryman (ST8 DX8 IQ8 MV4; AR0; DM d6 Knife) is at the back of the ferry the players should be spaced in the middle, not near an edge of the ferry.

The Octopo are armed with two spears each and a small shield. They will try to crowd the characters into the center of the ferry and then use them as pin cushions. If an Octopo gets down to 3 ST it will move off the ferry and into the water to escape. Octopo ST20 DX14 IQ8 MV7; AR-2; DM1d6+2 (per spear)

Assuming the Players are alive when they arrive on the island. The ferryman agrees to wait, not wanting to chance another Octopo attack all alone on the ferry.

Encounter C: Serpent's KissYou step of the wet and blood stained ferry onto the swamp islands shore in the afternoon. In the distance a few raised mounds in a semi-circle and path leading to them reveal the way to the Lizardmen village. As you near the village, rising from the swampy much a giant serpent rears up and hisses. Fangs bared and dripping poison it strikes!

Battle Set-UpUse Battlefield B. Place the characters on or adjacent to “C” and the serpent at “3”The serpent is ST19 DX12 IQ6 MV6 AR-3 DM2d6+Poison all terrain should be considered swampy cutting Player MV in half (minimum 1).

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Once the players beat the serpent they can continue into the village.

As you near the village tall muscled saurian figures approach. Two armed with tridents and large tortoise shell shields flank a robed and blue hued leader. They stop 10 feet from you and the leader raises a hand.

“You have come for the human?” he asks. You nod in reply.“He is under sentence for raiding our hatchling pens and is subject to the test of Suhala. He cannot be freed nor will we accept payment to cover his crimes. You may visit him, under guard, if you wish or you may turn back now.

You agree to visit under guard and are led to a wooden cage half submerged in a swampy pool. A man covered in slime and looking miserable suddenly comes alive when you near.

“Oh thank the goddess Mushalha! My son has sent you yes? Please free me, slay these beasts and release me! I will pay you whatever you want just free me!” he pleads.

You question him about the egg theft, and he readily admits to it. “These beasts are nothing more than talking animals and these scaly chickens can lay more eggs.”

The tension from your guards grows and they begin to hiss in anger. The robed saurian pronounces, “The test of Suhala begins at sunset. Come you may watch his justice.”

At this point the Players may elect to battle the Lizardmen and try to free the merchant or they may watch the test of Suhala.

Battle Set-upUse Battlefield B. The dark brown rocky area should be considered swamp with the trapped merchant at “5” The players should be at “X” with two Lizard men and the robed saurian placed with a one hex between them and the players.

Two Lizard men guards ST14 DX10(9) IQ7 MV7; AR-2; DM1d6+3 TridentLizard Man Wizard ST12 DX8 IQ12 MV4; AR-1; DM 1d6 daggerSpells: Sleep, Dazzle, Summon Giant Spider

If the Players defeat the Lizardmen, they can free the merchant and get him back to the ferry. If they wait for the test read the following.

At sunset the merchant is tied with rope by the ankle to bark-less tree in a low swampy area. A quiet descends as the lizard people gather to watch. A low chant begins Suhala, Suhala, Suhala then a giant pair of golden eyes rise from the muck. Turning to the saurian wizard he whispers, “Suhala is the lord of the island, if he he eats the merchant justice is served, if he decided not to, then we will free him.”

A massive frog raises out of muck and opens its massive mouth, a brown and slimy tongue lashes out wrapping the merchant in its folds. A shriek followed by the wet popping of the merchants lungs fills the quiet. With a tearing sound the merchant

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ihurled into Suhala's gaping maw and a wet crunch signals justice is served. A deep hissing roar fills the night and you are guided back to your ferry boat to return to Arvus as witnesses to Suhala's justice.

Between all the Lizardmen and the giant frog, there is no chance to fight a battle and win against Suhala and the tribe.

Encounter D: Charon's PathRegardless of whether you freed the merchant or not read the following:You arrive back at the ferry and into the darkness of night the ferryman guides the boat across the water. A fog drifts across the water and you cannot see any lights or a shoreline at all across the water.

