Sale of Linens and · 2 THE WASHINGTON...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD MONDAY OCTOBER 7 1907 2 i P- II BULLS IN WHITE LOT Steers Hunt President i POLICEMAN STRADDLES ONE Delated CItixon Attempting to On in Admittance to the White House Grounds IH Almost Gored to Death by VIcIous AiiimulM DrowMlnff Near Logan Statue When Captured In the abseace of U President ia the wilds of Lciiikdaim hi quest of bears bulls have taken possession efThe House greuad Early Sunday morntaa two such ani- mals were at burg on those grounoii and for a time terror belated citizens who chanced to pas m that direction The preaence of beasts was 4rst learned Ute House of Detention about oclock in the morning when a very much frightened negro made his appear ance at the place aad begged to be ad- mitted Help Save me save me cried the man as he staggered into the House of Detention in an almost exhausted condi- tion and fen into the anna of the night attendant Dont let them get me be con- tinued They chased me all way across the Moamaent grounos and if I hadnt climbed a tree they would have trampled and gored me to death Where do you feel the worst old man inquired tbe attendant who was wiatly pmnded with the mans strange tale Wlrnt was chasing you you got em Sees IlnllM of Pipe Honestly pleaded tile negro I was by two wild bulls I bad just n ted the park from Fifteenth street and had gone but a short way when I be luld four small balls of Are ahead of me and before I had time to get out of the way two terrible bulls foaming from the mouth came dashing at me I was knocked down and how I escaped death is a mystery Ifow did you get away from them Inquired the attendant- I dodged behind trees lid park benches answered the negro So in the absence of the President who is out hunting for the bears the bulls have taken possession of his gar don saW the attendant who promised the man that he would inform e police about the two animals With this as- surance the negro left the place and tbe attendant thought nothing more of the matter Whether the negro was suffering from some dovuskm or not two such animals wore actually at large at that time They were captured and efforts are now being made to locate their owners Policeman Rides Steer About 7 oelock yesterday morning the police of the Second precinct were treated to a rare sight when PoUcemaa S J Marks one of their number appeared before the statlonbouae mounted on a fullgrown steer which although wild In appearance was In reality quite tame Following behind him came a colored man leading another such beset The etteer explained that he was ap proaching Iowa Circle a few minutes be- fore 7 oclock when he beheld the steers peacefully grazing on the grass of the parking at of the Logan statue as unconcerned a if they were in a pas- ture They had portions of every variety of lower which the numer- ous beds about the circle contain and disgusted with all were feeding on the grass A cltben whose name is not known c me to the officer assistance In catch Ing the beasts After chasing the much frightened animals about the benches and shrubbery for nearly a half hour the two managed to capture them and started in the direction of the station house with the animals In tow It was then that Policeman Marks remembering his former occupation h the West con- ceived tbe idea of riding one of the steers and promptly tried the experi- ment Though somewhat surprised at the un usual occurrence the animals made no attempt to free themselves from their raptors Up to late last night efforts to locate their owner had been unsuccessful REGULATES SALE OF BONDS Copy of Act Providing for Domini- can loon Received The Bureau of Insular Affairs line re- ceived a copy of the act paaaed by the Congress of Santo Domingo authorising a loan under the provisions of the treaty between the United States and Santo Domingo The act authorizes the President of Santo Domingo through the Dominican secretary of the treasury to issue aad sell bonds not exceeding H900Q600 in United States currency bearing 5 per- cent Interest payable setniammally to bo redeemable in fifty years but at the will of tile Dominican gov- ernment after ten years at MBfc per cent of their foe value The bonds are guar- anteed by the treaty and the customs receipts are pledged to redeem them The bonds and interest are exempt from In Santo Domingo The act further authorizes the Presi- dent of Santo Domingo to designate a depositary and a transfer or registry agent A liRa agent will market the bonds and distribute tbe proceeds EXPLODING SHELL KILLS CHILD Thought He Rqlla of French War of IS70 Paris Oct The history of the war of Is70 has long ago been written and placed- in its pigeonhole But is still araejt life apparently In some of the shelte ef that memorable campaign At a village near Chartre two children had picked up what their parent believed to be an shell from the battlefield of Loigay of th l ro war Tnfortunately the shell lied never been exploded and a one of the little struck It with a It burst One of the children aged three years was killed instantly and the other had beth blown oft and cannot live A wheelbar- row which had contained the shell was blown ft atoms and a terrific commo- tion was caused in the neighborhood by tile violent report BARNABEES CONDITION GRAVE Actor Victim of Street Car Accident Probably Has Fractured Skull Now York Oct Henry Clay Baraa bee the retired operatic comedian for- merly of the Bostonians who was knocked down by a street car last ta in BeJJevu Hoplt l g seriously hurt that the doctors thought best today to refuse admittance to most of the who called to see htm Mr Bftnsmbee suffered a slight hem orrhage at ears and say may indicate that his skull is fractured White at Ri have Lbs Have the the base redeem- able tax- ation to ones atone late night lying Ute this the doc- tors r ROOSVe1tll1flitS Bears the r chased there sit legs frIends ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CHIOAGO PRESS CLUB COMING Make Brief Stop nt Capital Today cu Route to Jam c town Once more Washington which has been lit the lIT of the trust for many w afc V will again feel the effects of a CiricagQ monopoly when those who have cornered the brain market of that city will swoop down upon the Capital arriv- tttg at 10 oclock today on a special train over the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad It I the Chicago Press Club M strong which will do the iniltctlns thIs time They will not tarry long in city f real newspaper men aa they are scheduled to leave o the night boat for Jamestown where they are to be the guests of the exposition from Wednesday morning un- til somebody sends them home is OLeary or Chicago Day Just because thirtysix y ars ago poor Mrs 0Lary cow started that famous Chi cap flee There are some minor entertainments planned between times for the clubs amusement Friday Is the big day be- cause al the newspaper men and their wives will journey to a winery near the exposition Initial Trip Made Over New Electric Line to Baltimore REGULAR TRAINS DECEMBER 1 Party headed liy General Mnnngcr- SlmiinJinii Pnxlicd Over Route liy Locomotive Cur Shops at Academy Junction Ylwlted Jaunt DUlled with 4 Luncheon at the New AVillard needed by General Manager Sbaaahan Of Baltimore a party L railroad men eoaatrnetioa agnteer and others from Washington Baltimore and Aifnapolta yesterday made the Initial trip over the new electric road now comple- tion between the three cities Mr Shanahan of the Baltimore and AanapoHs division met the Washington visitors at Odenton with a train made up of a motor car a passenger ear equal in atat construction and equipment to the ordinary railroad gar and railroad locomotive While the track is all laid with the ex- ception of two short sections the road has not yet been equipped with trolley wires Consequently the locomotive pushed the train to within six miles of Baltimore where there te a break The run was made at easy speed to allow time for observation and to avoid a pos- sible mishap to new track Inspect Oar Shops On the return trip a stop was made at Academy Junction where the ear shop are located These are in a modern building of reenforced concrete con- struction are equipped with massive crane aad other machinery to facilitate the handling of the big care with steel forges and blacksmith and machine shops which will give employment to Ml men After an inspection of the car works the party came directly back to the end ofthe road on the bridge at Addison Chapel road near Chesapeake Junction A special car awaited theta at the junction and they through to Washington taking luncheon at the New Willard Manager Shanahan stated that It was the expectation to have the road in oper- ation by December 1 Cars will run every halfhour at the start and the schedule will call fbr from seventyfive to ninety minutes between Washington and Baltimore This time will be reduced to an hour as soon as possible after the Inauguration of regu- lar service and the schedule will be in- creased to a car or train every fifteen minutes- It Is the expectation of the management- to run trains over the tracks of the New York avenue line from Cheaaoeake Junc- tion to Fifteenth and II streets where a station win be erected and aa sooaas a franchise can obtained te run them through to the Treasury on G street To Complete Gnp Although at present the track