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n TRE WASHINGT N RERALD TUESDAY APRIL 9 1901 i J I J I Departmental League Adopts Schedule SEASON WILL OPEN MAY 6 Last Regular Game Will Be PIned on June 28 Which Will Give Tennis an Opportunity to Play Oft Postponed Guinea Ilefore the Pot neasoii Series Begins The board of governors of the Depart- mental League met JR Secretary Weeds room in Ute Department of Commerce and Labor buiMtiig yesterday afternoon end adopted a schedule jOt season The playing season will be tbe shortest in the history of the league the schedule comprising only forty games The recent withdrawal of the War team leaves only five clubs in the league against the eight whteh formerly com prised the league The roster of the league now includes Interior Post office Commerce and Labor Treasury sad Agriculture The league will have the services of Billy Betts the premier local umpire sad wilt be permitted to use the White tel Ellipse agaJu so that on the whole things look pretty bright for the clerks The first game will be played on May C between the Poetoffice and Interior teams and games will be every- day but Saturdays from then to the end of the season June 28 No allowance ha been made for the playing of postponed games all such having to go over to the end of the season For this reason it te ftued that tbe league teams will be playing up to the Ifith of July Aggies Lose Stars It te impoaaible at thIs time to any predtcXtejfi aa to the outcome of the race but it tar pretty safe to say that years pennant winners the Apiculture team will not be nearly as strong an aggregation as the team that wrested the District championship from the pick of the Marquette and Capital City leagues There 1s a well defined rumor chat to the effect that the Farmers will not have the services of Winston Wijey Doyle or Weber With these stars out of the line up the team will have absolutely nothing- on any nine in the league Tbe tip of Weber quitting the game te more than a mere rumor for the hard hitting back stop has stated positively that such would be the case In the that he does not change his mind Sanders the star Klabman of the Agricultural team will undoubtedly suffer Sanders had a rood record while tossing them over for the Farmers but without Weber at the re- ceiving end of the battery it is extremely doubtful that Sanders will play the game he did last year In fact the whole team is due to suffer should directing hand be missing All the teams are out for prac- tice but the Commerce and Labor team has probably worked more than any of the others Capt Kinney baa had the boYs out several times and says they are all going nicely Secretary Straus pro teges will bear watching this year Walford the sporting goods baa donated a silver cup to be awarded to the pennant winners and Hickman A White have offered a pennant watch te to fte- omaahe absolute property of tiw leadtor tea The Sahcdule AMATEURS the as played make laM event Weber getting firm DATES FO a V ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ May 6 Postofllce vs Interior 7 Com- merce and Labor vs Treasury S Pot oilier va Agriculture I Interior va Com nurce and Labor 10 Treasury vs Agri- culture 1 Poejtomce va Cram rce and Labor M Interior vs Treasury 15 Com merce and Labor vs Agriculture 1C Post office vs Treasury 17 Interior vs Agri culture 20 Commerce and Labor va Treasury 21 PoetoMce vs Interior 82 Agriculture vs Treasury a mIstier va Commerce and Labor 21 Postoffice vs Agriculture 27 Interior vs Treasury 2- 8Postoffice va Commerce and Labor 21 Interior vs Agriculture 3 Decoration Day open U Poetofflce vs Treasury 3 Poetoffice va Interior 4 Com- merce and Labor vs Treasury S Post office vs AgrIculture t Interior vs Com- merce and Labor 7 Treasury vs Agri culture 10 Poetoffice vs Commerce and Labor 11 Interior vs Treasury 12 Com- merce and Lab6r va Agriculture 13 Postoffice va Treasury u Interior vs Agriculture 17 Commerce and Labor vs Treasury IS Postofltoe va Interior Agnculture vs Treasury 30 Interior vs Commerce and Labor 21 PoetOffice Agriculture 24 Interior vs Treasury Postoffice va Commerce and Labor at Interior vs Agriculture 27 Poet offloo vs Treasury S Commerce and Agriculture DOWN THE ALLEYS NAVY YARD LBAGOB DEPARTMENTAL LBAQUB- Agfje tot M 3d Bwteaa ut Lmi S 3 rake M m taI 177 eld SB HI S nrdte in- ToUb LMT 8H 793 Totals CHURCH LCAGUB Sulk Ut M 3d Westmr Jg TM Bitttaaer Ut IW Welts MKerieher IX 17 M7 tniureh m a IM UtehneM- Kly rotted third same tot U 34 UC pj ToW 8N ill 7t- tLankcr Wins Chess Match New York Aprfl 8 The chess match for the ohamptonship of the world Dr Smajiuel Lasker and Frank J Marshall which was begun at the Thomas Jefferson Building Brooklyn on January 26 was concluded at th Everett House Eighteenth street and Fourth avenue in this city this afternoon when the cham- pion scored Ma eighth victory after thirtyseven moves The final score Lasker 8 Marshall 0 drawn 7 Modern Woodmen to Meet Washington Camp No Wtt J odern Woodmen of America win hold an open meeting with the Royal Neighbors ef America at Typographical Temple April 11 at S oclock in honor of Mrs B D Watt supreme oracle Royal Neighbors- of America the supreme board of man- agers R N A and Hon Edward F Burns national lecturer Modern Wood men of America Addresses will be aa one of the enticing features of the evening and a musical programme will be followed by a reception to the vis- itors All Modern Woodmen of America and friends are invited I SAW YOUR AD IN THE HERALD June 1 Commerce and Labor vs VII 5 End S 1It K M Hn I II I JW I II ftrf c Scbaer 1It u Jt I I JS I I JM I IJr Juher Tote ltAII St Jolla let 3d I Itt ilL 3d Bwber Dr 1311 er D- III It iii 1f2 111 JM oel 1M In UI 1M Tot III 111 bet- ween Is del- ivered Agri- culture 1 Labor- S mis trdsgs- Wsre i0 10 143 1 Totals 10 70 21 Gooses 172 10 10 lii Lest 01 10 10 10 Spies 10 10 21i 1 10 1 10 1010 10 131 10 10 10 Of Ut 10 0 FIfth ses Uuth1 01 Banksis 10 klths4i ItT Wtead 1 4 ttL 10 Oiuft ia 10 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < = = = = = GEORGETOWN PREPS WIN Hujtlly Defeat Washington School Team by 15 to I The Georgetown Praps had little dim culty In walking away with the Wash ington School for Boys yesterday by 11 During UM flrat two Innings the teeme to be evenly matched but the AVest End youngatera had opponents beaten the fifth when they scored seven runs on two passes one bin gle and four errow The feature of Ute game was the show- Ing OConnell made on the rubber for the Prepa He not only held the Wiscon- sin avenue lads down to one hit but also fanned eight of them The aoore e t 1 1 M 1 1 s i M rf i I 1 1 B- S IM t I L i i- u i i Totals TM 8 4 Preps 8 6 J 1 7 1 I Wais un Sekeel ll KMMd reM Pr r L Pint tee errors Preps T WasWdgten Scion X Left em Pjepg T A Heteeten Seboal L Pmt Vaee CIa baoaOff OOmiMr 1 a 2fser J oil McCart ass 1 iMdBGB pKebfdIlj OCenaer 8 by Ke- ssr I by MeCartaey t flits BMdeOff OOotmer 1 eT MaMT 6 off MeCaTtmr L Stnek ootBy- OCamer I by Mosoer 4 by McCartney X- ThreebsM hUTttmie Twobase hitFlowerreee- VcrUm hitOendora Stolen baMBUaMMnd Q CittaMUsic W Mtm I Candoya Cewntr 9 Co ao W OCosmer mba Lwrls FWwerree HK- by p tefcrnsr OOetmer L Wild pitdiMeCar- tey Psd baUftUHu I UafcitoeMr laltau This of gaaael hour and minutes GEORGE WASHINGTON WINS Hatohetit Defeat Davidson College by the Score of 4 to 2 Carr Iloliln Southerners to Four hits While Doyle and Campbell Carry Off Honors in the Field Sfteelal to Toe Wall Herald Greenesboro N C April 1 The George Washington University baseball team showed a marked improvement today and defeated the strong Davidson Cal iegs team by 4 to 2 Carr of G W U had the NortH Caro- linians at his mercy and pitched a mas- terly game allowing the college boys only lour hits He was supported la Hue shape by Steveeon Me catcher The winning team Is developing rapidly under the en ergetic coaching of Dig Cy Cummings T HatcheUteB played an errorieee game The work of Doyle and Campbelr a feature The team te doing nicely and will play Davidson College here tomorrow Gee Wash KH OAK I X H OAX 1 S I Johnson 1 I J J 1 w ft j 1 1 J C II S- ff Been If MeB ef Hester ef 1 I Doyle 3D 1114 Ik Strwosim 1 1 l Ill Pair rf I Caw p 1WI 431 IT 4 TOM e t I e i i- f i a BMM Mswaeora WjW tw 1 lInt hue on- baatOC Osrr 1 8 r eBy Oarr f by Sea load L Twrts MtDeyte SaeiWe aHlfeHer- atoim bases Dele awl finest OoaMe pbo Mer te JMei te Reid Iaseed ball Btennse- nSIARltfAGB 1ICBNSBS seemed their tree 11IJtI It II 0 A W Y PS J Ii- 8i 11 1 S tIi 1 t 1 Thial 1 UI15 J 11 1 1 was l 1111 p tit NaIl 4 UUIi s Osesus 81 TIllIe el r tel after UUQA1 tIC SCirOIrnrceip nRd 2 I 3 S IC Oleuiairp2S4O wierfSlllS J1 C S S C I let hem 0 Dev C 4 Ie CCIII lb 11011 lull toMshues1 1 S S 1 I 10eeIe 11311 I I iI- I flm ieea1 hIur sad I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Harry B llaneer X fteacM X Paris 9- 1Br Oeerse K DaOcy- MBeaA I KUweU M asS Mary Ckifc 2 Be K Irvtae O He4r II a4 BaUly Fee Sa both ef- WimsniapnH Pa Her F D IVrar Pest lTrry Zl sad U BM X K Ber- H L BMsseHes Harry K Oorke ef PuHatan sad Ma- rian J Araastnec X of 3ttmprB6 Xd liar John U Laaaoth- eUter Gary and Mary W Beetlett both of RiensBond Va lies J B MetaosaNa- WSltaBt sad Mails Keflr f BsW more Md Her II Schroder Bernard OaNaafeer cad limits Pnnea M both of Hstthnor Md Bev Theme K MeOwasau John C Witenaaer K bed Aneat M flick la leak ef HaHtwore Md Her J C IrrtM Hany g ileaaMsen 4 ef IMtkaor Met and O 4t R r B W L wrs COLORBD Jean Cvnmimti aai M ws S Bw ThwM sad Ulisrca Jesse S Ber A Vavmakc- Hataeniet Brian M and Maiy OohMsa 3t KeY REAL ESTATE TRAXSPBUS- Warten street northeast between B asS C street John D It nx ta Mug Nbbt pert original lets S sad 7 goitre Mat HL W drHBt ftanMfa H It nx to Robert If Haaard tot J bleak f HX- ABey between Third sad Ptonrtn F and 6 streets nortbeastMary J Homer et rtr Edwfa P to Taaeaaa W Smith right of way san part lot 31- qawre T78 64 1arttenOwar X Bryant at ax to K Geese lot sad put of Oorier etreet JnX H street nnthwest Between Fourandahalf and Stub HretUJsn Kilps trick to Wfiliaai L SgBhnn part tot M square 4T JM Bemta capital sad X ttrcetc JaMM T irosMns It to Gearce C Colltes lot US aquar Jet N strut northwest between Thirtieth sod Snt atreetaCari B KefmtdR et ox to A Roth pert lore K and TC square Kx M Q street MrUnrestJoserjh A Roth to trI B Ksfentern lot 9 nare 1S91 JH TMrtrteaend SRI Q street northwestMartha P Kite et TIT Charles W to Lit G X Nichols lit 48 swan lfl Ne 1K North capitol streetOaarles If Katy et MX to U sad Annie Holland lit 118 sejnare S Jst- Xa 4K JittbmMi tirt i trr 1 Tr xm 1 Charles to Frederick Fietoker jr part lot 91 Anaeaatia H- iNa 1W N street aerthyBstThaaiu PweeH eM tor to Frand H Drown part orferml lot 8 6vs ra ai 1104 Not 1HS Pint street aorUiwceUVltr A S ndn It aL to Alice n Pleat lot aaimr U Fort Additten to ItreeklandKdward W It uz to Harry H WKaun lot U Heefc H JH- Ne 13M B Itreet ontaeatWOUa B Syphx to John F Hermann lot B sqnare MaT 11 TSirtytWrd and Prospect streets J Ceat et as to JUrssret A and Marion Berry lot Sf satwre 189 W- Addtti to Belalr HeiEhtaLonia A Coobdaw It nc te VBllim H CoolkjRf lot 31 bloc 8 M Peaatyhejtia na soociteMt tetveen Thhteenth asS Fourteenth MreataChria Cnx Damon to Lieu B Oodfrey lot aojnare H Twcatyarst street northwest between II and I streets AMbe L Bioeee to Jane O Holms lot 41 square MS fte Henry B Blteoe et at to BUM part original lot 13 MuTe M JH No 13T Twelfth street northeastMieb J Keane to Oar T SU urt lot M n r MI M West Woodridirt Henry A Vieth It at to Charles W Hendnson lot 1 Neck S- Xo 1 Trrentysfoand street N Whitney It UL to Arnold Aipia aad Jobs K McXally trustees lot 136 sonare ajee BenoDorah Thames et aL to Charles Henry Maekall lot 3V Week i I street aortbost between TUrteentti all F or teenth ctreetsnobsrt X KeOisen to Frank P Sheeny part lots 18 SR M cqwre UK JH Meant Ptwunot and PtsaMat Pl hw Harry Ward BUB to WlllUm T Pollard lot 11C Week M nt Ltaoofo TBOBHW Grandy It nx to BIt Oilmen lot M seetteB J- Sre Ui street aertBMst between B and F atrevte Heiea C Rlehaiead to John B BteMeld ffl aad M sqnare 882 W Le Drsk P rkl r id Beslter te Jaretta WWta tot X Week 3 M- iNe lOt FosrteeaUi street AB tIt to Oartea W PaWs lot 9T MWSIB 306 JsJ Largest Morning Circulation All advertising contracts made by The Washington Herald are based upon Its sworn cir- culation in Washington larger by thousands than ever before at- tained by any morning newspaper- at the Capital Its are open t W t II II A III R A 2S mrs Well 2f IlL II J IDS S SUit Joseph B it IL S rata Man DOItb a 81 II It circulationa sal Meat lee 0 0 0 hoc Las Geld Jame Shakes MiSer Santa Mow Thin 0 20 11 sit 11 Iota nedbweeLDw wits ¬ ¬ DAILY COURT RECORD Monday April 8 lOOT Supreme Court of tile United States Preswt Th Cbtef Justice Mr JuMice Hnrkn Mr Jostle Brewer Mr Justice White JutUee- P l ai8 Mr Justice MeKwua Mr hinder Hotan Mr Junto DMT sad Mr Justlw Meedy Gbufc H BesOt f ChieiGa 111 hear M Jordan of Chicago Ill Jam Jar lUcks f Chi- cago IU Tenser ef WteSeM Kong CM R ChtatUom of Ohtoaco Many A Lisle of Cute IH Dsajtiaia D Wart LoukriH Kir Frank Coy AUto ef HoUy N J J W Canute f Measabte Miteafann C Weed of Marion a CL O W Cottrell of Ckftteud Ohio were admitted te prwtk- No Metropolitan Life lowreaw Company of New York ptatatHT in mr T Tfc City New Orleans et aL ta errer t SeprsiB crt of the State ef Loutelaa tadeaustt fflnaed with eMs Opinion by Mr bedim Moody No JW Mean Meyer Co plaintiffs hi error v Campbell ft Go Taoco la mar to the 8 praC- toMtof Uw IWipota Means jadfBMBt aflnwl with en ant toteiest OpJnleu by Mr Jnttte Moody HI Mary Ami Qutaten occntrix w Or et- Cenatjr Kentucky