Saturday, March 24, 1990

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Transcript of Saturday, March 24, 1990

  • 8/14/2019 Saturday, March 24, 1990


  • 8/14/2019 Saturday, March 24, 1990


    ampe said a county detective and an B7 agent had several conversations with oc%hart

    in Te"as in the past five or si" wee%s, and initially +he tal%ed about a lot of things that

    sounded e"tremely good.+ But as time passed, and oc%hart began giving +genericanswers to specific ;uestions,+ they began to get concerned.

    ampe said another reason police had started getting suspicious about oc%hart was hisfailure of a polygraph e"amination regarding the $otlib case. But polygraphs are sub5ect

    to different interpretations, and people with psychotic tendencies such as oc%hart hasshown often give false readings, he said.

    , and

    3asco County, la., in January ). 2e was convicted by a 5ury of the 7ndiana slaying,

    pleaded guilty in the lorida %illing and received additional death sentences in both cases.

    as ?egas police said yesterday that oc%hart is still a suspect in the July )> slaying ofa @-year-old girl whose mutilated body was found in the desert outside the Aevada city a

    wee% after she was reported missing.

    #nd 2obbs said oc%hart continues to admit to rapes, robberies and other crimes in +allfour corners+ of the country.

    +2e tal%s very freely,+ 2obbs said. +7 don't %now how candid he is, but he tal%s a lot.+

    oc%hart's confessions have never led investigators to another body, 2obbs said, but he

    pointed out that the as ?egas murder and others are different from the case in

  • 8/14/2019 Saturday, March 24, 1990


    ouisville. +Those cases involve young girls who were definitely %nown to be dead, so

    it's 5ust a matter of finding their %iller. #nn $otlib's never been found,+ he said.

    With oc%hart's confessions, +We've made some progress on solving some unsolvedcases,+ 2obbs said. #nd, he added, +7 thin% there are more murders.+

    oc%hart hasn't been tried for any other crimes, partly because Te"as is unli%ely to send a

    thrice-condemned prisoner to another state for an offense less serious than murder, 2obbs


    With all the crimes in which oc%hart may be involved, 2obbs said it's difficult to %nowthe strength of oc%hart's confession in the $otlib case.

    +2e is most assuredly a %iller of young girls. 2e was living in the area at the time. Those

    factors alone ma%e him a suspect,+ 2obbs said. But oc%hart also is +capable of playing

    some real games. 2e could be 5er%ing us all around.+

    #nn $otlib, the daughter of =ussian immigrants, moved to ouisville with her parents in