only within six miles of Baltimore the tracks In that city are all laid and there is but a short si to be tilled to reach tile heart of the city Rate of fare between this city and Bal- timore has not been decided upon but it will be lower than the rates on the steam roads It Is planned to run two express trams every hour The line i double tracked throughout REVIEW TRACTION HEARING Public Service Will Call T vo Witnesses Today New York Oct s The public service commission will resume tomorrow after- noon its investigation Into the Inter boronghMetropolitan affairs It is saW that Anthony N Brady and John B McDonald will be called as witnesses The commission wants to get some in- formation from Mr Brady in regard to a payment of 1366000 for the Wall and Gortiandt street ferries railroad This road has never been constructed and it te said that there te an injunction in force against building it Apparently 1004000 of stock and 1003000 of bonds have been issued against Its franchise rights It was reporTed today that the com- mission desired to have Mr McDonald explain how It was that He happened- to switch from the Belmont to the Met- ropolitan Interests Is your will made If so you confident it will be as you intend You san be assured of this sad sloe of the wise economical and honest administration of yOur by securing the aW of tats company In drawing your win and appointing it executor There Is no charge for consultation nor for drawing keeping will In which thi company Is appointed executor Northwest Corner of th and Faniisylv nia avenue beef VIEW TROLLEY ROAD due nd be be goes Commission ar ecu d es- tate and AMERICA ECURlTY- OAPANY CIr IJ J agLI President this Wednes- day nearing a came north- east C TRUST ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Negro Attorney He Says Took Bribe to Aid Teacher WAS FOR OBTAINING POSITION wslstniit SupcrlntemlcMit of Colored Schools WrItes to Cap Oyster 3Iul lag Clmrgc AcciiHcd Man Denies the Stntcmeiit nml Will Dctmtml the DlMinlMsnl of the Olllclnl Still another chapter te to be added to tbe troubles which have bean Hcettmrtat in eonneetion with the negro tcboot teachers and the negro schools The ball was set in motion with the dlsmistml from otace of Superviatng Principal Cardoso of the Thirteenth division On a charge of alleged Insubordination and conduct unbecoming a teacher After that a lot of minor difficulties arose from the placing of negro teacher Then came the statement on the part of Dr Chancellor that the negro schools are a bar to the of puWI schools And now follows the latest addition Capt Oyster president of the board of education has received a letter from Roscoe Cockling Bruce assistant super intendent of the negro schools in which It is alleged that Calvin Chase a well known negro lawyer of this city lifts used his influence in the matter of ob- taining a position in the negro schools for Miss Srphax and according to Mr Bruce Chase accepted a remuneration for the services thus rendered Chase Makes Denial Mr Chase last night emphatically de- nied the charge of having received any money from Miss Syphax whom be stated he knew only slightly He further intimated that lt would prefer charges against Mr Bruce with tbe board of education and demand his removal for making false statements Miss Syphax said Mr Chase was no doubt anxious to make an affidavit ex- onerating him from the charges preferred against him by M r Bruce Referring to Dr Chancellors arral went of the schools Mr Chase said We bad the finest negro school system the United States under John F Cook Some of the best men and women in this country have been graduated from our schools under the anpertnttadeacy of Mr Cook The original light against enrj school system was an attack upon Mr Cook by Dr John R Francis then a member of the school board This was continued by hIs wife Mrs Francis and when Mary Church Terrell was brought to this city by Dr Francis and placed our schools as a teacher and subsequently as a trustee and then as a member of the board of education things became mixed The great bar to the progress of tbe negro schools II not th negro but the negro woman member of the hoard of educationTo Appeal to Congress Cong as shall be asked to the negro schools It will be estafctb then that the fault i not with negroes but with those who MV- isupervtakm of the Mbooi I am QuitO that Utt na a f education will not Indorse tho sender of Dr Chancellor The negroes will permit this attack to go unnoticed They cannot afford it If the the Supreme Court will penult the to select their school officials con- ditions will be changed in our schools I would like to ask Dr Chancellor in what way are the negro schools a bar to the progress of the white schools Let Conareaa allow the negroes to run their own schools and be ot8c r d by per- sons of their choice and conditions will Improve ALL PRAISE WEATHER MAN Thousands Abroad Enjoying Bracing Air of Ideal Autumn Sunday JAIl Washington Apparently Turns Out to Stroll mid Get Close io Xntnrc Hats off ta the weather man for that mtumKttx aed individual yesterday re- trieved many past performances by pro- ducing right on schedule titus as he promised a glorious day thereby eatab- liahing once more the confidence and es- teem of hie fellowcitizens That all Washington Vas appreciative- of the grand autumn day wa evidenced by the throngs which crowded the high- ways and byways of the city throughout the day one seemed Imbued with that spirit of energy which demands ac- tion and a desire to get close to nature Early in the day the exodus from the began Services at the various churches were largely attended and the streets were tilled with citizens enjoying to tho utmost the bracing air that reddened their cheeks and caused an unusually big for the Sunday dinner Automobiles and carriages were brought Into requisition by those fortunate enough- to afford them while others content- ed themselves with the trolley or a stroll in the suburbs The Zoo was th Meeea toward which many thousand turned Hundreds of children and fond parents viewed the animate Suburban cars were all crowded throughout day NEWS CUT SHORT FOR BUSY READERS It is expected the National Metropolitan DMA wilt aide to mm late its sew building en Pitutatb stout iwit Mondfty The Pauliet fathers have asked for SIMS and ecnVattoos for a new scbcwl IwlWlHg- on Ute ewwk of the GatboHe UirfTeisUy Superintendent Woods of the Capitol has liaoMnMiMlrrt that the BtatK ef WMkiDgtea OB the ut of tile be rcnwHl indoors to the National Museum to MI it from the weetiwr Cardinal Gibbons will the fair to be tffea br St Ietera Catbone church KecutA sad C Bttcets snotfaeaat this ia Ute bsm nt of the enarch etudes The North Washington Citizens Asso etetkw wilt meet tonkdit bt the Parish Hall ef the Chwek oL the Advent earner of Stcoad and U itieetB northwt to elect oftkers and consider other wnixxtant bmtoeasm The visitations by the officers of the praM of the Independent Order ef Odd BW Jnriadletlen of the Dietxkt of OalmnMo for tile rear W will eoaunenee tonight when Lang don Led No K wilt Jw paid a TMt and exanit- antkw of tbe work dons during tha p ni- yox Thou erenta win be oonttmed until each sad ewT toJ ia this JwrtedkUoa bu bean TIled ass eslned TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tiblcta Drog gfeta refund money if it falls to cure E W GROVES sJsnatere is on each box 25ou BRUCE RAPS CHASE big the In Mrs In 1 co- t negroes Ever homes ap- petite the I 6 be NIt open evening progress gvesUc sure C i 1 I e pub ledge lore mode ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ TRAPS 21 SPEEDERS COXTIXUKD FROM IAGK ONB mayor helpless came whizzing along laughing merrily wire in their billet Ql- inuBUBlty In all Innocence the aw deputy mnrshal wa titling along that way at Ufo time and with a quickening of breath and a sudden spurt he became lost in the dust cloud After watching his speedometer for a mile or more be dropped back end with his camera attachment on the wheel took- a snapshot This performance was re- peated twentyone times just three bet- ter than the world record held by Col- lins the militant when he first jumped into fame as the captor of the Due dAbrucii The new marshal had no oppor- tunity of firing at the Shouts automobile- or catching the chauffeur of Baron Henget muller but his hopes and ambitions pic- ture even greater things A worlds rec- ord and that taken away from the Terror of the Conduit is no moan first performance so perforce the deputy mar- shal U elated Sixteen of these twentyone wore ex ee dlr g the speed limit by running from IS to 32 miles an hour tad the oUter five displayed no Maryland license on their machines None of them was molested end they all sped hack to the city also elated Having speeded through Glen Beho was aa accomplishment to be boasted to their friends Several too were old offendecs ac- cording to Mayor Garrett and their lot will not be aa easy one I o not know just what will lw the penalty for the second or third offense saW the mayor signiAeantly Warrants will be sworn out for all twentyfour of- fenders as soon as possible and I will endeavor to have them before the Mary- land grand jury It la my belief that the Department of Justice and the national government are trying to defeat the ends of Justice- In Glen Keho and that aid bn gives to the defense of chars with violating the speed limit For this