OB a certificate Sees Uw United State Circuit Court of A tar the Sixth Ca oak Bteand Question answered fat the aBtemattre Opinion by Mr Justice Moody No M Jroqnote Trantportatten Company efeim ant e plaintiff ia error H De and- Iron Company cut No tO IroQaota Transportation Ocmpany dalm ant t plaintiff in error T 0erg W et L in error to the Supreme Court of tile State of Mfehfeu judgment amrmed with cost Opinion by Mr Justice Day No VS Augusta A Ictenon et al plaintiff hi error TS Cktaig Itoek sad rae Hallway Company in new to the CtroHtt Cant of the United States for the Northern dtottkt of Tines judgment natrmtd with coot Optaian by Mr Jut tile Dy Dtentfog Mr Ohtef Puller tad Mr hashes Moody No at W Dine Limited patent T Cltaton J Hutchin trusts an al firm Ute Court of Territory of Ha 4i dwe milled with eats and came naiaiirltia for far- ther prooMdtef hi omiarmity with tile opMa ef this east Opinion by Mr Jwrtlce UohMa No SX D rid KawaMMkoa et aL appellants n Bkn Albums fMybtoBk e et at appeal flora the aaprem Court of the Territory f OaseS dtcwe attnud with ewu OptoAn by Mr hamlet Hohnea Mr JnaUoe Harian eonevn in the anSi Xa Ul Clarence I ROOM appellant ra The New York Cotton Exchange appeal Zoom the Ocatt ort of the United Slats for the Weatom dieMA- ef Tenatiui aMm d with anti Optetoe by Mr Joatioe McKeona- No ML The Mercutfle Tnnt CompaAy phttatiff- m moor m MdriUe D Homey the Omit of Appeal of the DIMMer of Me almintiO with eoeta Optahv by Mr Jnetiee- IVehtem Mr JaMb Bnwcr took M part in the dillon of thIs ea No L Addlwn JehMoa allOt uri mMw f the State prboa of the State of New Y k at Stoc- 9eag apfwDaat T Chariea U Biewne nt al tan the Owsutt but of th U ed the Hoothem dtotrict of New York tad onto aibMd with ants Opinion by Mr Jaatko PtekheM Judo Moody took no in the tontidtiaUen or jecieioe of tUa eaae No a of October thee OIl GSa ReM Meeer lair and Irrigation COOMHW ai eftant The Water Company petttfon for a nheadnc de- nied Opmion by Mr Justice BTCMT No C U alliaty e et aL ppdMata ra William O iteith tmte et aL avpeal tan the feprame Coat of the Territory W ItawaA de- cree aftimeil with eoeto OphAm by Mr Jwtfc Brewer No W let M Fluids pHMiff m user w The United state te ewer to of Ap- peal the Dmtriet of OoeomMa petition for writ of ecrtiorart denkd sat sell of sue iHrnrimrl for the want of oriadietion Opteaan by Mr JneUee Brewer Mr Jmtiee Whit ceamwi hi the jodt nest No ML lame K Swiss tiMe Ae pwmttt te error m The Wean Lumber Cmnpaw te error to the Sinn mil Coavt of tile Stats of Mfchi eta dimaimed fur the want of farteyktion Opinion by Hr Jaatke Pun No I Idwwd J Ieary tlatetlf te error ta- Netada N fMranahan ta error to the Circuit Court of tbe VillaS Stats far th eVmthem UtetrkH of New York tadament aCrmad wtth mete Opteeon- by Hr Chief Jvtttet Fuller Mr Jostle Me- KemM coocvra te the roaSt Mr Jmttee Moody took no put te tile dictuM Mr Jaatiee and Mr Inure Hotewt apedaUy omeontec Chief Jortiec also mnoagartd the tnBowtei- ofdcft of tbe court Xa OS John Xdwnrd MeOmty appeUant w The United Stales appeal tile Circuit Court ef IJntod Mute for Nortboni Dtetrict of the authority of Chaee m Veiled Slates W U mKo Jff Mcxiemt Crnwrri Itaihnr CsmpMiy Um lead ra J W Kenrnw vwrdten t na ttfleate tram tilted dtmdt Onort of- AppeeJa lie the IVth deanS fro lease 11 IlL at Thai aM of Ute k No Leery Porte HIt Tire IslaNd Win tile w- It > Oil pert ft Gila II I tile Idle The tile lbs for of elf lbs Blair h Ill 4 eis Jetties dens In I Slat fur Cant Ivan want rhdiitM irs I it c I eu eau ¬ taI Central National Kaflroad cpu lit U M No L Win D aMid et at appeflauU m Leo V Yonncwnth United medial No OS Warren OiHUro It pprJIanta n V Youtworth United State medial and No Ue K ben appHUnl i K 2 Oehorne United State marahal San tile Court of the United fltetea fig SmUhern district of CaUfonte Mai mime ntcrmd with emta and of appMcattoaa on the antteritj of Tint ky ra TreeS Ac wadded at that term No 1 original The State ef New Jereey earn pktteant ra Th Otte of Ocbvworc coSineS that rite ban on th complainant to can by April why not h dtemtemi- No 3L John Newtim VSItematm pktetW te error The United State nellie te adviser ranted ami amigwad her artmmmt on th already set down for that dip No NT Wtniam If mao pmtetiff te error Th United taI Noa PM W and ML Basins Dfmtoc Com- pany plamttf te error r The United Stetea No mT M amt M Hay State Cun- pany plaintiff in sew n The Called Itetee- mattena to advance gtantoil and CBM a lined to be heard u on erR on Friday April tins to ha Hmited to cue hour on oach tide or may aubmttted on toWs to be Lint on er helms Mill No Of IU m P D Taylor prtUfaner M The United State motion ta adams granted sod earn aaefened to b heard on ameS Monday of die next tern after caeca already mt down far tireS dip No Ot Timothy P PaddeH plaintiff te error Ta The City of York motion to aSian de- nied without pujudto- No OL W Kebjey Katz petit texr w Arthur K Brown aarrirtee roaerrer t pctitten for m writ of orrtkmri to the United Staler Cfearit Cost of Apprnk for Third mealS denied No iatiabeth J Weed petitioner w DMnp tHbmeiekabet KJoebenhara petittae for a writ of- oartfenri to th United Sister ChantS Omit of Ap- peal for the Third cIrcuit tIe Nfc ML SmokeleK Fuel Company petrdmmr w Samuel H CottreD Son petMmi for a writ of ocrtfcmi to the United States Cireidi Cost of Appeal for the Fourth chantS denied No m Joe Parolee pfalntM in error T The United states Motion to dtemtei or amrm or ad vance submitted by Mr SoHdtor General IIi ta rapport of motion sad by Mr A II Drowse sad Mr Alex Britton ii oppaeitten thereto No S John M PMmeter phteOT in error a Th VeSted Motion to diimtet or aShy or advance submitted by Mr Solicitor Genital Hoyt in support of mottoo No m A R Stuart piatetiff is error n The Urtted States Jlotlco to dhmtes or or admire anbmittcd by Mr SolicItor Gvaeral Hoyt te support of mottoes and by Mr W Dadtey and Mr IX T Mtcbener te oppMttteii thereto No NicboiM Aroeo phlntiS te error w The United Mellow to dkmiM cr amrm or ethnics admitted by Mr Soldier General Host te support of jaottont No W W lid 189 Prank de U Carrte ton pwutiff te error TS The United aIsle MotioM to SIestas or aShes or adrance by Mr SolIcitor Genial non in support of motinM and by Mr K A BalHoffrr te nppoeitioR thereto No o Socttd Park Natfoaal Beak of Orfttend Ohio H aL petitioners vs Union Tnttt sad De- posit Company trustee Petition tor a writ of err tiorarl to United States Circuit Court of Ap peals for tiM Fourth circuit sattntitted by Mr Charles D Meniek for the petitioners and by Mr B M Ambler for tbe respondent No mt Catherte J White neoKrir A pe titioner TS The PenHcylranta Railroad Oampany and No m Catherine J White executrix ttttener T Steen Parry Duet Philadelphia PeUtten for a writ of ctrtterari ta United State Circuit out of Appeal for the Reseed dr- cnit sntenitted br Mr U Roy 3 Gore and Mr JJ Maoklte for petitioner No flap Prairie Irrteatioa Company pen ttener T lUchard WOOS et aL petitton kr a writ of eerttarari to the UsHed Stales closeSt Court of A peat for the Fifth dfmdt soiU d by Mr lUnnis Taylor Mr A L JaefcMm ansI Mr n M Qanroed Sow tile petttioeer No Standard OH CampeD petitioner T Bdward AMerica iietHtea for a writ of certiorari to the United States Circuit OneS of Appeab for- th Stand circuit suhmMied by Mr Chide W Puller for the petitioner No MS Robert T NeSt e petitioser The Union Bnk of KSOM city Mo petition for a writ of otnlonrt te the UsUad States dreutt Court of Appmb her the Pith sheath sub MiteS by Mr B C liraod cdmrjr Jet Ute peti ttoner- No 37 ImerkaB Tobacco Coapaw plaintiff la error n BaD AVcrekmettier aad No 38 SOS WerckraeiMer plaintur ia error TS American Tobacco Compaay motion to adranee submitted by Mr Fritz von Brtwen for Werek meister No 80S TV CleTelaad CliS Iron Company peti taMer TS The East Items Mining Companj pet tins for writ of eertiorari to the United Stilt circuit Court W Awjeals for the Elsfath circuit Sib ute u u aigaway 01 M a- LI az tile w with t to romsal to I of tile seat tM lee the the Itt iOns W 5tI Wed the he pe The tile IS w National i is an miter ness 10 Slates 5 bruit mu daeittees d22sr pe- tkheera veoeetvsb itthaa iwuiudau it dime s > me should vu man sued 35sday tees after mae vs Deed Ii mars 0 Few State Stasis o Iii teSty 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ mitttd by Mr G W CtttreU la behalf of Mr W P Beiden for the ptHiB r and Mr J b- Wajhburn for the respondent No ML Troy Wsfon Woiks Gmpaay ptUUoncr- TS Howard L Hancoek traMee petition for a writ of certtorari to the Valid State Cbeult Court of Appeals for the Heveath elitiSt submitted Iw Mr Dane B Pox te behalf of Mr Charles Marttedale and Mr A W BoUctoy toe the petitioner and by Mr lame W Noel tot UM respondent No m FrederIck SeymOur mrriBEton pJUalW in error w Tbe State of Missouri notices to dis ala or aShes submitted by Mr John I in behalf of Mr S Hadky te support of ototiOM- aad by Mr William O Johwaente opposition thersto No SW Jockey Chub phtettff te nr T tate of Mtewuri te the relation ef the attor- ney motteM to dkmis or cOrny sutottted- r hoary W te oppoaitiaa tberetn No W DamacU Howard administratrix- nlatethT in error The IHteob Certral Railroad et aL and No Mi N C Urookf admteWratrU e te error rs Swithern I adwe Company ordered to b heard a on sass and mis half hour addi- tional time allowed eaoh on uniSon of Mr AteHMder P llnmrey for the defendaiit te error te N No ort Ex part In the waiter f- Pcmando Vaaquez Momtei It aL peUttnuws settee tar to 81 petition tar an appeal wbfflltted by Mr H B Smith for pttittenm No ML County 01 PresidIo Tin petitioner TS The NodYounc Hood and Steak Company pe- tition for writ of oertterari to th tiMed State Careuit Court of Appeals for the Fifth etrowit sub- mitted by Mr Gean X Ktac te behalf of Mr T J Dean for th petitioner and by Mr Millard Pat ten for tbe respondent ML CUr of ChfcaaB appellant vs Chteaa- Biihmy Company appeal from the Uncoil of the United Staten for Northern dls tiM of imnots decree revmed with on of moor and egosent of rnuix and remanded for further preaetdtea acoordtez to law on motion of Mr John P Wilson for the ap pills No m Isis Bravo et at ic appdhnte ra- BMtH Gomes et aL appeal from the Datriet Court It the United State for the district of Porto Rieo- oKmttefd per stipulation on notice of Mr Pmkrie D MeKenaey for the appellee No m School District No a Dakota Cmwty Near petitioner TS Kdwntd II Chapman et aL admtetelratofs petition for a writ rf eertterari to Untied State Ctreadt Court of Appeals for- th Ktehth drcute suhmslted by Mr Frederick U MeXeoney in behalf of Mr Klhert H Hubhard for the peUtioner No m The Ueutoeh Leant etetemnt No 7t The Oentach Lcraote oMaaat- c petitioner T Constant ins S Otlanorww No em Th Deutache tenant lADe dateiant- AA petitioner n Th HiUs pius Co No elf The Dentach Levant Lies ekiman- tto petitioner T The National Board of Marte Underwriters sod So OT Deutaeh Lrturto Lisa cmtamNt ire petiUoner T WUHam H Harris petition for of certiorari to th United Status Circuit eon ef Appeal tar the Second circuit submitted by Mr PreSide D McKnmer te SMelt of Mr Harrington Putnam far th petitioner sad by Mr Lawtesm- sKnedand for th mpondenta No ML Hammond Faaktec Compaay pMtetifl te Judtoml Court of State at Maamchu attn contimsane set aside sad writ of emr dv- mhwd with ants pet stipulation No W Matehridfl W Hurdiek appetlaat w William Dillon et al a eal tees the United Stats Circuit Court of Appeals for First circuit lit mtemd per stipulation No 7t Texas sad FaMe hallway Company pktetUT te error TS Des Small te sear to the United States Circuit Court of Appeal for the Fifth circuit dtewimad with mae on motion of ucmnsil for plaiutiff te error No st arteteel Xx parte In netter si James FoWls petitioner Argued by Mr Ro er Fester for the petitioner and by Mr Bath Tatawt for- th icqiondent No m Robert M than pmtetif fa mix T- Chtaato Burttofton and lutecr Kaflway Company Submitted by Mr John G Johnson and Mr Flea P Prttcnard for pmtetiff te error and by Mr- Prands Bawl for defendant te error No lit Samuel B Kaymond County Trmenrer- Ac et at appellant n Chte Cnten Traction Company No Bemud B Baymond County Tnamnr- tc et aL apprOant Cfateaf Bdiaon Company No m Semud B Baymond CraMp Treasurer e rt al sppeUants TS CMcaao City Compam- Na 7 nemnel B Baymond County Treaenm- rt et al appeBanta m The South ChtetBO City BaOway Cosapany No ffl Samuei B Kara GUll County Tie sum c et L sppslteiHs m he 1mndei Oo Ush- tt et aL appriarms Tt Chtew TatejauMM Cnm- pany sad Na OL Samuel B LetS IL tar hobo LoU ia behalf of Yr IL S 1111- IIer sappit of OM and lt1 co to cap a X4r tile llaMa ke the Jic petulance YL S Semsil It at lADe The pints eros 1Iae lists to Iw lay hobart A ward ID e- lI its ID error So TI WhIles 8 fruit It at Ip- IUndI in error vs D thoke It at at oanI of t k 8a the the The the tile the the and Cobs eoaJ- h I ou t aiisral 1 I be BOA plain- tiff side bet leave City hart erilea4o maui Lbs ej eeoes vi of Arkansas notion ee- subltld 2231 defetiduot trasae doles Causalssionipi is ue is et 0 L 015 vu hoUse p Iaanh 2a Tisema Ripesod Terususut ° fte It at apprUaut Ta ChaoNp Tmctiun Company Rant K Tone for the appeBaar- tAdionroed until today at U oclock The day caB for Tucwby LpG t wfll b M- foBmw No to W teetastw IM NT amt M r m m mm laid mt m DISTRICT COURTS Coart of Appeals The JaW Jnstfac Mr Jvttfe MrCsasn sad Mr Jastiet Mehb- Wflttam Ksnasll Graham mt amdtmd h- ee York OnHnmtal JewaB Witsettan- Oompanj va Wyakoop iiimint nnatlnsiH ay Mr J H Hayden te appellant sod by Mr 0mn U Baker Mr C A Donaia for appeflee and eonciad d by Mr J H Haydea tar appnTmat- No