If you freed the Merchant read the following.The merchant sits stinking and wet near the ferryman, tired and ragged. With a sudden flash the ferryman strikes, slashing the merchant's throat and kicking him off the boat. As you draw weapons, he holds his hands up. “Hold now, I was paid by the lad to do the deed. He gets the business if the old man is dead. You need me alive to reach shore and I've no quarrel with you. Let me get the boat ashore and we can each go our own ways.”

If you did not free the merchant, or after you see him killed read the following

The ferryman continues to move the boat across the lake and you begin to hear the whisper of trees on the shoreline. “Sorry, looks like I put us a bit further away from Arvus than I thought, damn fog.” You feel the crunch of the boat beaching and a sudden splash makes it clear the ferryman went overboard. The thunk of arrows into the ferryboat clearly mean he's lead you into an ambush!

Battle Set-upUse Battlefield B. Place the Players on or adjacent to “C.” Place two archers adjacent to “X” and two bandits next to “4” and two more next to “3.”

Archers ST8 DX8 IQ8 MV4; AR0; Dagger d6 and Bow d6Bandits ST8 DX8 IQ8 MV4; AR-1 small shield; Spear d6+2 and dagger d6

If four are slain, the rest will flee or attempt to, they get away if they reach the hex marked “R.”

Each of the dead have 10 coins in a pouch on them. One also bears a note with his coins. It is a note from the lad Tersus, “Bring me proof of their deaths and that of my father, 20 coins per head. Tersus” Tired and betrayed you rest for the night before taking up the hunt for vengeance against Tersus.

All Characters regain full EN with rest overnight.

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Encounter E: The HuntIn the morning you awake and follow the lake shore back to Arvus. A villager spots you and begs mercy, he kneels before you and says. “Tersus, some bandits and a wagon with goods left in the morning bound for Veraxus.” He points up the trail.

You leave the village and follow the road, its clear a wagon and about 8 men are accompanying it. They cannot be traveling quickly as they guard a wagon.

By quick march you catch up to the wagon in the evening and someone has already tracked down the wagon ahead of you. The shouts of men and the hiss of Lizardmen fill the air, you arrive to battle with a decision to make: aid the Lizardmen, aid Tersus, or fight them all! The bodies of two slain bandits and a slain Lizardman already stain the ground. Tersus cries out “Come to my aide and you will b richly rewarded, everything I have will be yours!”

Battle Set-UpUse Battlefield A. The Players should set up on or adjacent to “B” The cart and 6 guards should set up on or adjacent to “X”. Tersus should be set up on “4”. 4 Lizardmen should be setup on or adjacent to #2.

4 Lizardmen ST14 DX10(9) IQ7 MV7; AR-2; DM1d6+3 Trident

1 Bandit Archer ST8 DX10 IQ8 MV4; AR0; Dagger d6 and Bow d65 Bandits ST10 DX8 IQ8 MV4; AR-1 small shield; Cutlass d6+2 and dagger d6 Tersus ST8 DX10 IQ12 EN8 MV5; AR-1; Cutlass d6+2 Spells: Sleep; Trip; Break Weapon

If the characters aid Tersus and defeat the Lizardmen read the following:Slaying the Lizardmen you hear a laugh, “Now so much the easier to finally kill you!”The remaining bandits turn and get surprise and first attack against the Players.

If the players survive read the following:You search the wagon finding a few crates of spices (worth 100 coins each) and a small chest. It is locked. (4/DX lock and poisoned dart trap 4/IQ to spot the trap). When the chest opens you find 2 gems worth 100 coins each and a sack with 300 coins in it. Wounded and tired, you take the wagon and being a slow, but hopefully uneventful trip to Veraxus.

If the Players aid the Lizardmen and defeat the bandits and Tersus read the following:

The Lizardmen search the wagon finding 4 large brownish eggs. They take the eggs leaving the rest of the wagon's contents to you. Without word, they turn and disappear back into the forest. You search the wagon finding a few crates of spices (worth 100 coins each) and a small chest. It is locked. (poisoned dart trap 4/IQ to spot and 4/DX to unlock). When the chest opens you find 2 gems worth 100 coins each and a sack with 300 coins in it. Wounded and tired, you take the wagon and begin a slow, but hopefully uneventful trip to Veraxus.

So ends the bloody reaving of Savage Swords

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