reason I want bring all the cases iNMfb to the higher sad will the whole Department of Justice busy defending them even the bit At- torney General He IGxpIgiu Secrecy That to why there was so much se- crecy surrounding the appointment of Deputy Marshal Noises He was un- known even to residents of Glen Echo and BO one suspected him That la ex- actly what I pleased to show conclu- sively that just as soon as CoWs was oft the job advantage would be taken of that tact and the Washington auto mobUists would begin to disregard the law as soon as I was helpless sad they thought they had me It hi proven that I was right In the belief that Collins had deserted me and I was helpless they aped by my house with the throttle wide open and a defiant smile- I also wanted to show up the manner In which Kaj Cosby marshal Mr Jack- son representative of the War Depart- ment on the road was enforcing the law and to see whether or not the War De- partment was in earnest I not yet heard of an arrest by him I will con- tinue to uphold the rights and the law of the town despite the efforts of tIM De- particoat of Justte and the national au- thorities DREADING TUESDAYS RIDE Ma awl Mat In Disai taiusit C the Rasfc command of Fred- erick Grant x will assume CeajtaurUke poises on all the available plugs Wash luau and start on a ftftwnnilU trtp through the trees fields of Virginia No eulogies will be offered but each officer will be expected to have a trade last for President It Is Mr Roose velts order that men who have been working for years to their balance on a swivel offlce chair will be compelled to undergo torture- It was nothing more than a whim on the port of the President declared qualMed to know what the Presi- dent thinks As the order was originally mad by the President It applied only to oilieers of the line but the General Staff went him one better and made the order com- prehensive enough to include the staff officers The President no doubt approved the amendment The General Staff is up largely of young taos Livery men report an unprecedented number of calls for saddle horses city broke with rockingchair gaits and the indications are the city will be tomorrow WIFE ATTACKS HUSBAND Young Spouse of Hotel Clerk Arrest- ed After Kxcitinjj Neighborhood Charged with having attacked her hus- band Allen Greenhow 821 Sixteenth street northwest a clerk at a local hotel with- a dangerous weapon Glenndola Green how his wife was arrested yesterday She was detained until afternoon and re- leased on a H bond When tho alleged attack occurred about 4 oclock Sunday morning It caused ex- citement in the neighborhood and for a it was reported that a murder had occurred Pedestrians in the neighborhood heard screams and cries of murder coming from the house and accompanied by a motor man and conductor of an F street car rushed to the door of the residence and demanded admittance Allen Greenhow the husband of the young woman te said by witnesses to have at the door partially clad with several wounUs on his hand and arras A call was sent to the Third station and in a short time Police- men Riley Billmon ami Stringfellow ar- rived In petrol wagon The wife was placed under arrest and her husband taken to the Emergency Hospital where an examination showed that he had re- ceived ten or more slight knife wounds about the hands arms and shoulders None of the mans injuries was regarded- as serious and Greenhow was allowed to depart Mrs Greenhow refused to make any statement about the occurrence October 8 1007 Remember lice date BULLETINYo- ung Mens Christian Association 1736 G Street Our Gymnasium classes formally today at 3030 a m AVc have seven different indoor room and fourteen outdoor courts devoted to exercise and play for men Our magnificent system of TmtliH Is not equaled In Washing- ton i a Tnlunble ndjnnct in our scheme of physical training And its all for your benefit Mr City Man to help you keep strong and well Visit us tonight Seeing U belicvlne Well coiue the or i hat court keep have 1 ii 0 r j tl a 1 di vn j t i 0 eeu I thIs under Con In the lIMIt made bor shy time pre- cinct the open and then to t ne1lv tae Ed4 Sif e 4e sa ea the a- ma appeared ten- nis ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ HOLDS UP 125000 Meyer Suspends Payment to Bartford Company SAY SUPPLIED BAD ENVELOPES AccnMcil of Having WronfffnllyBenc fitted for Pour Years 1 X Furnish lag the Government with Inferior Quality of Stock and lug tho Specifications Postmaster Gen l M yr has sus- pended payment of all moneys due front department to the Hartford Manufacturing Company of Hartford Conn has submitted the matter to the Attorney General for such further action as may be deemed proper The Hartford Manufacturing Company up to July 1 supplied the stamped envelopes and newspaper wrappers sold at post offices It is stated that chemical analysis of samples have disclosed the fact that the composition of the envelope paper has been below the requirements of the con tract and according to the oompwtatkms of ties experts of the Postoffice Depart ment the company has in the last four years wrongfully beaAt d to the extent of about SMMi of the manufacturers who supplied paper to the company has admitted ir Is alleged to ttw Postmaster Generals agents that his Arm furnished different and cheaper material then specMed in the contract aad that It wa so made at the instance of Hartford Manufacturing Company Suspicion arose several months ago that the Hartford company had boost using in- ferior paper for some time and an exten- sive examination was required in order to determine just how Soft the specification had been disregarded During the investigation a new contract was entered Into for supntytas of stamped envelopes and newspaper wrap- pers with the Mercantile Corporation of Dayton Onto beginning July 1 Ax the Hartford company had carried MMCcenrtve contracts for nearly thirty years naturally there was no other plant in existence to do this particular class of work but the guarantees furnished by the new company showing its flnanciil standing and ability to obtain a plant paper machinery a4 labor satisfied Postmaster General after several weeks personal inquiry in Washington sad While there have hem some delays in- consequence of the transfer and in equip- ping and Installing the nw machinery necessary to tutu out the enormous amount of work required by the reports from the government in- spectors stationed at Dayton indicate that the new envelopes and newspaper wrap- pers will be turned out henceforth In suit able quantities and quality The product must average nearly 4MNMM9 envelopes every working day in the year Of these 90 per cent are plain stamped envelopes the remaining 71 per cent bear lag ta return cards names and art rsspes of the senders The department rt Us orders of as few as HO of these adel request envelopes and as a eon a the number of distinct corner Included In one days work often aches lilt Carload of Paper No less than a carload of paper a day to used fat the production of the white 2 cent envelope which hi in the greatest de- mand The two concerns mentioned woes the only competitor for the new con- tract the bid of the Hartford company being UKJK fussed on the basis the estimated quantities required during the four years of the contract term while that of the Mercantile Corporation was H2Wl teas Under the speeMcatioag of the present advertised January 34 MW and March 1 117 the formula as to of paper was changed to a slightly lower grade a small proportion of sal phite bring wed with the rag which does not affect the Weight or strength Under the specifications of thr former contract the Hartford Manufacturing Company was called upon to supply allrag paper During tbe lest few mouths of the con- tract the Hartford Manufacturing Com- pany furnished envelopes up to the con- tract requirements PARAGRAPHS BY WIRE Boise Idaho Oct Clarenee Darrow 01 Chicago OMtmrfat a Menad todftr fur bon ta left ear mnnUtea WM Aurora IlL Oct C The congregation of Pw R Akt CtaNk HM sims MM- of to m lar ta Mr Msttiwws- wltk which to boy ra ataaaefte in raoofBMan f JoUst HI Oct Among a batch of tacUMBts Mtwwd OM mend jury todkr one acftiMt Beajradn F GraS a former Mst MMiter lie to dteM with Mrtfeiag tasrauiM- ptIMra Mid sacartog PL GraS hi now fc jill Bethlehem Oct the whole of Ittstomi in LcUch County is Ill with tjrjo4d fT r tnvnUf tioa hjr UK SUtaf health Mthorltln IWOTM to b do te a polluted atTCAHi from which the town get M M plr Toledo Ohio Oct Mayor Whitlock his destined the Denftende nomamtioB for Mkfor- proond that the ooamtkm failed ta iodon the ptteciiriea of the indepeodeDt purtjr Judge Bundy of the United States Branch of the Police Oonrt be the printsv at the ftmc MteUaf of the sear of the Meas dob of Trinity MethodIst Kpb or l lurch tide ertnlag In addition to the meting there will be a nraifcal pTOsrnmmr Statesboro Ga Oct tCone HAgaR a far lirtug seer and eight children arc mconickms as the remit of eating ice crew ta which untamed milk bad teen need A phyridM found all of them unoomckma Irons ptamatoe pot soniflK It k feared that of them will aw Tire Hagan te a widower National Guardsmen teams from the Marine Corps Fort Mjer the Maryland NatJonal Guard and the Engineer Oorpa torn AVaahtngto- nUameks will begin the awna shoot on the CM KBH IleiaiiU rasp toMonmr There are nanr he TIt oenteMs win be prosed with Ute