nil aye TS Gaardmm cm motion apssDai II allowed to lie snjpHswfital brief binds Ko nn Brcsmen Coastraeaton Cnmberhtnd aL asmwaent e maed ay Mr J J Darttafton for appriteat sad roattaeii la Mr cheeks UnWns tar appeflee- tAiihjaiaiat tar today On beartar- Xo UtL Banns Onailinrttan Company t OMB borland Appellants attorney HsmBlsn Ossfcsrt Hamilton appellees attorneys W C dtanans sad thinks Ltektos- Retwlar eaO- Ne 114 Crotesent TL Baapsre Stale Beatt thus peel Appellants attorney R G DanaMian- pettaei attorney heists aUfcnj and W B Kldmrdtbn No UM Dtatriet of Cclnjaam T Coils appa- llants attorney K B Theme i Uittinca A Clssmbrrlta No im American lime zany v AppeStats attorney H B Darts appellees attorney K H Theses No im CaraesD n haloS Appeaantl aLter ners H B Daft aid J A Cobb apeaHats attor- ney Stuart McXaman- itaeeml CaVendw No Latorcy n Starey Ap peBaafs attorney J 8 BaRr gmtth aapeMees at- torney H A Wrenn No I Dtatriet of Oatambit T Biek v Ann v mats attorneys B H Theses sat K II it ISM anpeiiees attorney John RUont No RH Ifcmhtac n ThrnnsX AffMtmnts at- torney Leo ahnmons ppdui3 attontey It G Donaldson No im Send Filtration Corporation ef America TS Oowentin AppeBanfa atternan A S Werth- initon sad a L Frilly appettMs attemefs Tamer JJ Dcrttarton and B a HuWfkepw No UK Hoop w Pkated at- torneys Bdwta Forrest appellee attorneys 8aui U Madden and U P Getky Equity Court Xo 1 JUBTICB CLABAUGH- In r aarnael R Herbert rsfsrsnee to audher Attorney D W ODonoghae LIe T Bmmericn suostiUsttan eftrartee Oam- pmtaanft ohettor J A MaedeL Martin w Martta reorDers rutaerUed te spin safe deposit her ComptataM s seHester Leeklc FDlton ACot Assignment fur today No OL Weteser vs Weiner Attoroey Matkey Miller Eanjty Conrt JUSTICB GOULD RuiN ra Hitter submitted wtthawt rzwa t CompUinaafa eunice Ihllto Wither defemfewti solicitor W F Dow Mwn- Waaanman T Bat certain perth eoiafjUteaat- sobstitqtM OomptaL aafs sofldtor Intac W m eon defendants solicitor J C GHUsgv- 1oUet TS DepoiUy dome Artemtams rights ef parties Oomplainantf aolieitar Malcvho hefty d tedanta soUdtor W P Ptamley- Andenon TS Barnes taInted and reference to auditor Complainant solicitor JJ Brosaaa de- feadarits solicitor J A Toomey lUrch TS tile to show can e rttmaiWe April 11 CcmpUtaants toHdtor P If Brown lImbs ta OConnor submitted wrtbewt argument Conplainants solicitor C F Disss omendaats 9 liciton R P Hheatey andW M OMey CrosseR rs Lau ubesitted wUhant arjasaset- Comptetaants solicitors Wibne Bartodete de- fendaaf solicitor B L Bosqnehanna Coat Company w Kennedy objec- tions to takioa tel by coBsptehwnt OTerrakd and exception noted Complainant seHcKcm Kenney Ptenn vy and William JIlts defendants solicitor F R anti Bdwta Forrest In re adoption of Peart Adams adoption legsHeed sad John B Dateh appointed giwrdUa litter Petltioc rs solieHors CoMreo FerolnzC- HBUBinjpi T Conunl time to extended CempUtatnts eSkImos Tucker you defendants soHdtors R Golden Dn W n- and A A Nicety Carusi TS I nark argued and snteniUed corn plainants solicitor C F Camai dfead ts so- licitors Claude Gilbert Rondo Wattte Tucker Kenyon Johnson TS Johnson dtraree a rin mat ComptatMBfs solicitor Maleolm Bully defendant soUdtor A C WeUi w flitter dlroite a yin out granted H IIr Mi Xo n his cI- t k Life 0 No2 solo lad hr Ken flitter Lannisi en Out tae sad is a atticoeps Iaoyeiuscs Dons ti- C OhIO Its Des t Keys 5le JIJTTii > > ComplaInant toli ifor Philip WeLter d fweats- aHdter W F Doaaldcon- Astttameet fir No 109 8a6j lHB a Cool Ceaaftiir Tt ICes ady Jr Attorneys MeKtny WtB eoi K Ferrett No 2K Plate et aL TS Wasntagtos Loan aad TriaL Atterscy Cadtele Johastn- Wwthtegton No SM Mienoh Tf Mierscb Attorn Ote- Tobcteer No M VtltaMl Union T Dodd et AL At tonujt Re yHnsHr Staua Circuit Court Jfo 1 JUSTICE WRIOKT Beadier T Dtetriet f OataifiMs tfgrtnt M- Tennet Pbtatsa attorney 3 P 8eass sad Thompson L ky dtftmtsnts attorney B H Thorn DsttatB n MeDtnsott raspier Teralei for aV indent PmtetiT attomrys r A Bewen P a lUmty and R B liabrend aefndsnt sttomajf Gears Hoover ned C A D gte- Commbk National honk TS KnebNnz tadiaint br default Hatatbt attorney B F Leichtan- Thoma va Parker stipHtetton Sled anti trial by judgment for pwintiff for 1t 0 appeal sued bond 68 Ptetatiff attorney G or e P Nosier defendants attorneys Ralston MeMoM 8 Parker and John Rioout Hurst TS Miller endue for sew trW granted and set for trial April m ItetatKts attorney Bdwta Formt defewmnta attorneys Bfindanburg Brandenbore- HWrt TS Moose sellout f r new trial everraM aid fed on Terdtat llatalUr atutnqn H Matthews lad A Jr attorneys Blimp 3t Wee4Md Slater TS Taylor vcrdtet for dWendent Ptetattfla attorney L A Baltey defeadaats attaraeyi A 8- No Hi WhvaUey T Qeerses H- tVtashte WheatteyWaton ftarkadale No SO Xntatt M New York Coadaeatel JetNR FOtration Attemsys Tucker KeayM- Bhcfctatoo IlnUetops B H Ttamm- Na H Wl n N Wasbtafjten NoRway and Bteotrie Oampany Attemey Leckte Fittest i J J Dartlagum- B Flaherty Tf Fmherty AUeracyt L A BaikyW G Jshman No id BWrUa Obese Comminy T Lamb Attomn Neteon WiteBnJohn KideaL- No XL Miller vs Waseawstmt MId OettyttaHV hallway Attorney Chapta Omen sad owe W B Lamer No m Burton hose m Khnmsl AUorneyi- Worthfatton heelS ftmOsy Jhm Rmawt- No eTH Ltwlrotat m Paul Attomey Oaar- mrC L Fmiley No AT Bocmuwa H Waissteetaa Balmy aad- Bteetrta Company Attemey K H McMefttJ J DsrltaCtan No S Hornbiewer T Oeorn Weehtagtea TM- Tfmty Attemey F W llackettW Ctepasai sad r Matttafly Circuit Court fo 2 JU8TICB ANDBRSON Moor TS Lommraat judiiamat mt amw Ptet- etir attorneys Des Doustam defendant1- Thama TS Wasataatea MaSsey and Bbjatrta Company on triaL Piatattffi attorney When J- Umfcen defendaaf attorney J J DillimisiL- Aastsnmenta for today No Gterte v Waahtafton aad gsuthirm Balmy Conrpaay Attorney L J MathtrMeK- mmcy Fbwnary- Ne m Coves va Southern Railway Compwty Attomrya Padaett ForrestHamttton Osfhrn- ilamfitan Me At CmtaottB Uatrermty of Ana m Vw maui Attorneys MamlHon CollarS Hamilton W F Matttady J Larsen sad Arthur Poise No 4m Bvncs v mater Attomey Turner MtteheUOeoree F Wflrtem No m Tsdhett TB UcUersaort AUomeys B F LdftaooJ J ItvVotnoB- No nt Dee n LIfe InsMiaun Coamnny of VII Attaraeya B F DowirfngKimiiinm- Hnhhmna No in Noke T Cbse Attorney L J Mather W J Lambert Na tt OHveri TB Phfladehjlite BatttaMw aad Washington BalSamS Attorneys A S Wertatac- tonMrKennry Fmnocry- No 4L Kafakerbecfcer TS Wfllte Atscmtyi J J DertiORtDnCnrtteki Johnson No m Mrrftmt n Bnnnsu Oenstmettan Atrorneyc merflmt A Amhrom J J Drl- imrton sad Hisnlttia Oatatst i Xaaoltaa- Na IM Cmrmody CnmliaKten Oompean va- etannard Attorneys B H Thnaisi HamaHon cloSest HasaUtom Criminal Ounrt Ir X- JOMTICB aTAFFORO Called lames TJ Mkkjrr Hrnnenn Ttotettac MB K U on triaL Attomay A a Worthtactoa asS K Pnseott Gattey Criminal Court No 2 JU8TICB BAKXAKO United States n diesel Tmsaim acptwamtam- on private tjeowerty monrt fwOty seatsees work for tte saeatha Attemey W C smimntstar to aay Dnsttd va AMber Webb RadiuS State va Prom WadS today 6 4 I 2 6 W S I J E Tailor Aistirosests today 6 cpa k Drew k Co- W 6 1- attonMF X B 4 Ie Ie k t Me- dia aA- A i I a assort Dma he k 1 Massey I C lIPS k elate Con- ey 5 S Status tiolsod States is Jobs ss > > < ° Probate Court JUBTICB GOULD la re Mary BuShes at aL order appotaUnc Men BnBlian fnardian bond M Attomey A R hot In M Baymond T Wtah erorr p asntiac coattaeu Attorney A H Bell sad DietS Mastrm Meat et Ralph TeSt will aowatted to nrabrts and letters gusted to Anata A WeUa bond ttjm Attorney J H LkMmer state of Bdward Faiquhar order to turn over hoist of Wmry A Beitej order to MIl catate Attorney W C Martta- Batata of Krtmun B linens peUttaa for prehate- ef wIn 0HL Attemey Jean B Lamer ef lasses MeMrtde Stimbil wIll dated Aprfl H VOL Sted- Betate ef Jasna C LeanS fHtaUan far probate of ill dieS Attoner f 1 Ryan Na Mam Chtrka D Hark va Canttal Tmcttan- Ctmtpany aassnana If wX PmtatnS atMrney H- Wtaskto Wheattey- tmrf J WBsen T Aimer Dtary Sees tec CJempany ad Nerthweatem Bettltac Cemnaay- aamage taXMl PteraoTs attorney W IX lbS va sad J A Toome- yNa ML Theme W mvath T H Posse tei MerriaM juanis BBM PtatmmTa attor- neys A Odds Baulty Snits No Mm Maty V Manic T f VhB tau Thea- ter cpa et aL tajuncUoa Comptataants so Bettors Hammton Colbert Jk Haaattton States ft Oat JIuW aid to lip wr c P WStos Lawsuits No re Peenl w t Usosud Sean bb guorSba oslbui2c her Sbdo II yeses helms BaS Job I halite In Jar P John T Baldwin It at va Manmret V Vanecnticc partition CneapUlnents solicitor ennui Jcomna Theodore WiUmw et aL T Harriet et aL tataactni and amrnattac Com ptetaanti oiiettor lease B Archer jr sad DHHDS OF TRUST Rnesen sod Thome If Bans to secure Fraam- Hn H Hough lot Week Otria PorrteoUakn K Green to Charie M Me day and John Mdlveen to secure Outer M Bryant MW I sad i yean per cant on r- teriy lot B and part ef Cnrter shiest S nnn UJtLily G M Hr theSes B to John T and aamaal A Drary to seaM tot ii Square T M ry fltecher to Leon Tabrinsr and BBm K McCtosky to secur Cosameretel Pbs lutmsnce Cosapany H 3 I per- cent lot TX- Sooare aWaames Martin et ux to theSes F Itctdaseta and Bogcr T MttdssO to secure Perpetesl Buttdfac Amoatertew tots fc- M K and II Square earJoseph L Holteod It to Hanqr IL Bernmaaa and Charles aeaafer to iran North- ern Lfeerty GermaoAmeriean BuOdtag Associa- tion Na 8 m lot IS- AMeoettaFredcrick 11 Fletcher jr It vx to Henry H BerpasuA and charlie Scnafer U a one Northern Liberty rmAmcrfaen llniiding Asncwtion No JtS9 part tot K Square IMCtom L Deal to Rtohard B Pity and Harbert A OOL to MOM John J Breeaan- H009 one to twentythree month C per cent Bon aiFnncte U Reuse It vx to L CabeU- 10iamson to secure Jay P Warren three S par eent emi nm Hy pert original tot Square SetHeir Them Stewart to Waist F Unit sod Brooks Cross to sews B F Spraaay S1M three years S per cent pan lot Sqaare WISLewte B Godfrey to B liteht and Le Roy Mark to secure Samnri K Messon- JIMO see to nftyBre month per cant tot SL- Sqmre IMlGuy T Stewart et us to National T and Trust Oomaanr to Michael J A FnATJD LOOK OUT FOR HIM Any solicitor who cornea to you with a prize scheme representing himself directly or indirectly to be connected with this newspaper The Washington Herald Is n mud nnd nn impostor brat upon you Be on the lookout for him neil turn Dint over to the police CoIdNa No Xe Grim J L D Sails to GeIqe W Illolnet J IIart tit I 2 I per pit crfIIiaII Iota I U llamaS It to rr it L Lee 1 aa Ii per lUll IlL 1 I lists ell 5tB alb CIa lois swin- dling fthoosa atlettoro a a o Smith Smees Ii04e2 5 ix 1155 aM man Ida 01 peers a tsstiy sad WsodSsRObert ar ae 2 C NISOt Ama es- secs Brown 110 Se > yeses IC kilt Stop 8 S mars ¬ Kease j 5M three year 5 per cent seml maa let 3f HOC to Dentin T aad Joseph H KMM te aeeBM MlebMl J Kiss 1600 din ta if t a memtb t per cent WHUinauiHr same Pattsrd et ux to 8 P Tbotoj and Walter E liAise to secure Harry Wtrdaan 1 6 apRtbly motes 5 per tot OB Week It W MN9Pn k r et ux te Cbarlet IL t QstB and Charles U C McCarteney te secure Seers C Gertfiua JIOOO years 6 per cent fecMAnauaHy port tots 38 28 and 3- T bum T Ptrktf et nx to Walker and Jams F fusSy to secure 13 IL AKin m 1 year C per eenf tot C block Ii Ltacor8B clInton et to Tn aa Walker and F Bvady to secure Theatcs Urtady- ttea 1 tt Louisa sat Barbers Johasoa to TlmtsM Walker tad JHSW F Bandy to seeare- BHjab IL AMes JOT40 1 year per teat pert S4WM MSJoba B Beehtold et vr to Francis Saul and James F Sttea to sense Tos b T tae Bask JU880 3 yean i her east sine tote 25 sad Jt- S jnra smith of K JohaB t B Nerd It tic Bobert A to lusty H BergmaBa cud G n M Baaaerieh to Kcore GerranAmeriean Budd- ing AMoctettoo tie 8 J1400 put edgiest lot J Fort Saratoga Addition to BroektandHarry II Witman to Bdwia A M and JUBM N- PitetMtriek to stone Bdward W Uereeek IK- Bwnthrjr notes 6 per cent lot 11 block L But M L B W et nx to Prank to t nr Edict L Glee JWO and J BasbySmltfc 1W t seethe 6 per- cent tots and 39 Sloth J DEATH RECORD John H Ogle Its N J ave aw 31 yean TtamtM a BWer IrovWene Hospital 4 years Manatet wteor IU Mass ate ae M years Sara B heidi Mi Nth t nw year Jatm B BoaSterS lUll K nw 85 Julia A PerisH Gets Wash hotel 86 Wm E Schneider ftwt Calrert It nw X yean Botowtar MeCart Oott Insane S year Oeoree Ietreflo Mats aYe aw 1 year Buwai M Jones Partner N WIBiam W Weiner With Asp Nose O yen Catncrta Busiest 3M ida M sw year Herbert M hour La Filet Hotel V year Thama W Johnson m 12th st se years Miranda Settle UBD st nw 77 yews Addie Catvert 11 U st nw M yews aarah D Wright CaMelS Uosvstel M yean Bybuw D vriss Osnmtewii tiMe Hosp S year Basma BM 1JU st nw S yeses Pa l L Metaflrabtr Fpfhn roM inr 8 me- L U V Carter KnpUrffl X Wilson T Paul Sihlsy Heepttal N stay COLORED WilSon J Bmm 3 0 st nw 39 Treshte Madunsn Freedoms Hespftal H years Qeoms Dougla MB Uth It nw yean Mary Wad Wash Asylum Heap yean Kieaerd Hboae SW Va IF sw ct MeCoy Hospttal J yens Nobel MktreBr Hospttel 3 years Nsoui Boss Ill M st sw 2 years WBBam White Wash Acytam Keep 31 years Distal T Bos an Sib st nw 1 year Henry Washington st nw 38 fnB- enjamta AUen UM lit st sw 21 yean Jolla Stock Wart Aay hoop 36 year Jacob Payne 184 till st nw U years Philip Jackson S kt alley 4f years Arlethi C Skiansr 38 ave nw rears LEGAL NOTICES A LIPTWICH 8INCflIB Attorney FIlM April S MT IN TUB SUPXrJMB COURT OF TOIl DISTRICT of boldhv a Special Toes a a District Coart ef the UniteS for the District of Co- laxafcsa In th asattar of payment of daawe- resnltUij to adjacent prefxity from chn e in the grade ef street annex sitS alleys antherissd by the set of Consicw apasovod Febnssry 93 Mlr- eWtiDE U the eacMtNcUon ef a Union rUHnMd Ills strut ta Dtjtriet of CoromMt District hunt No mXotiee is hereby that the nader ebbed aatlac hers ifcssgiislid Said appointed by the Uuai ea Court ef Oittriet of Cahnmbis balding al term as a UnIteS States lurid Cost Ice Soon eaansc rae grade of upsets avenue sad I ships anthariasd br art of Congress approvsd Union hoStesS Station in RattleS of Octant will MM at n m on 11TH DAY Of MAY A D Wi at the United States Court lion City haS ta the District of Commbk fa a tan to bt aiwtgnsd as by the United Sates menhal tot sent District for the paper 01 riewloc the prop fnnriahii amd Hints afennes and alleys ta said laenKtah to nal propatj from setS change ta aoooiatuas with the tan and prerMoas- of act ef Cangress approved April WM en- titled A set to pwrhW for payment ef Thin ea SMseaat ef eJhanies of grads da to cosntwetian- of the tiMes Mtation DIstrIct of Cetambia to wit enemas X Itt ncrtbeast between Third street sod Florida a enae North Capstolstnet K aid U Mush Dtapnan place MeCnHoagh street twentjr lant E etc noHhw M between North Capital stmct and New Jersey atoms and Uchiwarc aveaa northeast between C cud D streets Owners of nal property daaMG d by th chnee ef MaLi alter ta said of May A U mi aforesaid eec of approved April B an provide that no haunts ef any such owner to prcMUt dean for oaatsge silks period bJs rtebt to do so shall item card de- CHAKLR8 A BAKKR GEORGE W MOae sad OKOHHE SPKAN8Y CommiutoB to apprats demafjat A true cacy Test S aL J R YOUNG Clerk By F K CUNNINGHAM Afsitt- at Chwfc p4 t sB SUng COURT OF TUB DISTRICT OF name a Piobate Conrt Ne OWs- Thte to srre settee that the snfanft ir of the State of Maryland obtained Seem the Probate Coart of District ef Cotambt letter of administration on the estate ef Bdward- K aaelbach of the District cf Oorambi eeaacd persons bartec cUhns against the de- ceased ore hereby warned to eshibit the tame will the vendors thereat trgalry authentIcated to the or WON the HTU DAY OF DBCBM MKR A D HaS otherwise they may by law be ex etaM from aBbeaeat of said estate hood this Sth Sep of April MARTHA BACH RACU Chevy Chase Md Attest SeaL JAMBS TANNBR Rcfstter of WISe for tIN IHMriet of- Cetaatbla UseS of Probate Court TUCKBR KKNYON and B BAILEY Attomeya- ap aB slit Doyle YMt and PleatlQ VbtIveWtIIIm T Mat l P Thomas IlL W 3 to I IB4IIItIN I per lot Jl aft is lot H P Lassos D Iii S at years The 5 tit niB M II JI- Ma hdNa VAl laM ts tile tile glean we tile die IIIDItIDc to psepaty ill the Jllladllc to tIN ol a tin a Ute Uw eIaaes of Ute grader of Ute JJh IIe8riIIg Ute a- NIle tile mad wt I and I11ot toe sad the alleys IIIMre IlK aid thu pads ol ci slips will IIO wIth ia this Mawtd sad sans to an fA wtth Ute Ida eelS ta boa the lets de- AD Given Wtkr JtIII the t Pleasant hen rest are Jackson itstgtstiI Nest 21 yeses Hoop 21 peon 5 days years LI s Winos Sb Slats a the Dissitet of 435es211 so s consutsitout to ap- peise disease adjce5 Pehesip I OS cositsuadout eaty edited by aM bst1oay tanelilig damages 21 aethesit between street bets Is suesbirid did s said Masets aveesee or lb a su one for allowance Thse days Ilt1 day The Cooqong these 2sslee lhbia la l sebseithor out ni > < > ¬ > > SUPRBMR COURT OF YES DISTRICT OF Columbia Imidtoc Probate Cost N Ian AdmtamtiMienThhi to to give notice that the sob seriber cf the Dhcriet of Columbia ha obtataed fearn die Probate Cesm of the District ef Cotaasbia tetters of administration on the estate ef Midut McKanas at Ratchet of Cota b ceaseS AH peraon hartoe elaine against the maiM are hereby warned to exhibit the with the voodoos thereof legally authenticated to the twkserftsr en er before the 1ST DAY OF APRIL A D Mflg ethenrise they may by taw be eidnded hand this lit liar of April MW JOHN C ODON NOtiHUE Thsrtyafth and 0 WashtaEton Attest SL JAMES TANNBR Recolor of Wile for the District of Cetambit Clerk of the Probate Court H T TAGGABT Attorney prttK9- UPKBMB COURT OF TilE DISTRICT OF Ohtmon bohrtac a Iretwte Court No liNt Admtal iation Thte te to gLee notice that tbe tab esther of the DistrIct of Colombia his eMaiard Sims the ProbeS Court of the District of Cotarabia letters of adffiiatetration on the estate of Htta late f the DIstort of CebjmbU antS persons iuttos dale against de meant H hetehy warned tn eihiWt the sent with the nmehen thereof legally authenticated to the sabMrtber on or before the 1ST DAY OF APRIL A D BOB otherwise they may by law be eicJud from all baseSt of Mid Oirea ay 1 this Itt April BW LUCIA G M IN 4 Kidge MreH northweet Attect JAMBS TANNRH Urgteter of Wite for the Die triet cf Oommbm Unit of the Probate Court H T TAQGAHT Attorney april 8UPRBSIB COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Cotambte holding a Probate Court Na H3M i AdmtabtnUon Thte te to give notice that the esther of the District of Corombl has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Crumble louise teetementary on the estate of Richard T Talbert late of the District ef ColumbIa de- ceased All persons hating elaine aa tat the de are hereby warned to inhibit the same with the Touchers thereof Jsllj atttnenticated to tIN atecriber on er before the 1ST DAY OF APRIL A D 1908 otherwise they may by taw be exckided lion aH benefit of sold estate Glean nitrite ray I bead Ut cf April KW OBORGB W TALBERT HB Bwfentk street senth at Attest JAMBS TANNBR Rectetrr cf WHb for f the fishnet of Ooinmbte Clerk of the 1robite Ceort GBORGB C AUKAM Attorney SUPRBftlB COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia hoWnc a PriSms Court No lOll AdB istratloBThis is to rive notice that the nib seriber ef the State ef New York baa obtained from the Probate Court et the District of Colombia letters of adratetetratioa e t a on the estate of mesS All persons baying claims against the de are hereby warned to exhibit the urns with the vouchers tberecf legally authenticated to the subscriber on or before tile 1ST DAY OF APRIL A D they may by kw be exclude hone all SaneSt ef said estate Given laud this 1st dy of April MV MORTON TRUST COMPANY By II M FRANCIS Secretary 33 Haste street New York City N Y Attest SeaL JAM US TANNER Register of Wilts for the Dis- trict cf Columbia Cferk of the Probate Court BLAIR TIIOM Attonscii eprt9lJ a tile tie j tie haa all baseSt of sold eMit streets B- ite d- An the estate tinder of Beat I I f this Say S hall apUH i Ii e Mien Olloreur late the District of Colombia F Nit uRdu m tJ a let vane estate Give i del seeS assent c of ticS C ceased otherwise s < PROPOSALS Washington D C March 2 M87 Sealed wilt be receSsed by Washington Gas Light Company at IU- ofHce 413 this city on or before the 12TH DAY OK APRIL 1607 at 12 oclock noon for the following supply of Anthracite and Gas for year beginning April 12 1807 and ending April 3000 gross tone of best iach screened Gas Coal to be delivered f o b our wharf at and G streets this city ta repaired by tbe Com- pany East Station Gw Works during the year named above tone wf best f4inch screened Gas Coal to be delivered f o b on tracks In our yard at Twelfth and X streets southeast this city in such quan- tities as needed ANTHRACITE BROKEN COAL 20009 gross tons of Anthracite Broker Coal to be delivered as needed f o b our wharf at Twentyaixtb and G stkflcts tnis she 6009 tons of Anthracite Broken Coal to be delivered as needed on our tracks f o b cars at East Station Twelfth and M streets southeast this city All of the abovenamed coals to be of 2W pounds Contractors for any of the coaie enu- merated above will be required to give ample security to the Company a faithful fulfillment of contract The Gas Company reserves tbe right to reject or proposals shall be sealed and ad to Washington Ga Light Company and marked Coal WASHINGTON GAS LIGHT COMPANY tnh l OFFICE OF THE COfcLMIBSIONERS D C Washington D C March 3- 019v7SeaI d will be received at this office until 12 oclock M APRIL 13 tot furnishing underground signal and telephone cable De- partment of the District of Columbia Separate bids will be considered for tile several items enumerated Specifications and blank forms of proposals may be ob- tained at this office F MACFAR LAND HENRY L WEST JOHN BID DLK Commissioners D C aprt45- OFFIC OF THE COMMISSIONERS OK the District of Columbia Washington March 11 1807 Sealed proposals will be received until April 22 for of the various branches of the government of Dis- trict of Columbia for the ftscal year be- ginning Jtaly 1 J 07 and ending June K 1 S8 as follows Stationery blank forms and printing school books furniture and hardware and tinware miscellaneous photographic supplies rub- ber and goods cj plumbing material groceries and pro boots and shoes drugs chemi- cals c glass Vc meat corned beef Ac fuel dry goods ice electrical supplies leather supplies forage kindergarten supplies and work forms and all nec- essary information can be obtained at the of the Clerk D C Dis B F MACFAR LAND HENRY WEST JOHN BID DLE Commissioners D C mhU ap17 TREASURY DEPARTMENT WASH- Ington March UXJTfiealed proposals will be received at this department until 2 oclock p m April 22 W07 for the Treasury Building and Us ton C during tbe focal year ending June 30 IMS tire following described service and supplies ashes sewinjj laying and cleaning carpets and for supplying stationery forage ice file boxes furniture plumbers and material hard ware and miscellaneous articles Pro- posals for forage fuel and ice will in- clude the quantities required by Bu real of Engraving and Printing Blank forms with instructions to bidders can be obtained upon applica- tion to the office wf the superintendent Treasury Building The department re- serves the right to reject any and alt bids or any part of a and to waive mhU3030ap9l7 S DEPARTMENT OF AGRICUL- ture Office of the Secretary Waahlng for furnishing supplies dur- ing the flscil June 30 1906 as follows Stationery laboratory lumber and boxes fuel and ice paint- ers plumbers furniture and map frames forage car seals c brooms brushes c flower pots cleaning car pets washing towels and waste paper electrical supplies flags instruments towers and lanterns printing and litho graphing material Full information fur- nished OIl application to the Disbursing Clerk must be sealed and addressed to the Secretary of Agriculture in ac- cordance with instructions given on schedules JAMES WILSON Secretary mhlla 3tap9K SEALED PROPOSALS IN DUPLICATE for furnishing stationery and miscella- neous supplies for the Department of Justice including United States courts and judicial officers for the fiscal year ending June 38 1MB will be received until o etock p m MONDAY April 22 18U7 then opened in the office of the At- torney General 14X K at nw Separate will be required for fuel of towels cleaning and laying carpets purchase of waste paper shoe horses of horses arid removal ashes rubbish Ac Blank forms of proposals with instructions to bidders be furnished upon application to the Clerk The to reject any or bids Is reserved CHARLES J BONA Attorney General PROPOSALS IN DUPLICATE will be received at the office of the Chief Department of Commerce and 2 p m MONDAY r and thin opened for furnishing the stationery carpets cop plates for engraving and electrical supplies forage fuel fur hardware ice lumber paints photographic supplies plumb removing ashes and cleaning laying carnets towels and the purchase of paper during the fiscal year end 1M6 Blanks for proposals specifications will be furnished on to the Chief Clerk Depart of Commerce and Labor Washing D C mhll20 ap 17 FOR ICE FUEL FORAGE and for Towels War Depart Washington D C March 11 1907 proposals in duplicate will be re here until Z p m APRIL tz 1907 then opened for furnishing ice fuel anti for towels for Department Bureaus and Omces dur year ending June W 1886 Information on For state price per doses Proposals be in indorsed Proposals Ice Proposals fur Fuel Proposals Proposals for Washing respectively and addressed M FOR STATIONERY AND here until 2 p m 2 1907 then opened for furnishing stationery miscellaneous supplies brooms soaps towels e for War De Bureaus and Offices during year 3D 1888 fur on application Proposals must b envelopes indorsed Proposals for Sta and for Miscellaneous respectively and addressed M Chief of Supply flit mhn3038ap8n FOR HAULING ASHES War Department Washington D C 11 1907 proposals in dupli will be received here until 2 p m 2i 1907 and then opened for haul ashes during year ending 30 190s on application price per cubic yard in envelopes indorsed mhllLtt psl FOR WASTE PAPER War Department Washington D C 11 ISO prwpoaals in dupli will be received here until S p m 22 1907 for purchase of waste June 30 1906 Proposals must b envelopes indoreed for Put of Waste Paper and addressed M THORP Chief of Supply Dlv mhlt20jeapt17 The Washington Herald by Mall Daily one month 26 cents Daily and Sunday one month S cents Dally one year tlee Dally and Sunday one year oUt This includes postage to any part of the States and Canada The o along- side 2e cars elt for oeIook p JR at this oftlce for use thee h wheelwright A Property trlet Building L dependencies in the city ot Vetashing washing towe for purchase of the bl defects GitO B Secre tory U ton March 8 1I07aled pro pu will De at the othe of the Disbursing Clerk until p m MONDAY al cave ils or Washin ealed g Var ng or Qr Supply Div Mlsoelianeoue Depart Washington D C March ealed In duplicate will be hetr rtment June arch PRIL June hlrni Hauling Ashes and R Chief or Supply IT arch p of year nlted C a g d 2 b h v s l o f ross ota furnish ouse 1 waste- paper CORTLYOU c received 2 until g iture g c ubbish ashing aste g ith aRt n eet nd nd wels ust owels mhllt690api17 ent iv- eived nd oitery ate g tate ust Proposals M War a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