Mar cbante mid toe priaes donated br Wasbtneton- imrchinU Portland ile Oct 6 Walter C Emers- on of this city Ins announced Ms oanHdaer for the Republican GMgreaafcMl nomhiation in the his Thorns It Heeds oU district as a eonpoUtor of RearcseataUre Asm Ix Allen of Alfred Mr Knwnon waa a newtpaper coryupomknt in Waab- ineton for jreare and lea totely bent aanagtog a oraafacUirittg toftoets in Oakland Me ITEMS FROM ABROAD Budapest Oct A new angldch or arraiM n at between the kingdom and empire bs Mea owohided altar a day of apparently hopeless nesoUatjoaa London Oct L Baron Brampton who was perhaps better known aa Sir Henry Hawkins fw raasy years a justice of the high meet dW to day St Petersburg Oct 6 The authorities have ordered the coadscaUe ef Onset tars book entitled A ComparatlTe Sta4y of the Gee pda London Oct 7 A dispatch to the Morni- ng Post from Tangier says it is probable that the release of Kaid MacLean will be definitely arranged for as far as RateeuU is oaneeiaed within few weeks Raisooli reducing the raasom demanded from 110000 to about anothlrd that amount October 9 1907t Remember the date Disregard the One the Began on on Ute depart- ment d contract the tile The a- Xe Danvw wfll w GIlt lit dQL tile A his reesut ueesM WM 6Nearly that water ted dQ u OR Ute speaker heN YabIe priws and u wilt baa a t hIs sin Investigation the else- where Eds Qual- Ity apostles means and sheet tee Pie mossy Its eamade aeshet VIeL > Tub him is yieterdYs nil hotness nose rid mpejtioo cmdosbtedly ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ wMAfavMttvy wAfawwnnM- t The Private Rooms in our new Fireproof Storage Building are taerovgaly 5 approved by the Fire Underwriters Founded 1861 F St Cor 11th i The Moses Furniture and Floor Polishes prove absolutely satisfactory 5 A special wax preservative for weathered oak pieces are selling these goods without profit this month in order to get you to become further acquainted with this department J Its one you should know Itll supply what want and save you money on it Table Linens 9 dos fc Fine Bleached Damask N WM doz Special jUtMam Hemstitched Tea Clothfigured patterns sine Towels Doilies Covers MB AllMaen Doilies Japanese handwork extra line quality Sine f lnxli m Special each Alllinen Japanese Handdrawn Covers stee 31x38 m Special each P- ADKnen Japanese Handdrawn Bureau Scarfs elaborate deatfns S- Ste HxW in each 10U Bed Linen H yd Hin AUUmm Sheetingvery Aa ottaJltr Special yard A LL3 S- Hxtt m Bleached Mohawk Sheetsftn sad soft quality muslin WJl Spectftl POC We are selling Carpet Remnants lengths sufficient for at 2 ij grades of goods W Moses Sons F Street Corner 11th 5- titwvwwvtMwwtnwvwvwvwtn g i Sale of Table Linens and Bedding j Ve i you i s 3 59 i fa 90c Special eacb S 25c i S i S nee price least one roomat the lowest prices weve ever On like i B 1N I newest patloras Rig prime s i 50 t FIRE CHIEFS ARRIVE TODAY Local Department Spiok and Span Awaits Inspection by Visitors el Kn v to Thirtyfourth Interna- tional Convention of Firemen to Gather In City Today the thirty station of the tire de- partment everything to in readiness to receive the visiting delegates to the thirtyfourth assail convention of the International Association of Fire Chiefs expected here to4j There has been great activity at all of tbe stations for several and all the apparatus lid equiuinent tbe stables anti mens quarters have been put In spick and span order An extra bit of cleaning and aoHahlag baa been given everything sad today finds entire department shining AH the brass work has been burnished until it resembles gold and many of the stations have been newly painted Flags lid bunting have been draped from the walls and emblems of the com- panies have been put out for display at many of the stations Several prom- inent mereaants equally anxious to haye the Washington department appear in the best possible condition have donated ttajs and other decorations and have helped the firemen ia many ways It 1 expected that special interest will be paid by the vfeUtag fire chiefs in the inspection of the Firefighter tbe stanch craft which is always kept under steam on the river front At building ia C street between 9bcth and Seventh streets formerly used as the United States naiil bag repair hop a display of firefighting para- phernalia JIM been arranged by the nu- merous imuratactartng companies about tile country Alarm systems ef most approved slid recent pattern win be shown and everything eWe ia the line of extinguish ers and other apparatus will be on dis- play I With the sounding of an alarm at Sev- enth street and Louisiana avenue at oclock Wednesday morning those ever ready and anxious members of the foree the horses will dash from their stalls and once fitted to their harness will lange from tbe stations and bring their respective portion of apparatus to the scene an Imaginary tire in record breaking time October S 1007 Remember the date Our New Fall Suitings were never more attractive than this season and our prices are the lowest consistent with finest fabrics and quality tailoring CTYour inspection Is Invited E H Snyder llll PENNA AVENUE N W SPECIAL NOTICES ROOSEVELT GARRISON NO 74 A and N U 1412 Pa ave Regular mus- ter THIS EVENING Matters of special importance will be presented SPECIAL MEETING OF JOURNEY1 man Plasterers Association MONDAY October 7 Business of Importance By order of Association M E GREEN President oc 2t Mr A If BUHDIXE Who until recently conducted a gents furnishing and hat business at 7th and Va ave sw and Mr W G Birch en there with him have bout become associated with The Globe Clothing Company 801 Pa ave nw where they will be pleased to renew old acquaintances ocaIt G LEWIS and Counselor at Law CLAIMS COMMERCIAL LAW COLLECTIONS 1501 Penn Ave Jf IV Room 0 HOSPITAL FOR ANIMALS New ready at J11315 14th Phone X 15B- DciiJ II tt Co Upholstering of nil kinds Slip covers Sfl0 9th nw M 6516 TRUNKS AND HARNESS REPAIRED Wagons trunks harness and wheels at your price HARNESS SHOP 13th and H sts nw Phone Main 4JSm ocltf Watch Clock and Jewelry Repairing- a sf cWtr docks called for Del deUTored Ibeiai- applies Derelopiag and prinUag M BLUMBN FELD 2 i lUll t aw Phone N 4342 wS49- ttsoirvExius At SUZUKI CO ISO F st nw ecSMt Nordtiea- IV S Tnppnn Jeweler und AVntchmnker Now located at 803 G st Ouray Bldg Our BOOKBINDING facilities are especially com- plete assuring prompt tory execution of all classes of work Fairest prices Geo E Howard 714 12th St PRINTER ENGRAVER AND BOOKBINDEK That comply with the law Consult FHED J 4K ajoiae aye BTT J s t I days the I I the the t t c Co Tailors THOMAS Attorney lit oiSC Cole Japanese FIRE ESCAPES lUTE < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Everything that goes on with a brush AGENTS 607609 C Street N W BeU i Goths FitIt ia M iu Clothes ChatL- et me solve problem of good clothes for you I dont charge ex- orbitant pricesbut I do Tine work end I can fit the hard to lit Suits to or JZ dee GEOEHEBBARDE- nSttSE 7068 Ninth St The Garlic Society of Wuhicgton will held an ops MMting at Carroll Iiutitute 9d 9 ai I ittok Lee of th T ain TIlE WOBLOg DgSJ TO TMX CELT by Dr T J Sbalutt of Ott- Cattatte University Gaelic sjMftfcta fedx aaata and sing Adntafon ins CEAD FAILTE ROM HAT Christian Xanders ehfedani Gin 100 full quart Imiorted in the wood 41 net fntQ Holland Uses Cfitd for kiilncy trouble ly obtainable at Christian Xanders Quality QQQ 7i C Phone M 274 txEtKctltm DIED Saadar October ft BaL f- atS Va HART KLnUBETB view t Br BRYAN Friday October 4 VK J p aw PRAXCKS JL BKYAK I Of tk- TlMotfcr X Md PHUMM X Sou f FMM imieei be beM t 9t fetal Cbanh- w Mood y October 7 at ff Jl av Uoiri FloMdplttB- CIMRKB0 FrfArny Oetotar i OK t 9M MAE helmet of Xftotd A ant Tk giant Chrk- Fiweral Moadv Oetaber 7 at fcm holy Neon cheek ben icquta MM wB W- MMmted for the sepsis of h r MaL Ifktaai sad rrUdwes are Issued t lataaMM OMm- JOHXSOXOn Saturday Oetatar a at 131 p m- AVILLIAX CAREY JOHXSOX taker rein MB of Locxeda nest sad tb isis Qot- JohoKM of Fmfctfcfc at tile inllnifi kit nether im Ca reh time F o nl tfrdct at Oak Hal lapel Vn afternoon at S dock IstiimaiL printo Mt- inora Pkaaddpaia and N r Ytt pi pfeaMOon- jrMULLBX0 ItaMar Oateatr Ml at MO- p R r WILUAX C MULUW ki lee Puafrtl tam UaMUm X E- af tenMon October 7 at 2 oekckP- Ubufefefefc aad New J RAYOn Friday OcMtK 4 M at I a MARY RAY wife of M Rw Funeral tom Be Stapbms CWidi October nkjk MM at S lock KYANOB October i mr PATRICk betortd boaband of Mary Ryan Fwnenl hun bIn late icakknoe M Hdskteetd arise aortkwHt on Tanday I at 9 w lUquiew aaw at tile Ctarek of CIte laaacuhM Conorptlon RetatHei ant fttaai- M respectfully insist to attend Ji Mount OiiTct FUNERAL DIRECTORS GEORGE P ZURHORST aoi East Capitol Street THOS S SERGEON SUCCESSOR TO R S CAIN Mil 7th st nw Telephone Mats NRL FUNERAL DESIGNS Artistic Floral Designs BLACKISTONES Phon Main 3W Htb anti U ow FUNERAL FLOWERS Of Eiery DescripUonJIodwateJr Prktd GUDE I I Wa BUTLER CU1 JI the J th Up COlHAH11 HA t18Ae BAl Weensy EYei Rev I I BRO JD u at lit uaMt tile 1ItII at JIIII PWIa will L- at Hill tl L ax atM tIC e JIL CJIaIIIa phase J J f i Satarday er- a at I JJlI1 Ii I 1i P1 S giLPIELS- i 42 L 4 Hines L w4 4 I VC hrdisal hrow- Pbaeel melon d07OsiehaLatla istaeaeaMs C ceidoso Ainitmati dig en idi I a a daughter a bad and lid psea C eied year ape song a leew I its C QIIljyIj3p Qjj1 > ¬ > > <