Transcript of · n...





Departmental League AdoptsSchedule


Last Regular Game Will Be PInedon June 28 Which Will GiveTennis an Opportunity to Play OftPostponed Guinea Ilefore the Potneasoii Series Begins

The board of governors of the Depart-mental League met JR Secretary Weedsroom in Ute Department of Commerceand Labor buiMtiig yesterday afternoonend adopted a schedule jOt seasonThe playing season will be tbe shortestin the history of the league the schedulecomprising only forty games

The recent withdrawal of the War teamleaves only five clubs in the leagueagainst the eight whteh formerly comprised the league The roster of theleague now includes Interior Post officeCommerce and Labor Treasury sadAgriculture

The league will have the services ofBilly Betts the premier local umpire sadwilt be permitted to use the White telEllipse agaJu so that on the wholethings look pretty bright for the clerks

The first game will be played on MayC between the Poetoffice and Interiorteams and games will be every-day but Saturdays from then to the endof the season June 28 No allowance habeen made for the playing of postponedgames all such having to go over to theend of the season For this reason it teftued that tbe league teams will beplaying up to the Ifith of July

Aggies Lose StarsIt te impoaaible at thIs time to

any predtcXtejfi aa to the outcome of therace but it tar pretty safe to say thatyears pennant winners the Apicultureteam will not be nearly as strong anaggregation as the team that wrested theDistrict championship from the pick ofthe Marquette and Capital City leaguesThere 1s a well defined rumor chat tothe effect that the Farmers will not havethe services of Winston Wijey Doyle orWeber With these stars out of the lineup the team will have absolutely nothing-on any nine in the league Tbe tip ofWeber quitting the game te more than amere rumor for the hard hitting backstop has stated positively that such wouldbe the case In the that he doesnot change his mind Sanders the starKlabman of the Agricultural team willundoubtedly suffer Sanders had a roodrecord while tossing them over for theFarmers but without Weber at the re-

ceiving end of the battery it is extremelydoubtful that Sanders will play the gamehe did last year In fact the whole teamis due to suffer should directinghand be missing

All the teams are out for prac-tice but the Commerce and Labor teamhas probably worked more than any ofthe others Capt Kinney baa had theboYs out several times and says they areall going nicely Secretary Straus proteges will bear watching this year

Walford the sporting goods baadonated a silver cup to be awarded to thepennant winners and Hickman A Whitehave offered a pennant watch te to fte-omaahe absolute property of tiw leadtortea

The Sahcdule


















May 6 Postofllce vs Interior 7 Com-merce and Labor vs Treasury S Potoilier va Agriculture I Interior va Comnurce and Labor 10 Treasury vs Agri-culture 1 Poejtomce va Cram rce andLabor M Interior vs Treasury 15 Commerce and Labor vs Agriculture 1C Postoffice vs Treasury 17 Interior vs Agriculture 20 Commerce and Labor vaTreasury 21 PoetoMce vs Interior 82Agriculture vs Treasury a mIstier vaCommerce and Labor 21 Postoffice vsAgriculture 27 Interior vs Treasury 2-8Postoffice va Commerce and Labor 21Interior vs Agriculture 3 DecorationDay open U Poetofflce vs Treasury

3 Poetoffice va Interior 4 Com-merce and Labor vs Treasury S Postoffice vs AgrIculture t Interior vs Com-merce and Labor 7 Treasury vs Agriculture 10 Poetoffice vs Commerce andLabor 11 Interior vs Treasury 12 Com-merce and Lab6r va Agriculture 13Postoffice va Treasury u Interior vsAgriculture 17 Commerce and Labor vsTreasury IS Postofltoe va InteriorAgnculture vs Treasury 30 Interior vsCommerce and Labor 21 PoetOfficeAgriculture 24 Interior vs TreasuryPostoffice va Commerce and Labor atInterior vs Agriculture 27 Poet offloovs Treasury S Commerce and




DEPARTMENTAL LBAQUB-Agfje tot M 3d Bwteaa ut

Lmi S 3rake M m taI 177eld SB HI S nrdte in-ToUb LMT 8H 793 Totals

CHURCH LCAGUBSulk Ut M 3d Westmr

Jg TMBitttaaer Ut IW WeltsMKerieher IX 17 M7tniureh m a IM UtehneM-

Kly rotted third same

tot U 34UC pj

ToW 8N ill 7t-

tLankcr Wins Chess MatchNew York Aprfl 8 The chess match

for the ohamptonship of the worldDr Smajiuel Lasker and Frank J

Marshall which was begun at the ThomasJefferson Building Brooklyn on January26 was concluded at th Everett HouseEighteenth street and Fourth avenue inthis city this afternoon when the cham-pion scored Ma eighth victory afterthirtyseven moves The final scoreLasker 8 Marshall 0 drawn 7

Modern Woodmen to MeetWashington Camp No Wtt J odern

Woodmen of America win hold an openmeeting with the Royal Neighbors efAmerica at Typographical Temple April11 at S oclock in honor of Mrs B DWatt supreme oracle Royal Neighbors-of America the supreme board of man-agers R N A and Hon Edward FBurns national lecturer Modern Woodmen of America Addresses will be

aa one of the enticing features ofthe evening and a musical programmewill be followed by a reception to the vis-itors All Modern Woodmen of Americaand friends are invited


June 1 Commerce and Labor vs



End S 1It K MHn I II I JWI II ftrfc Scbaer





JuherTote ltAII

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Totals 10 70

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Hujtlly Defeat Washington School Teamby 15 to I

The Georgetown Praps had little dimculty In walking away with the Washington School for Boys yesterday by 11

During UM flrat two Innings the teemeto be evenly matched but the

AVest End youngatera had opponentsbeaten the fifth when they scoredseven runs on two passes one bingle and four errow

The feature of Ute game was the show-Ing OConnell made on the rubber forthe Prepa He not only held the Wiscon-sin avenue lads down to one hit but alsofanned eight of them The aoore

e t 1 1 M1 1 s i M

rf i I 1 1 B-

S IM t I L i i-

u i i

Totals TM 8 4

Preps 8 6 J 1 7 1 IWais un Sekeel ll

KMMd reM Pr r L Pint tee errorsPreps T WasWdgten Scion X Left emPjepg T A Heteeten Seboal L Pmt Vaee CIa

baoaOff OOmiMr 1 a 2fser J oil McCartass 1 iMdBGB pKebfdIlj OCenaer 8 by Ke-ssr I by MeCartaey t flits BMdeOff OOotmer1 eT MaMT 6 off MeCaTtmr L Stnek ootBy-OCamer I by Mosoer 4 by McCartney X-

ThreebsM hUTttmie Twobase hitFlowerreee-VcrUm hitOendora Stolen baMBUaMMnd Q

CittaMUsic W Mtm I Candoya Cewntr 9Co ao W OCosmer mba Lwrls FWwerree HK-by p tefcrnsr OOetmer L Wild pitdiMeCar-tey Psd baUftUHu I UafcitoeMr laltauThis of gaaael hour and minutes


Hatohetit Defeat Davidson College

by the Score of 4 to 2

Carr Iloliln Southerners to Four hitsWhile Doyle and Campbell Carry

Off Honors in the Field

Sfteelal to Toe Wall HeraldGreenesboro N C April 1 The George

Washington University baseball teamshowed a marked improvement todayand defeated the strong Davidson Caliegs team by 4 to 2

Carr of G W U had the NortH Caro-linians at his mercy and pitched a mas-terly game allowing the college boys onlylour hits He was supported la Hue shapeby Steveeon Me catcher The winningteam Is developing rapidly under the energetic coaching of Dig Cy CummingsT HatcheUteB played an errorieee gameThe work of Doyle and Campbelr afeature

The team te doing nicely and will playDavidson College here tomorrow

Gee Wash K H O A K I X H O A X1 S I Johnson 1 I J J 1w ftj 1 1 J C

I I S-

f fBeen IfMeB ef

Hester ef 1 IDoyle 3D 1114

IkStrwosim 1 1

l IllPair rf ICaw p

1WI 431 IT 4

TOM e t I e i i-

f i aBMM Mswaeora WjW tw 1 lInt hue on-

baatOC Osrr 1 8 r eBy Oarr f by Seaload L Twrts MtDeyte SaeiWe aHlfeHer-atoim bases Dele awl finest OoaMe pboMer te JMei te Reid Iaseed ball Btennse-




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Harry B llaneer X fteacM X Paris 9-1Br Oeerse K DaOcy-

MBeaA I KUweU M asS Mary Ckifc 2 BeK Irvtae

O He4r II a4 BaUly Fee Sa both ef-WimsniapnH Pa Her F D IVrar

Pest lTrry Zl sad U BM X K Ber-H L BMsseHes

Harry K Oorke ef PuHatan sad Ma-rian J Araastnec X of 3ttmprB6 Xd liar JohnU Laaaoth-

eUter Gary and Mary W Beetlett both ofRiensBond Va lies J B MetaosaNa-

WSltaBt sad Mails Keflr f BsWmore Md Her II Schroder

Bernard OaNaafeer cad limits Pnnea M bothof Hstthnor Md Bev Theme K MeOwasau

John C Witenaaer K bed Aneat M flick laleak ef HaHtwore Md Her J C IrrtM

Hany g ileaaMsen 4 ef IMtkaor Met andO 4t R r B W L wrs

COLORBDJean Cvnmimti aai M ws S Bw

ThwM sad Ulisrca Jesse S Ber AVavmakc-Hataeniet Brian M and Maiy OohMsa 3t KeY


Warten street northeast between B asS C streetJohn D It nx ta Mug Nbbt pertoriginal lets S sad 7 goitre Mat HL

W drHBt ftanMfa H It nx to RobertIf Haaard tot J bleak f HX-

ABey between Third sad Ptonrtn F and 6 streetsnortbeastMary J Homer et rtr Edwfa P toTaaeaaa W Smith right of way san part lot 31-

qawre T78 641arttenOwar X Bryant at ax to K

Geese lot sad put of Oorier etreet JnXH street nnthwest Between Fourandahalf and

Stub HretUJsn Kilps trick to Wfiliaai LSgBhnn part tot M square 4T JMBemta capital sad X ttrcetc JaMM T irosMns Itto Gearce C Colltes lot US aquar JetN strut northwest between Thirtieth sod

Snt atreetaCari B KefmtdR et ox toA Roth pert lore K and TC square

K x M Q street MrUnrestJoserjh A Roth to trIB Ksfentern lot 9 nare 1S91 JHTMrtrteaend SRI Q street northwestMartha P

Kite et TIT Charles W to Lit G X Nicholslit 48 swan lflNe 1K North capitol streetOaarles If Katy et

MX to U sad Annie Holland lit 118sejnare S Jst-

Xa 4K JittbmMi tirt i trr 1 Tr xm 1

Charles to Frederick Fietoker jr part lot91 Anaeaatia H-

iNa 1W N street aerthyBstThaaiu PweeH eMtor to Frand H Drown part orferml lot 86vs ra ai 1104

Not 1HS Pint street aorUiwceUVltr A S ndnIt aL to Alice n Pleat lot aaimr UFort Additten to ItreeklandKdward W

It uz to Harry H WKaun lot UHeefc H JH-

Ne 13M B Itreet ontaeatWOUa B Syphxto John F Hermann lot B sqnare MaT 11TSirtytWrd and Prospect streetsJ Ceat et as to JUrssret A and MarionBerry lot Sf satwre 189 W-

Addtti to Belalr HeiEhtaLonia A Coobdaw Itnc te VBllim H CoolkjRf lot 31 bloc 8 MPeaatyhejtia na soociteMt tetveen Thhteenth

asS Fourteenth MreataChria Cnx Damon toLieu B Oodfrey lot aojnare H

Twcatyarst street northwest between II and Istreets AMbe L Bioeee to Jane O Holmslot 41 square MS fte Henry B Blteoe et atto BUM part original lot 13 MuTe M JHNo 13T Twelfth street northeastMieb J Keaneto Oar T SU urt lot M n r MI M

West Woodridirt Henry A Vieth It at to CharlesW Hendnson lot 1 Neck S-

Xo 1 Trrentysfoand street NWhitney It UL to Arnold Aipia aad Jobs KMcXally trustees lot 136 sonare ajee

BenoDorah Thames et aL to Charles HenryMaekall lot 3V Week i

I street aortbost between TUrteentti all F orteenth ctreetsnobsrt X KeOisen to Frank PSheeny part lots 18 SR M cqwre UK JH

Meant Ptwunot and PtsaMat Pl hw Harry WardBUB to WlllUm T Pollard lot 11C Week M ntLtaoofo TBOBHW Grandy It nx to BIt Oilmenlot M seetteB J-

Sre Ui street aertBMst between B and F atrevteHeiea C Rlehaiead to John B BteMeld fflaad M sqnare 882 W

Le Drsk P rkl r id Beslter te Jaretta WWtatot X Week 3 M-

iNe lOt FosrteeaUi street ABtIt to Oartea W PaWs lot 9T MWSIB306 JsJ

Largest Morning CirculationAll advertising contracts made by

The Washington Herald are basedupon Its sworn cir-culation in Washington larger bythousands than ever before at-tained by any morning newspaper-at the Capital Its are open



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mrs Well2f




Joseph B


S rataMan










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Shakes MiSer





20 11









Supreme Court of tile United StatesPreswt Th Cbtef Justice Mr JuMice Hnrkn

Mr Jostle Brewer Mr Justice White JutUee-P l ai8 Mr Justice MeKwua Mr hinderHotan Mr Junto DMT sad Mr Justlw MeedyGbufc H BesOt f ChieiGa 111 hear M

Jordan of Chicago Ill Jam Jar lUcks f Chi-

cago IU Tenser ef WteSeM KongCM R ChtatUom of Ohtoaco Many ALisle of Cute IH Dsajtiaia D WartLoukriH Kir Frank Coy AUto ef HoUy N JJ W Canute f Measabte Miteafann CWeed of Marion a CL O W Cottrell ofCkftteud Ohio were admitted te prwtk-

No Metropolitan Life lowreaw Company ofNew York ptatatHT in mr T Tfc City NewOrleans et aL ta errer t SeprsiB crt ofthe State ef Loutelaa tadeaustt fflnaed witheMs Opinion by Mr bedim Moody

No JW Mean Meyer Co plaintiffs hi errorv Campbell ft Go Taoco la mar to the 8 praC-toMtof Uw IWipota Means jadfBMBt aflnwlwith en ant toteiest OpJnleu by Mr JnttteMoody

HI Mary Ami Qutaten occntrix w Or et-Cenatjr Kentucky OB a certificate Sees Uw UnitedState Circuit Court of A tar the Sixth Caoak Bteand Question answered fat the aBtemattreOpinion by Mr Justice Moody

No M Jroqnote Trantportatten Company efeimant e plaintiff ia error H De and-Iron Company cut

No tO IroQaota Transportation Ocmpany dalmant t plaintiff in error T 0erg Wet L in error to the Supreme Court of tile Stateof Mfehfeu judgment amrmed with cost Opinionby Mr Justice Day

No VS Augusta A Ictenon et al plaintiff hierror TS Cktaig Itoek sad raeHallway Company in new to the CtroHtt Cant ofthe United States for the Northern dtottkt of Tinesjudgment natrmtd with coot Optaian by Mr Juttile Dy Dtentfog Mr Ohtef Puller tadMr hashes Moody

No at W Dine Limited patentT Cltaton J Hutchin trusts an al firm Ute

Court of Territory of Ha 4i dwemilled with eats and came naiaiirltia for far-ther prooMdtef hi omiarmity with tile opMa efthis east Opinion by Mr Jwrtlce UohMa

No SX D rid KawaMMkoa et aL appellantsn Bkn Albums fMybtoBk e et at appealflora the aaprem Court of the Territory f OaseSdtcwe attnud with ewu OptoAn by Mr hamletHohnea Mr JnaUoe Harian eonevn in the anSi

Xa Ul Clarence I ROOM appellant ra TheNew York Cotton Exchange appeal Zoom the Ocattort of the United Slats for the Weatom dieMA-ef Tenatiui aMm d with anti Optetoeby Mr Joatioe McKeona-

No ML The Mercutfle Tnnt CompaAy phttatiff-m moor m MdriUe D Homey theOmit of Appeal of the DIMMer of Me

almintiO with eoeta Optahv by Mr Jnetiee-IVehtem Mr JaMb Bnwcr took M part in thedillon of thIs ea

No L Addlwn JehMoa allOt uri mMw fthe State prboa of the State of New Y k at Stoc-9eag apfwDaat T Chariea U Biewne nt al tanthe Owsutt but of th U ed theHoothem dtotrict of New York tad onto aibMdwith ants Opinion by Mr Jaatko PtekheMJudo Moody took no in the tontidtiaUen orjecieioe of tUa eaae

No a of October thee OIl GSa ReM Meeerlair and Irrigation COOMHW ai eftant The

Water Company petttfon for a nheadnc de-

nied Opmion by Mr Justice BTCMTNo C U alliaty e et aL ppdMata ra

William O iteith tmte et aL avpeal tan thefeprame Coat of the Territory W ItawaA de-cree aftimeil with eoeto OphAm by Mr JwtfcBrewer

No W let M Fluids pHMiff m user wThe United state te ewer to of Ap-

peal the Dmtriet of OoeomMa petition for writof ecrtiorart denkd sat sell of sue iHrnrimrl forthe want of oriadietion Opteaan by Mr JneUeeBrewer Mr Jmtiee Whit ceamwi hi the jodtnest

No ML lame K Swiss tiMe Ae pwmtttte error m The Wean Lumber Cmnpaw teerror to the Sinn mil Coavt of tile Stats of Mfchieta dimaimed fur the want of farteyktion Opinionby Hr Jaatke Pun

No I Idwwd J Ieary tlatetlf te error ta-Netada N fMranahan ta error to the Circuit Courtof tbe VillaS Stats far th eVmthem UtetrkH ofNew York tadament aCrmad wtth mete Opteeon-by Hr Chief Jvtttet Fuller Mr Jostle Me-KemM coocvra te the roaSt Mr Jmttee Moodytook no put te tile dictuM Mr Jaatieeand Mr Inure Hotewt apedaUy omeontec

Chief Jortiec also mnoagartd the tnBowtei-ofdcft of tbe court

Xa OS John Xdwnrd MeOmty appeUant wThe United Stales appeal tile Circuit Courtef IJntod Mute for Nortboni Dtetrict of

the authority of Chaee m Veiled Slates W UmKo

Jff Mcxiemt Crnwrri Itaihnr CsmpMiy Umlead ra J W Kenrnw vwrdten t n attfleate tram tilted dtmdt Onort of-AppeeJa lie the IVth deanS


lease 11






Leery Porte


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taI Central National Kaflroad cpu lit U M

No L Win D aMid et at appeflauU mLeo V Yonncwnth United medial

No OS Warren OiHUro It pprJIanta nV Youtworth United State medial and

No Ue K ben appHUnl i K 2 OehorneUnited State marahal San tileCourt of the United fltetea fig SmUhern districtof CaUfonte Mai mime ntcrmd with emta and

of appMcattoaa on the antteritj of Tintky ra TreeS Ac wadded at that termNo 1 original The State ef New Jereey earn

pktteant ra Th Otte of Ocbvworc coSineS thatrite ban on th complainant to can by April

why not h dtemtemi-No 3L John Newtim VSItematm pktetW te

error The United State nellie te adviserranted ami amigwad her artmmmt on th

already set down for that dipNo NT Wtniam If mao pmtetiff te error

Th United taINoa PM W and ML Basins Dfmtoc Com-pany plamttf te error r The United Stetea

No mT M amt M Hay State Cun-pany plaintiff in sew n The Called Itetee-mattena to advance gtantoil and CBM a lined tobe heard u on erR on Friday April tins toha Hmited to cue hour on oach tide or may

aubmttted on toWs to be Lint on er helmsMill

No Of IU m P D Taylor prtUfaner MThe United State motion ta adams granted sodearn aaefened to b heard on ameS Monday ofdie next tern after caeca already mt down fartireS dip

No Ot Timothy P PaddeH plaintiff te errorTa The City of York motion to aSian de-nied without pujudto-

No OL W Kebjey Katz petit texr w ArthurK Brown aarrirtee roaerrer t pctitten for mwrit of orrtkmri to the United Staler Cfearit Costof Apprnk for Third mealS denied

No iatiabeth J Weed petitioner w DMnptHbmeiekabet KJoebenhara petittae for a writ of-oartfenri to th United Sister ChantS Omit of Ap-peal for the Third cIrcuit tIeNfc ML SmokeleK Fuel Company petrdmmr wSamuel H CottreD Son petMmi for a writ ofocrtfcmi to the United States Cireidi Cost ofAppeal for the Fourth chantS denied

No m Joe Parolee pfalntM in error T TheUnited states Motion to dtemtei or amrm or advance submitted by Mr SoHdtor General IIi tarapport of motion sad by Mr A II Drowse sadMr Alex Britton ii oppaeitten thereto

No S John M PMmeter phteOT in error aTh VeSted Motion to diimtet or aShyor advance submitted by Mr Solicitor GenitalHoyt in support of mottoo

No m A R Stuart piatetiff is error n TheUrtted States Jlotlco to dhmtes or oradmire anbmittcd by Mr SolicItor Gvaeral Hoytte support of mottoes and by Mr W Dadteyand Mr IX T Mtcbener te oppMttteii thereto

No NicboiM Aroeo phlntiS te error wThe United Mellow to dkmiM cr amrmor ethnics admitted by Mr Soldier GeneralHost te support of jaottont

No W W lid 189 Prank de U Carrte tonpwutiff te error TS The United aIsle MotioMto SIestas or aShes or adrance by MrSolIcitor Genial non in support of motinM andby Mr K A BalHoffrr te nppoeitioR thereto

No o Socttd Park Natfoaal Beak of OrfttendOhio H aL petitioners vs Union Tnttt sad De-posit Company trustee Petition tor a writ of errtiorarl to United States Circuit Court of Appeals for tiM Fourth circuit sattntitted by MrCharles D Meniek for the petitioners and byMr B M Ambler for tbe respondent

No mt Catherte J White neoKrir A petitioner TS The PenHcylranta Railroad Oampanyand

No m Catherine J White executrixttttener T Steen Parry Duet PhiladelphiaPeUtten for a writ of ctrtterari ta UnitedState Circuit out of Appeal for the Reseed dr-cnit sntenitted br Mr U Roy 3 Gore and MrJ J Maoklte for petitioner

No flap Prairie Irrteatioa Company penttener T lUchard WOOS et aL petitton kr a writof eerttarari to the UsHed Stales closeSt Court ofA peat for the Fifth dfmdt soiU d by MrlUnnis Taylor Mr A L JaefcMm ansI Mr n MQanroed Sow tile petttioeer

No Standard OH CampeD petitioner TBdward AMerica iietHtea for a writ of certiorarito the United States Circuit OneS of Appeab for-th Stand circuit suhmMied by Mr Chide WPuller for the petitioner

No MS Robert T NeSt e petitioserThe Union Bnk of KSOM city Mo

petition for a writ of otnlonrt te the UsUad Statesdreutt Court of Appmb her the Pith sheath subMiteS by Mr B C liraod cdmrjr Jet Ute petittoner-

No 37 ImerkaB Tobacco Coapaw plaintiff laerror n BaD AVcrekmettier aadNo 38 SOS WerckraeiMer plaintur ia error

TS American Tobacco Compaay motion to adraneesubmitted by Mr Fritz von Brtwen for Werekmeister

No 80S TV CleTelaad CliS Iron Company petitaMer TS The East Items Mining Companj pettins for writ of eertiorari to the United Stiltcircuit Court W Awjeals for the Elsfath circuit Sib

ute u u aigaway 01 M



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mitttd by Mr G W CtttreU la behalf of Mr WP Beiden for the ptHiB r and Mr J b-

Wajhburn for the respondentNo ML Troy Wsfon Woiks Gmpaay ptUUoncr-

TS Howard L Hancoek traMee petition for a writof certtorari to the Valid State Cbeult Court ofAppeals for the Heveath elitiSt submitted Iw MrDane B Pox te behalf of Mr Charles Marttedaleand Mr A W BoUctoy toe the petitioner and byMr lame W Noel tot UM respondent

No m FrederIck SeymOur mrriBEton pJUalW inerror w Tbe State of Missouri notices to disala or aShes submitted by Mr John I inbehalf of Mr S Hadky te support of ototiOM-aad by Mr William O Johwaente oppositionthersto

No SW Jockey Chub phtettff te n rT tate of Mtewuri te the relation ef the attor-ney motteM to dkmis or cOrny sutottted-

r hoary Wte oppoaitiaa tberetn

No W DamacU Howard administratrix-nlatethT in error The IHteob Certral Railroad

et aL andNo Mi N C Urookf admteWratrU e

te error rs Swithern I adwe Company orderedto b heard a on sass and mis half hour addi-tional time allowed eaoh on uniSon of MrAteHMder P llnmrey for the defendaiit te errorte N

No ort Ex part In the waiter f-

Pcmando Vaaquez Momtei It aL peUttnuws setteetar to 81 petition tar an appeal wbffllttedby Mr H B Smith for pttittenm

No ML County 01 PresidIo Tin petitioner TSThe NodYounc Hood and Steak Company pe-

tition for writ of oertterari to th tiMed StateCareuit Court of Appeals for the Fifth etrowit sub-mitted by Mr Gean X Ktac te behalf of Mr TJ Dean for th petitioner and by Mr Millard Patten for tbe respondent

ML CUr of ChfcaaB appellant vs Chteaa-Biihmy Company appeal from the Uncoilof the United Staten for Northern dls

tiM of imnots decree revmed with onof moor and egosent of rnuix and

remanded for further preaetdtea acoordtez tolaw on motion of Mr John P Wilson for the appills

No m Isis Bravo et at ic appdhnte ra-BMtH Gomes et aL appeal from the Datriet CourtIt the United State for the district of Porto Rieo-oKmttefd per stipulation on notice of Mr PmkrieD MeKenaey for the appellee

No m School District No a Dakota CmwtyNear petitioner TS Kdwntd II Chapman et aLadmtetelratofs petition for a writ rf eertterarito Untied State Ctreadt Court of Appeals for-

th Ktehth drcute suhmslted by Mr Frederick UMeXeoney in behalf of Mr Klhert H Hubhard forthe peUtioner

No m The Ueutoeh Leant etetemnt

No 7t The Oentach Lcraote oMaaat-c petitioner T Constant ins S OtlanorwwNo em Th Deutache tenant lADe dateiant-

AA petitioner n Th HiUs pius CoNo elf The Dentach Levant Lies ekiman-

tto petitioner T The National Board of MarteUnderwriters sod

So OT Deutaeh Lrturto Lisa cmtamNtire petiUoner T WUHam H Harris petition for

of certiorari to th United Status Circuit eonef Appeal tar the Second circuit submitted by MrPreSide D McKnmer te SMelt of Mr HarringtonPutnam far th petitioner sad by Mr Lawtesm-sKnedand for th mpondenta

No ML Hammond Faaktec Compaay pMtetifl te

Judtoml Court of State at Maamchuattn contimsane set aside sad writ of emr dv-mhwd with ants pet stipulation

No W Matehridfl W Hurdiek appetlaat wWilliam Dillon et al a eal tees the United StatsCircuit Court of Appeals for First circuit litmtemd per stipulation

No 7t Texas sad FaMe hallway CompanypktetUT te error TS Des Small te sear to theUnited States Circuit Court of Appeal for the Fifthcircuit dtewimad with mae on motion of ucmnsilfor plaiutiff te error

No st arteteel Xx parte In netter si JamesFoWls petitioner Argued by Mr Ro er Festerfor the petitioner and by Mr Bath Tatawt for-

th icqiondentNo m Robert M than pmtetif fa mix T-

Chtaato Burttofton and lutecr Kaflway CompanySubmitted by Mr John G Johnson and Mr FleaP Prttcnard for pmtetiff te error and by Mr-