Transcript of Sale of Linens and · 2 THE WASHINGTON...

Page 1: Sale of Linens and · 2 THE WASHINGTON HERALD MONDAY OCTOBER 7 1907 i P- II BULLS IN WHITE LOT Steers Hunt President i


i P-


SteersHunt President



Delated CItixon Attempting to On inAdmittance to the White HouseGrounds IH Almost Gored to Deathby VIcIous AiiimulM DrowMlnff NearLogan Statue When Captured

In the abseace of U President ia thewilds of Lciiikdaim hi quest of bearsbulls have taken possession efTheHouse greuad

Early Sunday morntaa two such ani-

mals were at burg on those grounoii andfor a time terror belated citizenswho chanced to pas m that directionThe preaence of beasts was 4rstlearned Ute House of Detention about

oclock in the morning when a verymuch frightened negro made his appearance at the place aad begged to be ad-

mittedHelp Save me save me cried the

man as he staggered into the House ofDetention in an almost exhausted condi-tion and fen into the anna of the nightattendant

Dont let them get me be con-

tinued They chased me allway across the Moamaent grounos andif I hadnt climbed a tree they wouldhave trampled and gored me to death

Where do you feel the worst oldman inquired tbe attendant who waswiatly pmnded with the mans strangetale Wlrnt was chasing you yougot em

Sees IlnllM of PipeHonestly pleaded tile negro I was

by two wild bulls I bad just nted the park from Fifteenth street andhad gone but a short way when I beluld four small balls of Are ahead ofme and before I had time to get out ofthe way two terrible bulls foaming fromthe mouth came dashing at me I wasknocked down and how I escaped deathis a mystery

Ifow did you get away from themInquired the attendant-

I dodged behind trees lid parkbenches answered the negro

So in the absence of the Presidentwho is out hunting for the bears thebulls have taken possession of his gardon saW the attendant who promisedthe man that he would inform e policeabout the two animals With this as-surance the negro left the place and tbeattendant thought nothing more of thematter

Whether the negro was suffering fromsome dovuskm or not two such animalswore actually at large at that time Theywere captured and efforts are now beingmade to locate their owners

Policeman Rides SteerAbout 7 oelock yesterday morning the

police of the Second precinct were treatedto a rare sight when PoUcemaa S JMarks one of their number appearedbefore the statlonbouae mounted on afullgrown steer which although wild Inappearance was In reality quite tameFollowing behind him came a coloredman leading another such beset

The etteer explained that he was approaching Iowa Circle a few minutes be-fore 7 oclock when he beheld the steerspeacefully grazing on the grass of theparking at of the Logan statueas unconcerned a if they were in a pas-ture They had portions ofevery variety of lower which the numer-ous beds about the circle contain anddisgusted with all were feeding on thegrass

A cltben whose name is not knownc me to the officer assistance In catchIng the beasts After chasing the muchfrightened animals about the benchesand shrubbery for nearly a half hourthe two managed to capture them andstarted in the direction of the stationhouse with the animals In tow It wasthen that Policeman Marks rememberinghis former occupation h the West con-ceived tbe idea of riding one of thesteers and promptly tried the experi-ment

Though somewhat surprised at the unusual occurrence the animals made noattempt to free themselves from theirraptors Up to late last night efforts tolocate their owner had been unsuccessful


Copy of Act Providing for Domini-can loon Received

The Bureau of Insular Affairs line re-

ceived a copy of the act paaaed by theCongress of Santo Domingo authorisinga loan under the provisions of the treatybetween the United States and SantoDomingo

The act authorizes the President ofSanto Domingo through the Dominicansecretary of the treasury to issue aadsell bonds not exceeding H900Q600 inUnited States currency bearing 5 per-cent Interest payable setniammally tobo redeemable in fifty years but

at the will of tile Dominican gov-

ernment after ten years at MBfc per centof their foe value The bonds are guar-anteed by the treaty and the customsreceipts are pledged to redeem them Thebonds and interest are exempt from

In Santo DomingoThe act further authorizes the Presi-

dent of Santo Domingo to designate adepositary and a transfer or registryagent A liRa agent will market thebonds and distribute tbe proceeds


Thought He Rqlla of French Warof IS70

Paris Oct The history of the war ofIs70 has long ago been written and placed-in its pigeonhole But is still araejtlife apparently In some of the shelte efthat memorable campaign At a villagenear Chartre two children had picked upwhat their parent believed to be anshell from the battlefield of Loigay of thl ro war

Tnfortunately the shell lied never beenexploded and a one of the littlestruck It with a It burst One ofthe children aged three years was killedinstantly and the other had bethblown oft and cannot live A wheelbar-row which had contained the shell wasblown ft atoms and a terrific commo-tion was caused in the neighborhood bytile violent report


Actor Victim of Street Car AccidentProbably Has Fractured Skull

Now York Oct Henry Clay Baraabee the retired operatic comedian for-merly of the Bostonians who wasknocked down by a street car last

ta in BeJJevu Hoplt l gseriously hurt that the doctors thoughtbest today to refuse admittance to mostof the who called to see htm

Mr Bftnsmbee suffered a slight hemorrhage at ears and

say may indicate that his skull isfractured



Rihave Lbs



the base





latenight lying

Ute this the doc-tors


ROOSVe1tll1flitS Bears













> ¬











Make Brief Stop nt Capital Todaycu Route to Jam c town

Once more Washington which has beenlit the lIT of the trust for manyw afc V will again feel the effects of aCiricagQ monopoly when those who havecornered the brain market of that citywill swoop down upon the Capital arriv-tttg at 10 oclock today on a special trainover the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad

It I the Chicago Press Club M strongwhich will do the iniltctlns thIs timeThey will not tarry long in city freal newspaper men aa they are scheduledto leave o the night boat for Jamestownwhere they are to be the guests of theexposition from Wednesday morning un-

til somebody sends them homeis OLeary or Chicago Day Just

because thirtysix y ars ago poor Mrs0Lary cow started that famous Chicap flee

There are some minor entertainmentsplanned between times for the clubsamusement Friday Is the big day be-

cause al the newspaper men and theirwives will journey to a winery near theexposition

Initial Trip Made Over NewElectric Line to Baltimore


Party headed liy General Mnnngcr-

SlmiinJinii Pnxlicd Over Route liyLocomotive Cur Shops at AcademyJunction Ylwlted Jaunt DUlled with


Luncheon at the New AVillard

needed by General Manager SbaaahanOf Baltimore a party L railroad meneoaatrnetioa agnteer and others fromWashington Baltimore and Aifnapoltayesterday made the Initial trip over thenew electric road now comple-

tion between the three citiesMr Shanahan of the Baltimore and

AanapoHs division met the Washingtonvisitors at Odenton with a train made upof a motor car a passenger ear equal inatat construction and equipment to theordinary railroad gar and railroadlocomotive

While the track is all laid with the ex-

ception of two short sections the roadhas not yet been equipped with trolleywires Consequently the locomotivepushed the train to within six miles ofBaltimore where there te a break Therun was made at easy speed to allowtime for observation and to avoid a pos-

sible mishap to new trackInspect Oar Shops

On the return trip a stop was made atAcademy Junction where the ear shopare located These are in a modernbuilding of reenforced concrete con-

struction are equipped with massivecrane aad other machinery to facilitatethe handling of the big care with steelforges and blacksmith and machine shopswhich will give employment to Ml men

After an inspection of the car worksthe party came directly back tothe end ofthe road on the bridge atAddison Chapel road near ChesapeakeJunction A special car awaited theta atthe junction and they through toWashington taking luncheon at the NewWillard

Manager Shanahan stated that It wasthe expectation to have the road in oper-

ation by December 1

Cars will run every halfhour at thestart and the schedule will call fbr fromseventyfive to ninety minutes betweenWashington and Baltimore This timewill be reduced to an hour as soon aspossible after the Inauguration of regu-

lar service and the schedule will be in-

creased to a car or train every fifteenminutes-

It Is the expectation of the management-to run trains over the tracks of the NewYork avenue line from Cheaaoeake Junc-tion to Fifteenth and II streets

where a station win be erected andaa sooaas a franchise can obtained terun them through to the Treasury on Gstreet