Prands Bawl for defendant te errorNo lit Samuel B Kaymond County Trmenrer-

Ac et at appellant n Chte Cnten TractionCompany

No Bemud B Baymond County Tnamnr-tc et aL apprOant Cfateaf Bdiaon Company

No m Semud B Baymond CraMp Treasurere rt al sppeUants TS CMcaao City

Compam-Na 7 nemnel B Baymond County Treaenm-rt et al appeBanta m The South ChtetBO City

BaOway CosapanyNo ffl Samuei B Kara GUll County Tie sumc et L sppslteiHs m he 1mndei Oo Ush-

tt et aL appriarms Tt Chtew TatejauMM Cnm-pany sad

Na OL Samuel B



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hoUse p

Iaanh 2a Tisema

Ripesod Terususut


fte It at apprUaut Ta ChaoNpTmctiun CompanyRant K Tone for the appeBaar-

tAdionroed until today at U oclockThe day caB for Tucwby LpG t wfll b M-

foBmw No to W teetastw IM NT amt Mr m m m m laid mt m


Coart of AppealsThe JaW Jnstfac Mr Jvttfe MrCsasn

sad Mr Jastiet Mehb-

Wflttam Ksnasll Graham mt amdtmd h-

eeYork OnHnmtal JewaB Witsettan-

Oompanj va Wyakoop iiimint nnatlnsiH ay MrJ H Hayden te appellant sod by Mr 0mn UBaker Mr C A Donaia for appeflee andeonciad d by Mr J H Haydea tar appnTmat-

No nil aye TS Gaardmm cm motion apssDaiII allowed to lie snjpHswfital brief binds

Ko nn Brcsmen CoastraeatonCnmberhtnd aL asmwaent e maed ay MrJ J Darttafton for appriteat sad roattaeii laMr cheeks UnWns tar appeflee-

tAiihjaiaiat tar todayOn beartar-Xo UtL Banns Onailinrttan Company t OMB

borland Appellants attorney HsmBlsn OssfcsrtHamilton appellees attorneys W C dtanans

sad thinks Ltektos-Retwlar eaO-

Ne 114 Crotesent TL Baapsre Stale Beatt thuspeel Appellants attorney R G DanaMian-pettaei attorney heists aUfcnj and W BKldmrdtbn

No UM Dtatriet of Cclnjaam T Coils appa-llants attorney K B Theme i

Uittinca A ClssmbrrltaNo im American lime

zany v AppeStats attorney H B Dartsappellees attorney K H Theses

No im CaraesD n haloS Appeaantl aLterners H B Daft aid J A Cobb apeaHats attor-ney Stuart McXaman-

itaeeml CaVendw No Latorcy n Starey AppeBaafs attorney J 8 BaRr gmtth aapeMees at-torney H A Wrenn

No I Dtatriet of Oatambit T Biek v Ann vmats attorneys B H Theses sat K II it ISManpeiiees attorney John RUont

No RH Ifcmhtac n ThrnnsX AffMtmnts at-torney Leo ahnmons ppdui3 attontey It GDonaldson

No im Send Filtration Corporation ef AmericaTS Oowentin AppeBanfa atternan A S Werth-initon sad a L Frilly appettMs attemefs

Tamer J J Dcrttarton and B a HuWfkepwNo UK Hoop w Pkated at-

torneys Bdwta Forrest appellee attorneys 8aui UMadden and U P Getky


In r aarnael R Herbert rsfsrsnee to audherAttorney D W ODonoghae

LIe T Bmmericn suostiUsttan eftrartee Oam-pmtaanft ohettor J A MaedeL

Martin w Martta reorDers rutaerUed te spinsafe deposit her ComptataM s seHester LeeklcFDlton ACot

Assignment fur todayNo OL Weteser vs Weiner Attoroey MatkeyMiller


RuiN ra Hitter submitted wtthawt rzwa tCompUinaafa eunice Ihllto Wither defemfewtisolicitor W F Dow Mwn-

Waaanman T Bat certain perth eoiafjUteaat-sobstitqtM OomptaL aafs sofldtor Intac W meon defendants solicitor J C GHUsgv-

1oUet TS DepoiUy dome Artemtams rights efparties Oomplainantf aolieitar Malcvho hefty dtedanta soUdtor W P Ptamley-

Andenon TS Barnes taInted and reference toauditor Complainant solicitor J J Brosaaa de-feadarits solicitor J A Toomey

lUrch TS tile to show can e rttmaiWe April11 CcmpUtaants toHdtor P If Brown

lImbs ta OConnor submitted wrtbewt argumentConplainants solicitor C F Disss omendaats 9liciton R P Hheatey andW M OMey

CrosseR rs Lau ubesitted wUhant arjasaset-Comptetaants solicitors Wibne Bartodete de-fendaaf solicitor B L

Bosqnehanna Coat Company w Kennedy objec-tions to takioa tel by coBsptehwnt OTerrakdand exception noted Complainant seHcKcmKenney Ptenn vy and William JIlts defendantssolicitor F R anti Bdwta Forrest

In re adoption of Peart Adams adoption legsHeedsad John B Dateh appointed giwrdUa litterPetltioc rs solieHors CoMreo FerolnzC-

HBUBinjpi T Conunl time toextended CempUtatnts eSkImos Tuckeryou defendants soHdtors R Golden Dn W n-

and A A NicetyCarusi TS I nark argued and snteniUed corn

plainants solicitor C F Camai dfead ts so-licitors Claude Gilbert Rondo Wattte Tucker

KenyonJohnson TS Johnson dtraree a rin mat

ComptatMBfs solicitor Maleolm Bully defendantsoUdtor A C WeUi

w flitter dlroite a yin out granted


Xo n his



Life 0























ComplaInant toli ifor Philip WeLter d fweats-aHdter W F Doaaldcon-

Astttameet firNo 109 8a6j lHB a Cool Ceaaftiir Tt ICes

ady Jr Attorneys MeKtny WtB eoi KFerrett

No 2K Plate et aL TS Wasntagtos Loan aadTriaL Atterscy Cadtele Johastn-Wwthtegton

No SM Mienoh Tf Mierscb Attorn Ote-

TobcteerNo M VtltaMl Union T Dodd et AL At

tonujt Re yHnsHr Staua

Circuit Court Jfo 1JUSTICE WRIOKT

Beadier T Dtetriet f OataifiMs tfgrtnt M-Tennet Pbtatsa attorney 3 P 8eass sadThompson L ky dtftmtsnts attorney B HThorn

DsttatB n MeDtnsott raspier Teralei for aVindent PmtetiT attomrys r A Bewen P alUmty and R B liabrend aefndsnt sttomajfGears Hoover ned C A D gte-

Commbk National honk TS KnebNnz tadiaintbr default Hatatbt attorney B F Leichtan-

Thoma va Parker stipHtetton Sled anti trial byjudgment for pwintiff for 1t 0 appeal sued

bond 68 Ptetatiff attorney G or e P Nosierdefendants attorneys Ralston MeMoM 8Parker and John Rioout

Hurst TS Miller endue for sew trW grantedand set for trial April m ItetatKts attorneyBdwta Formt defewmnta attorneys Bfindanburg

Brandenbore-HWrt TS Moose sellout f r new trial everraM

aid fed on Terdtat llatalUr atutnqn HMatthews lad A Jr

attorneys Blimp 3t Wee4MdSlater TS Taylor vcrdtet for dWendent Ptetattfla

attorney L A Baltey defeadaats attaraeyi A 8-

No Hi WhvaUey T Qeerses H-

tVtashte WheatteyWaton ftarkadaleNo SO Xntatt M New York Coadaeatel JetNR

FOtration Attemsys Tucker KeayM-Bhcfctatoo IlnUetops B H Ttamm-

Na H Wl n N Wasbtafjten NoRway andBteotrie Oampany Attemey Leckte Fittest

i J J Dartlagum-B Flaherty Tf Fmherty AUeracyt L A

BaikyW G JshmanNo id BWrUa Obese Comminy T

Lamb Attomn Neteon WiteBnJohn KideaL-No XL Miller vs Waseawstmt MId OettyttaHV

hallway Attorney Chapta Omen sad owe WB Lamer

No m Burton hose m Khnmsl AUorneyi-Worthfatton heelS ftmOsy Jhm Rmawt-

No eTH Ltwlrotat m Paul Attomey Oaar-mrC L Fmiley

No AT Bocmuwa H Waissteetaa Balmy aad-Bteetrta Company Attemey K H McMefttJ JDsrltaCtan

No S Hornbiewer T Oeorn Weehtagtea TM-Tfmty Attemey F W llackettW Ctepasaisad r Matttafly

Circuit Court fo 2JU8TICB ANDBRSON

Moor TS Lommraat judiiamat mt amw Ptet-etir attorneys Des Doustam defendant1-

Thama TS Wasataatea MaSsey and BbjatrtaCompany on triaL Piatattffi attorney When J-Umfcen defendaaf attorney J J DillimisiL-

Aastsnmenta for todayNo Gterte v Waahtafton aad gsuthirm

Balmy Conrpaay Attorney L J MathtrMeK-mmcy Fbwnary-

Ne m Coves va Southern Railway CompwtyAttomrya Padaett ForrestHamttton Osfhrn-ilamfitan

Me At CmtaottB Uatrermty of Ana m Vwmaui Attorneys MamlHon CollarS HamiltonW F Matttady J Larsen sad Arthur Poise

No 4m Bvncs v mater Attomey TurnerMtteheUOeoree F Wflrtem

No m Tsdhett TB UcUersaort AUomeys BF LdftaooJ J ItvVotnoB-

No nt Dee n LIfe InsMiaun Coamnny of VIIAttaraeya B F DowirfngKimiiinm-

HnhhmnaNo in Noke T Cbse Attorney L J

Mather W J LambertNa tt OHveri TB Phfladehjlite BatttaMw aad

Washington BalSamS Attorneys A S Wertatac-tonMrKennry Fmnocry-

No 4L Kafakerbecfcer TS Wfllte Atscmtyi JJ DertiORtDnCnrtteki JohnsonNo m Mrrftmt n Bnnnsu Oenstmettan

Atrorneyc merflmt A Amhrom J J Drl-imrton sad Hisnlttia Oatatst i Xaaoltaa-

Na IM Cmrmody CnmliaKten Oompean va-

etannard Attorneys B H Thnaisi HamaHoncloSest HasaUtom

Criminal Ounrt Ir X-

JOMTICB aTAFFOROCalled lames TJ Mkkjrr Hrnnenn Ttotettac

MB K U on triaL Attomay A aWorthtactoa asS K Pnseott Gattey

Criminal Court No 2JU8TICB BAKXAKO

United States n diesel Tmsaim acptwamtam-on private tjeowerty monrt fwOty seatsees work

for tte saeatha Attemey W Csmimntstar to aay

Dnsttd va AMber WebbRadiuS State va Prom WadS





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la re Mary BuShes at aL order appotaUnc MenBnBlian fnardian bond M Attomey A R hot

In M Baymond T Wtah erorr p asntiac

coattaeu Attorney A H Bell sad DietS MastrmMeat et Ralph TeSt will aowatted to nrabrts

and letters gusted to Anata A WeUabond ttjm Attorney J H LkMmer

state of Bdward Faiquhar order to turn over

hoist of Wmry A Beitej order to MIlcatate Attorney W C Martta-

Batata of Krtmun B linens peUttaa for prehate-ef wIn 0HL Attemey Jean B Lamer

ef lasses MeMrtde Stimbil wIll datedAprfl H VOL Sted-

Betate ef Jasna C LeanS fHtaUan far probateof ill dieS Attoner f 1 Ryan

Na Mam Chtrka D Hark va Canttal Tmcttan-Ctmtpany aassnana If wX PmtatnS atMrney H-

Wtaskto Wheattey-tmrf J WBsen T Aimer Dtary Sees

tec CJempany ad Nerthweatem Bettltac Cemnaay-aamage taXMl PteraoTs attorney W IX lbSva sad J A Toome-

yNa ML Theme W mvath T H Possetei MerriaM juanis BBM PtatmmTa attor-neys A Odds

Baulty SnitsNo Mm Maty V Manic T fVhB tau Thea-

ter cpa et aL tajuncUoa Comptataants soBettors Hammton Colbert Jk Haaattton

States ft

OatJIuW aid to lip

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Job I


In Jar P

John T Baldwin It at va ManmretV Vanecnticc partition CneapUlnents solicitorennui Jcomna

Theodore WiUmw et aL T Harrietet aL tataactni and amrnattac Com

ptetaanti oiiettor lease B Archer jr sad


Rnesen sod Thome If Bans to secure Fraam-Hn H Hough lot Week

Otria PorrteoUakn K Green to Charie M Meday and John Mdlveen to secure Outer MBryant MW I sad i yean per cant on r-teriy lot B and part ef Cnrter shiest

S nnn UJtLily G M Hr theSes Bto John T and aamaal A Drary to

seaM tot iiSquare T M ry fltecher to Leon Tabrinsr and

BBm K McCtosky to secur CosameretelPbs lutmsnce Cosapany H 3 I per-cent lot TX-

Sooare aWaames Martin et ux to theSes FItctdaseta and Bogcr T MttdssO to securePerpetesl Buttdfac Amoatertew tots fc-

M K and IISquare earJoseph L Holteod It to Hanqr IL

Bernmaaa and Charles aeaafer to iran North-ern Lfeerty GermaoAmeriean BuOdtag Associa-tion Na 8 m lot IS-

AMeoettaFredcrick 11 Fletcher jr It vx toHenry H BerpasuA and charlie Scnafer U aone Northern Liberty rmAmcrfaen llniidingAsncwtion No JtS9 part tot K

Square IMCtom L Deal to Rtohard B Pity andHarbert A OOL to MOM John J Breeaan-H009 one to twentythree month C per cent

Bon aiFnncte U Reuse It vx to L CabeU-10iamson to secure Jay P Warren three

S par eent emi nm Hy pert originaltot

Square SetHeir Them Stewart to Waist FUnit sod Brooks Cross to sews B F SpraaayS1M three years S per cent panlot

Sqaare WISLewte B Godfrey to B litehtand Le Roy Mark to secure Samnri K Messon-JIMO see to nftyBre month per cant tot SL-

Sqmre IMlGuy T Stewart et us to National T

and Trust Oomaanr to Michael J


Any solicitor who cornea to youwith a prize scheme representinghimself directly or indirectly tobe connected with this newspaperThe Washington Herald Is n mudnnd nn impostor brat upon

you Be on the lookout forhim neil turn Dint over to thepolice




D Sails to GeIqe WIllolnet J IIart tit I

2 I perpit crfIIiaII Iota I

U llamaS It to rr itL

Lee 1 aa Ii per








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Kease j 5M three year 5 per cent seml maalet 3f HOC to Dentin T aad Joseph

H KMM te aeeBM MlebMl J Kiss 1600 dinta if t a memtb t per cent WHUinauiHr same

Pattsrd et ux to 8 P Tbotoj and Walter EliAise to secure Harry Wtrdaan 1 6apRtbly motes 5 per tot OB Week It

W MN9Pn k r et ux te Cbarlet ILt QstB and Charles U C McCarteney te secure

Seers C Gertfiua JIOOO years 6 per centfecMAnauaHy port tots 38 28 and 3-

T bum T Ptrktf et nx toWalker and Jams F fusSy to secure 13IL AKin m 1 year C per eenf tot C block Ii