To Complete GnpAlthough at present the track only

within six miles of Baltimore the tracksIn that city are all laid and there isbut a short si to be tilled to reach tileheart of the city

Rate of fare between this city and Bal-

timore has not been decided upon but itwill be lower than the rates on the steamroads It Is planned to run two expresstrams every hour The line i doubletracked throughout


Public Service Will CallT vo Witnesses Today

New York Oct s The public servicecommission will resume tomorrow after-noon its investigation Into the InterboronghMetropolitan affairs It is saWthat Anthony N Brady and John BMcDonald will be called as witnesses

The commission wants to get some in-

formation from Mr Brady in regard toa payment of 1366000 for the Wall andGortiandt street ferries railroad Thisroad has never been constructed and itte said that there te an injunction in forceagainst building it Apparently 1004000of stock and 1003000 of bonds have beenissued against Its franchise rights

It was reporTed today that the com-mission desired to have Mr McDonaldexplain how It was that He happened-to switch from the Belmont to the Met-ropolitan Interests

Is your will made If soyou confident it will be

as you intend

You san be assured of this sadsloe of the wise economical andhonest administration of yOur

by securing the aW of tatscompany In drawing your win andappointing it executor There Isno charge for consultation nor fordrawing keeping will In whichthi company Is appointed executor

Northwest Corner ofth and Faniisylv nia avenue









arecu d




CIr IJ J agLI President




















Negro Attorney He Says

Took Bribe to Aid Teacher


wslstniit SupcrlntemlcMit of ColoredSchools WrItes to Cap Oyster 3Iul

lag Clmrgc AcciiHcd Man Deniesthe Stntcmeiit nml Will Dctmtmlthe DlMinlMsnl of the Olllclnl

Still another chapter te to be added totbe troubles which have bean Hcettmrtat

in eonneetion with the negro tcbootteachers and the negro schools The ballwas set in motion with the dlsmistmlfrom otace of Superviatng PrincipalCardoso of the Thirteenth division On acharge of alleged Insubordination andconduct unbecoming a teacher

After that a lot of minor difficultiesarose from the placing of negro teacherThen came the statement on the part ofDr Chancellor that the negro schools area bar to the of puWIschools

And now follows the latest additionCapt Oyster president of the board ofeducation has received a letter fromRoscoe Cockling Bruce assistant superintendent of the negro schools in whichIt is alleged that Calvin Chase a wellknown negro lawyer of this city liftsused his influence in the matter of ob-

taining a position in the negro schoolsfor Miss Srphax and according to MrBruce Chase accepted a remunerationfor the services thus rendered

Chase Makes DenialMr Chase last night emphatically de-

nied the charge of having received anymoney from Miss Syphax whom bestated he knew only slightly

He further intimated that lt wouldprefer charges against Mr Bruce withtbe board of education and demand hisremoval for making false statements

Miss Syphax said Mr Chase was nodoubt anxious to make an affidavit ex-

onerating him from the charges preferredagainst him by M r Bruce

Referring to Dr Chancellors arralwent of the schools Mr Chase said

We bad the finest negro school systemthe United States under John F Cook

Some of the best men and women in thiscountry have been graduated from ourschools under the anpertnttadeacy of MrCook The original light against enrjschool system was an attack upon MrCook by Dr John R Francis then amember of the school board

This was continued by hIs wife MrsFrancis and when Mary ChurchTerrell was brought to this city by DrFrancis and placed our schools as ateacher and subsequently as a trusteeand then as a member of the board ofeducation things became mixed Thegreat bar to the progress of tbe negroschools II not th negro but thenegro woman member of the hoard of

educationToAppeal to Congress

Cong as shall be asked tothe negro schools It will be estafctbthen that the fault i not withnegroes but with those who MV-isupervtakm of the Mbooi

I am QuitO that Utt na a feducation will not Indorse tho senderof Dr Chancellor The negroes willpermit this attack to go unnoticed

They cannot afford it If thethe Supreme Court will penult the

to select their school officials con-ditions will be changed in our schools Iwould like to ask Dr Chancellor in whatway are the negro schools a bar to theprogress of the white schools

Let Conareaa allow the negroes to runtheir own schools and be ot8c r d by per-sons of their choice and conditions willImprove


Thousands Abroad Enjoying BracingAir of Ideal Autumn Sunday

JAIl Washington Apparently TurnsOut to Stroll mid Get Close

io Xntnrc

Hats off ta the weather man for thatmtumKttx aed individual yesterday re-

trieved many past performances by pro-ducing right on schedule titus as hepromised a glorious day thereby eatab-liahing once more the confidence and es-

teem of hie fellowcitizensThat all Washington Vas appreciative-

of the grand autumn day wa evidencedby the throngs which crowded the high-ways and byways of the city throughoutthe day one seemed Imbued withthat spirit of energy which demands ac-

tion and a desire to get close to natureEarly in the day the exodus from the

beganServices at the various churches were

largely attended and the streets weretilled with citizens enjoying to tho utmostthe bracing air that reddened theircheeks and caused an unusually big

for the Sunday dinnerAutomobiles and carriages were brought

Into requisition by those fortunate enough-to afford them while others content-ed themselves with the trolley or astroll in the suburbs The Zoo was th

Meeea toward which many thousandturned Hundreds of children and fondparents viewed the animate Suburbancars were all crowded throughoutday


It is expected the National MetropolitanDMA wilt aide to mm late its sew buildingen Pitutatb stout iwit Mondfty

The Pauliet fathers have asked forSIMS and ecnVattoos for a new scbcwl IwlWlHg-on Ute ewwk of the GatboHe UirfTeisUy

Superintendent Woods of the Capitolhas liaoMnMiMlrrt that the BtatK ef WMkiDgtea OB

the ut of tile be rcnwHl indoors tothe National Museum to MI it from the weetiwr

Cardinal Gibbons will the fair tobe tffea br St Ietera Catbone church KecutA sadC Bttcets snotfaeaat this ia Ute b s m ntof the enarch etudes

The North Washington Citizens Assoetetkw wilt meet tonkdit bt the Parish Hall ef theChwek oL the Advent earner of Stcoad and UitieetB northwt to elect oftkers and consider otherwnixxtant bmtoeasm

The visitations by the officers of thepraM of the Independent Order ef Odd BW

Jnriadletlen of the Dietxkt of OalmnMo fortile rear W will eoaunenee tonight when Langdon Led No K wilt Jw paid a TMt and exanit-antkw of tbe work dons during tha p ni-yox Thou erenta win be oonttmed until eachsad ewT toJ ia this JwrtedkUoa bu bean TIledass eslned

TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAYTake LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tiblcta Droggfeta refund money if it falls to cure E WGROVES sJsnatere is on each box 25ou





















C i

1 I


















mayor helpless came whizzing alonglaughing merrily wire in their billet Ql-


In all Innocence the aw deputy mnrshalwa titling along that way at Ufo timeand with a quickening of breath anda sudden spurt he became lost in the dustcloud

After watching his speedometer for amile or more be dropped back end withhis camera attachment on the wheel took-a snapshot This performance was re-peated twentyone times just three bet-ter than the world record held by Col-lins the militant when he first jumpedinto fame as the captor of the DuedAbrucii The new marshal had no oppor-tunity of firing at the Shouts automobile-or catching the chauffeur of Baron Hengetmuller but his hopes and ambitions pic-ture even greater things A worlds rec-ord and that taken away from theTerror of the Conduit is no moan first

performance so perforce the deputy mar-shal U elated

Sixteen of these twentyone wore exee dlr g the speed limit by running fromIS to 32 miles an hour tad the oUter fivedisplayed no Maryland license on theirmachines

None of them was molested end theyall sped hack to the city also elatedHaving speeded through Glen Beho wasaa accomplishment to be boasted totheir friends

Several too were old offendecs ac-cording to Mayor Garrett and their lotwill not be aa easy one

I o not know just what will lw thepenalty for the second or third offensesaW the mayor signiAeantly Warrantswill be sworn out for all twentyfour of-fenders as soon as possible and I willendeavor to have them before the Mary-land grand jury

It la my belief that the Departmentof Justice and the national governmentare trying to defeat the ends of Justice-In Glen Keho and that aid bngives to the defense of charswith violating the speed limit For thisreason I want bring all the casesiNMfb to the higher sad will

the whole Department of Justicebusy defending them even the bit At-torney General

He IGxpIgiu SecrecyThat to why there was so much se-

crecy surrounding the appointment ofDeputy Marshal Noises He was un-

known even to residents of Glen Echoand BO one suspected him That la ex-actly what I pleased to show conclu-sively that just as soon as CoWs wasoft the job advantage would be takenof that tact and the Washington automobUists would begin to disregard thelaw as soon as I was helpless sad theythought they had me

It hi proven that I was right In thebelief that Collins had deserted me and Iwas helpless they aped by my house withthe throttle wide open and a defiant smile-

I also wanted to show up the mannerIn which Kaj Cosby marshal Mr Jack-son representative of the War Depart-ment on the road was enforcing the lawand to see whether or not the War De-partment was in earnest I not yetheard of an arrest by him I will con-

tinue to uphold the rights and the law ofthe town despite the efforts of tIM De-particoat of Justte and the national au-



Ma awl Mat In Disai taiusit C

the Rasfc command of Fred-erick Grant x will assume CeajtaurUkepoises on all the available plugs Washluau and start on a ftftwnnilU trtpthrough the trees fields of Virginia

No eulogies will be offered but eachofficer will be expected to have a tradelast for President It Is Mr Roosevelts order that men who have beenworking for years to their balanceon a swivel offlce chair will be compelledto undergo torture-

It was nothing more than a whim onthe port of the President declared

qualMed to know what the Presi-dent thinks

As the order was originally mad bythe President It applied only to oilieersof the line but the General Staff wenthim one better and made the order com-prehensive enough to include the staffofficers The President no doubt approvedthe amendment The General Staff is

up largely of young taosLivery men report an unprecedented

number of calls for saddle horses citybroke with rockingchair gaits and theindications are the city will betomorrow


Young Spouse of Hotel Clerk Arrest-ed After Kxcitinjj NeighborhoodCharged with having attacked her hus-

band Allen Greenhow 821 Sixteenth streetnorthwest a clerk at a local hotel with-a dangerous weapon Glenndola Greenhow his wife was arrested yesterdayShe was detained until afternoon and re-leased on a H bond

When tho alleged attack occurred about4 oclock Sunday morning It caused ex-citement in the neighborhood and for a

it was reported that a murder hadoccurred

Pedestrians in the neighborhood heardscreams and cries of murder coming fromthe house and accompanied by a motorman and conductor of an F street carrushed to the door of the residence anddemanded admittance

Allen Greenhow the husband of theyoung woman te said by witnesses tohave at the door partially cladwith several wounUs on his hand andarras A call was sent to the Third

station and in a short time Police-men Riley Billmon ami Stringfellow ar-

rived In petrol wagon The wife wasplaced under arrest and her husbandtaken to the Emergency Hospital wherean examination showed that he had re-

ceived ten or more slight knife woundsabout the hands arms and shoulders

None of the mans injuries was regarded-as serious and Greenhow was allowed todepart

Mrs Greenhow refused to make anystatement about the occurrence

October 8 1007 Remember lice date

BULLETINYo-ung Mens Christian Association

1736 G StreetOur Gymnasium classes

formally today at 3030 a mAVc have seven different indoor

room and fourteen outdoorcourts devoted to exercise

and play for menOur magnificent system of

TmtliH Is not equaled In Washing-ton i a Tnlunble ndjnnct inour scheme of physical training

And its all for your benefitMr City Man to help you keepstrong and well

Visit us tonightSeeing U belicvlneWell coiue







1 ii 0r

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under Con





bor shy








t ne1lv taeEd4


e 4e sa ea































HOLDS UP 125000

Meyer Suspends Payment to

Bartford Company


AccnMcil of Having WronfffnllyBencfitted for Pour Years 1 X Furnishlag the Government with InferiorQuality of Stock andlug tho Specifications

Postmaster Gen l M yr has sus-

pended payment of all moneys duefront department to the HartfordManufacturing Company of HartfordConn has submitted the matter tothe Attorney General for such furtheraction as may be deemed proper TheHartford Manufacturing Company up toJuly 1 supplied the stamped envelopesand newspaper wrappers sold at postoffices

It is stated that chemical analysis ofsamples have disclosed the fact that thecomposition of the envelope paper hasbeen below the requirements of the contract and according to the oompwtatkmsof ties experts of the Postoffice Department the company has in the last fouryears wrongfully beaAt d to the extentof about SMMi

of the manufacturers who suppliedpaper to the company has admitted ir Isalleged to ttw Postmaster Generalsagents that his Arm furnished differentand cheaper material then specMed in thecontract aad that It wa so made at theinstance of Hartford ManufacturingCompany

Suspicion arose several months ago thatthe Hartford company had boost using in-

ferior paper for some time and an exten-sive examination was required in order todetermine just how Soft the specificationhad been disregarded

During the investigation a new contractwas entered Into for supntytas ofstamped envelopes and newspaper wrap-pers with the Mercantile Corporation ofDayton Onto beginning July 1

Ax the Hartford company had carriedMMCcenrtve contracts for nearly thirty

years naturally there was no other plantin existence to do this particular class ofwork but the guarantees furnished bythe new company showing its flnanciilstanding and ability to obtain a plantpaper machinery a4 labor satisfiedPostmaster General after several weekspersonal inquiry in Washington sad

While there have hem some delays in-

consequence of the transfer and in equip-ping and Installing the nw machinerynecessary to tutu out the enormousamount of work required by the

reports from the government in-

spectors stationed at Dayton indicate thatthe new envelopes and newspaper wrap-pers will be turned out henceforth In suitable quantities and quality The productmust average nearly 4MNMM9 envelopesevery working day in the year

Of these 90 per cent are plain stampedenvelopes the remaining 71 per cent bearlag ta return cards names and art

rsspes of the senders The departmentrt Us orders of as few as HO of these

adel request envelopes and as a eona the number of distinct corner

Included In one days work oftenaches lilt

Carload of PaperNo less than a carload of paper a day

to used fat the production of the white 2

cent envelope which hi in the greatest de-

mand The two concerns mentioned woesthe only competitor for the new con-

tract the bid of the Hartford companybeing UKJK fussed on the basis theestimated quantities required during thefour years of the contract term whilethat of the Mercantile Corporation wasH2Wl teasUnder the speeMcatioag of the present

advertised January 34 MW andMarch 1 117 the formula as to

of paper was changed to a slightlylower grade a small proportion of salphite bring wed with the rag which doesnot affect the Weight or strength Underthe specifications of thr former contractthe Hartford Manufacturing Companywas called upon to supply allrag paper

During tbe lest few mouths of the con-

tract the Hartford Manufacturing Com-pany furnished envelopes up to the con-

tract requirements


Boise Idaho Oct Clarenee Darrow01 Chicago OMtmrfat a Menad todftrfur bon ta left ear mnnUtea WM

Aurora IlL Oct C The congregationof Pw R Akt CtaNk HM sims MM-of to m lar ta Mr Msttiwws-wltk which to boy ra ataaaefte in raoofBMan f

JoUst HI Oct Among a batch oftacUMBts Mtwwd OM mend jury todkrone acftiMt Beajradn F GraS a former MstMMiter lie to dteM with Mrtfeiag tasrauiM-ptIMra Mid sacartog PL GraS hi now fc jill

Bethlehem Oct the wholeof Ittstomi in LcUch County is Ill with

tjrjo4d fT r tnvnUf tioa hjr UK SUtafhealth Mthorltln IWOTM to b do te a pollutedatTCAHi from which the town get M M plr

Toledo Ohio Oct Mayor Whitlockhis destined the Denftende nomamtioB for Mkfor-

proond that the ooamtkm failed ta iodon theptteciiriea of the indepeodeDt purtjr

Judge Bundy of the United StatesBranch of the Police Oonrt be the printsv

at the ftmc MteUaf of the sear of theMeas dob of Trinity MethodIst Kpb or l lurchtide ertnlag In addition to the metingthere will be a nraifcal pTOsrnmmr

Statesboro Ga Oct tCone HAgaRa far lirtug seer and eight children arcmconickms as the remit of eating ice crew tawhich untamed milk bad teen need A phyridMfound all of them unoomckma Irons ptamatoe potsoniflK It k feared that of them will awTire Hagan te a widower

National Guardsmen teams from theMarine Corps Fort Mjer the Maryland NatJonalGuard and the Engineer Oorpa torn AVaahtngto-nUameks will begin the awna shoot on theCM KBH IleiaiiU rasp toMonmr There are nanr

he TIt oenteMs win be prosed with Ute Marcbante mid toe priaes donated br Wasbtneton-imrchinU

Portland ile Oct 6 Walter C Emers-on of this city Ins announced Ms oanHdaer forthe Republican GMgreaafcMl nomhiation in the hisThorns It Heeds oU district as a eonpoUtor ofRearcseataUre Asm Ix Allen of Alfred MrKnwnon waa a newtpaper coryupomknt in Waab-ineton for jreare and lea totely bent aanagtog aoraafacUirittg toftoets in Oakland Me