Ltacor8B clInton et to Tn aa Walker andF Bvady to secure Theatcs Urtady-

ttea 1tt Louisa sat Barbers Johasoa to

TlmtsM Walker tad JHSW F Bandy to seeare-BHjab IL AMes JOT40 1 year per teat pert

S4WM MSJoba B Beehtold et vr to FrancisSaul and James F Sttea to sense Tos b T

tae Bask JU880 3 yean i her east sinetote 25 sad Jt-

S jnra smith of K JohaB t B Nerd It ticBobert A to lusty H BergmaBa cud G nM Baaaerieh to Kcore GerranAmeriean Budd-ing AMoctettoo tie 8 J1400 put edgiest lot J

Fort Saratoga Addition to BroektandHarry IIWitman to Bdwia A M and JUBM N-

PitetMtriek to stone Bdward W Uereeek IK-Bwnthrjr notes 6 per cent lot 11 block L

But M L B W et nx toPrank to t nr Edict L Glee JWOand J BasbySmltfc 1W t seethe 6 per-cent tots and 39 Sloth J


John H Ogle Its N J ave aw 31 yeanTtamtM a BWer IrovWene Hospital 4 yearsManatet wteor IU Mass ate ae M yearsSara B heidi Mi Nth t nw yearJatm B BoaSterS lUll K nw 85

Julia A PerisH Gets Wash hotel 86Wm E Schneider ftwt Calrert It nw X yeanBotowtar MeCart Oott Insane S yearOeoree Ietreflo Mats aYe aw 1 yearBuwai M Jones Partner NWIBiam W Weiner With Asp Nose O yenCatncrta Busiest 3M ida M sw yearHerbert M hour La Filet Hotel V yearThama W Johnson m 12th st se yearsMiranda Settle UBD st nw 77 yewsAddie Catvert 11 U st nw M yewsaarah D Wright CaMelS Uosvstel M yeanBybuw D vriss Osnmtewii tiMe Hosp S yearBasma BM 1JU st nw S yesesPa l L Metaflrabtr Fpfhn roM inr 8 me-

L U V Carter KnpUrffl XWilson T Paul Sihlsy Heepttal N stay

COLOREDWilSon J Bmm 3 0 st nw 39

Treshte Madunsn Freedoms Hespftal H yearsQeoms Dougla MB Uth It nw yeanMary Wad Wash Asylum Heap yeanKieaerd Hboae SW Va IF sw ct

MeCoy Hospttal J yensNobel MktreBr Hospttel 3 yearsNsoui Boss Ill M st sw 2 yearsWBBam White Wash Acytam Keep 31 yearsDistal T Bos an Sib st nw 1 yearHenry Washington st nw 38 fnB-enjamta AUen UM lit st sw 21 yeanJolla Stock Wart Aay hoop 36 yearJacob Payne 184 till st nw U yearsPhilip Jackson S kt alley 4f yearsArlethi C Skiansr 38 ave nw rears



IN TUB SUPXrJMB COURT OF TOIl DISTRICTof boldhv a Special Toes a a District

Coart ef the UniteS for the District of Co-laxafcsa In th asattar of payment of daawe-resnltUij to adjacent prefxity from chn e in thegrade ef street annex sitS alleys antherissdby the set of Consicw apasovod Febnssry 93 Mlr-eWtiDE U the eacMtNcUon ef a Union rUHnMd Illsstrut ta Dtjtriet of CoromMt District huntNo mXotiee is hereby that the naderebbed aatlac hers ifcssgiislid Said appointed by theUuai ea Court ef Oittriet of Cahnmbis balding

al term as a UnIteS States lurid Cost Ice

Soon eaansc rae grade of upsets avenue sad I

ships anthariasd br art of Congress approvsd

Union hoStesS Station in RattleS of Octantwill MM at n m on 11TH DAY OfMAY A D Wi at the United States Court lionCity haS ta the District of Commbk fa a tanto bt aiwtgnsd as by the United Sates menhal tot

sent District for the paper 01 riewloc the prop

fnnriahii amd Hints afennes and alleys ta said

laenKtah to nal propatj from setS changeta aoooiatuas with the tan and prerMoas-

of act ef Cangress approved April WM en-titled A set to pwrhW for payment ef Thinea SMseaat ef eJhanies of grads da to cosntwetian-of the tiMes Mtation DIstrIct of Cetambia to wit

enemas X Itt ncrtbeast between Third streetsod Florida a enae North CapstolstnetK aid U Mush Dtapnan place MeCnHoagh street

twentjr lant E etc noHhw M betweenNorth Capital stmct and New Jersey atoms andUchiwarc aveaa northeast between C cud D streetsOwners of nal property daaMG d by th chnee ef

MaLi alter ta said of May A Umi aforesaid eec of approved AprilB an provide that no haunts ef any suchowner to prcMUt dean for oaatsge silks

period bJs rtebt to do so shall item card de-

CHAKLR8 A BAKKR GEORGE WMOae sad OKOHHE SPKAN8Y CommiutoB toapprats demafjat A true cacy Test S aL J RYOUNG Clerk By F K CUNNINGHAM Afsitt-at Chwfc p4 t sB

SUng COURT OF TUB DISTRICT OFname a Piobate Conrt Ne OWs-

Thte to srre settee that thesnfanft ir of the State of Maryland obtainedSeem the Probate Coart of District ef Cotambtletter of administration on the estate ef Bdward-K aaelbach of the District cf Oorambieeaacd persons bartec cUhns against the de-ceased ore hereby warned to eshibit the tame willthe vendors thereat trgalry authentIcated to the

or WON the HTU DAY OF DBCBMMKR A D HaS otherwise they may by law be exetaM from aBbeaeat of said estatehood this Sth Sep of April MARTHA BACHRACU Chevy Chase Md Attest SeaL JAMBSTANNBR Rcfstter of WISe for tIN IHMriet of-

Cetaatbla UseS of Probate Court TUCKBRKKNYON and B BAILEY Attomeya-

ap aB

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YMt and PleatlQ VbtIveWtIIIm T





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SUPRBMR COURT OF YES DISTRICT OFColumbia Imidtoc Probate Cost N Ian

AdmtamtiMienThhi to to give notice that the sobseriber cf the Dhcriet of Columbia ha obtataedfearn die Probate Cesm of the District ef Cotaasbiatetters of administration on the estate ef MidutMcKanas at Ratchet of Cota bceaseS AH peraon hartoe elaine against themaiM are hereby warned to exhibit the withthe voodoos thereof legally authenticated to thetwkserftsr en er before the 1ST DAY OF APRILA D Mflg ethenrise they may by taw be eidnded

hand this lit liar of April MW JOHN C ODONNOtiHUE Thsrtyafth and 0 WashtaEtonAttest SL JAMES TANNBR Recolor ofWile for the District of Cetambit Clerk of theProbate Court H T TAGGABT Attorney


UPKBMB COURT OF TilE DISTRICT OFOhtmon bohrtac a Iretwte Court No liNt

Admtal iation Thte te to gLee notice that tbe tabesther of the DistrIct of Colombia his eMaiardSims the ProbeS Court of the District of Cotarabialetters of adffiiatetration on the estate of Htta

late f the DIstort of CebjmbUantS persons iuttos dale against demeant H hetehy warned tn eihiWt the sent withthe nmehen thereof legally authenticated to thesabMrtber on or before the 1ST DAY OF APRILA D BOB otherwise they may by law be eicJudfrom all baseSt of Mid Oirea ay

1 this Itt April BW LUCIA G MIN 4 Kidge MreH northweet Attect

JAMBS TANNRH Urgteter of Wite for the Dietriet cf Oommbm Unit of the Probate Court HT TAQGAHT Attorney april8UPRBSIB COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF

Cotambte holding a Probate Court Na H3M iAdmtabtnUon Thte te to give notice that theesther of the District of Corombl has obtainedfrom the Probate Court of the District of Crumblelouise teetementary on the estate of RichardT Talbert late of the District ef ColumbIa de-ceased All persons hating elaine aa tat the de

are hereby warned to inhibit the same withthe Touchers thereof Jsllj atttnenticated to tINatecriber on er before the 1ST DAY OF APRILA D 1908 otherwise they may by taw be exckidedlion aH benefit of sold estate Glean nitrite ray Ibead Ut cf April KW OBORGB WTALBERT HB Bwfentk street senth at Attest

JAMBS TANNBR Rectetrr cf WHb for fthe fishnet of Ooinmbte Clerk of the 1robiteCeort GBORGB C AUKAM Attorney

SUPRBftlB COURT OF THE DISTRICT OFColumbia hoWnc a PriSms Court No lOll

AdB istratloBThis is to rive notice that the nibseriber ef the State ef New York baa obtainedfrom the Probate Court et the District of Colombialetters of adratetetratioa e t a on the estate of

mesS All persons baying claims against the deare hereby warned to exhibit the urns with

the vouchers tberecf legally authenticated to thesubscriber on or before tile 1ST DAY OF APRILA D they may by kw be excludehone all SaneSt ef said estate Givenlaud this 1st dy of April MV MORTON TRUSTCOMPANY By II M FRANCIS Secretary 33Haste street New York City N Y Attest SeaLJAM US TANNER Register of Wilts for the Dis-trict cf Columbia Cferk of the Probate CourtBLAIR TIIOM Attonscii eprt9lJ


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Washington D C March 2 M87Sealed wilt be receSsed by

Washington Gas Light Company at IU-ofHce 413 thiscity on or before the 12TH DAY OKAPRIL 1607 at 12 oclock noon for thefollowing supply of Anthracite and Gas

for year beginning April 121807 and ending April

3000 gross tone of best iach screenedGas Coal to be delivered f o b

our wharf at and Gstreets this city ta repaired by tbe Com-pany

East Station Gw Works during theyear named abovetone wf best f4inch screened

Gas Coal to be delivered f o b ontracks In our yard at Twelfth and Xstreets southeast this city in such quan-tities as needed

ANTHRACITE BROKEN COAL20009 gross tons of Anthracite Broker

Coal to be delivered as needed f o bour wharf at Twentyaixtb and

G stkflcts tnis she6009 tons of Anthracite Broken Coal to

be delivered as needed on our tracksf o b cars at East Station Twelfth andM streets southeast this city

All of the abovenamed coals to beof 2W pounds

Contractors for any of the coaie enu-merated above will be required to giveample security to the Companya faithful fulfillment of contract

The Gas Company reserves tbe right toreject or

proposals shall be sealed and adto Washington Ga Light



D C Washington D C March 3-019v7SeaI d will be received atthis office until 12 oclock M APRIL 13

tot furnishing underground signaland telephone cable De-partment of the District of ColumbiaSeparate bids will be considered for tileseveral items enumerated Specificationsand blank forms of proposals may be ob-tained at this office F MACFARLAND HENRY L WEST JOHN BIDDLK Commissioners D C aprt45-OFFIC OF THE COMMISSIONERS OK

the District of Columbia WashingtonMarch 11 1807 Sealed proposals will bereceived until April 22

for of the variousbranches of the government of Dis-trict of Columbia for the ftscal year be-ginning Jtaly 1 J 07 and ending June K1 S8 as follows Stationery blank formsand printing school books furniture and

hardware and tinwaremiscellaneous photographic supplies rub-ber and goods cjplumbing material groceries and pro

boots and shoes drugs chemi-cals c glass Vc

meat corned beef Acfuel dry goods ice electrical supplies

leather suppliesforage kindergarten supplies and

work forms and all nec-essary information can be obtained at the

of the Clerk D C DisB F MACFAR



Ington March UXJTfiealed proposalswill be received at this department until2 oclock p m April 22 W07for the Treasury Building andUston C during tbe focal year endingJune 30 IMS tire following describedservice and supplies ashessewinjj laying and cleaning carpets and

for supplying stationery forageice file boxes furniture

plumbers and material hardware and miscellaneous articles Pro-posals for forage fuel and ice will in-

clude the quantities required by Bureal of Engraving and Printing Blankforms with instructions tobidders can be obtained upon applica-tion to the office wf the superintendentTreasury Building The department re-serves the right to reject any and altbids or any part of a and to waive


ture Office of the Secretary Waahlng

for furnishing supplies dur-ing the flscil June 30 1906 asfollows Stationery laboratory lumberand boxes fuel and ice paint-ers plumbers furniture and mapframes forage car seals c broomsbrushes c flower pots cleaning carpets washing towels and waste paperelectrical supplies flags instrumentstowers and lanterns printing and lithographing material Full information fur-nished OIl application to the DisbursingClerk must be sealed and addressedto the Secretary of Agriculture in ac-cordance with instructions given onschedules JAMES WILSON Secretary


for furnishing stationery and miscella-neous supplies for the Department ofJustice including United States courtsand judicial officers for the fiscal yearending June 38 1MB will be received until

o etock p m MONDAY April 22 18U7

then opened in the office of the At-torney General 14X K at nw Separate

will be required for fuelof towels cleaning and laying

carpets purchase of waste paper shoehorses of horses arid removal

ashes rubbish Ac Blank forms ofproposals with instructions to bidders

be furnished upon application to theClerk The to reject any or

bids Is reserved CHARLES J BONAAttorney General

PROPOSALS IN DUPLICATEwill be received at the office of the ChiefDepartment of Commerce and

2 p m MONDAY rand thin opened for furnishing thestationery carpets cop

plates for engraving andelectrical supplies forage fuel fur

hardware ice lumberpaints photographic supplies plumbremoving ashes and

cleaning laying carnetstowels and the purchase ofpaper during the fiscal year end

1M6 Blanks for proposalsspecifications will be furnished on

to the Chief Clerk Departof Commerce and Labor Washing

D C mhll20 ap 17

FOR ICE FUEL FORAGEand for Towels War Depart

Washington D C March 11 1907proposals in duplicate will be rehere until Z p m APRIL tz 1907

then opened for furnishing ice fuelanti for towels forDepartment Bureaus and Omces duryear ending June W 1886 Information

on Forstate price per doses Proposals

be in indorsed ProposalsIce Proposals fur Fuel Proposals

Proposals for Washingrespectively and addressed M


here until 2 p m 2 1907then opened for furnishing stationery

miscellaneous supplies broomssoaps towels e for War DeBureaus and Offices during year

3D 1888 furon application Proposals must b

envelopes indorsed Proposals for Staand for Miscellaneous

respectively and addressed MChief of Supply flit


War Department Washington D C11 1907 proposals in dupli

will be received here until 2 p m2i 1907 and then opened for haul

ashes during year ending 30 190son application

price per cubic yardin envelopes indorsed


War Department Washington D C11 ISO prwpoaals in dupli

will be received here until S p m22 1907 for purchase of waste

June 30 1906 Proposals must benvelopes indoreed for Put

of Waste Paper and addressed MTHORP Chief of Supply Dlv


The Washington Herald by MallDaily one month 26 centsDaily and Sunday one month S centsDally one year tleeDally and Sunday one year oUtThis includes postage to any part of the

States and Canada








oeIook p JR at this oftlce foruse




Propertytrlet Building


dependencies in the city ot Vetashing

washing towe for purchase of


bldefects GitO B SecretoryU

ton March 8 1I07aled propu will De at the othe of theDisbursing Clerk until p m MONDAY







Supply Div

Mlsoelianeoue DepartWashington D C March

ealed In duplicate will be





hlrniHauling Ashes and R

Chief or Supply IT


of year























gitureg c













tateust Proposals






