Budapest Oct A new angldch orarraiM n at between the kingdom and empire b sMea owohided altar a day of apparently hopelessnesoUatjoaa

London Oct L Baron Brampton whowas perhaps better known aa Sir Henry Hawkinsfw raasy years a justice of the high meet dW today

St Petersburg Oct 6 The authoritieshave ordered the coadscaUe ef Onset tarsbook entitled A ComparatlTe Sta4y of the Geepda

London Oct 7 A dispatch to the Morni-ng Post from Tangier says it is probable that therelease of Kaid MacLean will be definitely arrangedfor as far as RateeuU is oaneeiaed within fewweeks Raisooli reducing the raasom demanded from

110000 to about anothlrd that amount

October 9 1907t Remember the date





Began on






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wMAfavMttvy wAfawwnnM-t The Private Rooms in our new Fireproof Storage Building are taerovgaly5 approved by the Fire Underwriters

Founded 1861 F St Cor 11th iThe Moses Furniture and Floor Polishes prove absolutely satisfactory 5

A special wax preservative for weathered oak pieces

are selling these goods without profit this month in orderto get you to become further acquainted with this department

J Its one you should know Itll supply what want and saveyou money on it

Table Linens9 dos fc Fine Bleached Damask N

WM doz SpecialjUtMam Hemstitched Tea Clothfigured patterns sine

Towels Doilies CoversMB AllMaen Doilies Japanese handwork extra line quality Sine

f lnxli m Special eachAlllinen Japanese Handdrawn Covers stee 31x38 m Special

each P-

ADKnen Japanese Handdrawn Bureau Scarfs elaborate deatfns S-

Ste HxW in each 10U

Bed LinenH yd Hin AUUmm Sheetingvery Aa ottaJltr Special

yard A LL3 S-

Hxtt m Bleached Mohawk Sheetsftn sad soft quality muslinWJl Spectftl POC

We are selling Carpet Remnants lengths sufficient for at 2ijgrades of goods

W Moses Sons F Street Corner 11th5-



iSale of Table Linens and Bedding j

Ve i



3 59 ifa 90cSpecial eacb S

25c i



nee price

least one roomat the lowest prices weve ever On like




newest patlorasRig prime


i 50



Local Department Spiok and Span

Awaits Inspection by Visitors

el Kn v to Thirtyfourth Interna-tional Convention of Firemen to

Gather In City Today

the thirty station of the tire de-

partment everything to in readiness toreceive the visiting delegates to thethirtyfourth assail convention of theInternational Association of Fire Chiefsexpected here to4j

There has been great activity at all oftbe stations for several and all theapparatus lid equiuinent tbe stablesanti mens quarters have been put Inspick and span order An extra bit ofcleaning and aoHahlag baa been giveneverything sad today finds entiredepartment shining AH the brass workhas been burnished until it resemblesgold and many of the stations havebeen newly painted

Flags lid bunting have been drapedfrom the walls and emblems of the com-

panies have been put out for displayat many of the stations Several prom-

inent mereaants equally anxious to hayethe Washington department appear inthe best possible condition have donatedttajs and other decorations and havehelped the firemen ia many ways

It 1 expected that special interest willbe paid by the vfeUtag fire chiefs in theinspection of the Firefighter tbe stanchcraft which is always kept under steamon the river front

At building ia C street between9bcth and Seventh streets formerly usedas the United States naiil bag repairhop a display of firefighting para-

phernalia JIM been arranged by the nu-

merous imuratactartng companies abouttile country

Alarm systems ef most approvedslid recent pattern win be shown andeverything eWe ia the line of extinguishers and other apparatus will be on dis-play I

With the sounding of an alarm at Sev-

enth street and Louisiana avenue atoclock Wednesday morning those everready and anxious members of the foreethe horses will dash from their stallsand once fitted to their harness willlange from tbe stations and bring theirrespective portion of apparatus to thescene an Imaginary tire in recordbreaking time

October S 1007 Remember the date

Our New Fall Suitingswere never more attractive than this

season and our prices are the lowestconsistent with finest fabrics andquality tailoring

CTYour inspection Is Invited



ROOSEVELT GARRISON NO 74 Aand N U 1412 Pa ave Regular mus-

ter THIS EVENING Matters of specialimportance will be presentedSPECIAL MEETING OF JOURNEY1

man Plasterers Association MONDAYOctober 7 Business of Importance Byorder of Association M E GREENPresident oc 2t

Mr A If BUHDIXEWho until recently conducted a gentsfurnishing and hat business at 7th andVa ave sw and Mr W G Birch en

there with him have bout becomeassociated with

The Globe Clothing Company801 Pa ave nw

where they will be pleased to renew oldacquaintances ocaIt

G LEWISand Counselor at Law


HOSPITAL FOR ANIMALSNew ready at J11315 14th Phone X 15B-

DciiJ II tt Co Upholstering of nilkinds Slip covers Sfl0 9th nw M 6516

TRUNKS AND HARNESS REPAIREDWagons trunks harness and wheels atyour price HARNESS SHOP 13th and

H sts nw Phone Main 4JSm ocltfWatch Clock and Jewelry Repairing-a sf cWtr docks called for Del deUTored Ibeiai-applies Derelopiag and prinUag M BLUMBNFELD 2 i lUll t aw Phone N 4342 wS49-

ttsoirvExiusAt SUZUKI CO ISO F st nw

ecSMt Nordtiea-

IV S Tnppnn Jeweler und AVntchmnkerNow located at 803 G st Ouray Bldg

Our BOOKBINDINGfacilities are especially com-

plete assuring prompttory execution of all classes ofwork Fairest prices


That comply with the law ConsultFHED J 4K ajoiae aye BTT














Co Tailors







< ¬













Everything that goes onwith a brush

AGENTS607609 C Street N W

BeU i Goths FitIt ia M iu

Clothes ChatL-et me solve problem of good

clothes for you I dont charge ex-orbitant pricesbut I do Tine workend I can fit the hardto lit Suits to or JZdee


The Garlic Society of Wuhicgton will held anops MMting at Carroll Iiutitute

9d 9 ai I ittokLee of th T ain TIlE WOBLOg DgSJ

TO TMX CELT by Dr T J Sbalutt of Ott-Cattatte University Gaelic sjMftfcta fedx aaataand sing Adntafon ins


Christian Xanders

ehfedani Gin100 full quart

Imiorted in the wood 41net fntQ Holland UsesCfitd for kiilncy trouble

ly obtainable at

Christian XandersQuality QQQ 7i C Phone M 274


DIEDSaadar October ft BaL f-

atS Va HART KLnUBETB view t Br

BRYANFriday October 4 VK J p awPRAXCKS JL BKYAK I Of tk-TlMotfcr X Md PHUMM X Sou f

FMM imieei be beM t 9t fetal Cbanh-w Mood y October 7 at ff Jl av

Uoiri FloMdplttB-CIMRKB0 FrfArny Oetotar i OK t 9M

MAE helmet of Xftotd A ant Tkgiant Chrk-

Fiweral Moadv Oetaber 7 at fcmholy Neon cheek ben icquta MM wB W-MMmted for the sepsis of h r MaL Ifktaaisad rrUdwes are Issued t lataaMM


JOHXSOXOn Saturday Oetatar a at 131 p m-

AVILLIAX CAREY JOHXSOX takerrein MB of Locxeda nest sad tb isis Qot-JohoKM of Fmfctfcfc at tile inllnifikit nether im Ca reh time

F o nl tfrdct at Oak Hal lapel Vnafternoon at S dock IstiimaiL printo Mt-inora Pkaaddpaia and N r Ytt pipfeaMOon-

jrMULLBX0 ItaMar Oateatr Ml at MO-p R r WILUAX C MULUW ki lee

Puafrtl tam UaMUm X E-

af tenMon October 7 at 2 oekckP-Ubufefefefc aad New J

RAYOn Friday OcMtK 4 M at I aMARY RAY wife of M Rw

Funeral tom Be Stapbms CWidiOctober nkjk MM at S lock

KYANOB October i mr PATRICkbetortd boaband of Mary Ryan

Fwnenl hun bIn late icakknoe M Hdskteetdarise aortkwHt on Tanday I at 9

w lUquiew aaw at tile Ctarek of CItelaaacuhM Conorptlon RetatHei ant fttaai-M respectfully insist to attend Ji

Mount OiiTct


GEORGE P ZURHORSTaoi East Capitol Street


Mil 7th st nw Telephone Mats NRL


Artistic Floral DesignsBLACKISTONES

Phon Main 3W Htb anti U ow

FUNERAL FLOWERSOf Eiery DescripUonJIodwateJr Prktd








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